While I'm under contract to write a book I suspended weekly editions of
Tidbits. However, when my monthly editions of New Bookmarks become
too cluttered with tidbits I will occasionally come out with a special edition
of Tidbits. This morning commenced at a balmy 54 degrees. On hot days up in the
mountains, we had two such days in this in this otherwise cold summer, I think
back to winter. The first picture below was taken almost three years ago before
I got my new computer desk and thin-screen monitor. Also below are some wild
turkeys looking in at the turkey inside on the computer.
The picture below is a shot of Erika
planting wild flower seeds in our field about three years ago.
Below it you can see the success of her harvest this year.
It doesn't take much to rearrange the beauty of nature for the good or the bad!
In front of
our house is a plaque that names the mountains in our three visible mountain
ranges to the east
(the Kinsman, Twin, and Presidential Ranges in the White Mountains)
When starting at sea level, a mile of upward granite can make a mountain.
New Hampshire is known as the Granite State.
To clear the fields farmers carried rocks to build New Hampshire's famous
bordering rock walls.
Often in the early morning hours I
can look out from my desk at clouds over the valley below that make it seem like
I live near a lake.
The clouds usually burn off a few hours after sunrise.
Although we get a lot more wind up here, the days start out cooler down below in
Franconia on the Gale River.
I put up the fence below thinking that it might prevent the snow from drifting
so deep on my driveway
if I tacked up some snow fence on the split rails during the winter. It was to
no avail.
The snow just covers up my fence on both sides so that it is not even exposed to
the wind.
Poems About Mountains ---
All things pass with the east-flowing water.
I leave you and go—when shall I return?
Let the white roe feed at will among the green crags,
Let me ride and visit the lovely mountains!
How can I stoop obsequiously and serve the mighty ones!
It stifles my soul.
Tidbits on June 25, 2008
Bob Jensen
For earlier editions of Tidbits go to
For earlier editions of New Bookmarks go to
Click here to search Bob Jensen's web site if you have key words to enter ---
Search Site.
For example if you want to know what Jensen documents have the term "Enron"
enter the phrase Jensen AND Enron. Another search engine that covers Trinity and
other universities is at
Bob Jensen's past presentations and lectures
Bob Jensen's Threads ---
Bob Jensen's Home Page is at
Examination ---
On May 14, 2006 I retired from Trinity University after a long
and wonderful career as an accounting professor in four universities. I was
generously granted "Emeritus" status by the Trustees of Trinity University. My
wife and I now live in a cottage in the White Mountains of New Hampshire ---
Bob Jensen's blogs and various threads on many topics ---
(Also scroll down to the table at
http://www.trinity.edu/rjensen/ )
Global Incident Map ---
Set up free conference calls at
Also see
Free Online Tutorials in Multiple Disciplines ---
Google Maps Street View ---
World Clock ---
Tips on computer and networking
security ---
If you want to help our badly injured troops, please check out
Valour-IT: Voice-Activated Laptops for Our Injured Troops ---
Online Video, Slide Shows, and Audio
In the past I've provided links to various types of music and video available
free on the Web.
I created a page that summarizes those various links ---
Boston Celtics Players ---
Boston Celtics (greatest comeback in NBA playoff history) ---
Boston Celtics Tribute (history) ---
2008 Tribute ---
An overly playful Orcinus orca ---
American Experience: The American West ---
Truth in Accounting or Lack Thereof in the Federal Government
(Former Congressman Chocola) ---
Part 2 (unfunded liabilities of $55 trillion plus) ---
Part 3 (this is a non-partisan problem being ignored in election promises) ---
Watch the Video of the non-sustainability of the U.S. economy
(CBS Sixty Minutes TV Show Video) ---
Also see "US Government Immorality Will Lead to Bankruptcy" in the CBS interview
with David Walker ---
Also at Dirty Little Secret About Universal Health Care (David Walker) ---
Speak loudly and persuasively when you carry a
broken stick ---
Free music downloads ---
Venice Baroque Orchestra in Concert (Vivaldi) ---
James Joyce's Poems Get a Musical Facelift ---
Cyd Charisse died on June 17, 2008 ---
Older Than McCain (all in fun) ---
Four Indiana institutions launched this
week a website that offers more than 10,000 pieces of sheet music, some of them
for free. Most of the works are related to Indiana, either by subject matter or
because the composer, the arranger, the lyricist or publisher had a connection
to the state. The majority of the pieces in the online collection were composed
in the late 19th and early 20th century. The database allows searches by genre,
composer and subject, among other searching categories.
Maria José Viñas, Chronicle of Higher Education, June 20, 2008
Click Here
Photographs and Art
Online Books, Poems, References, and Other Literature
In the past I've provided links to various
types electronic literature available free on the Web.
I created a page that summarizes those various links ---
A frequently-updated blog to free lectures from prestigious universities ---
Bob Jensen's threads on open sharing courses and videos ---
Lost Titles, Forgotten Rhymes: How to Find a Novel, Short Story, or Poem
Without Knowing its Title or Author ---
James Joyce's Poems Get a Musical Facelift ---
Alice in Wonderland (Infomotions) ---
Interactive Alice in Wonderland ---
A Tangled Tale by Lewis
Carroll (1832-1898) ---
Click Here
Crundle Castle by Lewis
Carroll ---
Click Here
Sylvie and Bruno Concluded by Lewis Carroll (1832-1898) ---
Click Here
Jabberwocky by Lewis
Carroll ---
Click Here
The Walking Stick of Destiny
by Lewis Carroll (1832-1898) ---
Click Here
Bruno's Revenge by Lewis Carroll (1832-1898)
Click Here
Wilhelm Von Schmitz by
Lewis Carroll (1832-1898) ---
Click Here
A Photographer'S Day Out
by Lewis Carroll (1832-1898) ---
Click Here
Photography Extraordinary
by Lewis Carroll (1832-1898) ---
Click Here
Through The Looking-Glass
by Lewis Carroll (1832-1898) ---
Click Here
A Wonderland Miscellany
by Lewis Carroll (1832-1898) ---
Click Here
A Tangled Tale by Lewis
Carroll (1832-1898) ---
Click Here
Phantasmagoria and Other Poems
by Lewis Carroll (1832-1898) ---
Click Here
Lewis Carroll Homepage ---
A Modest Proposal by
Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) ---
Click Here
Abolishing of Christianity in England
by Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) ---
Click Here
Verses on The Death by
Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) ---
Click Here
Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift
(1667-1745) ---
Click Here or
Click Here
A Tale Of A Tub by
Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) ---
Click Here
The Battle Of The Books And Other Short Pieces
by Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) ---
Click Here
Proposal for correcting, improving and ascertaining
the English Tongue by Jonathan Swift ---
Click Here
Jonathan Swift: Journal to Stella ---
Research Funding Might Be Available to You
The mission of the John Templeton Foundation is to serve as a
philanthropic catalyst for discovery in areas engaging life’s biggest
questions. These questions range from explorations into the laws of
nature and the universe to questions on the nature of love, gratitude,
forgiveness, and creativity. Our vision is derived from Sir John
Templeton’s commitment to rigorous scientific research and related
scholarship. The Foundation’s motto “How little we know, how eager to
learn” exemplifies our support for open-minded inquiry and our hope for
advancing human progress through breakthrough discoveries ---
Click on the funding areas
below for an overview and a sampling of grant profiles.
"Harvard Law School Mandates Open Access," Issues in
Scholarly Communication Blog from the University of Illinois, May 8, 2008
"New Open-Access Humanities Press Makes Its Debut," Issues
in Scholarly Communication Blog from the University of Illinois, May 7, 2008
But reality, which tends to be pony-free,
has long compelled university presses to split their catalogs ever more sharply
between specialized works and commodities designed for a wider market.
Occasionally, though, a new title hits that sweet spot somewhere in between. In
a column earlier this month, I began scanning the fall lists for possible
“crossovers” — books that might reach an audience beyond the ivory tower. Here
are a few more possibilities.
"Books Exposed: Part Two," by Scott McLemee, Inside Higher Ed, June
18, 2008 ---
Let the Government Socialize All the Losers
Fiery added that if the federal government were to take
over refineries, oil companies would profit. "The people who would be the most
happy to hear about the socialization of oil refineries would be ExxonMobil,
Shell, Chevron and all the oil companies because there really isn't much money
to be made in refining," he said. "Historically, there has been close to no
profit in those industries at all," Fiery added.
Josiah Ryan, "Democrat Steps Back
From Call to 'Socialize' Oil Refineries," by CNS News, June 23,
2008 ---
Change! That's all you'll have left when I'm done.
Author Unknown
Japan hangs 3 convicted murderers ---
Probably be an accountant. I like to figure out
stuff. In accounting, if you miss one number you get the whole thing wrong. You
have to be perfect --- I'm a perfectionist.
Giovani Soto (catcher for the Chicago
Cubs when asked what he'd like to be if he wasn't in baseball), as quoted in in
an interview with Mary Burns in Sports Illustrated, June 2008
Jensen Comment 1
If Soto only knew that accountants are second only to economists in terms of
inaccuracies. When accountants total up the numbers on a balance sheet the total
is always accurate, but the numbers being added up can be off by 1000% or more.
Accuracy varies of course. Cash counts are highly accurate. Fixed assets, net of
depreciation, are make-pretend within limits. Intangible asset valuations are
about as accurate as ground eyesight measurements of floating cloud dimensions
on a windy day. Accountants make highly inaccurate estimates of assets,
liabilities, and equities. Then accountants change hats and chairs and add these
estimates up very accurately and pretend that the total must mean something ---
but accountants aren't sure what.
If Soto wants accuracy
perhaps he should become a baseball statistician collecting up subjective
estimates of the umpires. In the business world, accountants are the
statisticians and the umpires. Therein lies the problem. An umpire decides
what's a ball/strike, hit/foul, etc. and then leaves it up to baseball
statisticians to book the numbers. In the world of business, accountants decide
what are current versus deferred revenues, current versus capitalized costs, and
additionally make highly subjective estimates about values of such things as
forward contracts and interest rate swaps. After making their estimates they
then put on another hat, change chiars, and record their own estimates to the
nearest penny. They're the business world's umpires and statisticians who simply
change hats and chairs and wait for the investors to file lawsuits against them.
Not everything that can be counted, counts. And not
everything that counts can be counted.
Albert Einstein
Denial is a still a big problem, as demonstrated by the
survey of global attitudes from the Pew Research
Centre. The good news is that majorities in 14 of the 24 countries covered by
this annual poll see global warming as a very serious problem. The bad news is
that those countries with the smallest concerned majorities are the ones that
are also contributing most to the stock of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Philip Stephens, "Saving the planet
will be difficult, but do not despair," Financial Times, June 19, 2008
As summer vacation begins, 17 girls at Gloucester
High School are expecting babies—more than four times the number of pregnancies
the 1,200-student school had last year. . . . Principal Joseph Sullivan knows at
least part of the reason there's been such a spike in teen pregnancies in this
Massachusetts fishing town. . . . Nearly half the expecting students, none older
than 16, confessed to making a pact to get pregnant and raise their babies
together. Then the story got worse. "We found out one of the fathers is a
24-year-old homeless guy," the principal says, shaking his head. . . . The high
school has done perhaps too good a job of embracing young mothers. Sex-ed
classes end freshman year at Gloucester, where teen parents are encouraged to
take their children to a free on-site day-care center. Strollers mingle
seamlessly in school hallways among cheerleaders and junior ROTC. "We're proud
to help the mothers stay in school," says Sue Todd, CEO of Pathways for
Children, which runs the day-care center.
Kathleen Kingsbury, "Pregnancy Boom
at Gloucester High," Time Magazine, June 18, 2008 ---
Pursuing your dream of prospering will benefit
everyone . . . When I graduated from Yale University, we had a serious
commencement speaker not like the one you are stuck with today. The commencement
speaker was President John F. Kennedy. And the point I'm making today is the
same point he made all those years ago. He said, "No American is ever made
better off by pulling a fellow American down, and all of us are made better off
whenever any one of us is made better off." He concluded by using the analogy
that "a rising tide raises all boats." Never forget or be ashamed of the fact
that pursuing your own self interest furthers everyone's interest. Without you,
the poor would be poorer.
Arthur Laffer commencement address
to graduates of Mercer University, June 2008
Give Senator Christopher Dodd credit for nerve. On
Tuesday, the very day he finally admitted knowing that Countrywide Financial
regarded him as a "special" customer, the Connecticut Democrat also announced
that he was bringing to the Senate floor a housing bailout sure to help lenders
like Countrywide. How much will Countrywide benefit from Mr. Dodd's rescue? The
Senator's plan allows mortgage lenders to dump up to $300 billion of their worst
loans on to taxpayers via a new Federal Housing Administration refinancing
program, provided the lenders are willing to accept 87% of current market value.
The program will be most attractive to lenders and investors holding subprime
and slightly-less-risky Alt-A loans made during the height of the housing bubble
in 2006 and 2007 . . . Yesterday, nine Senate Republicans led by South
Carolina's Jim DeMint sent a letter asking Majority Leader Harry Reid to delay
consideration of Mr. Dodd's housing bailout bill in light of its benefits for
Countrywide – and Countrywide's benefits for Mr. Dodd. That's an excellent idea,
in addition to a Congressional and Justice Department probe of Countrywide,
Fannie Mae and the favors they seem to have spread around Washington. American
taxpayers need to understand more about who they're being asked to bail out
here, and why.
"Angelo's Angel," The Wall Street Journal, June 19, 2008;
Page A14 ---
Jensen Comment
Countrywide was probably the worst and most politically-connected large mortgage
broker in the subprime frauds. It looks like lobbying is still paying off big
Is Senator Dodd a Plagiarist or Pawn or Both?
The Washington Examiner has obtained a “confidential
and proprietary” document produced by Bank of America and titled “FHA Housing
Stabilization and Homeownership Retention Act of 2008.” The “Discussion
Document” dated March 11, 2008, closely resembles the housing bailout bill
drafted by Sen. Chris Dodd (D-Conn.) that the Senate is set to vote on within
days. Senate staffers have told the Examiner’s Tim Carney, “the bailout section
is exactly what Bank of America and Countrywide wanted. Its obvious they got
what they asked for.”
"Bank of America Drafted Dodd's Housing Bill," The Heritage
Foundation, June 20, 2008 ---
A glaring loophole in Congressional disclosure rules
has been revealed in the wake of news that both Senate Budget Committee Chairman
Kent Conrad and Banking Committee Chairman Chris Dodd received preferential
treatment that saved them thousands of dollars on their mortgages from
Countrywide Financial Corp. . . . The loophole certainly facilitated
Countrywide's "Friends of Angelo" program that allowed CEO Angelo Mozilo to
shower Washington potentates with "VIP service" that he told his loan officers
"should knock their socks off." Senator Dodd acknowledged yesterday that he was
told in 2003 that he was a beneficiary of the VIP program, but assumed it was
due to his status as a longtime Countrywide customer. Mr. Dodd said there "was
no red flag" that he'd gotten special treatment.
The Wall Street Journal, June 18,
2008 ---
The U.S. isn't the only country that's been
discussing offshore drilling this week (see here): Witness Wednesday's agreement
by China and Japan to cooperate in developing gas fields in the East China Sea.
This is a welcome sign that Tokyo and Beijing can work out their problems by
talking to, not threatening, one another. Wednesday's agreement marks the first
time China and Japan have agreed on any aspect of the disputed East China Sea
territory since arguments began decades ago. The deal sidesteps the boundary
issue, and allows Japanese companies to invest in Chinese-run drilling projects
in two fields. The fine details, such as profit and output sharing, have yet to
be worked out.
"East China Sea Sense," The Wall Street Journal, June 20,
2008 ---
Who voted James Fagan?
Don't you feel safe just knowing that most of our legislators are lawyers?
"Jessica’s Law dad blasts Mass. rep," Boston Herald, June 24, 2008 ---
The Great and General Court of the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts is considering passing a "Jessica's law."
Named after 12-year-old Jessica Lunsford, who was raped and murdered by a
repeat sex offender, the proposed law would require a mandatory 20-year
prison sentence for anyone convicted of raping a child under 12.
The Boston Herald reports that Rep. James
Fagan is a critic of the legislation:
Fagan, a defense attorney, infuriated
victims' rights advocates during a recent House debate when he said he would
"rip apart" 6-year-old victims on the witness stand and "make sure the rest
of their life is ruined." In a fiery soliloquy on the House floor, Fagan
said he'd grill victims so that, "when they're 8 years old they throw up;
when they're 12 years old, they won't sleep; when they're 19 years old,
they'll have nightmares and they'll never have a relationship with anybody."
Fagan did not return calls seeking comment.
It may seem strange for me, an ordinary mortal, to
be defending Harvard’s $34 billion dollar endowment. But we all know the way
government works: today it’s Harvard, tomorrow it’s my $34 billion or maybe my
1993 Lexus. Because our government, acting through the Senate Finance Committee
(read that Senator Dodd), has started to reach into
private pockets, where it does not belong. A college endowment belongs to the
college and the fact that it may be extremely large is no one’s business.
Unfortunately, there are people who feel otherwise. There is a mindset that
which believes that the granting of a tax exemption entitles the government to
control how the resources of the non profit sector are to be spent. This raises
questions about the compact made with the American people when the income tax
was first imposed. There were understandings at the time, one of which was that
non profit institutions carrying out charitable functions would be exempted from
the income tax. It was never envisioned that the tax exemption would be used as
a club to beat such organizations into submission to new policy directives. And
if we are going to change any part of the relationship, then we must reexamine
all aspects of the compact, comprehensively. Americans do not believe that
everything belongs to the government. Quite the contrary, we believe the
government is an instrument of our will and not the reverse. That being the
case, it is perfectly in order to ask why the fruits of one’s labor should
belong, even in part, to the government. In fact, one can propose that there is
an element of seizure associated with the IRS taking a portion of a person’s
salary check, before the remainder ever reaches the worker.
Issues in Higher Education, June 19,
2008 ---
Jensen Comment
Senator Dodd would back off if Harvard would invest its endowment in all of
Countrywide's fraudulent mortgages.
Americans tend to put a disproportionate share of
their money into shares of companies based in their own states, new research has
shown, and that bias that can be exploited by sophisticated traders. These
insights come from “Long Georgia, Short Colorado? The Geography of Return
Predictability,” a study by George M. Korniotis, an economist on the staff of
the board of governors of the Federal Reserve, and Alok Kumar, an assistant
professor of finance at the University of Texas, Austin."
Mark Hulbert, "The Perils of Staying
Too Close to Home," The New York Times, June 15, 2008 ---
The SSRN link is ---
Old left and new left had a lot of vision, but never
quite envisioned how to communicate with each other
Maurice Isserman, "Will the Left Ever
Learn to Communicate Across Generations?" Chronicle of Higher Education's The
Chronicle Review, June 20, 2008 ---
Jensen Comment
One of the things Isserman left out is the transformation of some leftist
anti-war activists like Academy Award actor Jon Voight into far right activists.
John Voight ---
Mark Rudd ---
How are old leftists trying to keep the new leftists from screwing up ---
There is little doubt in my mind that the gains in
personal freedom and gender and racial equality that we associate with the 1960s
are vital; indeed, without them, we would never have had the campaign between an
African-American and a woman in the first place. The benefits of the 1960s far
outweigh the costs, and if we could relive history, we should never jettison
what happened in those years. But it is also wise to be cautious about what you
wish for. The radical movements of the 1960s attacked authority in all its
forms. Forty years later, as a result, we are a more liberal country culturally,
if a more conservative country politically. Legacies can be complicated things.
The ones that follow from 1968 certainly are.
Alan Wolfe, "How Revolt Ricocheted
to the Right," Chronicle of Higher Education's The Chronicle Review, June
20, 2008 ---http://chronicle.com/free/v54/i41/41b01001.htm?utm_source=cr&utm_medium=en
The Supreme Court ruled last Thursday that the writ
of habeas corpus should apply to non-American terrorist detainees held at
Guantanamo Bay. The Taliban delivered its own commentary on the ruling the very
next day, when it busted into a prison in the southern Afghan city of Kandahar
and freed 1,150 prisoners, of whom 400 are Taliban members and the other 750
easy potential conscripts. Call it habeas corpus, Taliban-style. The connection
between these events is not merely their timing. The point of keeping enemy
combatants at a remote location like Guantanamo is that it offers some assurance
that they will not return to the battlefield to kill more Americans – something
many have done when given the chance. Yet last week's Boumediene decision makes
it all but certain that Gitmo will soon be shutting (or should we say opening)
its doors.
"Afghan Prison Break," The Wall Street Journal, June 16, 2008; Page A14
Obama's sudden annunciation of a hard line on
Jerusalem recalls the decision of former Sen. Bob Dole — a man who'd previously
never evinced much interest in Zionism — to introduce legislation requiring the
United States to move its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem in 1995. This
happened to coincide with the fact that he was running for president the
following year and was hopeful of Jewish contributions, if not votes.
Jonathan Tobin, "Still Dancing
Around Jerusalem," Jewish World Review, June 18, 2008 ---
Bush League Television Station: The U.S. Government's Failed Experiment
in Arab-World TV
Dr. Telhami says Al Hurra ranks toward the very
bottom of that (Arab viewer preference)
list. "I think in there, it takes about two percent," he explains. "So, after
half a billion dollars spent on Al Hurra, the effect in the region has been
what?" Pelley asks. "In terms of public opinion, less than zero," Telhami says.
Telhami says many in the Arab world say they dislike the United States because
of its policies. It is not, he says, a misunderstanding or a distorted image
portrayed by other channels. "It's what we do in Iraq. It's what we do on the
Arab-Israeli issue. It's how we define our war on terrorism. Most people
interpret it as a war on Islam," he says. "Every single year, anger with America
has increased. Think about how could you get to that point if you're
"U.S.-Funded Arab TV's Credibility Crisis: 60 Minutes/ProPublica
Joint Investigation Finds Anti-Israel Rhetoric On U.S.-Funded Al Hurra TV,"
CBS Sixty Minutes, June 22, 2008 ---
Where are we headed? Corporations, bereft of their
international subsidiaries and manufacturing facilities in the coming world
order, will hire a different type of graduate from the university. Managing
employees across different cultures? No need for those aptitudes once each
country dis-integrates their affairs from others’. Employers will not value, in
their hiring or promotion decisions, graduates with foreign language skills,
study abroad experience, intercultural breadth, or international business
acumen. There will be no need to cross borders or to bridge cultures. No need to
deal with suppliers of components or services, or with providers of Chilean wine
or Finnish cell phones, or to interact with overseas customers for our coal,
computers or corn (since other nations, too, will be, in their nationalist
interests, self-sufficient). So there will be no practical need for foreign
language skills or courses. Faculty in those areas will be nearly eliminated
from the academic ranks.
George Morgan, "Going ‘Un-Global’ By
George Morgan," Inside Higher Ed, June 16, 2008 ---
Jensen Comments
I don't necessarily buy into Morgan's arguments, but there might be something to
the elimination of courses in languages due to going un-global after the
Democrats obtain a larger majority in the U.S. Congress in November 2008 and
Forty years have passed since the 1968 Democratic
national convention. During that time, American academia has been transformed
into the most postmodernist, know-nothing, anti-American, anti-military,
anti-capitalist, Marxist institution in our society. It is now a bastion of
situational ethics and moral relativity and teaches that there are no evil
people, only misunderstood and oppressed people. American academia is now a very
intolerant place, As Ann Coulter, who has been driven off more than one campus
podium because of her conservative views, has put it, "There is free speech for
thee, but not for me." When the Soviet Union collapsed, Marxism collapsed in
Russia and in Eastern Europe. But it survived in U.S. universities, where
politically-correct feelings are now more important than knowledge, and where
politically-correct emotions are now more important than logic and critical
thinking. Our students and graduates are well trained, but badly educated.
Outside of what they must learn to make a living, they don't know very much. But
they have been taught to feel sad, angry or guilty about their country and its
Edward Bernard Glick, "How our
Marxist faculties got that way," American Thinker, June 17, 2008 ---
Climate scientists and other spoilsports predictably
charge Dyson with bad science — as though it were such a big deal to replace a
forest half the size of the United States with carbon-eating,
liquid-fuel-excreting trees that haven't yet been invented. (Perhaps the trees
could also be designed so that they can give directions to lost hikers.) Rather
than carping about the details, the critics should stop and ponder the
implications of Dyson's optimism about technology for all the other problems
that the world has not yet been able to solve. . . . Here's a prediction. One
hundred thousand years from now, a wise and prosperous race of four-inch-tall,
carbon-neutral people, whose atmosphere has been scrubbed clean by forests of
carbon-eating, liquid-fuel-excreting, fireproof trees that give directions to
lost hikers, will look back at us with bemusement and pity, wondering why we
troubled with climate treaties, lawsuits, cap-and-trade programs, and other
expensive, unnecessary sacrifices, all for their benefit, when we could have
lived it up and left technology to clean up our mess. (Convictions,
Eric Posner, University of Chicago
School of Law, Commentary on "A Noted Physicist's Contrarian View of Global
Warming," by Evan R. Goldstein, Chronicle of Higher Education's The Chronicle
Review, June 20, 2008 ---
When Bill Clinton ran for president in 1992, he
notably dissented from liberal orthodoxy on welfare and the death penalty. Many
observers have been wondering if Barack Obama will follow Clinton's example.
They frequently raise school choice as a cause Obama could take up to show his
independence from Democratic interest groups (read that teachers'
James Taranto, "Not in My Backyard,"
The Wall Street Journal, June 17, 2008 ---
Signs are emerging that Iraq has reached a turning
point. Violence is down, armed extremists are in disarray, government confidence
is rising and sectarian communities are gearing up for a battle at the polls
rather than slaughter in the streets. Those positive signs are attracting little
attention in the United States, where the war-weary public is focused on the
American presidential contest and skeptical of talk of success after so many
years of unfounded optimism by the war's supporters.
MSNBC, June 16, 2008 ---
Jensen Comment
I'm surprised at this rare NBC positive note on Iraq. Meanwhile GOP-hating Keith
Olbermann is trying to deflect any purported success in Iraq with MSNBC's
political support for impeachment of our U.S. President ---
Is it possible that Moqtada al-Sadr. is holding back in Iraq because he
anticipates unconditional surrender of Iraq to Iran soon after the November 2008
Israel called for direct peace talks with a new
Lebanese government and confirmed it had reached a six-month cease-fire with the
Palestinian militant group Hamas, the latest in a flurry of diplomacy aimed at
defusing the major national-security threats along its volatile borders.
Proposals for talks have emerged involving Islamist guerrilla armies to Israel's
north and south, the governments of Lebanon and Syria, and the Palestinian
Cam Simpson, "Israel Seeks Talks
With Beirut, but Response Is Cool," The Wall Street Journal, June 19,
2008 ---
Also see
I also believe that part of how to keep us safe is
making sure that we use our military wisely and we don't just rely on our
military. And I think the war in Iraq was unwise. So much of the antagonism
towards the United States right now has to do with the Iraq invasion. . . . So I
think we have to end the war in Iraq. . . . And we have to initiate diplomacy.
And we have to talk to countries we don't like, and John McCain and I have had
an argument about this. He says, "Oh, that's naive. Obama wants to go sit down
with Ahmadinejad and the leaders of Iran."
"Notable & Quotable," The Wall Street Journal, June 18,
2008 ---
Jensen Comment
One question is whether "negotiate" is euphemism for surrender of Iraq to Iran.
A second question is whether because of U.S. massive support for Israel,
President Obama has the right to negotiate peace terms for Israel.
Al-Qaeda's Growing Online Offensive (from The Washington
Post, June 24) ---
Click Here
Infidels don't deserve to live and should be killed.
How can you negotiate with fundamentalists who are rewarded in heaven for
killing as many non-believers as possible?
Every three or four days, on average, a
new video or audio from one of al-Qaeda's commanders is released online by
as-Sahab, the terrorist network's in-house propaganda studio. Even as its
masters dodge a global manhunt, as-Sahab produces documentary-quality films,
iPod files and cellphone videos. Last year it released 97 original videos, a
sixfold increase from 2005. (As-Sahab means "the clouds" in Arabic, a
reference to the skyscraping mountain peaks of Afghanistan.)
"It's beautifully crafted propaganda, and
it's a huge problem for us," said Jarret Brachman, research director at the
Combating Terrorism Center at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y.
"You're left shaking your head and saying, 'Yeah, I guess they're right.' "
That Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez’ regime is
enabling Islamic terrorist organizations to take root in South America is no
longer in question. What will the US do? In December 2002 freelance journalist
Martin Arostegui published an article in Insight Magazine (“Chavez plans for a
terrorist regime”) in which he reported the arrival in Venezuela of Hakim Mamad
Ali Diab Fattah, a member of Hizballah. Venezuelan officials received him at the
airport. In connection with his presence in the country Arostegui interviewed
the former Venezuelan Intelligence Director, General Marcos Ferreira, who said
Fattah represented only the tip of the iceberg in a Cuban-Venezuelan operation
to promote the infiltration of terrorists from Hizballah into the U.S. Between
200 and 300 Cuban intelligence, he added, were already active in this project
within Chavez inner circle, led by Cuban Captain Sergio Cardona. Ferreira also
identified Ramon Rodriguez Chacin, the current Minister of the Interior of
Chavez, as Chavez’s designated link with the terrorists.
"Hizballah in Venezuela: Will the U.S. move?" by Gustavo Coronel,
Human Events, June 23, 2008 ---
Intelligence officials tell ABC News the group has
activated suspected "sleeper cells" in Canada and key operatives have been
tracked moving outside the group's Lebanon base to Canada, Europe and Africa. .
. . Suspected
operatives have conducted recent surveillance on the
Israeli embassy in Ottawa, Canada and on several synagogues in Toronto,
according to the officials. Latin American is also considered a possible target
by officials following Hezbollah's planning. . . . "They want to kill as many
people as they can, they want it to be a big splash," said former CIA
intelligence officer Bob Baer, who says he met with Hezbollah leaders in Beirut
last month.
ABC News, June 20, 2008
Speak loudly and persuasively when you carry a
broken stick ---
Similarly, we resist international pressure to
participate in the 2009 elections. These elections were planned under the terms
of a peace agreement Khartoum signed in 2005 with our friends of the South's
Sudan Peoples' Liberation Movement/Army. The vote is supposed to lead to a
referendum in 2011 on self-determination for the South. I'm afraid these
elections are nothing but a charade designed to confuse the international
community. How can we believe that these elections will be free and fair? How
can those displaced people possibly cast a democratic vote when they still
linger in refugee camps and have to fear the Janajaweed? Who will be allowed to
run for office? Let's not forget that this Islamist regime came to power in a
military coup after a disastrous election defeat. Given the horrendous crimes it
has committed, Khartoum knows it would lose any free contest at the ballot box.
It would therefore never allow fair elections. Despite all its goodwill, the
international community is incapable of guaranteeing anything even resembling
free elections in Sudan. We will not lend legitimacy to these sham elections. It
is inconceivable that the racist, Islamo-fascist regime in Khartoum can reform
itself. It must disappear. Did the world ever attempt to "reform" the Nazi
Abdel Wahid Al-nur, Why We Won't
Talk to Sudan's Islamo-Fascists," The Wall Street Journal, June 18, 2008
"Energy Prices, Offshore Drilling, and an "Excess" Profits Tax," by Nobel
Laureate Gary Becker. The Becker-Posner Blog, June 22, 2008 ---
Increases in energy prices sharply
accelerated during the past year, as the price of oil more than doubled, and
gasoline prices in United States rose by 25 percent. Responding to these
price increases, Senator McCain and President Bush have called for an end to
the 27-year old federal moratorium on offshore drilling for oil and gas in
US waters, while Senator Obama supports a continuation of the ban. McCain
has also indicated that he is reconsidering his opposition to drilling in
the Artic region of Alaska. In another response to the energy price boom,
Obama has proposed an excess profits tax on oil companies, while McCain has
come out against such a tax. What does economic analysis contribute to an
evaluation of these proposals?
Supporters of a continuation of the
moratorium worry that offshore drilling and oil leakages will kill many
fish, and damage beaches and other coastal areas. These are potential risks,
but whether to continue the moratorium involves a balancing of the
advantages of drilling against environmental and other risks. These risks
have not been affected by the rise in energy prices, but the benefits from
drilling clearly have increased. Additional oil (and gas) from offshore
drilling would lower US spending on imported oil, and thereby reduce the
transfer of wealth from Americans to other oil and gas producers. Larger
domestic energy supplies would also improve energy security in the event of
a disruption in the supplies of oil and gas from major producers located in
places like the Middle East and Nigeria that have had terrorist attacks on
oil production facilities.
Even if offshore drilling started
tomorrow, it would take several years before actual production began since
construction of platforms in deep water and installation of equipment take
time. The value of ending the moratorium now would depend not on energy
prices and risks of disruption this year or the next, but on the situation
beginning in several years and extending over the following decade. Some oil
specialists are predicting a rise in the price of oil to $200 a barrel
during the next few years. I have argued previously why such a large price
increase is unlikely (see my post on May 11); indeed, oil may very well
retreat from its present level of over $130 a barrel. Still, as long as
world GDP continues to grow over the next decade at a sizable pace-which is
likely- the price of oil will remain far above what it was in the 1990's.
This means that the financial and other
benefits from offshore drilling are likely to greatly exceed the benefits at
the time the moratorium was imposed, for oil was then much cheaper even in
inflation-adjusted terms. The increasing share of imports in the oil
consumed by the United States, and the rise in oil prices, explain why the
value of imported oil rose more than five fold since the 1980s. This is why
cost-benefit calculations of whether to end the moratorium and allow
offshore drilling have shifted in the direction of allowing drilling.
Although the risks of offshore drilling are much harder to quantify than the
benefits, I believe the shift in the benefit-cost ratio has been large
enough so that the time has come to allow drilling. Norway and Great
Britain, to take two examples, have allowed drilling in the North Sea for
many years without suffering major environmental damage. To be sure, in the
end oil companies are the ones who have to decide whether the gains from
drilling are worth the risks, including lawsuits if there are damaging oil
spills, but these companies seem eager to start drilling offshore.
The proposed excess profits tax on the
earnings of oil companies would discourage the search for additional oil,
and hence would have the opposite effects on this search from a relaxation
of the moratorium on offshore drilling. An excess profits tax that is
expected to persist for many years discourages further exploration for oil
simply because much of the profits on new oil production would be taxed
away. In 1980, President Jimmy Carter introduced a windfall tax on oil
companies to prevent them from profiting a lot from the high price of oil
due to the Iran-Iraq war. An evaluation by the Congressional Research
Service, a think tank that provides reports to Congress, concluded that the
tax significantly reduced domestic oil production and raised oil imports.
Disillusionment with the tax led to its abandonment in 1987. Yet the lessons
from this fiasco have been forgotten, for since the post-Katrina rise in
gasoline prices in 2005, members of Congress have made regular attempts to
introduce legislation with a sizable excess profits tax on oil companies.
Even those Americans who worry a lot about
global warming and other global pollution form the use of oil should be
reluctant to discourage oil production offshore or elsewhere by American oil
companies. Lower production by American companies would cause a rise in the
world price of oil. Moreover, increased production by other countries would
tend to offset reduced production by the United States, so that the effect
on global warming and global pollution is likely to be modest. However, the
increase in wealth transferred from the United States to the Middle East,
Russia, Venezuela, and other oil-producing countries could be substantial.
"New Evidence on Government and Growth," by Keith Marsden, The Wall
Street Journal, June 16, 2008 ---
In the early 1980s, Ronald Reagan embraced
the ideas of a small group of economists dubbed "supply-siders." They argued
that lower taxes and slimmer government would stimulate growth, enterprise,
harder work and higher levels of saving and investment. These views were
widely ridiculed at the time, dismissed as "voodoo economics."
Reagan did succeed in lowering some taxes.
But a Democrat-controlled Congress weakened their impact by raising
government spending sharply, resulting in large budget deficits.
A quarter of a century later, many more
countries have cut taxes and reined in heavy-handed government intervention.
How far have they gone down this path, and with what success?
My study, "Big, Not Better?" (Centre for
Policy Studies, 2008), looks at the performance of 20 countries over the
past two decades. The first 10 have slimmer governments with revenue and
expenditure levels below 40% of GDP. This group includes Australia, Canada,
Estonia, Hong Kong, Ireland, South Korea, Latvia, Singapore, the Slovak
Republic and the U.S.
I compared their records to the 10
higher-taxed, bigger-government economies: Austria, Belgium, Denmark,
France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden and the United
Kingdom. Both groups cover a representative range of large, medium and small
economies measured by their gross national incomes. The average incomes per
capita of the two groups are similar ($27,046 and $30,426 respectively in
Most governments have reduced their top
tax rates and spending-to-GDP ratios over the last decade or so, according
to data published by the OECD, IMF and World Bank. But slimmer governments
have done so at a faster pace, and to significantly lower levels. Their
highest tax rate on personal income fell to a group average of 30% in 2006
from 36% in 1996. Top corporate rates were lowered to an average of 22% from
30%. Their average ratio of total government outlays to GDP fell to 31.6% in
2007, from an average peak level during the previous two decades of 40.4%
Investment growth jumped to an average
annual rate of 5.9% in 2000-2005, from 3.8% over the previous decade.
Exports have risen by 6.3% annually since 2000. The net result was a surge
in economic growth. The IMF reports that GDP soared in the
slimmer-government group at a 5.4% average annual rate from 1999-2008
(including its forecast for the current year), up from a 4.6% rate over the
previous decade.
Over that same period, the
bigger-government group was more timid in its tax reductions. Their highest
individual rates declined to an average of 45% from 49%, and corporate rates
to 29% from 35%. Furthermore, their average spending-to-GDP ratio only fell
to 48.3% from a peak of 55.2%.
The bigger-government group therefore
failed to gain any competitive advantages in global markets by generating or
attracting larger investment funds. Their investment growth slowed to an
average annual rate of 0.8% in 2000-2005, from 4.1% in 1990-2000. Their
export growth rate almost halved to 3.1% annually in 2000-2005, down from
6.1% in 1990-2000. The bottom line is a drop in their average annual GDP
growth rate to 2.1% in 1999-2008, from 2.3% over the previous decade.
Nor did they balance their books. They ran
budgetary deficits averaging 1.1% of GDP in 2006, whereas slimmer
governments generated an average surplus of 0.3% of GDP. Their net
government debt averaged 39.2% of GDP in 2006, more than four times higher
than the latter's. Interest payments on their debt took 2.3% of their GDP,
compared with an average of just 0.5% in the slimmer-government group.
Slimmer-government countries also
delivered more rapid social progress in some areas. They have, on average,
higher annual employment growth rates (1.7% compared to 0.9% from
1995-2005). Their youth unemployment rates have been lower for both males
and females since 2000. The discretionary income of households rose faster
in the first group. This allowed their real consumption to increase by 4.1%
annually from 2000-2005, up from 2.8% in 1990-2000. In the bigger-government
group, the growth of household consumption has slowed to a 1.3% average
annual rate, from 2.1% during the 1990-2000 period.
Faster economic growth in the first group
also generated a more rapid increase in government revenue, despite (or
rather, because of, supply-siders suggest) lower overall tax burdens.
Slimmer-government countries seem to have
made better use of their smaller health resources. Total spending on health
programs reached 9.5% of GDP in the bigger government group in 2004, 1.6
percentage points above the average in the slimmer-government group. Yet
slimmer-government countries have raised their average life expectancy at
birth at a faster pacer since 1990, reaching an average level of 78 years in
2005, just one year below the average for bigger spenders. Average life
expectancy is now 80 years in Singapore, although government and private
health programs combined cost only 3.7% of its GDP.
Finally, spending by bigger governments on
social benefits (such as unemployment and disability benefits, housing
allowances and state pensions) was higher (20.3% of GDP in 2006) than that
of slimmer governments (9.6%). But these transfers do not appear to have
resulted in greater equality in the distribution of income. The Gini index
measuring income distribution is similar for both groups.
Other forces clearly helped to narrow
income disparities in slimmer-government economies. These forces include
wage-setting practices, saving habits, the availability of employer-funded
pension schemes, and income sharing among extended families.
Both groups reduced the share of defense
spending in GDP over the past decade. The slimmer-government average fell
0.1 points to 2.2% in 2005, but this level was 0.5 percentage points above
the bigger-government average. The average share of armed forces personnel
in the total labor force in the bigger-government group fell to 1.1% from
1.5% in 1995, whereas it grew to 1.7% from 1.5% in the slimmer-government
Information on public order and safety
expenditures is incomplete. But for the 11 countries for which data are
available, slimmer governments seem to take their responsibilities more
seriously. They spent an average of 1.8% of GDP on these functions in 2006,
compared with 1.5% by bigger governments.
The early supply-siders were right. My
findings firmly reject the widely held view that lower taxes inevitably
result in cuts in public services, slower growth and widening income
inequalities. Today's policy makers should take note of how tax cuts and the
pruning of inefficient government programs can stimulate sluggish economies.
Mr. Marsden, a fellow of the Centre for Policy Studies in London, was
previously an adviser at the World Bank and senior economist in the
International Labour Organization.
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Fraud in Science
Please Say it Isn't So!
"Science Fraud at Universities Is Common -- and Commonly Ignored," by Jeffrey
Brainard, Chronicle of Higher Education, June 19, 2008 ---
Acts of scientific fraud, such as fabricating or
manipulating data, appear to be surprisingly common but are underreported to
university officials, says a report published today in the journal Nature.
And the institutions may have investigated them far too seldom, the report's
authors write.
The Nature report draws on the largest and
most-systematic survey to date about research misconduct as defined by the
federal government—namely, fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism. The
Office of Research Integrity, a federal agency that oversees misconduct
cases, sponsored the study. It was carried out with the help of the Gallup
Organization, which collected responses from 2,212 federally financed
scientists about apparent misconduct that they had directly witnessed among
Extrapolating from the survey findings, the authors
offered a "conservative" estimate of 2,325 possible instances of illegal
research misconduct nationally per year. Of those only 58 percent, or
roughly 1,350 incidents, were reported to institutional officials. The
authors call this small percentage "alarming."
Based on the volume of observed misconduct, the
authors argue that the number investigated by universities is too low.
Federal rules give institutions that receive federal grants the lead
responsibility for probing allegations against their researchers, but
universities and other institutions have reported an average of only 24
investigations annually to the Office of Research Integrity. The office has
the power to disbar scientists from participating in federally financed
"Our study calls into question the effectiveness of
self-regulation," the authors write in a peer-reviewed commentary in Nature.
"We hope it will lead individuals and institutions to evaluate their
commitment to research integrity."
The authors are Sandra L. Titus, an official in the
research-integrity office, Lawrence J. Rhoades, the emeritus director of its
education division, and James A. Wells, director of research policy at the
University of Wisconsin at Madison. Mr. Wells previously worked for Gallup,
where he directed the survey on research misconduct.
Their estimated incidence of misconduct is in line
with those in a handful of previous studies. (The authors reported the
incidence rate as at least 1.5 observed cases per 100 researchers annually.)
Questions About Methodology
But some observers criticized those previous
estimates as seemingly too high and the studies' methodologies as flawed. So
the research-integrity office designed the survey and its study to respond
to the criticism. For example, members of the authors' research team
evaluated whether the apparent misconduct described by the scientists
surveyed appeared to meet the federal definition of research misconduct.
The leader of a previous major study on the topic
called the latest one "sound and rigorous." Brian C. Martinson, a senior
research investigator at HealthPartners Research Foundation, a nonprofit
organization in Minneapolis, led a 2005 study, also published in Nature,
that found an even broader incidence of ethically questionable research
practices, not just the federally proscribed kind (The
Chronicle, June 9, 2005).
At least one university official still had
questions about the new study in Nature. Robert R. Rich, the medical-school
dean at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, said that, although he had
not seen the study, the reported incident rate seemed high.
Continued in article
It's Rare for Universities to Fire Tenured Professors Who Plagiarize
"Columbia U. Says It Will Fire Professor Accused of Plagiarizing a Former
Colleague and Students," by Thomas Bartlett, Chronicle of Higher Education,"
June 24, 2008 ---
A Columbia University professor has been suspended
and will be fired for plagiarism and for obstructing the university's
investigation into her case, a spokeswoman said on Monday.
The allegations against Madonna G. Constantine, a
tenured professor of psychology and education at Columbia's Teachers
College, first came to light in February after an investigation, conducted
by a law firm hired by the university, found that Ms. Constantine had
plagiarized the work of a former colleague and two former students (The
Chronicle, February 21). This month a faculty
committee accepted the administration's ruling.
In February, university officials reduced her
salary and asked for her resignation, which she did not give.
A spokeswoman for the university confirmed that a
memorandum was delivered to faculty members on Monday informing them of the
decision to suspend Ms. Constantine, pending dismissal.
The spokeswoman declined to give further details.
In an interview last February, Ms. Constantine
vigorously defended herself against allegations of plagiarism, and argued
that it was she instead who had been plagiarized. She also contended that
the university is biased against her and that her accusers are motivated by
envy and racism (The
Chronicle, February 22).
Ms. Constantine did not respond to an interview
request Monday afternoon. But her lawyer, Paul J. Giacomo Jr., said the
university had ignored information that would clear her. "The evidence that
was offered by her accusers is highly questionable and is belied by evidence
in Teachers College's own records," he said. Mr. Giacomo said that his
client was keeping all options open and that she may appeal her termination
to a faculty committee.
As for the university's assertion that the
professor had obstructed its investigation, Mr. Giacomo said that accusation
was based on letters Ms. Constantine sent to her accusers, warning them that
they could face legal action. Mr. Giacomo said those letters were perfectly
appropriate. He also said that his client would "absolutely" file a lawsuit.
In October, Ms. Constantine, who is
African-American, said that a noose was found outside her office door. She
told The Chronicle in February that she believed someone from Columbia
placed it there.
Jensen Comment
Ms. Constantine accused one of her students for being racially motivated to
accuse her of plagiarism of a term paper. The student is African-American such
that Constantine's accusations lost a lot of credibility.
This case raises another suspicion. If you knew you, as a professor, were
being investigated for plagiarism of the works of your own colleagues and
students, and you had little personal integrity, what would you do? I might turn
it into a legal lottery by hanging a noose on my own door, wait to get fired,
and then hire Guard Dog Associates, the meanest law firm in New York City. If
you suspect you will be fired for misdeeds why not win the legal lottery on your
way out the door?
Bob Jensen's earlier threads about Madonna Constantine are at
Center for Academic Integrity ---
Professors Who Cheat ---
Bob Jensen's threads on cheating and plagiarism ---
"Have We Lost the Moral Values That Undergird a Commercial Society?"
by Richard Posner, The Becker-Posner Blog, June 9, 2008 ---
David Brooks is one of the most thoughtful
newspaper columnists. In a recent op-ed ("The Great Seduction," New York
Times, June 10, 2008, p. A 23), he argues that the founders of the nation
"built a moral structure around money. The Puritan legacy inhibited luxury
and self-indulgence. Benjamin Franklin spread a practical gospel that
emphasized hard work, temperance and frugality…For centuries, [the nation]
remained industrious, ambitious and frugal." But, Brooks continues, over the
past 30 years much of that legacy "has been shredded," while "the
institutions that encourage debt and living for the moment have been
strengthened.”"And here he mentions "an explosion of debt that inhibits
social mobility and ruins lives," because of "people with little access to
401(k)'s or financial planning but plenty of access to payday lenders,
credit cards and lottery agents." Among other "agents of destruction" are
state lotteries--"a tax on stupidity," which tells people "they don't have
to work to build for the future. They can strike it rich for nothing." Other
culprits are the astronomical interest rates charged by payday lenders; and
the aggressive marketing of credit cards by banks and other financial
institutions, as a result of which by the time college students are in their
senior year more than half of them have at least four different credit
cards. The cures that Brooks offers include "rais[ing] consciousness about
debt," encouraging foundations and churches to offer short-term loans in
competition with payday lenders, strengthening usury laws, and taxing
consumption rather than income, thus encouraging saving.
All this is very interesting, but is it correct? I
have my doubts, except about the desirability of eliminating double taxation
of savings, a problem with our income tax.
Max Weber argued convincingly in his famous book
The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism that the frugality and
industriousness promoted by the early Protestants in opposition to the
opulence of the Roman Catholic Church were values conducive to and perhaps
critical in the rise of commercial society. Protestants who believed in
predestination wanted to show by their modesty, austerity, and avoidance of
lavish display that they were predestined for salvation.
But saving plays a less important role in economic
progress today than it did in the sixteenth century. Its role in powering
economic growth has been taken over, to a large extent, by technology. The
great rise in standards of living worldwide is due far more to technological
progress than to high rates of savings, that is, to deferring consumption.
At the same time, now that we have efficient debt
instruments that in former times did not exist or were extremely costly, the
role of personal debt (Brooks does not criticize corporate or government
debt) in human welfare is more apparent than it was. Apart from its role in
solving short-term liquidity problems resulting from delay in the receipt of
income, debt enables consumption to be smoothed over the life cycle. Without
debt, a family might have to wait 20 years before it could afford to buy a
house. Of course, debt creates risk for both lender and borrower, as the
subprime mortgage crisis has dramatically illustrated. But if the risks are
understood, it is unclear why the assumption of them should be thought
harmful to personal or social welfare. At worst, debt leads to bankruptcy,
but bankruptcy is not the end of the world either for the borrower or for
the lender.
In situations of desperate poverty, one can expect
a heavy debt load; but such a load can also be positively correlated with
prosperity, which cushions the risks that debt creates. It is especially odd
to suggest as Brooks does that taking on debt is antithetical to hard work;
on the contrary, it increases the incentive to work hard by making it at
easier for people to obtain the goods and services they want by borrowing
the money they need to pay for them, yet at the same time increasing the
risk of bankruptcy should they slack off on their work and so let their
income fall.
The very high interest rates for payday loans tell
us that many people will pay a very high premium to shift consumption from
future to present. As long as they understand what interest rates are and
what interest rates they are paying, it is hard to see why their preference
for present over future consumption, and hence for spending and borrowing
rather than saving, should have social implications. People who take out
payday loans are unlikely to be potential savers (i.e., lenders); and by
taking on heavy debt they force themselves to work very hard; and I have
suggested that saving is not as important as it once was.
I particularly do not understand how, if high
interest rates for payday loans are a problem, loans by foundations and
churches are a solution. If, as I assume Brooks must mean, these loans are
to made be at lower interest rates than payday loans, the former payday
borrowers will borrow more. If to try to prevent this the charitable lenders
ration their credit tightly, the payday borrowers will borrow what they can
from those lenders and top off with a payday loan; their total debt burden
is unlikely to fall.
As for the "tax on stupidity," it is of course
irresistible to finance as much as government as possible by a system of
voluntary taxation, which is what a state lottery is. And I don’t think
"stupid" is the right word to describe all or even most of the people who
buy lottery tickets. I do think that some of them consider themselves
"lucky" and so in effect recalculate the odds in their favor. That is
stupid; in a game of chance, "luck" is randomly distributed. Some people,
though, simply enjoy risk. Others like to daydream, and a daydream is more
realistic if there is some chance it may come true, even if a very small
chance. And finally and most interestingly, there are people whose marginal
utility of income is U-shaped rather than everywhere declining. Usually we
think of it as declining: my second million dollars confers less utility on
me than my first million, and that is why I would not pay a million dollars
for a lottery ticket that gave me a 50.1 percent or probably even an 80
percent probability of winning $2 million. But maybe I lead a rather drab
life, and this might make such a gamble rational even if it were not
actuarially fair. Suppose that for a $2 lottery ticket I obtain a one in a
million chance of winning $1 million. It is not a fair gamble because the
expected value of $1 million discounted by .000001 is $1, not $2. But if
having $1 million would transform my life, the expected utility of the
gamble may exceed $2, and then it is rationally attractive.
Brooks complains that government sponsorship of
lotteries sends an official and therefore authoritative message that a
person can strike it rich for nothing. But of course that is true, even when
there are no lotteries. (And he gives no indication of wanting to forbid
private lotteries.) You can inherit great wealth. More commonly, you may be
able to leverage modest talents into great wealth by the luck of being in
the right job at the right time. Brooks himself complains in his op-ed about
the message sent by the fact that hedge fund managers often make more money
than people who "build a socially useful product." Only the latter, he
believes, should earn fortunes. But he doesn't propose an excess-profits tax
on hedge fund managers; he accepts the legitimacy of their fortunes at the
same time that he attributes those fortunes to luck. There is also an echo
of the traditional but erroneous suspicion of speculation as an activity
that does not create social wealth but merely shifts it around. That is
incorrect. Speculation aligns prices (whether commodity prices or the prices
of companies) with values and so creates more accurate signals for
production and investment. It is a vital economic service. That is not to
say that speculators "deserve" higher incomes than ditch diggers. Desert
doesn't enter. Incomes are determined by supply and demand.
What is true is that easy credit facilitates
bubbles, such as the housing bubble and the related mortgage-financing
bubble, and the bursting of a bubble can, as we have been relearning
recently, cause economic dislocations. This may require some regulatory
adjustments; it does not require a return to Calvinism.
Jensen Comment
Richard Posner was a well-received plenary session speaker at the 2007 American
Accounting Association annual meetings.
"Tardy Traveler Calls In Bomb Threat So He Can Catch His Flight by Will
Safer," by Wil Safer, Switched.com, June 16, 2008 ---
Speak to Me Only With Thine Eyes: The Sound of Colors for the Blind
Researchers at the Balearic Islands University in Spain
are developing a device that will allow blind children to distinguish colors by
associating each shade to a specific sound. The project, dubbed COL-diesis, is
based on the synesthesia principle--a confusion of senses where people
involuntarily relate the real information gathered by one sense with a different
sensation. "Only 4 percent of the population are true synesthetes, but everybody
else is influenced by associations between sounds and colors," said Jessica
Rossi, one of the coordinators of the project. For example, people tend to
associate light colors with high-pitched sounds. "We want to give the user a
device that allows [blind children] to chose specific associations of colors and
sounds based on each user's sensitivity," Rossi said. The device will include a
sensor the blind kids will wear on their fingertips to touch the objects they
want to know the colors of, and a bracelet that will transform the color into a
sound. The researchers expect to have their prototype ready by September.
Maria José Viñas, Chronicle of Higher Education, June 23, 2008 ---
Jensen Question
Do we need multiple sounds for some colors? For example, there's Wall Street
green, Al Gore's green, vegetable green, freshman green, and seasick green.
Bob Jensen's threads on technology aids for handicapped learners are at
Jensen Comment for Accountants
Proposed (actually now optional) fair value financial statements have so many
shades of accuracy regarding measurements of financial items. Cash counts are
highly accurate along with cash received from sales of financial instruments.
Unrealized earnings on actively traded bonds and stocks are quite accurate
according to FAS 157. Value estimates of interest rate swaps may be inaccurate
but inaccuracy doesn't matter much since these value changes will all wash out
to zero when the swaps mature. Color them blah. Value estimates of most anything
highly unique, like parcels of real estate, are highly subjective and prone to
fraud among appraisal sharks. Color them scarlet!
Our Students
Might Actually Like Color Book Accounting
Could we add information to fair value financial statements by colorizing them
according to degrees of uncertainty and accuracy? And could we add sounds of
uncertainty so that SEC-recommended bracelets could listen to the soothing
waltzes Strauss (read that cash) and the rancorous hard rock-sounding shares in
a REIT. What sounds and colors might you give to FIN 41 items Amy?
Bob Jensen's threads on visualization of multivariate data are at
I think the above document is interesting, but I never get any feedback
about it.
There are all sorts of research opportunities in visualization of multivariate
fair value financial performance!
Bob Jensen's threads on alternative valuations in accounting are at
Should tenure decisions be reduced to an impact number?
Three mathematics associations -- the International
Council for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, the International Mathematical
Union, and the Institute of Mathematical Statistics -- have examined
citation-based statistics such as the impact factor and the h-index, and
concluded that the measures are often misunderstood and misused. The use of the
impact factor, developed as a way of ranking scientific journals, as the main
tool to evaluate the quality of research has boomed during the last decade, and
measure has become crucial in hiring and tenure
decisions, as well as in the awarding of grants. In a
report released this
month, the associations say that the impact factor and other citation-based
statistics should not be dismissed as tools for assessing research quality, but
they warn against using such metrics as the only evaluation method and not
taking into consideration other factors, such as peer review.
Maria José Viñas, "3 Mathematics Associations Caution Against Overreliance on
Impact Factor," Chronicle of Higher Education, June 20, 2008 ---
Been There, Done That for 24 Years
"Teaching Business at a Liberal Arts College," by Jeffrey Nesteruk,
Inside Higher Ed, June 24, 2008 ---
Jensen Comment
This is an upbeat article that steers clear of the of the following conflict
- Salary differentials between business professors and most humanities
professors. It's tough to attract qualified tenure track business faculty
without being somewhat competitive with full-program universities in the
region. The typical liberal arts college approach of using a much higher
proportion of adjuncts in business and other professional programs is, in
turn, caused by being non-competitive on high-end salaries. This, in turn,
causes shortages of tenured faculty vis-a-vis the numbers of professional
program student majors and does little to improve the prestige of
professional programs among the total faculty of the college. Also a high
proportion of adjunct faculty makes it difficult to get AACSB accreditation.
- Disproportionate class sizes where business courses are filled beyond
capacity with faculty shortages while upper division humanities and science
courses have trouble getting enough students for many courses.
- Philanthropy issues when donors, such as corporations, want to restrict
contributions to professional programs.
- Lure of business programs for students deciding majors. Liberal arts
colleges without professional programs will get higher proportions of
students to major in some type of arts or science alternative. Total numbers
of such top majors might not increase, however, because without professional
programs fewer highly qualified students will apply for admission except in
the few highly prestigious liberal arts colleges like Swarthmore. I don't
want to be overly gloomy here, because if the college has a good record of
placing undergraduates into graduate programs, there are pre-professional
arts and science programs that can be very attractive such as pre-business,
pre-law, pre-medicine, and pre-doctoral studies programs that compete with
business studies.
- Disproportionate percentages of the best students on campus choosing
professional majors leaving many of the lower grade average students to seek
humanities majors. The tragedy is that some humanities courses then generate
a reputation for grade inflation to attract students. This situation varies
a great deal. In some colleges the business programs attract the bottom-end
- Disproportionate proportions of career placement opportunities for
graduating professional school majors relative to humanities majors. It less
obvious when recruiters for professional student majors don't show up at all
on campus.
- Disproportionate tenure standards where business professors are viewed
as having it easier in terms of research and top journal publishing
expectations relative to their science and humanities colleagues. The hiring
market in part exacerbates this problem because truly outstanding business
teachers with weak publishing records are much harder to replace than
outstanding humanities teachers with weak publishing records.
I really don't want to appear too gloomy about business programs in liberal
arts colleges. The last 24 years of my 40-year teaching career were spent
delightfully in teaching accounting at Trinity University --- a
top-ranked university that prides itself as being a mostly arts and sciences
university. In the masters programs, however, are only accounting, health care,
and education programs. Fortunately, Trinity University has a huge endowment
and, thereby, avoids most of the problems mentioned above. However, the high
proportion of business undergraduate majors and disproportionate upper-division
class sizes are problems. The business program is accredited by the AACSB.
Bob Jensen's threads on higher education controversies are at
Should a student who gets a zero (for not doing anything) or 23% (for doing
something badly) on an assignment, exam, or term paper be automatically (as a
matter of school policy) upgraded to a 60% no matter what proportion the grade
is toward a course's final grade?
Should a student get 60% even if he or she fails to show up for an examination?
Jensen Comment
This could lead to some strategies like "don't spend any time on the term paper
and concentrate on passing the final examination or vice versa."
Such strategies are probably not in the spirit of the course design, especially
when the instructor intended for students to have to write a paper.
"Time to Add Basket Weaving as a Course," by Ben Baker, The Irascible
Professor, June 22, 2008 ---
Bob Jensen's threads on higher education controversies are at
Bob Jensen's threads on assessment are at
It all begins in San Antonio on June 31, 2008
A new podcast series, "Talking Financial Literacy," will be launched at the
upcoming NECC conference in San Antonio. This special event will be held in the
Hilton Palacio del Rio hotel, adjacent to the conference center on Monday, June
31, 2008 starting at 3:00 p.m ---
Free Upgraded Firefox Browser, a Great
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Jensen Comment
I especially use Firefox for exploring sites I don't know enough about to trust.
Modeling Hispanic Serving Institutions
A new report released Wednesday, “Modeling
Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs): Campus Practices that Work for Latino
Students,” explores strategies used by institutions
with significant Latino enrollments. The report was released by Excelencia in
Education and examined six community colleges and six public universities — in
California, New York and Texas.
Inside Higher Ed, June 19, 2008 ---
Jensen Comment
In particular note the "Lessons Learned" section on Page 19.
Bob Jensen's threads on higher education controversies ---
"Continued Growth for 2 Distance Ed Models,"
by Andy Guess, Inside Higher Ed, June 19, 2008 ---
Two unique models of providing distance education
to mainly nontraditional students are coming into their own, each showing a
healthy expansion of enrollments and growth in available course offerings.
One, the Online Consortium of Independent Colleges & Universities, has been
enlarging since its inception, while the other, Western Governors
University, faced years of skepticism from critics who said its ambitious
goals would never be met. Now, both are touting their success with fresh
numbers and statistics, suggesting that online education needn’t only come
from large for-profit companies or local community colleges.
In 2005, Regis University
announced a consortium of colleges that would work
together, rather than compete, to share each others’ online courses in a way
that would in effect vastly expand the offerings of each of the group’s
members. Since then, the 39 founding colleges of the
OCICU have
expanded to 68, with 1,784 course enrollments over the past year.
The model is unusual in that it allows colleges
that are interested in offering courses online, but don’t necessarily have
the resources to cover every conceivable topic, to supplement their catalog
with classes that already exist — in the consortium and on the Web, but not
on their campuses. So far, seven of the member colleges, including Regis,
act as “providers,” essentially allowing other colleges in the group to pick
and choose which courses to make available to their own students, with full
institutional credit assigned through the student’s college.
“We’ve just experienced remarkable growth and great
feedback from the schools participating,” said Thomas R. Kennedy, executive
director of new ventures at Regis. “Especially as member schools ... they
don’t have any online schools whatsoever, and overnight they have one.
That’s one of the beauties of it.”
That near-instant capability can serve students in
a number of ways. Do they need to fulfill a general elective requirement,
like sociology or political science? The providers offer plenty of
possibilities for students at colleges that don’t have the resources to fill
every gap in the curriculum. What about students interested in a niche
topic, like Irish studies? Some of the providers, as well as members that
are planning on offering up courses to the rest of the consortium in the
future, have such offerings as well.
Many, but not all, of the member colleges are
religiously affiliated, and most fit the profile of small- or medium-sized
institutions in the Council of Independent Colleges that may not have the
resources to get into the distance education business on their own. Members
pay a one-time fee of $3,500 to join the consortium plus an annual fee of
$1,000, Kennedy said, to cover administrative costs. Of the approximately
$1,350 in tuition for a three-credit course, he added, about $500 would go
to the provider school per student — essentially extra cash for a course
that was already being held, he pointed out — and $700 would remain at the
student’s home college, which would incur no additional cost.
“All these provider schools are doing is opening up
their classes ... to visiting students, in a way,” he said. The key
difference, however, is that students receive credit as if they took the
courses at their own institutions, rather than as transfer credits.
Kennedy said he’s been urging member colleges to
pocket that extra tuition money “and start investing in your own online
Some are doing just that. Keuka College, in upstate
New York, administers degree completion programs by partnering with
hospitals and community colleges across the state. To help students in its
various programs who need to take a specific course or two to complete their
degrees, the college can now send them to offerings available online through
the consortium.
“We found that by using courses offered through the
consortium, we could offer students more forms of access,” said Gary Smith,
associate vice president for professional studies and international programs
at Keuka, especially for the “general education or general elective pool
that’s outside our major program offerings.”
This year, Keuka will ramp up its own online
courses by playing to its strengths: If all goes according to plan, Smith
said, the college will add classes in Asian studies to the consortium’s
A ‘Competency-Based’ University Takes Off
Another model that’s meeting or exceeding the
expectations of its leaders is breathing a sigh of relief. Western Governors
University, founded in 1997 by 19 state governors, started with ambitious
plans to grow its enrollment and become a regional economic engine. But the
initial plans faltered and the university found itself the object of
criticism and even scorn — although that wasn’t necessarily confined to
Western Governors.
“If you go back to the mid-’90s, when the idea for
WGU bubbled up from among the conversations from the governors of the
Western states, there was at that time no clear sense of whether or not
online education would work, period, or would work with any level of success
and any decent level of quality,” said Patrick Partridge, the university’s
vice president of marketing and enrollment. But, he acknowledged, there was
plenty of skepticism in academe as well. “I think that skepticism was both
of a financial type and sort of an awareness ... of the kind of political
hurdles in the higher-ed world.”
These days, the picture for both online education
in general, and WGU in particular, seems quite a bit brighter. The nonprofit
institution, which receives no state support and sustains itself primarily
through tuition and private donations,
announced this month
that it had reached an enrollment of 10,000 students — up from 500 in 2003.
That growth can be attributed to a number of factors, including regional
accreditation, but the university also emphasizes two features that
distinguish it from most of its peers: a “competency-based” approach to
assessing students’ work, and its nationally accredited Teachers College.
From the outset, courses and curriculums are
developed with input from senior faculty together with an “outside council”
including practitioners from a given field. Course material is then assessed
to a level that’s considered “highly competent,” Partridge said, by the
developers of the course, effectively creating a standardized set of
requirements in lieu of more independent assessments by individual
instructors. Upon completion, employers can theoretically be assured that
students are proficient in a specific set of skills and knowledge.
The university doesn’t give letter grades, and it
allows students to take as long as they want in their course of study —
which could be a mixed blessing, since they pay a flat fee (a bit under
$3,000) every six months. All in all, Partridge said, “we are as different
from the other online schools as they are from” traditional higher
education. It’s a model not suited to everyone, he acknowledged, but
especially tailored to students with a certain “impatience” or
“determination” to complete in a timely manner.
Another significant draw for WGU is the Teachers
College, which, unlike any other such online program, places graduates at
schools in virtually every state. Now, at least half of WGU’s students are
enrolled in the teaching program. “[W]e offer a path to initial teacher
licensure for individuals all around the country who want to become
teachers, often later in life where returning to a traditional school of
education ... is just not that convenient,” Partridge said.
The university projects further growth in the
coming years, with a predicted enrollment of up to 15,000 in the foreseeable
future. “We really see the future as one in which the people of the United
States and the adult audience need to have very good-quality and affordable
options to either get a first bachelor’s degree or continue to pursue [a]
master’s degree, in particular change careers and pursue dreams that will in
the long run strengthen our economy, the citizenry and make our country, our
states, etc., stronger,” said Partridge.
Bob Jensen's threads on worldwide distance
training and education alternatives are at
Bob Jensen's threads on asynchronous learning
are at
A Innovative Approach to Ranking Colleges
Wither though goest Wharton, Harvard, and Stanford?
An economist at Vanderbilt University’s business
school has unveiled a new approach to business school rankings — an approach
that responds to one criticism of M.B.A. education, which is that graduate
schools of business are great at identifying talent, but don’t necessarily do
much with it once students are enrolled. Mike Schor, the economist, took the top
50 programs, as ranked by U.S. News & World Report, and took data on inputs
(college grades and scores on the GMAT) and outputs (average salaries). It is no
surprise of course that some of the top ranked programs see their graduates do
particularly well, but Schor noted that these schools attract some of the best
students — so he compared salaries to what might have been the “predictive”
salary based on GMAT scores and college grades. And he ranked the 50 in order of
the gains in salary that the school appears to provide. Using this system,
Cornell University comes out on top, followed by Indiana University at
Bloomington and the University of Virginia. Details are at
Schor’s blog.
Inside Higher Ed, June 20, 2008 ---
Jensen Comment
This does not necessarily mean that a student admitted to Wharton, Harvard, or
Stanford should choose a "higher-ranked" Indiana University. There's too much
snob appeal among recruiters for companies and doctoral programs to count out
the prestige school halo impact on a resume. For example, Wharton opens doors on
Wall Street even if Wall Street's starting salaries are a bit lower and/or based
on securities sales commissions. Having said this, I once stated to a top
administrator at MIT that if MIT did not mess a student up over the course of
four years, the student would probably achieve great success whether or not the
student graduated from MIT because admission standards are so high just to get
into MIT. He nodded his head in agreement.
Bob Jensen's threads on college ranking systems are at
US News 2008 Rankings of Graduate Schools ---
Grade Changing Scandal at Florida A&M (on the
heels of the earlier financial fraud scandals)
Florida A&M University’s law school is facing a
grade-changing scandal. Last week,
The Tallahassee Democrat reported that three
administrators had been fired and two students had been dismissed over
inappropriate grade changes and admissions issues. Today, without offering
the newspaper is reporting that the dismissed
students didn’t have grades changed, but a student who did remains enrolled. In
addition, also without details, the newspaper says that two of the fired
employees reported the grade changing.
Inside Higher Ed, June 20, 2008 ---
"Minnesota Colleges Seek Accountability by
the Dashboard Light," by Paul Basken, Chronicle of Higher Education,
June 18, 2008 ---
When your car starts sputtering, it's easy to look
at the dashboard and see if you're running out of gas. What if you could do
the same with your local college?
Minnesota's system of state colleges and
universities believes it can show the way.
After two years of preparation, the 32-college
system unveiled on Tuesday its new Accountability Dashboard. The service is
based on a Web site that displays a series of measures—tuition rates,
graduates' employment rates, condition of facilities—that use
speedometer-type gauges to show exactly how the Minnesota system and each of
its individual colleges is performing.
The idea is in response to the growing demand,
among both policy makers and the public, for colleges to provide more useful
and accessible data about how well they are doing their jobs.
"There's a great call across the country for
accountability and transparency, and I don't think it's going to go away,"
said James H. McCormick, chancellor of the 374,000-student system. "It's
just a new way of doing business."
Shining a Light
The information in the new format was already
publicly available. But its presentation in the dashboard format, along with
comparisons with statewide and national figures as well as the system's own
goals, will put pressure on administrators and faculty members for
improvement, Mr. McCormick and other state education officials told
"The dashboard shines a light on where we need to
improve," said Ruth Grendahl, vice chairman of the Board of Trustees of the
Minnesota State Colleges and Universities.
Among the areas the dashboard already indicates as
needing improvement is the cost of attending Minnesota's state colleges. The
gauges for tuition and fees at all 30 of the system's two-year institutions
show needles pointing to "needs attention," a reflection of the fact that
their costs are higher than those of 80 percent of their peers nationwide.
The dashboard shows the system faring better in
other areas, such as licensure-examination pass rates and degree-completion
rates, in which the average figures are in the "meets expectations" range.
Other measures, like "innovation" and "student engagement," don't yet show
results, as the necessary data are still being collected or the criteria
have not yet been defined.
Tool of Accountability
Many private companies already use dashboard-type
displays in their computer systems to help monitor business performance, but
the data typically serve an internal function rather than being a tool for
public accountability.
The Minnesota dashboard stems in part from the
system's work through the National Association of System Heads, or NASH, on
a project to improve the education of minority and low-income students. The
project is known as Access to Success.
Continued in article
Jensen Comment
Those in my generation might appreciate the fact that this car has a "NASH"
dashboard. The problem is that when a car's dashboard signals troubles such as
oil leaks and overheating, owner's can easily trade in or junk a clunker
automobile. This is not so simple in the politics of state universities.
Bob Jensen's threads on assessment of college
performance are at
June 18, 2008 reply from Jagdish Gangolly
Dashboards are nothing new. Our ex late President
(Kermit Hall) introduced them at Utah State University nearly a decade ago,
and brought with him to Albany. Unfortunately, they did not last long after
he was gone (died in a swimming accident a few years ago).
Back in the early seventies, working as a sort of
industrial engineer in a soft drink franchising environment, I had to
introduce them for control over returnable glass bottles and raw materials
(water, concentrate/syrup, sugar, and CO2). It did not make me any friends,
but I survived.
And Oh yes. I remember the thrill of riding on the
running boards of the only Nash in the small village in South India where I
spent some of my childhood. There were no laws prohibiting riding on running
boards then, but the car literally crawled on the dusty macadam roads.
Cushy Independent Study Credits for Athletes
The Now Infamous Favored
Professor by University of Michigan Athletes
A single University of Michigan professor
taught 294 independent studies for students, 85 percent of them
athletes, from the fall of 2004 to the fall of 2007, according to
The Ann Arbor News. According to the
report, which kicks off a series on Michigan athletics and was based on
seven months of investigation, many athletes reported being steered to
the professor, and said that they earned three or four credits for
meeting with him as little as 15 minutes every two weeks. In addition,
three former athletics department officials said that athletes were
urged to take courses with the professor, John Hagen, to raise their
averages. Transcripts examined by the newspaper showed that students
earned significantly higher grades with Hagen than in their regular
courses. The News reported that Hagen initially denied teaching a high
percentage of athletes in his independent studies, but did not dispute
the accuracy of documents the newspaper shared with him. He did deny
being part of any effort to raise the averages of his students. The
newspaper also said that Michigan’s president and athletics director had
declined to be interviewed for the series.
Inside Higher Ed, March 17, 2008 ---
Has the University of Michigan blocked efforts to investigate its "independent
study" athletics scandals?
In March, The Ann Arbor News ran a series of
articles exploring allegations that many top athletes at the University of
Michigan were
encouraged to enroll in independent study courses
with a professor who allegedly didn’t require much work for great grades. On
Sunday, the newspaper started
a new series — arguing that the university has
blocked efforts by professors to study issues related to athletes and academics.
While university officials have said that they would provide information sought
by faculty members, the series suggests otherwise.
Inside Higher Education, June 16, 2008 ---
Bob Jensen's threads on athletics controversies in higher education are at
Is it really true that "lawyer ethics" is an oxymoron?
Milberg Loves to Sue CPA Firms and Their Corporate Clients
"Milberg Settles With Government: Law Firm Admits It Paid Kickbacks;
Fine of $75 Million," by Ashby Jones and Nathan Koppel, The Wall Street
Journal, June 17, 2008; Page B2 ---
Bob Jensen's fraud updates are at
From the Scout Report on June 13, 2008 (including freeware for
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As its name implies, Scribus is a writing
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"If You Don't Have Something Mean to Say …," by Thomas Bartlett,
Chronicle of Higher Education, June 20, 2008 ---
Jerome Neu's latest book is pompous drivel masquerading as
insightful scholarship. Actually, his
book's pretty good. But insults tend to be more interesting than
praise, no? Mr. Neu's text — Sticks and Stones: The Philosophy of
Insults — explores how insults — including schoolyard taunts and
more sophisticated put-downs — affect our lives. Mr. Neu, a
professor of humanities at the University of California at Santa
Cruz, took a break from taunting his rivals to answer a few of our
Q: You refer to various poets in the
book — T.S. Eliot, D.H. Lawrence. Is there a certain poetry in a
well-wrought insult?
A: No doubt. Shakespeare has a lot to teach
us about insults, and people like Camille Paglia, whatever one
thinks of the content of her writing, is a modern master of
vituperation. Clever, imaginative insults can have an independent
pleasure of their own.
Q: And it hurts more, doesn't it? If
it's particularly concise and the language is vivid, the insult
tends to stick.
A: The crude spewing of venom can't
precisely hit its target. Precision has a value, even in insults.
Q: You have an entire chapter on, um,
the rear. Why is the posterior so often associated with insults?
A: To insult is to assert or assume
dominance, either intentionally claiming superiority or
unintentionally revealing lack of regard. When considered
psychoanalytically, that power play can be deeply rooted in anal
erotism. Think of the expression "up yours." This is one of our most
vulnerable entry points. Plus, we don't have eyes in the back of our
heads. There's a special shock associated with intrusions from that
Q: How do academics insult each other?
A: Crude, vulgar insults are relatively
rare in the academy. That's one of the peculiarities of campus
regulations concerning hate speech. In a university context, the
user of vulgar language tends to be discredited. Insults tend to be
more subtle, and the vulnerabilities tend to be a little different
than in the general population. People are vain about their
intelligence and other things that may not be such points of pride
Q: Have you ever been the recipient of
an especially hurtful insult?
A: Well, I've actually recently made formal
charges against an administrator at my university who insultingly
attempted to cancel my course on insults. But that's all I want to
say about that. |
Where can students substitute their college instructors for an online ($399)
McGraw-Hill tutor for possible college credit from a state university?
An accounting tutor (not for advanced courses) is listed at
Other course tutors, including college algebra and English composition,
are listed at http://straighterline.com/
An unusual new commercial service offers low-cost
online courses and connects students to accredited colleges who will accept
the courses for credit. The only thing missing: professors.
The service, called
is run by SmartThinking, a company that operates an
online tutoring service used by about 300 colleges and universities. The
online courses offered by StraighterLine are self-guided, and if students
run into trouble they can summon a tutor from SmartThiking and talk with
them via instant messaging. Students turn in their assignments or papers to
tutors for grading as well.
“We’re using our tutoring service as the
instructional component,” says Burck Smith, CEO of
SmartThinking. “Students move through the course, and when they have a
problem they click a button and they’re talking with a tutor.”
The courses cost $399 each, which includes 10 hours
of time with a tutor. If students need more one-on-one help, they can pay
extra for more tutoring.
The courses themselves were developed by
McGraw-Hill, and StraighterLine uses Blackboard’s course-management service.
So this virtual college is essentially cobbled together from various
off-the-shelf learning services.
So far three colleges have agreed to grant credit
for the StraighterLine courses — Fort Hays State University, Jones
International University, and Potomac College.
The colleges see the partnership as a way to
attract new students. “One of the things we hope to do is convert those
students to Jones students,” says D. Terry Rawls, a vice chancellor at Jones
International. “My expectation is that in reality students will take one
maybe two courses with StraighterLine and then the students will take the
rest of their courses with us.”
Richard Garrett, a senior analyst for Eduventures,
sees the service as part of a broader trend of colleges granting credit for
unconventional college experience, provided that the students can pass a
test or otherwise demonstrate competency. And that raises the question, he
says, “what is the core business of the academy versus what can be
Jensen Comment
It may well be that colleges and universities may soon have to accept transfer
credit for these tutors from such places as Fort Hays State University ---
In addition to its onsite programs in Hays, Kansas, Fort Hays State
University has its own online degree programs at
Bob Jensen's threads on asynchronous learning ---
Bob Jensen's threads on distance education training and
education alternatives ---
Bob Jensen's threads on free online video courses and
course materials from leading universities ---
Bob Jensen's threads on assessment ---
Bob Jensen's threads on the dark side ---
Bob Jensen's threads on education technology ---
Free online tutorials ---
Free textbooks and tutorials ---
Free online textbooks, cases, and tutorials in accounting, finance,
economics, and statistics ---
One of the earliest and probably the most famous accounting and investment
scandal was the South Sea Bubble in 1720
From the Harvard University Business School
Sunk in Lucre's Sordid Charms: South Sea Bubble Resources in the Kress
Collection at Baker Library ---
Bob Jensen's threads on accounting history ---
Education Tutorials
Lost Titles, Forgotten Rhymes: How to Find a Novel, Short Story, or Poem
Without Knowing its Title or Author ---http://www.loc.gov/rr/program/bib/lost/
A frequently-updated blog to free lectures from prestigious universities ---
Bob Jensen's threads on open sharing courses and videos ---
Bob Jensen's threads on general education tutorials are at
Engineering, Science, and Medicine Tutorials
A frequently-updated blog to free lectures from prestigious universities ---
Bob Jensen's threads on open sharing courses and videos ---
Venus, Earth's Structural Sister: Investigations Using Radar Imagery ---
American Medical Student Association PharmFree Scorecard 2008 (Medical
Ethics) ---
Research Funding Might Be Available to You
The mission of the John Templeton Foundation is to serve as a philanthropic
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research and related scholarship. The Foundation’s motto “How little we know,
how eager to learn” exemplifies our support for open-minded inquiry and our hope
for advancing human progress through breakthrough discoveries ---
Click on the funding areas
below for an overview and a sampling of grant profiles.
Bob Jensen's threads on free online science,
engineering, and medicine tutorials are at ---
Social Science and Economics Tutorials
A frequently-updated blog to free lectures from prestigious universities ---
Bob Jensen's threads on open sharing courses and videos ---
Praxiologies and the Philosophy of Economics, Edited by J. Lee Auspitz et al.
Click Here
Media in Cultural Context: Popular Readerships ---
Media Channel ---
"Will the Left Ever Learn to Communicate Across Generations?" by
Maurice Isserman, Chronicle of Higher Education's The
Chronicle Review, June 20, 2008 ---
Introduction to Public International Law Research ---
American Medical Student Association PharmFree Scorecard 2008 (Medical
Ethics) ---
Early Real Estate Atlases of New York ---
Bob Jensen's threads on Economics, Anthropology, Social Sciences, and
Philosophy tutorials are at
Law and Legal Studies
Law School Directory ---
Introduction to Public International Law Research ---
"Harvard Law School Mandates Open Access," Issues in Scholarly
Communication Blog from the University of Illinois, May 8, 2008 ---
Bob Jensen's threads on law and legal studies are at
Math Tutorials
A frequently-updated blog to free lectures from prestigious universities ---
Bob Jensen's threads on open sharing courses and videos ---
Mathematics Education at West Point: The First Hundred Years ---
"Addressing the Needs of Students with Disabilities in Math (Part 1)," by
Patricia Deubel, T.H.E. Journal, June 2008 ---
Bob Jensen's threads on technology aids for handicapped learners ---
Bob Jensen's threads on free online mathematics tutorials are at
History Tutorials
A frequently-updated blog to free lectures from prestigious universities ---
Bob Jensen's threads on open sharing courses and videos ---
Lost Titles, Forgotten Rhymes: How to Find a Novel, Short Story, or Poem
Without Knowing its Title or Author ---
One of the earliest and probably the most famous accounting and investment
scandal was the South Sea Bubble in 1720
From the Harvard University Business School
Sunk in Lucre's Sordid Charms: South Sea Bubble Resources in the Kress
Collection at Baker Library ---
Bob Jensen's threads on accounting history ---
"Will the Left Ever Learn to Communicate Across Generations?" by
Maurice Isserman, Chronicle of Higher Education's The
Chronicle Review, June 20, 2008 ---
Historical Book Arts Collection ---
Historic NYC Photographs ---
Jonathan Swift: Journal to Stella ---
Online Nevada Encyclopedia ---
American Experience: The American West ---
Early Real Estate Atlases of New York ---
Mathematics Education at West Point: The First Hundred Years ---
"New Open-Access Humanities Press Makes Its Debut," Issues in Scholarly
Communication Blog from the University of Illinois, May 7, 2008 ---
Bob Jensen's threads on history tutorials are at
Also see
Language Tutorials
Bob Jensen's links to language tutorials are at
Writing Tutorials
A frequently-updated blog to free lectures from prestigious universities ---
Bob Jensen's threads on open sharing courses and videos ---
Lost Titles, Forgotten Rhymes: How to Find a Novel, Short Story, or Poem
Without Knowing its Title or Author ---
Historical Book Arts Collection ---
Bob Jensen's helpers for writers are at
Updates from WebMD ---
This hurts: Note the "Addicted to Technology?" blog ---
Jensen Comment
Yeah, I know. My technology addiction got worse when I started cutting back on
I also have a nostalgia addiction ---
Click on the first song in a chosen date list (I like 1955) and let it play
"Are There Too Many Women Doctors?," by Catherine Arnst,
Business Week, April 17, 2008 ---
Click Here
Jensen Comment
My physician is a woman and nobody works longer hours than her day and night.
"Online Medical Advice Goes Social: A new website seeks to bring the
power of social networking to health support groups." by Lissa Harris, MIT's
Technology Review, June 16, 2008 ---
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Forwarded by Lynn
LIFE IN THE 1500's (Some are probably urban legends)
The next time you are washing your hands and complain because the water
temperature isn't just how you like it, think about how things used to be. Here
are some facts about the1500s:
Most people got married in June because they took their yearly bath in May,
and still smelled pretty good by June. However, they were starting to smell, so
brides carried a bouquet of flowers to hide the body odor. Hence the custom
today of carrying a bouquet when getting married.
Baths consisted of a big tub filled with hot water. The man of the house had
the privilege of the nice clean water, then all the other sons and men, then the
women and finally the children. Last of all the babies. By then the water was so
dirty you could actually lose someone in it. Hence the saying, Don't throw the
baby out with the Bath water.
Houses had thatched roofs-thick straw-piled high, with no wood underneath. It
was the only place for animals to get warm, so all the cats and other small
animals (mice, bugs) lived in the roof When it rained it became slippery and
sometimes the animals would slip and fall off the roof. Hence the saying . It's
raining cats and dogs.
There was nothing to stop things from falling into the house.. This posed a
real problem in the bedroom where bugs and other droppings could mess up your
nice clean bed. Hence, a bed with big posts and a sheet hung over the top
afforded some protection. That's how canopy beds came into existence.
The floor was dirt. Only the wealthy had something other than dirt. Hence the
saying, Dirt poor. The wealthy had slate floors that would get slippery in the
winter when wet, so they spread thresh (straw) on floor to help keep their
footing. As the winter wore on, they added more thresh until, when you opened
the door, it would all start slipping outside. A piece of wood was placed in the
entranceway. Hence the saying a thresh hold.
(Getting quite an education, aren't you?)
In those old days, they cooked in the kitchen with a big kettle that always
hung over the fire. Every day they lit the fire and added things to the pot.
They ate mostly vegetables and did not get much meat. They would eat the stew
for dinner, leaving leftovers in the pot to get cold overnight and then start
over the next day. Sometimes stew had food in it that had been there for quite a
while. Hence the rhyme, Peas porridge hot, peas porridge cold, peas porridge in
the pot nine days old. ((My father's favorite poem. Anu))
Sometimes they could obtain pork, which made them feel quite special. When
visitors came over, they would hang up their bacon to show off. It was a sign of
wealth that a man could, bring home the bacon. They would cut off a little to
share with guests and would all sit around and chew the fat.
Those with money had plates made of pewter. Food with high acid content
caused some of the lead to leach onto the food, causing lead poisoning death.
This happened most often with tomatoes, so for the next 400 years or so,
tomatoes were considered poisonous.
Bread was divided according to status. Workers got the burnt bottom of the
loaf, the family got the middle, and guests got the top, or the upper crust.
Lead cups were used to drink ale or whisky. The combination would sometimes
knock the imbibers out for a couple of days. Someone walking along the road
would take them for dead and prepare them for burial. They were laid out on the
kitchen table for a couple of days and the family would gather around and eat
and drink and wait and see if they would wake up. Hence the custom of holding a
England is old and small and the local folks started running out of places to
bury people. So they would dig up coffins and would take the bones to a
bone-house, and reuse the grave. When reopening these coffins, 1 out of 25
coffins were found to have scratch marks on the inside and they realized they
had been burying people alive. So they would tie a string on the wrist of the
corpse, lead it through the coffin and up through the ground and tie it to a
bell. Someone would have to sit out in the graveyard all night (the graveyard
shift) to listen for the bell; thus, someone could be, saved by the bell or was
considered a ...dead ringer.
Forwarded by Gene and Joan
I was having trouble with my computer. So I called Eric, the 11 year old next
door, whose bedroom looks like Mission Control and asked him to come over. Eric
clicked a couple of buttons and solved the problem.
As he was walking away, I called after him, 'So, what was wrong? He replied,
'It was an ID ten T error.'
I didn't want to appear stupid, but nonetheless inquired, 'An, ID ten T
error? What's that? In case I need to fix it again.'
Eric grinned.... 'Haven't you ever heard of an ID ten T error before?'
'No,' I replied. 'Write it down,' he said, 'and I think you'll figure it
So I wrote down: I D 1 0 T
I used to like Eric
Meanwhile in Australia, a python pops out of 10th-floor toilet. How the six
foot snake got there remains a mystery ---
I wonder if feeding it Viagra will turn it into a walking stick?
Jensen Comment
A similar event was reported in the San Francisco Chronicle when I was living in
Palo Alto years ago. That boa constrictor, however, was discovered to have
entered the soil pipe from the apartment next door. This is not a good way to
get the attention of the young woman across the wall.
Tidbits Archives ---
Click here to search Bob Jensen's web site if you have key words to enter ---
Search Site.
For example if you want to know what Jensen documents have the term "Enron"
enter the phrase Jensen AND Enron. Another search engine that covers Trinity and
other universities is at
World Clock ---
Facts about the earth in real time --- http://www.worldometers.info/
Interesting Online Clock
and Calendar
Time by Time Zones ---
Projected Population Growth (it's out of control) ---
Also see
Facts about population growth (video) ---
Projected U.S. Population Growth ---
Real time meter of the U.S. cost of the war in Iraq ---
Enter you zip code to get Census Bureau comparisons ---
Sure wish there'd be a little good news today.
Three Finance Blogs
Jim Mahar's FinanceProfessor Blog ---
FinancialRounds Blog ---
Karen Alpert's FinancialMusings (Australia) ---
Some Accounting Blogs
Paul Pacter's IAS Plus (International
Accounting) ---
International Association of Accountants News ---
AccountingEducation.com and Double Entries ---
Gerald Trite's eBusiness and
XBRL Blogs ---
AccountingWeb ---
SmartPros ---
Bob Jensen's Sort-of Blogs ---
Current and past editions of my newsletter called New
Bookmarks ---
Current and past editions of my newsletter called
Tidbits ---
Current and past editions of my newsletter called Fraud
Updates ---
Online Books, Poems, References,
and Other Literature
In the past I've provided links to various types electronic literature available
free on the Web.
I created a page that summarizes those various links ---
Shared Open Courseware
(OCW) from Around the World: OKI, MIT, Rice, Berkeley, Yale, and Other Sharing
Universities ---
Free Textbooks and Cases ---
Free Mathematics and Statistics Tutorials ---
Free Science and Medicine Tutorials ---
Free Social Science and Philosophy Tutorials ---
Free Education Discipline Tutorials ---
Teaching Materials (especially
video) from PBS
Teacher Source: Arts and
Literature ---
Teacher Source: Health & Fitness
Teacher Source: Math ---
Teacher Source: Science ---
Teacher Source: PreK2 ---
Teacher Source: Library Media ---
Free Education and
Research Videos from Harvard University ---
VYOM eBooks Directory ---
From Princeton Online
The Incredible Art Department ---
Online Mathematics Textbooks ---
National Library of Virtual Manipulatives ---
Moodle ---
The word moodle is an acronym for "modular
object-oriented dynamic learning environment", which is quite a mouthful.
The Scout Report stated the following about Moodle 1.7. It is a
tremendously helpful opens-source e-learning platform. With Moodle,
educators can create a wide range of online courses with features that
include forums, quizzes, blogs, wikis, chat rooms, and surveys. On the
Moodle website, visitors can also learn about other features and read about
recent updates to the program. This application is compatible with computers
running Windows 98 and newer or Mac OS X and newer.
Some of Bob Jensen's Tutorials
Accountancy Discussion ListServs:
For an elaboration on the reasons you should join a
ListServ (usually for free) go to http://www.trinity.edu/rjensen/ListServRoles.htm
AECM (Educators)
AECM is an email Listserv list which
provides a forum for discussions of all hardware and software
which can be useful in any way for accounting education at the
college/university level. Hardware includes all platforms and
peripherals. Software includes spreadsheets, practice sets,
multimedia authoring and presentation packages, data base
programs, tax packages, World Wide Web applications, etc
Roles of a ListServ ---
CPAS-L (Practitioners)
CPAS-L provides a forum for discussions of
all aspects of the practice of accounting. It provides an
unmoderated environment where issues, questions, comments,
ideas, etc. related to accounting can be freely discussed.
Members are welcome to take an active role by posting to CPAS-L
or an inactive role by just monitoring the list. You qualify for
a free subscription if you are either a CPA or a professional
accountant in public accounting, private industry, government or
education. Others will be denied access. |
This forum is for CPAs to discuss the activities of the AICPA.
This can be anything from the CPA2BIZ portal to the XYZ
initiative or anything else that relates to the AICPA. |
This site hosts various discussion groups on such topics as
accounting software, consulting, financial planning, fixed
assets, payroll, human resources, profit on the Internet, and
taxation. |
Business Valuation
This discussion group is headed by Randy Schostag
Professor Robert E. Jensen (Bob)
190 Sunset Hill Road
Sugar Hill, NH 03586
Phone: 603-823-8482