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Folder: 16webeval
Chris Nolan, Assistant University Librarian
Martin Luther King Jr. http://www.martinlutherking.org/
Confident Multitaskers Are the Most Dangerous Behind the Wheel http://goo.gl/Wkftt8
Part One: Summarize Chris Nolan's presentation in a good paragraph that hits the important points of his lecture on Google searches and website reliability. Write as if you were providing information for a classmate who could not be present. Provide the contact information for Chris Nolan as well as one of the websites he used in his examples.
Part Two: Internet Ethics, Discussion Three
In an examination of ethics and the Internet, it is important to carefully evaluate the reliability of electronic web and print media, especially in an academic setting. Go to the website maintained by CNet called Pictures that Lie: http://www.cnet.com/pictures/pictures-that-lie-photos/
Look at the photos and read the comments on the right describing them. Choose one of the photos to analyze briefly. Upload that photo to your blog (you may use a screen shot or you may save the photo for upload).
Make an entry in your blog discussing:
Conclude your entry by going on You Tube and choose a short (2 min or so) video that pertains to image manipulation (and Photoshop). Explain your choice and what you think its message is. Embed the video at the end of your blog entry. You will need to copy the Embed code and use the HTML tag in your blog instead of the Compose tag. Here's how!!