Bob Jensen's Threads on
Jensen at Trinity
George Carlin - Who Really Controls America ---
Click Here
"More kids pass tests if we simplify the tests --- Why education will never be
The Downfall of Lecturing
Coaches Graham and Gazowski
Teaching Evaluations and RateMyProfessor
Concept Knowledge and Assessment of Deep
Onsite Versus Online Differences for Faculty
Online Versus Onsite for
Onsite Versus Online Education
(including controls for online examinations and assignments)
Student Engagement
Online Education Effectiveness and Testing
What Works in Education?
Predictors of Success
Minimum Grades as a School Policy
Team Grading
Too Good to Grade:
How can these students get into doctoral programs and law school if their
prestigious universities will not disclose grades and class rankings? Why
grade at all in this case?
Software for faculty and departmental
performance evaluation and management
School Assessment and College Admission Testing
Civil Rights Groups That Favor
Standardized Testing
Computer Grading of Essays
Assessment in General (including the
debate over whether academic research itself should be assessed)
AICPA Educational Competency Assessment for Accounting
Issues: Measurement and No-Significant-Differences
Dangers of Self Assessment
The Criterion Problem
Success Stories in Education Technology
Research Versus Teaching
"Favorite Teacher" Versus "Learned the Most"
Grade Inflation Versus Teaching Evaluations
Student Evaluations and Learning Styles
Assessment Takes Center Stage in Online Learning: The
Saga of Western Governors University
Measures of Quality in Internet-Based Distance
Number Watch: How to Lie With Statistics
Drop Out Problems
the Dark Side
Accreditation Issues
for Online Examinations and Quizzes
Onsite Versus Online Education
(including controls for online examinations and assignments)
The term "electroThenic
portfolio," or "ePortfolio," is on everyone's lips. What
does this mean?
Research Versus Teaching
"Favorite Teacher" Versus "Learned the Most"
Grade Inflation Versus Course Evaluations
Work Experience Substitutes for College Credits
Certification Examinations
Should attendance guarantee passing?
Peer Review Controversies in Academic Journals
Differences between "popular teacher"
versus "master teacher"
versus "mastery learning"
versus "master educator."
Bob Jensen's threads on Cognitive Processes and Artificial Intelligence
are at
Degrees Versus Piecemeal Distance (Online)
Full Disclosure to Consumers of Higher Education (including assessment
of colleges and the Spellings Commission Report) ---
Also see
Publish Exams Online ---
Controversies in Higher Education ---
Bob Jensen's threads on cheating and plagiarism ---
Effort Reporting Technology for Higher Education ---
Some Thoughts on Competency-Based Training
and Education ---
You can download (for free) hours of
MP3 audio and the PowerPoint presentation slides from several of the best
education technology workshops that I ever organized. ---
Asynchronous Learning Advantages and
Disadvantages ---
Dark Sides of Education Technologies ---
For threaded audio and email
messages from early pioneers in distance education, go
Full Disclosure to Consumers of Higher Education at
From PhD Comics: Helpers for Filling Out Teaching Evaluations ---
As David Bartholomae observes, “We make a huge
mistake if we don’t try to articulate more publicly what it is we value in
intellectual work. We do this routinely for our students — so it should not be
difficult to find the language we need to speak to parents and legislators.” If
we do not try to find that public language but argue instead that we are not
accountable to those parents and legislators, we will only confirm what our
cynical detractors say about us, that our real aim is to keep the secrets of our
intellectual club to ourselves. By asking us to spell out those secrets and
measuring our success in opening them to all, outcomes assessment helps make
democratic education a reality.
Gerald Graff, "Assessment Changes
Everything," Inside Higher Ed, February 21, 2008 ---
Gerald Graff is professor of English at the University of Illinois at Chicago
and president of the Modern Language Association. This essay is adapted from a
paper he delivered in December at the MLA annual meeting, a version of which
appears on the MLA’s Web site and is reproduced here with the association’s
permission. Among Graff’s books are Professing Literature, Beyond the
Culture Wars and Clueless in Academe: How School Obscures the Life of the Mind.
Would-be lawyers in Wisconsin who have challenged
the state’s policy of allowing graduates of state law schools to practice law
without passing the state’s bar exam will have their day in court after all, the
Associated Press reported. A federal appeals court has reinstated a lawsuit
challenging the practice, which apparently is unique in the United States.
Katherine Mangan, "Appeals Court Reinstates Lawsuit Over Wisconsin's Bar-Exam
Exemption," Chronicle of Higher Education, January 29, 2008 ---
Click Here
"How Do People Learn," Sloan-C Review, February 2004 ---
Like some of the
other well known cognitive and affective taxonomies, the Kolb figure
illustrates a range of interrelated learning activities and styles beneficial
to novices and experts. Designed to emphasize reflection on learners’
experiences, and progressive conceptualization and active experimentation,
this kind of environment is congruent with the aim of lifelong learning. Randy
Garrison points out that:
From a content
perspective, the key is not to inundate students with information. The first
responsibility of the teacher or content expert is to identify the central
idea and have students reflect upon and share their conceptions. Students
need to be hooked on a big idea if learners are to be motivated to be
reflective and self-directed in constructing meaning. Inundating learners
with information is discouraging and is not consistent with higher order
learning . . . Inappropriate assessment and excessive information will
seriously undermine reflection and the effectiveness of asynchronous
Reflection on a big
question is amplified when it enters collaborative inquiry, as multiple styles
and approaches interact to respond to the challenge and create solutions. In
How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School, John Bransford and
colleagues describe a legacy cycle for collaborative inquiry, depicted in a
figure by Vanderbilt University researchers (see image, lower left).
Continued in the article
December 12, 2003 message from Tracey Sutherland []
The AICPA provides this resource to help educators
integrate the skills-based competencies needed by entry-level accounting
professionals. These competencies, defined within the AICPA Core Competency
Framework Project, have been derived from academic and professional competency
models and have been widely endorsed within the academic community. Created by
educators for educators, the evaluation and educational strategies resources
on this site are offered for your use and adaptation.
The ECA site contains a LIBRARY that, in addition to
the Core Competency Database and Education Strategies, provides information
and guidance on Evaluating Competency Coverage and Assessing Student
To assist you as you assess student performance and
evaluate competency coverage in your courses and programs, the ECA ORGANIZERS
guide you through the process of gathering, compiling and analyzing evidence
and data so that you may document your activities and progress in addressing
the AICPA Core Competencies.
The ECA site can be accessed through the Educator's
page of, or at the URL listed above.
The Downfall of Lecturing
My Hero at the American Accounting Association
Meetings in San Antonio on August 13, 2002 --- Amy Dunbar
How to students evaluate Amy Dunbar's online tax courses?
This link is a pdf doc that I will be presenting at a
CPE session with Bob Jensen, Nancy Keeshan, and Dennis Beresford at the AAA on
Tuesday. I updated the paper I wrote that summarized the summer 2001 online
course. You might be interested in the exhibits, particularly Exhibit II,
which summarizes student responses to the learning tools over the two summers.
This summer I used two new learning tools: synchronous classes (I used
Placeware) and RealPresenter videos. My read of the synchronous class comments
is that most students liked having synchronous classes, but not often and not
long ones! 8 of the 57 responding students thought the classes were a waste of
time. 19 of my students, however, didn't like the RealPresenter videos, partly
due to technology problems. Those who did like them, however, really liked
them and many wanted more of them. I think that as students get faster access
to the Internet, the videos will be more useful.
Amy Dunbar
"Web Surfing in the Classroom: Sound Familiar?" by Catherine Rampell,
Chronicle of Higher Education, May 15, 2008 ---
Over at the New York Times’s
Freakonomics blog, Yale Law School professor Ian
Ayres praises the University of Chicago Law School’s decision to
eliminate Internet access in some classrooms. But
more importantly, he recounts an amusing sketch from the Yale’s “Law Revue”
skit night, which is worth sharing in full:
One of the skits had a group of students sitting at
desks, facing the audience, listening to a professor drone on.
All of the students were looking at laptops except
for one, who had a deck of cards and was playing solitaire. The professor
was outraged and demanded that the student explain why she was playing
cards. When she answered “My laptop is broken,” I remember there was
simultaneously a roar of laughter from the student body and a gasp from the
professors around me. In this one moment, we learned that something new was
happening in class.
Bob Jensen's threads on higher education controversies are at
Random Thoughts (about learning from a retired professor of
engineering) ---
Dr. Felder's column in Chemical Engineering Education
Focus is heavily upon active learning and group learning.
Bob Jensen's threads on learning are in the following links:
March 3, 2005 message from Carolyn Kotlas []
"Achieving Success in Internet-Supported
Learning in Higher Education," released February 1, 2005, reports on the
study of distance education conducted by the Alliance for Higher Education
Competitiveness (A-HEC). A-HEC surveyed 21 colleges and universities to
"uncover best practices in achieving success with the use of the Internet
in higher education." Some of the questions asked by the study included:
"Why do institutions move online? Are there
particular conditions under which e-Learning will be successful?"
"What is the role of leadership and by whom?
What level of investment or commitment is necessary for success?"
"How do institutions evaluate and measure
"What are the most important and successful
factors for student support and faculty support?"
"Where do institutions get stuck? What are the
key challenges?"
The complete report is available online, at no cost,
The "core focus" of the nonprofit Alliance
for Higher Education Competitiveness (A-HEC) "is on communicating how
higher education leaders are creating positive change by crystallizing their
mission, offering more effective academic programs, defining their role in
society, and putting in place balanced accountability measures." For more
information, go to .
Individual membership in A-HEC is free.
Hi Yvonne,
For what it is worth, my advice to new
faculty is at
One thing to remember is that the
employers of our students (especially the public accounting firms) are very
unhappy with our lecture/drill pedagogy at the introductory and intermediate
levels. They believe that such pedagogy turns away top students, especially
creative and conceptualizing students. Employers believe that
lecture/drill pedagogy attracts savant-like memorizers who can recite their
lessons book and verse but have few creative talents and poor prospects for
becoming leaders. The large accounting firms believed this so strongly that they
donated several million dollars to the American Accounting Association for the
purpose of motivating new pedagogy experimentation. This led to the Accounting
Change Commission (AECC) and the mixed-outcome experiments that followed. See
The easiest pedagogy for faculty is
lecturing, and it is appealing to busy faculty who do not have time for students
outside the classroom. When lecturing to large classes it is even easier because
you don't have to get to know the students and have a great excuse for using
multiple choice examinations and graduate student teaching assistants. I always
remember an economics professor at Michigan State University who said that when
teaching basic economics it did not matter whether he had a live class of 300
students or a televised class of 3,000 students. His full-time teaching load was
three hours per week in front of a TV camera. He was a very good lecturer and
truly loved his three-hour per week job!
Lecturing appeals to faculty because it
often leads to the highest teaching evaluations. Students love faculty who
spoon feed and make learning seem easy. It's much easier when mom or dad
spoon the pudding out of the jar than when you have to hold your own spoon
and/or find your own jar.
An opposite but very effective pedagogy
is the AECC (University of Virginia) BAM Pedagogy that entails live classrooms
with no lectures. BAM instructors think it is more important for students to
learn on their own instead of sitting through spoon-fed learning lectures. I
think it takes a special kind of teacher to pull off the astoundingly successful
BAM pedagogy. Interestingly, it is often some of our best lecturers who decided
to stop lecturing because they experimented with the BAM and found it to be far
more effective for long-term memory. The top BAM enthusiasts are Tony Catanach
at Villanova University and David Croll at the University of Virginia. Note,
however, that most BAM applications have been at the intermediate accounting
level. I have my doubts (and I think BAM instructors will agree) that BAM will
probably fail at the introductory level. You can read about the BAM pedagogy at
At the introductory level we have what
I like to call the Pincus (User Approach) Pedagogy. Karen Pincus is now at the
University of Arkansas, but at the time that her first learning experiments were
conducted, she taught basic accounting at the University of Southern California.
The Pincus Pedagogy is a little like both the BAM and the case method
pedagogies. However, instead of having prepared learning cases, the Pincus
Pedagogy sends students to on-site field visitations where they observe on-site
operations and are then assigned tasks to creatively suggest ways of improving
existing accounting, internal control, and information systems. Like the BAM,
the Pincus Pedagogy avoids lecturing and classroom drill. Therein lies the
controversy. Students and faculty in subsequent courses often complain that the
Pincus Pedagogy students do not know the fundamental prerequisites of basic
accounting needed for intermediate and advanced-level accounting courses.
Two possible links of interest on the controversial Pincus Pedagogy are as
Where the Pincus Pedagogy and the BAM
Pedagogy differ lies in subject matter itself and stress on creativity. The BAM
focuses on traditional subject matter that is found in such textbooks as
intermediate accounting textbooks. The BAM Pedagogy simply requires that
students learn any way they want to learn on their own since students remember
best what they learned by themselves. The Pincus Pedagogy does not focus on much
of the debit and credit "rules" found in most traditional textbooks.
Students are required to be more creative at the expense of memorizing the
The Pincus Pedagogy is motivated by the
belief that traditional lecturing/drill pedagogy at the basic accounting and tax
levels discourages the best and more-creative students to pursue careers in the
accountancy profession. The BAM pedagogy is motivated more by the belief that
lecturing is a poor pedagogy for long-term memory of technical details. What is
interesting is that the leading proponents of getting away from the
lecture/drill pedagogy (i.e., Karen Pincus and Anthony Catenach) were previously
two of the very best lecturers in accountancy. If you have ever heard either of
them lecture, I think you would agree that you wish all your lecturers had been
only half as good. I am certain that both of these exceptional teachers would
agree that lecturing is easier than any other alternatives. However, they do not
feel that lecturing is the best alternative for top students.
Between lecturing and the BAM Pedagogy,
we have case method teaching. Case method teaching is a little like lecturing
and a little like the BAM with some instructors providing answers in case wrap
ups versus some instructors forcing students to provide all the answers. Master
case teachers at Harvard University seldom provide answers even in case wrap
ups, and often the cases do not have any known answer-book-type solutions. The
best Harvard cases have alternative solutions with success being based upon
discovering and defending an alternative solution. Students sometimes
interactively discover solutions that the case writers never envisioned. I
generally find case teaching difficult at the undergraduate level if students do
not yet have the tools and maturity to contribute to case discussions.
Interestingly, it may be somewhat easier to use the BAM at the undergraduate
level than Harvard-type cases. The reason is that BAM instructors are often
dealing with more rule-based subject matter such as intermediate accounting or
tax rather than conceptual subject matter such as strategic decision making,
business valuation, and financial risk analysis.
The hardest pedagogy today is probably
a Socratic pedagogy online with instant messaging communications where an
instructor who's on call about 60 hours per week from his or her home. The
online instructor monitors the chats and team communications between students in
the course at most any time of day or night. Amy Dunbar can tell you about this
tedious pedagogy since she's using it for tax courses and will be providing a
workshop that tells about how to do it and how not to do it. The next scheduled
workshop precedes the AAA Annual Meetings on August 1, 2003 in Hawaii. You can
also hear Dr. Dunbar and view her PowerPoint show from a previous workshop at
In conclusion, always remember that
there is no optimal pedagogy in all circumstances. All learning is
circumstantial based upon such key ingredients as student maturity, student
motivation, instructor talent, instructor dedication, instructor time, library
resources, technology resources, and many other factors that come to bear at
each moment in time. And do keep in mind that how you teach may determine what
students you keep as majors and what you turn away.
I tend to agree with the accountancy
firms that contend that traditional lecturing probably turns away many of the
top students who might otherwise major in accountancy.
At the same time, I tend to agree with
students who contend that they took accounting courses to learn accounting
rather than economics, computer engineering, and behavioral science.
Bob Jensen
From: Lou&Bonnie [mailto:gyp1@EARTHLINK.NET]
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2003 5:03 PM
I am a beginning
accounting instructor (part-time) at a local community college. I am applying
for a full-time faculty position, but am having trouble with a question.
Methodology in accounting--what works best for a diversified group of
individuals. Some students work with accounting, but on a computer and have no
understanding of what the information they are entering really means to some
individuals who have no accounting experience whatsoever. What is the best
methodology to use, lecture, overhead, classroom participation? I am not sure
and I would like your feedback. Thank you in advance for your help.
January 20, 2003 reply from Thomas C. Omer
Don’t forget about
Project Discovery going on at the University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana
Thomas C. Omer
Associate Professor
Department of Accounting University of Illinois At Chicago
The Art of Discovery: Finding the forest in spite of the trees.
Thanks for reminding me Tom. A good
link for Project Discovery is at
January 17, 2003 reply from David R. Fordham
I'll add an
endorsement to Bob's advice to new teachers. His page should be required
reading for Ph.D.s.
And I'll add one more
Most educators
overlook the distinction between "lectures" and
There is probably no
need for any true "lecture" in the field of accounting at the
college level, even though it is still the dominant paradigm at most
However, there is
still a great need for "live demonstrations", **especially** at the
introductory level.
Accounting is a
complex process. Introductory students in ANY field learn more about complex
processes from demonstrations than probably any other method.
Then, they move on
and learn more from "practicing" the process, once they've learned
the steps and concepts of the process. And for intermediate and advanced
students, practice is the best place to "discover" the nuances and
"Discovery" is probably the best learning method of all, it is
frequently very difficult to "discover" a complex process correctly
from its beginning, on your own. Thus, a quick demonstration can often be of
immense value at the introductory level. It's an efficient way of
communicating sequences, relationships, and dynamics, all of which are present
in accounting processes.
Bottom line: You can
(and should) probably eliminate "lectures" from your classes. You
should not entirely eliminate "demonstrations" from your classes.
Unfortunately, most
education-improvement reform literature does not draw the distinction: anytime
the teacher is doing the talking in front of a class, using blackboard and
chalk or PowerPoint, they label it "lecture" and suggest you don't
do it! This is, in my view, oversimplification, and very bad advice.
Your teaching will
change a whole lot (for the better!) once you realize that students only need
demonstrations of processes. You will eliminate a lot of material you used to
"lecture" on. This will make room for all kinds of other things that
will improve your teaching over the old "lecture" method:
discussions, Socratic dialogs, cases and dilemmas, even some entertainment
here and there.
Plus, the
"lectures" you retain will change character. Take your cue from Mr.
Wizard or Bill Nye the Science Guy, who appear to "lecture" (it's
about the only thing you can do in front of a camera!), but whose entire
program is pretty much devoted to demonstration. Good demonstrations do more
than just demonstrate, they also motivate! Most lectures don't!
Another two pennies
from the verbose one...
David R.
PBGH Faculty Fellow
James Madison University
January 16, 2003 message from Peter French [pjfrench@CELESTIAL.COM.AU]
I found this source
and also Duncan Williamson has some very good basic material on his sites
Don't forget the world lecture hall at
This reminds me of how I learned ... the 'real
learning' in the workplace...
I remember my first true life consolidation - 130
companies in 1967. We filled a wall with butchers paper and had 'callers',
'writers' and 'adders' who called out the information to others who wrote out
the entries and others who did the adding. I was 25 and quite scared. The
Finance Director knew this and told me [1] to stick with 'T' accounts to be
sure I was making the right entry - just stick the ones you are sure in and
don't even think about the other entry - it must 'balance' it out; [2] just
because we are dealing with 130 companies and several hundreds of millions of
dollars don't lose sight of the fact that really it is no different from the
corner store. I have never forgotten the simplistic approach. He said - if the
numbers scare you, decimalise them to 100,000's in your mind - it helps ...
and it did. He often used to say the Dr/Cr entries out aloud
I entered teaching aged 48 after having been in
industry and practice for nearly 30 years. Whether i am teaching introductory
accounting, partnership formation/dissolution, consolidations, asset
revaluation, tax affect accounting, I simply write up the same basic entries
on the white board each session - I never use an overhead for this, I always
write it up and say it out aloud, and most copy/follow me - and then recap and
get on with the lesson. I always take time out to 'flow chart' what we are
doing so that they never loose sight of the real picture ... this simple
system works, and have never let my students down.
There have been several movements away form rote
learning in all levels of education - often with disastrous consequences. It
has its place and I am very proud to rely on it. This works and when it isn't
broken, I am not about to try to fix it.
Good luck - it is the greatest responsibility in the
world, and gives the greatest job satisfaction. It is worth every hour and
every grey hair. To realise that you have enabled someone to change their
lives, made a dream come true, eclipses every successful takeover battle or
tax fight that I won i have ever had.
Good luck - may it be to you what is has been to me.
Peter French
January 17, 2003 reply from Michael O'Neil, CPA Adjunct Prof. Weber [Marine8105@AOL.COM]
I am currently teaching high school students, some of
whom will hopefully go on to college. Parents expect you to teach the
children, which really amounts to lecturing, or going over the text material.
When you do this they do not read the textbook, nor do they know how to use
the textbook to answer homework questions. If you don't lecture then the
parents will blame you for "not" teaching their children the
I agree that discovery is the best type of learning,
and the most fun. I teach geometry and accounting/consumer finance. Geometry
leans itself to discovery, but to do so you need certain materials. At our
level (high school) we are also dealing several other issues you don't have at
the college level. In my accounting classes I teach the debit/credit, etc. and
then have them do a lot of work using two different accounting programs. When
they make errors I have them discover the error and correct it. They probably
know very little about posting, and the formatting of financial statements
although we covered it. Before we used the programs we did a lot of pencil
Even when I taught accounting at the college and
junior college level I found students were reluctant to, and not well prepared
to, use their textbooks. Nor were they inclined to DO their homework.
I am sure that many of you have noticed a drop off in
quality of students in the last years. I wish I could tell you that I see that
it will change, but I do not see any effort in that direction. Education
reminds me of a hot air balloon being piloted by people who lease the balloon
and have no idea how to land it. They are just flying around enjoying the
view. If we think in terms of bankruptcy education is ready for Chapter 11.
Mike ONeil
January 17, 2003 reply from Chuck Pier
While not in
accounting, I would like to share some information on my wife's experience
with online education. She has a background (10 years) as a public school
teacher and decided to get her graduate degree in library science. Since I was
about to finish my doctoral studies and we knew we would be moving she wanted
to find a program that would allow her to move away and not lose too many
hours in the transfer process. What she found was the online program at the
University of North Texas (UNT) in Denton. Through this program she will be
able to complete a 36 hour American Library Association accredited Master's
degree in Library Science and only spend a total of 9 days on campus. The 9
days are split into a one day session and 2 four day sessions, which can be
combined into 1 five and 1 four day session. Other than these 9 days the
entire course is conducted over the internet. The vast majority is
asynchronous, but there are some parts conducted in a synchronous manner.
She has completed
about 3/4 of the program and is currently in Denton for her last on campus
session. While I often worry about the quality of online programs, after
seeing how much work and time she is required to put in, I don't think I
should worry as much. I can honestly say that I feel she is getting a better,
more thorough education than most traditional programs. I know at a minimum
she has covered a lot more material.
All in all her
experience has been positive and this program fit her needs. I think the MLS
program at UNT has been very successful to date and appears to be growing
quite rapidly. It may serve as a role model for programs in other areas.
Chuck Pier
Charles A.
Assistant Professor Department of Accounting
Walker College of Business
Appalachian State University
Boone, NC 28608 email:
Concept Knowledge and Assessment of
Deep UnderstandingWhat questions might classroom teachers ask of their students,
the answers to which would allow a strong inference that the students
"The Assessment of “Understanding,” by Lloyd Bond, Carnegie Foundation for
Advancement in Teaching ---
Click Here
Study to remember and you will forget.
Study to understand and you will remember.
I once sat on the dissertation
committee of a graduate student in mathematics education who had examined
whether advanced graduate students in math and science education could
explain the logic underlying a popular procedure for extracting square roots
by hand. Few could explain why the procedure worked. Intrigued by the
results, she decided to investigate whether they could explain the logic
underlying long division. To her surprise, most in her sample could not. All
of the students were adept at division, but few understood why the procedure
In a series of studies at Johns Hopkins University,
researchers found that first year physics students could unerringly solve
fairly sophisticated problems in classical physics involving moving bodies,
but many did not understand the implications of their answers for the
behavior of objects in the real world. For example, many could not draw the
proper trajectories of objects cut from a swinging pendulum that their
equations implied.
What then does it mean to “understand” something—a
concept, a scientific principle, an extended rhetorical argument, a
procedure or algorithm? What questions might classroom teachers ask of their
students, the answers to which would allow a strong inference that the
students “understood”? Every educator from kindergarten through graduate and
professional school must grapple almost daily with this fundamental
question. Do my students really “get it”? Do they genuinely understand the
principle I was trying to get across at a level deeper than mere
regurgitation? Rather than confront the problem head on, some teachers,
perhaps in frustration, sidestep it. Rather then assign projects or
construct examinations that probe students’ deep understanding, they require
only that students apply the learned procedures to problems highly similar
to those discussed in class. Other teachers with the inclination, time and
wherewithal often resort to essay tests that invite their students to probe
more deeply, but as often as not their students decline the invitation and
stay on the surface.
I have thought about issues surrounding the
measurement of understanding on and off for years, but have not
systematically followed the literature on the topic. On a lark, I conducted
three separate Google searches and obtained the following results:
- “nature of understanding” 41,600 hits
- “measurement of understanding” 66,000 hits
- “assessment of understanding” 34,000 hits
Even with the addition of “classroom” to the
search, the number of hits exceeded 9,000 for each search. The listings
covered the spectrum—from suggestions to elementary school teachers on how
to detect “bugs” in children’s understanding of addition and subtraction, to
discussions of laboratory studies of brain activity during problem solving,
to abstruse philosophical discussions in hermeneutics and epistemology.
Clearly, this approach was taking me everywhere, which is to say, nowhere.
Fully aware that I am ignoring much that has been
learned, I decided instead to draw upon personal experience—some 30 years in
the classroom—to come up with a list of criteria that classroom teachers
might use to assess understanding. The list is undoubtedly incomplete, but
it is my hope that it will encourage teachers to not only think more
carefully about how understanding might be assessed, but also—and perhaps
more importantly—encourage them to think more creatively about the kinds of
activities they assign their classes. These activities should stimulate
students to study for understanding, rather than for mere regurgitation at
test time.
The student who understands a principle, rule,
procedure or concept should be able to do the following tasks (these are
presented in no particular order and their actual difficulties are an
empirical question):
Construct problems that illustrate the
concept, principle, rule or procedure in question.
As the two anecdotes above illustrate, students may know how to use a
procedure or solve specific textbook problems in a domain, but may still not
fully understand the principle involved. A more stringent test of
understanding would be that they can construct problems themselves that
illustrate the principle. In addition to revealing much to instructors about
the nature of students’ understanding, problem construction by students can
be a powerful learning experience in its own right, for it requires the
student to think carefully about such things as problem constraints and data
Identify and, if possible, correct a
flawed application of a principle or procedure.
This is basically a check on conceptual and procedural knowledge. If a
student truly understands a concept, principle or procedure, she should be
able to recognize when it is faithfully and properly applied and when it is
not. In the latter case, she should be able to explain and correct the
Distinguish between instances and
non-instances of a principle; or stated somewhat differently, recognize and
explain “problem isomorphs,” that is, problems that differ in their context
or surface features, but are illustrations of the same underlying principle.
In a famous and highly cited study by Michelene Chi and her colleagues at
the Learning Research and Development Center, novice physics students and
professors of physics were each presented with problems typically found in
college physics texts and asked to sort or categorized them into groups that
“go together” in some sense. They were then asked to explain the basis for
their categorization. The basic finding (since replicated in many different
disciplines) was that the novice physics students tended to sort problems on
the basis of their surface features (e.g., pulley problems, work problems),
whereas the experts tended to sort problems on the basis of their “deep
structure,” the underlying physical laws that they illustrated (e.g.,
Newton’s third law of motion, the second law of thermodynamics). This
profoundly revealing finding is usually discussed in the context of
expert-novice comparisons and in studies of how proficiency develops, but it
is also a powerful illustration of deep understanding.
Explain a principle or concept to a
naïve audience.
One of the most difficult questions on an examination I took in graduate
school was the following: “How would you explain factor analysis to your
mother?” That I remember this question over 30 years later is strong
testimony to the effect it had on me. I struggled mightily with it. But the
question forced me to think about the underlying meaning of factor analysis
in ways that had not occurred to me before.
Mathematics educator and researcher, Liping Ma, in
her classic exposition Knowing and Teaching Elementary Mathematics
(Lawrence Erlbaum, 1999), describes the difficulty some fifth and sixth
grade teachers in the United States encounter in explaining fundamental
mathematical concepts to their charges. Many of the teachers in her sample,
for example, confused division by 1/2 with division by two. The teachers
could see on a verbal level that the two were different but they could
neither explain the difference nor the numerical implications of that
difference. It follows that they could not devise simple story problems and
other exercises for fifth and sixth graders that would demonstrate the
To be sure, students may well understand a
principle, procedure or concept without being able to do all of the above.
But a student who can do none of the above almost certainly does not
understand, and students who can perform all of the above tasks flawlessly
almost certainly do understand.
Continued in article
Jensen Comment
This is a huge problem in accounting education, because so many of us teach "how
to" procedures, often very complex procedures, without really knowing whether
our students truly understand the implications of what they are doing for
decision makers who use accounting information, for fraud detection, for fraud
prevention, etc. For example, when teaching rules for asset capitalization
versus expensing, it might help students better understand if they
simultaneously learned about how and why Worldcom understated earnings by over a
billion dollars by capitalizing expenditures that should have been expensed ---
Also see
June 18, 2006
message from Bob Kennelly
I am a data analyst with the Federal Government,
recently assigned a project to integrate our accounting codes with XBRL
accounting codes, primarily for the quarterly reporting of banking
financial information.
For the past few weeks, i've been searching the
WEB looking for educational materials that will help us map, rollup and
orr olldown the data that we recieve from the banks that we regulate, to
the more generic XBRL accounting codes.
Basically, i'm hoping to provide my team members
with the tools to help them make more informed decisions on how to
classify accounting codes and capture their findings for further review
and discussion.
To my suprise there isn't the wealth of accounting
information that i thought there would be on the WEB, but i am very
relieved to have found Bob Jensen's site and in particular an article
which refers to the kind of information gathering
approaches that i'm hoping to discover!
Here is the brief on that article:
"Using Hypertext in Instructional Material: Helping Students Link
Accounting Concept Knowledge to Case Applications," by Dickie Crandall
and Fred Phillips, Issues in Accounting Education, May 2002, pp. 163-184
We studied whether instructional material that
connects accounting concept discussions with sample case applications
through hypertext links would enable students to better understand how
concepts are to be applied to practical case situations.
Results from a laboratory experiment indicated
that students who learned from such hypertext-enriched instructional
material were better able to apply concepts to new accounting cases than
those who learned from instructional material that contained identical
content but lacked the concept-case application hyperlinks.
Results also indicated that the learning benefits
of concept-case application hyperlinks in instructional material were
greater when the hyperlinks were self-generated by the students rather
than inherited from instructors, but only when students had generated
appropriate links.
Could anyone be so kind as to please suggest other
references, articles or tools that will help us better understand and
classify the broad range of accounting terminologies and methodologies
Thanks very much!
Bob Kennelly
June 19, 2006 reply from Bob Jensen
Hi Bob,
You may find the following documents of related interest:
"Internet Financial Reporting: The Effects of Hyperlinks and Irrelevant
Information on Investor Judgments," by Andrea S. Kelton (Ph.D. Dissertation
at the University of Tennessee) ---
Extendible Adaptive Hypermedia Courseware: Integrating Different Courses
and Web Material
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Publisher: Springer Berlin /
Heidelberg ISSN: 0302-9743 Subject: Computer Science Volume 1892 / 2000
Title: Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems: International
Conference, AH 2000, Trento, Italy, August 2000. Proceedings Editors: P.
Brusilovsky, O. Stock, C. Strapparava (Eds.) ---
Click Here
"Concept, Knowledge, and Thought," G. C. Oden, Annual Review of
Psychology Vol. 38: 203-227 (Volume publication date January 1987) ---
Click Here
"A Framework for Organization and Representation of Concept Knowledge in
Autonomous Agents," by Paul Davidsson, Department of Computer Science,
University of Lund, Box 118, S–221 00 Lund, Sweden email:
"Active concept learning for image retrieval in dynamic databases," by
Dong, A. Bhanu, B. Center for Res. in Intelligent Syst., California Univ.,
Riverside, CA, USA; This paper appears in: Computer Vision, 2003.
Proceedings. Ninth IEEE International Conference on Publication Date: 13-16
Oct. 2003 On page(s): 90- 95 vol.1 ISSN: ISBN: 0-7695-1950-4 ---
Click Here
"Types and qualities of knowledge," by Ton de Jong, Monica G.M.
Ferguson-Hessler, Educational Psychologist 1996, Vol. 31, No. 2,
Pages 105-113 ---
Click Here
Also note
Hope this helps
Bob Jensen
Assessing-to-Learn Physics: Project Website ---
Bob Jensen's threads on science and medicine tutorials are at
Onsite Versus Online Differences for Faculty
Soaring Popularity of E-Learning Among Students But Not Faculty
How many U.S. students took at least on online course from a legitimate college
in Fall 2005?
More students are taking online college courses than
ever before, yet the majority of faculty still aren’t warming up to the concept
of e-learning, according to a national survey from the country’s largest
association of organizations and institutions focused on online education . . .
‘We didn’t become faculty to sit in front of a computer screen,’
Elia Powers, "Growing Popularity of E-Learning, Inside Higher Ed,
November 10, 2006 ---
More students are taking online college courses
than ever before, yet the majority of faculty still aren’t warming up to the
concept of e-learning, according to a national survey from the country’s
largest association of organizations and institutions focused on online
Roughly 3.2 million students took at least one
online course from a degree-granting institution during the fall 2005 term,
the Sloan Consortium said. That’s double the number who reported doing so in
2002, the first year the group collected data, and more than 800,000 above
the 2004 total. While the number of online course participants has increased
each year, the rate of growth slowed from 2003 to 2004.
The report, a joint partnership between the group
and the College Board, defines online courses as those in which 80 percent
of the content is delivered via the Internet.
The Sloan Survey of Online Learning,
“Making the Grade: Online Education in the United States, 2006,”
shows that 62 percent of chief academic officers say
that the learning outcomes in online education are now “as good as or
superior to face-to-face instruction,” and nearly 6 in 10 agree that
e-learning is “critical to the long-term strategy of their institution.”
Both numbers are up from a year ago.
Researchers at the Sloan Consortium, which is
administered through Babson College and Franklin W. Olin College of
Engineering, received responses from officials at more than 2,200 colleges
and universities across the country. (The report makes few references to
for-profit colleges, a force in the online market, in part because of a lack
of survey responses from those institutions.)
Much of the report is hardly surprising. The bulk
of online students are adult or “nontraditional” learners, and more than 70
percent of those surveyed said online education reaches students not served
by face-to-face programs.
What stands out is the number of faculty who still
don’t see e-learning as a valuable tool. Only about one in four academic
leaders said that their faculty members “accept the value and legitimacy of
online education,” the survey shows. That number has remained steady
throughout the four surveys. Private nonprofit colleges were the least
accepting — about one in five faculty members reported seeing value in the
Elaine Allen, co-author of the report and a Babson
associate professor of statistics and entrepreneurship, said those numbers
are striking.
“As a faculty member, I read that response as, ‘We
didn’t become faculty to sit in front of a computer screen,’ ” Allen said.
“It’s a very hard adjustment. We sat in lectures for an hour when we were
students, but there’s a paradigm shift in how people learn.”
Barbara Macaulay, chief academic officer at UMass
Online, which offers programs through the University of Massachusetts, said
nearly all faculty members teaching the online classes there also teach
face-to-face courses, enabling them to see where an online class could fill
in the gap (for instance, serving a student who is hesitant to speak up in
She said she isn’t surprised to see data
illustrating the growing popularity of online courses with students, because
her program has seen rapid growth in the last year. Roughly 24,000 students
are enrolled in online degree and certificate courses through the university
this fall — a 23 percent increase from a year ago, she said.
“Undergraduates see it as a way to complete their
degrees — it gives them more flexibility,” Macaulay said.
The Sloan report shows that about 80 percent of
students taking online courses are at the undergraduate level. About half
are taking online courses through community colleges and 13 percent through
doctoral and research universities, according to the survey.
Nearly all institutions with total enrollments
exceeding 15,000 students have some online offerings, and about two-thirds
of them have fully online programs, compared with about one in six at the
smallest institutions (those with 1,500 students or fewer), the report
notes. Allen said private nonprofit colleges are often set in enrollment
totals and not looking to expand into the online market.
The report indicates that two-year colleges are particularly willing to be
involved in online learning.
“Our institutions tend to embrace changes a little
more readily and try different pedagogical styles,” said Kent Phillippe, a
senior research associate at the American Association of Community Colleges.
The report cites a few barriers to what it calls the “widespread adoption of
online learning,” chief among them the concern among college officials that
some of their students lack the discipline to succeed in an online setting.
Nearly two-thirds of survey respondents defined that as a barrier.
Allen, the report’s co-author, said she thinks that
issue arises mostly in classes in which work can be turned in at any time
and lectures can be accessed at all hours. “If you are holding class in real
time, there tends to be less attrition,” she said. The report doesn’t
differentiate between the live and non-live online courses, but Allen said
she plans to include that in next year’s edition.
Few survey respondents said acceptance of online
degrees by potential employers was a critical barrier — although liberal
arts college officials were more apt to see it as an issue.
November 10, 2006 reply from John Brozovsky
Hi Bob:
One reason why might be what I have seen. The
in residence accounting students that I talk with take online classes
here because they are EASY and do not take much work. This would be very
popular with students but not generally so with faculty.
November 10, 2006 reply from Bob Jensen
Hi John,
Then there is a quality control problem whereever this is a fact. It
would be a travesty if any respected college had two or more categories of
academic standards or faculty assignments.
Variations in academic standards have long been a problem between
part-time versus full-time faculty, although grade inflation can be higher
or lower among part-time faculty. In one instance, it’s the tenure-track
faculty who give higher grades because they're often more worried about
student evaluations. At the opposite extreme it is part-time faculty who
give higher grades for many reasons that we can think of if we think about
One thing that I'm dead certain about is that highly motivated students
tend to do better in online courses ceteris paribus. Reasons are mainly that
time is used more efficiently in getting to class (no wasted time driving or
walking to class), less wasted time getting teammates together on team
projects, and fewer reasons for missing class.
Also online alternatives offer some key advantages for certain types of
handicapped students ---
My opinions on learning advantages of E-Learning were heavily influenced
by the most extensive and respected study of online versus onsite learning
experiments in the SCALE experiments
using full-time resident students at the University of Illinois ---
In the SCALE experiments cutting across 30 disciplines, it was generally
found that motivated students learned better online then their onsite
counterparts having the same instructors. However, there was no significant
impact on students who got low grades in online versus onsite treatment
I think the main problem with faculty is that online teaching tends to
burn out instructors more frequently than onsite instructors. This was also
evident in the SCALE experiments. When done correctly, online courses are
more communication intent between instructors and faculty. Also, online
learning takes more preparation time if it is done correctly.
My hero for online learning is still Amy Dunbar who
maintains high standards for everything:
Bob Jensen
November 10, 2006 reply from John Brozovsky
Hi Bob:
Also why many times it is not done 'right'. Not
done right they do not get the same education. Students generally do not
complain about getting 'less for their money'. Since we do not do online
classes in department the ones the students are taking are the university
required general education and our students in particular are not unhappy
with being shortchanged in that area as they frequently would have preferred
none anyway.
Bob Jensen's threads on open sharing and education technology are at
Bob Jensen's threads on online training and education alternatives are at
Motivations for Distance Learning ---
Bob Jensen's threads on the dark side of online learning and teaching are
Why should teaching a course online take twice as much time as teaching it
Introduction to Economics: Experiences of teaching this course online
versus onsite
With a growing number of courses offered online and
degrees offered through the Internet, there is a considerable interest in online
education, particularly as it relates to the quality of online instruction. The
major concerns are centering on the following questions: What will be the new
role for instructors in online education? How will students' learning outcomes
be assured and improved in online learning environment? How will effective
communication and interaction be established with students in the absence of
face-to-face instruction? How will instructors motivate students to learn in the
online learning environment? This paper will examine new challenges and barriers
for online instructors, highlight major themes prevalent in the literature
related to “quality control or assurance” in online education, and provide
practical strategies for instructors to design and deliver effective online
instruction. Recommendations will be made on how to prepare instructors for
quality online instruction.
Yi Yang and Linda F. Cornelious, "Preparing Instructors for Quality
Online Instruction, Working Paper ---
Jensen Comment: The bottom line is that teaching the course online took
twice as much time because "largely from increased student contact and
individualized instruction and not from the use of technology per se."
Online teaching is more likely to result in instructor burnout. These
and other issues are discussed in my "dark side" paper at
April 1, 2005 message from Carolyn Kotlas
In "PCs in the Classroom & Open Book Exams" (UBIQUITY, vol. 6, issue 9,
March 15-22, 2005), Evan Golub asks and supplies some answers to questions
regarding open-book/open-note exams. When classroom computer use is allowed
and encouraged, how can instructors secure the open-book exam environment?
How can cheating be minimized when students are allowed Internet access
during open-book exams? Golub's suggested solutions are available online at
Ubiquity is a free, Web-based publication of the
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), "dedicated to fostering critical
analysis and in-depth commentary on issues relating to the nature,
constitution, structure, science, engineering, technology, practices, and
paradigms of the IT profession." For more information, contact: Ubiquity,
email: ; Web:
For more information on the ACM, contact: ACM, One Astor Plaza, 1515
Broadway, New York, NY 10036, USA; tel: 800-342-6626 or 212-626-0500; Web:
e-book of essays edited by Diana G. Oblinger and James L. Oblinger,
"explores the Net Gen and the implications for institutions in areas such as
teaching, service, learning space design, faculty development, and
curriculum." Essays include: "Technology and Learning Expectations of the
Net Generation;" "Using Technology as a Learning Tool, Not Just the Cool New
Thing;" "Curricula Designed to Meet 21st-Century Expectations;" "Faculty
Development for the Net Generation;" and "Net Generation Students and
Libraries." The entire book is available online at no cost at
EDUCAUSE is a nonprofit association whose mission
is to advance higher education by promoting the intelligent use of
information technology. For more information, contact: Educause, 4772 Walnut
Street, Suite 206, Boulder, CO 80301-2538 USA; tel: 303-449-4430; fax:
303-440-0461; email:; Web:
See also:
by Don Tapscott McGraw-Hill, 1999; ISBN: 0-07-063361-4
"The unpredictability of the student context and
the mediated relationship with the student require careful attention by the
educational designer to details which might otherwise be managed by the
teacher at the time of instruction." In "Elements of Effective e-Learning
March 2005) Andrew R. Brown and Bradley D. Voltz cover six elements of
effective design that can help create effective e-learning delivery. Drawing
upon examples from The Le@rning Federation, an initiative of state and
federal governments of Australia and New Zealand, they discuss lesson
planning, instructional design, creative writing, and software
specification. The paper is available online at
International Review of Research in Open and
Distance Learning (IRRODL) [ISSN 1492-3831] is a free, refereed ejournal
published by Athabasca University - Canada's Open University. For more
information, contact Paula Smith, IRRODL Managing Editor; tel: 780-675-6810;
fax: 780-675-672; email:
; Web:
The Le@rning Federation (TLF) is an "initiative
designed to create online curriculum materials and the necessary
infrastructure to ensure that teachers and students in Australia and New
Zealand can use these materials to widen and enhance their learning
experiences in the classroom." For more information, see
"Recommended Reading" lists items that have been
recommended to me or that Infobits readers have found particularly
interesting and/or useful, including books, articles, and websites published
by Infobits subscribers. Send your recommendations to
carolyn_kotlas@unc.ed u for possible
inclusion in this column.
Author Clark Aldrich recommends his new book:
EDUCATIONAL EXPERIENCES Wiley, April 2005 ISBN: 0-7879-7735-7 hardcover
$60.00 (US)
Description from Wiley website:
"Designed for learning professionals and drawing on
both game creators and instructional designers, Learning by Doing explains
how to select, research, build, sell, deploy, and measure the right type of
educational simulation for the right situation. It covers simple approaches
that use basic or no technology through projects on the scale of computer
games and flight simulators. The book role models content as well, written
accessibly with humor, precision, interactivity, and lots of pictures. Many
will also find it a useful tool to improve communication between themselves
and their customers, employees, sponsors, and colleagues."
The table of contents and some excerpts are
available at
for more information or to request an evaluation copy of this title.
Also see
Looking at Learning….Again, Part 2 ---
Bob Jensen's documents on education technology are at
More on this topic appears in the module below.
"Nationally Recognized Assessment and Higher Education Study Center
Findings as Resources for Assessment Projects," by Tracey Sutherland,
Accounting Education News, 2007 Winter Issue, pp. 5-7
While nearly all accounting programs are wrestling
with various kinds of assessment initiatives to meet local assessment plans
and/or accreditation needs, most colleges and universities participate in
larger assessment projects whose results may not be shared at the
College/School level. There may be information available on your campus
through campus-level assessment and institutional research that generate
data that could be useful for your accounting program/school assessment
initiatives. Below are examples of three such research projects, and some of
their recent findings about college students.
- The Cooperative Institutional Research Program
(CIRP) The American Freshman: National Norms for 2006
- The 2006 Report of the National Survey of
Student Engagement
- From the National Freshman Attitudes Report
Some things in the The 2006 Report of the National Survey of Student
Engagement especially caught my eye:
Promising Findings from the National Surveyof Student
• Student engagement is positively
related to first-year and senior student grades and to persistence
between the first and second year of college.
• Student engagement has
compensatory effects on grades andpersistence of students from
historically underserved backgrounds.
• Compared with campus-basedstudents,
distance education learners reported higher levels ofacademic challenge,
engaged more often in deep learning activities, and reported greater
developmental gains from college.
• Part-time working students
reported grades comparable to other students and also perceived the
campus to be as supportive of their academic and social needs as
theirnon-working peers.
• Four out of five beginning
college students expected that reflective learning activities would be
an important part of their first-year experience.
Disappointing Findings from the
Survey of Student Engagement
• Students spend on average only about
13–14 hours a week preparingfor class, far below what faculty members say is
necessary to do well in their classes.
• Students study less during the first
year of college than they expected to at the start of the academic year.
• Women are less likely than men to
interact with faculty members outside of class including doing research with
a faculty member.
• Distance education students are less
involved in active and collaborative learning.
• Adult learners were much lesslikely
to have participated in such enriching educational activities as community
service, foreign language study, a culminating senior experience, research
with faculty,and co-curricular activities.
• Compared with other students,
part-time students who are working had less contact with facultyand
participated less in active and collaborative learning activities and
enriching educational experiences.
Some additional 2006 NSSE findings
• Distance education studentsreported higher levels of
academic challenge, and reported engaging more often in deep learning
activities such as the reflective learning activities. They also reported
participating less in collaborative learning experiences and worked more
hours off campus.
• Women students are more likely to be engaged in foreign
language coursework.
• Male students spent more time engaged in working with
classmates on projects outside of class.
• Almost half (46%) of adult students were working more than
30 hours per week and about three-fourths were caring for dependents. In
contrast, only 3% of traditional age students worked more than 30 hours per
week, and about four fifths spend no time caring for dependents.
Bob Jensen's threads on higher education controversies are at
Online Versus Onsite for Students
"Students prefer online courses: Classes popular with on-campus
students," CNN, January 13, 2006 ---
At least 2.3 million people took some kind of
online course in 2004, according to a recent survey by The Sloan Consortium,
an online education group, and two-thirds of colleges offering
"face-to-face" courses also offer online ones. But what were once two
distinct types of classes are looking more and more alike -- and often
dipping into the same pool of students.
At some schools, online courses -- originally
intended for nontraditional students living far from campus -- have proved
surprisingly popular with on-campus students. A recent study by South
Dakota's Board of Regents found 42 percent of the students enrolled in its
distance-education courses weren't so distant: they were located on campus
at the university that was hosting the online course.
Numbers vary depending on the policies of
particular colleges, but other schools also have students mixing and
matching online and "face-to-face" credits. Motives range from lifestyle to
accommodating a job schedule to getting into high-demand courses.
Classes pose challenges Washington State University
had about 325 on-campus undergraduates taking one or more distance courses
last year. As many as 9,000 students took both distance and in-person
classes at Arizona State Univesity last year.
"Business is really about providing options to
their customers, and that's really what we want to do," said Sheila Aaker,
extended services coordinator at Black Hills State.
Still, the trend poses something of a dilemma for
They are reluctant to fill slots intended for
distance students with on-campus ones who are just too lazy to get up for
class. On the other hand, if they insist the online courses are just as
good, it's hard to tell students they can't take them. And with the student
population rising and pressing many colleges for space, they may have little
In practice, the policy is often shaded. Florida
State University tightened on-campus access to online courses several years
ago when it discovered some on-campus students hacking into the system to
register for them. Now it requires students to get an adviser's permission
to take an online class.
Online, in-person classes blending Many schools,
like Washington State and Arizona State, let individual departments and
academic units decide who can take an online course. They say students with
legitimate academic needs -- a conflict with another class, a course they
need to graduate that is full -- often get permission, though they still
must take some key classes in person.
In fact, the distinction between online and
face-to-face courses is blurring rapidly. Many if not most traditional
classes now use online components -- message boards, chat rooms, electronic
filing of papers. Students can increasingly "attend" lectures by downloading
a video or a podcast.
At Arizona State, 11,000 students take fully online
courses and 40,000 use the online course management system, which is used by
many "traditional" classes. Administrators say the distinction between
online and traditional is now so meaningless it may not even be reflected in
next fall's course catalogue.
Arizone State's director of distance learning, Marc
Van Horne, says students are increasingly demanding both high-tech delivery
of education, and more control over their schedules. The university should
do what it can to help them graduate on time, he says.
"Is that a worthwhile goal for us to pursue? I'd
say 'absolutely,"' Van Horne said. "Is it strictly speaking the mission of a
distance learning unit? Not really."
Then there's the question of whether students are
well served by taking a course online instead of in-person. Some teachers
are wary, saying showing up to class teaches discipline, and that lectures
and class discussions are an important part of learning.
But online classes aren't necessarily easier.
Two-thirds of schools responding to a recent survey by The Sloan Consortium
agreed that it takes more discipline for students to succeed in an online
course than in a face-to-face one.
"It's a little harder to get motivated," said
Washington State senior Joel Gragg, who took two classes online last year
(including "the psychology of motivation"). But, he said, lectures can be
overrated -- he was still able to meet with the professor in person when he
had questions -- and class discussions are actually better online than in a
college classroom, with a diverse group exchanging thoughtful postings.
"There's young people, there's old people, there's
moms, professional people," he said. "You really learn a lot more."
Bob Jensen's threads on distance education and training alternatives are
The 2006 National Survey of Student Engagement, released November 13,
2006, for the first time offers a close look at distance education, offering
provocative new data suggesting that e-learners report higher levels of
engagement, satisfaction and academic challenge than their on-campus peers ---
"The Engaged E-Learner," by Elizabeth Redden, Inside Higher Ed,
November 13, 2006 ---
The 2006
National Survey of Student Engagement, released
today, for the first time offers a close look at distance education,
offering provocative new data suggesting that e-learners report higher
levels of engagement, satisfaction and academic challenge than their
on-campus peers.
Beyond the numbers, however, what institutions
choose to do with the data promises to attract extra attention to this
year’s report.
NSSE is one of the few standardized measures of
academic outcomes that most officials across a wide range of higher
education institutions agree offers something of value.Yet NSSE does not
release institution-specific data, leaving it to colleges to choose whether
to publicize their numbers.
Colleges are under mounting pressure, however, to
show in concrete, measurable ways that they are successfully educating
students, fueled in part by the recent release of the
report from the
Secretary of Education’s Commission on the Future of Higher Education,
which emphasizes the need for the development of
comparable measures of student learning. In the commission’s report and in
college-led efforts to heed the commission’s call,
NSSE has been embraced as one way to do that. In this climate, will a
greater number of colleges embrace transparency and release their results?
Anywhere between one-quarter and one-third of the
institutions participating in NSSE choose to release some data, said George
Kuh, NSSE’s director and a professor of higher education at Indiana
University at Bloomington. But that number includes not only those
institutions that release all of the data, but also those that pick and
choose the statistics they’d like to share.
In the “Looking Ahead” section that concluded the
2006 report, the authors note that NSSE can “contribute to the higher
education improvement and accountability agenda,” teaming with institutions
to experiment with appropriate ways to publicize their NSSE data and
developing common templates for colleges to use. The report cautions that
the data released for accountability purposes should be accompanied by other
indicators of student success, including persistence and graduation rates,
degree/certificate completion rates and measurements of post-college
“Has this become a kind of a watershed moment when
everybody’s reporting? No. But I think what will happen as a result of the
Commission on the Future of Higher Ed, Secretary (Margaret) Spelling’s
workgroup, is that there is now more interest in figuring out how to do
this,” Kuh said.
Charles Miller, chairman of the Spellings
commission, said he understands that NSSE’s pledge not to release
institutional data has encouraged colleges to participate — helping the
survey, first introduced in 1999, get off the ground and gain wide
acceptance. But Miller said he thinks that at this point, any college that
chooses to participate in NSSE should make its data public.
“Ultimately, the duty of the colleges that take
public funds is to make that kind of data public. It’s not a secret that the
people in the academy ought to have. What’s the purpose of it if it’s just
for the academy? What about the people who want to get the most for their
Participating public colleges are already obliged
to provide the data upon request, but Miller said private institutions,
which also rely heavily on public financial aid funds, should share that
Kuh said that some colleges’ reluctance to
publicize the data stems from a number of factors, the primary reason being
that they are not satisfied with the results and feel they might reflect
poorly on the institution.
In addition, some college officials fear that the
information, if publicized, may be misused, even conflated to create a
rankings system. Furthermore, sharing the data would represent a shift in
the cultural paradigm at some institutions used to keeping sensitive data to
themselves, Kuh said.
“The great thing about NSSE and other measures like
it is that it comes so close to the core of what colleges and universities
are about — teaching and learning. This is some of the most sensitive
information that we have about colleges and universities,” Kuh said.
But Miller said the fact that the data get right to
the heart of the matter is precisely why it should be publicized. “It
measures what students get while they’re at school, right? If it does that,
what’s the fear of publishing it?” Miller asked. “If someone would say,
‘It’s too hard to interpret,’ then that’s an insult to the public.” And if
colleges are afraid of what their numbers would suggest, they shouldn’t
participate in NSSE at all, Miller said.
However, Douglas Bennett, president of Earlham
College in Indiana and chair of NSSE’s National Advisory Board, affirmed
NSSE’s commitment to opening survey participation to all institutions
without imposing any pressure that they should make their institutional
results public. “As chair of the NSSE board, we believe strongly that
institutions own their own data and what they do with it is up to them.
There are a variety of considerations institutions are going to take into
account as to whether or not they share their NSSE data,” Bennett said.
However, as president of Earlham, which releases
all of its NSSE data and even releases its accreditation reports, Bennett
said he thinks colleges, even private institutions, have a professional and
moral obligation to demonstrate their effectiveness in response to
accountability demands — through NSSE or another means a college might deem
This Year’s Survey
The 2006 NSSE survey, which is based on data from
260,000 randomly-selected first-year and senior students at 523 four-year
institutions(NSSE’s companion survey, the
Community College Survey of
Student Engagement, focuses on two-year colleges)
looks much more deeply than previous iterations of the survey did into the
performance of online students.
Distance learning students outperform or perform on
par with on-campus students on measures including level of academic
challenge; student-faculty interaction; enriching educational experiences;
and higher-order, integrative and reflective learning; and gains in
practical competence, personal and social development, and general
education. They demonstrate lower levels of engagement when it comes to
active and collaborative learning.
Karen Miller, a professor of education at the
University of Louisville who studies online learning, said the results
showing higher or equal levels of engagement among distance learning
students make sense: “If you imagine yourself as an undergraduate in a
fairly large class, you can sit in that class and feign engagement. You can
nod and make eye contact; your mind can be a million miles away. But when
you’re online, you’ve got to respond, you’ve got to key in your comments on
the discussion board, you’ve got to take part in the group activities.
Plus, Miller added, typing is a more complex
psycho-motor skill than speaking, requiring extra reflection. “You see what
you have said, right in front of your eyes, and if you realize it’s kind of
half-baked you can go back and correct it before you post it.”
Also, said Kuh, most of the distance learners
surveyed were over the age of 25. “Seventy percent of them are adult
learners. These folks are more focused; they’re better able to manage their
time and so forth,” said Kuh, who added that many of the concerns
surrounding distance education focus on traditional-aged students who may
not have mastered their time management skills.
Among other results from the 2006 NSSE survey:
- Those students who come to college less
well-prepared academically or from historically underrepresented groups
tend to benefit from
engagement in educationally purposeful
activities even more than their peers do.
- First-year and senior students spend an
average of about 13 to 14 hours per week preparing for classes, much
less than what faculty members say is needed.
- Student engagement is positively correlated to
grades and persistence between the first and second year of college.
- New students study fewer hours during their
first year than they expected to when starting college.
- First-year students at research universities
are more likely than students at other types of institutions to
participate in a learning community.
- First-year students at liberal arts colleges
participate in class discussions more often and view their faculty more
positively than do students at other institutions.
- Seniors at master’s level colleges and
universities give class presentations and work with their peers on
problems in class more than students at other types of institutions do.
Bob Jensen's threads on distance education and training alternatives
around the world are at
Soaring Popularity of E-Learning Among Students But Not Faculty
How many U.S. students took at least on online course from a legitimate college
in Fall 2005?
More students are taking online college courses than
ever before, yet the majority of faculty still aren’t warming up to the concept
of e-learning, according to a national survey from the country’s largest
association of organizations and institutions focused on online education . . .
‘We didn’t become faculty to sit in front of a computer screen,’
Elia Powers, "Growing Popularity of E-Learning, Inside Higher Ed,
November 10, 2006 ---
More students are taking online college courses
than ever before, yet the majority of faculty still aren’t warming up to the
concept of e-learning, according to a national survey from the country’s
largest association of organizations and institutions focused on online
Roughly 3.2 million students took at least one
online course from a degree-granting institution during the fall 2005 term,
the Sloan Consortium said. That’s double the number who reported doing so in
2002, the first year the group collected data, and more than 800,000 above
the 2004 total. While the number of online course participants has increased
each year, the rate of growth slowed from 2003 to 2004.
The report, a joint partnership between the group
and the College Board, defines online courses as those in which 80 percent
of the content is delivered via the Internet.
The Sloan Survey of Online Learning,
“Making the Grade: Online Education in the United States, 2006,”
shows that 62 percent of chief academic officers say
that the learning outcomes in online education are now “as good as or
superior to face-to-face instruction,” and nearly 6 in 10 agree that
e-learning is “critical to the long-term strategy of their institution.”
Both numbers are up from a year ago.
Researchers at the Sloan Consortium, which is
administered through Babson College and Franklin W. Olin College of
Engineering, received responses from officials at more than 2,200 colleges
and universities across the country. (The report makes few references to
for-profit colleges, a force in the online market, in part because of a lack
of survey responses from those institutions.)
Much of the report is hardly surprising. The bulk
of online students are adult or “nontraditional” learners, and more than 70
percent of those surveyed said online education reaches students not served
by face-to-face programs.
What stands out is the number of faculty who still
don’t see e-learning as a valuable tool. Only about one in four academic
leaders said that their faculty members “accept the value and legitimacy of
online education,” the survey shows. That number has remained steady
throughout the four surveys. Private nonprofit colleges were the least
accepting — about one in five faculty members reported seeing value in the
Elaine Allen, co-author of the report and a Babson
associate professor of statistics and entrepreneurship, said those numbers
are striking.
“As a faculty member, I read that response as, ‘We
didn’t become faculty to sit in front of a computer screen,’ ” Allen said.
“It’s a very hard adjustment. We sat in lectures for an hour when we were
students, but there’s a paradigm shift in how people learn.”
Barbara Macaulay, chief academic officer at UMass
Online, which offers programs through the University of Massachusetts, said
nearly all faculty members teaching the online classes there also teach
face-to-face courses, enabling them to see where an online class could fill
in the gap (for instance, serving a student who is hesitant to speak up in
She said she isn’t surprised to see data
illustrating the growing popularity of online courses with students, because
her program has seen rapid growth in the last year. Roughly 24,000 students
are enrolled in online degree and certificate courses through the university
this fall — a 23 percent increase from a year ago, she said.
“Undergraduates see it as a way to complete their
degrees — it gives them more flexibility,” Macaulay said.
The Sloan report shows that about 80 percent of
students taking online courses are at the undergraduate level. About half
are taking online courses through community colleges and 13 percent through
doctoral and research universities, according to the survey.
Nearly all institutions with total enrollments
exceeding 15,000 students have some online offerings, and about two-thirds
of them have fully online programs, compared with about one in six at the
smallest institutions (those with 1,500 students or fewer), the report
notes. Allen said private nonprofit colleges are often set in enrollment
totals and not looking to expand into the online market.
The report indicates that two-year colleges are particularly willing to be
involved in online learning.
“Our institutions tend to embrace changes a little
more readily and try different pedagogical styles,” said Kent Phillippe, a
senior research associate at the American Association of Community Colleges.
The report cites a few barriers to what it calls the “widespread adoption of
online learning,” chief among them the concern among college officials that
some of their students lack the discipline to succeed in an online setting.
Nearly two-thirds of survey respondents defined that as a barrier.
Allen, the report’s co-author, said she thinks that
issue arises mostly in classes in which work can be turned in at any time
and lectures can be accessed at all hours. “If you are holding class in real
time, there tends to be less attrition,” she said. The report doesn’t
differentiate between the live and non-live online courses, but Allen said
she plans to include that in next year’s edition.
Few survey respondents said acceptance of online
degrees by potential employers was a critical barrier — although liberal
arts college officials were more apt to see it as an issue.
November 10, 2006 reply from John Brozovsky
Hi Bob:
One reason why might be what I have seen. The
in residence accounting students that I talk with take online classes
here because they are EASY and do not take much work. This would be very
popular with students but not generally so with faculty.
November 10, 2006 reply from Bob Jensen
Hi John,
Then there is a quality control problem whereever this is a fact. It
would be a travesty if any respected college had two or more categories of
academic standards or faculty assignments.
Variations in academic standards have long been a problem between
part-time versus full-time faculty, although grade inflation can be higher
or lower among part-time faculty. In one instance, it’s the tenure-track
faculty who give higher grades because they're often more worried about
student evaluations. At the opposite extreme it is part-time faculty who
give higher grades for many reasons that we can think of if we think about
One thing that I'm dead certain about is that highly motivated students
tend to do better in online courses ceteris paribus. Reasons are mainly that
time is used more efficiently in getting to class (no wasted time driving or
walking to class), less wasted time getting teammates together on team
projects, and fewer reasons for missing class.
Also online alternatives offer some key advantages for certain types of
handicapped students ---
My opinions on learning advantages of E-Learning were heavily influenced
by the most extensive and respected study of online versus onsite learning
experiments in the SCALE experiments
using full-time resident students at the University of Illinois ---
In the SCALE experiments cutting across 30 disciplines, it was generally
found that motivated students learned better online then their onsite
counterparts having the same instructors. However, there was no significant
impact on students who got low grades in online versus onsite treatment
I think the main problem with faculty is that online teaching tends to
burn out instructors more frequently than onsite instructors. This was also
evident in the SCALE experiments. When done correctly, online courses are
more communication intent between instructors and faculty. Also, online
learning takes more preparation time if it is done correctly.
My hero for online learning is still Amy Dunbar who
maintains high standards for everything:
Bob Jensen
November 10, 2006 reply from John Brozovsky
Hi Bob:
Also why many times it is not done 'right'. Not
done right they do not get the same education. Students generally do not
complain about getting 'less for their money'. Since we do not do online
classes in department the ones the students are taking are the university
required general education and our students in particular are not unhappy
with being shortchanged in that area as they frequently would have preferred
none anyway.
Bob Jensen's threads on open sharing and education technology are at
Bob Jensen's threads on online training and education alternatives are at
Motivations for Distance Learning ---
Bob Jensen's threads on the dark side of online learning and teaching are
October 5, 2006 message from Carolyn Kotlas
"The ultimate question for educational research is
how to optimize instructional designs and technology to maximize learning
opportunities and achievements in both online and face-to-face
environments." Karl L.Smart and James J. Cappel studied two undergraduate
courses -- an elective course and a required course -- that incorporated
online modules into traditional classes. Their research of students'
impressions and satisfaction with the online portions of the classes
revealed mixed results:
-- "participants in the elective course rated
use of the learning modules slightly positive while students in the
required course rated them slightly negative"
-- "while students identified the use of
simulation as the leading strength of the online units, it was also the
second most commonly mentioned problem of these units"
-- "students simply did not feel that the
amount of time it took to complete the modules was worth what was
The complete paper, "Students' Perceptions of Online Learning: A
2006, pp. 201-19), is available online at
Current and back issues of the Journal of Information Technology
Education (JITE) [ISSN 1539-3585 (online) 1547-9714 (print)] are available
free of charge at
The peer-reviewed journal is published annually by the Informing Science
Institute. For more information contact: Informing Science Institute, 131
Brookhill Court, Santa Rosa, California 95409 USA; tel: 707-531-4925; fax:
I have heard some faculty argue that
asynchronous Internet courses just do not mesh with Trinity's on-campus mission.
The Scale Experiments at the University of Illinois indicate that many students
learn better and prefer online courses even if they are full-time, resident
students. The University of North Texas is finding out the same thing. There may
be some interest in what our competition may be in the future even for
full-time, on-campus students at private as well as public colleges and
On January 17, 2003, Ed Scribner forwarded this article from The Dallas
Morning News
Students Who Live
on Campus Choosing Internet Courses Syndicated From: The Dallas Morning
DALLAS - Jennifer
Pressly could have walked to a nearby lecture hall for her U.S. history class
and sat among 125 students a few mornings a week.
But the 19-year-old
freshman at the University of North Texas preferred rolling out of bed and
attending class in pajamas at her dorm-room desk. Sometimes she would wait
until Saturday afternoon.
The teen from
Rockwall, Texas, took her first college history class online this fall
semester. She never met her professor and knew only one of her 125 classmates:
her roommate.
"I take
convenience over lectures," she said. "I think I would be bored to
death if I took it in lecture."
She's part of a
controversial trend that has surprised many university officials across the
country. Given a choice, many traditional college students living on campus
pick an online course. Most universities began offering courses via the
Internet in the late 1990s to reach a different audience - older students who
commute to campus and are juggling a job and family duties.
During the last year,
UNT began offering an online option for six of its highest-enrollment courses
that are typically taught in a lecture hall with 100 to 500 students. The
online classes, partly offered as a way to free up classroom space in the
growing school, filled up before pre-registration ended, UNT officials said.
At UNT, 2,877 of the about 23,000 undergraduates are taking at least one
course online.
Nationwide, colleges
are reporting similar experiences, said Sally Johnstone, director of WCET, a
Boulder, Colo., cooperative of state higher education boards and universities
that researches distance education. Kansas State University, in a student
survey last spring, discovered that 80 percent of its online students were
full-time and 20 percent were part-time, the opposite of the college's
expectations, Johnstone said.
"Why pretend
these kids want to be in a class all the time? They don't, but kids don't come
to campus to sit in their dorm rooms and do things online exclusively,"
she said. "We're in a transition, and it's a complex one."
The UT Telecampus, a
part of the University of Texas System that serves 15 universities and
research facilities, began offering online undergraduate classes in
state-required courses two years ago. Its studies show that 80 percent of the
2,260 online students live on campus, and the rest commute.
Because they are
restricted to 30 students each, the UT System's online classes are touted as a
more intimate alternative to lecture classes, said Darcy Hardy, director of
the UT Telecampus.
freshman-sophomore students are extremely Internet-savvy and understand more
about online options and availability than we could have ever imagined,"
Hardy said.
Online education
advocates say professors can reach students better online than in lecture
classes because of the frequent use of e-mail and online discussion groups.
Those who oppose the idea say they worry that undergraduates will miss out on
the debate, depth and interaction of traditional classroom instruction.
UNT, like most
colleges, is still trying to figure out the effect on its budget. The
professorial salary costs are the same, but an online course takes more money
to develop. The online students, however, free up classroom space and
eliminate the need for so many new buildings in growing universities. The
price to enroll is typically the same for students, whether they go to a
classroom or sit at their computer.
Mike Campbell, a
history professor at UNT for 36 years, does not want to teach an online class,
nor does he approve of offering undergraduate history via the Internet.
shouldn't be sitting in the dorms doing this rather than walking over
here," he said. "That is based on a misunderstanding of what matters
in history."
In his class of 125,
he asks students rhetorical questions they answer en masse to be sure they're
paying attention, he said. He goes beyond the textbook, discussing such topics
as the moral and legal issues surrounding slavery.
He said he compares
the online classes to the correspondence courses he hated but had to teach
when he came to UNT in 1966. Both methods are too impersonal, he said,
recalling how he mailed assignments and tests to correspondence students.
UNT professors who
teach online say the courses are interactive, unlike correspondence courses.
Matt Pearcy has
lectured 125 students for three hours at a time.
"You'd try to be
entertaining," he said. "You have students who get bored after 45
minutes, no matter what you're doing. They're filling out notes, doing their
to-do list, reading their newspaper in front of you."
In his online U.S.
history class at UNT, students get two weeks to finish each lesson. They read
text, complete click-and-drag exercises, like one that matches terms with
historical figures, and take quizzes. They participate in online discussions
and group projects, using e-mail to communicate.
"Hands-down, I
believe this is a more effective way to teach," said Pearcy, who is based
in St. Paul, Minn. "In this setting, they go to the class when they're
ready to learn. They're interacting, so they're paying attention."
Pressly said she
liked the hands-on work in the online class. She could do crossword puzzles to
reinforce her history lessons. Or she could click an icon and see what Galileo
saw through his telescope in the 17th century.
"I took more
interest in this class than the other ones," she said.
The class, though,
required her to be more disciplined, she said, and that added stress. Two
weeks in a row, she waited till 11:57 p.m. Sunday - three minutes before the
deadline - to turn in her assignment.
Online courses aren't
for everybody.
"The thing about
sitting in my dorm, there's so much to distract me," said Trevor Shive, a
20-year-old freshman at UNT. "There's the Internet. There's TV. There's
He said students on
campus should take classes in the real, not virtual, world.
"They've got
legs; they can walk to class," he said.
Continued in the article at
January 17, 2003 response from John L. Rodi
I would have added
one additional element. Today I think too many of us tend to teach accounting
the way you teach drivers education. Get in the car turn on the key and off
you go. If something goes wrong with the car you a sunk since you nothing
conceptually. Furthermore, it makes you a victim of those who do. Conceptual
accounting education teaches you to respond to choices, that is not only how
to drive but what to drive. Thanks for the wonderful analogy.
John Rodi
El Camino College
January 21 reply
On the subject of
technology and teaching accounting, I wonder how many of you are in the SAP
University Alliance and using it for accounting classes. I just teach advanced
financial accounting, and have not found a use for it there. However, I have
often felt that there is a place for it in intro financial, in managerial and
in AIS. On the latter, there is at least one good text book containing SAP
exercises and problems.
Although there are
over 400 universities in the world in the program, one of the areas where use
is lowest is accounting courses. The limitation appears to be related to a
combination of the learning curve for professors, together with an uncertainty
as to how it can be used to effectively teach conceptual material or otherwise
fit into curricula.
Gerald Trites,
Professor of Accounting and Information Systems
St Francis Xavier University
Antigonish, Nova Scotia
Website -
The SAP University Alliance homepage is
In today's
fast-paced, technically advanced society, universities must master the latest
technologies, not only to achieve their own business objectives
cost-effectively but also to prepare the next generation of business leaders.
To meet the demands for quality teaching, advanced curriculum, and more
technically sophisticated graduates, your university is constantly searching
for innovative ways of acquiring the latest information technology while
adhering to tight budgetary controls.
SAP™ can
help. A world leader in the development of business software, SAP is making
its market-leading, client/server-based enterprise software, the R/3®
System, available to the higher education community. Through our SAP
University Alliance Program, we are proud to offer you the world's most
popular software of its kind for today's businesses. SAP also provides setup,
follow-up consulting, and R/3 training for faculty - all at our expense. The
SAP R/3 System gives you the most advanced software capabilities used by
businesses of all sizes and in all industries around the world.
There are many ways a
university can benefit from an educational alliance with SAP. By partnering
with SAP and implementing the R/3 System, your university can:
- Take advantage
of a powerful cross-functional teaching tool
Because R/3 is a comprehensive, integrated business system with a proven
track record in the real world, it is an excellent tool for teaching
students how a business really works.
- Access advanced
software technology
Sophisticated in both architecture and functionality, R/3 is the world's
most advanced business enterprise software available today. Faculty and
students have the opportunity to stay in the forefront of business
software innovation.
- Enhance
Experience with R/3 is prized by corporate recruiters. Students
well-versed in the principles of management and the uses of R/3 are highly
marketable to SAP, our customers, and partners.
- Attract leading
Prominent educators in business and information technology may find the
university's alliance with SAP attractive in terms of access to research
opportunities, advanced software, and users of R/3.
- Pursue research
Faculty members can pursue research in many areas of business and
information technology.
- Broaden
SAP maintains an extensive network of contacts with leading consulting
firms that work as our partners in implementing R/3. What's more, our
customers are some of the largest and most prestigious corporations around
the world. As an Alliance member, your university can tap into this
network of contacts to broaden your reach into the business community.
- Stay in touch
with industry and product trends
SAP strategic business units work closely with customers, user groups,
industry associations, and leading consulting firms to ensure that we
continue to deliver leading-edge capability. As an Alliance member, your
university can keep abreast of new enterprise computing ideas and trends
through the SAP strategic business units.
January 6, 2006 message from Carolyn Kotlas
No Significant Difference Phenomenon website
The website is a companion piece to Thomas L.
Russell's book THE NO SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCE PHENOMENON, a bibliography of
355 research reports, summaries, and papers that document no significant
differences in student outcomes between alternate modes of education
Despite the growing number of distance learning
programs, faculty are often reluctant to move their courses into the online
medium. In "Addressing Faculty Concerns About Distance Learning" (ONLINE
Jennifer McLean discusses several areas that influence faculty resistance,
including: the perception that technical support and training is lacking,
the fear of being replaced by technology, and the absence of a
clearly-understood institutional vision for distance learning. The paper is
available online at
The Online Journal of Distance Learning
Administration is a free, peer-reviewed quarterly published by the Distance
and Distributed Education Center, The State University of West Georgia, 1600
Maple Street, Carrollton, GA 30118 USA; Web: .
December 10, 2004 message from Carolyn Kotlas []
The University of Calgary Continuing Education
sponsors Best Practices in E-Learning, a website that provides a forum for
anyone working in the field to share their best practices. This month's
presentations include:
-- "To Share or Not To Share: There is No
Question" by Rosina Smith Details a new model for permitting "the
reuse, multipurposing, and repurposing of existing content"
-- "Effective Management of Distributed Online
Educational Content" by Gary Woodill "[R]eviews the history of
online educational content, and argues that the future is in distributed
content learning management systems that can handle a wide diversity of
content types . . . identifies 40 different genres of online educational
content (with links to examples)"
Presentations are in various formats, including
Flash, PDF, HTML, and PowerPoint slides. Registered users can interact with
the presenters and post to various discussion forums on the website. There is
no charge to register and view presentations. You can also subscribe to their
newsletter which announces new presentations each month. (Note: No archive of
past months' presentations appears to be on the website.)
For more information, contact: Rod Corbett, University of Calgary
Continuing Education; tel:403-220-6199 or 866-220-4992 (toll-free); email:
; Web:
"The clear
implication is that online learning is not good enough and needs to prove its
worth before gaining full acceptance in the pantheon of educational practices.
This comparative frame of reference is specious and irrelevant on several
counts . . ." In "Escaping the Comparison Trap: Evaluating Online
Learning on Its Own Terms (INNOVATE, vol. 1, issue 2, December 2004/January
2005), John Sener writes that, rather than being inferior to classroom
instruction, "[m]any online learning practices have demonstrated superior
results or provided access to learning experiences not previously
possible." He describes new evaluation models that are being used to
judge online learning on its own merits. The paper is available online at
You will need to
register on the Innovate website to access the paper; there is no charge for
registration and access.
Innovate [ISSN
1552-3233] is a bimonthly, peer-reviewed online periodical published by the
Fischler School of Education and Human Services at Nova Southeastern
University. The journal focuses on the creative use of information technology
(IT) to enhance educational processes in academic, commercial, and government
settings. Readers can comment on articles, share material with colleagues and
friends, and participate in open forums. For more information, contact James
L. Morrison, Editor-in-Chief, Innovate; email:
; Web:
I read the following for a scheduled program of the 29th Annual Accounting
Education Conference, October 17-18, 2003 Sponsored by the Texas CPA
Society, San Antonio Airport Hilton.
Explore the results
of a study conducted over a four-semester period that focused on the same
graduate level financial accounting course that was taught using web-based
instruction and face-to-face instruction. Discuss the comparison of
student demographics and characteristics, course satisfaction, and comparative
statistics related to learning outcomes.
Doug Rusth/associate
professor/University of Houston at Clear Lake/Clear Lake
Bob Jensen's threads on asynchronous
versus synchronous learning are at
Note in particular the research outcomes of The Scale Experiment at the
University of Illinois ---
Once again, my advice to new faculty
is at
Minimum Grades as a School Policy
Should a student who gets a zero (for not doing anything) or 23% (for doing
something badly) on an assignment, exam, or term paper be automatically (as a
matter of school policy) upgraded to a 60% no matter what proportion the grade
is toward a course's final grade?
Should a student get 60% even if he or she fails to show up for an examination?
Jensen Comment
This could lead to some strategies like "don't spend any time on the term paper
and concentrate on passing the final examination or vice versa."
Such strategies are probably not in the spirit of the course design, especially
when the instructor intended for students to have to write a paper.
"Time to Add Basket Weaving as a Course," by Ben Baker, The Irascible
Professor, June 22, 2008 ---
Bob Jensen's threads on higher education controversies are at
Bob Jensen's threads on assessment are at
Issues in Group
December 6, 2004 message from Glen Gray
When I have students
do group projects, I require each team member complete a peer review form
where the team member evaluates the other team members on 8 attributes using a
scale from 0 to 4. On this form they also give their team members an overall
grade. In a footnote it is explained that an “A” means the team member
receives the full team grade; a “B” means a 10% reduction from the team
grade; a “C” means 20% discount; a “D” means 30% discount; “E”
means 40%, and an “F” means a 100% discount (in other words, the team
member should get a zero).
I assumed that the
form added a little peer pressure to the team work process. In the past,
students were usually pretty kind to each other. But now I have a situation
where the team members on one team have all given either E’s of F’s to one
of their team members. Their written comments about this guy are all pretty
Now, I worried if I
actually enforce the discount scale, things are going to get messy and the
s*** is going to hit the fan. I’m going to have one very upset student. He
is going to be mad at his fellow teammates.
Has anyone had
similar experience? What has the outcome been? Is there a confidentially issue
here? In other words, are the other teammates also going to be upset that I
revealed their evaluations? Is there going to be a lawsuit coming over the
Glen L. Gray, PhD,
Dept. of Accounting & Information Systems
College of Business & Economics
California State University, Northridge
Northridge, CA 91330-8372
Most of the replies to the message
above encouraged being clear at the beginning that team evaluations would affect
the final grade and then sticking to that policy.
December 5, 2004 reply from David Fordham, James Madison University
Glen, the fact that
you are in California, by itself, makes it much more difficult to predict the
lawsuit question. I've seen some lawsuits (and even worse, legal outcomes)
from California that are completely unbelievable... Massachussetts too.
But that said, I can
share my experience that I have indeed given zero points on a group grade to
students where the peer evaluations indicated unsatisfactory performance. My
justification to the students in these "zero" cases has always been,
"it was clear from your peers that you were not part of the group effort,
and thus have not earned the points for the group assignment".
I never divulge any
specific comments, but I do tell the student that I am willing to share the
comments with an impartial arbiter if they wish to have a third party confirm
my evidence. To date, no student has ever contested the decision.
Every other semester
or so, I have to deduct points to some degree for unsatisfactory work as
judged by peers. So far, I've had no problems making it stick, and in most
cases, the affected student willingly admits their deficiency, although
usually with excuses and rationales.
But I'm not in
California, and the legal precedents here are unlike those in your neck of the
If I were on the west
coast, however, I'd probably be likely to at least try to stick to my
principles as far as my university legal counsel would allow. Then, if my
counsel didn't support me, I'd look for employment in a part of the country
with a more reasonable legal environment (although that is getting harder to
find every day).
Good luck,
David Fordham
December 5, 2004 reply from Amy Dunbar
Sometimes groups do
blow up. Last summer I had one group ask me to remove a member. Another group
had a nonfunctioning member, based on the participation scores. I formed an
additional group comprised of just those two. They finally learned how to
work. Needless to say they weren’t happy with me, but the good thing about
teaching is that every semester we get a fresh start!
Another issue came up
for the first time, at least that I noticed. I learned that one group made a
pact to rate each other high all semester long regardless of work level, and I
still am not sure how I am going to avoid that problem next time around. The
agreement came to light when one of the students was upset that he did so
poorly on my exams. He told his senior that he had no incentive to do the
homework because he could just get the answers from the other group members,
and he didn’t have to worry about being graded down because of the
agreement. The student was complaining that the incentive structure I set up
hurt him because he needed more push do the homework. The senior told me after
the class ended. Any suggestions?
ROSE BOWL!!!!!!!!! Go Horns! Oops, that just slipped out.
Amy Dunbar
A Texas alum married to a Texas fanatic
December 6, 2004 reply from Tracey Sutherland
Glen, My first
thought on reading your post was that if things get complicated it could be
useful to have a context for your grading policy that clearly establishes that
it falls within common practice (in accounting and in cooperative college
classrooms in general). Now you've already built some context from within
accounting by gathering some responses here from a number of colleagues for
whom this is a regular practice. Neal's approach can be a useful counterpart
to peer evaluation for triangulation purposes -- sometimes students will
report that they weren't really on-point for one reason or another (I've done
this with good result but only with upper-level grad students). If the issue
becomes more complicated because the student challenges your approach up the
administrative ladder, you could provide additional context for the
consistency of your approach in general by referencing the considerable body
of literature on these issues in the higher education research literature --
you are using a well-established approach that's been frequently tested. A
great resource if you need it is Barbara Millis and Phil Cottell's book
"Cooperative Learning for Higher Education Faculty" published by
Oryx Press (American Council on Education Series on Higher Education). They do
a great job of annotating the major work in the area in a short, accessible,
and concise book that also includes established criteria used for evaluating
group work and some sample forms for peer assessment and self-assessment for
group members (also just a great general resource for well-tested
cooperative/group activities -- and tips for how to manage implementing them).
Phil Cottell is an accounting professor (Miami U.) and would be a great source
of information should you need it.
Your established
grading policy indicates that there would be a reduction of grade when team
members give poor peer evaluations -- which wouldn't necessarily mean that you
would reveal individual's evaluations but that a negative aggregate evaluation
would have an effect -- and that would protect confidentiality consistently
with your policy. It seems an even clearer case because all group members have
given consistently negative evaluations -- as long as it's not some weird
interpersonal thing -- something that sounds like that would be a red flag for
the legal department. I hate it that we so often worry about legal
ramifications . . . but then again it pays to be prepared!
Peace of the
December 6, 2004 reply from Bob Jensen
I once listened to an award winning
AIS professor from a very major university (that after last night won't be
going to the Orange Bowl this year) say that the best policy is to promise
everybody an A in the course. My question then is what the point of the
confidential evaluations would be other than to make the professor feel bad at
the end of the course?
Bob Jensen
Too Good to Grade: How can these
students get into doctoral programs and law school if their prestigious
universities will not disclose grades and class rankings? Why grade at all
in this case?
Students at some top-ranked B-schools have a secret. It's something they
can't share even if it means losing a job offer. It's one some have worked hard
for and should be proud of, but instead they keep it to themselves. The secret
is their grades.
At four of the nation's 10 most elite B-schools --
including Harvard, Stanford, and Chicago -- students have adopted policies that
prohibit them or their schools from disclosing grades to recruiters. The idea is
to reduce competitiveness and eliminate the risk associated with taking
difficult courses. But critics say the only thing nondisclosure reduces is one
of the most important lessons B-schools should teach: accountability (see
BusinessWeek, 9/12/05,
"Join the Real World, MBAs").
It's a debate that's flaring up on B-school campuses
across the country. (For more on this topic, log on to our
B-Schools Forum.) And nowhere is it more
intense than at University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School, where students,
faculty, and administrators have locked horns over a school-initiated proposal
that would effectively end a decade of grade secrecy at BusinessWeek's No.
3-ranked B-school. It wouldn't undo disclosure rules but would recognize the top
25% of each class -- in effect outing everyone else. It was motivated, says
Vice-Dean Anjani Jain in a recent Wharton Journal article, by the "disincentivizing
effects" of grade nondisclosure, which he says faculty blame for lackluster
academic performance and student disengagement.
"Campus Confidential:
Four top-tier B-schools don't disclose grades. Now that policy is under attack,"
Business Week, September 12, 2005 ---
Too Good to Grade: How can these
students get into doctoral programs and law schools if their prestigious
universities will not disclose grades and class rankings? Why grade at all
in this case?
Students at some top-ranked B-schools have a secret. It's something they
can't share even if it means losing a job offer. It's one some have worked hard
for and should be proud of, but instead they keep it to themselves. The secret
is their grades.
At four of the nation's 10 most elite B-schools --
including Harvard, Stanford, and Chicago -- students have adopted policies that
prohibit them or their schools from disclosing grades to recruiters. The idea is
to reduce competitiveness and eliminate the risk associated with taking
difficult courses. But critics say the only thing nondisclosure reduces is one
of the most important lessons B-schools should teach: accountability (see
BusinessWeek, 9/12/05,
"Join the Real World, MBAs").
It's a debate that's flaring up on B-school campuses
across the country. (For more on this topic, log on to our
B-Schools Forum.) And nowhere is it more
intense than at University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School, where students,
faculty, and administrators have locked horns over a school-initiated proposal
that would effectively end a decade of grade secrecy at BusinessWeek's No.
3-ranked B-school. It wouldn't undo disclosure rules but would recognize the top
25% of each class -- in effect outing everyone else. It was motivated, says
Vice-Dean Anjani Jain in a recent Wharton Journal article, by the "disincentivizing
effects" of grade nondisclosure, which he says faculty blame for lackluster
academic performance and student disengagement.
"Campus Confidential:
Four top-tier B-schools don't disclose grades. Now that policy is under attack,"
Business Week, September 12, 2005 ---
Jensen Comment: Talk about moral hazard. What if 90% of the
applicants claim to be straight A graduates at the very top of the class,
and nobody can prove otherwise?
September 2, 2005 message from Denny Beresford
The impression I have (perhaps I'm misinformed) is that most MBA classes
result in nearly all A's and B's to students. If that's the case, I wonder
how much a grade point average really matters.
Denny Beresford
September 2, 2005 reply from Bob Jensen
One of the schools, Stanford,
in the 1970s lived with the Van Horn rule that dictated no more than 15% A
grades in any MBA class. I guess grade inflation has hit the top
business schools. Then again, maybe the students are just better than
we were.
I added the following to my
Tidbit on this:
Talk about moral hazard. What
if 90% of the applicants claim to be straight A graduates at the very top
of the class, and nobody can prove otherwise?
After your message Denny, I
see that perhaps it's not moral hazard. Maybe 90% of the students actually
get A grades in these business schools, in which nearly 90% would graduate
summa cum laude.
What a joke! It must be
nice teaching students who never hammer you on teaching evaluations because
you gave them a C or below.
The crucial quotation is
"faculty blame for lackluster academic performance and student
disengagement." Isn't this a laugh if they all get A and B grades for
"lackluster academic performance and student disengagement."
I think these top schools are
simply catering to their customers!
Bob Jensen
Harvard Business School Eliminates Ban on a Graduate's
Discretionary Disclosure of Grades
The era of the second-year slump at
Harvard Business School is over. Or maybe the days of
student cooperation are over. Despite strong student
opposition, the business school announced Wednesday that it
was ending its ban on sharing grades with potential
employers. Starting with new students who enroll in the
fall, M.B.A. candidates can decide for themselves whether to
share their transcripts. The ban on grade-sharing has been
enormously popular with students since it was adopted in
1998. Supporters say that it discouraged (or at least kept
to a reasonable level) the kind of cut-throat competition
for which business schools are known. With the ban, students
said they were more comfortable helping one another or
taking difficult courses. But a memo sent to students by Jay
O. Light, the acting dean, said that the policy was wrong.
“Fundamentally, I believe it is inappropriate for HBS to
dictate to students what they can and cannot say about their
grades during the recruiting process. I believe you and your
classmates earn your grades and should be accountable for
them, as you will be accountable for your performance in the
organizations you will lead in the future,” he wrote.
Scott Jaschik, "Survival of the Fittest MBA," Inside
Higher Ed, December 16, 2005 ---
Bob Jensen's threads on Controversies in Higher Education are at
Software for faculty and departmental performance evaluation and
May 30, 2006 message from Ed Scribner
A couple of months ago I asked for any experiences
with systems that collect faculty activity and productivity data for
multiple reporting needs (AACSB, local performance evaluation, etc.). I said
I'd get back to the list with a summary of private responses.
No one reported any significant direct experience,
but many AECMers provided names and e-mail addresses of [primarily]
associate deans who had researched products from Sedona and Digital
Measures. Since my associate dean was leading the charge, I just passed
those addresses on to her.
We ended up selecting Digital Measures mainly
because of our local faculty input, the gist of which was that it had a more
professional "feel." My recollection is that the risk of data loss with
either system is acceptable and that the university "owns" the data. I
understand that a grad student is entering our data from the past five years
to get us started.
Ed Scribner
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, NM, USA
Jensen Comment
The Digital Measures homepage is at
Over 100 universities use Digital Measures'
customized solutions to connect administrators, faculty, staff, students,
and alumni. Take a look at a few of the schools and learn more about Digital
Free from the Huron Consulting Group (Registration Required) ---
Effort Reporting Technology for Higher Education ---
Question Mark (Software for Test and
Tutorial Generation and Networking)
- Barron's Home Page
- Metasys Japan Software
- Question Mark America home page
- Using ExamProc for
OMR Exam Marking
- Vizija d.o.o. -
Educational Programs - Wisdom Tools
Yahoo Links
TechKnowLogia ---
is an international online journal that provides policy makers,
strategists, practitioners and technologists at the local, national and
global levels with a strategic forum to:
Explore the vital
role of different information technologies (print, audio, visual
and digital) in the development of human and knowledge capital;
Share policies,
strategies, experiences and tools in harnessing technologies for
knowledge dissemination, effective learning, and efficient
education services;
Review the latest
systems and products of technologies of today, and peek into the
world of tomorrow; and
Exchange information
about resources, knowledge networks and centers of expertise.
- Do
Technologies Enhance Learning?
- Brain
Research, Learning and Technology
- Technologies
at Work for: Critical Thinking, Science Instruction,
Teaching Practices, etc...
- Interactive
TV as an Educational Tool
- Complexity
of Integrating ICTs into Curriculum & Exams
- Use of
Digital Cameras to Enhance Learning
- Creating
Affordable Universal Internet Access
Bob Jensen's threads on education technologies are at
"What's the Best Q&A Site?" by Wade Roush, MIT's
Technology Review, December 22, 2006 ---
Magellan Metasearch ---
Many educators would like to put more materials on
the web, but they are concerned about protecting access to all or parts of
documents. For example, a professor may want to share a case with the world but
limit the accompanying case solution to selected users. Or a professor may want to
make certain lecture notes available but limit the access of certain copyrighted portions
to students in a particular course. If protecting parts of your documents is of
great interest, you may want to consider NetCloak from Maxum at . You can download a free
trial version.
NetCloak Professional Edition
combines the power of Maxum's classic combo, NetCloak and NetForms, into a single CGI
application or WebSTAR API plug-in. With NetCloak Pro, you can use HTML forms on your web
site to create or update your web pages on the fly. Or you can store form data in text
files for importing into spreadsheets or databases off-line. Using NetCloak Pro, you can
easily create online discussion forums, classified ads, chat systems, self-maintaining
home pages, frequently-asked-question lists, or online order forms!
NetCloak Pro also gives your web
site access to e-mail. Users can send e-mail messages via HTML forms, and NetCloak Pro can
create or update web pages whenever an e-mail message is received by any e-mail address.
Imagine providing HTML archives of your favorite mailing lists in minutes!
NetCloak Pro allows users to
"cloak" pages individually or "cloak" individual paragraphs or text
strings. The level of security seems to be much higher than scripted passwords such
as scripted passwords in JavaScript or VBScript.
Eric Press led me to
(Thank you Eric, and thanks for the "two lunches")
Richard Campbell responded as follows:
Alternatives to using Netcloak: 1.
Symantec has a free
utility called Secret which will password-protect any type of file.
2. Winzip has a another shareware
utility called Winzip - Self-Extractor, which has a password protect capability. The
advantage to this approach is that you can bundle different file types (.doc, xls) , zip
them and you can have them automatically install to a folder that you have named. If you
have a shareware install utility that creates a setup.exe routine, you also can have it
install automatically on the student's machine. The price of this product is about $30.
Full Disclosure to Consumers of Higher Education (including assessment
of colleges and the Spellings Commission Report) ---
"Minnesota Colleges Seek Accountability by
the Dashboard Light," by Paul Basken, Chronicle of Higher Education,
June 18, 2008 ---
When your car starts sputtering, it's easy to look
at the dashboard and see if you're running out of gas. What if you could do
the same with your local college?
Minnesota's system of state colleges and
universities believes it can show the way.
After two years of preparation, the 32-college
system unveiled on Tuesday its new Accountability Dashboard. The service is
based on a Web site that displays a series of measures—tuition rates,
graduates' employment rates, condition of facilities—that use
speedometer-type gauges to show exactly how the Minnesota system and each of
its individual colleges is performing.
The idea is in response to the growing demand,
among both policy makers and the public, for colleges to provide more useful
and accessible data about how well they are doing their jobs.
"There's a great call across the country for
accountability and transparency, and I don't think it's going to go away,"
said James H. McCormick, chancellor of the 374,000-student system. "It's
just a new way of doing business."
Shining a Light
The information in the new format was already
publicly available. But its presentation in the dashboard format, along with
comparisons with statewide and national figures as well as the system's own
goals, will put pressure on administrators and faculty members for
improvement, Mr. McCormick and other state education officials told
"The dashboard shines a light on where we need to
improve," said Ruth Grendahl, vice chairman of the Board of Trustees of the
Minnesota State Colleges and Universities.
Among the areas the dashboard already indicates as
needing improvement is the cost of attending Minnesota's state colleges. The
gauges for tuition and fees at all 30 of the system's two-year institutions
show needles pointing to "needs attention," a reflection of the fact that
their costs are higher than those of 80 percent of their peers nationwide.
The dashboard shows the system faring better in
other areas, such as licensure-examination pass rates and degree-completion
rates, in which the average figures are in the "meets expectations" range.
Other measures, like "innovation" and "student engagement," don't yet show
results, as the necessary data are still being collected or the criteria
have not yet been defined.
Tool of Accountability
Many private companies already use dashboard-type
displays in their computer systems to help monitor business performance, but
the data typically serve an internal function rather than being a tool for
public accountability.
The Minnesota dashboard stems in part from the
system's work through the National Association of System Heads, or NASH, on
a project to improve the education of minority and low-income students. The
project is known as Access to Success.
Continued in article
Jensen Comment
Those in my generation might appreciate the fact that this car has a "NASH"
dashboard. The problem is that when a car's dashboard signals troubles such as
oil leaks and overheating, owner's can easily trade in or junk a clunker
automobile. This is not so simple in the politics of state universities.
May 2, 2008 message from Carolyn Kotlas
"Within the academic community there remains a
sizable proportion of sceptics who question the value of some of the tools
and approaches and perhaps an even greater proportion who are unaware of the
full range of technological enhancements in current use. Amongst senior
managers there is a concern that it is often difficult to quantify the
returns achieved on the investment in such technologies. . . . JISC infoNet,
the Association for Learning Technology (ALT) and The Higher Education
Academy were presented with the challenge of trying to make some kind of
sense of the diversity of current e-learning practice across the sector and
to seek out evidence that technology-enhanced learning is delivering
tangible benefits for learners, teachers and institutions."
The summary of the project is presented in the
recently-published report, "Exploring Tangible Benefits of e-Learning: Does
Investment Yield Interest?" Some benefits were hard to measure and quantify,
and the case studies were limited to only sixteen institutions. However,
according to the study, there appears to be "clear evidence" of many good
returns on investment in e-learning. These include improved student pass
rates, improved student retention, and benefits for learners with special
A copy of the report is available at
A two-page briefing paper is available at
JISC infoNet, a service of the Joint Information
Systems Committee, "aims to be the UK's leading advisory service for
managers in the post-compulsory education sector promoting the effective
strategic planning, implementation and management of information and
learning technology." For more information, go to
Association for Learning Technology (ALT), formed
in 1993, is "the leading UK body bringing together practitioners,
researchers, and policy makers in learning technology." For more
information, go to
The mission of The Higher Education Academy, owned
by two UK higher education organizations (Universities UK and GuildHE), is
to "help institutions, discipline groups, and all staff to provide the best
possible learning experience for their students." For more information, go
Bob Jensen's threads on asynchronous learning are at
Also see
Assessment Issues ---
Threads on Costs and Instructor Compensation (somewhat outdated) ---
Bob Jensen's education technology threads are linked at
Guess which parents most strongly object to grade inflation?
Hint: Parents Say Schools Game System, Let Kids Graduate Without Skills
The Bredemeyers represent a new voice in special
education: parents disappointed not because their children are failing, but
because they're passing without learning. These families complain that schools
give their children an easy academic ride through regular-education classes,
undermining a new era of higher expectations for the 14% of U.S. students who
are in special education. Years ago, schools assumed that students with
disabilities would lag behind their non-disabled peers. They often were taught
in separate buildings and left out of standardized testing. But a combination of
two federal laws, adopted a quarter-century apart, have made it national policy
to hold almost all children with disabilities to the same academic standards as
other students.
John Hechinger and Daniel Golden, "Extra Help: When Special Education Goes
Too Easy on Students," The Wall Street Journal, August 21, 2007, Page A1
Bob Jensen's threads on grade inflation are at
Bob Jensen's fraud updates are at
What Internet sites help you compare neighboring K-12 schools?
"Grading Neighborhood Schools: Web Sites Compare A Variety of Data, Looking
Beyond Scores," by Katherine Boehret, The Wall Street Journal, February
20, 2008; Page D6 ---
I performed various school queries
Inc., GreatSchools Inc.'s and by typing in a ZIP Code, city,
district or school name. Overall, GreatSchools and offered the
most content-packed environments, loading their sites with related articles
and offering community feedback on education-related issues by way of blog
posts or surveys. And though GreatSchools is 10 years older than, which made its debut in June, the latter has a broader
variety of content and considers its SchoolFinder feature -- newly available
as of today -- just a small part of the site.
Both and base a good portion of their data on information gathered
by the Department of Education and the National Center for Education
Statistics, the government entity that collects and analyzes data related to
education., a service of
Standard & Poor's, is more bare-bones, containing quick statistical
comparisons of schools. (S&P is a unit of McGraw-Hill Cos.) This site gets
its content from various sources, including state departments of education,
private research firms, the Census and National Public Education Finance
Survey. This is evidenced by lists, charts and pie graphs that would make
Ross Perot proud. I learned about where my alma mater high school got its
district revenue in 2005: 83% was local, 15% was state and 2% was federal.
But I couldn't find district financial information for more recent years on
the site.
All three sites base at least some
school-evaluation results on test scores, a point that some of their users
critique. Parents and teachers, alike, point out that testing doesn't always
paint an accurate picture of a school and can be skewed by various
unacknowledged factors, such as the number of students with disabilities.'s SchoolFinder feature is starting
with roughly 47,000 schools in 10 states: California, Texas, New York,
Florida, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, New Jersey and Georgia. In
about two months, the site hopes to have data for all states, totaling about
60,000 public and charter schools. I was granted early access to
SchoolFinder, but only Michigan was totally finished during my testing.
SchoolFinder lets you narrow your results by type
(public or charter), student-to-teacher ratio, school size or Adequate
Yearly Progress (AYP), a measurement used to determine each school's annual
progress. Search results showed specific details on teachers that I didn't
see on the other sites, such as how many teachers were fully credentialed in
a particular school and the average years of experience held by a school's
The rest of the site contains over
4,000 articles written by well-known education sources like the New York
University Child Study Center, Reading is Fundamental and the Autism Society
of America. It also contains a Web magazine and a rather involved
discussion-board community where members can ask questions of like-minded
parents and the site's experts, who respond with advice and suggestions of
articles that might be helpful.
Private schools aren't required to release test
scores, student or teacher statistics, so none of the sites had as much data
on private schools. However, at least offered basic results
for most private-school queries that I performed, such as a search for
Salesianum School in Delaware (where a friend of mine attended) that
returned the school's address, a list of the Advanced Placement exams it
offered from 2006 to 2007 and six rave reviews from parents and former
students. makes it easy to compare schools,
even without knowing specific names. After finding a school, I was able to
easily compare that school with others in the geographic area or school
district -- using a chart with numerous results on one screen. After
entering my email address, I saved schools to My School List for later
I couldn't find each school's AYP listed on, though these data were on and doesn't provide articles, online
magazines or community forums. Instead, it spits out data -- and lots of it.
A search for "Philadelphia" returned 324 schools in a neat comparison chart
that could, with one click, be sorted by grade level, reading test scores,
math test scores or students per teacher. (The Julia R. Masterman Secondary
School had the best reading and math test scores in Philadelphia, according
to the site.) didn't have nearly as much user
feedback as or But stats like a school's
student demographics, household income distribution and the district's
population age distribution were accessible thanks to colorful pie charts.
These three sites provide a good overall idea of
what certain schools can offer, though seems to have the
richest content in its school comparison section. excels as a
general education site and will be a comfort to parents in search of
reliable advice. Its newly added SchoolFinder, while it's in early stages
now, will only improve this resource for parents and students.
May 2, 2007 message from Carnegie President
A different way to think about ... accountability
Alex McCormick's timely essay brings to our attention one of the most
intriguing paradoxes associated with high-stakes measurement of educational
outcomes. The more importance we place on going public with the results of
an assessment, the higher the likelihood that the assessment itself will
become corrupted, undermined and ultimately of limited value. Some policy
scholars refer to the phenomenon as a variant of "Campbell's Law," named for
the late Donald Campbell, an esteemed social psychologist and methodologist.
Campbell stated his principle in 1976: "The more any quantitative social
indicator is used for social decisionmaking, the more subject it will be to
corruption pressures and the more apt it will be to distort and corrupt the
social processes it is intended to monitor."
In the specific case of the Spellings Commission
report, Alex points out that the Secretary's insistence that information be
made public on the qualities of higher education institutions will place
ever higher stakes on the underlying measurements, and that very visibility
will attenuate their effectiveness as accountability indices. How are we to
balance the public's right to know with an institution's need for the most
reliable and valid information? Alex McCormick's analysis offers us another
way to think about the issue.
Carnegie has created a forum—Carnegie
Conversations—where you can engage publicly with the author and read and
respond to what others have to say about this article at .
Or you may respond to Alex privately through .
If you would like to unsubscribe to Carnegie
Perspectives, use the same address and merely type "unsubscribe" in the
subject line of your email to us.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Lee S. Shulman
President The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
Jensen Comment
The fact that an assessment provides incentives to cheat is not a reason to not
assess. The fact that we assign grades to students gives them incentives to
cheat. That does not justify ceasing to assess, because the assessment process
is in many instances the major incentive for a student to work harder and learn
more. The fact that business firms have to be audited and produce financial
statements provides incentives to cheat. That does not justify not holding
business firms accountable. Alex McCormick's analysis and Shulman's concurrence
is a bit one-sided in opposing the Spellings Commission recommendations.
Also see Full Disclosure to Consumers of Higher Education at
School Assessment and College Admission Testing
July 25, 2006 query from Carol Flowers
I am looking for a study that I saw. I was unsure
if someone in this group had supplied the link, originally. It was a very
honest and extremely comprehensive evaluation of higher education. In it,
Higher Education Evaluation and Research Group was
constantly quoted. But, what organizations it is affiliated with, I am
They commented on the lack of student academic
preparedness in our educational system today along with other challenging
areas that need to be addressed inorder to serve the population with which
we now deal.
If anyone remembers such a report, please forward
to me the url.
Thank You!
July 25, 2006 reply from Bob Jensen
Hi Carol,
I think the HEERG is
affiliated with the Chancellor's Office of the California Community
Colleges. It is primarily focused upon accountability and assessment of
these colleges.
Articles related to your query include the
Leopards in the Temple ---
Accountability, Improvement and Money ---
Grade Inflation and Abdication ---
Students Read Less. Should We Care? ---
Missing the Mark: Graduation Rates and University
Performance ---
Assessment of Learning Achievements of College Graduates
"Getting the Faculty On Board," by Freeman A. Hrabowski III, Inside Higher
Ed, June 23, 2006 ---
But as assessment becomes a national imperative,
college and university leaders face a major challenge: Many of our faculty
colleagues are skeptical about the value of external mandates to measure
teaching and learning, especially when those outside the academy propose to
define the measures. Many faculty members do not accept the need for
accountability, but the assessment movement’s success will depend upon
faculty because they are responsible for curriculum, instruction and
research. All of us — policy makers, administrators and faculty — must work
together to develop language, strategies and practices that help us
appreciate one another and understand the compelling need for assessment —
and why it is in the best interest of faculty and students.
Why is assessment important? We know from the work
of researchers like Richard Hersh, Roger Benjamin, Mark Chun and George Kuh
that college enrollment will be increasing by more than 15 percent
nationally over the next 15 years (and in some states by as much as 50
percent). We also know that student retention rates are low, especially
among students of color and low-income students. Moreover, of every 10
children who start 9th grade, only seven finish high school, five start
college, and fewer than three complete postsecondary degrees. And there is a
20 percent gap in graduation rates between African Americans (42 percent)
and whites (62 percent). These numbers are of particular concern given the
rising higher education costs, the nation’s shifting demographics, and the
need to educate more citizens from all groups.
At present, we do not collect data on student
learning in a systematic fashion and rankings on colleges and universities
focus on input measures, rather than on student learning in the college
setting. Many people who have thought about this issue agree: We need to
focus on “value added” assessment as an approach to determine the extent to
which a university education helps students develop knowledge and skills.
This approach entails comparing what students know at the beginning of their
education and what they know upon graduating. Such assessment is especially
useful when large numbers of students are not doing well — it can and should
send a signal to faculty about the need to look carefully at the “big
picture” involving coursework, teaching, and the level of support provided
to students and faculty.
Many in the academy, however, continue to resist
systematic and mandated assessment in large part because of problems they
see with K-12 initiatives like No Child Left Behind — e.g., testing that
focuses only on what can be conveniently measured, unacceptable coaching by
teachers, and limiting what is taught to what is tested. Many academics
believe that what is most valuable in the college experience cannot be
measured during the college years because some of the most important effects
of a college education only become clearer some time after graduation.
Nevertheless, more institutions are beginning to understand that value-added
assessment can be useful in strengthening teaching and learning, and even
student retention and graduation rates.
It is encouraging that a number of institutions are
interested in implementing value-added assessment as an approach to evaluate
student progress over time and to see how they compare with other
institutions. Such strategies are more effective when faculty and staff
across the institution are involved. Examples of some best practices include
the following:
- Constantly talking with colleagues about both
the challenges and successful initiatives involving undergraduate
- Replicating successful initiatives (best
practices from within and beyond the campus), in order to benefit as
many students as possible.
- Working continuously to improve learning based
on what is measured — from advising practices and curricular issues to
teaching strategies — and making changes based on what we learn from
those assessments.
- Creating accountability by ensuring that
individuals and groups take responsibility for different aspects of
student success.
- Recruiting and rewarding faculty who are
committed to successful student learning (including examining the
institutional reward structure).
- Taking the long view by focusing on
initiatives over extended periods of time — in order to integrate best
practices into the campus culture.
We in the academy need to think broadly about
assessment. Most important, are we preparing our students to succeed in a
world that will be dramatically different from the one we live in today?
Will they be able to think critically about the issues they will face,
working with people from all over the globe? It is understandable that
others, particularly outside the university, are asking how we demonstrate
that our students are prepared to handle these issues.
Assessment is becoming a national imperative, and
it requires us to listen to external groups and address the issues they are
raising. At the same time, we need to encourage and facilitate discussions
among our faculty — those most responsible for curriculum, instruction, and
research — to grapple with the questions of assessment and accountability.
We must work together to minimize the growing tension among groups — both
outside and inside the university — so that we appreciate and understand
different points of view and the compelling need for assessment.
Bob Jensen's threads on controversies in higher education are at
NCLB = No Child Left Behind Law
A September 2007 Thomas B. Fordham Institute report
found NCLB's assessment system "slipshod" and characterized by "standards that
are discrepant state to state, subject to subject, and grade to grade." For
example, third graders scoring at the sixth percentile on Colorado's state
reading test are rated proficient. In South Carolina the third grade proficiency
cut-off is the sixtieth percentile.
Peter Berger, "Some Will Be Left
Behind," The Irascible Professor, November 10, 2007 ---
"This is Only a Test," by Peter Berger, The Irascible
Professor, December 5, 2005 ---
Back in 2002 President Bush predicted "great
progress" once schools began administering the annual testing regime
mandated by No Child Left Behind. Secretary of Education Rod Paige echoed
the President's sentiments. According to Mr. Paige, anyone who opposed NCLB
testing was guilty of "dismissing certain children" as "unteachable."
Unfortunately for Mr. Paige, that same week The New
York Times documented "recent" scoring errors that had "affected millions of
students" in "at least twenty states." The Times report offered a pretty
good alternate reason for opposing NCLB testing. Actually, it offered
several million pretty good alternate reasons.
Here are a few more.
There's nothing wrong with assessing what students
have learned. It lets parents, colleges, and employers know how our kids are
doing, and it lets teachers know which areas need more teaching. That's why
I give quizzes and tests and one of the reasons my students write essays.
Of course, everybody who's been to school knows
that some teachers are tougher graders than others. Traditional standardized
testing, from the Iowa achievement battery to the SATs, was supposed to help
us gauge the value of one teacher's A compared to another's. It provided a
tool with which we could compare students from different schools.
This works fine as long as we recognize that all
tests have limitations. For example, for years my students took a nationwide
standardized social studies test that required them to identify the
President who gave us the New Deal. The problem was the seventh graders who
took the test hadn't studied U.S. history since the fifth grade, and FDR
usually isn't the focus of American history classes for ten-year-olds. He
also doesn't get mentioned in my eighth grade U.S. history class until May,
about a month after eighth graders took the test.
In other words, wrong answers about the New Deal
only meant we hadn't gotten there yet. That's not how it showed up in our
testing profile, though. When there aren't a lot of questions, getting one
wrong can make a surprisingly big difference in the statistical soup.
Multiply our FDR glitch by the thousands of
curricula assessed by nationwide testing. Then try pinpointing which schools
are succeeding and failing based on the scores those tests produce. That's
what No Child Left Behind pretends to do.
Testing fans will tell you that cutting edge
assessments have eliminated inconsistencies like my New Deal hiccup by
"aligning" the tests with new state of the art learning objectives and grade
level expectations. The trouble is these newly minted goals are often
hopelessly vague, arbitrarily narrow, or so unrealistic that they're pretty
meaningless. That's when they're not obvious and the same as they always
New objectives also don't solve the timing problem.
For example, I don't teach poetry to my seventh grade English students.
That's because I know that their eighth grade English teacher does an
especially good job with it the following year, which means that by the time
they leave our school, they've learned about poetry. After all, does it
matter whether they learn to interpret metaphors when they're thirteen or
they're fourteen as long as they learn it?
Should we change our program, which matches our
staff's expertise, just to suit the test's arbitrary timing? If we don't,
our seventh graders might not make NCLB "adequate yearly progress." If we
do, our students likely won't learn as much.
Which should matter more?
Even if we could perfectly match curricula and test
questions, modern assessments would still have problems. That's because most
are scored according to guidelines called rubrics. Rubric scoring requires
hastily trained scorers, who typically aren't teachers or even college
graduates, to determine whether a student's essay "rambles" or "meanders."
Believe it or not, that choice represents a twenty-five percent variation in
the score. Or how about distinguishing between "appropriate sentence
patterns" and "effective sentence structure," or language that's "precise
and engaging" versus "fluent and original."
These are the flip-a-coin judgments at the heart of
most modern assessments. Remember that the next time you read about which
schools passed and which ones failed.
Unreliable scoring is one reason the General
Accountability Office condemned data "comparisons between states" as
"meaningless." It's why CTB/McGraw-Hill had to recall and rescore 120,000
Connecticut writing tests after the scores were released. It's why New York
officials discarded the scores from its 2003 Regents math exam. A 2001
Brookings Institution study found that "fifty to eighty percent of the
improvement in a school's average test scores from one year to the next was
temporary" and "had nothing to do with long-term changes in learning or
productivity." A senior RAND analyst warned that today's tests aren't
identifying "good schools" and "bad schools." Instead, "we're picking out
lucky and unlucky schools."
Students aren't the only victims of faulty scoring.
Last year the Educational Testing Service conceded that more than ten
percent of the candidates taking its 2003-2004 nationwide Praxis teacher
licensing exam incorrectly received failing scores, which resulted in many
of them not getting jobs. ETS attributed the errors to the "variability of
human grading."
The New England Common Assessment Program,
administered for NCLB purposes to all students in Vermont, Rhode Island, and
New Hampshire, offers a representative glimpse of the cutting edge. NECAP is
heir to all the standard problems with standardized test design, rubrics,
and dubiously qualified scorers.
NECAP security is tight. Tests are locked up, all
scrap paper is returned to headquarters for shredding, and testing scripts
and procedures are painstakingly uniform. Except on the mathematics exam,
each school gets to choose if its students can use calculators.
Whether or not you approve of calculators on math
tests, how can you talk with a straight face about a "standardized" math
assessment if some students get to use them and others don't? Still more
ridiculous, there's no box to check to show whether you used one or not, so
the scoring results don't even differentiate between students and schools
that did and didn't.
Finally, guess how NECAP officials are figuring out
students' scores. They're asking classroom teachers. Five weeks into the
year, before we've even handed out a report card to kids we've just met,
we're supposed to determine each student's "level of proficiency" on a
twelve point scale. Our ratings, which rest on distinguishing with allegedly
statistical accuracy between "extensive gaps," "gaps," and "minor gaps," are
a "critical piece" and "key part of the NECAP standard setting process."
Let's review. Because classroom teachers' grading
standards aren't consistent enough from one school to the next, we need a
standardized testing program. To score the standardized testing program,
every teacher has to estimate within eight percentage points how much their
students know so test officials can figure out what their scores are worth
and who passed and who failed.
If that makes sense to you, you've got a promising
future in education assessment. Unfortunately, our schools and students
"College Board Asks Group Not to Post Test Analysis," by Diana Jean
Schemol, The New York Times, December 4, 2004 ---
The College Board, which owns the SAT college
entrance exam, is demanding that a nonprofit group critical of standardized
tests remove from its Web site data that breaks down scores by race, income
and sex.
The demand, in a letter to The National Center for
Fair and Open Testing, also known as FairTest, accuses the group of infringing
on the College Board's copyright.
"Unfortunately, your misuse overtly bypasses our
ownership and significantly impacts the perceptions of students, parents and
educators regarding the services we provide," the letter said.
The move by the College Board comes amid growing
criticism of the exams, with more and more colleges and universities raising
questions about their usefulness as a gauge of future performance and
discarding them as requirements for admission. The College Board is
overhauling parts of the exam and will be using a new version beginning in
FairTest has led opposition to the exams, and
releases the results to support its accusation of bias in the tests, a claim
rejected by test makers, who contend the scores reflect true disparities in
student achievement. FairTest posts the information in easily accessible
charts, and Robert A. Schaeffer, its spokesman, said they were the Web site's
most popular features.
In its response to the College Board letter, which
FairTest posted on its Web site on Tuesday, the group said it would neither
take down the data nor seek formal permission to use it. FairTest has been
publicly showing the data for nearly 20 years, Mr. Schaeffer said, until now
without objection from the testing company, which itself releases the data in
annual reports it posts on its Web site.
"You can't copyright numbers like that,"
Mr. Schaeffer said. "It's all about public education and making the
public aware of score gaps and the potential for bias in the exams."
Devereux Chatillon, a specialist on copyright law at
Sonnenschein, Nath & Rosenthal in New York, said case law supported
FairTest's position. "Facts are not copyrightable," Ms. Chatillon
said. In addition, she said, while the College Board may own the exam, the
real authors of the test results are those taking the exams.
Continued in article
2004 Senior Test Scores: ACT ---
2004 Senior Test Scores: SAT ---
Fair Test Reacts to the SAT Outcomes ---
Fair Test Home ---
Jensen Comment:
If there is to be a test that sets apart students that demonstrate higher
ability, motivation, and aptitude for college studies, how would it differ from
the present Princeton tests that have been designed and re-designed over and
over again? I cannot find any Fair Test models of what such a test would
look like. One would assume that by its very name Fair Test still agrees
that some test is necessary. However, the group's position seems to
be that no national test is feasible that will give the same means and standard
deviations for all groups (males, females, and race categories). Fair Test
advocates "assessments based on students' actual performances, not
one-shot, high-stakes exams."
Texas has such a Fair Test system in place for admission to any state
university. The President of the University of Texas, however, wants the
system to be modified since his top-rated institution is losing all of its
admission discretion and may soon be overwhelmed with more admissions than can
be seated in classrooms. My module on this issue, which was a special
feature on 60 Minutes from CBS, is at
The problem with performance-based systems (such as the requirement that any
state university in Texas must accept any graduate in the top 10% of the
graduating class from any Texas high school) is that high schools in the U.S.
generally follow the same grading scale as Harvard University. Most
classes give over half the students A grades. Some teachers give A grades
just for attendance or effort apart from performance. This means that when
it comes to isolating the top 10% of each graduating class, we're talking in
terms of Epsilon differences. I hardly think Epsilon is a fair criterion
for admission to college. Also, as was pointed out on 60 Minutes,
students with 3.9 grade averages from some high schools tend to score much lower
than students with 3.0 grade averages from other high schools. This might
achieve better racial mix but hardly seems fair to the 3.0 student who was
unfortunate enough to live near a high school having a higher proportion of top
students. That was the theme
of the 60 Minutes CBS special contrasting a 3.9 low SAT student who got
into UT versus a 3.0 student who had a high SAT but was denied admission to UT.
What we really need is to put more resources into fair chances for those who
test poorly or happen to fall Epsilon below that hallowed 10% cut off. in a
performance-based system. This may entail more time and remedial effort on
the part of students before or after entering college.
Mount Holyoke Dumps the SAT
Mount Holyoke College, which decided in 2001 to make
the SAT optional, is finding very little difference in academic performance
between students who provided their test scores and those who didn't. The
women's liberal arts college is in the midst of one of the most extensive
studies to date about the impact of dropping the SAT -- a research project
financed with $290,000 from the Mellon Foundation. While the study isn't
complete, the college is releasing some preliminary results. So far, Mount
Holyoke has found that there is a difference of 0.1 point in the grade-point
average of those who do and do not submit SAT scores. That is equivalent to
approximately one letter grade in one course over a year of study. Those
results are encouraging to Mount Holyoke officials about their decision in 2001.
Scott Jaschik, "Not Missing the SAT," Inside Higher Ed March 9, 2005
Jensen Comment:
These results differ from the experiences of the University of Texas system
where grades and test scores differ greatly between secondary
schools. Perhaps Mount Holyoke is not getting applications from
students in the poorer school districts. See
Dangers of Self Assessment
My undergraduate students can’t accurately predict
their academic performance or skill levels. Earlier in the semester, a writing
assignment on study styles revealed that 14 percent of my undergraduate English
composition students considered themselves “overachievers.” Not one of those
students was receiving an A in my course by midterm. Fifty percent were
receiving a C, another third was receiving B’s and the remainder had earned
failing grades by midterm. One student wrote, “overachievers like myself began a
long time ago.” She received a 70 percent on her first paper and a low C at
Shari Wilson, "Ignorant of Their
Ignorance," Inside Higher Ed, November 16, 2006 ---
Jensen comment
This does not bode well for self assessment.
Do middle-school students understand how well they actually learn?
Given national mandates to ‘leave no child behind,’
grade-school students are expected to learn an enormous amount of course
material in a limited amount of time. “Students have too much to learn, so it’s
important they learn efficiently,” says Dr. John Dunlosky, Kent State professor
of psychology and associate editor of Journal of Experimental Psychology:
Learning, Memory and Cognition. Today, students are expected to understand and
remember difficult concepts relevant to state achievement tests. However, a
major challenge is the student’s ability to judge his own learning. “Students
are extremely over confident about what they’re learning,” says Dunlosky.
Dunlosky and his colleague, Dr. Katherine Rawson, Kent State assistant professor
of psychology, study metacomprehension, or the ability to judge your own
comprehension and learning of text materials. Funded by the U.S. Department of
Education, their research primarily focuses on fifth, seventh and eighth graders
as well as college-aged students, and how improving metacomprehension can, in
turn, improve students’ self-regulated learning.
PhysOrg, November 26, 2007 ---
AICPA Educational Competency Assessment for
Accounting Students
Competency Assessment (ECA) Web Site ---
The AICPA recently won a National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE)
Excellence Award for Educational Programming for developing this ECA site to
help accounting educators integrate the skill-based competencies needed by
entry-level accounting professionals.
The AICPA provides this resource to help educators
integrate the skills-based competencies needed by entry-level accounting
professionals. These competencies, defined within the AICPA Core Competency
Framework Project, have been derived from academic and professional competency
models and have been widely endorsed within the academic community. Created by
educators for educators, the evaluation and educational strategies resources
on this site are offered for your use and adaptation.
The ECA site contains a LIBRARY that, in addition to
the Core Competency Database and Education Strategies, provides information
and guidance on Evaluating Competency Coverage and Assessing Student
To assist you as you assess student performance and
evaluate competency coverage in your courses and programs, the ECA ORGANIZERS
guide you through the process of gathering, compiling and analyzing evidence
and data so that you may document your activities and progress in addressing
the AICPA Core Competencies.
Online Education Effectiveness and Testing
Learning Effectiveness in Corporate Universities
group of colleges that serve adult students on Monday
formally announced their effort
to measure and report their effectiveness, focusing on outcomes in specific
programs. The initiative known as “Transparency by Design,
on which Inside Higher Ed reported earlier,
has grown to include a mix of 10 nonprofit and for-profit institutions: Capella
University, Charter Oak State College, Excelsior College, Fielding Graduate
University, Franklin University, Kaplan University, Regis University, Rio Salado
College, Western Governors University, and Union Institute & University.
Inside Higher Ed, October 23, 2007 ---
"Keeping an Eye on Online Students," by Andrea L. Foster, Chronicle of
Higher Education, July 21, 2008 ---
Technology vendors are eager to sell college
officials hardware and software designed to verify the identify of online
students—and thereby prevent cheating. A free article in The Chronicle
describes some of the technologies that colleges are trying out to make
certain that the person taking an online exam is, in fact, the student
enrolled in the course. The technologies include Web cameras that watch
students taking tests and scanners that capture students’ fingerprints.
A provision in a bill reauthorizing the Higher
Education Act is fueling much of the interest in this issue. A paper
released in February by the Western Interstate Commission for Higher
Education says the provision—while not onerous to most distance-learning
providers—could “drive up the cost of these important education programs.”
And some online institutions fear that the
provision would require them to have their students travel to distant
locations to take proctored exams on paper. The result? Some states would
conclude that the institutions have a “physical presence” in their states,
and would subject the institutions to “a whole new set of state
regulations,” says John F. Ebersole, president of Excelsior College.
"Keeping an Eye on Online Students," by Andrea L. Foster, Chronicle of
Higher Education, July 21, 2008 ---
Technology vendors are eager to sell college
officials hardware and software designed to verify the identify of online
students—and thereby prevent cheating. A free article in The Chronicle
describes some of the technologies that colleges are trying out to make
certain that the person taking an online exam is, in fact, the student
enrolled in the course. The technologies include Web cameras that watch
students taking tests and scanners that capture students’ fingerprints.
A provision in a bill reauthorizing the Higher
Education Act is fueling much of the interest in this issue. A paper
released in February by the Western Interstate Commission for Higher
Education says the provision—while not onerous to most distance-learning
providers—could “drive up the cost of these important education programs.”
And some online institutions fear that the
provision would require them to have their students travel to distant
locations to take proctored exams on paper. The result? Some states would
conclude that the institutions have a “physical presence” in their states,
and would subject the institutions to “a whole new set of state
regulations,” says John F. Ebersole, president of Excelsior College.
What are some of the features of UserView from TechSmith for evaluating student
Some of the reviews of the revised “free” Sound Recorder in Windows Vista are
negative. It’s good to learn that Richard Campbell is having a good experience
with it when recording audio and when translating the audio into text files ---
For those of you on older systems as well as Vista there is a free recorder
called Audacity that I like ---
I really like Audacity. There are some Wiki tutorials at
Some video tutorials are linked at
I have some dated threads on speech recognition at Mac users can find options
In addition, I like Camtasia (recording screen shots and camera video) and
Dubit (for recording audio and editing audio) from TechSmith ---
TechSmith products are very good, but they are not free downloads.
UserView ---
TechSmith has a newer product called UserView that really sounds exciting,
although I’ve not yet tried it. It allows you to view and record what is
happening on someone else’s computer like a student’s computer. Multiple
computers can be viewed at the same time. Images and text can be recorded.
Pop-up comments can be inserted by the instructor to text written by students.
UserView can be used for remote testing!
Userview offers great hope for teaching disabled students such as sight
and/or hearing impaired students ---
"Ways to prevent cheating on online exams," by Gail E. Krovitz,
eCollege Newsletter, Vol 8, Issue 6 November 15, 2007 ---
- Write
every exam as if it is open book. As much as we try to
convince ourselves otherwise, we need to assume that students
use resources on their exams (the book, Internet search engines
and so on) and write our exams accordingly. Are all of our
questions asking for information that can be gathered quickly
from the textbook or from a simple Internet search? Then we
should re-think our questions (see following guideline).
Open-book exams have the potential to test higher level thinking
skills, instead of just memorizing facts. Unfortunately, scores
on open-book exams are often lower, as students don’t take exam
preparation as seriously when they know they can use their book,
so training in open-book exam-taking skills would be helpful
- Write
effective multiple-choice exam questions. Because it is
so easy to use prohibited materials during online exams, it is
foolish to design tests that simply test factual information
that is easily looked up. Although it is difficult to do, online
exams are most effective when they test higher order thinking
skills (application, synthesis and evaluation) and ask questions
that cannot be answered by glancing at the book or a quick
internet search. See Christe, Dewey and Rohrer for more
information about developing quality multiple-choice questions.
- Set
tight time limits per question. Even with open book
exams (and especially for ones that are not open book), it is
important to give a tight time frame for the test, so students
will not have time to look up each question in the book. The
time limit chosen will obviously vary depending on subject
matter, type of questions asked, etc. For strict fact recall,
instructors might start by giving a total time based on allowing
60- 90 seconds per question and then adjusting as necessary
based on their student body. More time would need to be given
for higher-level thinking questions or for those involving
- Use
large question pools to offer different, randomly-selected
questions to each student. See “Tip: getting the most
out of exam question pools” for a good description of using
question pools in the eCollege system. The question pools must
be large enough to minimize overlap of questions between tests.
Rowe provides a chart comparing the average number of questions
in common for two students with different question pool sizes
and different numbers of questions drawn from the pool. For
example, 5 questions drawn from a pool of 10 questions results
in 2.5 questions in common between two students, while 5
questions drawn from a pool of 25 questions results in only 1
question in common between two students. You can consult the
mathematical formula or go with common sense: a larger question
pool is better for reducing the likelihood that students will
get the same questions.
Manually create different versions of the exam with the same
general question pools, but with scrambled answers for each
question. For example, in one version of the exam, the
correct answer could be B, while the answer choices are
scrambled in the other version so the correct answer is D. You
could use the Group function to assign half of the class to one
exam, and the other half the class to the other one. Cizek cites
research showing that scrambling questions and answer choices
does reduce cheating, while simply changing the order of the
same questions does not reduce cheating. In fact, in a study of
student’s perceived effectiveness of cheating prevention
strategies, having scrambled test forms was the number one
factor perceived by students to prevent cheating (Cizek).
- Assign
a greater number of smaller tests instead of one or two large
ones. This reduces the incentive to cheat, as each test
isn’t as likely to make or break a student’s grade; the pressure
of the midterm and final-only structure in some classes is a
strong incentive to cheat on those exams. Also, this increases
the logistical difficulties of cheating if a student is relying
on someone else to help them or to take the test for them.
- Provide
a clear policy for what happens if students cheat… and enforce
it! There are many important things instructors can do
from this perspective, such as discussing what constitutes
cheating, the importance of academic honesty, any honor codes in
place, what measures will be in place to prevent and detect
cheating and the punishments for cheating. If students perceive
that the instructor does not care about cheating, then incidents
of both spontaneous and planned cheating increase (Cizek).
Students know that most cheaters don’t get caught and that
punishments aren’t harsh for those who do get caught (Kleiner
and Lord). Research has found that punishment for cheating is
one of the main deterrents to cheating (Kleiner and Lord).
- Set the
exam Gradebook Review Date for after the exam has closed.
The Gradebook Review Date is when the students can access their
graded exam in the Gradebook. If this date is set before the end
of the exam, students who take the exam early could access their
exam in the Gradebook (and usually the correct answers as well)
and distribute the questions to students who would take the exam
- Revise
tests every term. Sooner or later exam questions are
likely to get out into the student world and get distributed
between students. This is especially possible when students view
their graded exams in the Gradebook, as they have all the time
in the world to copy or print their questions (usually with the
correct answers provided). Periodic changes to the test bank can
help minimize the impact of this. Minor changes such as
rewording the questions and changing the order of answers
(especially if different versions with scrambled answers are not
used) can help extend the useful life of a test bank.
- Use
ExamGuardTM if the feature is available at
your school. ExamGuard prohibits the following actions while
students are taking online exams: printing, copying and pasting
anything into or from the assessment, surfing the Web, opening
or using other applications, using Windows system keys functions
or clicking on any other area within the course. Also note that
ExamGuard prohibits students from printing or copying exam
materials while viewing the exam in the Gradebook. If you are
interested in learning more about ExamGuard, please contact your
Account Executive or Client Services Consultant.
- Give
proctored exams in a traditional classroom. While this
is not an option for many online courses, it is a route that
some schools take, especially if they largely serve a local
population. With proctored exams, instructors feel more in
control of the testing environment and more able to combat
cheating in a familiar classroom setting (or at least to have
cheating levels on par with those seen in a traditional exam
setting). In a study on cheating in math or fact-based courses,
Trenholm concludes that proctoring is “the single greatest tool
we presently have to uphold the integrity of the educational
process in instruction in online MFB (math or fact based)
courses” (p. 297). Also, Cizek showed that attentive proctoring
reduced cheating directly and by giving the impression that
academic integrity is valued.
December 1, 2007 reply from Charles Wankel
Thanks Bob for sharing.
Some of the points seem to fall back to
face-to-face course ideas but others were very helpful. I found the emphasis
on higher order thinking skills (application, synthesis and evaluation) to
be a great one. I am going to try to work on putting synthesis into my
students’ assignments and projects.
Charlie Wankel
St. John’s University,
New York
December 1, 2007 reply from David Raggay
Please be so kind as to refer me to the specific
article or articles wherein I can find a discussion on “higher order
thinking skills (application, synthesis and evaluation)”
David Raggay,
IFRS Consultants,
Trinidad and Tobago
December 1, 2007 reply from Bob Jensen
Hi David,
There are several tacks to take on this question. Charlie provides some
key words (see above).
I prefer to think of higher order metacognition ---
For specific examples in accounting education see
One of the main ideas is to make students do their own discovery learning.
Blood, sweat, and tears are the best teachers.
Much of the focus in metacognitive learning is how to examine/discover
what students have learned on their own and how to control cheating when
assessing discovery and concept learning ---
Higher order learning attempts to make students think more conceptually.
In particular, note the following quotation from Bob Kennelly at
We studied whether instructional material that connects accounting
concept discussions with sample case applications through hypertext links
would enable students to better understand how concepts are to be applied to
practical case situations.
Results from a laboratory experiment indicated that students who learned
from such hypertext-enriched instructional material were better able to
apply concepts to new accounting cases than those who learned from
instructional material that contained identical content but lacked the
concept-case application hyperlinks.
Results also indicated that the learning benefits of concept-case
application hyperlinks in instructional material were greater when the
hyperlinks were self-generated by the students rather than inherited from
instructors, but only when students had generated appropriate links.
Along broader lines we might think of it in terms of self-organizing of
atomic-level knowledge ---
Issues are still in great dispute on the issues of over 80 suggested
“learning styles” ---
Assessment and control of
cheating are still huge problems.
Bob Jensen
December 2, 2007 reply from Henry Collier
G’day Bob …
I’m not sure whether David is asking for the Bloom citation or not. I do not
disagree with your post in any way, but wonder if David is looking for the
‘start’ of the art/science. I have also suggested that he may want to look
at Bob Gagne’s approach to the same issues. Perhaps William Graves Perry’s
1970 book could / would also be useful.
regards from spring time in New South Wales where the roses in my garden are
blooming and very pretty.
New Technology for Proctoring Distance Education Examinations
"Proctor 2.0," by Elia Powers, Inside Higher Ed, June 2, 2006 ---
Bob Jensen's threads on online versus onsite assessment are at
Bob Jensen's threads on cheating are at
Accounting Professors in Support of Online Testing That, Among Other
Things, Reduces Cheating
These same professors became widely known for their advocacy of self-learning in
place of lecturing
"In Support of the E-Test," by Elia Powers, Inside Higher Ed, August
29, 2007 ---
of testing through the computer often argue that it’s
difficult to tell if students are doing their own work. It’s
also unclear to some professors whether using the technology
is worth their while.
A new study makes the argument that giving
electronic tests can actually reduce cheating and save
faculty time.
Catanach Jr. and Noah Barsky, both associate professors of
accounting at the Villanova School of Business, came to that
conclusion after speaking with faculty members and analyzing
the responses of more than 100 students at Villanova and
Philadelphia University. Both Catanach and Barsky teach a
course called Principles of Managerial Accounting that
utilizes the WebCT Vista e-learning platform. The professors
also surveyed undergraduates at Philadelphia who took tests
Villanova course follows a pattern of Monday lecture,
Wednesday case assignment, Friday assessment. The first two
days require in-person attendance, while students can check
in Friday from wherever they are.
“It never
used to make sense to me why at business schools you have
Friday classes,” Catanach said. “As an instructor it’s
frustrating because 30 percent of the class won’t show up,
so you have to redo material. We said, how can we make that
day not lose its effectiveness?”
The answer,
he and Barsky determined, was to make all electronically
submitted group work due on Fridays and have that be
electronic quiz day. That’s where academic integrity came
into play. Since the professors weren’t requiring students
to be present to take the exams, they wanted to deter
cheating. Catanach said programs like the one he uses
mitigate the effectiveness of looking up answers or
consulting friends.
electronic form, questions are given to students in random
order so that copying is difficult. Professors can change
variables within a problem to make sure that each test is
unique while also ensuring a uniform level of difficulty.
The programs also measure how much time a student spends on
each question, which could signal to an instructor that a
student might have slowed to use outside resources.
Backtracking on questions generally is not permitted.
Catanach said he doesn’t pay much attention to time spent on
individual questions. And since he gives his students a
narrow time limit to finish their electronic quizzes,
consulting outside sources would only lead students to be
rushed by the end of the exam, he added.
percent of students who took part in the study reported that
the electronic testing system reduced the likelihood of
their cheating during the course.
Satris, director of the Center for Academic Integrity at
Clemson University, said he applauds the use of technology
to deter academic dishonesty. Students who take these
courses might think twice about copying or plagiarizing on
other exams, he said.
“It’s good
to see this program working,” Satris said. “It does an end
run around cheating.”
The report
also makes the case that both faculty and students save time
with e-testing. Catanach is up front about the initial time
investment: For instructors to make best use of the testing
programs, they need to create a “bank” of exam questions and
code them by topic, learning objectives and level of
difficulty. That way, the program knows how to distribute
questions. (He said instructors should budget roughly 10
extra hours per week during the course for this task.)
The payoff,
he said, comes later in the term. In the study, professors
reported recouping an average of 80 hours by using the
e-exams. Faculty don’t have to hand-grade tests (that often
being a deterrent for the Friday test, Catanach notes), and
graduate students or administrative staff can help prepare
the test banks, the report points out.
Since tests
are taken from afar, class time can be used for other
purposes. Students are less likely to ask about test results
during sessions, the study says, because the computer
program gives them immediate results and points to pages
where they can find out why their answers were incorrect.
Satris said this type of system likely dissuades students
from grade groveling, because the explanations are all there
on the computer. He said it also make sense in other ways.
“I like that
professors can truly say, ‘I don’t know what’s going to be
on the test. There’s a question bank; it’s out of my
control,’ ” he said.
And then
there’s the common argument about administrative efficiency:
An institution can keep a permanent electronic record of its
results showed that Villanova students, who Catanach said
were more likely to have their own laptop computers and be
familiar with e-technology, responded better to the
electronic testing system than did students at Philadelphia,
who weren’t as tech savvy. Both Catanach and Satris said the
e-testing programs are not likely to excite English and
philosophy professors, whose disciplines call for essay
questions rather than computer-graded content.
From a
testing perspective, Catanach said the programs can be most
helpful for faculty with large classes who need to save time
on grading. That’s why the programs have proven popular at
community colleges in some of the larger states, he said.
“It works
for almost anyone who wants to have periodic assessment,” he
said. “How much does the midterm and final motivate students
to keep up with material? It doesn’t. It motivates cramming.
This is a tool to help students keep up with the material.”
August 29, 2007 reply from Stokes, Len
I am also a strong proponent of active learning
strategies. I have the luxury of a small class size. Usually fewer than 30
so I can adapt my classes to student interaction and can have periodic
assessment opportunities as it fits the flow of materials rather than the
calendar. I still think a push toward smaller classes with more faculty face
time is better than computer tests. One lecture and one case day does not
mean active learning. It is better than no case days but it is still a
lecture day. I don’t have real lecture days every day involves some
interactive material from the students.
While I admit I can’t pick up all trends in grading
the tests, but I do pick up a lot of things so I have tendency to have a
high proportion of essays and small problems. I then try to address common
errors in class and also can look at my approach to teaching the material.
Bob Jensen attempts to make a case that self learning is more effective
for metacognitive reasons ---
This document features the research of Tony Catanach, David Croll, Bob
Grinaker, and Noah
Bob Jensen's threads on the myths of online education are at
Barbara gave me permission to post the following message on March 15, 2006
My reply follows her message.
Professor Jensen:
I need your help in working with regulators who are
uncomfortable with online education.
I am currently on the faculty at the University of
Dallas in Irving, Texas and I abruptly learned yesterday that the Texas
State Board of Public Accountancy distinguishes online and on campus
offering of ethics courses that it approves as counting for students to meet
CPA candidacy requirements. Since my school offers its ethics course in both
modes, I am suddenly faced with making a case to the TSBPA in one week's
time to avoid rejection of the online version of the University of Dallas
I have included in this email the "story" as I
understand it that explains my situation. It isn't a story about accounting
or ethics, it is a story about online education.
I would like to talk to you tomorrow because of
your expertise in distance education and involvement in the profession. In
addition, I am building a portfolio of materials this week for the Board
meeting in Austin March 22-23 to make a case for their approval (or at least
not rejection) of the online version of the ethics course that the Board
already accepts in its on campus version. I want to include compelling
research-based material demonstrating the value of online learning, and I
don't have time to begin that literature survey myself. In addition, I want
to be able to present preliminary results from reviewers of the University
of Dallas course about the course's merit in presentation of the content in
an online delivery.
Thank you for any assistance that you can give me.
Barbara W. Scofield
Associate Professor of Accounting
University of Dallas
1845 E Northgate Irving, TX 75062
A statement of the University of Dallas and Texas
State Board of Public Accountancy and Online Learning
The TSBPA approved the University of Dallas ethics
program in 2004. The course that was approved was a long-standing course,
required in several different graduate programs, called Business Ethics. The
course was regularly taught on campus (since 1995) and online (since 2001).
The application for approval of the ethics course
did not ask for information about whether the class was on campus or online
and the syllabus that was submitted happened to be the syllabus of an on
campus section. The TSBPA's position (via Donna Hiller) is that the Board
intended to approve only the on campus version of the course, and that the
Board inferred it was an on campus course because the sample syllabus that
was submitted was an on campus course.
Therefore the TSBPA (via Donna Hiller) is requiring
that University of Dallas students who took the online version of the ethics
course retake the exact same course in its on campus format. While the TSBPA
(via Donna Hiller) has indicated that the online course cannot at this time
be approved and its scheduled offering in the summer will not provide
students with an approved course, Donna Hiller, at my request, has indicated
that she will take this issue to the Board for their decision next week at
the Executive Board Meeting on March 22 and the Board Meeting on March 23.
There are two issues:
1. Treatment of students who were relying on
communication from the Board at the time they took the class that could
reasonably have been interpreted to confer approval of both the online and
on campus sections of the ethics course.
2. Status of the upcoming summer online ethics
My priority is establishing the status of the
upcoming summer online ethics class. The Board has indicated through its
pilot program with the University of Texas at Dallas that there is a place
for online ethics classes in the preparation of CPA candidates. The
University of Dallas is interested in providing the TSBPA with any
information or assessment necessary to meet the needs of the Board to
understand the online ethics class at the University of Dallas. Although not
currently privy to the Board specific concerns about online courses, the
University of Dallas believes that it can demonstrate sufficient credibility
for the course because of the following factors:
A. The content of the online course is the same as
the on campus course. Content comparison can be provided. B. The
instructional methods of the online course involve intense
student-to-student, instructor-to-student, and student-to-content
interaction at a level equivalent to an on campus course. Empirical
information about interaction in the course can be provided.
C. The instructor for the course is superbly
qualified and a long-standing ethics instructor and distance learning
instructor. The vita of the instructor can be provided.
D. There are processes for course assessment in
place that regularly prompt the review of this course and these assessments
can be provided to the board along with comparisons with the on campus
E. The University of Dallas will seek to coordinate
with the work done by the University of Texas at Dallas to provide
information at least equivalent to that provided by the University of Texas
at Dallas and to meet at a minimum the tentative criteria for online
learning that UT Dallas has been empowered to recommend to the TSBPA.
Contact with the University of Texas at Dallas has been initiated.
When the online ethics course is granted a path to
approval by the Board, I am also interested in addressing the issue of TSBPA
approval of students who took the class between the original ethics course
approval date and March 13, 2006, the date that the University of Dallas
became aware of the TSBPA intent (through Donna Hiller) that the TSBPA
distinguished online and on campus ethics classes.
The University of Dallas believes that the online
class in fact provided these students with a course that completely
fulfilled the general intent of the Board for education in ethics, since it
is the same course as the approved on campus course (see above). The
decision on the extent of commitment of the Board to students who relied on
the Board's approval letter may be a legal issue of some sort that is
outside of the current decision-making of the Board, but I want the Board
take the opportunity to consider that the reasonableness of the students'
position and the students' actual preparation in ethics suggest that there
should also be a path created to approval of online ethics courses taken at
the University of Dallas during this prior time period. The currently
proposed remedy of a requirement for students to retake the very same course
on campus that students have already taken online appears excessively costly
to Texans and the profession of accounting by delaying the entry of
otherwise qualified individuals into public accountancy. High cost is
justified when the concomitant benefits are also high. However, the benefit
to Texans and the accounting profession from students who retake the ethics
course seems to exist only in meeting the requirements of regulations that
all parties diligently sought to meet in the first place and not in
producing any actual additional learning experiences.
A reply to her from Bob Jensen
May I
share your questions and my responses in the next edition of New
Bookmarks? This might be helpful to your efforts when others become
informed. I will be in my office every day except for March 17. My phone
number is 210-999-7347. However, I can probably be more helpful via
discouraging as it may seem, if students know what is expected of them
and must demonstrate what they have learned, pedagogy does not seem to
matter. It can be online or onsite. It can be lecture or cases. It can
be no teaching at all if there are talented and motivated students who
are given great learning materials. This is called the well-known “No
Significant Difference” phenomenon ---
I think
you should stress that insisting upon onsite courses is discriminatory
against potential students whose life circumstances make it difficult or
impossible to attend regular classes on campus.
I think
you should make the case that online education is just like onsite
education in the sense that learning depends on the quality and
motivations of the students, faculty, and university that sets the
employment and curriculum standards for quality. The issue is not onsite
versus online. The issue is quality of effort.
The most
prestigious schools like Harvard and Stanford and Notre Dame have a
large number of credit and non-credit courses online. Entire accounting
undergraduate and graduate degree programs are available online from
such quality schools as the University of Wisconsin and the University
of Maryland. See my guide to online training and education programs is
My main
introductory document on the future of distance education is at
Anticipate and deal with the main arguments against online education.
The typical argument is that onsite students have more learning
interactions with themselves and with the instructor. This is absolutely
false if the distance education course is designed to promote online
interactions that do a better job of getting into each others’ heads.
Online courses become superior to onsite courses.
Dunbar teaches intensely interactive online courses with Instant
Messaging. See Dunbar, A. 2004. “Genesis of an Online Course.” Issues in
Accounting Education (2004),19 (3):321-343.
This paper presents a descriptive and evaluative analysis of the
transformation of a face-to-face graduate tax accounting course to an
online course. One hundred fifteen students completed the compressed
six-week class in 2001 and 2002 using WebCT, classroom environment
software that facilitates the creation of web-based educational
environments. The paper provides a description of the required
technology tools and the class conduct. The students used a combination
of asynchronous and synchronous learning methods that allowed them to
complete the coursework on a self-determined schedule, subject to
semi-weekly quiz constraints. The course material was presented in
content pages with links to Excel® problems, Flash examples, audio and
video files, and self-tests. Students worked the quizzes and then met in
their groups in a chat room to resolve differences in answers. Student
surveys indicated satisfaction with the learning methods.
I might
add that Amy is a veteran world class instructor both onsite and online.
She’s achieved all-university awards for onsite teaching in at least
three major universities. This gives her the credentials to judge how
well her online courses compare with her outstanding onsite courses.
A free
audio download of a presentation by Amy Dunbar is available at
argument that students cannot be properly assessed for learning online
is more problematic. Clearly it is easier to prevent cheating with
onsite examinations. But there are ways of dealing with this problem.
My best example of an online graduate program that is extremely
difficult is the Chartered Accountant School of Business (CASB) masters
program for all of Western Canada. Students are required to take some
onsite testing even though this is an online degree program. And CASB
does a great job with ethics online. I was engaged to formally assess
this program and came away extremely impressed. My main contact there is
Don Carter . If you are really serious about this, I would
invite Don to come down and make a presentation to the Board. Don will
convince them of the superiority of online education.
You can
read some about the CASB degree program at
You can
read more about assessment issues at
I think a
lot of the argument against distance education comes from faculty
fearful of one day having to teach online. First there is the fear of
change. Second there is the genuine fear that is entirely justified ---
if online teaching is done well it is more work and strain than onsite
teaching. The strain comes from increased hours of communication with
each and every student.
the most general argument in favor of onsite education is that students
living on campus have the social interactions and maturity development
outside of class. This is most certainly a valid argument. However, when
it comes to issues of learning of course content, online education can
be as good as or generally better than onsite classes. Students in
online programs are often older and more mature such that the on-campus
advantages decline in their situations. Online students generally have
more life, love, and work experiences already under their belts. And
besides, you’re only talking about ethics courses rather than an entire
undergraduate or graduate education.
I think
if you deal with the learning interaction and assessment issues that you
can make a strong case for distance education. There are some “dark
side” arguments that you should probably avoid. But if you care to read
about them, go to
Bob Jensen
March 15,
2006 reply from Bruce Lubich
Bob, as a director and teacher in a graduate
accounting program that is exclusively online, I want to thank you for your
support and eloquent defense of online education. Unfortunately, Texas's
predisposition against online teaching also shows up in its education
requirements for sitting for the CPA exam. Of the 30 required upper division
accounting credits, at least 15 must "result from physical attendance at
classes meeting regularly on the campus" (quote from the Texas State Board
of Public Accountancy website at
Cynically speaking, it seems the state of Texas
wants to be sure its classrooms are occupied.
Barbara, best of luck with your testimony.
Bruce Lubich
Program Director,
Accounting Graduate School of Management and Technology
University of Maryland University College
March 15, 2006 reply from David Albrecht
At my school, Bowling Green, student credits for
on-line accounting majors classes are never approved by the department
chair. He says that you can't trust the schools that are offering these.
When told that some very reputable schools are offering the courses, he
still says no because when the testing process is done on-line or not in the
physical presence of the professor the grades simply can't be trusted.
David Albrecht
March 16, 2006 reply from Bob Jensen
Hi David,
One tack against a luddites like that is to propose a compromise that
virtually accepts all transfer credits from AACSB-accredited universities.
It's difficult to argue that standards vary between online and onsite
courses in a given program accredited by the AACSB. I seriously doubt that
the faculty in that program would allow a double academic standard.
In fact, on transcripts it is often impossible to distinguish online from
onsite credits from a respected universities, especially when the same
course is offered online and onsite (i.e., merely in different sections).
You might explain to your department chair that he's probably been
accepting online transfer credits for some time. The University of North
Texas and other major universities now offer online courses to full-time
resident students who live on campus. Some students and instructors find
this to be a better approach to learning.
And you ask him why Bowling Green's assessment rigor is not widely known
to be vastly superior to online courses from nearly all major universities
that now offer distance education courses and even total degree programs,
including schools like the Fuqua Graduate School at Duke, Stanford
University (especially computer science and engineering online courses that
bring in over $100 million per year), the University of Maryland, the
University of Wisconsin, the University of Texas, Texas Tech, and even,
gasp, The Ohio State University.
You might tell your department chair that by not offering some online
alternatives, Bowling Green is not getting the most out of its students. The
University of Illinois conducted a major study that found that students
performed better in online versus onsite courses when matched pair sections
took the same examinations.
And then you might top it off by asking your department chair how he
justifies denying credit for Bowling Green's own distance education courses
The following is a quotation from the above Bowling Green site:
The advancement of computer technology has
provided a wealth of new opportunities for learning. Distance education
is one example of technology’s ability to expand our horizons and gain
from new experiences. BGSU offers many distance education courses and
two baccalaureate degree completion programs online.
The Advanced Technological Education Degree
Program is designed for individuals who have completed a two-year
applied associate’s degree. The Bachelor of Liberal Studies Degree
Program is ideal for students with previous college credit who would
like flexibility in course selection while completing a liberal
education program.
Distance Education Courses and Programs ---
Bob Jensen
March 16, 2006 reply from Amy Dunbar
Count me in the camp that just isn't that concerned
about online cheating. Perhaps that is because my students are graduate
students and my online exams are open-book, timed exams, and a different
version is presented to each student (much like a driver's license exam). In
my end-of-semester survey, I ask whether students are concerned about
cheating, and on occasion, I get one who is. But generally the response is
The UConn accounting department was just reviewed
by the AACSB, and they were impressed by our MSA online program. They
commented that they now believed that an online MSA program was possible. I
am convinced that the people who are opposed to online education are
unwilling to invest the time to see how online education is implemented.
Sure there will be bad examples, but there are bad examples of face to face
(FTF) teaching. How many profs do you know who simply read powerpoint slides
to a sleeping class?! Last semester, I received the School of Business
graduate teaching award even though I teach only online classes. I believe
that the factor that really matters is that the students know you care about
whether they are learning. A prof who cares interacts with students. You can
do that online as well as FTF.
Do I miss FTF teaching -- you bet I do. But once I
focused on what the student really needs to learn, I realized, much to my
dismay, interacting FTF with Dunbar was not a necessary condition.
Amy Dunbar
March 16, 2006 message from Carol Flowers
To resolve this issue and make me
more comfortable with the grade a student earns, I have all my online exams
proctored. I schedule weekends (placing them in the schedule of classes) and
it is mandatory that they take the exams during this weekend period
(Fir/Sat) at our computing center. It is my policy that if they can't take
the paced exams during those periods, then the class is not one that they
can participate in. This is no different from having different times that
courses are offered. They have to make a choice in that situation, also, as
to which time will best serve their needs.
March 16, 2006 reply from David Fordham, James Madison
Our model is similar to Carol Flowers. Our on-line
MBA program requires an in-person meeting for four hours at the beginning of
every semester, to let the students and professor get to know each other
personally, followed by the distance-ed portion, concluding with another
four-hour in- person session for the final examination or other assessment.
The students all congregate at the Sheraton at Dulles airport, have dinner
together Friday night, spend Saturday morning taking the final for their
previous class, and spend Saturday afternoon being introduced to their next
class. They do this between every semester. So far, the on- line group has
outperformed (very slightly, and not statistically significant due to small
sample sizes) the face-to-face counterparts being used as our control
groups. We believe the outperformance might have an inherent self- selection
bias since the distance-learners are usually professionals, whereas many of
our face-to-face students are full-time students and generally a bit younger
and more immature.
My personal on-line course consists of exactly the
same readings as my F2F class, and exactly the same lectures (recorded using
Tegrity) provided on CD and watched asynchronously, followed by on-line
synchronous discussion sessions (2-3 hours per week) where I call on random
students asking questions about the readings, lectures, etc., and engaging
in lively discussion. I prepare some interesting cases and application
dilemmas (mostly adapted from real world scenarios) and introduce dilemmas,
gray areas, controversy (you expected maybe peace and quiet from David
Fordham?!), and other thought-provoking issues for discussion. I have almost
perfect attendance in the on-line synchronous because the students really
find the discussions engaging. Surprisingly, I have no problem with
freeloaders who don't read or watch the recorded lectures. My major student
assessment vehicle is an individual policy manual, supplemented by the
in-person exam. Since each student's manual organization, layout, approach,
and perspective is so very different from the others, cheating is almost out
of the question. And the in-person exam is conducted almost like the CISP or
old CPA exams... total quiet, no talking, no leaving the room, nothing but a
pencil, etc.
And finally, no, you can't tell the difference on
our student's transcript as to whether they took the on-line or in-person
MBA. They look identical on the transcript.
We've not yet had any problem with anyone
"rejecting" our credential that I'm aware of.
Regarding our own acceptance of transfer credit, we
make the student provide evidence of the quality of each course (not the
degree) before we exempt or accept credit. We do not distinguish between
on-line or F2F -- nor do we automatically accept a course based on
institution reputation. We have on many occasions rejected AACSB- accredited
institution courses (on a course-by-course basis) because our investigation
showed that the course coverage or rigor was not up to the standard we
required. (The only "blanket" exception that we make is for certain familiar
Virginia community college courses in the liberal studies where history has
shown that the college and coursework reliably meets the standards -- every
other course has to be accepted on a course-by-course basis.)
Just our $0.02 worth.
David Fordham
James Madison University
James Koch ---
The relevant public policy question is this---Does
distance learning "work" in the sense that students experience as least as
much success when they utilize distance learning modes as compared to when
they pursue conventional bricks and mortar education? The answer to this
question is a critical in determining whether burgeoning distance learning
programs are cost-effective investments, either for students, or for
Of course, it is difficult to measure the
"learning" in distance learning, not the least because distance learning
courses now span nearly every academic discipline. Hence, most large sample
evaluative studies utilize students’ grades as an imperfect proxy for
learning. That approach is followed in the study reported here, as well.
A recent review of research in distance education
reported that 1,419 articles and abstracts appeared in major distance
education journals and as dissertations during the 1990-1999 period (Berge
and Mrozowski, 2001). More than one hundred of these studies focused upon
various measures of student success (such as grades, subsequent academic
success, and persistence) in distance learning courses. Several asked the
specific question addressed in this paper: Why do some students do better
than others, at least as measured by the grade they receive in their
distance learning course? A profusion of contradictory answers has emanated
from these studies (Berge and Mrozowski, 2001; Machtmes and Asher, 2000). It
is not yet clear how important to individual student success are factors
such as the student’s characteristics (age, ethnic background, gender,
academic background, etc.). However, other than knowing that experienced
faculty are more effective than less experienced faculty (Machtmes and
Asher, 2000), we know even less about how important the characteristics of
distance learning faculty are to student success, particularly where
televised, interactive distance learning is concerned.
Perhaps the only truly strong conclusion emerging
from previous empirical studies of distance learning is the oft cited "no
significant difference" finding (Saba, 2000). Indeed, an entire web site,, exists that reports 355
such "no significant difference" studies. Yet, without quarreling with such
studies, they do not tell us why some students achieve better grades than
others when they utilize distance learning.
Several studies have suggested that student
learning styles and receptivity to distance learning influence student
success (see Taplin and Jegede, 2001, for a short survey). Unfortunately, as
Maushak et. al. (2001) point out, these intuitively sensible findings are
not yet highly useful, because they are not based upon large sample, control
group evidence that relates recognizable student learning styles to student
performance. Studies that rely upon "conversation and discourse analysis"
(Chen and Willits, 1999, provide a representative example) and interviews
with students are helpful, yet are sufficiently anecdotal that they are
unlikely to lead us to scientifically based conclusions about what works and
what does not.
This paper moves us several steps forward in terms
of our knowledge by means of a very large distance education sample (76,866
individual student observations) and an invaluable control group of students
who took the identical course at the same time from the same instructor, but
did so "in person" in a conventional "bricks and mortar" location. The
results indicate that gender, age, ethnic background, distance learning
experience, experience with the institution providing the instruction, and
measures of academic aptitude and previous academic success are
statistically significant determinants of student success. Similarly,
faculty characteristics such as gender, age, ethnic background, and
educational background are statistically significant predictors of student
success, though not necessarily in the manner one might hypothesize.
Continued in this working paper
January 6, 2006 message from Carolyn Kotlas
No Significant Difference Phenomenon website
The website is a companion piece to Thomas L.
Russell's book THE NO SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCE PHENOMENON, a bibliography of
355 research reports, summaries, and papers that document no significant
differences in student outcomes between alternate modes of education
Despite the growing number of distance learning
programs, faculty are often reluctant to move their courses into the online
medium. In "Addressing Faculty Concerns About Distance Learning" (ONLINE
Jennifer McLean discusses several areas that influence faculty resistance,
including: the perception that technical support and training is lacking,
the fear of being replaced by technology, and the absence of a
clearly-understood institutional vision for distance learning. The paper is
available online at
The Online Journal of Distance Learning
Administration is a free, peer-reviewed quarterly published by the Distance
and Distributed Education Center, The State University of West Georgia, 1600
Maple Street, Carrollton, GA 30118 USA; Web:
Bob Jensen's threads on faculty concerns are at
Also see Bob Jensen's threads on the dark side at
"The notion that the future of education lies
firmly in learning technology, seen as a tool of undoubted magnitude and a
powerful remedy for many educational ills, has penetrated deeply into the
psyche not only of those involved in delivery but also of observers,
including those in power within national governments." In a paper published
in 1992, Gabriel Jacobs expressed his belief that hyperlink technology would
be a "teaching resource that would transform passive learners into active
thinkers." In "Hypermedia and Discovery Based Learning: What Value?"
355-66), he reconsiders his opinions, "the result being that the guarded
optimism of 1992 has turned to a deep pessimism." Jacob's paper is available
online at .
The Australasian Journal of Educational Technology
(AJET) [ISSN 1449-3098 (print), ISSN 1449-5554 (online)], published three
times a year, is a refereed journal publishing research and review articles
in educational technology, instructional design, educational applications of
computer technologies, educational telecommunications, and related areas.
Back issues are available on the Web at no cost. For more information and
back issues go to .
See Bob Jensen's threads on the dark side at
June 1, 2007 message from Carolyn Kotlas
The April/May 2007 issue of INNOVATE explores and
explains the learning styles and preferences of Net Generation learners.
"Net Generation learners are information seekers, comfortable using
technology to seek out information, frequently multitasking and using
multiple forms of media simultaneously. As a result, they desire
independence and autonomy in their learning processes."
Articles include:
"Identifying the Generation Gap in Higher
Education: Where Do theDifferences Really Lie?"
by Paula Garcia and Jingjing Qin, Northern Arizona University
"MyLiteracies: Understanding the Net Generation
through LiveJournals and Literacy Practices"
by Dana J. Wilber, Montclair State University
"Is Education 1.0 Ready for Web 2.0 Students?"
by John Thompson,Buffalo State College
The issue is available at
Registration is required to access articles;
registration is free.
Innovate: Journal of Online Education [ISSN
1552-3233], an open-access, peer-reviewed online journal, is published
bimonthly by the Fischler School of Education and Human Services at Nova
Southeastern University.
The journal focuses on the creative use of
information technology (IT) to enhance educational processes in academic,
commercial, and governmental settings. For more information, contact James
L. Morrison, Editor-in-Chief; email: ;
The journal also sponsors Innovate-Live webcasts
and discussion forums that add an interactive component to the journal
articles. To register for these free events, go to
See also:
"Motivating Today's College Students"
By Ian Crone
PEER REVIEW, vol. 9, no. 1, Winter 2007
Peer Review, published quarterly by the Association
of American Colleges and Universities (AACU), provides briefings on
"emerging trends and key debates in undergraduate liberal education. Each
issue is focused on a specific topic, provides comprehensive analysis, and
highlights changing practice on diverse campuses." For more information,
contact: AACU, 1818 R Street NW, Washington, DC 20009 USA;
tel: 202-387-3760; fax: 202-265-9532;
For a perspective on educating learners on the
other end of the generational continuum see:
"Boomer Reality"
By Holly Dolezalek
TRAINING, vol. 44, no. 5, May 2007
Training [ISSN 0095-5892] is published monthly by
Nielsen Business Media, Inc., 770 Broadway, New York, NY 10003-9595 USA;
tel: 646-654-4500; email: ;
Bob Jensen's threads on learning can be found at the following Web sites:
June 1, 2007 message from Carolyn Kotlas
"Even if research shows that a particular
technology supports a certain kind of learning, this research may not reveal
the implications of implementing it. Without appropriate infrastructure or
adequate provisions of services (policy); without the facility or ability of
teachers to integrate it into their teaching practice (academics); without
sufficient support from technologists and/or educational technologists
(support staff), the likelihood of the particular technology or software
being educationally effective is questionable."
The current issue (vol. 19, no. 1, 2007) of the
JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY presents a selection of papers
from the Conference Technology and Change in Educational Practice which was
held at the London Knowledge Lab, Institute of Education, London in October
The papers cover three areas: "methodological
frameworks, proposing new ways of structuring effective research; empirical
studies, illustrating the ways in which technology impacts the working roles
and practices in Higher Education; and new ways of conceptualising
technologies for education."
Papers include:
"A Framework for Conceptualising the Impact of
Technology on Teaching and Learning"
by Sara Price and Martin Oliver, London Knowledge Lab, Institute of
"New and Changing Teacher Roles in Higher Education
in a Digital Age"
by Jo Dugstad Wake, Olga Dysthe, and Stig Mjelstad, University of Bergen
"Academic Use of Digital Resources: Disciplinary
Differences and the Issue of Progression Revisited"
by Bob Kemp, Lancaster University, and Chris Jones, Open University
"The Role of Blogs In Studying the Discourse and
Social Practices of Mathematics Teachers"
by Katerina Makri and Chronis Kynigos, University of Athens
The issue is available at
The Journal of Educational Technology and Society
[ISSN 1436-4522]is a peer-reviewed, quarterly publication that "seeks
academic articles on the issues affecting the developers of educational
systems and educators who implement and manage such systems." Current and
back issues are available at The
journal is published by the International Forum of Educational Technology &
Society. For more information, see
Bob Jensen's threads on blogs and listservs are at
Bob Jensen's threads on education technologies are at
Bob Jensen's threads on distance education and training alternatives are at
Civil Rights Groups That Favor Standardized Testing
"Teachers and Rights Groups Oppose Education Measure ," by Diana Jean Schemo,
The New York Times, September 11, 2007 ---
The draft House bill to renew the federal No Child
Left Behind law came under sharp attack on Monday from civil rights groups
and the nation’s largest teachers unions, the latest sign of how difficult
it may be for Congress to pass the law this fall.
At a marathon hearing of the House Education
Committee, legislators heard from an array of civil rights groups, including
the Citizens’ Commission on Civil Rights, the National Urban League, the
Center for American Progress and Achieve Inc., a group that works with
states to raise academic standards.
All protested that a proposal in the bill for a
pilot program that would allow districts to devise their own measures of
student progress, rather than using statewide tests, would gut the law’s
intent of demanding that schools teach all children, regardless of poverty,
race or other factors, to the same standard.
Dianne M. Piché, executive director of the
Citizens’ Commission on Civil Rights, said the bill had “the potential to
set back accountability by years, if not decades,” and would lead to lower
standards for children in urban and high poverty schools.
“It strikes me as not unlike allowing my teenage
son and his friends to score their own driver’s license tests,” Ms. Piché
said, adding, “We’ll have one set of standards for the Bronx and one for
Westchester County, one for Baltimore and one for Bethesda.”
Continued in article
What works in education?
As I said previously, great teachers come in about as many varieties as
flowers. Click on the link below to read about some of the varieties
recalled by students from their high school days. I t should be noted that
"favorite teacher" is not synonymous with "learned the
most." Favorite teachers are often great at entertaining and/or
motivating. Favorite teachers often make learning fun in a variety of
However, students may actually learn the most from pretty dull teachers with
high standards and demanding assignments and exams. Also dull teachers may
also be the dedicated souls who are willing to spend extra time in one-on-one
sessions or extra-hour tutorials that ultimately have an enormous impact on
mastery of the course. And then there are teachers who are not so
entertaining and do not spend much time face-to-face that are winners because
they have developed learning materials that far exceed other teachers in terms
of student learning because of those materials.
The recollections below tend to lean toward entertainment and "fun"
teachers, but you must keep in mind that these were written after-the-fact by
former high school teachers. In high school, dull teachers tend not to be
popular before or after the fact. This is not
always the case when former students recall their college professors.
Handicapped Learning Aids Work Wonders ---
Asynchronous Learning ---
Especially note the SCALE Experiments conducted at the University of
Illinois ---
"'A dozen roses to my favorite teacher," The Philadelphia Enquirer,
November 30, 2004 ---
January 6, 2006 message from Carolyn Kotlas
No Significant Difference Phenomenon website
The website is a companion piece to Thomas L.
Russell's book THE NO SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCE PHENOMENON, a bibliography of
355 research reports, summaries, and papers that document no significant
differences in student outcomes between alternate modes of education
"Favorite Education Blogs of 2008," by Jay Mathews, The Washington
Post, April 7, 2008 ---
Click Here
Early last year, as
an experiment, I published a
list of what I and
commentator Walt Gardner considered our favorite education blogs. Neither
Gardner nor I had much experience with this most modern form of expression.
We are WAY older than the Web surfing generation. But the list proved
popular with readers, and I promised in that column to make this an annual
Bernstein: The name is obviously a takeoff on the
foregoing. The author of this one occasionally posts elsewhere as well. This
site often provides some incisive and clear explanations of the key aspects
of educational policy.
Mathews: I agree, but have a bias here, too. This
is an Education Week blog, and I am on the board of trustees of the
nonprofit that publishes Ed Week.
My promise was actually more specific: "Next year,
through bribery or trickery, I hope to persuade Ken Bernstein, teacher and
blogger par excellence, to select his favorite blogs and then let me dump on
his choices, or something like that." As I learned long ago, begging works
even better than bribery or trickery, and Bernstein succumbed. Below are his
choices, with some comments from me, and a few of my favorites.
They are in no particular order of quality or
interest. Choosing blogs is a personal matter. Tastes differ widely and
often are not in sync with personal views on how schools should be improved.
I agree with all of Bernstein's choices, even though we disagree on many of
the big issues.
Bernstein is a splendid classroom teacher and a
fine writer, with a gift for making astute connections between
ill-considered policies and what actually happens to kids in school. He is a
social studies teacher at Eleanor Roosevelt High School in Prince George's
County and has been certified by the prestigious National Board for
Professional Teaching Standards. He is also a book reviewer and peer
reviewer for professional publications and ran panels on education at
YearlyKos conventions. He blogs on education, among other topics, at too
many sites to list. He describes his choices here as a few blogs he thinks
"are worthwhile to visit."
· Bridging Differences.
Bernstein: Deborah Meier and Diane Ravitch in the
past have had their differences on educational issues. They both serve at
the Steinhardt School of Education at New York University, and this shared
blog is as valuable as anything on the Web for the insights the two offer,
and for the quality of their dialog.
Mathews: I have a personal bias about this blog. I
know Meier and Ravitch well, consider them the best writers among education
pundits today and frequently bounce ideas off them.
· Eduwonk.
Bernstein: I often disagree with Andrew J.
Rotherham, but his has been an influential voice on education policy for
some years, and even now, along with all else he does, he serves on the
Virginia Board of Education.
Mathews: I often agree with Rotherham, and my
editors sometimes complain that I quote him too much. But the guy is only 37
and is going to be an important influence on public school policy for the
rest of my life and long after.
· Edwize.
Bernstein: The site is maintained by the United
Federation of Teachers, the New York affiliate of American Federation of
Teachers. They have a number of authors, many active in New York schools,
but they occasionally have posts from others. Full disclosure: I have been
invited to cross-post things I have written elsewhere.
Mathews: A nice mix of both comment on policy and
inside-the-classroom stuff from teachers.
· Education Policy Blog.
Bernstein: The site describes itself as "a
multiblog about the ways that educational foundations can inform educational
policy and practice! The blog will be written by a group of people who are
interested in the state of education today, and who bring to this interest a
set of perspectives and tools developed in the disciplines known as the
'foundations' of education: philosophy, history, curriculum theory,
sociology, economics and psychology." Most of the participants are
university professors. I am a participant from time to time in this blog.
Continued in article
Bob Jensen's threads on blogs are at
April 4, 2008 message from Carolyn Kotlas
"From the perspective of instructional designers
and instructors, the decision to adopt a new technology can be exceedingly
difficult. On the one hand, we all want to create the best possible learning
environment for our students. On the other, there is the persistent fear
that integrating a new technology will be onerous in terms of integration
and only marginal in terms of impact, or worse, it may have a negative
In "How Do We Assess the Effectiveness of New
Technologies and Learning Environments?" (SLOAN-C VIEW, vol. 7, issue 2,
February 2008), Philip Ice suggests using the Community of Inquiry Framework
(CoI): "a theoretical model that seeks to explain the online learning
experience in terms of three overlapping presences: teaching, social and
cognitive." He cites two studies that support the application of CoI for
exploring the impact of new technologies in education. The article,
including links to the cited studies, is available at
(Please note: registration is required to view some
articles; registration is free.)
Sloan-C View: Perspectives in Quality Online
Education [ISSN:
1541-2806] is published by the Sloan Consortium
(Sloan-C). Current and back issues are available at
For more information, contact: The Sloan Center at Olin and Babson Colleges,
Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering, Olin Way, Needham MA 02492-1200
USA; tel: 781-292-2523; fax: 781-292-2505;
email: ;
Sloan-C is a consortium of institutions and
organizations committed "to help learning organizations continually improve
quality, scale, and breadth of their online programs according to their own
distinctive missions, so that education will become a part of everyday life,
accessible and affordable for anyone, anywhere, at any time, in a wide
variety of disciplines." Sloan-C is funded by the Alfred P. Sloan
Researchers at the University of Texas at Austin
conducted a study to determine which was preferred by students: "regular"
courses (typical for traditional, residential institutions) or "intensive"
courses -- "those taught on a tighter than normal schedule, with more class
time each week, but fewer weeks" (typical of online courses taught at
for-profit institutions). Students rated the
intensive courses significantly higher, causing
the researchers to suggest that residential colleges may want to consider
offering more courses of this type.
Results of the study were presented at the 2008
Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. An article
about the research (along with reader comments) is available:
"Students Prefer Intensive Courses"
INSIDE HIGHER ED, March 28, 2008,
Using Field Lab Write-ups to Develop Observational and Critical Thinking Skills
Does technology have no discernable impact on learning?
I've never been a disciple of technology. For me cell
phones are multifunctional, multicolor devices that empower millions of us with
little worth saying to interrupt other millions of us who ought to have
something better to do. I don't want my car to talk to me, I don't want General
Motors to know my latitude and longitude, and I don't need a pocket-size liquid
crystal New York Times or instant access to thirty-second videos of
skateboarding dogs , , , Many American students aren't doing all that well
academically, and almost as many experts are peddling cures. Many prescribe
computers as the miracle that will rescue our kids from scholastic mediocrity.
That's why states like Michigan and Pennsylvania distributed laptops to
thousands of students. Maine led the parade by handing out laptops to every
seventh and eighth grader. Sponsors of the giveaways promised "higher student
performance." Unfortunately, the results have been disappointing. When the test
results of Maine students showed no improvement, boosters explained that it
would "take more time for the impact of laptops to show up." Inconveniently,
Maine's lackluster outcome only confirmed a rigorous international study of
student computer use in thirty-one countries, which found that students who use
computers at school "perform sizably and statistically worse" than students who
don't. Analysts warned that when computer use replaces "traditional learning
methods," it "actually harms the student." A review of California schools
determined that Internet access had "no measurable impact on student
achievement." A 2007 federal study concluded that classroom use of reading and
math software likewise yielded "no significant differences" in student
Peter Berger, "Stuck on the Cutting Edge," The Irascible Professor,
December 19, 2007 ---
Jensen Comment
Anecdotally technology can favorably impact learning. In my own case, it's had
an enormous positive impact on my scholarship, my research, and my publishing.
Number 1 are the communications and knowledge sharing (especially from listservs
and blogs) ---
Number 2 is the access to enormous databases and knowledge portals ---
Number 3 is the tremendous increase in access provided by the campus
libraries for scholars who take the time and effort to determine what is really
Number 4 is open courseware. The open courseware (especially shared lecture
materials and videos) from some of the best professors in our leading
universities such as 1,500 courses served up by MIT and 177 science courses
served up on YouTube by UC Berkeley are truly amazing. Critics of technology
have probably never utilized these materials ---
I think Peter Berger overlooks some of the positive outcomes of technology on
learning ---
More importantly look at the SCALE experiments at the University of Illinois ---
Although I always like Peter Berger's essays, this time he also overlooks
much of the dark side of technology are learning ---
Technology and learning have much more complicated interactions that are
superficially glossed over in this particular essay ---
Tests and Quizzes," Inside Higher Ed, December 5, 2007 ---
With federal and state
officials, accreditors and others all talking about the importance of
assessment, what’s going on in classrooms? Assessment, after all, takes
place every time a professor gives a test. A new volume of essays,
Beyond Tests and Quizzes: Creative Assessments in the College Classroom
(Jossey-Bass) argues that
assessments in the classroom could be more creative and more useful to the
educational process. The editors of the volume are Richard Mezeske, chair of
education at Hope College, and Barbara A. Mezeske, an associate professor of
English at Hope. In an e-mail interview, they discussed the themes of their
new book. . .
Q: Could you
share your definition of “creative assessment” and some of
your favorite examples?
Creative assessment is flexible, timely, and
interesting to both the instructor and to the
student. When teachers shift instruction based on student
feedback, then they are being flexible and creative. We do
not mean that teachers should design ever more imaginative
and bizarre assessment tools, or that they should ignore
mandated curricular content. Rather, creative assessment, as
we use the term, implies focused attention to student
learning, reading the signs, engaging students, and
listening to their feedback. Creative assessment often gives
students opportunities to apply and deepen their superficial
knowledge in their discipline.
For example,
in the chapter in our book about teaching grammar, Rhoda
Janzen describes an assessment that requires students to
devise and play grammar games: They cannot do that without a
deep mastery of the principles they are learning. In another
chapter, Tom Smith describes how he grades individuals’
tests during private office appointments: He affirms correct
responses, asks students to explain incomplete or erroneous
answers, and both gives and gets immediate, personal
feedback on a student’s ability to recall and apply
concepts. In a third chapter, David Schock writes about
taking media-production skills into the community, allowing
students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills by
creating public service announcements and other media
products for an audience outside the classroom.
Q: How is
technology (the Web, etc.) changing the potential of testing
and assessment?
Technology is expanding the possibilities for assessment
while at the same time complicating assessment. For example,
checking understanding of a group and individuals during
instruction is now relatively simple with electronic tools
which allow students to press a button and report what they
believe about concept X. The results are instantaneously
displayed for an entire class to see and the instructor can
adjust instruction based on that feedback. However,
technology can complicate, too. How is a teacher able to
guarantee student X working at a remote computer station on
an assessment is actually student X, and not student Y
covering for student X? Does the technology merely make the
assessment tool slick without adding substance to the
assessment? In other words, merely using technology does not
automatically make the assessment clever, substantive,
correct, or even interesting, but it can do all of
those things.
Continued in article
"The Great Debate: Effectiveness of Technology in Education," by
Patricia Deubel, T.H.E. Journal, November 2007 ---
According to Robert Kuhn (2000), an expert in brain
research, few people understand the complexity of that change. Technology is
creating new thinking that is "at once creative and innovative, volatile and
turbulent" and "nothing less than a shift in worldview." The change in
mental process has been brought about because "(1) information is freely
available, and therefore interdisciplinary ideas and cross-cultural
communication are widely accessible; (2) time is compressed, and therefore
reflection is condensed and decision-making is compacted; (3) individuals
are empowered, and therefore private choice and reach are strengthened and
one person can have the presence of an institution" (sec: Concluding
If we consider thinking as both individual
(internal) and social (external), as Rupert Wegerif (2000) suggests, then "[t]echnology,
in various forms from language to the internet, carries the external form of
thinking. Technology therefore has a role to play through supporting
improved social thinking (e.g. providing systems to mediate decision making
and collective reasoning) and also through providing tools to help
individuals externalize their thinking and so to shape their own social
worlds" (p. 15).
The new tools for communication that have become
part of the 21st century no doubt contribute to thinking. Thus, in a debate
on effectiveness or on implementation of a particular tool, we must also
consider the potential for creativity, innovation, volatility, and
turbulence that Kuhn (2000) indicates.
Continued in article
Bob Jensen's threads on education technology are at
Questioning the Admissions Assumptions
And further, the study finds that all of the
information admissions officers currently have (high school grades,
SAT/ACT scores, essays, everything) is of limited
value, and accounts for only 30 percent of the grade variance in colleges —
leaving 70 percent of the variance unexplained.
Scott Jaschik, "Questioning the Admissions Assumptions," Inside Higher Ed, June
19, 2007 ---
The report is available at
Roland G. Fryer, who was hired by Schools Chancellor
Joel I. Klein to advise him on how to narrow the racial gap in achievement in
the city’s schools, made his professional name in economics by applying complex
algorithms to document how black students fall behind their white peers. But his
life story challenges his own calculations. . . . His first job, though, he
said, will be to mine data — from graduation rates to test scores to demographic
information — to find out why there are wide gulfs between schools. Why, for
example, does one school in Bedford-Stuyvesant do so much better than a school
just down the block? And he will monitor the pilot program to pay fourth- and
seventh-grade students as much as $500 for doing well on a series of
standardized tests. That program will begin in 40 schools this fall. He hopes to
find other ways to motivate students.
Jennifer Medina, "His Charge: Find a Key to Students’ Success," The New York
Times, June 21, 2007 ---
Jensen Comment
I suspect that SAT scores are more predictive for some college graduates than
others. For example. SAT math performance may be a better predictor of grades in
mathematics and science courses than SAT verbal performance is a predictor of
grades in literature and language courses. The study mentioned above does not
delve into this level of detail. Top universities that have dropped SAT
requirements (e.g., under the Texas Top Ten Percent Law) are not especially
happy about losing so many top SAT performers ---
SAT/ACT testing falls down because it does not examine motivation vary well.
High school grades fail because of rampant grade inflation and lowered academic
standards in high schools. College grades are not a good criterion because of
grade inflation in colleges ---
Is homework credit sometimes dysfunctional to learning?
If the instructor allows face-to-face study groups, extra-help tutorials, and
chat rooms, what is so terrible about this Facebook study group?
Apparently its the fact that ten percent course credit was given for homework
that was discussed in the study group. It seems unfair, however, to single out
this one student running the Facebook study group. If the students were
"cheating" by sharing tips on homework, they were probably also doing it
face-to-face. All students who violate the code of conduct should be sanctioned
or forgiven based on the honor code of the institution.
Ryerson U. Student Faces
Expulsion for Running a Facebook Study Group
A student at Ryerson
University, in Toronto, is facing expulsion for running a Facebook study group,
Toronto Star reports. Chris Avenir, a
first-year engineering student, is facing expulsion from the school on 147
counts of academic charges — one for himself, and one for every student who used
the Facebook group “Dungeons/Mastering Chemistry Solutions” to get homework
help. University officials say that running such a group is in violation of the
school’s academic policy, which says no student can undertake activity to gain
academic advantage. Students argue, however, that the group was analogous to any
in-person study group. Of course, this wouldn’t be the first
Facebook-related expulsion hearing. The
expulsion hearing is scheduled for Tuesday.
Hurley Goodall,
Chronicle of Higher Education, March 7, 2008 ---
Jensen Comment
My approach was to assign homework for no credit and then administer online
quizzes. Students were assigned different partners each week who attested to
observing no cheating while an assigned "partner" took the online quiz. You can
read the following at ---
Most every week beginning in
Week 2, you will be required to take an online quiz for a chapter from the
online textbook by Murthy and Groomer. This book is not in the bookstore.
Students should immediately obtain a password and print the first three
chapters of the book entitled
Accounting Information Systems: A Database Approach. You can purchase a
password at
You will then be able to access the book and the online quizzes at any time
using the book list at
Each week students are to take an online quiz in the presence of an assigned
student partner who then signs the attest form at
The online quizzes are relatively easy if you take notes while reading the
assigned chapter. You may use your notes for each quiz. However, you may
not view a copy of the entire chapter will taking a quiz.
Bob Jensen's threads on cheating are at
Lawyers Don't Like Being Ranked
It's a sunny day in Seattle when two lawyers can bring
a class action suit on their own behalf -- and then see it rejected on First
Amendment grounds. That's what happened last week in the Emerald City, when
Federal District Judge Robert S. Lasnik ruled that there was no basis for
cracking down on a lawyer-rating Web site merely because some of its ratees
didn't like how they were portrayed. The site, called Avvo, does for lawyers
what any number of magazines and Web sites have been doing for other professions
for years. Magazines regularly publish stories that rank an area's doctors and
dentists. There are rating sites and blogs for the "best" hairstylists,
manicurists, restaurants and movie theaters. Almost any consumer product or
service these days is sorted and ranked.
"Judging Lawyers," The Wall Street Journal, December 24, 2007; Page A10
Avvo Lawyer Ratings ---
Jensen Comment
In fairness most of these ranking systems are misleading. For example,
physicians and lawyers who lose more often may also be willing to take on the
tougher cases having low probabilities of success. Especially note
"Challenging Measures of Success" at
And some professionals that win a lot may do so because they do so in
unethical ways. And lawyers, like physicians, have different specialties such
that in the realm of a particular specialty, maybe one that rarely call out,
from over 100 specialties, they may be outstanding.
Bob Jensen threads on college ranking controversies are at
Those conclusions come
a national survey of employers
with at least 25 employees and significant
hiring of recent college graduates, released
Tuesday by the Association of American
Colleges and Universities. Over all, 65
percent of those surveyed believe that new
graduates of four-year colleges have most or
all of the skills to succeed in entry-level
positions, but only 40 percent believe that
they have the skills to advance.
. .
terms of specific skills, the employers didn’t give many A’s
or fail many either. The employers were asked to rank new
graduates on 12 key areas, and the grads did best in
teamwork, ethical judgments and intercultural work, and
worst in global knowledge, self-direction and writing.
Employers Ratings of College
Graduates Preparedness on 1-10 Scale
Category |
Rating |
giving high (8-10) rating |
giving low (1-5) rating |
Teamwork |
7.0 |
39% |
17% |
Ethical judgment |
6.9 |
38% |
19% |
Intercultural skills |
6.9 |
38% |
19% |
Social responsibility |
6.7 |
35% |
21% |
Quantitative reasoning |
6.7 |
32% |
23% |
Oral communication |
6.6 |
30% |
23% |
Self-knowledge |
6.5 |
28% |
26% |
Adaptability |
6.3 |
24% |
30% |
Critical thinking |
6.3 |
22% |
31% |
Writing |
6.1 |
26% |
37% |
Self-direction |
5.9 |
23% |
42% |
Global knowledge |
5.7 |
18% |
46% |
the extent that employers give graduates mixed grades, that
raises the question of how they determine who is really
prepared. Many of the existing tools appear to be
insufficient, the poll found.
Continued in
Jensen Comment
This study is misleading in the sense that large employers generally hire
above-average graduates. This skews the results upward with respect to the
entire population of college graduates. Colleges have a long way to go in modern
Bob Jensen's threads higher education controversies are at
What factors most heavily influence student performance and desire to take more
courses in a given discipline?
These outcomes are too complex to be predicted very well. Sex and age of
instructors have almost no impact. Teaching evaluations have a very slight
impact, but there are just too many complexities to find dominant factors
cutting across a majority of students.
Oreopoulos said the findings bolster a conclusion he
came to in a previous academic paper that subjective qualities, such as how a
professor fares on student evaluations, tell you more about how well students
will perform and how likely they are to stay in a given course than do
observable traits such as age or gender. (He points out, though, that even the
subjective qualities aren’t strong indicators of student success.) “If I were
concerned about improving teaching, I would focus on hiring teachers who perform
well on evaluations rather than focus on age or gender,” he said.
Elia Powers, "Faculty Gender and Student Performance," Inside Higher Ed,
June 21, 2007 ---
Jensen Comment
A problem with increased reliance on teaching evaluations to measure performance
of instructors is that this, in turn, tends to grade inflation ---
What parts of a high school curriculum are the best predictors of success as a
science major in college?
New research by professors at Harvard University
and the University of Virginia has found that no single high school science
course has an impact beyond that type of science, when it comes to predicting
success in college science. However, the researchers found that a rigorous
mathematics curriculum in high school has a significant impact on performance in
college science courses. The research, which will be published in Science, runs
counter to the “physics first” movement in which some educators have been
advocating that physics come before biology and chemistry in the high school
curriculum. The study was based on analysis of a broad pool of college students,
their high school course patterns, and their performance in college
Inside Higher Ed, July 27, 2007 ---
Jensen Comment
Now we have this when some colleges are trying to promote applications and
admissions by dropping the SAT testing requirements for admission. In Texas, the
Top 10% of any state high school class do not have to even take the SAT for
admission to any state university in Texas. Of course high schools may still
have a rigorous mathematics curriculum, but what high school student aiming for
the 10% rule is going to take any rigorous course that is not required for high
school graduation? The problem is that rigorous elective courses carry a higher
risk of lowering the all-important grade point average.
Bob Jensen's threads on higher education controversies are at
Grades are even worse than tests as predictors of success
"The Wrong Traditions in Admissions," by William E. Sedlacek, Inside
Higher Ed, July 27, 2007 ---
Grades and test scores have worked well as the
prime criteria to evaluate applicants for admission, haven’t they? No!
You’ve probably heard people say that over and over again, and figured that
if the admissions experts believe it, you shouldn’t question them. But that
long held conventional wisdom just isn’t true. Whatever value tests and
grades have had in the past has been severely diminished. There are many
reasons for this conclusion, including greater diversity among applicants by
race, gender, sexual orientation and other dimensions that interact with
career interests. Predicting success with so much variety among applicants
with grades and test scores asks too much of those previous stalwarts of
selection. They were never intended to carry such a heavy expectation and
they just can’t do the job anymore, even if they once did. Another reason is
purely statistical. We have had about 100 years to figure out how to measure
verbal and quantitative skills better but we just can’t do it.
are even worse than tests as predictors of success.
The major reason is
grade inflation. Everyone
is getting higher grades these days, including those in high
school, college, graduate, and professional school. Students
are bunching up at the top of the grade distribution and we
can’t distinguish among them in selecting who would make the
best student at the next level.
We need a fresh approach. It is not good enough to feel
constrained by the limitations of our current ways of
conceiving of tests and grades. Instead of asking; “How can
we make the SAT and other such tests better?” or “How can we
adjust grades to make them better predictors of success?” we
need to ask; “What kinds of measures will meet our needs now
and in the future?” We do not need to ignore our current
tests and grades, we need to add some new measures that
expand the potential we can derive from assessment.
We appear to
have forgotten why tests were created in the first place.
While they were always considered to be useful in evaluating
candidates, they were also considered to be more equitable
than using prior grades because of the variation in quality
among high schools.
Test results
should be useful to educators — whether involved in
academics or student services — by providing the basis to
help students learn better and to analyze their needs. As
currently designed, tests do not accomplish these
objectives. How many of you have ever heard a colleague say
“I can better educate my students because I know their SAT
scores”? We need some things from our tests that currently
we are not getting. We need tests that are fair to all and
provide a good assessment of the developmental and learning
needs of students, while being useful in selecting
outstanding applicants. Our current tests don’t do that.
The rallying
cry of “all for one and one for all” is one that is used
often in developing what are thought of as fair and
equitable measures. Commonly, the interpretation of how to
handle diversity is to hone and fine-tune tests so they are
work equally well for everyone (or at least to try to do
that). However, if different groups have different
experiences and varied ways of presenting their attributes
and abilities, it is unlikely that one could develop a
single measure, scale, test item etc. that could yield
equally valid scores for all. If we concentrate on results
rather than intentions, we could conclude that it is
important to do an equally good job of selection for each
group, not that we need to use the same measures for all to
accomplish that goal. Equality of results, not process is
most important.
we should seek to retain the variance due to culture, race,
gender, and other aspects of non-traditionality that may
exist across diverse groups in our measures, rather than
attempt to eliminate it. I define non-traditional persons as
those with cultural experiences different from those of
white middle-class males of European descent; those with
less power to control their lives; and those who experience
discrimination in the United States.
the term “noncognitive” appears to be precise and
“scientific” sounding, it has been used to describe a wide
variety of attributes. Mostly it has been defined as
something other than grades and test scores, including
activities, school honors, personal statements, student
involvement etc. In many cases those espousing noncognitive
variables have confused a method (e.g. letters of
recommendation) with what variable is being measured. One
can look for many different things in a letter.
Robert Sternberg’s system of
viewing intelligence provides a model, but is important to
know what sorts of abilities are being assessed and that
those attributes are not just proxies for verbal and
quantitative test scores. Noncognitive variables appear to
be in Sternberg’s experiential and contextual domains, while
standardized tests tend to reflect the componential domain.
Noncognitive variables are useful for all students, they are
particularly critical for non-traditional students, since
standardized tests and prior grades may provide only a
limited view of their potential.
I and
my colleagues and students have developed a system of
noncognitive variables that has worked well in many
situations. The eight variables in the system are
self-concept, realistic self-appraisal, handling the system
(racism), long range goals, strong support person,
community, leadership, and nontraditional knowledge.
Measures of these dimensions are available at no cost in a
variety of articles and in a book,
Beyond the Big Test.
Web site has previously featured how
Oregon State University has used a
version of this system very successfully in increasing their
diversity and student success. Aside from increased
retention of students, better referrals for student services
have been experienced at Oregon State. The system has also
been employed in selecting Gates Millennium Scholars. This
program, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,
provides full scholarships to undergraduate and graduate
students of color from low-income families. The SAT scores
of those not selected for scholarships were somewhat higher
than those selected. To date this program has provided
scholarships to more than 10,000 students attending more
than 1,300 different colleges and universities. Their
college GPAs are about 3.25, with five year retention rates
of 87.5 percent and five year graduation rates of 77.5
percent, while attending some of the most selective colleges
in the country. About two thirds are majoring in science and
Washington State Achievers program
has also employed the noncognitive variable system discussed
above in identifying students from certain high schools that
have received assistance from an intensive school reform
program also funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
More than 40 percent of the students in this program are
white, and overall the students in the program are enrolling
in colleges and universities in the state and are doing
well. The program provides high school and college mentors
for students. The
College Success Foundation is
introducing a similar program in Washington, D.C., using the
noncognitive variables my colleagues and I have developed.
articles in this publication have discussed programs at the
Educational Testing Service for
graduate students and
Tufts University for
undergraduates that have incorporated noncognitive
variables. While I applaud the efforts for reasons I have
discussed here, there are questions I would ask of each
program. What variables are you assessing in the program? Do
the variables reflect diversity conceptually? What evidence
do you have that the variables assessed correlate with
student success? Are the evaluators of the applications
trained to understand how individuals from varied
backgrounds may present their attributes differently? Have
the programs used the research available on noncognitive
variables in developing their systems? How well are the
individuals selected doing in school compared to those
rejected or those selected using another system? What are
the costs to the applicants? If there are increased costs to
applicants, why are they not covered by ETS or Tufts?
Until these
and related questions are answered these two programs seem
like interesting ideas worth watching. In the meantime we
can learn from the programs described above that have been
successful in employing noncognitive variables. It is
important for educators to resist half measures and to
confront fully the many flaws of the traditional ways higher
education has evaluated applicants.
A different way to think about assessment
January 26, 2007 message from Carnegie President
A different way to think about ... assessment In
the most recent issue of
Change magazine,
I join several other authors to examine higher education's ongoing
responsibility to tell the story of student learning with care and
precision. Fulfilling this responsibility at the institutional level
requires ongoing deliberations among colleagues and stakeholders about the
specific learning goals we seek and the broad educational purposes we
espouse. What will motivate such discussions?
In this month's Carnegie Perspectives,
Lloyd Bond makes a strong case for the use of
common examinations as a powerful form of assessment as well as a fruitful
context for faculty deliberations about their goals for students. Using an
institutional example from the
Carnegie/Hewlett project on strengthening teaching
and learning at community colleges, Lloyd describes a particular example of
this principle and how it supports faculty communication and student
Carnegie has created a forum—Carnegie
Conversations—where you can engage publicly with Lloyd and read and respond
to what others have to say about this article at
Or you may respond to the author privately through
We look forward to hearing from you.
Lee S. Shulman
President The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning ---
Just-In-Time Teaching ---
Just-in-Time Teaching (JiTT for short) is a
teaching and learning strategy based on the interaction between web-based
study assignments and an active learner classroom. Students respond
electronically to carefully constructed web-based assignments which are due
shortly before class, and the instructor reads the student submissions
"just-in-time" to adjust the classroom lesson to suit the students' needs.
Thus, the heart of JiTT is the "feedback loop" formed by the students'
outside-of-class preparation that fundamentally affects what happens during
the subsequent in-class time together.
What is Just-in-Time Teaching designed to
JiTT is aimed at many of the challenges facing
students and instructors in today's classrooms. Student populations are
diversifying. In addition to the traditional nineteen-year-old recent high
school graduates, we now have a kaleidoscope of "non-traditional" students:
older students, working part time students, commuting students, and, at the
service academies, military cadets. They come to our courses with a broad
spectrum of educational backgrounds, interests, perspectives, and
capabilities that compel individualized, tailored instruction. They need
motivation and encouragement to persevere. Consistent, friendly support can
make the difference between a successful experience and a fruitless effort.
It can even mean the difference between graduating and dropping out.
Education research has made us more aware of learning style differences and
of the importance of passing some control of the learning process over to
the students. Active learner environments yield better results but they are
harder to manage than lecture oriented approaches. Three of the
Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education" encourage
student-faculty contact, increased time for student study, and cooperative
learning between students.
To confront these challenges, the Just-in-Time Teaching strategy pursues
three major goals:
- 1. To maximize the efficacy of the
classroom session, where human instructors are present.
- 2. To structure the out-of-class time
for maximum learning benefit.
- 3. To create and sustain team spirit.
Students and instructors work as a team toward the same objective, to
help all students pass the course with the maximum amount of retainable
What JiTT is Not
Although Just-in-Time Teaching makes heavy use
of the web, it is not to be confused with either distance learning (DL) or
with computer-aided instruction (CAI). Virtually all JiTT instruction occurs
in a classroom with human instructors. The web materials, added as a
pedagogical resource, act primarily as a communication tool and secondarily
as content provider and organizer. JiTT is also not an attempt to 'process'
large numbers of students by employing computers to do massive grading jobs.
The JiTT Feedback Loop
The Web Component
JiTT web pages fall into three major
- 1. Student assignments in preparation
for the classroom activity: WarmUps and Puzzles.
- 2. Enrichment pages. Short essays on
practical, everyday applications of the course subject matter, peppered
with URLs to interesting material on the web. These essays have proven
themselves to be an important motivating factor in introductory service
courses, where students often doubt the current relevance the subject.
- 3. Stand alone instructional material,
such as simulation programs and spreadsheet exercises.
For detailed examples of the JiTT web
resources, please see the
resources page.
WarmUps and Puzzles are the heart of the
JiTT web component. These are short, web-based assignments, prompting
the student to think about the upcoming lesson and answer a few
simple questions prior to class. These questions, when fully discussed,
often have complex answers. The students are expected to develop the
answer as far as they can on their own. We finish the job in the
classroom. These assignments are due just a few hours before class time.
The responses are delivered to the instructor electronically to form the
framework for the classroom activities that follow. Typically, the
instructors duplicates sample responses on transparencies and takes them
to class. The interactive classroom session, built around these
responses, replaces the traditional lecture/recitation format.
Students complete the WarmUp assignments before they receive any formal
instruction on a particular topic. They earn credit for answering a
question, substantiated by prior knowledge and whatever they managed to
glean from the textbook. The answers do not have to be complete, or even
correct. In fact, partially correct responses are particularly useful as
classroom discussion fodder. In contrast to WarmUps, Puzzle exercises
are assigned to students after they have received formal instruction on
a particular topic. The Puzzles serve as the framework for a wrap-up
session on a particular topic.
The WarmUps, and to some extent the Puzzles, are undergirded by
education research and target a variety of specific issues. The list of
targeted issues might contain: developing concepts and vocabulary,
modeling -- connecting concepts and equations, estimation- getting a
feel for magnitudes, relating technical scientific statements to "common
sense", understanding the scope of applicability of equations, etc. The
targeted issues are highly content specific. They may involve the
characteristics of a particular class (e.g. the background skills of a
particular student body).
In preparing WarmUp assignments for an upcoming class meeting, we first
create a conceptual outline of the lesson content. This task is similar
to the preparation of a traditional passive lecture. As we work on the
outline, we pay attention to the pedagogical issues that we need to
focus on when in the classroom. Are we introducing new concepts and/or
new notation? Are we building on a previous lesson, and if so, what
bears repeating? What are the important points we wish the students to
remember from the session? What are the common difficulties typical
students will face when exposed to this material? (Previous classroom
experience and teaching and learning literature can be immensely helpful
here). Once this outline has been created, we create broadly based
questions that will force students to grapple with as many of the issues
as possible. We are hoping to receive, in the student responses, the
framework on which we build the in-class experience.
The Active Learner Classroom
The JiTT classroom session is intimately linked to the electronic
preparatory assignments the students complete outside of class. Exactly
how the classroom time is spent depends on a variety of issues such as
class size, classroom facilities, and student and instructor
personalities. Mini-lectures (10 min max) are often interspersed with
demos, classroom discussion, worksheet exercises, and even hands-on
mini-labs. Regardless, the common key is that the classroom component,
whether interactive lecture or student activities, is informed by an
analysis of various student responses.
In a JiTT classroom students construct the same content as in a passive
lecture with two important added benefits. First, having completed the
web assignment very recently, they enter the classroom ready to actively
engage in the activities. Secondly, they have a feeling of ownership
since the interactive lesson is based on their own wording and
understanding of the relevant issues.
The give and take in the classroom suggests future WarmUp questions that
will reflect the mood and the level of expertise in the class at hand.
In this way the feedback loop is closed with the students having played
a major part in the endeavor.
From the instructor's point of view, the lesson content remains pretty
much the same from semester to semester with only minor shifts in
emphasis. From the students' perspective, however, the lessons are
always fresh and interesting, with a lot of input from the class.
We designed JiTT to improve student learning in our own classrooms and
have been encouraged by the results, both attitudinal and cognitive. We
attribute this success to three factors that enhance student learning,
identified by Alexander Astin* in his thirty year study of
college student success:
- increased amounts and quality of student-student interaction
- student-faculty interaction
- student study outside of class.
By fostering these, JiTT promotes student learning and satisfaction.
*Astin, Alexander:
matters in college? Four critical years revisited (San Francisco,
CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1993).
Bob Jensen's threads on tools and tricks of the trade are at
What works in education?
Perhaps Colleges Should Think About This
"School Ups Grade by Going Online," by Cyrus Farivar, Wired News,
October 12, 2004 ---,1284,65266,00.html?tw=newsletter_topstories_html
Until last year, Walt Whitman Middle School 246 in
Brooklyn was considered a failing school by the state of New York.
But with the help of a program called HIPSchools
that uses rapid communication between parents and teachers through e-mail and
voice mail, M.S.
246 has had a dramatic turnaround. The premise behind "HIP"
comes from Keys Technology Group's mission of "helping involve
The school has seen distinct improvement in the
performance of its 1300 students, as well as regular attendance, which has
risen to 98 percent (an increase of over 10 percent) in the last two years
according to Georgine Brown-Thompson, academic intervention services
coordinator at M.S. 246.
Continued in the article
September 2, 2004 message from Carolyn Kotlas []
The What Works Clearinghouse was established in 2002
by the U.S. Department of Education's Institute of Education Sciences with
$18.5 million in funding to "provide educators, policymakers,
researchers, and the public with a central and trusted source of scientific
evidence of what works in education." The Clearinghouse reviews,
according to relevance and validity, the "effectiveness of replicable
educational interventions (programs, products, practices, and policies) that
intend to improve student outcomes." This summer, the Clearinghouse
released two of its planned reports: peer-assisted learning interventions and
middle school math curricula. For more information about the What Works
Clearinghouse and descriptions of all topics to be evaluated, go to
See also:
"'What Works' Research Site Unveiled" by
Debra Viadero EDUCATION WEEK, vol. 23, no. 42, pp. 1, 33, July 14, 2004
"'What Works' Site Opens Dialogue on
Research" Letter to Editor from Talbot Bielefeldt, Center for Applied
Research in Educational Technology, International Society for Technology in
Education EDUCATION WEEK, vol. 23, no. 44, p. 44, August 11, 2004
April 1, 2005 message from Carolyn Kotlas
e-book of essays edited by Diana G. Oblinger and James L. Oblinger,
"explores the Net Gen and the implications for institutions in areas such as
teaching, service, learning space design, faculty development, and
curriculum." Essays include: "Technology and Learning Expectations of the
Net Generation;" "Using Technology as a Learning Tool, Not Just the Cool New
Thing;" "Curricula Designed to Meet 21st-Century Expectations;" "Faculty
Development for the Net Generation;" and "Net Generation Students and
Libraries." The entire book is available online at no cost at
EDUCAUSE is a nonprofit association whose mission
is to advance higher education by promoting the intelligent use of
information technology. For more information, contact: Educause, 4772 Walnut
Street, Suite 206, Boulder, CO 80301-2538 USA; tel: 303-449-4430; fax:
303-440-0461; email:; Web:
See also:
by Don Tapscott McGraw-Hill, 1999; ISBN: 0-07-063361-4
"The unpredictability of the student context and
the mediated relationship with the student require careful attention by the
educational designer to details which might otherwise be managed by the
teacher at the time of instruction." In "Elements of Effective e-Learning
March 2005) Andrew R. Brown and Bradley D. Voltz cover six elements of
effective design that can help create effective e-learning delivery. Drawing
upon examples from The Le@rning Federation, an initiative of state and
federal governments of Australia and New Zealand, they discuss lesson
planning, instructional design, creative writing, and software
specification. The paper is available online at
International Review of Research in Open and
Distance Learning (IRRODL) [ISSN 1492-3831] is a free, refereed ejournal
published by Athabasca University - Canada's Open University. For more
information, contact Paula Smith, IRRODL Managing Editor; tel: 780-675-6810;
fax: 780-675-672; email:
; Web:
The Le@rning Federation (TLF) is an "initiative
designed to create online curriculum materials and the necessary
infrastructure to ensure that teachers and students in Australia and New
Zealand can use these materials to widen and enhance their learning
experiences in the classroom." For more information, see
In "PCs in the Classroom & Open Book Exams" (UBIQUITY, vol. 6, issue 9,
March 15-22, 2005), Evan Golub asks and supplies some answers to questions
regarding open-book/open-note exams. When classroom computer use is allowed
and encouraged, how can instructors secure the open-book exam environment?
How can cheating be minimized when students are allowed Internet access
during open-book exams? Golub's suggested solutions are available online at
May 5, 2005 message from Carolyn Kotlas
In "Teaching as Performance in the Electronic
Classroom" (FIRST MONDAY, vol. 10, no. 4, April 2005), Doug Brent, professor
in the Faculty of Communication and Culture at the University of Calgary,
presents two views of teaching: teaching as a "performance" and teaching as
a transfer of knowledge through text, a "thing." He discusses the social
groups that have stakes in each view and how teaching will be affected by
the view and group that gains primacy. "If the group that values teaching as
performance has the most influence, we will put more energy into developing
flexible courseware that promotes social engagement and interaction. . . .
If the group that sees teaching as textual [i.e., a thing] has the most
influence, we will develop more elaborate technologies for delivering
courses as online texts, emphasising the role of the student as audience
rather than as participant." Brent's paper is available online at .
First Monday [ISSN 1396-0466] is an online,
peer-reviewed journal whose aim is to publish original articles about the
Internet and the global information infrastructure. It is published in
cooperation with the University Library, University of Illinois at Chicago.
For more information, contact: First Monday, c/o Edward Valauskas, Chief
Editor, PO Box 87636, Chicago IL 60680-0636 USA; email:; Web:
The theme for the latest issue of NEW DIRECTIONS
FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING (vol. 2005, issue 101, Spring 2005) is "Enhancing
Learning with Laptops in the Classroom." Centered on the faculty development
program at Clemson University, the issue's purpose is "to show that
university instructors can and do make pedagogically productive and novel
use of laptops in the classroom" and "to advise institutional leaders on how
to make a laptop mandate successful at their university." The publication is
available online .
New Directions for Teaching and Learning [ISSN:
0271-0633], a quarterly journal published by Wiley InterScience, offers a
"comprehensive range of ideas and techniques for improving college teaching
based on the experience of seasoned instructors and on the latest findings
of educational and psychological researchers." The journal is available both
in print and online formats.
DEVELOPMENT is a new peer-reviewed electronic journal that "supports
emerging scholars and the development of evidence-based practice and that
publishes research and scholarship about teaching and learning in formal,
semi-formal and informal educational settings and sites." Papers in the
current issue include:
"Can Students Improve Performance by Clicking More?
Engaging Students Through Online Delivery" by Jenny Kofoed
"Managing Learner Interactivity: A Precursor to
Knowledge Exchange" by Ken Purnell, Jim Callan, Greg Whymark and Anna
"Online Learning Predicates Teamwork: Collaboration
Underscores Student Engagement" by Greg Whymark, Jim Callan and Ken Purnell
Studies in Learning, Evaluation, Innovation and
Development [ISSN 1832-2050] will be published at least once a year by the
LEID (Learning, Evaluation, Innovation and Development) Centre, Division of
Teaching and Learning Services, Central Queensland University, Rockhampton,
Queensland 4702 Australia. For more information contact: Patrick Danaher,
tel: +61-7-49306417; email: Current and back issues
are available at .
Bob Jensen's threads on education resources are at
Bob Jensen's threads on assessment are at
September 2, 2004 message from Carolyn Kotlas []
The Sloan Consortium's 2003 Survey of Online Learning
wanted to know would students, faculty, and institutions embrace online
education as a delivery method and would the quality of online education match
that of face-to-face instruction. The survey found strong evidence that
students are willing to sign up for online courses and that institutions
consider online courses part of a "critical long-term strategy for their
institution." It is less clear that faculty have embraced online teaching
with the same degree of enthusiasm. The survey's findings are available in
"Sizing the Opportunity: The Quality & Extent of Online Education in
the U.S., 2002 and 2003" by I. Elaine Allen and Jeff Seaman, Sloan Center
for Online Education at Olin and Babson Colleges. The complete report is
online at
The Sloan Consortium (Sloan-C) is a consortium of
institutions and organizations committed "to help learning organizations
continually improve quality, scale, and breadth of their online programs
according to their own distinctive missions, so that education will become a
part of everyday life, accessible and affordable for anyone, anywhere, at any
time, in a wide variety of disciplines." Sloan-C is funded by the Alfred
P. Sloan Foundation. For more information, see
Bob Jensen's threads on the dark side of distance education are at
Computer Grading of Essays
Sociology professor designs SAGrader software for grading student essays
Student essays always seem to be riddled with the same
sorts of flaws. So sociology professor Ed Brent decided to hand the work off to
a computer. Students in Brent's Introduction to Sociology course at the
University of Missouri-Columbia now submit drafts through the SAGrader software
he designed. It counts the number of points he wanted his students to include
and analyzes how well concepts are explained. And within seconds, students have
a score. It used to be the students who looked for shortcuts, shopping for
papers online or pilfering parts of an assignment with a simple Google search.
Now, teachers and professors are realizing that they, too, can tap technology
for a facet of academia long reserved for a teacher alone with a red pen.
Software now scores everything from routine assignments in high school English
classes to an essay on the GMAT, the standardized test for business school
admission. (The essay section just added to the Scholastic Aptitude Test for the
college-bound is graded by humans). Though Brent and his two teaching assistants
still handle final papers and grades students are encouraged to use SAGrader for
a better shot at an "A."
"Computers Now Grading Students' Writing," ABC News, May 8, 2005 ---
Jensen Comment: Aside from some of the obvious advantages such as grammar
checking, students should have a more difficult time protesting that the grading
is subjective and unfair in terms of the teacher's alleged favored versus
less-favored students. Actually computers have been used for some time in
grading essays, including the GMAT graduate admission test ---
References to computer grading of essays ---
You can read about PEG at
Applicants to medical and business schools will
soon be able to leave their No. 2 pencils at home. Both the Medical College
Admission Test and the Graduate Management Admission Test are ditching their
paper versions in favor of computer formats. The Association of American Medical
Colleges has signed a contract with Thomson Prometric, part of the Thomson
Corporation, to offer the computer-based version of the MCAT beginning in 2007.
The computerized version is being offered on a trial basis in a few locations
until then.The GMAT, which has been offered both on paper and by computer since
1997, will be offered only by computer starting in January, officials of the
Graduate Management Admission Council said. The test will be developed by ACT
Inc. and delivered by Pearson VUE, a part of Pearson Education Inc.The Law
School Admission Council has no immediate plans to change its test, which will
continue to be given on paper.
The Chronicle of Higher Education, August 5, 2005, Page A13
Jensen Comment: Candidates for the CPA are now allowed to only take
this examination via computer testing centers. The GMAT has been an
optional computer test since 1997. For years the GMAT has used
computerized grading of essay questions and was a pioneer in this regard.
Assessment in General
Measurement and the No-Significant Differences
Assessment of new technology in learning is impossible to formally evaluate
with both rigor and practicality. The main problem is the constantly changing
technology. By the time assessment research is made available, the underlying
technologies may have been improved to a point where the findings are no longer
relevant under the technologies existing at the time of the research. What
can be done for students after my university installed a campus-wide network is
vastly different than the before-network days. A classroom failure using last
year's technology may not be appropriate to compare with a similar effort using
newer technology. For example, early LCD panel projections from computers in
classrooms were awful in the early 1990s. In the beginning, LCD
panels had no color and had to be used in virtually dark classrooms. This was a
bad experience for most students and instructors (including me). Then new
technology in active matrix LCD panels led to color but the classrooms still had
to be dark. Shortly thereafter, new technologies in overhead projection
brightness allowed for more lighting in classrooms while using LCD panels.
However, many classrooms are not yet equipped with light varying controls to
optimally set lighting levels. Newer trends with even better three-beam
projectors and LCD data projectors changed everything for electronic classrooms,
because now classrooms can have normal lighting as long as lights are not aimed
directly at the screen. The point here is that early experiences with the first
LCD panel technology are no longer relevant in situations where the latest
projection technology, especially in fully equipped electronic classrooms, is
available. Unfortunately, there is a tendency among some faculty to be so
discouraged by one or two failed attempts that they abandon future efforts using
newer technologies.
One of the most creative attempts to evaluate effectiveness from a Total
Quality Management (TQM) perspective is reported by Prabhu and Ramarapu (1994).
This is an attempt to measure learning using a TQM database that can be used to
compare alternative teaching methods or entire programs. [Prabhu, S.S. and
N.K. Ramarapu (1994). “A prototype database to monitor course effectiveness: A
TQM approach,” T H E Technological Horizons in Education, October,
It is easy to become discouraged with first efforts using older technologies.
Many faculty and students became highly frustrated with the early complexities
of using the Internet and/or campus networks that were not user friendly. Unless
they took the time and trouble to become well versed in UNIX programming and
became experienced hackers, the Internet turned into a totally discouraging
nightmare. Now with the WWW and many other user-friendly innovations in campus
and international networking, the need to become an experienced hacker is vastly
"When Coaching and Testing Collide," by Lee S. Shulman, Carnegie
Perspectives," May 2008 ---
It's a scene we have watched dozens of times in the
movies. A young man or woman of modest talent tries out for the baseball or
football or basketball team under the tutelage of a gruff, demanding coach
who expresses initial doubts about the likelihood that the kid will prove
himself or herself worthy of a spot on the team. The coach is tough and
persistent, setting high standards and then mercilessly driving all his
charges to meet them. In the climactic scene at the season's end, the good
guys or gals are losing by several baskets, or runs, or a
touchdown—depending on the sport. "Send me in, coach," pleads our young
hero/ine, which coach reluctantly does. The kid scores the winning points,
and the team wins. The coach turns out to have a heart of gold, and the
reasons for his seeming cruelty become apparent.
What exactly is it that the coach provides the
aspirant? Let me propose five processes associated with both the coach and
mentor roles: 1) technique, learned through endless drill; 2) strategy, that
allows the person who is coached to become capable of a conception of the
work that will turn out to be pivotal in their eventual victory; 3)
motivation, which produces a "Rocky-like" level of commitment that will help
them exceed their own and others' expectations; 4) vision, where players
come together in a new vision of the process and their capabilities for
success; and 5) identity, whereby the protagonist not only wins, but is
transformed, with an internalized new sense of self.
In sports there is always a clear line between the
coaching situation and the performance context. When the final jump shot is
made from the three-point line by the basketball player, the coach can't
jump onto the court and give the ball the extra momentum or spin it might
need. I prefer to call such typical relationships between a coach/mentor and
player/protégé examples of unmediated mentoring. No separate product comes
in the middle between the coaching and the performing that renders the
relative contributions of the coach and the coached inherently ambiguous
because the entire performance is visible and is itself the basis for
evaluating success or failure.
There is, however, an entire genre of mediated
mentoring. The performance is not directly observed and has yielded a
product which is the focal point of competition and evaluation. Thus in the
case of mediated performances, the respective roles of coach and performer
are inherently invisible. Although the five processes are in place and just
as transformative, there is inherently no way to discern how much of the
work was done independently by the candidate, by peers or by advisors.
Whenever mentoring is mediated by a product whose
actual authoring processes are not directly observable, as is the case with
literature, objects of architectural or mechanical design, scholarly
publications, doctoral dissertations, and even paintings, assessment of
individual competence is problematic. But are these problems of educational
measurement or a new set of realities regarding the conditions of expert
performance? Stanford education professor Sam Wineburg and others point out
that the crux of the problem may not be measurement error but rather the
inherently social and interactive character of the performances whose
competence is assessed. Writing is and should be critiqued and edited, as
should painting, the designs for buildings and the research performed in
scientific laboratories. To avoid mentoring merely to ensure the legitimacy
of individual test scores might even be judged a form of malpractice! So we
are faced with an essential tension between the inherently social character
of most forms of complex human performance and the psychometric imperative
to estimate a "true score" for ability or any other personal trait using the
individual as the unit of analysis.
In an education setting, the distinction between
the scores that a student earns on any test-like event—multiple choice test,
essay exam, portfolio or senior sermon in a seminary—and their underlying
"true" capability is a reflection of the distinction, borrowed perhaps from
the field of linguistics, between competence and performance. Psychometrics
rests on the claim that the observed performance is a valid indicator if it
tracks the underlying competence faithfully. But what if mentored or coached
performances actually track underlying competence more validly than
measurement of students working alone? What if the composition written by a
student in the presence of his editing team is a better indicator of his
future writing competence than having him write alone?
That is what sits at the heart of the puzzle.
My proposal for "getting over" this essential
tension is three-fold: making changes in the processes of assessment, making
explicit the parameters of mentoring, and developing a clear code of ethical
principles for both assessment and mentoring. At the heart of these
proposals is the principle of transparency. Everything possible must be done
to ensure that the roles of mentors, peers and students be transparently
clear in any mediated mentoring activity. There should be ways of reporting
on the character of coaching for test performance that make the efforts of
the coach entirely transparent to assessment.
I have often written that collaboration is a
marriage of insufficiencies; that students can work together in ways that
scaffold and support each others' learning, and in ways that support each
others' knowledge. Now I call for a marriage of sufficiencies to overcome
the essential tensions between individual work and collaborative
performance, coaching support and independent assessment, the mentor as an
agent of zealous advocacy and the mentor as a steward of the commons.
As Dewey observed, we will not solve this problem,
we will get over it. It is built in to the psychometric paradox: Our
measurement models are psychometric but our assessment needs are often
sociometric, requiring the measurement of socially scaffolded and joint
Carnegie Perspectives ---
From The Wall Street
Journal Accounting Weekly Review on November 17, 2006
TITLE: Colleges, Accreditors Seek Better Ways to Measure Learning
REPORTER: Daniel Golden
DATE: Nov 13, 2006 PAGE: B1
TOPICS: Accounting
SUMMARY: The article discusses college- or university-wide
accreditation by regional accreditation bodies and reaction to the
Spellings Commission report. Questions extend the accreditation
discussion to AACSB accreditation.
1.) What is accreditation? The article describes university-wide
accreditation by regional accrediting bodies. Why is this step
2.) Does your business school have accreditation by Association to
Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB)? How does this
accreditation differ from university-wide accreditation?
3.) Why are regional accrediting agencies planning to meet with
Secretary Spellings?
4.) Did you consider accreditation in deciding where to go to college
or university? Why or why not?
5.) Do you think improvements in assessing student learning are
important, as the Spellings Commission argues and accreditors are now
touting? Support your answer.
SMALL GROUP ASSIGNMENT: Find out about your college or university's
accreditation. When was the last accreditation review? Were there any
concerns expressed by the accreditors? How has the university responded
to any concerns expressed?
Once these data are gathered, discuss in class in groups:
Has this information been easy or difficult to find? Do you agree
with the assessment of concerns about the institution and/or the
university's responses?
Reviewed By: Judy Beckman, University of Rhode Island
TITLE: Colleges, Accreditors Seek Better Ways to Measure Learning
REPORTER: Daniel Golden
DATE: Nov 13, 2006 PAGE: B1
At the University of the South, a
highly regarded liberal-arts college in Sewanee, Tenn., the dozen
professors who teach the required freshman Shakespeare course design
their classes differently, assigning their favorite plays and
writing and grading their own exams.
But starting next fall, one question
on the final exam will be the same across all of the classes, and
instructors won't grade their own students' answers to that
question. Instead, to assure more objective evaluation, the
professors will trade exams and grade each other's students.
The English department adopted this
change -- despite faculty grumbling about losing some classroom
independence -- under pressure from the Southern Association of
Schools and Colleges. The association, one of the six regional
groups that accredit nearly 3,000 U.S. colleges, told the University
of the South that, to have its accreditation renewed, it would have
to do a better job of measuring student learning. Without such
accreditation, the school's students wouldn't qualify for federal
financial aid.
The shift "does cut into the
individual faculty member's autonomy, and that's disturbing," says
Jennifer Michael, an associate professor. "On the other hand, it's
making us think about how do we figure out what students are
actually learning. Maybe having them take and pass a course doesn't
mean they've learned everything we think they have."
Regional accreditors used to limit
their examinations to colleges' financial solvency and educational
resources, with the result that well-established schools enjoyed
rubber-stamp approval. But now they are increasingly holding
colleges, prestigious or not, responsible for undergraduates' grasp
of such skills as writing and critical thinking. And prodded by
regional accreditors, colleges are adopting various means of
assessing learning in addition to classroom grades, from electronic
portfolios that collect a student's work from different courses to
standardized testing and special projects for graduating seniors.
The accreditors aren't moving fast
enough for the Bush administration, though. In the wake of a
federally sponsored study published in 2005 that showed declining
literacy among college-educated Americans, Secretary of Education
Margaret Spellings and a commission she appointed on the future of
higher education want colleges to be more accountable for -- and
candid about -- student performance, and they have criticized
accreditors as barriers to reform.
Congress sets the standards for
accreditors, and the Education Department periodically reviews
compliance with those standards. Congress identified "success with
respect to student achievement" as a requirement for accreditation
in 1992, and then in 1998 made it the top priority. That imperative,
along with the advent of online education, has spurred accreditors
to rethink their longtime emphasis on such criteria as the number of
faculty members with doctorates. Since 2000, several regional
accreditors have revamped their rules to emphasize student learning.
"Accreditors have moved the ball
forward," says Kati Haycock, a member of the Spellings commission
and the director of the nonprofit Education Trust in Washington,
D.C., which seeks better schooling for disadvantaged students. "Not
far enough, not fast enough, but they have moved the ball forward."
An issue paper written for the
commission by Robert Dickeson, a former president of the University
of Northern Colorado, complained that accreditation "currently
settles for meeting minimum standards," and it called for replacing
regional accreditors with a new national foundation. "Technology has
rendered the quaint jurisdictional approach to accreditation
obsolete," Mr. Dickeson wrote.
The commission didn't endorse that
recommendation, but its final report last month cited "significant
shortcomings" in accreditation and called for "transformation" of
the process. In a Sept. 22 speech marking the release of the report,
Secretary Spellings said that accreditors are "largely focused on
inputs, more on how many books are in a college library than whether
students can actually understand them....That must change."
David Ward, a commission member and
the president of the American Council on Education, a higher
education advocacy group, declined to sign the report, in part
because he objected to its criticism of accreditors as overly
Russell Edgerton, president emeritus
of the American Association for Higher Education, says "there's no
question that American colleges are underachieving," but he argues
that accreditors are rising to the challenge. "Ten years ago, I
would have said that regional accreditors are dead in the water and
asleep at the wheel," he says. But "there's been a kind of
renaissance within accreditation agencies in the past five to six
years. They're helping institutions create a culture of evidence
about student learning."
Mr. Edgerton also thinks the federal
government's emphasis on new accountability measures is flawed
because it bypasses the judgment of traditional arbiters like
faculty and accreditors. "The danger is that the standardized
testing approach in K-12 would slop over into higher education," he
says. "Higher ed is different."
Jerome Walker, associate provost and
accreditation liaison officer for the University of Southern
California, agrees that the administration's attacks on accreditors
are unfair. The Western Association of Schools and Colleges, which
accredits USC, "has been extremely sensitive" to student learning,
he says.
According to the Western Association's
executive director, Ralph Wolff, the group revamped its standards in
2001 to require colleges to identify preparation needed by entering
freshmen and the expectations for student progress in critical
thinking, quantitative reasoning and other skills. Its accreditation
process now takes four years, up from 1½, and it features a
detailed, peer-reviewed proposal for improvement and two site
visits, including one devoted to "educational effectiveness."
Historically, research universities
like USC "used to blow off" accreditation, Mr. Wolff says. "Now this
has become a real challenge for them in a good way."
Encouraged by Mr. Wolff, USC last year
assigned the same two essay questions -- one about conformity,
another based on a quotation from ethicist Robert Bellah -- to
freshmen in a beginning writing course and juniors and seniors in an
advanced course. A group of faculty then evaluated the essays
without knowing the students' names or which course they were
taking. The reassuring outcome, according to Richard Fliegel,
assistant dean for academic programs, was that juniors and seniors
"demonstrated significantly more critical thinking skills" than
freshmen, and that advanced students who had taken the first-year
course outperformed transfer students who hadn't taken beginning
writing at USC.
Because the writing initiative is
tailored to USC's curriculum, the results -- while helpful to
administrators and accreditors -- wouldn't necessarily help the
public compare USC to other schools. That is a big drawback as far
as the Bush administration is concerned. "I have two kids in college
now," says Vickie Schray, deputy director of the Spellings
commission. "It's a huge expense. Yet there's very little
information on return of investment or ability to shop around for
the greatest value."
She adds, though, that it is a
"misconception" to think that the administration wants to have "one
standardized test for all institutions" or to extend the testing
requirements of the "No Child Left Behind" law for K-12 schools to
higher education.
Even so, one standardized test of
critical thinking, the Collegiate Learning Assessment, is becoming
popular. It adjusts for students' scores on the SAT and ACT
college-entrance exams, potentially allowing more meaningful
comparisons of the value added by colleges. The number of schools
using the assessment has soared from 54 two years ago to 170 this
year. Among those using the test this fall: the University of Texas
at Austin, Duke University, Arizona State University and Washington
and Lee University.
Roger Benjamin, president of the
nonprofit Council for Aid to Education, which sponsors the test,
says state officials and university administrators have been the
principal forces behind its increasing use. "Accreditors are coming
to the party, but a bit late," Mr. Benjamin says.
Meanwhile, Secretary Spellings plans
to meet with accreditors in late November to discuss how to
"accelerate the focus on student achievement," Ms. Schray says.
Accreditors say they welcome the opportunity to tout their progress.
"We have made a lot of reforms," says the Western Association's Mr.
Wolff. "We'd like to bring the secretary up-to-date on the
significance of these reforms and the impact they're already having
on institutions."
As David Bartholomae observes, “We make a huge
mistake if we don’t try to articulate more publicly what it is we value in
intellectual work. We do this routinely for our students — so it should not be
difficult to find the language we need to speak to parents and legislators.” If
we do not try to find that public language but argue instead that we are not
accountable to those parents and legislators, we will only confirm what our
cynical detractors say about us, that our real aim is to keep the secrets of our
intellectual club to ourselves. By asking us to spell out those secrets and
measuring our success in opening them to all, outcomes assessment helps make
democratic education a reality.
Gerald Graff, "Assessment Changes
Everything," Inside Higher Ed, February 21, 2008 ---
Gerald Graff is professor of English at the University of Illinois at Chicago
and president of the Modern Language Association. This essay is adapted from a
paper he delivered in December at the MLA annual meeting, a version of which
appears on the MLA’s Web site and is reproduced here with the association’s
permission. Among Graff’s books are Professing Literature, Beyond the
Culture Wars and Clueless in Academe: How School Obscures the Life of the Mind.
The consensus report, which was approved by the
group’s international board of directors, asserts that it is vital when
accrediting institutions to assess the “impact” of faculty members’ research on
actual practices in the business world.
"Measuring ‘Impact’ of B-School Research," by Andy Guess, Inside
Higher Ed, February 21, 2008 ---
Ask anyone with an M.B.A.: Business school provides
an ideal environment to network, learn management principles and gain access
to jobs. Professors there use a mix of scholarly expertise and business
experience to teach theory and practice, while students prepare for the life
of industry: A simple formula that serves the school, the students and the
corporations that recruit them.
Yet like
any other academic enterprise, business schools expect their
faculty to produce peer-reviewed research. The relevance,
purpose and merit of that research has been debated almost
since the institutions started appearing, and now a new
report promises to add to the discussion — and possibly stir
more debate. The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools
of Business on Thursday released the final report of its
Impact of Research Task Force, the
result of feedback from almost 1,000 deans, directors and
professors to a preliminary draft circulated in August.
The consensus
report, which was approved by the group’s international
board of directors, asserts that it is vital when
accrediting institutions to assess the “impact” of faculty
members’ research on actual practices in the business world.
But it does not settle on concrete metrics for impact,
leaving that discussion to a future implementation task
force, and emphasizes that a “one size fits all” approach
will not work in measuring the value of scholars’ work.
The report
does offer suggestions for potential measures of impact. For
a researcher studying how to improve manufacturing
practices, impact could be measured by counting the number
of firms adopting the new approach. For a professor who
writes a book about finance for a popular audience, one
measure could be the number of copies sold or the quality of
reviews in newspapers and magazines.
“In the
past, there was a tendency I think to look at the
[traditional academic] model as kind of the desired
situation for all business schools, and what we’re saying
here in this report is that there is not a one-size-fits-all
model in this business; you should have impact and
expectations dependent on the mission of the business school
and the university,” said Richard Cosier, the dean of the
Krannert School of Management at Purdue University and vice
chair and chair-elect of AACSB’s board. “It’s a pretty
radical position, if you know this business we’re in.”
position worried some respondents to the initial draft, who
feared an undue emphasis on immediate, visible impact of
research on business practices — essentially, clear
utilitarian value — over basic research. The final report
takes pains to alleviate those concerns, reassuring deans
and scholars that it wasn’t minimizing the contributions of
theoretical work or requiring that all professors at a
particular school demonstrate “impact” for the institution
to be accredited.
readers, for instance, inferred that the Task Force believes
that ALL intellectual contributions must be relevant to and
impact practice to be valued. The position of the Task Force
is that intellectual contributions in the form of basic
theoretical research can and have been extremely valuable
even if not intended to directly impact practice,” the
report states.
“It also is
important to clarify that the recommendations would not
require every faculty member to demonstrate impact from
research in order to be academically qualified for AACSB
accreditation review. While Recommendation #1 suggests that
AACSB examine a school’s portfolio of intellectual
contributions based on impact measures, it does not specify
minimum requirements for the maintenance of individual
academic qualification. In fact, the Task Force reminds us
that to demonstrate faculty currency, the current standards
allow for a breadth of other scholarly activities, many of
which may not result in intellectual contributions.”
Cosier, who
was on the task force that produced the report, noted that
business schools with different missions might require
differing definitions of impact. For example, a traditional
Ph.D.-granting institution would focus on peer-reviewed
research in academic journals that explores theoretical
questions and management concepts. An undergraduate
institution more geared toward classroom teaching, on the
other hand, might be better served by a definition of impact
that evaluated research on pedagogical concerns and learning
methods, he suggested.
A further
concern, he added, is that there simply aren’t enough
Ph.D.-trained junior faculty coming down the pipeline, let
alone resources to support them, to justify a single
research-oriented model across the board. “Theoretically,
I’d say there’s probably not a limit” to the amount of
academic business research that could be produced, “but
practically there is a limit,” Cosier said.
some critics have worried that the
report could encourage a focus on the immediate impact of
research at the expense of theoretical work that could
potentially have an unexpected payoff in the future.
Historically, as the report notes, business scholarship was
viewed as inferior to that in other fields, but it has
gained esteem among colleagues over the past 50 or so years.
In that context, the AACSB has pursued a concerted effort to
define and promote the role of research in business schools.
The report’s concrete recommendations also include an awards
program for “high-impact” research and the promotion of
links between faculty members and managers who put some of
their research to use in practice.
recommendations still have a ways to go before they become
policy, however. An implementation task force is planned to
look at how to turn the report into a set of workable
policies, with some especially worried about how the
“impact” measures would be codified. The idea, Cosier said,
was to pilot some of the ideas in limited contexts before
rolling them out on a wider basis.
Jensen Comment
It will almost be a joke to watch leading accountics researchers trying of show
how their esoteric findings have impacted the practice world when the professors
themselves cannot to point to any independent replications of their own work ---
Is the practice world so naive as to rely upon findings of scientific research
that has not been replicated?
Those conclusions come
a national survey of employers
with at least 25 employees and significant
hiring of recent college graduates, released
Tuesday by the Association of American
Colleges and Universities. Over all, 65
percent of those surveyed believe that new
graduates of four-year colleges have most or
all of the skills to succeed in entry-level
positions, but only 40 percent believe that
they have the skills to advance.
. .
terms of specific skills, the employers didn’t give many A’s
or fail many either. The employers were asked to rank new
graduates on 12 key areas, and the grads did best in
teamwork, ethical judgments and intercultural work, and
worst in global knowledge, self-direction and writing.
Employers Ratings of College
Graduates Preparedness on 1-10 Scale
Category |
Rating |
giving high (8-10) rating |
giving low (1-5) rating |
Teamwork |
7.0 |
39% |
17% |
Ethical judgment |
6.9 |
38% |
19% |
Intercultural skills |
6.9 |
38% |
19% |
Social responsibility |
6.7 |
35% |
21% |
Quantitative reasoning |
6.7 |
32% |
23% |
Oral communication |
6.6 |
30% |
23% |
Self-knowledge |
6.5 |
28% |
26% |
Adaptability |
6.3 |
24% |
30% |
Critical thinking |
6.3 |
22% |
31% |
Writing |
6.1 |
26% |
37% |
Self-direction |
5.9 |
23% |
42% |
Global knowledge |
5.7 |
18% |
46% |
the extent that employers give graduates mixed grades, that
raises the question of how they determine who is really
prepared. Many of the existing tools appear to be
insufficient, the poll found.
Continued in
Jensen Comment
This study is misleading in the sense that large employers generally hire
above-average graduates. This skews the results upward with respect to the
entire population of college graduates. Colleges have a long way to go in modern
Bob Jensen's threads higher education controversies are at
January 6, 2006 message from Carolyn Kotlas
No Significant Difference Phenomenon website
The website is a companion piece to Thomas L.
Russell's book THE NO SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCE PHENOMENON, a bibliography of
355 research reports, summaries, and papers that document no significant
differences in student outcomes between alternate modes of education
International Society for Technology in Education ---
is a nonprofit professional organization with a worldwide membership
of leaders and potential leaders in educational technology. We are
dedicated to providing leadership and service to improve teaching and
learning by advancing the effective use of technology in K–12
education and teacher education. We provide our members with
information, networking opportunities, and guidance as they face the
challenge of incorporating computers, the Internet, and other new
technologies into their schools.
of the National Educational Technology Standards (NETS), the Center
for Applied Research in Education Technology (CARET), and the National
Educational Computing Conference (NECC), ISTE meets its mission
through knowledge generation, professional development, and advocacy.
ISTE also represents and informs its membership regarding educational
issues of national scope through ISTE–DC. We support a worldwide
network of Affiliates and Special Interest Groups (SIGs), and we offer
our members the latest information through our periodicals and
organization of great diversity, ISTE leads through presenting innovative
educational technology books and programs; conducting professional development
workshops, forums, and symposia; and researching, evaluating, and
disseminating findings regarding educational technology on an international
level. ISTE’s Web site,,
contains coverage of many topics relevant to the educational technology
Bookstore. L&L. NECC, NETS. About ISTE, Educator Resources, Join!,
Membership, Affiliates
ISTE 100, SIGs, Professional Development, Publications, Research Projects,
Standards Projects, Site Map
"Surveying the Digital Landscape: Evolving Technologies 2004," Educause
Review, vol. 39, no. 6 (November/December 2004): 78–92. ---
Each year, the members of the EDUCAUSE Evolving
Technologies Committee identify and research the evolving technologies that
are having the most direct impact on higher education institutions. The
committee members choose the relevant topics, write white papers, and present
their findings at the EDUCAUSE annual conference.
December 9, 2004 message from Ed Scribner []
Thanks for that EDUCASE link. Who among us old-timers
from the mainframe BITNET days would have predicted that “spam management”
would top the list of influential campus technologies in 2004?
While following the link you sent, I noticed that
Wesleyan has a nicely crafted set of assessment links that you probably
already have, but it didn’t turn up in my search of
Information Technology Services Assessment ---
Ed Scribner
New Mexico State
Bob Jensen discusses the long term future of education technologies at
From T.H.E. Journal, April 2004 ---
"High (School)-Tech: The Effect of Technology on Student Achievement in
Grades 7-12," by Neal Starkman, T.H.E.'s The Focus Newsletter, April
15, 2004 ---
In Lincolnshire, Ill., teachers at Adlai E. Stevenson
High School are mandated to be proficient in the “operation and
conceptualization of hardware and networks, applications, information tools,
and presentation tools.”
In Scott County, Ky., students throughout the school
district participate in a Digital Storytelling Project. The project lets
students select an appropriate story, restructure the story in response to a
“seven elements” model, create storyboards, gather content, produce
videos, and share them at a Digital Storytelling Festival.
In Granger, Ind., eighth-grade students at Discovery
Middle School produce a seven-minute news broadcast every morning. They make
the assignments; organize the crew; set up camera equipment; block the shots;
instruct others, including adults, in their roles in the production; and read
the news.
And in Redmond, Wash., Tom Charouhas, a science
teacher at Rose Hill Junior High School, uses “probeware” to show students
how to determine the force needed to maintain mechanical efficiency in pulley
systems. By using probeware, students can actually see the results of their
actions on numerous pulleys.
What's going on here?
It's technology in the classroom: word processing
programs, e-mail, databases and spreadsheets, modeling software,
closed-circuit television, computer networks, CD-ROM encyclopedias, network
search tools, desktop publishing, videotape recording and editing equipment,
and the list goes on and on. What the chalkboard was to the 20th-century
classroom, the computer is to the 21st-century classroom. The one important
difference is that the concept of the chalkboard didn't change much over the
decades; however, we're just at the beginning of the evolution of the computer
as a teaching and learning tool.
Lake Washington School District, which includes Tom
Charouhas' school and 41 others, is a good example of how far technology has
traveled in schools. The North Central Regional Educational Laboratory (NCREL),
online at, reports that the district started wiring its
schools back in 1989. Today, there is a computer for every four students, and
the district even has its own channel on cable TV. The district is also
committed to renewing its hardware every five years for desktops and every
four years for laptops, in addition to training all of its 1,300 teachers (no
teacher proficiency, no computer upgrade). Charouhas has seen a “slow and
steady climb” in not only the expertise of teachers in technology but also,
and much more importantly, the expertise of students. “You can talk about
concepts until you're blue in the face,” he says, but he believes that
students really learn the science when they actually do the science.
But, is it as easy as that? Is it just a matter of
“wiring”? The Center for Applied Research in Educational Technology
(CARET), online at, has compiled evidence on just what
impact technology has had on student performance. It's concluded that
technology improves student performance when the application has the following
Curriculum. It directly supports the curriculum
objectives being assessed.
Collaboration. It provides opportunities for
student collaboration.
Feedback. It adjusts for student ability and prior
experience, and provides feedback to the student and teacher about student
performance or progress with the application.
Integration. It is integrated into the typical
instructional day.
Assessment. It provides opportunities for students
to design and implement projects that extend the curriculum content being
assessed by a particular standardized test.
Support. It is used in environments where teachers,
the school community, and school and district administrators support the use
of technology.
None of this, of course, should be surprising. As
Charouhas says, “The use of the technology cannot supersede the content…
[and] the most important [component] of any classroom is the teacher.”
Elliot Wolfe can attest to that. Wolfe, a senior at
Seattle's Garfield High School, takes classes at Seattle Central Community
College as part of a program called Running Start. On March 11, he made a
presentation on native Catholic boarding schools using PowerPoint and an LCD
projector. His 18 slides included photographs and facts about the nature of
the classes in boarding schools, where the schools were located, and how many
students attended each over a period of time. He used the slides to illustrate
the main points and then orally elaborated on them over the course of about 10
Was it effective? Sure. All of us, including
students, learn in various ways (e.g., auditorily, visually, kinesthetically),
and the more of those ways a teacher can employ, the greater the chance of
learning. But is it a panacea?
Continued in the article
"Technology's Impact on Academic Achievement," by Samuel Besalel,
T.H.E. Journal, January 22, 2004 ---
This issue is the first of two articles that focus on
the impact of technology on academic achievement. When examining technology's
contributions to education, age is not a factor. Throughout every age group,
students benefit from technology in the classroom.
There is a wide range of technology used in schools
today, from desktop computers in classrooms and labs to digital whiteboards,
digital projectors, laptop computers, wireless network technologies, devices
for special needs populations, and more.
In this issue, we will focus on how technology
increases classroom efficiency and facilitates learning in educational
settings from kindergarten through grade six.
We will also examine the kind of changes in student
learning that occur as a direct result of technology.
The Link Between Technology and Achievement
Technology in the classroom directly contributes to student achievement, both
by making students more effective in their learning and teachers more
efficient in their teaching.
Students are attracted to the use of computers, even
for such mundane applications as playing math games and reading online books.
But when used in this manner, don't they simply replace other possible
teaching methods or learning tools? Are there really advantages to such uses?
Actually, yes. Particularly in primary grades,
computers help to reinforce many basic skills. While a teacher might find it
hard to sustain a child's attention to teach and re-teach math facts, or the
spelling of the days of the week, students are much more tolerant of
repetition from a computer program; in fact, they come to expect it. This is
good news, because repetition is essential in areas such as beginner reading
and the learning of almost any fact.
For example, students playing a math game can feel
challenged by "beating the high score," making the learning of math
both competitive and fun, while encouraging additional practice and drilling
of facts.
Advantages are also to be had with online books.
Efficient reading goes beyond being able to recognize letters and words.
Phrasing is a key aspect of what good readers do. Many online book programs
not only display the words of a book, with pictures or animations, but also
include both an audio component and highlighting of phrases as the narrator
works through the text. This provides an accurate model of what good readers
do, helping to build fluent reading skills.
Teacher innovation has never been in short supply.
The innovative approaches educators use to leverage technology to the benefit
of their students is often more impressive than the technology itself.
With the appropriate targeting and application of
technology, substantial gains can be made for student achievement. Various
applications of technology can be effective when targeting primary school
students to introduce logical concepts, mathematical equations, and cause and
For example, I've witnessed effective lessons
presented in a computer lab to 20 or more students using only a single PC and
a digital projector.
Because people need to learn how to learn, computer
interfaces often pose problems to older learners. This is often not the case
with young students with fiercely inquisitive minds. Presented as play, I
observed how kindergarteners were cannily introduced to methods to approach
software programs. Using The Learning Company's Kid Pix (
), the instructor quizzed students on their knowledge of seasons, nature and
animals. Together (with the instructor "driving"), they composed a
thematic painting for the fall harvesting season. The children observed how
various menus of related objects were stored. Using the objects to simulate
rubber stamps, together they designed a picture that used their current
knowledge and eased them into more information. In the process, they learned
to group relationships of animals and plants in higher and lower order (i.e.,
animals, animals with four legs, mammals) and were introduced to computer
terminology such as select, delete, edit, click, and so forth.
Continued in the article
"Evaluating the Impact of Technology: The Less Simple Answer," by
Doug Johnson, Educational Technology Journal, January/February 1996 ---
From the National School Boards Association ---
From a Department of Education 1995
forum, some panelists contended that rather than debating the connections
between technology-based instruction and test scores, schools should focus on
the most obvious and compelling reason form implementing technology-namely,
that students need strong technology skills to succeed in the world of work.
This section will provide you with the impact technology has on learning.
You can find the following in this section:
ED Report The Costs and Effectiveness of
Educational Technology
"Through the use of advanced computing and telecommunications
technology, learning can also be qualitatively different. The process
of learning in the classroom can become significantly richer as
students have access to new and different types of information, can
manipulate it on the computer through graphic displays or controlled
experiments in ways never before possible, and can communicate their
results and conclusions in a variety of media to their teacher,
students in the next classroom, or students around the world. For
example, using technology, students can collect and graph real-time
weather, environmental, and populations data from their community, use
that data to create color maps and graphs, and then compare these maps
to others created by students in other communities. Similarly, instead
of reading about the human circulatory system and seeing textbook
pictures depicting bloodflow, students can use technology to see blood
moving through veins and arteries, watch the process of oxygen
entering the bloodstream, and experiment to understand the effects of
increased pulse or cholesterol-filled arteries on blood flow."
(page 16)
"We know now - based on decades of use in schools, on findings
of hundreds of research studies, and on the everyday experiences of
educators, students, and their families - that, properly used,
technology can enhance the achievement of all students, increase
families’ involvement in their children’s schooling, improve
teachers’ skills and knowledge, and improve school administration
and management."
TechKnowLogia ---
is an international online journal that provides policy makers, strategists,
practitioners and technologists at the local, national and global levels with a
strategic forum to:
Explore the vital role of
different information technologies (print, audio, visual and digital) in the
development of human and knowledge capital;
Share policies, strategies,
experiences and tools in harnessing technologies for knowledge
dissemination, effective learning, and efficient education services;
Review the latest systems and
products of technologies of today, and peek into the world of tomorrow; and
Exchange information about
resources, knowledge networks and centers of expertise.
- Do Technologies
Enhance Learning?
- Brain Research,
Learning and Technology
- Technologies
at Work for: Critical Thinking, Science Instruction, Teaching
Practices, etc...
- Interactive TV as
an Educational Tool
- Complexity of
Integrating ICTs into Curriculum & Exams
- Use of Digital
Cameras to Enhance Learning
- Creating
Affordable Universal Internet Access
Bob Jensen's threads on education technologies are at
Reading on Line (for the K12
Teachers and Students) ---
Reading Online
(ROL) is a peer-reviewed journal of the International
Reading Association (IRA). Since its launch in May 1997 it has become a
leading online source of information for the worldwide literacy-education
community, with tens of thousands of accesses to the site each month.
The journal focuses
on literacy practice and research in classrooms serving students aged 5 to 18.
“Literacy” is broadly defined to include traditional print literacy, as
well as visual literacy, critical literacy, media literacy, digital literacy,
and so on. A special mission of the journal is to support professionals as
they integrate technology in the classroom, preparing students for a future in
which literacy’s meaning will continue to evolve and expand.
The journal is guided
by an editorial
council whose members adjudicate manuscripts submitted for peer review. In
addition to articles, ROL includes invited features, online versions of
content from IRA’s peer-reviewed print journals, and reports and other
documents of interest to the worldwide literacy education community.
Important Distance
Education Site
The Sloan Consortium ---
The purpose of the Sloan Consortium (Sloan-C) is to help learning organizations
continually improve quality, scale, and breadth according to their own
distinctive missions, so that education will become a part of everyday life,
accessible and affordable for anyone, anywhere, at any time, in a wide variety
of disciplines.
From Syllabus News on October 14, 2003
Online University Consortium Releases Learner
Assessment Tool
A network of universities founded to help companies
and employees secure a quality online education, announced a Web-based
assessment tool for prospective students considering online degree programs.
The Online Learner Assessment, unveiled by the Online University Consortium,
helps students determine their aptitude for online education in order to
choose the best source for their individual learning style. The tool helps
Online UC to match learners with qualified degree programs.
"The tool helps learners avoid costly mistakes
by making the best education choice for their individual needs," said
Greg Eisenbarth, Online UC's executive director. "This allows targeted
development and enhances ROI for corporations funding employee training."
Read more:
Thinking About Assessment: Assessment is education's new
apple-pie issue. Unfortunately, the devil is in the details, by Kenneth
C. Green - August 2001 ---
Assessment has become the big thing. President
Clinton supported assessment. President Bush supports assessment. It seems
like every member of Congress favors assessment. So too, it seems, do all
the nation's governors, and almost every elected state and local official
-- school board members, city council members, mayors, city attorneys,
sheriffs, county commissioners, park commissioners, and more.
The CEOs of major U.S. companies want more
assessment. Moreover, many school superintendents, like Education Secre
tary Rod Paige, former superintendent of the Houston Independent School
District, also support assessment.
Assessment is education's new apple pie issue.
Everyone supports efforts to improve education; and everyone seems to
believe more assessment will help improve education.
It's just grand that many people in so many
elected and administrative offices support assessment.
There is, however, one little problem: getting
all these individuals to agree on how and what to assess and how to use
the data. They all agree about the need for more assessment.
Unfortunately, the devil is in the details.
It may be a stretch, but I see some striking
similarities in the public conversation about technology and assessment.
First, well-informed folks -- some in education,
some not -- believe that more assessment will improve education.
Similarly, many people -- some who are educators and many others who
simply care about education -- believe that more technology will improve
Second, assessment costs lots of money. One
dimension of the discussion underway in Congress and in state capitols
involves how much money to spend on assessment. Similarly, one dimension
of the continuing conversation about technology in schools and colleges is
about the costs.
Third, it seems like everyone has strong opinions
about assessment. Moreover, anyone with an opinion becomes an immediate
expert. Similarly, it seems like everyone has strong opinions about
technology. Moreover, like opinions about assessment, anyone with an
opinion about technology believes it is an expert opinion. In an
interesting and important twist on Cartesian logic, we are all sum ergo
experts on both assessment and technology.
Finally, as an acknowledged sum ergo expert, let
me suggest an additional similarity: Those who profess great faith in the
power of assessment or technology to enhance education may be engaged in
just that -- an act of faith!
Wait, please. Let me explain. I believe in
assessment. I believe in technology. But I also believe in research. And
while I know a little less about the assessment literature and a little
more about the technology literature, I do know enough about both to know
that the research literature in both areas is often ambiguous.
Indeed, advocates for both assessment and for
technology often have to confront the "no
significant differences" question.
For those of you who missed statistics in college, this means that at the
end of the day, does the treatment (the intervention) generate a
statistically significant difference in outcomes or performance?
Here, the hard questions are about learning
outcomes. Let's frame the questions as hypotheses in a doctoral
H1: Assessment contributes to enhanced learning
outcomes for individual students.
H2: Assessment contributes to the enhanced
performance of schools and colleges.
H3: Technology contributes to enhanced learning
outcomes for individual students.
H4: Technology contributes to the enhanced
performance of schools and colleges.
You may take issue with the academic
presentation. However, in the context of the public discussions, as well
as public policy and educational planning, these are the core issues: Do
assessment and technology contribute to enhanced student learning and to
the enhanced performance of schools and colleges?
Alas, we don't really know. We think we know. We
draw on personal experience as hard data. We accept anecdote and
testimonial as evidence of impacts. But the hard research evidence remains
elusive; the aggregated research is ambiguous.
Indeed, it may well be a good (and obvious)
"intervention," as suggested by President Bush and others, to
conduct annual "reading and math assessments [to] provide parents
with the information they need, to know how well their child is doing in
school, and how well the school is educating their child." But we
really do not know if this will make a difference in educational
experiences of students or the effectiveness of individual schools.
Also see
Controversies Regarding Pedagogy
"No Lectures or Teachers, Just Software," by
Joshua Green, The New York Times, August 10, 2001 ---
The aim is to get students to delve into a
course's volumes of academic information, including hours of videotape of
experts in a field related to the program. Students running Krasnovia, for
example, can draw on video advice from Thomas Boyatt, a former ambassador,
and Bruce Laingen, an American diplomat who was held hostage in Iran and
is president of the American Academy of Diplomacy.
Rather than subject students to full-blown
lectures, Dr. Schank breaks the video into snippets that address only the
question at hand. He believes students learn more effectively through this
piecemeal approach, which he calls "just in time" learning.
"The value of the computer is
that it allows kids to learn by doing," he said. "People don't
learn by being talked at. They learn when they attempt to do something and
fail. Learning happens when they try to figure out why."
Bald, bearded and powerfully built, Dr. Schank's
appearance and demeanor suggest Marlon Brando in the movie
"Apocalypse Now." His professional reputation is somewhat
similar. His brusque manner and outspoken criticism of those he disagrees
with have alienated some colleagues and earned him the reputation of
iconoclast. But his success in designing teaching software has made him a
much sought after figure among businesses, military clients and
His company puts extraordinary effort into
creating software courses, each of which can take up to a year to design
and can cost up to $1 million. Video is an important component of Dr.
Schank's program. After interviewing professors, his staff develops a
story, writes a script, hires professional actors and begins filming.
Cognitive Arts even arranged the use of CNN footage of the Bosnian
conflict to lend the aura of authenticity to Crisis in Krasnovia.
The programs allow students to progress at their
own pace. Dr. Schank says the semester system is badly outdated, a view he
also holds for most tests, which foster only temporary memorization, he
says. His programs require students to write detailed reports on what they
have learned. A student who cuts corners does not finish the course, and
the failing grade is delivered in the spirit of a video game. In Krasnovia,
for instance, an incomplete report would draw a mock newscast in which
commentators ridicule the president's address. Students must then go back
and improve their work.
These multimedia simulations differ radically
from current online offerings. "When you look at online courses now,
what do you see?" Dr. Schank said. "Text online with a quiz.
We're not taking a lecture and putting it on screen. We're restructuring
these courses into goal-based scenarios that will get kids excited."
Dr. Schank says that such courses will render
traditional classes -- and many professors -- obsolete. "The idea of
one professor for one class is ancient," he said. "New
technology is going to give every student access to the best professors in
the world."
But many academics dismiss Dr. Schank's
prediction that traditional teaching methods will soon become obsolete and
question software learning's pedagogic value. "Education depends on
relationships between people," said David F. Noble, a history
professor at York University in Toronto and a critic of online learning.
"Interactive is not the same as interpersonal. What Schank doesn't
recognize is that teaching is not just about relaying knowledge."
Others warn against accepting radical new
technology without pause. "The American university system is a highly
functional institution," said Phil Agre, an associate professor of
information studies at the University of California at Los Angeles.
"The danger is that we will apply overly simplistic ideas about
technology and tear apart the institution before we really know what we're
Related evidence on impact of removing lectures
from course is found in the BAM project described at
October 8, 2003 message from Laurie Padgett [padgett8@BELLSOUTH.NET]
Yes it was live chat (synchronous) using voice
(which also had a text chat box). In s particular class we would meet
every other week in the evening around 7/8. I think they lasted 1 hr to 1
1/2 hr (I can not recall exactly). I took two classes a semester so I
would attend two live chats for every two weeks. The instructors would
coordinate to ensure they would not plan the class for the same evening.
In addition to the live chat, we also used another program that I just can
not remember the name of it (I think it might have been called Placeware).
It was really neat because it looked like an auditorium and you were a
little character (or may I say a colored dot). You could raise your hand,
ask a question, type text, etc. We would use the chat program where he
would talk as he conducted the presentation in the other program. If you
had a question you would raise your hand & then use the live chat to
talk. The program was starting to get more advanced as I graduated.
The Master's of Accounting program that I went
through (as I understand it from the professor I had) was one of the first
to go online for this particular program. I was in the first graduating
class which started April of 2000 and completed September 2001. I attended
Nova Southeastern University in Florida. (
I know that some feel that live chat
(synchronous) might not work due to time zones and some feel that the text
works just as well. From my personal experience and opinion I feel that a
Master's program in "Accounting" needs more than just text
written but interaction between your fellow classmates too. I feel it was
more productive because it is like you are sitting in a class listening to
the instructor and you have the opportunity to ask a question by typing in
the box & then the instructor sees it & answers it with his voice.
Additionally, you cover much more subject area than you can with a text
chat. It really worked well.
Again, these are my opinions and each person has
his own. This is what makes us unique.
-----Original Message-----
Subject: Re: peer evaluation of a web-based course
When you say "live" chat, are you
referring to the chats in which all students come together at the same
time (synchronous)? I tried to initiate this type of chat in my online
class and found students's schedules to be an issue.
Has anyone tried putting students into groups
to do synchronous chatting about assignments? How did this work for your
Lauretta A. Cooper, MBA, CPA
Delaware Technical & Community College Terry Campus
Principles of Effective Teaching: A Practical Lens for Evaluating Online
by Charles Graham, Kursat Cagiltay, Byung-Ro Lim, Joni Craner and Thomas M.
Assessment, March/April 2001 ---
Reproduced below with permission.
The "Seven
Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education," originally
published in the AAHE Bulletin (Chickering & Gamson, 1987), are
a popular framework for evaluating teaching in traditional, face-to-face
courses. The principles are based on 50 years of higher education research (Chickering
& Reisser, 1993). A faculty inventory (Johnson Foundation,
"Faculty," 1989) and an institutional inventory (Johnson
Foundation, "Institutional," 1989) based on these principles have
helped faculty members and higher-education institutions examine and improve
their teaching practices.
We, a team of five
evaluators from Indiana University's Center for Research on Learning and
Technology (CRLT), recently used these principles to evaluate four online
courses in a professional school at a large Midwestern university. (The
authors are required to keep the identity of that university
confidential.—Ed.) The courses were taught by faculty members who also
taught face-to-face courses. Conducted at the joint request of faculty and
administration, the evaluations were based on analysis of online course
materials, student and instructor discussion-forum postings, and faculty
interviews. Although we were not permitted to conduct student interviews
(which would have enriched the findings), we gained an understanding of
student experiences by reading postings to the discussion forum.
Taking the perspective
of a student enrolled in the course, we began by identifying examples of
each of Chickering and Gamson's seven principles. What we developed was a
list of "lessons learned" for online instruction that correspond
to the original seven principles. Since this project involved practical
evaluations for a particular client, they should not be used to develop a
set of global guidelines. And since our research was limited in scope and
was more qualitative than quantitative, the evaluations should not be
considered a rigorous research project. Their value is to provide four case
studies as a stimulus for further thought and research in this direction.
Principle 1:
Good Practice Encourages Student-Faculty Contact
Lesson for
online instruction: Instructors should provide clear guidelines for
interaction with students.
Instructors wanted to be
accessible to online students but were apprehensive about being overwhelmed
with e-mail messages or bulletin board postings. They feared that if they
failed to respond quickly, students would feel ignored. To address this, we
recommend that student expectations and faculty concerns be mediated by
developing guidelines for student-instructor interactions. These guidelines
would do the following:
- Establish policies describing
the types of communication that should take place over
different channels. Examples are: "Do not send technical support
questions to the instructor; send them to"
Or: "The public discussion forum is to be used for all
communications except grade-related questions."
- Set clear standards for
instructors' timelines for responding to messages. Examples:
"I will make every effort to respond to e-mail within two days of
receiving it" or "I will respond to e-mails on Tuesdays and
Fridays between three and five o'clock."
Principle 2:
Good Practice Encourages Cooperation Among Students
Lesson for
online instruction: Well-designed discussion assignments facilitate
meaningful cooperation among students.
In our research, we
found that instructors often required only "participation" in the
weekly class discussion forum. As a result, discussion often had no clear
focus. For example, one course required each of four students in a group to
summarize a reading chapter individually and discuss which summary should be
submitted. The communication within the group was shallow. Because the
postings were summaries of the same reading, there were no substantive
differences to debate, so that discussions often focused on who wrote the
most eloquent summary.
At the CRLT, we have
developed guidelines for creating effective asynchronous discussions, based
on substantial experience with faculty members teaching online. In the
study, we applied these guidelines as recommendations to encourage
meaningful participation in asynchronous online discussions. We recommended
the following:
- Learners should be required to
participate (and their grade should depend on participation).
- Discussion groups should remain
- Discussions should be focused on
a task.
- Tasks should always result in a
- Tasks should engage learners in
the content.
- Learners should receive feedback
on their discussions.
- Evaluation should be based on
the quality of postings (and not the length or number).
- Instructors should post
expectations for discussions.
Principle 3:
Good Practice Encourages Active Learning
Lesson for
online instruction: Students should present course projects.
Projects are often an
important part of face-to-face courses. Students learn valuable skills from
presenting their projects and are often motivated to perform at a higher
level. Students also learn a great deal from seeing and discussing their
peers' work.
While formal
synchronous presentations may not be practical online, instructors can still
provide opportunities for projects to be shared and discussed
asynchronously. Of the online courses we evaluated, only one required
students to present their work to the class. In this course, students
presented case study solutions via the class Web site. The other students
critiqued the solution and made further comments about the case. After all
students had responded, the case presenter updated and reposted his or her
solution, including new insights or conclusions gained from classmates. Only
at the end of all presentations did the instructor provide an overall
reaction to the cases and specifically comment about issues the class
identified or failed to identify. In this way, students learned from one
another as well as from the instructor.
Principle 4:
Good Practice Gives Prompt Feedback
Lesson for
online instruction: Instructors need to provide two types of
feedback: information feedback and acknowledgment feedback.
We found during the
evaluation that there were two kinds of feedback provided by online
instructors: "information feedback" and "acknowledgement
feedback." Information feedback provides information or evaluation,
such as an answer to a question, or an assignment grade and comments.
Acknowledgement feedback confirms that some event has occurred. For example,
the instructor may send an e-mail acknowledging that he or she has received
a question or assignment and will respond soon.
We found that
instructors gave prompt information feedback at the beginning of the
semester, but as the semester progressed and instructors became busier, the
frequency of responses decreased, and the response time increased. In some
cases, students got feedback on postings after the discussion had already
moved on to other topics. Clearly, the ideal is for instructors to give
detailed personal feedback to each student. However, when time constraints
increase during the semester's busiest times, instructors can still give
prompt feedback on discussion assignments by responding to the class as a
whole instead of to each individual student. In this way, instructors can
address patterns and trends in the discussion without being overwhelmed by
the amount of feedback to be given.
Similarly, we found
that instructors rarely provided acknowledgement feedback, generally doing
so only when they were behind and wanted to inform students that assignments
would be graded soon. Neglecting acknowledgement feedback in online courses
is common, because such feedback involves purposeful effort. In a
face-to-face course, acknowledgement feedback is usually implicit. Eye
contact, for example, indicates that the instructor has heard a student's
comments; seeing a completed assignment in the instructor's hands confirms
Principle 5:
Good Practice Emphasizes Time on Task
Lesson for
online instruction: Online courses need deadlines.
One course we evaluated
allowed students to work at their own pace throughout the semester, without
intermediate deadlines. The rationale was that many students needed
flexibility because of full-time jobs. However, regularly-distributed
deadlines encourage students to spend time on tasks and help students with
busy schedules avoid procrastination. They also provide a context for
regular contact with the instructor and peers.
Principle 6:
Good Practice Communicates High Expectations
Lesson for
online instruction: Challenging tasks, sample cases, and praise for
quality work communicate high expectations.
Communicating high
expectations for student performance is essential. One way for instructors
to do this is to give challenging assignments. In the study, one instructor
assigned tasks requiring students to apply theories to real-world situations
rather than remember facts or concepts. This case-based approach involved
real-world problems with authentic data gathered from real-world situations.
Another way to
communicate high expectations is to provide examples or models for students
to follow, along with comments explaining why the examples are good. One
instructor provided examples of student work from a previous semester as
models for current students and included comments to illustrate how the
examples met her expectations. In another course, the instructor provided
examples of the types of interactions she expected from the discussion
forum. One example was an exemplary posting while the other two were
examples of what not to do, highlighting trends from the past that
she wanted students to avoid.
Finally, publicly
praising exemplary work communicates high expectations. Instructors do this
by calling attention to insightful or well-presented student postings.
Principle 7:
Good Practice Respects Diverse Talents and Ways of Learning
Lesson for
online instruction: Allowing students to choose project topics
incorporates diverse views into online courses.
In several of the
courses we evaluated, students shaped their own coursework by choosing
project topics according to a set of guidelines. One instructor gave a
discussion assignment in which students researched, presented, and defended
a current policy issue in the field. The instructor allowed students to
research their own issue of interest, instead of assigning particular
issues. As instructors give students a voice in selecting their own topics
for course projects, they encourage students to express their own diverse
points of view. Instructors can provide guidelines to help students select
topics relevant to the course while still allowing students to share their
unique perspectives.
The "Seven
Principles of Good Practice in Undergraduate Education" served as a
practical lens for our team to evaluate four online courses in an accredited
program at a major U.S. university. Using the seven principles as a general
framework for the evaluation gave us insights into important aspects of
online teaching and learning.
A comprehensive report of the
evaluation findings is available in a CRLT technical report (Graham, et al.,
Chickering, A., &
Gamson, Z. (1987). Seven principles of good practice in undergraduate
education. AAHE Bulletin, 39, 3-7.
Chickering, A., &
Reisser, L. (1993). Education and identity. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Graham, C., Cagiltay,
K., Craner, J., Lim, B., & Duffy, T. M. (2000). Teaching in a
Web-based distance learning environment: An evaluation summary based on four
courses. Center for Research on Learning and Technology Technical Report No.
13-00. Indiana University Bloomington. Retrieved September 18, 2000
from the World Wide Web:
Principles for good
practice in undergraduate education: Faculty inventory. (1989). Racine,
WI: The Johnson Foundation, Inc.
Principles for good
practice in undergraduate education: Institutional inventory. (1989).
Racine, WI: The Johnson Foundation, Inc.
A comprehensive report of the evaluation findings is
available on the Web (in PDF format) at
Teaching at an Internet Distance: the Pedagogy of Online Teaching and
Learning The Report of a 1998-1999 University of Illinois Faculty Seminar
In response to faculty concern about the
implementation of technology for teaching, a year-long faculty seminar was
convened during the 1998-99 academic year at the University of Illinois.
The seminar consisted of 16 members from all three University of Illinois
campuses (Chicago, Springfield, and Urbana-Champaign) and was
evenly split, for the sake of scholarly integrity, between
"skeptical" and "converted" faculty.
The seminar focused almost entirely on
pedagogy. It did not evaluate hardware or software,
nor did it discuss how to provide access to online courses or how to keep
them secure. Rather, the seminar sought to identify what made teaching to
be good teaching, whether in the classroom or online. External speakers at
the leading edge of this discussion also provided pro and con views.
The seminar concluded that online teaching and
learning can be done with high quality if new approaches are employed
which compensate for the limitations of technology, and if
professors make the effort to create and maintain the human touch of
attentiveness to their students. Online
courses may be appropriate for both traditional and non-traditional
students; they can be used in undergraduate education, continuing
education, and in advanced degree programs. The seminar participants
thought, however, that it would be inappropriate to provide an entire
undergraduate degree program online. Participants concluded that the
ongoing physical and even emotional interaction between teacher and
students, and among students themselves, was an integral part of a
university education.
Because high quality online teaching is time and
labor intensive, it is not likely to be the income source envisioned by
some administrators. Teaching the same number of students online at the
same level of quality as in the classroom requires more time and money.
From our fundamental considerations of pedagogy
we have prepared a list of practice-oriented considerations for professors
who might be interested in teaching online, and another list for
administrators considering expanding online course offerings.
Practical Considerations for Faculty:
Whom do I teach? (Sections 2,3) The fraction of
"nontraditional" students is not as high as some make it out to
be, but is still significant. Stemming from the baby boomlet, the number
of young, "traditional" students will be as high or higher than
ever through the next decade. Many contexts of online course delivery
given in Table 5, for professional training/continuing education,
undergraduate education, and graduate education for both traditional and
nontraditional students, are viable. There are several exceptions: first,
certain types of advanced graduate work cannot be performed online, and
second, traditional students benefit from the maturing, socializing
component of an undergraduate college education and this requires an
on-campus presence.
How do I teach? (Sections 4,5) Attempts are being
made to use instructional technology such as real-time two-way
videoconferencing in attempts to simulate the traditional classroom. With
improvements in technology this mode may yet succeed, but from what we
have seen, the leaders in this area recommend shifts from
"traditional" teaching paradigms. Two new online paradigms that
appear to work well are text-based computer mediated communication (CMC)
for courses that are traditionally taught in the discussion or seminar
mode, and interactive, graphically based material for courses that are
traditionally taught in the lecture mode. Methods are by no means limited
to these two.
How many do I teach? (Section 5) High quality
teaching online requires smaller student/faculty ratios. The shift from
the classroom to online has been described as a shift from
"efficiency to quality." We also believe a motivational human
touch must come into play as well in the online environment as it does in
the classroom. Students should feel they are members of a learning
community and derive motivation to engage in the material at hand from the
attentiveness of the instructor.
How do I ensure high quality of online teaching?
(Sections 2, 6, 7) Quality is best assured when ownership of developed
materials remains in the hands of faculty members. The University of
Illinois' Intellectual Property Subcommittee Report on Courseware
Development and Distribution recommends that written agreement between the
courseware creator and the administration be made in advance of any work
performed. Evaluation of learning effectiveness is also a means to ensure
high quality. We suggest a broad array of evaluation areas that includes,
but is not limited to, a comparison of learning competence with the
traditional classroom.
Policy Issues for Administrators
How do I determine the worth of teaching
technology? (Sections 1, 2) On any issue involving pedagogy, faculty
members committed to teaching should have the first and last say. On the
other hand, faculty must be held responsible for good teaching. Online
courses should not be motivated by poor instructor performance in large
How do I encourage faculty to implement
technology in their teaching? (Section 7) Teaching innovation should be
expected, respected, and rewarded as an important scholarly activity. At
the same time, not all classes are amenable to online delivery.
To ensure the quality of a course, it is
essential that knowledgeable, committed faculty members continue to have
responsibility for course content and delivery. Therefore, intellectual
property policies should allow for faculty ownership of online courseware.
The commissioning of courses from temporary instructors should be avoided,
and the university should be wary of partnerships with education providers
in which faculty members have commercial interests.
Will I make money with online teaching? (Sections
3, 5) The scenario of hundreds or thousands of students enrolling in a
well developed, essentially instructor-free online course does not appear
realistic, and efforts to do so will result in wasted time, effort, and
expense. With rare exceptions, the successful online courses we have seen
feature low student to faculty ratios. Those rare exceptions involve
extraordinary amounts of the professor's time. And besides the initial
investment in the technology, technical support for professors and
students and maintenance of hardware and software are quite expensive.
Online teaching has been said to be a shift from
"efficiency" to "quality," and quality usually doesn't
come cheaply. Sound online instruction is not likely to cost less than
traditional instruction. On the other hand, some students may be willing
to pay more for the flexibility and perhaps better instruction of high
quality online courses. This is the case for a growing number of graduate
level business-related schools. However, it is likely that a high number
of "traditional" students, including the baby boomlet, will
continue to want to pay for a directly attentive professor and the
on-campus social experience.
How do I determine if online teaching is
successful? (Sections 5, 6) In the short term, before history answers this
question, we think that a rigorous comparison of learning competence with
traditional classrooms can and should be done. High quality online
teaching is not just a matter of transferring class notes or a videotaped
lecture to the Internet; new paradigms of content delivery are needed.
Particular features to look for in new courses are the strength of
professor-student and student-student interactions, the depth at which
students engage in the material, and the professor's and students' access
to technical support. Evidence of academic maturity, such as critical
thinking and synthesis of different areas of knowledge should be present
in more extensive online programs.
For the complete report, go to
The SCALE experiments at the University of Illinois. You can find a
review and the links at
The LEAD program at the University of Wisconsin. See
The Clipper Project at Lehigh University. See
Download Dan Stone's audio and presentation files from
Evaluating Online Educational Materials for Use in Instruction (tremendous
links) ---
Do you recall the praise that I
lavished on the ethics website of a Carnegie-Mellon University Philosophy
Professor named Robert Cavalier in my March 22, 000 edition of New
Bookmarks? See
Robert Cavalier now has an article
entitled "Cases, Narratives, and Interactive Multimedia," in Syllabus,
May 2000. pp. 20-22. The online version of the Syllabus article is not
yet posted, but will eventually be available at
The purpose of
our evaluation of A Right to Die? The Case of Dax Cowart was
to see if learning outcomes for case studies could be enhanced with the
use of interactive multimedia. My Introduction to Ethics class was
divided into three groups: Text, Film, and CD-ROM. Equal
distribution was achieved by using student scores on previous exams plus
their Verbal SAT scores.
Two graders
were trained and achieved more than 90 percent in grader variabilility.
The results of the students' performance were put through statistical
analysis and the null hypothesis was rejected for the CD/Film and CD/Text
groups. Significant statistical
difference was demonstrated in favor of interactive multimedia.
- Microsoft
in Higher Education - Case Studies
- Internet
The Web of Asynchronous Learning Networks
Learning Magazine
- Case
Studies In Science Education
- State
of Change: Images of Science Education Reform in Iowa
- Wisconsin
Center for Education Research
- The
Internet and Distance Learning in Accounting Education—IFAC
Good links to education sites
News Online Comparisons of Programs in Higher Education
Review: A Journal of Book Reviews
- Assessment
and Accountability Program
- The
"No Significant Difference" Phenomenon (education technology,
- Bibliography
on Evaluating Internet Resources
- Assessing
Child Behavior and Learning Abilities
- Case-Based
Reasoning in the Web
1998 Annual Conference at Trinity University
Gardner: Seven Types of Intelligence
- Welcome
to the ETS Net
- net.wars
/ contents (top site from Mike Kearl)
- Heinemann
Internet Help Subject Guide (Help in Using Search Engines)
- Index
of infobits/text/
- Margaret
Fryatt's Home Page at OISE
Student Evaluations of Courses
- The
University of Western Ontario Student Evaluations
- Meeting
the Training Challenge
- Net
- Network-Based
Electronic Publishing of Scholarly Works: A Selective Bibliography
- Real
Problems in a Virtual World
- Seeing
Through Computers, Sherry Turkle, The American Prospect
- Technology
for Creating a Paperless Course
- Technology
Review Home Page
- Technology
Review Home Page
- The
Center for Educational Technology Program
- The
Distance Educator
- The
World Lecture Hall
- The
World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Educational Technology (21-May-1996)
- TR:
October '96: Brody
- Math
Forum: Bibliography - Alternative Instruction/Assessment
- Pathways
to School Improvement
- Education
World (tm) Where Educators Go To Learn
The Theory Into Practice Database
The word "metacognition" arises once
"Assessing the Impact of Instructional Technology on Student
Achievement," by Lorraine Sherry, Shelley Billig, Daniel Jesse, and Deborah
Watson-Acosta, T.H.E. Journal, February 2001, pp. 40-43 ---
Four separate simplified path analysis models were
tested. The first pair addressed process and product outcomes for class
motivation, and the second pair addressed school motivation. The statistically
significant (p < .05) results were as follows:
- Motivation was related to metacognition. The
relationship between class motivation and metacognition was slightly
stronger (R = .307, p < the relationship between school motivation and
metacognition (R = .282, p < .0001).
- The relationship between metacognition and inquiry
learning (Beta = .546, p < .0001) was stronger than the relationship
between metacognition and application of skills (Beta = .282, p <
- The relationship between inquiry learning and the
student learning process outcome (Beta = .384, p = .001) was stronger than
the relationship between application of skills and the student learning
process outcome (Beta = -.055, not significant).
- The relationship between application of skills and
the student product outcome (Beta = .371, p = .004) was stronger than the
relationship between inquiry learning and the student product outcome
(Beta = .063, not significant).
Clearly, correlation does not imply causality.
However, when each of these elements was considered as an independent
variable, there was a corresponding change in associated dependent variables.
For example, there was a significant correlation between motivation and
metacognition, indicating that students' enthusiasm for learning with
technology may stimulate students' metacognitive (strategic) thinking
processes. The significant correlations between motivation, metacognition,
inquiry learning, and the student learning process score indicate that
motivation may drive increases in the four elements connected by the first
path. Similarly, the significant correlations between motivation,
metacognition, application of skills, and the student product score indicate
that motivation may drive increases in the four elements connected by the
second path.
Based on the significant correlations of the two
teacher measurements of student achievement with the student survey data,
these data validated the evaluation team's extension of the Developing
Expertise model to explain increases in student performance as a result of
engaging in technology-supported learning activities. Moreover, nearly all
students across the project met the standards for both the teacher-created
student product assessment and the learning process assessment. This indicates
that, in general, the project had a positive impact on student achievement.
These preliminary findings suggest that
teachers should emphasize the use of metacognitive skills, application of
skills, and inquiry learning as they infuse technology into their respective
academic content areas. Moreover, these activities are directly in line with
the Vermont Reasoning and Problem Solving Standards, and with similar
standards in other states. The ISTE/NETS standards for assessment and
evaluation also suggest that teachers:
- Apply technology in assessing student learning of
subject matter using a variety of assessment techniques.
- Use technology resources to collect and analyze
data, interpret results, and communicate findings to improve instructional
practice and maximize student learning.
- Apply multiple evaluation methods to determine
students' appropriate use of technology resources for learning,
communication and productivity.
Rockman (1998) suggests that "A clear assessment
strategy that goes beyond standardized tests enables school leaders,
policymakers, and the community to understand the impact of technology on
teaching and learning." RMC Research Corporation's extension of the
Sternberg model can be used to organize and interpret a variety of student
self-perceptions, teacher observations of student learning processes, and
teacher-scored student products. It captures the overlapping kinds of
expertise that students developed throughout their technology-related
One of the greatest challenges facing the Technology
Innovation Challenge Grants and the Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers To Use
Technology (PT3) grants is to make a link between educational technology
innovations, promising practices for teaching and learning with technology,
and increases in student achievement. We believe that this model may be
replicable in other educational institutions, including schools, districts,
institutions of higher learning, and grant-funded initiatives. However, to use
this model, participating teachers must be able to clearly identify the
standards they are addressing in their instruction, articulate the specific
knowledge and skills that are to be fostered by using technology, carefully
observe student behavior in creating and refining their work, and create and
benchmark rubrics that they intend to use to evaluate student work.
The word "metacognition" also appears at
LEAD and SCALE for
Evaluation and Assessment of Asynchronous Learning
As summarized in my February 9, 2001 edition of New Bookmarks ---
The feature of the week is evaluation and assessment of asynchronous learning
network (ALN) courses and technology-aided course materials. The featured
sites are the following:
- SCALE at the University of Illinois ---
Sloan Center for Asynchronous Learning Environments
The Sloan Center for Asynchronous Learning
Environments (SCALE) was established in March 1995 with a grant from theAlfred
P. Sloan Foundation. The original grant was for three years. It was
aimed at restructuring undergraduate courses to integrate various techniques
associated with asynchronous learning networks (ALN). More specific goals
were to create efficiencies in the educational process (cost, time, faculty
productivity), to increase student retention, and to decrease
time-to-degree. In July 1998 a renewal grant was obtained for an additional
two years. The goals for SCALE under the renewal grant are to continue the
work in promoting ALN, further investigate ways in which ALN can be used to
produce efficiencies in instruction, and experiment with ALN to make this
style of teaching attractive to mainstream faculty.
Also check out the summaries of SCALE by Dan Stone's (Audio and
PowerPoint) at
Bob Jensen's' threads are at
- LEAD at the University of Wisconsin
Learning (through) Evaluation, Adaptation, and Dissemination
(Note that the LEAD Center evaluates learning technologies in general
whether used synchronously or asynchronously.)
The LEAD Center provides support for funded research
projects requiring student assessment activities to evaluate education
reform efforts at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. The Center
helps to enact the Chancellor's UW-Madison "Vision
for the Future" by creating horizontal links for faculty,
departments and programs involved in educational reform projects, and thus
helping the campus to reconceptualize itself as a learning community. The
LEAD Center is the first of its kind in the nation, and is
"faculty-driven" and "student-focused" in its assessment
Also check the review article by the Director of the LEAD Center,
"How Do You Measure Success? Lessons on Assessment and Evaluation
from the LEAD Center," by Susan B. Millar, Syllabus, February
2001, 11-12. I think the article will one day be posted at
What can I do with learning technology that I can't do
now? What are the nuts and bolts of using learning technology?
How can I use learning technology so that my students really learn? ---
LEAD researchers also have
enjoyed the opportunity to develop case studies for the College Level One
team's faculty development resource on effective use of learning technology.
This resource, Learning Through Technology (LT2), is located at
is designed to answer questions such as, "What can I do with learning
technology that I can't do now? What are the nuts and bolts of using
learning technology? How can I use learning technology so that my
students really learn?" In particular, it seeks to serve SMET
educators who believe it is important to develop the ranks of future
scientists and a technical workforce, prepare teachers to be scientifically
knowledgeable, and help all students become scientifically literate members
of our society by making appropriate--indeed, transformative--use of the new
computer-based learning technologies. The LT2 site is not designed to
serve individuals seeking resources on distance learning or on how to
translate traditional course content into electronic formats. It
offers in-depth case studies, lively first-person accounts, "hallway
conversations" about technology, and links to articles and more
resources, including a taxonomy of learning technologies.
The UW-Madison established
the LEAD Center in Fall 1994 to provide third-party evaluation research in
support of educational improvement efforts at both undergraduate and
graduate levels. The center has a client-driven and student-focused
approach to evaluation research. LEAD clients are faculty or staff at
UW-Madison or institutions that are collaborating with the UW.
Furthermore, they are individuals who:
Can provide or work with
LEAD to obtain the resources--usually grants--to pay the full cost of
the evaluation research
Have well-articulated
goals for deeper and more relevant student learning
Are developing and
testing more effective strategies for achieving these goals
Are committed to
obtaining and using feedback on student learning experiences and
outcomes to improve teaching and fine-tune goals
Seek to understand the
various factors that are necessary to more effectively institutionalize
and disseminate their efforts.
For more information about
LEAD and the evaluation and assessment projects, affiliated with the center,
ADEPT Program in the School of Engineering at Stanford University made the world
take notice that all prestigious universities were not going to take the high
road in favor of onsite education with a haughty air of arrogance that their
missions were not to deliver distance education courses. Other prestigious
universities such as Columbia University, Duke University, and the London
School of Economics certainly took notice following the immediate success of
Stanford's ADEPT Program for delivering a prestigious online Masters of
Engineering degree to off-campus students.
Stanford, through Stanford Online, is the first
university to incorporate video with audio, text, and graphics in its distance
learning offerings. Stanford Online also allows students to ask questions or
otherwise interact with the instructor, teaching assistant, and/or other
students asynchronously from their desktop computer. Stanford Online is
credited by many sources as a significant contributor to the growth of Silicon
Valley, and to the competitive technical advantage of companies that
participate in continuing education through distance learning.
Learn More about Stanford Online
Some distance education courses such as the ADEPT
Program at Stanford University are almost entirely asynchronous with neither
face-to-face onsite classes nor online virtual classes. Others like Duke's
Global Executive MBA program are mostly synchronous in online virtual
classes and occasional onsite classes and field trips.
You can read the following about asynchronous learning in the ADEPT program
as reported at
In our project proposal, we stated that there were
several potential benefits to the use of asynchronous techniques in education.
These included increased course access for students, increased quality of the
educational experience, and lower costs.
Our experience to date mirrors that of others in that
it clearly demonstrates the value of increased access. This includes not only
students who had no access previously, but also students who used ADEPT to
review material previously accessed by other methods and to enable a certain
amount of schedule flexibility. At the same time, the evidence from our
project suggests that increased access may not be sufficient, by itself, to
justify the cost of providing asynchronous courses to those with other
options. This conclusion is, of course, restricted to our particular student
body which is composed of high-performing graduate students in technical
disciplines who are fortunate enough in most cases to have a variety of
options for accessing educational material.
Results from our project suggest that to raise the
quality of the educational experience, significant changes in pedagogy will be
necessary. Our belief is that the key to this
is to find ways to exploit the ability of the technologies to provide a more
flexible learning experience. The flexibility of time-on-task provided by
asynchronous techniques is obvious. However, other dimensions of flexibility
might include flexibility of media (text vs. graphics vs. audio/video for
example) as well as flexibility of course content. For many courses, there is
more than one acceptable set of content and more than one acceptable
sequencing of content as well. Asynchronously delivered material in multimedia
format has the potential of providing a customized, possibly even unique,
educational experience to each student based on his or her educational goals,
background, and experience. Currently however, we would argue that no one
knows how to do this well.
The issue of cost is most problematic. As mentioned
above, there is an expectation that asynchronously delivered courses will be
less costly than synchronously delivered ones. To some extent this is a simple
pricing issue. However, if we frame the issue as the need for the production,
maintenance, and delivery costs of an asynchronous course to be less than that
of either a live or televised class, we can make some observations. Our
experience shows that the production and delivery costs of adequate quality
multimedia content are high. In a situation such as that at Stanford, where
classes are taught live and are also televised, asynchronous delivery is a
direct cost overlay. Although live classes will continue into the foreseeable
future, on-line synchronous delivery could supplant television should the
quality of the two methods become comparable.
To deliver high-quality educational material content
asynchronously, it is clear that reuse of material, tools to control content
production and maintenance costs, and economies of scale will be the key
determinants. These issues were beyond the scope of the present project.
Again, we would argue that currently no one really knows how to best manage
these determinants to hold down costs.
In closing, we note that there are now a great many
successful deployments of asynchronous education and training, including
entire asynchronous universities. The "technology deficit" which was
mentioned repeatedly by students and which we have explored at length as part
of this project, will work itself out over time. At this point, the most
urgent need for innovation in asynchronous learning lies in the area of
pedagogy and in the areas of large-scale content production, electronic
organization, and delivery.
At Stanford, it is our intention to continue to offer
asynchronous courses in the manner of this project. As was the case during the
project, the courses offered will probably range from two to four per quarter
(six to twelve per year). At the same time we hope to continue our
track-record as innovators by shifting our emphasis toward exploring methods
of increasing the quality of asynchronous education while at the same time
reducing its cost.
notice that David Noble does not devote much attention to successful (and highly
profitable) online programs such as Stanford's
ADEPT and Duke's
online Global MBA programs. That plus Noble's bad spelling and sloppy
grammar make me wonder how carefully crafted his "research" stands up
to rigorous standards for due care and freedom from bias. He does,
however, raise some points worth noting. Links to his defiance of distance
education at
are other legitimate concerns. See
Clipper Project at Lehigh University is
aimed at learning assessment (named after the Pan Am Clipper that "did more
than herald a historic shift in the way goods and people were transported.
Indeed, it forced new ways of thinking about how we work and live. The expansion
of inexpensive air travel brought about a societal transformation."
or Swim? Higher Education Online: How Do We Know What works --- And
What Doesn't?" by Gregory Farrington and Stephen Bronack, T.H.E. Journal,
May 2001, pp. 70-76 ---
Last spring, the
chairman of the House of Representatives science subcommittee on basic
research expressed concern about the quality of online college courses. He
suggested that students who take courses online may not interact as much as
their peers in traditional courses, and that they may walk away with knowledge
but not with an understanding of how to think for themselves.
At a hearing designed
to gauge how the federal government should respond to this trend, the former
president of the University of Michigan, a distinguished MIT professor, and
other experts touted several online advantages. Among their assertions were
claims that student participation is higher in online courses, and that
students have easier access to professors through e-mail.
The committee
chairman remained skeptical and said he believed the National Science
Foundation should help assess the quality of online education by improving the
understanding of how the brain works and by figuring out how humans learn.
Well, learning how the brain works is no simple proposition. While we wait for
that day to come, there are a lot of insightful educational experiments that
can be done to sort out the reality from the sizzle of online education. At
Lehigh, we are spending a great deal of time these days doing just that. While
arguments can be made both for and against online classes, few are backed by
empirical research focused on actual teaching and learning behaviors. We agree
strongly with the chairman’s call for high quality educational research.
Millions of dollars
are spent each year on the development and delivery of online courses. Much of
this funding comes from federal agencies like the Department of Education and
the National Science Foundation, and a majority of the supported programs are
indeed creating interesting, engaging courses. But how do we know they really
At best, one may find
anecdotal accounts of successful online classes. Professors claim, “I did it
in my class and it worked great!” or “the students noted on the
end-of-course survey that they enjoyed the course; therefore it is good.”
Occasionally, one may find reports that draw upon commonly shared theories,
such as “having control over more of one’s own learning should produce
better learners,” as proof of effectiveness. Such insights are valuable, but
they don’t provide the kind of understanding needed to make truly informed
decisions about the value of online education.
Jim DiPerna
(co-director of The Clipper Project) and Rob Volpe conducted a review of
research that produced nearly 250 potential articles concerning the evaluation
of Web-based instruction over the past 10 years. However, after eliminating
duplicate citations and irrelevant articles (i.e., articles merely describing
a Web-based course, articles offering guidelines for designing a Web-based
course, or articles explaining a particular Web-based technology), only a
dozen articles existed. Of the 12, 11 were based solely on students’
self-reported attitudes or perceptions regarding Web-based instruction.
Amazingly, only one directly assessed the impact of Web-based technology on
student learning (as measured by randomly selected essay performance and
letter grades) across subjects. DiPerna and Volpe presented a thorough review
of their research at APA last August.
As more learning
becomes digitized, we must analyze how socialization factors like
communication skills and interaction with other students are best fostered. We
must know which factors influence success. We must find out how technology
affects the way faculty members teach and the way students learn, as well as
how much it’s really going to cost to create and deliver this new form of
education. The only way we can truly know these things is through observing
the behaviors of students participating in digital learning.
At our university, we
have just begun a multi-year initiative to investigate the short- and
long-term effects of online classes. Aptly titled “The Clipper Project,”
the initiative will provide a baseline for future research into the impact of
Web-based courses on students and faculty.
the rest of the article, go to
main page of The Clipper Project is at
Clipper Project is
a research and development initiative – investigating the costs and benefits
of offering Web-based University courses to high school seniors who
participate in the project. High school students who are accepted in Lehigh
University's early admissions program will be eligible to enroll in a
Web-based version of one of Lehigh University’s introductory-level courses.
Currently, Economics
I and Calculus
I are available through the Clipper Project. To learn more about each
course, visit the Courses
Interested in the Clipper Project?
Please visit the sections of the Clipper Project website that interest you. If
you have any questions please view our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)
sections, links to these sections are to the right. If you don’t find what
you need, drop us an e-mail, and we’ll
be happy to answer any questions you may have!
Accreditation Article
in my February 9, 2001 Edition of New Bookmarks ---
"Regional Accrediting Commissions: The Watchdogs of Quality
Assurance in Distance Education," by Charles Cook, Syllabus, February
2001, beginning on p. 20 and p. 56. I think the article will one day be posted at
"So, what's new?"
It's a question we are often asked as a kind of verbal handshake. As the
executive officer of a regional accrediting commission, these days I respond,
"What isn't new?"
My rejoinder is suggestive of
how technology-driven change has affected American higher education. We
now have e-learning, largely asynchronous instruction provided
anytime/anywhere, expanding its reach. Faculty roles have become
unbundled and instructional programs disaggregated. The campus portal is
no longer made of stone or wrought iron, and through it students have access
to virtual textbooks, laboratories, classrooms, and libraries, as well as an
array of services, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week; indeed we now
have wholly virtual universities. Technology has made our institutions
of higher learning, once like islands, increasingly dependent on external
entities if they are to be effective. Once pridefully autonomous, they
now seek affiliations with organizations both within and without the academy
to jointly offer programming online.
These new phenomena, unheard of
five years ago, challenge the capacity of regional accreditation commissions
to provide meaningful quality assurance of instructional programs offered by
colleges and universities. Simply put, many of the structures and
conditions that led to accreditation's established assumptions about quality
do not hold up in the virtual education environment. The core challenge,
of course, is to deal with new forms of delivery for instruction, resources,
and services. But beyond that, as with so many things, the Net has
provided unprecedented opportunities for colleges and students alike to
package parts of or all an educational experience in new ways previously
beyond contemplation. Given circumstances, it's reasonable to ask,
"How is accreditation responding?"
Balancing Accountability and
The eight regional commissions that
provide quality assurance for the majority of degree-granting institutions in
the United States are effectively taking action collectively and individually
to address the new forms of education delivery. Working within their
existing criteria and processes, they are seeking at once to maintain and
apply high standards while also recognizing that education can be provided
effectively in a variety of ways. However, regardless of the form of
education delivery in use in higher education, the commissions are resolved to
sustain certain values in accrediting colleges and universities:
Education is best
experienced within a community of learning where competent professionals
are actively and cooperatively involved in creating, providing, and
improving the instructional program
Learning should be dynamic
and interactive, regardless of the setting in which it occurs
Instructional programs
leading to degrees having integrity are organized around substantive and
coherent curricula that define expected learning outcomes
Institutions accept the
obligation to address student needs related to, and to provide the
resources necessary for, their academic success
Institutions are
responsible for the education provided in their name
Institutions undertake the
assessment and improvement of their quality, giving particular emphasis to
student learning
Institutions voluntarily
subject themselves to external oversight
Revenue and Accreditation Hurdles
Facing Corporate Universities
One thing that just does not seem to
work is a university commenced by a major publishing house. McGraw-Hill
World University was virtually stillborn at the date of birth as a
degree-granting institution. It evolved into McGraw-Hill Online Learning (
) that does offer some interactive training materials, but the original concept
of an online university ( having distance education courses for college credit) is dead and buried. Powerful companies like
Microsoft Corporation started up and then abandoned going it alone in
establishing new online universities.
The last venturesome publishing company to
start a university and fight to get it accredited is now giving up on the idea
of having its own virtual university ---
Harcourt Higher
Education University was purchased by a huge publishing conglomerate called Thompson Learning See .
Thomson had high hopes, but soon faced the reality that it is probably
impossible to compete with established universities in training and education
The Thomson Corporation
has announced that it will not continue to operate Harcourt Higher Education: An
Online College as an independent degree-granting institution. Harcourt Higher
Education will close on August 27, 2001. The closing is the result of a change
of ownership, which occurred on July 13, 2001, when the Thomson Corporation
purchased the online college from Harcourt General, Inc.
From Syllabus e-News on August
7, 2001
Online College to Close Doors
Harcourt Higher Education, which
launched an online for-profit college in Massachusetts last year, is closing
the school's virtual doors Sept. 28. Remaining students will have their
credentials reviewed by the U.S. Open University, the American affiliate of
the Open University in England.
We can only speculate as to the complex
reasons why publishing companies start up degree-granting virtual universities
and subsequently abandon efforts provide credit courses and degrees
Enormous Revenue Shortfall (Forecast of 20,000 students in the first
year; Reality turned up 20 students)
Elisabeth Goodridge, Information Week, August 6, 2001, Page 10
students appear to prefer classroom instruction over online offerings.
and online media company Thomson Corp. said last week it plans to close its
recently acquired, for-profit online university, Harcourt Higher Education.
Harcourt opened with much fanfare a year ago, projecting 20,000 enrollees
within five years, but only 20 to 30 students have been attending.
problems from accreditation to funding, online universities have been
struggling mightily--in stark contrast to the success of the overall
E-learning market. A possible solution? E-learning expert Elliott
Masie predicts "more and more creative partnerships between traditional
universities and online ones."
Roosters Guarding the Hen House
Publishing houses failed to gain accreditations. I suspect that major reason is that the AACSB and other
accrediting bodies have made it virtually impossible for corporations to obtain
accreditation for startup learning corporations that are not partnered with
established colleges and universities. In the U.S., a handful of
corporations have received regional accreditation (e.g., The University of
Phoenix and Jones International Corporation), but these were established and had
a history of granting degrees prior to seeking accreditation. In business
higher education, business corporations face a nearly impossible hurdle of
achieving business school accreditation ( see
) since respected accrediting bodies are totally controlled by the present
educational institutions (usually established business school deans who behave
like roosters guarding the hen house).
Special accrediting bodies for online programs have sprung up, but these have
not achieved sufficient prestige vis-à-vis established accrediting
Note the links to accreditation
issues at
Where GAAP means Generally Accepted Accreditation Principles)
About Accreditation: A brief overview of what you really
need to know about accreditation, including GAAP (Generally Accepted
Accrediting Practices). Yes, there really are fake accrediting agencies, and
yes some disreputable schools do lie. This simple set of rules tells how to
sort out truth from fiction. (The acronym is, of course, borrowed from the
field of accounting. GAAP standards are the highest to which accountants can
be held, and we feel that accreditation should be viewed as equally serious.)
Accrediting Agencies: A listing of all recognized
accrediting agencies, national, regional, and professional, with links that
will allow you to check out schools.
Not Recognized Under GAAP: A list of agencies that have
been claimed as accreditors by a number of schools, some totally phony, some
well-intentioned but not recognized.
Some simple questions and answers about accreditation and, especially,
unaccredited schools.
For more details on accreditation and assessment, see
Is lack of accreditation the main reason why corporate universities such as
McGraw-Hill World University, Harcourt Higher Education University, Microsoft
University, and other corporations have failed in their attempts to compete with
established universities?
Bob Jensen's Answer:
Although the minimum accreditation (necessary for transferring of credits to
other colleges) is a very important cause of failure in the first few years of attempting to attract online
students, it is not the main cause of failure. Many (most) of the courses
available online were training courses for which college credit transfer is not
an issue.
- Why did the University of Wisconsin (U of W) swell with over 100,000
registered online students while Harcourt Higher Education University (HHWU)
struggled to get 20 registered?
Let me begin to answer my own question with two questions. If you want
to take an online training or education course from your house in
Wisconsin's town of Appleton, would you prefer to pay more much more for the
course from HHWU than a low-priced tuition for Wisconsin residents at the U of
W. If you were a resident of Algona, Iowa and the price was the same
for the course whether you registered at HHWU or U of W, would you choose U
of W? My guess is that in both cases, students would choose U of W,
because the University of Wisconsin has a long-term tradition for quality
and is likely to be more easily recognized for quality on the students'
- Why can the University of Wisconsin offer a much larger curriculum than
corporate universities?
The University of Wisconsin had a huge infrastructure for distance education
long before the age of the Internet. Televised distance education
across the state has been in place for over 30 years. Extension
courses have been given around the entire State of Wisconsin for many
decades. The University of Wisconsin's information technology system
is already in place at a cost of millions upon millions of dollars.
There are tremendous economies of scale for the University of Wisconsin to
offer a huge online curriculum for training and education vis-à-vis a
startup corporate university starting from virtually scratch.
- What target market feels more closely attached to the University of
Wisconsin than some startup corporate university?
The answer is obvious. It's the enormous market comprised of alumni and
families of alumni from every college and university in the University of
Wisconsin system of state-supported schools.
- What if a famous business firm such as Microsoft Corporation or
Accenture (formerly Andersen Consulting) elected to offer a prestigious
combination of executive training and education to only upper-level
management in major international corporations? What are the problems
in targeting to business executives?
This target market is already carved out by alumni of elite schools such as
Stanford, Harvard, Chicago, Carnegie-Mellon, Columbia, London School of
Economics, Duke, University of Michigan, University of Texas, and the other
universities repeatedly ranked among the top 50 business schools in the
nation. Business executives are more often than not snobs when it
comes to universities in the peer set of "their" alma
maters. Logos of top universities are worth billions in the rising
executive onsite and online training and education market. UNext
Corporation recognized this, and this is the reason why the its first major
step in developing an online executive education program was to partner with
five of the leading business schools in the world.
- Why does one corporate university, The
University of Phoenix, prosper when others fail or limp along with costs
exceeding revenues?
The University of Phoenix is the world's largest private university. The reason for its success is largely due to a
tradition of quality since 1976. This does not mean that quality has
always been high for every course over decades of operation, but each year
this school seems to grow and offer better and better courses. Since
most of its revenues still come from onsite courses, it is not clear that
the school would prosper if it became solely an online university. The
school is probably further along on the learning curve than most other
schools in terms of adult learners. It offers a large number of very
dedicated and experienced full-time and part-time faculty. It
understands the importance of small classes and close communications between
students and other students and instructors. It seems to fill a niche
that traditional colleges and universities have overlooked.
You can read more about these happenings at
Especially note the prestigious universities going online at
"An introduction to the Evaluation
of Learning Technology"
Martin Oliver
Higher Education Research and Development Unit University College London, 1-19
Torrington Place London, WC1E 6BT, England Tel: +44 20 7679 1905
Evaluation can
be characterised as the process by which people make judgements about value
and worth; however, in the context of learning technology, this judgement
process is complex and often controversial. This article provides a context
for analysing these complexities by summarising important debates from the
wider evaluation community. These are then related to the context of learning
technology, resulting in the identification of a range of specific issues.
These include the paradigm debate, the move from expert-based to
practitioner-based evaluation, attempts to provide tools to support
practitioner-led evaluation, authenticity, the problem of defining and
measuring costs, the role of checklists, the influence of the quality agenda
on evaluation and the way in which the process of evaluation is itself
affected by the use of learning technology. Finally, these issues are drawn
together in order to produce an agenda for further research in this area.
"Mapping the Territory: issues in
evaluating large-scale learning technology initiatives"
Charles Anderson, Kate Day, Jeff Haywood, Ray Land and Hamish Macleod
Department of Higher and Further Education University of Edinburgh,
Paterson's Land Holyrood Road, Edinburgh EH8 8AQ
This article details
the challenges that the authors faced in designing and carrying out two recent
large-scale evaluations of programmes designed to foster the use of ICT in UK
higher education. Key concerns that have been identified within the evaluation
literature are considered and an account is given of how these concerns were
addressed within the two studies. A detailed examination is provided of the
general evaluative strategies of employing a multi-disciplinary team and a
multi-method research design and of how the research team went about: tapping
into a range of sources of information, gaining different perspectives on
innovation, tailoring enquiry to match vantage points, securing representative
ranges of opinion, coping with changes over time, setting developments in
context and dealing with audience requirements. Strengths and limitations of
the general approach and the particular tactics that were used to meet the
specific challenges posed within these two evaluation projects are identified.
"Peering Through a Glass Darkly:
Integrative evaluation of an on-line course"
Josie Taylor (There are also other authors listed for this article)
Senior Lecturer, Institute of Educational Technology
The Open University, Walton Hall
Milton Keynes MK7 6AA United Kingdom
Tel: +44 1908 655965
In this study we
describe a wide-spectrum approach to the integrative evaluation of an
innovative introductory course in computing. Since both the syllabus, designed
in consultation with industry, and the method of presentation of study
materials are new, the course requires close scrutiny. It is presented in the
distance mode to a class of around 5,000 students and uses a full range of
media: paper, broadcast television, interactive CD-ROM, a Web-oriented
programming environment, a Web site and computer conferencing. The evaluation
began with developmental testing whilst the course was in production, and then
used web-based and paper-based questionnaires once the course was running.
Other sources of data, in the form of observation of computing conferences and
an instrumented version of the Smalltalk programming environment, also provide
insight into students’ views and behaviour. This paper discusses the ways in
which the evaluation study was conducted and lessons we learnt in the process
of integrating all the information at our disposal to satisfy a number of
"An evaluation model for
supporting higher education lecturers in the integration of new learning
Gordon Joyes
Teaching Enhancement Advisor and Lecturer in Education School of Education
University of Nottingham Jubilee Campus, Wollaton Road Nottingham, NG8 1BB
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 115 9664172 Fax: +44 115 9791506
This paper provides a
description and some reflections on the ongoing development and use of an
evaluation model. This model was designed to support the integration of new
learning technologies into courses in higher education. The work was part of
the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) funded Teaching and
Learning Technology Programme (TLTP). The context and the rationale for the
development of the evaluation model is described with reference to a case
study of the evaluation of the use of new learning technologies in the civil
and structural engineering department in one UK university. Evidence of the
success of the approach to evaluation is presented and the learning media grid
that arose from the evaluation is discussed. A description of the future use
of this tool within a participatory approach to developing learning and
teaching materials that seeks to embed new learning technologies is presented.
"A multi-institutional evaluation
of Intelligent Tutoring Tools in Numeric Disciplines"
Kinshuk (there are other authors listed for this article)
Information Systems Department
Massey University, Private Bag 11-222 Palmerston North, New Zealand Tel: +64 6
350 5799 Ext 2090 Fax: +64 6 350 5725
This paper
presents a case study of evaluating intelligent tutoring modules for
procedural knowledge acquisition in numeric disciplines. As Iqbal et al.
(1999) have noted, the benefit of carrying out evaluation of Intelligent
Tutoring Systems (ITS) is to focus the attention away from short-term delivery
and open up a dialogue about issues of appropriateness, usability and quality
in system design. The paper also mentions an independent evaluation and how
its findings emphasise the need to capture longer-term retention.
"Avoiding holes in holistic
Malcolm Shaw
Academic Development Manager The Academic Registry, Room F101 Leeds Metropolitan
University Calverley Street, Leeds, LS1 3HE, UK Tel: +44 113
283 3444 Fax: +44 113 283 3128
Suzanne Corazzi
Course Leader, Cert. in English with Prof. Studies Centre for Language
Jean Monnet Building Room G01 Leeds Metropolitan University Beckett Park, Leeds,
Tel: +44 113 283 7440 Fax: +44 113 274 5966
The paper describes
the evaluation strategy adopted for a major Teaching and Learning Technology
Programme (TLTP3) funded project involving Leeds Metropolitan University (LMU),
Sheffield Hallam Univeristy (SHU) and Plymouth University. The project
concerned the technology transfer of a web-based learning resource that
supports the acquisition of Key Skills from one of the Universities (LMU) to
the others, and its customisation for these new learning environments.
The principles that
guided the development of the evaluation strategy are outlined and the details
of the methods employed are given. The practical ways in which this large
project approached the organisation and management of the complexities of the
evaluation are discussed. Where appropriate, examples of the sort of
procedures and tools used are also provided.
Our overarching
aim in regard to evaluation was to take a thorough and coherent approach that
was holistic and that fully explored all the main aspects in the project
outcomes. The paper identifies the major issues and problems that we
encountered and the conclusions that we have reached about the value of our
approach in a way that suggests its potential usefulness to others operating
in similar circumstances.
"Classroom Conundrums: The Use of
a Participant Design Methodology"
Bridget Cooper and Paul Brna
Computer Based Learning Unit, Leeds University Leeds LS2 9JT, England, UK Tel:
+44 113 233 4637 Fax: +44 113 233 4635
We discuss the use of
a participant design methodology in evaluating classroom activities in the
context of an ongoing European funded project NIMIS, (Networked Interactive
Media in Schools). We describe the thinking behind the project and choice of
methodology, including a description of the pedagogical claims method utilised,
the way in which it was carried out and some of the interim results and the
issues raised in the process.
Though the project is
situated in three European schools, we concentrate here on the evaluation in
one UK school in particular: Glusburn County Primary school, near Leeds. The
classroom has been very well received by teachers and pupils and the
preliminary evaluation suggests some beneficial effects for both teachers and
pupils, as well as long term consequences from the participant design
methodology for some of the participants.
"Evaluating information and
communication technologies for learning"
Eileen Scanlon, Ann Jones, Jane Barnard, Julie Thompson and Judith
Institute for Educational Technology The Open University, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 1908 274066
In this paper we will
describe an approach to evaluating learning technology which we have developed
over the last twenty-five years, outline its theoretical background and
compare it with other evaluation frameworks. This has given us a set of
working principles from evaluations we have conducted at the Open University
and from the literature, which we apply to the conduct of evaluations. These
working practices are summarised in the context interactions and outcomes
(CIAO!) model. We describe here how we applied these principles, working
practices and models to an evaluation project conducted in Further Education.
We conclude by discussing the implications of these experiences for the future
conduct of evaluations.
"A Large-scale ‘local’
evaluation of students’ learning experiences using virtual learning
Julie Ann Richardson
3rd Floor, Weston Education Centre Guys, King’s & St. Thomas’ Hospital
Cutcombe Rd., London, SE5 9RJ United Kingdom
Tel: +44 207 848 5718 Fax: +44 207 848 5686
Anthony Turner
Canterbury Christ Church University
College North Holmes Rd., Canterbury, CT1 1QU United Kingdom
Tel: +44 1227 782880
In 1997-8
Staffordshire University introduced two Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs),
Lotus Learning Space, and COSE (Creation of Study Environments), as part of
its commitment to distributed learning. A wide-reaching evaluation model has
been designed, aimed at appraising the quality of students’ learning
experiences using these VLEs. The evaluation can be considered to be a hybrid
system with formative, summative and illuminative elements. The backbone of
the model is a number of measuring instruments that were fitted around the
educational process beginning in Jan 1999.
This paper provides
an overview of the model and its implementation. First, the model and
evaluation instruments are described. Second, the method and key findings are
discussed. These highlighted that students need to feel more supported in
their learning, that they need more cognitive challenges to encourage
higher-order thinking and that they prefer to download their materials to hard
copy. In addition, tutors need to have a greater awareness of the ways
individual differences influence the learning experience and of strategies to
facilitate electronic discussions. Generally, there should be a balance
between learning on-line and face-to-face learning depending on the experience
of tutors, students, and the subject.
Finally the model is
evaluated in light of the processes and findings from the study.
"Towards a New Cost-Aware
Evaluation Framework"
Charlotte Ash
School of Computing and Management Sciences Sheffield Hallam University Stoddart
Building, Howard Street Sheffield, S1 1WB, United Kingdom Tel: +44 114 225 4969
Fax: +44 114 225 5178
This paper proposes a new approach to
evaluating the cost-effectiveness of learning technologies within UK higher
education. It identifies why we, as a sector, are so unwilling to base our
decisions on results of other studies and how these problems can be overcome
using a rigorous, quality-assured framework which encompasses a number of
evaluation strategies. This paper also proposes a system of cost-aware
university operation, including integrated evaluation, attainable through the
introduction of Activity-Based Costing. It
concludes that an appropriate measure of cost-effectiveness is essential as
the sector increasingly adopts learning technologies.
"W3LS: Evaluation framework for
World Wide Web learning"
Jan van der Veen (There are other authors of this article)
DINKEL Educational Centre University of Twente 217, 7500AE Enschede The
Netherlands Tel: +31 53 4893273 Fax: +31 53 4893183
An evaluation
framework for World Wide Web learning environments has been developed. The
W3LS (WWW Learning Support) evaluation framework presented in this article is
meant to support the evaluation of the actual use of Web learning
environments. It indicates how the evaluation can be set up using
questionnaires and interviews among other methods. The major evaluation
aspects and relevant 'stakeholders' are identified. First results of cases
using the W3LS evaluation framework are reported from different Higher
Education institutes in the Netherlands. The usability of the framework is
evaluated, and future developments in the evaluation of Web learning in Higher
Education in the Netherlands are discussed.
Once again, the main website is at
E-Learner Competencies, by P.Daniel
Birch, Learning Circuits ---
Training managers
and online courseware designers agree that e-learning isn't appropriate for
every topic. But e-learning also may not be the right fit for all types of
learners. Here are some of the behaviors of a successful e-learner. Do you
have them?
Much has been said
about the impact e-learning has on content developers, trainers, and training
managers. When the conversation turns to learners, attention focuses on the
benefits of less travel and fewer hours spent away from jobs. However, those
issues don't create an entire picture of how e-learning affects participants.
The industry needs to
take a closer look at how learning behaviors might adapt in an online
environment. In other words, how do the skills that serve learners well in a
classroom or during on-the-job learning translate to self-paced and virtual
collaboration learning experiences? Do learners need new competencies? Will an
organization find that some of its employees have e-learning disabilities?
In general, three
major factors influence an e-learner's success:
- management of the
learning environment (self-directive competencies)
- interaction with
the learning content (metacognitive competencies)
- interaction with
virtual learning facilitators and classmates (collaboration competencies
Continued at
Criterion Problem
A message from Professor XXXXX
I recently
submitted an article on Assessment Outcomes for distance education (DE) to
"The Technology Source". The editor suggested that I include a
reference to profiling the successful DE student because he was sure some
research existed on the subject. Well I have been looking for it casually for
3 years in my reading and the 3-4 conferences per year that I attend, and
never have come across anything. Have spent the last week looking in InfoTrac
and reviewed close to 300 abstracts, without a single good lead. You are the
man. So hoping you can answer the question - is there any empirical research
on the question of profiling a successful DE student and in particular any
research where an institution actually has a hurdle for students to get into
DE based on a pedagogically sound questionnaire? Hoping you know the answer
and have time to respond.
Reply from Bob Jensen
I am reminded of a psychology
professor, Tom Harrell, that I had years ago at Stanford University. He
had a long-term contract from the U.S. Navy to study Stanford students when they
entered the MBA program and then follow them through their careers. The
overall purpose was to define predictors of success that could be used for
admission to the Stanford GSB (and extended to tests for admission into careers,
etc.) Dr, Harrell's research became hung up on "The Criterion
Problem (i.e., the problem of defining and measuring
"success.") You will have the same trouble whenever you try to
assess graduates of any education program whether it is onsite or online.
What is success? What is the role any predictor apart from a myriad of
confounded variables?
You might take a look at the following
Harrell, T.W. (1992). "Some history of the army general classifications
test," Journal of Applied Psychology, 77, 875-878.
Success is a relative term.
Grades not always good criteria for assessment. Perhaps a C student is the
greatest success story of a distance education program. Success may lie in
motivating a weak student to keep trying for the rest of life to learn as much
as is possible. Success may lie in motivating a genius to channel
creativity. Success may lie in scores on a qualification examination such
as the CPA examination. However, use of "scores" is very
misleading, because the impact of a course or entire college degree is
confounded by other predictors such as age, intellectual ability, motivation,
freedom to prepare for the examination, etc.
Success may lie in advancement in the
workforce, but promotion and opportunity are subject to widely varying and
often-changing barriers and opportunities. A program's best graduate may
end up on a dead end track, and its worst graduate may be a maggot who fell in a
manure pile. For example, it used to be virtually impossible for a woman
to become a partner in a large public accounting firm. Now the way is
paved with all sorts of incentives for women to hang in there and attain
partnership. Success also entails being at the right place at the right time,
and this is often a matter of luck as well as ability. George Bush
probably would never have had an opportunity to become one of this nation's best
leaders if there had not been a terrorist attack that afforded him such an
opportunity. Certainly this should not be termed "lucky," but it
is a rare "opportunity" to be a great "success."
When it comes to special criteria for
acceptance in to distance education programs, there are some who feel that, due
to fairness, there should be no special criteria beyond the criteria for
acceptance into traditional programs. For example, see the Charles Stuart
University document at
You might find some helpful information
in the following reference ---
Phillips, V., & Yager, C. The
best distance learning graduate schools: Earning your degree without leaving
This book profiles 195 accredited institutions that offer graduate degrees via
distance learning. Topics include: graduate study, the quality and benefits of
distance education, admission procedures and criteria,
available education delivery systems, as well as accreditation, financial aid,
and school policies.
A review is given at
More directly related to your question,
might be the self assessment suggestions at Excelsior College:
- Self-Directed Search
- Campbell Interest Survey
- Your Career Profile
- The Career Key
- Career Interest Checklist
- Transferable Skills Surveys
Another self assessment process is
provided by ISIM University at
In self assessment processes it is
sometimes difficulty to determine whether the motivation is one of promotion of
the program as opposed to assessment for having students self-select whether to
apply or not to apply.
You might be able to contact California
State University at Fullerton to see if they will share some of their assessment
outcomes of online learning courses. A questionnaire that is used there is at
Some good assessment advice is given at
A rather neat PowerPoint show from
Brazil is provided at
(Click on the slides to move forward.)
The following references are given
- Faculty
Course Evaluation Form
University of Bridgeport
- Web-Based
Course Evaluation Form
Nashville State Technology Institute
- Guide
to Evaluation for Distance Educators
University of Idaho Engineering Outreach Program
- Evaluation
in Distance Learning: Course Evaluation
World Bank Global Distance EducatioNet
A Code of Assessment Practice is given
A comprehensive outcomes assessment
report (for the University of Colorado) is given at
A Distance Learning Bibliography is
available at
Also see "Integration of
Information Resources into Distance Learning Programs" by Sharon M.
Edge and Denzil Edge at
My bottom line conclusion is that I
probably did not help you with the specific help you requested. At best, I
provided you with some food for thought.
Lawyers Don't Like Being Ranked
It's a sunny day in Seattle when two lawyers can bring
a class action suit on their own behalf -- and then see it rejected on First
Amendment grounds. That's what happened last week in the Emerald City, when
Federal District Judge Robert S. Lasnik ruled that there was no basis for
cracking down on a lawyer-rating Web site merely because some of its ratees
didn't like how they were portrayed. The site, called Avvo, does for lawyers
what any number of magazines and Web sites have been doing for other professions
for years. Magazines regularly publish stories that rank an area's doctors and
dentists. There are rating sites and blogs for the "best" hairstylists,
manicurists, restaurants and movie theaters. Almost any consumer product or
service these days is sorted and ranked.
"Judging Lawyers," The Wall Street Journal, December 24, 2007; Page A10
Avvo Lawyer Ratings ---
Jensen Comment
In fairness most of these ranking systems are misleading. For example,
physicians and lawyers who lose more often may also be willing to take on the
tougher cases having low probabilities of success. Especially note
"Challenging Measures of Success" at
And some professionals that win a lot may do so because they do so in
unethical ways. And lawyers, like physicians, have different specialties such
that in the realm of a particular specialty, maybe one that rarely call out,
from over 100 specialties, they may be outstanding.
Bob Jensen threads on college ranking controversies are at
Versus Online
I think the following applies to education as well as any
business corporation. The problem is that universities are notoriously
slow to change relative to such organizations as business firms and the
New Technology for Proctoring Distance Education Examinations
"Proctor 2.0," by Elia Powers, Inside Higher Ed, June 2, 2006 ---
It’s time for final exams. You’re a student in
Tokyo and your professor works in Alabama. It’s after midnight and you’re
ready to take the test from your bedroom. No problem. Flip open your laptop,
plug in special hardware, take a fingerprint, answer the questions and
you’re good to go.
Just know this: Your professor can watch your every
move ... and see the pile of laundry building up in the corner of the room.
Distance learning programs – no matter their
structure or locations – have always wrestled with the issue of student
authentication. How do you verify that the person who signed up for a class
is the one taking the test if that student is hundreds, often thousands, of
miles away?
Human oversight, in the form of proctors who
administer exams from a variety of places, has long been the solution. But
for some of the larger distance education programs — such as Troy
University, with about 17,000 eCampus students in 13 time zones — finding
willing proctors and centralized testing locations has become cumbersome.
New hardware being developed for Troy would allow
faculty members to monitor online test takers and give students the freedom
to take the exam anywhere and at any time. In principle, it is intended to
defend against cheating. But some say the technology is going overboard.
Sallie Johnson, director of instructional design
and education technologies for Troy’s eCampus, approached Cambridge,
Mass.-based Software Secure Inc. less than two years ago to develop a unit
that would eliminate the need for a human proctor. Johnson said the hardware
is the university’s response to the urgings of both Congress and regional
accrediting boards to make authentication a priority.
The product, called Securexam Remote Proctor, would
likely cost students about $200. The unit hooks into a USB port and does not
contain the student’s personal information, allowing people to share the
product. The authentication is done through a server, so once a student is
in the database, he or she can take an exam from any computer that is
hardware compatible.
A fingerprint sensor is built into the base of the
remote proctor, and professors can choose when and how often they want
students to identify themselves during the test, Johnson said. In the
prototype, a small camera with 360-degree-view capabilities is attached to
the base of the unit. Real-time audio and video is taken from the test
taker’s room, and any unusual activity — another person walking into the
room, an unfamiliar voice speaking — leads to a red-flag message that
something might be awry.
Professors need not watch students taking the test
live; they can view the streaming audio or video at any time.
“We can see them and hear them, periodically do a
thumb print and have voice verification,” Johnson said. “This allows faculty
members to have total control over their exams.”
Douglas Winneg, president of Software Secure, said
the new hardware is the first the company has developed with the distance
learning market in mind. It has developed software tools that filter
material so that students taking tests can’t access any unauthorized
Winneg, whose company works with a range of
colleges, said authentication is “a painful issue for institutions, both
traditional brick-and-mortar schools and distance learning programs.”
Troy is conducting beta tests of the product at its
home campus. Johnson said by next spring, the Securexam Remote Proctor could
commonly be used in distance learning classes at the university, with the
eventual expectation that it will be mandatory for students enrolled in
eCampus classes.
Bob Jensen's threads on emerging tools of our trade ---
"Ways to prevent cheating on online exams," by Gail E. Krovitz,
eCollege Newsletter, Vol 8, Issue 6 November 15, 2007 ---
- Write
every exam as if it is open book. As much as we try to
convince ourselves otherwise, we need to assume that students
use resources on their exams (the book, Internet search engines
and so on) and write our exams accordingly. Are all of our
questions asking for information that can be gathered quickly
from the textbook or from a simple Internet search? Then we
should re-think our questions (see following guideline).
Open-book exams have the potential to test higher level thinking
skills, instead of just memorizing facts. Unfortunately, scores
on open-book exams are often lower, as students don’t take exam
preparation as seriously when they know they can use their book,
so training in open-book exam-taking skills would be helpful
- Write
effective multiple-choice exam questions. Because it is
so easy to use prohibited materials during online exams, it is
foolish to design tests that simply test factual information
that is easily looked up. Although it is difficult to do, online
exams are most effective when they test higher order thinking
skills (application, synthesis and evaluation) and ask questions
that cannot be answered by glancing at the book or a quick
internet search. See Christe, Dewey and Rohrer for more
information about developing quality multiple-choice questions.
- Set
tight time limits per question. Even with open book
exams (and especially for ones that are not open book), it is
important to give a tight time frame for the test, so students
will not have time to look up each question in the book. The
time limit chosen will obviously vary depending on subject
matter, type of questions asked, etc. For strict fact recall,
instructors might start by giving a total time based on allowing
60- 90 seconds per question and then adjusting as necessary
based on their student body. More time would need to be given
for higher-level thinking questions or for those involving
- Use
large question pools to offer different, randomly-selected
questions to each student. See “Tip: getting the most
out of exam question pools” for a good description of using
question pools in the eCollege system. The question pools must
be large enough to minimize overlap of questions between tests.
Rowe provides a chart comparing the average number of questions
in common for two students with different question pool sizes
and different numbers of questions drawn from the pool. For
example, 5 questions drawn from a pool of 10 questions results
in 2.5 questions in common between two students, while 5
questions drawn from a pool of 25 questions results in only 1
question in common between two students. You can consult the
mathematical formula or go with common sense: a larger question
pool is better for reducing the likelihood that students will
get the same questions.
Manually create different versions of the exam with the same
general question pools, but with scrambled answers for each
question. For example, in one version of the exam, the
correct answer could be B, while the answer choices are
scrambled in the other version so the correct answer is D. You
could use the Group function to assign half of the class to one
exam, and the other half the class to the other one. Cizek cites
research showing that scrambling questions and answer choices
does reduce cheating, while simply changing the order of the
same questions does not reduce cheating. In fact, in a study of
student’s perceived effectiveness of cheating prevention
strategies, having scrambled test forms was the number one
factor perceived by students to prevent cheating (Cizek).
- Assign
a greater number of smaller tests instead of one or two large
ones. This reduces the incentive to cheat, as each test
isn’t as likely to make or break a student’s grade; the pressure
of the midterm and final-only structure in some classes is a
strong incentive to cheat on those exams. Also, this increases
the logistical difficulties of cheating if a student is relying
on someone else to help them or to take the test for them.
- Provide
a clear policy for what happens if students cheat… and enforce
it! There are many important things instructors can do
from this perspective, such as discussing what constitutes
cheating, the importance of academic honesty, any honor codes in
place, what measures will be in place to prevent and detect
cheating and the punishments for cheating. If students perceive
that the instructor does not care about cheating, then incidents
of both spontaneous and planned cheating increase (Cizek).
Students know that most cheaters don’t get caught and that
punishments aren’t harsh for those who do get caught (Kleiner
and Lord). Research has found that punishment for cheating is
one of the main deterrents to cheating (Kleiner and Lord).
- Set the
exam Gradebook Review Date for after the exam has closed.
The Gradebook Review Date is when the students can access their
graded exam in the Gradebook. If this date is set before the end
of the exam, students who take the exam early could access their
exam in the Gradebook (and usually the correct answers as well)
and distribute the questions to students who would take the exam
- Revise
tests every term. Sooner or later exam questions are
likely to get out into the student world and get distributed
between students. This is especially possible when students view
their graded exams in the Gradebook, as they have all the time
in the world to copy or print their questions (usually with the
correct answers provided). Periodic changes to the test bank can
help minimize the impact of this. Minor changes such as
rewording the questions and changing the order of answers
(especially if different versions with scrambled answers are not
used) can help extend the useful life of a test bank.
- Use
ExamGuardTM if the feature is available at
your school. ExamGuard prohibits the following actions while
students are taking online exams: printing, copying and pasting
anything into or from the assessment, surfing the Web, opening
or using other applications, using Windows system keys functions
or clicking on any other area within the course. Also note that
ExamGuard prohibits students from printing or copying exam
materials while viewing the exam in the Gradebook. If you are
interested in learning more about ExamGuard, please contact your
Account Executive or Client Services Consultant.
- Give
proctored exams in a traditional classroom. While this
is not an option for many online courses, it is a route that
some schools take, especially if they largely serve a local
population. With proctored exams, instructors feel more in
control of the testing environment and more able to combat
cheating in a familiar classroom setting (or at least to have
cheating levels on par with those seen in a traditional exam
setting). In a study on cheating in math or fact-based courses,
Trenholm concludes that proctoring is “the single greatest tool
we presently have to uphold the integrity of the educational
process in instruction in online MFB (math or fact based)
courses” (p. 297). Also, Cizek showed that attentive proctoring
reduced cheating directly and by giving the impression that
academic integrity is valued.
Bob Jensen's threads on cheating are at
From Syllabus News on December 9, 2003
MIT Sloan Professor: Use Tech to Reinvent Business
Many private companies are using technology to keep
down their labor costs, but the key to sustained growth and revived employment
lies in whether they will successfully use technology to redesign the basic
way they operate, says MIT Sloan Prof. Erik Brynjolfsson, director of the
Center for eBusiness at MIT Sloan.
In his research, Brynjolfsson found widely different
outcomes among companies that spent similar amounts on technology, the
difference being in what managers did once the new tech was in place.
"Some companies only go part way," said Brynjolfsson, an expert on
information technologies and productivity. "They use technology to
automate this function or to eliminate that job. But the most productive and
highly valued companies do more than just take the hardware out of the box.
They use IT to reinvent their business processes from top to bottom. Managers
who sit back and assume that gains will come from technology alone are setting
themselves up for failure."
Bob Jensen's related threads are at the following URLs:
Management and costs ---
May 5, 2005 message from Carolyn Kotlas
DEVELOPMENT is a new peer-reviewed electronic journal that "supports
emerging scholars and the development of evidence-based practice and that
publishes research and scholarship about teaching and learning in formal,
semi-formal and informal educational settings and sites." Papers in the
current issue include:
"Can Students Improve Performance by Clicking More?
Engaging Students Through Online Delivery" by Jenny Kofoed
"Managing Learner Interactivity: A Precursor to
Knowledge Exchange" by Ken Purnell, Jim Callan, Greg Whymark and Anna
"Online Learning Predicates Teamwork: Collaboration
Underscores Student Engagement" by Greg Whymark, Jim Callan and Ken Purnell
Studies in Learning, Evaluation, Innovation and
Development [ISSN 1832-2050] will be published at least once a year by the
LEID (Learning, Evaluation, Innovation and Development) Centre, Division of
Teaching and Learning Services, Central Queensland University, Rockhampton,
Queensland 4702 Australia. For more information contact: Patrick Danaher,
tel: +61-7-49306417; email: Current and back issues
are available at .
Important Distance
Education Site
The Sloan Consortium ---
The purpose of the Sloan Consortium (Sloan-C) is to help learning organizations
continually improve quality, scale, and breadth according to their own
distinctive missions, so that education will become a part of everyday life,
accessible and affordable for anyone, anywhere, at any time, in a wide variety
of disciplines.
Salem-Keizer Online, or S.K.O., is one in a growing number of public, private
and charter schools available to kids who are looking for an alternative to a
traditional education. Commonly called ''virtual school,'' it's a way of
attending school at home without the hovering claustrophobia of home-schooling.
"School Away From School," by Emily White, The New York Times,
December 7, 2003 ---
Virtual school seems like an ideal choice for kids
who don't fit in or can't cope. ''I'm a nervous, strung-out sort of person,''
says Erin Bryan, who attends the online Oregon-based CoolSchool. Erin used to
attend public school in Hood River, Ore., but ''I didn't like the
environment,'' she says. ''I am afraid of public speaking, and I would get
really freaked out in the mornings.''
Kyle Drew, 16, a junior at S.K.O., says: ''I couldn't
get it together. I was skipping more and more classes, until I was afraid to
go to school.'' Leavitt Wells, 13, from Las Vegas, was an ostracized girl with
revenge on her mind. ''The other kids didn't want anything to do with me,''
she says. ''I'd put exploded gel pens in their drawers.'' Now she attends the
Las Vegas Odyssey Charter School online during the day, and when her
adrenaline starts pumping, she charges out into the backyard and jumps on the
On S.K.O.'s Web site, students can enter a classroom
without being noticed by their classmates by clicking the ''make yourself
invisible'' icon -- a good description of what these kids are actually doing.
Before the Internet, they would have had little choice but to muddle through.
Now they have disappeared from the school building altogether, a new breed of
outsider, loners for the wired age.
Douglas Koch is only 12, but he is already a
high-school sophomore. He says that he hopes to graduate by the time he's 15.
Today he sits at his computer in his Phoenix living room -- high ceilings and
white walls, a sudden hard rain stirring up a desire to look out the shuttered
windows. Douglas's 10-year-old brother, Gregory, is stationed across the room
from him -- he is also a grade-jumper. The Koch brothers have been students at
the private Christa McAuliffe Academy, an online school, for more than a year
now. While S.K.O. is a public school, C.M.A. is private, charging $250 a month
and reaching kids from all over the country. From Yakima, Wash., it serves 325
students, most of whom attend classes year-round, and employs 27 teachers and
other staff members.
The first section of this article is not quoted here.
For those of you who think distance
education is going downhill, think again. The number of students switching
from traditional brick-and- mortar classrooms to full-time virtual schools in
Colorado has soared over the past five years…
"Online Ed Puts Schools in a
Bind: Districts Lose Students, Funding," by Karen Rouse, Denver
Post, December 2, 2004 ---,1413,36%257E53%257E2522702,00.html
The number of
students switching from traditional brick-and- mortar classrooms to full-time
virtual schools in Colorado has soared over the past five years.
During the 2000-01
school year, the state spent $1.08 million to educate 166 full-time
cyberschool students, according to the Colorado Department of Education. This
year, the state projects spending $23.9 million to educate 4,237 students in
kindergarten through 12th grade, state figures show.
And those figures -
which do not include students who are taking one or two online courses to
supplement their classroom education - are making officials in the state's
smallest districts jittery.
Students who leave
physical public schools for online schools take their share of state funding
with them.
"If I lose two
kids, that's $20,000 walking out the door," said Dave Grosche,
superintendent of the Edison 54JT School District.
Continued in the article
December 3, 2004 Reply from Steve Doster
Are there any internal controls that would discourage
an unethical distance learning student from simply hiring another to complete
his distance learning assignments and essentially buying his grade?
December 3, 2004 reply from Amy Dunbar [Amy.Dunbar@BUSINESS.UCONN.EDU]
In the graduate accounting distance learning classes
at UConn, the students work in groups in chat rooms. Students are graded on
participation in these groups (by the other students in my classes). They meet
each other in a one-week in-residence session at the beginning of the MSA
program. If a student hired another student in his/her place, that
impersonator would have to follow through on group work, which isn’t likely.
I taught 76 students this past summer, and perhaps I am naïve, but I would be
surprised if I had any impersonators. Working with the students through
instant messenger and in chat rooms really creates strong relationships, and I
think I could detect impersonators quickly. In fact, a sibling of a student
logged on using his brother’s AIM login, and after two sentences, I asked
who was on the other end. The brother admitted who he was. It’s harder to
fake than you might think. All that said, I really am not all that concerned
about online cheating. These courses are expensive, and if a student really
wants to cheat, s/he can do it, whether the course is FTF or distance. I do
not see myself as a monitor for graduate students. My attitude would be much
different for undergrads, but I think that grads are far more goal oriented,
and cheating is less of a concern.
December 3, 2004 reply from Bruce Lubich
I would echo what Amy has said. At University of
Maryland University College, our online courses are taught in asynchronous
mode. It doesn't take long to learn the student's communication styles. When
that changes, it stands out like a sore thumb. Of course, there are times when
a student will submit someone else's work. I've had other students turn those
students in. Whether I catch them or a student turns them in, it's handled
very quickly and strictly. Students know the implications for cheating are
very harsh. Having said all that, the other element is the students
themselves. We deal with adult graduate students who have work experience and
goals in mind. They are smart enough to know that they only cheat themselves
from learning and reaching their objectives when they cheat. Does that sound
ideal and naive? Maybe. But I've had many students say that to me. Mature
students are not stupid.
I would also point out that when comparing 20 years
of teaching in f2f classrooms, I have not experienced an increase in cheating.
Let's face it. Students who want to cheat will find a way. Does it really
matter whether they're online if all they have to do is use their camera phone
to send a picture of the test answers to someone on the other side of the
I understand the skepticism and concern about
cheating in the online environment. But as more and more of you move into that
environment, you'll discover that the concern is no more than what exists in
the f2f environment.
December 3, 2004 reply from David Fordham, James Madison University [fordhadr@JMU.EDU]
Depends on how you define distance education.
At JMU's on-line MBA infosec program, we require an
in- person meeting at the beginning and again at the end of each course.
Everyone has to fly into Washington Dulles and meet at the Sheraton in Herndon
every 8 weeks during the 2-year program. Friday afternoon and Saturday is the
wrap-up of the previous course, and Saturday evening and Sunday is the start
of the new course.
In between the in-person meetings, students meet
weekly or twice-weekly on-line (synchronous) using Centra Symposium,
supplemented by Blackboard-based resources, plus Tegrity recorded lectures and
During the very first in-person meeting, we take
pictures of every student, mainly to help the professors put a face with the
name before the courses begin. During the Saturday- afternoon-Sunday meeting
at the start of a course, the instructor gets to know the students personally,
putting faces with names and voices. Then, for the following eight weeks while
on-line, the professor has a pretty good handle of who he's interacting with.
I believe it would be fairly easy for me to spot a
phony on- line, not only by voice, but also attitudes, approaches, beliefs,
experiences, and backgrounds. Our program is very interactive in real time,
requires significant group work, and other inter-personal activities.
Then, at the end of the eight weeks, the students get
back together for a Friday-afteroon-Saturday morning session with the
professor for the final examination, case presentations, etc. Again, I would
be able to easily recognize someone outside the class based on my 45 hours of
interaction with them over the previous 8 weeks. It would be obvious if a
student's level of knowledge and understand, energy, motivation, attitudes,
opinions, reasoning and logic etc. were atypical of that student's experience
with me in class.
So in our case, the in-person meeting requirement
every 8 weeks serves, we believe, as sufficient internal control to prevent
the substitution from going undetected.
I'm interested in other experiences and opinions.
David Fordham
James Madison University
December 3, 2004 reply from Barbara Scofield
As a member of the UT System MBA Online Academic
Affairs Committee from 1998-2004, I watched new online faculty and instructors
deal with the issue of how do you know who is doing the work over and over
again new classes were added and board members rotated. The program was
explicitly set up to require no synchronous communications and no proctored
exams. (As the courses developed, at least one course did come to require
synchronous communciation, but students were given wide lattitude to schedule
their hearings in business law -- and the instructor grew to regret his choice
of methodology as the enrollment increased.)
The control for unethical online students is
basically that it is too much work if the online class includes regular
interactions with both the instructor and other students. If an online
instructor has regular interactions with his or her students, then the
instructor has the usual information to evaluate whether a particular paper or
test answer is written by the student or by a proxy. Some online students
complain about "busy work" that involves reading, researching, and
responding to narrative materials online as part of the "lecture"
component of a class -- and online faculty find it time consuming to provide
such interactivity with course content. But in my mind this type of material
in an online course is the very "control" you are asking about.
Barbara W. Scofield, PhD, CPA
Associate Professor of Accounting
University of Dallas |1845 E. Northgate
Irving, TX 75062
December 3, 2004 reply from Chuck Pier [texcap@HOTMAIL.COM]
Barbara I think your explanation of the controls is
exactly what I have experienced. I have not taken an online course, or even
taught one, but my wife completed her entire MS in Library Science online
through North Texas. My observations from watching her were that the amount of
work and asynchronus communication required were significant. The course
required extensive reading and would be expensive to pay someone else to do
the wrok for the student, although I am sure that it has been done, and will
be done in the future. I know that my wife worked a lot more in this online
environment than she did in the traditional classroom, and I felt thatmost of
the work was an attempt to validate the lack of traditional testing, even in
the online format.
This might also explain Laurie's comment about the
virtual experience being more satisfying than the traditional courses. Based
on my wife's experience and Barbara's comments I would think that the amount
of work also creates a sense of "ownership" in an online students
However, based on the amount of work required, I know
that these programs are not for everyone. You have to be mature and dedicated
to put in the time required to be succesful. Based on what I see in my
classroom, I am not worried about on-line education supplanting me my
colleagues anytime in the future.
December 3, 2004 reply from Patricia Doherty [pdoherty@BU.EDU]
I co-teach in a distance-learning program for Seton
Hall, and echo what others have said. We have threaded discussions of cases
online, and the students are also members of teams, with a separate thread for
each team to discuss the week's written (team) assignment. They really do have
"online personalities," and those are revealed to everyone in the
class, after the first week of these dual discussions, not just to the
instructors, but to the other students, so I think an imposter, unless they
actually did the course from start to finish "as someone," would
quickly be noticed.
We see the thought process they go through as they
formulate assignments - they even upload preliminary work as they progress.
So, a final version completely different from the preliminary would, again, be
noticed. And each team works on the assignment together, with one person -
sometimes a different person each week - delegated to submit the final
version. Again, that's hard to cheat on. The final assignment is individual,
and I think we'd notice immediately if the work were very different from what
we have seen of a person for an entire course. That said, anyone motivated
enough to cheat could find a way. The question is whether we want to waste our
time devising ever more complicated schemes to thwart each new cheating plan,
making the courses less pleasant for the students who don't cheat, as well as
for the teachers. or whether we prefer to spend the time making the course as
rich and productive and useful, and as close to a face-to-face experience, as
we can.
December 3, 2004 reply from Charlie Betts [cbetts@COLLEGE.DTCC.EDU]
Hi Steve,
I doubt that there are any 100% controls to prevent
cheating in online courses, just as there are no 100% accounting control to
prevent fraud throught collusion, but there are controls that can at least
minimize the possibility that cheating will occur.
I agree with the comments of Amy and the other
respondents to your question, and I would feel comfortable with what they are
doing in their courses if I were teaching those graduate level courses. But
I'm a teacher in a community college and one of the online courses that I
teach on a regular basis is the first principles course. Over fifty percent of
my students in a typical class are not accounting majors and are taking the
course only because it's a requirement for graduation in their major. There's
also usually a small precentage of students from other colleges and
universities in the classes although for the summer session this percentage is
often quite large. Given those circumstances, I feel that I have to have more
safequards in place to ensure that the work I receive from students is their
The primary control that I use is a requirement that
three of the six tests in the course must be proctored. This is not a problem
with our own students since each of my college's (Delaware Tech) four campuses
have testing centers that are open in the evenings and on weekends. All my
tests are online, but I "password protect" the proctored tests. For
each proctored test, I email each testing center a list of the students who
will be taking the test, the password, and any special testing instructions.
The testing centers check the students picture ID before they are admitted to
the testing center.
Part of each students grade is a project somewhat
similar to a traditional practice set, which I have modified so that it can be
completed on Excel worksheets, which I provide. When the student has completed
this work, I require them to take what I call an "audit" test on
their work. This is a short test that asks them simply to look up certain
figures from their completed work and to repeat certain calculations they had
to make. This audit test must also be proctored. The audit test is a simple
test for someone who has done their own work, but would be very difficult for
someone to pass who had "hired" someone to do their work for them.
For students who are unable to take the proctored
tests at one of our testing centers, I require them to provide a proctor whom
I must approve. Since most schools have testing centers of some sort this is
usually done through their school's testing center. Other proctors that
students have provided have professor's at their school, school libraries,
ministers, local CPA's etc. For one student who started the course as a local
student and finished it on temporary duty in Iraq, the proctor was the
student's company commander. The student is responsible for providing the
proctor and the proctor must establish their identity in some why, usually by
a letter to me on their school/company letterhead.
I've compared the scores from both the proctored and
unproctored tests in my online courses with the scores of identical tests
given in face-to-face courses and there is no significant difference, although
the proctored online scores do tend to be slightly higher, a difference I
attribute to the slightly better quality of student I find in the online
I know this seems like a cumbersome system - I
sometimes think it is myself - but for a beginning principles course I feel
that these or similar safeguards are necessary, and in practice it really
works much smoother than it would seem from my description.
I've really only had one problem and that occurred
last summer. It involved a student at a university in a neighboring state,
which I won't name because I hold the university in much higher regard than I
do this particular student. After numerous emails which complained in a highly
ungrammatical manner that the proctored tests were unfair and gave innumerable
reasons why he should be exempt from this requirement, all of which were
naturally rejected, I received an email from someone purporting to be be an
employee in the school's library and offering to be a proctor for that
student's test. Since the email was written in the same ungrammatical style as
the student's prior emails, I didn't have to possess the acumen of a Shelock
Holmes to be suspicious. But just to be sure I went to the school's web site,
located the name and phone number of the libarian, and called her to
"verify" the prospective proctor's employment. It was not really a
surprise that the librarian had never heard of her "employee." I
then emailed the "proctor" to express my surprise that the librarian
had no idea who the "proctor" was. This email was shortly followed
by another email from the student informing me that he was dropping the
course. So even this tale had a happy ending.
Charlie Betts
It's not so much what folks don't know that causes problems. It's what they do
know that ain't so. - Artemus Ward
Charles M. Betts DTCC,
Terry Campus
100 Campus Drive Dover DE 19904
Bob Jensen's threads on distance
education are at
November 1, 2003 message from Douglas Ziegenfuss [dziegenf@ODU.EDU]
The GAO published a report "Measuring
Performance and Demonstrating Results of Information Technology
Investments" publication # GAO/AIMD-98-89.
You can retrieve this report from the GAO website at
and look under reports. Hope this helps.
Douglas E. Ziegenfuss
Professor and Chair,
Department of Accounting
Room 2157 Constant Hall
Old Dominion University Norfolk, Virginia 23529-0229
Distance Education: The Great Debate
From Infobits on March 1, 2002
"The many
factors involved in the success of distance offerings makes the creation of a
comprehensive evaluation plan a complex and daunting task. Unfortunately, what
may seem the most logical approach to determining effectiveness is often
theoretically unsound. For example, comparing student achievement between
distance and face-to-face courses may seem a simple solution, yet the design
is flawed for a number of reasons. However, theoretically sound approaches do
exist for determining the effectiveness of learning systems, along with many
different methods for obtaining answers to the relevant questions." In
"Measuring Success: Evaluation Strategies for Distance Education" (EDUCAUSE
QUARTERLY, vol. 25, no. 1, 2002, pp. 20-26), Virginia Tech faculty Barbara
Lockee, Mike Moore, and John Burton explain the factors to consider when
evaluating distance education (DE) programs. Sharing the experience gained
from DE evaluations at Virginia Tech, they provide guidance to readers who
want to set up evaluation plans at their institutions. The article is
available online (in PDF format) at
The link to the Lockee et al. paper is at
Bob Jensen's threads on assessment
are at
distance learning monograph published
The American Council on Education (ACE) and EDUCAUSE have just published
the second monograph in a series on distributed education. Maintaining
the Delicate Balance: Distance Learning, Higher Education Accreditation,
and the Politics of Self-Regulation, by Judith S. Eaton, President
of the Commission for Higher Education Accreditation, can be accessed in
PDF format or purchased from ACE.
Maintaining the Delicate Balance: Distance Learning, Higher Education
Accreditation, and the Politics of Self-Regulation is the second
monograph in a series of papers on distributed education commissioned by
the American Council on Education (ACE) and EDUCAUSE. It describes the
impact of distance learning on the balance among accreditation (to
assure quality in higher education), institutional self-regulation, and
the availability of federal money to colleges and universities. The
paper confronts the challenges of protecting students and the public
from poor-quality higher education, and attending to quality in an
increasingly internationalized higher education marketplace.
HEBCA proof-of-concept video
Visit the EDUCAUSE Information Resources Library to view the video that
was shown at a recent demonstration of the Higher Education Bridge
Certification Authority (HEBCA), the Federal Bridge, and the Public Key
Interoperability project. Read the press
release describing the proof-of-concept event.
releases latest HPNC announcement
In a recently released High Performance Network Connections for Science
and Engineering Research (HPNC) announcement, the NSF encourages U.S.
institutions of higher education and institutions with significant
research and education missions to establish high-performance (at or
above 45 megabits per second) Internet connections where necessary to
facilitate cutting edge science and engineering research. View the announcement
and instructions for proposal submission.
Hi Kevin,
Thank you for the message below.
My concern with John Sanford's report is that critics of distance education
often have never tried it. Or even if they have tried it, they have never
tried it with the instant message intensity of an Amy Dunbar ---
I just do not think the armchair
critics really appreciate how the Dunbar-type instant messaging pedagogy can get
inside the heads of students online.
But I think it is safe to day that the
Sanford-type critics will never have the motivation and enthusiasm to carry off
the Dunbar-type instant messaging pedagogy. For them and many of us
(actually I'm almost certain that I could not pull off what Dr. Dunbar
accomplishes), it is perhaps more "suicidal" for students.
I also think that success of distance
education depends heavily upon subject matter as well as instructor
enthusiasm. But I think there is only a small subset of courses that
cannot be carried off well online by a professor as motivated as Dr. Dunbar.
I am truly grateful that I was able to
persuade Professor Dunbar and distance education expert from Duke
University to present an all-day workshop in the Marriott Rivercenter Hotel on
August 13, 2002. If our workshop proposal is accepted by the AAA, this is
an open invitation to attend. Details will soon be available under "CPE"
I wish John Sanford would be there to watch the show.
Thanks for helping me stay
informed! Other views on the dark side are summarized at
Bob Jensen
Since I know you track information technology WRT education, I thought you might
be interested in this. The original source is the "Stanford Report"
cited below: TP is a listserv that redistributed it.
The article below
presents an interesting take on the limitations of technology, teaching, and
learning. It is from the Stanford Report, February 11, 2002
. Reprinted with permission.
Rick Reis
UP NEXT: Book Proposal Guidelines
University educators
largely extol the wonders of teaching through technology. But skeptics
question whether something is lost when professors and lecturers rely too
heavily on electronic media, or when interaction with students takes place
remotely -- in cyberspace rather than the real space of the classroom.
Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht,
the Albert Guerard Professor of Literature, is one such skeptic. "I think
this enthusiastic and sometimes naïve and sometimes blind pushing toward the
more technology the better, the more websites the better teacher and so forth,
is very dangerous -- [that it] is, indeed, suicidal," Gumbrecht said,
speaking at the Jan. 31 installment of the Center for Teaching and Learning's
"Award-WinningTeachers on Teaching" series.
But Gumbrecht
cautioned that there are few, if any, studies either supporting or rejecting
the hypothesis that traditional pedagogy is superior to teaching via the
Internet or with a host of high-tech classroom aids. "If [such studies]
exist, I think we need more of them," he said.
He added that he
could point only to his "intuition that real classroom presence should be
maintained and is very, very important," and emphasized the need for
educators to critically examine where technology serves a useful pedagogical
function and where it doesn't.
However, Gumbrecht
allowed that, for courses in which knowledge transmission is the sole purpose,
electronic media probably can do the job well enough. Indeed, given the 20th
century's knowledge explosion and the increasing costs of higher education,
using technology as opposed to real-life teachers for the transmission of
information is probably inevitable, he said.
In any case,
knowledge transmission should not be the core function of the university, he
added, noting that the Prussian statesman and university founder Wilhelm von
Humboldt, sociologist Max Weber and Cardinal John Henry Newman all held that
universities should be places where people confront "open
"Humboldt even
goes so far to say -- and I full-heartedly agree with him -- they should
ideally be questions without a possible answer," Gumbrecht said. He
asserted the university should be a place for "intellectual
complexification" and "riskful thinking."
"We are not
about finding or transmitting solutions; we are not about recipes; we are not
about making intellectual life easy," he continued. "Confrontation
with complexity is what expands your mind. It is something like intellectual
gymnastics. And this is what makes you a viable member of the society."
"virtual" teacher-student interaction that draws out this kind of
thinking probably would be much costlier for the university than real-time,
in-class teaching, Gumbrecht said. The reason for this, he suggested, is that
responding to e-mail from students and monitoring their discussion online
would require more time -- time for which the university would have to pay the
teacher -- than simply meeting with the students as a group once or twice a
In addition,
Gumbrecht asserted that discussions in the physical presence of others can
lead to intellectual innovation. He recalled a Heidegger conference he
attended at Stanford about a year ago, where he said he participated in some
of the best academic discussions of his career. Heidegger himself "tries
to de-emphasize thinking as something we, as subjects, perform,"
Gumbrecht said. "He says thinking is having the composure of letting
thought fall into place." Gumbrecht suggested something similar happens
during live, in-person discussions.
"There's a
qualitative change, and you don't quite know how it happens," he said.
"Discussions in the physical presence have the capacity of being the
catalyst for such intellectual breakthroughs. The possibility of in-classroom
teaching -- of letting something happen which cannot happen if you teach by
the transmission of information -- is a strength."
Gumbrecht argued that
the way in which students react to the physical presence of one another in the
classroom, as well as to the physical presence of their professor, can
invigorate in-class discussions. "I know this is problematic territory,
but I think both the positive and negative feelings can set free additional
energy," he said. "I'm not saying the physical presence makes you
intellectually better, but it produces certain energy which is good for
intellectual production."
Asked to comment on
some of the ideas Gumbrecht discussed in his lecture, Decker Walker, a
professor of education who studies technology in teaching and learning, agreed
that pedagogy via electronic media may work best in cases where information
transmission is the goal -- for example, in a calculus course. In areas such
as the humanities and arts, it may be a less valuable tool, he said.
In any case, the
physical presence of teachers can serve to motivate students, Walker said.
"I think young people are inspired more often by seeing other people who
are older -- or even the same age -- who do remarkable things," he said.
"It would be hard to replace this with a computer."
On the other hand,
Walker maintained that computer technology can be a useful educational aid.
One such benefit is access to scholars who are far away. "Technology can
enable a conversation, albeit an attenuated online one, with distant experts
who bring unique educational benefits, such as an expert on current research
on a fast-moving scientific topic," Walker said. "This may greatly
enrich a live class discussion with a local professor."
Walker maintained
that the university environment is not in danger of being supplanted by
technology. On the contrary, he noted, large businesses have adopted aspects
of the university environment for their employees' professional education. For
example, General Motors started GM University, whose main campus is at the
company's new global headquarters in Detroit's Renaissance Center.
Museums also function
in some ways like universities, he noted. For example, the Smithsonian
Institution has numerous research, museum and zoo education departments
And for all the
emphasis high-tech companies put on developing devices and software for remote
communication, many have had large campuses constructed where workers are
centralized -- a nod, perhaps, to the importance of person-to-person
Rick Reis, executive
director of Stanford's Alliance for Innovative Manufacturing and associate
director of the Learning Lab's Global Learning Partnerships, noted that the
subject of technology in education covers a lot of territory. Few people, for
example, are likely to argue that making students trudge over to the library's
reserve desk to get a piece of reading material for a course, or making
hundreds of hard copies, is preferable to posting it on the web, Reis said.
But he added that whether the kind of teaching generally reserved for a
seminar could be as effective online is an open question.
Reply from Amy Dunbar [ADunbar@SBA.UCONN.EDU]
you wondered about the following Sanford statement:
>"paradoxically "virtual" teacher-student interaction
> draws out this kind of thinking probably would be much costlier for
> university than > real-time, in class-teaching...responding to
>from students and monitoring their discussion online would require
> time--time for which the university would have to pay the
teacher--- than simply
> meeting with the students as a group once or twice a week."
Although I probably do spend more time
"teaching" now that I am online (I teach two graduate accounting
courses: advanced tax topics and tax research), I think the more important
issue for me is "when," not "how much." My students work
full time. They are available at night and on weekends, and they prefer to do
coursework on weekends. Thus, I spend a lot of time at home in front of my
computer with my instant messenger program open. If a student wants to talk,
I'm available during pre-determined times. For a compressed six-week summer
session with two classes and around 60 students, I live online at night and on
weekends. With a regular semester online class, I base my online hours on a
class survey of preferences. Last fall I was online from 7 to 9 or 10 at least
two nights a week, Saturday afternoons, Sunday mornings for the early birds
(an hour or two), and then Sunday evenings from 6 to 10. Sunday evenings were
my busiest times. On the other scheduled days, I generally could do other
easily interruptible tasks while I was online. Frequently a group of students
would call me into a chat room, either on AIM or WebCT. I think that my online
presence takes the place of "the physical presence of teachers [which]
can serve to motivate students." Students log on to AIM, and they see me
online. For my part, I love logging on and seeing my students online. They are
just a click away.
Most of my online students think the burden of
learning has been shifted to them, and I'm just a "guide on the
side." And they are right. Online learning is not for everyone, but as
Patricia Doherty noted, live classroom instruction isn't an option for all
students, particularly students who travel in connection with their work. And
just as not all live classroom instruction encompasses the dynamic
interchanges described by Sanford, not all online courses will either, but I
have certainly been an observer and a participant in spirited exchanges among
As for the comment that the university would have to
pay the teacher for additional time, I'm not sure such time is quantifiable
because I do other things when I am online but no one is "talking"
to me. As a tenure track prof, I'm not sure how that comment would apply in my
case in any event. Perhaps where the extra cost arises is in the area of class
size. Handling more than 30 students in an online class is difficult. Thus,
schools may have to offer more sections of online courses.
Amy Dunbar (
Fax 860-486-4838
University of Connecticut School of Business, Accounting Department
2100 Hillside Road, Unit 1041A Storrs, CT 06269-2041
Reply from Dan Gode, Stern School of Business [dgode@STERN.NYU.EDU]
David Noble has been one of the foremost critics of
distance learning for the last four years. He is widely quoted. I too have
found his articles (at
) interesting. While discussing them with my colleague today, I could not
avoid noticing the irony that he himself is one of the biggest beneficiaries
of the internet and distance learning.
Many of us would not have "learned" about
his views without the web. He has been able to "teach" his ideas in
the distance learning mode almost free only because of the web. In fact, most
of the critics of distance learning have achieved their fame precisely because
of the knowledge dissemination enabled by the web.
I agree that adoption of distance learning will be
much slower than the expectation of many distance learning companies and
universities but it will be foolhardy to ignore the gradual technological
innovation in education.
A select few in New York can afford the live
entertainment of Broadway, most others are grateful for the distance
entertainment that is available cheaply to them. Distance learning may not
replace classroom learning, but it will surely provide much needed low cost
education to many.
Dan Gode
Stern School of Business
New York University
Note from Bob Jensen: You can read more about David Noble at
Reply from Bob Jensen
Hi Jagdish,
I agree with you to a point. However, I am always suspicious of academics who
see only the negative side of a controversial issue. I'm sorry, but I find David
Noble to be more of a faculty trade union spokesperson than an academic. Much of
his work reads like AAUP diatribe.
Those of you who want to read some of his stuff can to to in my summary of
the dark side of distance education at
I would have much more respect for David Noble if he tried to achieve a
little more balance in his writings.
Bob (Robert E.) Jensen Jesse H. Jones Distinguished Professor of Business
Trinity University, San Antonio, TX 78212 Voice: (210) 999-7347 Fax: (210)
999-8134 Email:
-----Original Message-----
From: J. S. Gangolly [mailto:gangolly@CSC.ALBANY.EDU]
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2002 9:37 AM
Subject: Re: The Irony of David Noble and other critics of distance learning
Let me play the devil's advocate once again; this
time I do so with a bit of conviction.
Noble's tirade has been against the commoditisation
of instruction and the usurping of what are traditionally regarded as academic
faculty prerogatives by the administrators in their quest for revenues (or
cutting costs). These are real issues, and a knee-jerk reaction does no one
Noble's arguments are based on the actual experiences
at UCLA and York. I suppose if he were to rewrite his pieces today, the list
would be much longer.
Noble's reservations are also based on the distinct
possibility of higher education turning into diploma mills (Reid's
observation: "no classrooms," "faculties are often untrained or
nonexistent," and "the officers are unethical self-seekers whose
qualifications are no better than their offerings.")
I am a great enthusiast for distance learning, but I
think the debate Noble is fostering is a very legitimate one. It will at least
sensitize us all to the perils of enronisation of higher education. Do we need
the cohorts of the likes of Lay and Skilling running the show? What guarantee
do we have that once it is commoditised, a non-academic (with or without
qualifications and appreciation for higher education) will "manage"
I do very strongly feel that distance education has a
bright future, but the Noble-like debates will strengthen it in the long run.
There is a need for the development of alternative pedagogies, etc.
Back in the late 60s, I was working in a paper mill
in the middle of nowhere in India, and I started taking a course in electrical
engineering in the distance mode (we used to call it correspondence courses).
Unfortunately, those days there was no near universal eccess to computers, and
it was not easy. However, it put the burden oif learning on me much more so
than in my usual higher education even at decent schools (including one of the
IIMs). Unfortunately, I had to discontinue it because of pressure of work.
I look at most existing distance learning today as
the model T of education. We need to figure out how we can improve on it, not
take it as a matter of faith.
Reply from Paul Williams [williamsp@COMFS1.COM.NCSU.EDU]
Jagdish point
is well spoken; the issue is the commodification of higher
education (and everything else for that matter). "Efficiency" is not the only value humans cherish.
There is an interesting article
in the last Harper's by Nick Bromell, a professor of English at
UMass Amherst, titled Summa Cum Avaritia. Higher education produces
substantial revenues and a good deal of the discussion about
distance education is really about coopting those revenues (privatizing
education for profit).
Reply from George Lan [glan@UWINDSOR.CA]
Hi Amy,
Thanks for sharing your on-line experience with us.
It shows what flexible learning could achieve. However, those who think that
teaching on-line or a dist. ed course is a walk in the park and that on-line
courses are cash cows will probably think twice. Administrators should ensure
that the classes are not too big so that teh on-line instructor can elicit the
kind of interaction and learning that you mention.
The "psychiatrist", "nurse" or
sometimes the "gladiator" in me prefers personal contact courses but
I do recognize the value of on-line and distance education courses, especially
for those to whom live classroom is not an option, as Pat and you have
You make a critical point when you mention that
"most of my online students think that the burden of learning has been
shifted to them, and I'm just a "guide on the side." " Having
taught some distance education courses in the past, I've noticed that the
drop-out rate seems to be higher in my dist. ed courses (I agree that I have
not used the power of technology and the computer to the fullest before) but
could some of the students find the burden of learning on their own
unbearable? In Canada, the Certified General Accountants have a high quality
on-line delivery of courses for those wishing to pursue the accounting
designation. In the big city centres, the students also have the choice of
attending lectures-- they pay some extra fee (however, all assignments are
submitted on-line, usually on a weekly basis and they are graded and returned
to the student within 7 days- there is an efficient system of markers and
tutors for each course). The onus to learn is on the student and several of
them have to repeat the same course several times (which probably is not
dependent on whether they choose to attend lectures or not). Financially and
time-wise, it can be very costly to the students. But then, as stated by the
economist Spence, education is a signal.
George Lan
Reply from Ross Stevenson [ross.stevenson@AUT.AC.NZ]
Hi (from the South
Pacific) aecmers
I have written heaps
of computer based (first year accounting) stuff that students can:
1 Use at their own
pace in a teaching computer lab (my classroom) and/or 2 Use on their home
When writing the
stuff I had 'distance learning' in mind. However, I and most of my students,
enjoy the flexible computer lab approach during which they can 1 Listen to me
(all stuff projected on large wall screen) or 2 Work at their pace from their
In my mind, there is
no doubt that a majority of (first year) students prefer the classroom (dare I
say 'non-distance learning') IT approach. Some of my colleagues teach the same
course with no more technology than overhead projectors
I am planning some
research along the following lines
At beginning of
semester, each student completes: 1 An objective profile of themselves (age,
gender, English as their first language? etc.)
2 A subjective
profile of themselves as to what they perceive are their preferred learning
environments (IT based ? classroom? home? etc.)
At end of semester 1
more student feed back as to how they rated my classroom -IT delivery.
To see if we can survey students at *beginning* of semester and advise them as
to which class (lecturer & delivery style) would probably suit them
I would appreciate
any references to any research similar to above you are aware of.
Ross Stevenson
Auckland Uni of Technology NZ
Reply from
you asked: could some of the students find the >burden of learning on
their own unbearable?
IMO, online learning isn't for everyone. I suggest a
switch to the University of Hartford's live grad program when students are
dissatisfied with online learning. (UConn's MSA program is an online program.)
I have noticed that if students hang in, however, their attitude frequently
changes. By the time my students take me for my second online class, most
respond to my survey question re: online vs live preference by choosing
online. I thank Bob Jensen for his kind words in yesterday's posting, but let
there be no doubt that I have students who do not like online learning. For
example, one student in my first online class said, "This experience was
very new to me and I learned a lot, but my expectations were different b/c I
didn't know this was going to be an on-line class. I don't think I could have
gotten through this class without the help and support of you and my group
members. Above I checked that I would prefer a live classroom setting. Tax can
be confusing and I think I would understand the material better if you were
telling it to me rather than me reading it on the computer. I learn better by
hearing things than by reading them. Even though this class did not completely
support my style of learning, I still think it is one of the best classes I
have taken, mostly because of the way it is structured - group work. (And also
because it has a great teacher.)" (You didn't think I would pick a
comment that didn't say something positive about me, did you? ;-)) And "I
just think that as much as we interacted with you Dunbar, it's just that much
harder because in the end, all of your hard work making the content modules,
etc. has to be self-taught on a level that I don't think any of us are
accustomed to (or fully capable of yet)."
I am very interested in learning more about Canada's
experience with the Certified General Accountants online courses. I didn't
realize that live classes were an option. Has anyone compared outcome results
for live/online vs strictly online students?
Reply from Thomas C. Omer (E-mail) [tcomer@UIC.EDU]
While I haven't paid
much attention to David Noble I have paid attention to administrators whose
incentives rest on balancing the budget rather than thinking about the
educational issues that result from developing or offering online courses. It
is critical that faculty who are interested in being involved with distance
learning must show some solidarity in rejecting offers of distance learning
based on cost measures alone. We are in the business of education, after all,
not budget balancing. The extent to which administrations take advantage of
faculty members exploring new ways to educate will only reduce our educational
institutions to paper mills, a problem some might suggest is already occurring
in many settings. Think for a moment about whether the grade you assign to a
student is really within your authority, at my home institution and here at
UIUC it is not, I also do not have the ability to drop or add students to a
class. While this sounds like I am whining (I probably am), it also suggests
that my control of the factors affecting the educational experience and
outcomes is slowly degrading and adopting distance learning without explicit
contracts as to what I am allowed to do and what the administration cannot do
sets the stage for making distance learning a nightmare for me and potentially
an educational farce for students.
I think Amy's
experience has been very positive and I certainly agree that distance learning
is not for every student. Unfortunately, my first experience with developing a
curriculum based on Distance learning started with a discussion of the cost
effectiveness of the approach not the educational issues.
I now step off the
soap box,
Thomas C. Omer
Associate Professor (Visiting) Department of Accountancy
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
In the SCALE program at the University
of Illinois, where students were assigned (I don't think they could choose)
either traditional classroom sections or Asynchronous Learning sections, there
was a tendency for many students to prefer ALN sections that never met in a live
classroom. Presumably, many students prefer ALN sections even if the students
are full-time students living on campus. You can read the student evaluations at
Also see the above discussion regarding
the SCALE Program.
The Problem of Attrition in Online
MBA Programs
We expect higher attrition rates from
both learners in taking degrees in commuting programs and most online programs.
The major reason is that prior to enrolling for a course or program, people tend
to me more optimistic about how they can manage their time between a full-time
job and family obligations. After enrolling, unforseen disasters do arise
such as family illnesses, job assignments out of town, car breakdowns, computer
breakdowns, job loss or change, etc.
The problem of online MBA attrition at
West Texas A&M University is discussed in "Assessing Enrollment and
Attrition Rates for the Online MBA," by Neil Terry, T.H.E. Journal,
Febrary 2001, pp. 65-69 ---
Enrollment and
Attrition Rates for Online Courses
Bringing education to
students via the Internet has the potential to benefit students and
significantly increase the enrollment of an institution. Student benefits
associated with Internet instruction include increased access to higher
education, flexible location, individualized attention from the instructor,
less travel, and increased time to respond to questions posed by the
instructor (Matthews 1999). The increase in educational access and convenience
to the student should benefit the enrollment of an institution by tapping the
time- and geographically-constrained learner. The results presented in Table 1
indicate that online courses are doing just that. Specifically, Internet
courses averaged higher enrollments than the campus equivalents in 12 of the
15 business courses. The online delivery had an overall average of 34 students
per course, compared to only 25 students in the traditional campus mode.
Although enrollment
is relatively high, it is also important to note that the attrition rate was
higher in 13 of the 15 online courses. Potential explanations for the higher
attrition rates include students not being able to adjust to the self-paced
approach in the virtual format, the rigor of study being more difficult than
students anticipated, and a lack of student and faculty experience with the
instruction mode. A simple sign test reveals that enrollment and attrition
rates are both statistically greater in the online format (Conover 1980).
1, Average Enrollment and Attrition Rates for Campus and Online
Courses |
Course Name |
Enrollment (Attrition) |
Enrollment (Attrition) |
Accounting |
(22%) |
(16%) |
Accounting for
Decision Making |
(13%) |
(16%) |
Economic Theory |
(19%) |
(23%) |
Macroeconomic Theory |
(15%) |
(19%) |
Economics |
(2%) |
(3%) |
Money and
Capital Markets |
(7%) |
(14%) |
Finance |
(23%) |
(36%) |
Methods in Business |
(13%) |
(43%) |
Analysis in Business |
(17%) |
(33%) |
Information Technology |
(7%) |
(5%) |
Marketing |
(9%) |
(24%) |
Seminar in
Marketing |
(11%) |
(14%) |
Behavior |
(13%) |
(29%) |
Management |
(26%) |
(27%) |
Management |
(8%) |
(7%) |
Average |
(89%) |
(21%) |
The results shown in
Table 1 indicate that some business disciplines are more conducive to
attracting and retaining students than others are. Discipline-specific
implications include the following:
The basic
accounting course (Financial Accounting) and the advanced accounting course
(Accounting for Decision Making) both have higher online enrollment and
attrition rates. Of primary interest is the observation that attrition rates
in the two instruction modes are comparable, contradicting the notion that the
detail-specific nature of accounting makes courses unconvertible to the online
The online
versions of the basic economic course (Contemporary Economic Theory) and the
advanced economic course (Advanced Macroeconomic Theory) both have higher
enrollment and attrition rates than their classroom counterparts. The two
field courses in economics (International Economics and Money and Capital
Markets) both have online enrollments over three times greater than the campus
equivalent, indicating an extreme interest in global economic courses
delivered via the Internet.
The corporate finance course in the study had a substantially higher online
enrollment and attrition rate than its classroom counterpart. The most glaring
observation is the lack of retention in the online format. The attrition rate
in the online finance course is an alarming 36 percent, indicating that one in
three students who start the course do not complete it.
Enrollment in the basic statistics course (Statistical Methods in Business) is
slightly higher in the online mode, but enrollment in the advanced course
(Quantitative Analysis in Business) is substantially higher in the campus
mode. Attrition rates for the online statistics course are extremely high. The
43 percent attrition rate of the basic online statistics course is higher than
that of any other course in the study and may have a lot to do with campus
enrollment in the advanced statistics course being higher than the online
Information Systems
Enrollment and attrition rates for the Computer Information Technology
business course are not significantly different across instruction modes. The
online attrition rate of five percent is well below the overall average of 21
The basic marketing course (Managerial Marketing) and the advanced marketing
course (Seminar in Marketing) both have higher enrollment and attrition rates
online than in the classroom. The advanced marketing course was offered four
times during the study period and averaged 50 students per course, making it
the most popular online course.
The three management courses have atypical results. The online course in
Organizational Behavior has a relatively high attrition rate with lower than
average enrollment. Much like the global economic courses, enrollment in the
field course in International Management is substantially higher in the online
format. Enrollment and attrition rates for the MBA capstone course in
Strategic Management are not significantly different across instruction modes.
If a university
offers courses over the Internet, will anyone enroll in them? If students
enroll in a Web-based course, will they complete it or be attrition
casualties? The results of this study imply that online courses enroll more
students, but suffer from higher attrition rates than traditional campus
courses. It appears that the enrollment-augmenting advantages of
Internet-based instruction, like making it easier to manage work and school
and allowing more time with family and friends, are attractive to a
significant number of graduate business students. The sustained higher
enrollment across several business courses is a positive sign for the future
of Internet-based instruction. On the other hand, attrition appears to be a
problem with some of the online courses. Courses in the disciplines of
accounting, economics, computer information systems, marketing, and management
appear to be very conducive to the Internet format, as attrition rates are
comparable to the campus equivalents. Courses in business statistics and
finance, with attrition rates in excess of 30 percent, do not appear to be
very well suited to the Internet instruction format. An obvious conclusion is
that courses requiring extensive mathematics are difficult to convert to an
Internet instruction format. It is important to note that results of this
study are preliminary and represent a first step in an attempt to assess the
effectiveness of Internet-based instruction. Much more research is needed
before any definitive conclusions can be reached.
A Worst-Case MOO
"Students’ Distress with a
Web-based Distance Education Course: An Ethnographic Study of Participants'
Noriko Hara SILS Manning Hall
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599
Rob Kling The Center for Social
Informatics SLIS Indiana University Bloomington, IN 47405
(812) 855-9763
Many advocates of
computer-mediated distance education emphasize its positive aspects and
understate the kinds of communicative and technical capabilities and work
required by students and faculty. There are few systematic analytical studies
of students who have experienced new technologies in higher education. This
article presents a qualitative case study of a web-based distance education
course at a major U.S. university. The case data reveal a topic that is
glossed over in much of the distance education literature written for
administrators, instructors and prospective students: students' periodic
distressing experiences (such as frustration, anxiety and confusion) in a
small graduate-level course due to communication breakdowns and technical
difficulties. Our intent is that this study will enhance understanding of the
instructional design issues, instructor and student preparation, and
communication practices that are needed to improve web-based distance
education courses.
Bob Jensen's Comments
Th Hara and King study mentioned above focuses upon student messages, student
evaluations, and instructor evaluations of a single course. The
interactive communications took place using MOO software that is sometimes used
for virtual classroom settings, although the original intent of both MOO and MUD
software was to create a virtual space in text in which students or game users
create their own virtual worlds. You can read more about MUD and MOO
virtual environments at
In some universities, MOO software has been used to create virtual
classrooms. In most instances, however, these have given way to multimedia
virtual classrooms rather than entirely text-based virtual
MOO classrooms have been used very
successfully. For example, at Texas Tech University, Robert Ricketts has
successfully taught an advanced tax course in a MOO virtual classroom when
students are scattered across the U.S. in internship programs. His course
is not an internship course. It is a tax course that students take while
away from campus on internships. Professor Ricketts is a veteran tax
instructor and taught the MOO course under somewhat ideal conditions. The
students were all familiar with electronic messaging and they all know each
other very well from previous onsite courses that they took together on the
Texas Tech Campus in previous semesters. They also had taken previous
courses from Professor Ricketts in traditional classroom settings.
In contrast to Professor
Ricketts' MOO virtual classroom, the Hara and King study reported above is
almost a worst-case scenario in a MOO virtual classroom. The instructor
was a doctoral student who had never taught the class before, nor had she ever
taught any class in a MOO virtual classroom. Half the class "had only
minimal experience with computers" and had never taken a previous distance
education course. The students had never taken a previous course of any
type from the instructor and did not know each other well. The course
materials were poorly designed and had never been field tested. Students
were hopelessly confused and did not deal well with text messaging (graphics,
audio, and video were apparently never used in the course). This seems
utterly strange in an age where text, graphics, audio, and even video files can
be attached to email messages. It also seems strange that the students
apparently did not pick up the telephone when they were so confused by the
networked text messaging.
One of the most important things to be
learned from the Hara and King study is the tendency for hopelessly confused
students to often give up rather than keep pestering the instructor or each
other until they see the light. Instructors cannot assume that students
are willing to air their confusions. A major reason is a fear of airing
their ignorance. Another reason is impatience with the slowness of text
messaging where everything must be written/read instead of having conversations
with audio or full teleconferencing.
In summary, the Hara and King study is
not so much a criticism of distance education as it is a study of student
behavior in settings where the distance education is poorly designed and
delivered. A similar outcome is reported in "Student Performance In
The Virtual Versus Traditional Classroom," by Neil Terry, James Owens and
Anne Macy, Journal of the Academy of Business Education, Volume 2, Spring
2001 ---
An earlier report on this topic appears in entitled "Student and Faculty
Assessment of the Virtual MBA: A Case Study," by Neil Terry,
James Owens, and Anne Macy, Journal of Business Education, Volume 1, Fall
2000, 33-38 ---
The article points out how badly many
students want online MBA programs and how difficult it is to deliver an online program
where students perform as well as in a traditional classroom. In
particular, too many things get confounded to evaluate the potential of online
learning. For example, faculty are seldom veterans in online delivery at
this stage of development of online learning. Faculty are often not top
faculty who are so involved in research projects that they balk at having to
develop online learning materials. And the materials themselves are seldom
ideal for online learning in terms of streaming audio/video, online mentors who
are experts on the course topics, and daily interactive feedback regarding
learning progress.
The online degree program is from Texas
A&M University (WT) in the Texas Panhandle. The above Owens and Macy
(2000) article points out that student evaluations of the
program were quite low (1.92 on a five-point scale where 5.00 is the highest
possible rating) but the perceived need of the program is quite high (3.30 mean
outcome). Over 92% of the students urged continuation of the program in
spite of unhappiness over its quality to date. In another survey, eight
out of twelve faculty delivering the courses online "feel the quality of
his/her virtual course is inferior to the quality of the equivalent campus
course." However, ten of these faculty stress that they "will
significantly improve the quality of the virtual course the next time it is
taught via the Internet format." The above Owens and Macy (2001)
study reports that online students had 14% lower test performance than the
traditional classroom control group. This is contrary to the University of
Illinois SCALE outcomes where online students tend to perform as well or
better. See
A major complaint of the faculty is
"the time required to organize, design, and implement a virtual
This study is consistent with the many
other startup online education and training programs. The major problem is
that online teaching is more difficult and stressful than onsite teaching.
A great deal of money and time must be spent in developing learning materials
and course delivery has a steep learning curve for instructors as well as
A portion of the conclusion of the
study is quoted below:
The results of
this MBA case study present conflicted views about online instruction. Both
the critics who worry about quality and the advocates who contend students
want online courses appear to be correct based upon this case study.
While a majority of students acknowledge the benefits of Internet instruction,
they believe that the online instruction is inferior to the traditional
classroom. A significant number of students are not satisfied with the
Internet program and none of the students want an entirely virtual program.
However, most students want online instruction to continue and plan on
enrolling in one or more future courses. Faculty
members recognize the flexibility advantage of Internet-based instruction but
express concerns over the time-intensive nature of the instruction mode and
the impact of student course evaluations on promotion and tenure.
The conclusions of this article are in
line with my Advice to New Faculty at
You can read more about assessment of
virtual courses in the "assessment" category at
Reply from Patricia Doherty [pdoherty@BU.EDU]
The New York Times
had an article (I believe it was the Sunday, November 19, edition, that
addressed the perception among recruiters of online MBA programs. The jist of
it was that there are many mediocre programs, but a few very good ones. The
students are enthusiastic about the benefits they provide, but the business
community (i.e. the ones who the students hope will hire them) are still
Reply from Eckman, Mark S, CFCTR []
Reading the comments
on motivation reminded me of a quote from Bernard Baruch that tells me a lot
about motivation.
"During my
eighty-seven years I have witnessed a whole succession of technological
revolutions. But none of them has done away with the need for character in
the individual or the ability to think."
While character
development and critical thinking may not be the most important items
considered in development of curriculum or materials for the classroom, they
can be brought into many accounting discussions in terms of ethical
questions, creativity in application or simple 'what if' scenarios. People
have many motivations. Sometimes you can motivate people, sometimes you
can't. Sometimes motivations rise by themselves.
Thinking back to
undergraduate times, I still remember the extreme grading scale for
Accounting 101 from 1974. It started with 97-100 as an A and allowed 89 as
the lowest passing grade. The explanation was that this was the standard the
profession expected in practice. I also remember 60% of the class leaving
when that scale was placed on the board! They had a different set of
Bernard Baruch
Bob Jensen's reply to a message from
Craig Shoemaker
Hi Craig,
You have a lot in common with John
Parnell. John Parnell (Head of the Department of Marketing & Management at
Texas A&M) opened my eyes to the significant thrust his institution is
making in distance education in Mexico as well as parts of Texas. After two
semesters, this program looks like a rising star.
Dr. Parnell was my "Wow Professor
of the Week" on September 26, 2000 at
You can read more about his program at the above website.
Congratulations on making this thing
Bob (Robert E.) Jensen Jesse H.
-----Original Message-----
From: docshoe1 []
Sent: Sunday, November 26, 2000 11:25 AM
To: Subject: Education -- Online
HI Bob,
I read with interest
your note regarding online education. I just concluded teaching my first one.
It was a MBA capstone course -- Buisness Planning Seminar. I had 16 students
spread throughout the USA and Mexio. The course requirement was to write and
present, online, a business plan consisting of a extensive marketing plan,
operations plan and financial plan. Without knowing each other, the students
formed teams of 4. The student commitment required 15-20 hours per week.
I held weekly
conference calls with each team, extensively used chat rooms for online
discussion and e-mailed some team nearly every day. The requirement of my time
was at least twice that if I would have had one 3 1/2 hour class each week.
The written plans and
the online presentations were quite thorough and excellent. The outcome was,
in many ways, better due to the extensive and varied communications media
used. My student evaluations were as high as when I have done the course
"live" in class. The "upfront" work to prepare the course
was extensive.
Craig Shoemaker,
Associate Professor
St. Ambrose University
Davenport, Iowa
Some Technology Resources Available to Educators
"Accountability: Meeting The Challenge With Technology," Technology
& Learning, January 2002, Page 32 ---
"Teaching College Courses Online vs. Face-to-Face," by Glenn Gordon
Smith, David Ferguson, Mieke Caris. T.H.E. Journal, April 2001, pp.
We interviewed 21 instructors who had taught both in
the distance and the face-to-face format. The instructors ranged from assistant
professors to adjunct professors. Fifteen of the 21 instructors taught in the
context of the SUNY Learning Network, a non-profit, grant-funded organization
that provides the State Universities of New York (SUNY) with an infrastructure,
software, Web space and templates for instructors to create their online course.
The Learning Network also provides workshops on developing and teaching online
courses, a help desk and other technical support for Web-based distance
education. The remaining six informants taught Web-based distance education
courses in similarly supported situations at state universities in California
and Indiana.
. . .
Once the course begins, the long hours continue.
Online instructors must log on to the course Web site at least three or four
times a week for a number of hours each session. They respond to threaded
discussion questions, evaluate assignments, and above all answer questions
clearing up ambiguities, often spending an inordinate amount of time
communicating by e-mail. The many instructor hours spent online create an
"online presence," a psychological perception for students that the
instructor is out there and is responding to them. Without this, students
quickly become insecure and tend to drop the class.
This great amount of work sounds intimidating;
however, most online instructors looked forward to their time spent online as
time away from their hectic face-to-face jobs. One respondent commented:
"This is why I like the online environment. It's kind of a purified
atmosphere. I only know the students to the extent of their work. Obviously
their work is revealing about them."
The Web environment presents a number of educational
opportunities and advantages over traditional classes, such as many
informational resources that can be seamlessly integrated into the class.
Instructors can assign Web pages as required reading, or have students do
research projects using online databases. However, it is important that the
instructor encourage the students to learn the skills to differentiate valid
and useful information from the dregs, as the Internet is largely unregulated.
Some instructors also had online guests in their
classes (authors, experts in their field, etc.) residing at a distance, yet
participating in online threaded discussions with the students in the class.
All these things could theoretically be accomplished in a traditional class by
adding an online component; however, because online classes are already on the
Web, these opportunities are integrated far more naturally.
Other advantages of online classes result from
psychological aspects of the medium itself. The emphasis on the written word
encourages a deeper level of thinking in online classes. A common feature in
online classes is the threaded discussion. The fact that students must write
their thoughts down, and the realization that those thoughts will be exposed
semi-permanently to others in the class seem to result in a deeper level of
discourse. Another response stated:
"The learning appears more profound as the
discussions seemed both broader and deeper. The students are more willing to
engage both their peers and the professor more actively. Each student is more
completely exposed and can not simply sit quietly throughout the semester.
Just as the participating students are noticeable by their presence, the
non-participating students are noticeable by their absence. The quality of
students' contributions can be more refined as they have time to mull concepts
over as they write, prior to posting."
The asynchronous nature of the environment means that
the student (or professor) can read a posting and consider their response for
a day before posting it. Every student can and, for the most part, does
participate in the threaded discussions. In online classes, the instructor
usually makes class participation a higher percentage of the class grade,
since instructor access to the permanent archive of threaded discussions
allows more objective grading (by both quantity and quality). This differs
from face-to-face classes where, because of time constraints, a relatively
small percentage of the students can participate in the discussions during one
class session. Because of the lack of physical presence and absence of many of
the usual in-person cues to personality, there is an initial feeling of
anonymity, which allows students who are usually shy in the face-to-face
classroom to participate in the online classroom. Therefore it is possible and
quite typical for all the students to participate in the threaded discussions
common to Web-based classes.
This same feeling of anonymity creates some political
differences, such as more equality between the students and professor in an
online class. The lack of a face-to-face persona seems to divest the professor
of some authority. Students feel free to debate intellectual ideas and even
challenge the instructor. One respondent stated that "In a face-to-face
class the instructor initiates the action; meeting the class, handing out the
syllabus, etc. In online instruction the student initiates the action by going
to the Web site, posting a message, or doing something. Also, I think that
students and instructors communicate on a more equal footing where all of the
power dynamics of the traditional face-to-face classroom are absent."
Students are sometimes aggressive and questioning of
authority in ways not seen face-to-face. With the apparent anonymity of the
Internet, students feel much freer to talk. "Students tended to get
strident with me online when they felt frustrated, something that never
happened in face-to-face classes because I could work with them, empathize and
problem solve before they reached that level of frustration," noted one
In the opening weeks of distance courses, there is an
anonymity and lack of identity which comes with the loss of various channels
of communication. Ironically, as the class progresses, a different type of
identity emerges. Consistencies in written communication, ideas and attitudes
create a personality that the instructor feels he or she knows.
"Recently I had printed out a number of student
papers to grade on a plane. Most had forgotten to type their names into their
electronically submitted papers. I went ahead and graded and then guessed who
wrote each one. When I was later able to match the papers with the names, I
was right each time. Why? Because I knew their writing styles and interests.
When all of your communication is written, you figure out these things
This emergence of online identity may make the whole
worry of online cheating a moot point. Often stronger one-to-one relationships
(instructor-student and student-student) are formed in online courses than in
face-to-face classes.
Contrary to intuition, current Web-based online
college courses are not an alienating, mass-produced product. They are a
labor-intensive, highly text-based, intellectually challenging forum which
elicits deeper thinking on the part of the students and which presents, for
better or worse, more equality between instructor and student. Initial
feelings of anonymity notwithstanding, over the course of the semester,
one-to-one relationships may be emphasized more in online classes than in more
traditional face-to-face settings.
With the proliferation of online college classes, it
is important for the professor to understand the flavor of online education
and to be reassured as to the intellectual and academic integrity of this
teaching environment.
Bob Jensen's Recap:
- Teaching online is harder work.
- Some instructors also had online guests in their classes (authors, experts
in their field, etc.) residing at a distance, yet participating in online
threaded discussions with the students in the class. (Sharon
Lightner also uses this approach to bringing accounting standard setters and
practitioner experts into her online international accounting course.
- Other advantages of online classes result from psychological aspects of
the medium itself. The emphasis on the written word encourages a deeper
level of thinking in online classes. A common feature in online classes is
the threaded discussion. The fact that students must write their thoughts
down, and the realization that those thoughts will be exposed
semi-permanently to others in the class seem to result in a deeper level of
- The asynchronous nature of the environment means that the student (or
professor) can read a posting and consider their response for a day before
posting it.
- The lack of a face-to-face persona seems to divest the professor of some
authority. Students feel free to debate intellectual ideas and even
challenge the instructor.
- This emergence of online identity may make the whole worry of online
cheating a moot point. Often stronger one-to-one relationships
(instructor-student and student-student) are formed in online courses than
in face-to-face classes.
- Contrary to intuition, current Web-based online college courses are not an
alienating, mass-produced product. They are a labor-intensive, highly
text-based, intellectually challenging forum which elicits deeper thinking
on the part of the students and which presents, for better or worse, more
equality between instructor and student. Initial feelings of anonymity
notwithstanding, over the course of the semester, one-to-one relationships
may be emphasized more in online classes than in more traditional
face-to-face settings.
"Distance Learning in Accounting: A Comparison Between a Distance
and a Traditional Graduate Accounting Class," by Margaret Gagne and Morgan
Shepherd, T.H.E. Journal, April 2001, pp. 58-65 ---
This study analyzed the performance of two class
sections in an introductory graduate level accounting course in the fall
semester of 1999. One section was a traditional, campus-based class taught in
the conventional face-to-face lecture mode. The other section was taught in a
distance education format. In the distance class, the students had no
face-to-face contact with each other or the instructor. The distance students
could communicate via telephone, e-mail, threaded bulletin board discussions
and synchronous chat technologies. Except for the textbook, the distance class
received all material for the course over the Internet. The distance section
received supplemental administrative and course information, e.g., solutions
to assigned problems, via the Web. These materials were distributed to the
campus-based students during class.
To enhance comparability, the same text, syllabus,
assignments and examinations were used in both classes. The professor (who has
over 12 years of experience teaching accounting) taught both sections.
The traditional section met once a week over a
17-week semester. Each class lasted two and a half hours. During class,
approximately half of the time was spent presenting and explaining material
from the text; the remaining class time was used to go over the assigned
homework problems.
The distance section never formally met during the
same 17-week period. In an effort to provide more of a "class"
feeling, the students and instructor placed profiles on the class Web site.
These profiles were intended to give a personal and professional perspective
of the individuals. They included information such as work history, family
history, favorite hobbies, geographic location, and other miscellaneous
information that may help give a sense of who the student is. Many
participants uploaded a picture to give others more of an idea of who they
. . .
The findings of this paper supported prior research:
the performance of students in a distance course was similar to the
performance of students in the on-campus course for an introductory accounting
graduate class. Furthermore, the students' evaluations of the course were
similar, although students in the online course indicated that they were less
satisfied with instructor availability than the in-class students. In terms of
student performance, there did not seem to be a difference between the
multiple choice exam format and the complex problem solving exam format.
Future research in this area should center on the
issue of improving student perception of instructor availability. Is a richer
medium required (i.e. video), or can certain procedures be incorporated to
help students feel as if the instructor is more available? This theme can be
carried out across different subjects to see if some subjects are more prone
to the student perception problem than others. At least in this graduate level
introductory accounting course, it appears as if distance education delivery
is as effective as the traditional campus methodology in terms of student
learning outcomes.
From Infobits on September 28, 2001
Much research into the efficacy of online learning over classroom learning
has been anecdotal and of questionable quality, leading to inconclusive
results and the need for further study. Two recent articles in the JOURNAL OF
INTERACTIVE INSTRUCTION DEVELOPMENT address this question of efficacy.
Terrence R. Redding and Jack Rotzein ("Comparative Analysis of Online
Learning Versus Classroom Learning," Journal of Interactive Instruction
Development, vol. 13, no. 4, Spring 2001, pp. 3-12) compare the learning
outcomes associated with three classroom groups and an online community
college group in pre-licensing insurance training. They conclude that
"online instruction could be highly effective" and that a
"higher level of cognitive learning was associated with the online
group." They also note that higher achievements of the online group can
be attributed to the self-selected nature of the students, the instructional
design of the online course, and the motivation associated with adult
learners. Redding and Rotzein recommend that further studies be conducted in
other fields of study to see if their results can be replicated in other
professions or disciplines.
In the same issue Kimberly S. Dozier (Assistant Professor of English,
Dakota State University) urges restraint in rushing to replace traditional
classroom courses with online classes ("Affecting Education in the
On-Line 'Classroom': The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly," ," Journal of
Interactive Instruction Development, vol. 13, no. 4, Spring 2001, pp. 17-20).
She cautions educators "not to forget what makes us teachers and what
makes us learners. We must not forget the limitations of technology and we
must not assume that an on-line course duplicates a traditional course."
One of the aspects of learning that she fears may be missing in some online
learning experiences is self-reflection as students are "simply
responding to a specified task and moving on to the next one."
Note: neither article is available on the Web. Check with your college or
university library to obtain copies.
Journal of Interactive Instruction Development [ISSN 1040-0370] is
published quarterly by the Learning Technology Institute, 50 Culpeper Street,
Warrenton, VA 20186 USA; tel: 540-347-0055; fax: 540-439-3169; email:;
From Syllabus News on October
18, 2002
Online Nurse Ed
Service Accredited in 50 States
eMedicine Inc., an
online service for health care professionals, said it received approval to
offer accredited nursing continuing education in California, and can now offer
accredited nursing continuing education courses in all 50 states. The service
offers over 40,000 hours of continuing education for nurses, physicians,
pharmacists and optometrists, of which 10,000 hours are available for nurses.
Accreditation for eMedicine nursing CE is provided through the University of
Nebraska Medical Center's College of Nursing Continuing Nursing Education
program. Catherine Bevil, director of continuing nursing education in UNMC’s
College of Nursing, said the service’s “large audience and commitment to
creating current clinical information … provides an effective outlet for
delivering UNMC's College of Nursing continuing nursing education courses.”
Stories in Education Technology
LearningSoft Awarded Patent for Adaptive Assessment System
From T.H.E. Journal Newsletter on March 30, 2006
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has granted
LearningSoft LLC ( ) a patent titled
"Adaptive Content Delivery System and Method," which covers the company's
proprietary Learningtrac adaptive assessment system. Learningtrac uses
artificial intelligence to optimize assessment and test preparation for
individual students' strengths and weaknesses. The system uses a student's
own knowledge base, learning patterns, and measures of attention to the
material to continually adapt curriculum content to the student's needs and
spur skill development. Educators are then able to monitor individual
student assessments as well as track classroom progress. Later this year,
Learningtrac will be integrated into LearningSoft's Indigo Learning System,
which is debuting at the 2006 Florida Educational Technology Conference.
Integrate Technology into Lesson Plans
"Better teaching with technology: Program aims to help integrate
technology into lesson plans, by Micholyn Fajen, The Des Moines Register,
February 8, 2005 ---
Educators from two Waukee elementary schools will
learn new ways to implement technology into classroom curriculum by
participating in free training sessions through Heartland Area Education
Technology teams from both Brookview and Eason
elementary schools will attend technology integration mentoring, part of a
three-year-old Heartland program offered to area schools. This is Waukee's
first time attending at the elementary level.
"The intent of the program is to provide
participants with skills and strategies that prepare them to mentor other
educators in the technology integration process," said Cindi McDonald,
principal of Brookview.
Building principals and district administrators began
instruction Wednesday. Meetings will continue into June.
The training will help educators learn to get the
most of the technology they use.
"I've worked in six different districts and can
say Waukee is very blessed to have a lot of hardware functioning here,"
McDonald said. "We have a commitment to have the computers, teachers and
staff positioned in a way that we can make a difference."
Brian Pierce, technology teacher at Brookview
Elementary in West Des Moines, hopes to gain more tactics that help him
approach classroom teachers and show them how to integrate the skills into
everyday learning.
"We have a mobile computer lab with 15 laptops
teachers can pull into the classroom," Pierce said. "We want to
optimize this lab with kindergarten through fifth-grade teachers and find
curriculums and technological links to make that happen."
Some Brookview classrooms already integrate
technology into their homework. Fourth-graders recently assigned a report of a
famous person are researching information over the Internet and creating
presentations on the computer.
Pierce is teaching the students how to drop their
presentations into Power Point and will help them burn a CD so they can take
the work home to show parents.
"We have some good and effective uses of
technology here," McDonald said. "There are pockets of greatness,
but we still need to build a common vocabulary among teachers. Our
kindergarten through second grade still struggle in that area."
Three out-of-state technology consultants were
brought in to teach the program and of 55 school districts in Heartland's
region, 15 districts have teams that will attend, coming from as far as
"We've had good responses from past
participants," said Tim Graham, director of Heartland technology
services. "This year we've modified the program to include administrators
because teachers found they needed upper-level support of the programs.
Administrators needed a better understanding of how important technology is in
the classroom."
Continued in the article
Teens praise online
algebra lessons, March 30, 2004 ---
The school has enough textbooks, but the students
don't need them in Yvette McDonald's algebra class at Kahuku High and
Intermediate School.
Kahuku students, from left, Brendan Melemai, Daesha
Johnson and James Bautista use computers instead of books in algebra class.
The interactive computer program was developed last year by Honolulu Community
College. Jeff Widener • The Honolulu Advertiser
And that's a good thing.
It's because her students in grades 9 through 12
learn math not with books but through an interactive computer program
developed last year by Honolulu Community College and being piloted in four
Hawai'i high schools, a middle school and a community college.
With this new approach, the hope is to boost high
school math scores and cut down on expensive and time-consuming remedial math
in college.
"It's pretty good," said 17-year-old James
Bautista Jr., peering intently at the algebra equation on the screen before
choosing the correct answer from several suggestions.
"Sometimes teachers make it harder than it
really is. If I see it first and try to understand it myself without the
teacher dictating, it's kind of better. When I'm pressured into it, I'm not
good. I'm better at this where I can take my time."
While it's too soon to know if this online algebra
class will improve high school math scores, end-of-semester assessment testing
at HCC in mid-May will show how it's working among college students.
Assessment testing will be done in high schools next year.
"They should have this at Waialua,"
Bautista said. "I failed math at Waialua twice — algebra and geometry.
The teacher's a cool guy, but he's so quick I had a hard time keeping up with
"It's so much easier," agrees 17-year-old
Francisco "Pancho" Peterson. "If you click on the magnifying
glass, it shows you the procedure of what you should know, and that helps a
lot. It shows you what to do. In a way, it's like a big cheat sheet to figure
out what you did."
Continued in the
From the June 25 edition of Syllabus
Wharton webCafe
Earns High Satisfaction Ratings
A survey of students
of the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania found that 97 percent
rated the school's web-based virtual meeting application -- dubbed web Cafe --
as valuable to their education experience. Since Wharton began using webCafe
in 1998 as part of the school's student intranet, use of webCafe has expanded
to 5,200 users, 99 percent of full-time MBA candidates, all executive MBA
students, and almost all Wharton undergraduates. webCafe is one component of
Wharton's plan to reshape its business education. The school's Alfred West Jr.
Learning Lab is exploring methods of learning and instruction using
interactive multimedia and real-time simulations. This August, it is opening
Jon M. Huntsman Hall, which Wharton claims will be the largest and most
sophisticated instructional technology center at any business school.
For more information,
Top K12's 100 Wired Schools ---
The winners are listed at
Why (Some) Kids Love School ---
Dropout rates are down and test scores are up.
Students are engaged in learning and their self-esteem is soaring. So what's
really going on within the classroom walls of the country's top wired schools?
By Leslie Bennetts
Once upon a time, back in the olden days, kids used
to exult about getting out of school, celebrating their release from drudgery
by singing "No more pencils, no more books!" or so the schoolyard
ditty would have it. These days, with the explosion of technology that's
revolutionizing education around the country, many students are now eager to
stay after school, competing for access to all the high-tech equipment that's
opening up so many new opportunities to them.
For younger kids, technology is transforming the
schoolwork their older siblings sometimes regarded as tedious into challenging
games and activities. For high-school students, technology may banish once and
for all the tired questions about relevance. Even the most rebellious
adolescents are aware of the real-world value of the skills and experience
they're getting in wired schools.
Teachers who have mastered the art of integrating
technology into the curriculum also deserve credit. For a closer look at some
of the ways educators are transforming American schools, here are six
outstanding examples from this year's Top 100 Wired Schools—two elementary,
two middle, and two high schools that have applied creativity as well as
resources to the educational challenges of the 21st century.
"Using Hypertext in Instructional
Material: Helping Students Link Accounting Concept Knowledge to Case
Applications," by Dickie Crandall and Fred Phillips, Issues in
Accounting Education, May 2002, pp. 163-184 ---
studied whether instructional material that connects accounting concept
discussions with sample case applications through hypertext links would enable
students to better understand how concepts are to be applied to practical case
situations. Results from a laboratory experiment indicated that students who
learned from such hypertext-enriched instructional material were better able
to apply concepts to new accounting cases than those who learned from
instructional material that contained identical content but lacked the
concept-case application hyperlinks. Results also indicated that the
learning benefits of concept-case application hyperlinks in instructional
material were greater when the hyperlinks were self-generated by the students
rather than inherited from instructors, but only when students had generated
appropriate links. When students generated inappropriate concept-case
application hyperlinks in the instructional material, the application of
concepts to new cases was similar to that of other students who learned from
the instructional material that lacked hyperlinks.
The 2002 CWRL Colloquium (Computers,
Writing, Research, and Learning) ---
Teaching Versus Research
"Favorite Teacher" Versus "Learned the Most"
It may take years for a graduate to change an evaluation of an instructor
One of Sanford's key points is that it may take years
for a student to fully appreciate the quality of his or her education. What
might have seemed tedious, dull, or unimportant at the time may, in the long
run, turn out to be more valuable to a person's life than that which seemed
immediate and exciting in the classroom. Unfortunately, as Sanford notes, that
long-term value often is not captured in the immediacy of student evaluations of
instruction. Wise department chairs and deans take that into account when
reviewing those evaluations. But, here at Krispy Kreme U. not all department
chairs and deans are wise.
Mark Shapiro commenting on a piece by Sanford Pinsker, "You Probably Don't
Remember Me, But....," The Irascible Professor, July 12, 2006 ---
Bob Jensen's threads on higher education controversies are at
the movie
“Ghostbusters,” Dan Aykroyd commiserates with Bill
Murray after the two lose their jobs as university researchers. “Personally, I
like the university. They gave us money and facilities, and we didn’t have to
produce anything. You’ve never been out of college. You don’t know what it’s
like out there. I’ve worked in the private sector. They expect results.” I can
find some amusement in this observation, in a self-deprecating sort of way,
recognizing that this perception of higher education is shared by many beyond
the characters in this 1980s movie.
Jeremy Penn, "Assessment for ‘Us’
and Assessment for ‘Them’," Inside Higher Ed, June 26, 2007 ---
Why then do the studies show that a faculty member's
research activity and his or her teaching performance basically are uncorrelated
(neither positively correlated nor negatively correlated)? My best guess is that
these studies have fundamental flaws. After reading some of Nils' references as
well as more recent work on the subject, I believe that most of these studies
measure both teaching effectiveness and research activity incorrectly. On the
teaching effectiveness side, student evaluations of teaching often are the only
measure used in those studies; and, on the research productivity side generally
only numbers of publications are counted. Neither of these data points really
measure quality. The student evaluations often are highly correlated with the
grade that a student expects to receive rather than how much the student has
learned. Faculty members who are engaged in research often are demanding of
themselves as well as their students, so that may skew their student
evaluations. Measuring research activity by the number of papers published tends
to skew the results towards those faculty members who would view themselves
primarily as researchers and teachers of graduate students rather than as
teacher scholars who devote as much effort to their teaching as to their
research. In fact one of the correlations observed in the research is that those
faculty members who publish the most often have less time available to devote to
their teaching.
Nils Clausson, "Is There a Link
Between Teaching and Research?" The Irascible Professor, December
30, 2004 ---
Jensen Comment: By definition successful research is a contribution to new
knowledge. It cannot be conducted without scholarship mastery of existing
knowledge on the topic at hand. What Clausson seems to imply is that a
great teacher can have terrific and ongoing scholarship without adding to the
pile of existing knowledge. There also is the question of great
facilitators of research who do not publish. These professors are
sometimes great motivators and advisors to doctoral students. Examples
from accounting education include the now deceased Carl Nelson at the University
of Minnesota and Tom Burns from The Ohio State University. My point is
that great teachers come in all varieties. No one mold should ever be
prescribed like is often done in today's promotion and tenure committees that
sometimes discourage fantastic teaching in favor of uninteresting publication.
December 31, 2004 reply from Amy Dunbar [Amy.Dunbar@BUSINESS.UCONN.EDU]
Shapiro stated, “No one became an astronomer, or an
economist, or and English professor in order to teach students astronomy,
economics, or English literature. I certainly didn't.”
Au contraire. I think a lot of us entered PhD
programs because we wanted to teach. I think that teaching and research are
positively correlated because scholarship is infused with curiosity and care.
Amy Dunbar
December 31, 2004 reply from David Fordham, James Madison University
Hear, hear! Amy, I agree. Shapiro's assertion that
"no one" gets a Ph.D. to teach is patently false, as evidenced by
the overwhelming majority of my colleagues who obtained a Ph.D. degree SOLELY
to obtain a teaching position (and many of whom eschew the superficiality of
much of today's published accounting "research").
Thus, if this statement of Shapiro's is false, why
would I believe his other statements that "not one shred of empirical
evidence" exists to relate good teaching to good research? That statement
is likely patently false too, mainly because, in my view, of issues with
construct validity issues in the studies. Look carefully at the precise
wording of my following postulates:
1. Good research does not necessarily guarantee good
teaching. (I believe anyone who has any experience in academe would have to
accept this as well-established and supported empirically.)
2. Good teaching does not necessarily require
research ... DEPENDING (a major qualifier!) ON WHAT you are trying to teach.
THIS second postulate (more specifically, the qualifying predicate!) is the
one that most of Shapiro's citations (I assume, since I must admit I haven't
read them!) likely overlooked in their studies.
There are many subjects, including MANY undergraduate
course topics, which do not require constant updating and up-to-the- minute
currency, and thus a teacher may not benefit as greatly from being active in
research in that area. For these, research does not have to be correlated to
good teaching. So it probably isn't.
But there are many other areas which probably can NOT
be taught properly by anyone who is NOT staying current with the field by
being actively immersed in the present state-of- the-art. Medicine,
Pharmacology, Genetics, Materials Science, shoot, any one of us could name
dozens. And these fields do not need empirical evidence, it is deducible by
pure logic, from the objectives of the teaching activity.
And even in these fields, doing good research does
not necessarily mean that you are a good teacher, but being a good teacher in
the field does require research.
By overlooking the characteristics of the field, the
characteristics of the course content, characteristics of the NEED of students
in the course, and similar oversights, Shapiro's researchers have confounded
their data so much that their conclusion (the lack of correlation between
research and teaching) lacks validity, even ignoring the obvious problems with
measurements that Bob pointed out.
Of course, Shapiro is a primary example of a
phenomenon I plan to be one of my best assertions: the complete replacement of
"factual reporting" with "sensationalism" in today's
communication realm.
I mean, honestly, why should accountants be different
from the rest of the world when it comes to abdicating the obligation to
report fairly, justly, objectively, and factually? The news media sure does
not report objectively (the New York Times and its affiliate the Herald
Tribune are absolute jokes when it comes to embellishment, sensationalizing,
biasing, coloring, and other departures from "reporting news", and
they are representative of their industry). Neither do other forms of
so-called "news" media, nor do practitioners of law (look at the
claims of civil rights attorneys!), politicians (nothing more need be said
here), so-called "reality TV", or any of the other professions which
the public (erroneously) is expected to perceive as communicating reality. So
why should accountants be held to a different standard than the rest of
Rhetorical question, of course...
Happy New Year to anyone who reads this far on my
lengthy treatises. And Happy New Year to the others on this list, too!
David Fordham
James Madison University
January 1, 2005 reply from Bob Jensen
Hi David,
I tend to agree with everything you said below except the key phrase
"being a good teacher in the field does require research."
It would be more acceptable to me if you fine tuned the phrase to read
"being a good teacher in the field does keeping up with
research." Of course this leads head on into the brick wall of
performance reward systems that find it easier to count publications than
subjectively evaluate scholarship.
A terrific surgeon or teacher of surgery is not required to contribute to
new and unknown surgical knowledge and/or technique. A surgical researcher may
spend a lifetime endeavoring to create a new surgical technique but that
endeavoring is not a requisite for greatness as a teacher of existing best
practices. In teaching of surgery, experience is the requisite for
greatness as a teacher of existing best practices.
Nor does a great historian or history teacher have to contribute to new
knowledge of the past in order to have an outstanding preparation to teach
what is already known about the past. Although researchers are almost
paranoid to admit it, it is possible to become the world's best scholar on a
topic without extending the knowledge base of the topic.
The problem with great research discovery is that endeavoring to discover
often drains a lifetime of energy at the edge of the head of a pin, energy
that has a high probability of draining efforts to prepare to teach about the
whole pin or the pin cushion as a whole.
The key problem is having the time or energy for preparation to teach. Research
in the narrow sometimes drains from the act of preparing to teach in breadth
and length. Also knowing the
history of the narrows does not necessarily mean that the researcher
understands the history of the entire river (which is my feeling about some of
our top empirical researchers in accounting who have very little knowledge of
the history of accounting as a whole).
Rivers versus pin cushions! Am
I mixing my metaphors again?
I agree that Shapiro made a dumb comment about why we got our doctorates
and became educators. I tend to agree, however, with Nils Clausson's
conclusion that seems to be lost behind Shaphiro's dumb remark.
Bob Jensen
January 1, 2005 reply from Alexander Robin A [alexande.robi@UWLAX.EDU]
Wonderful! It is so nice to see these very reasonable
ideas articulated. The idea that keeping up in a field in order to teach it
requires active research (actually, publication numbers) rather than active
reading and study is one of those unquestioned mantras that comprise
educational mythology at most universities. I suspect the true reason for that
belief is that it is convenient - bureaucracies like easy measurements that
don't require much discernment. Counting publications is a very easy (if
erroneous) way to measure faculty performance.
Robin Alexander
January 1, 2005 reply from Dennis Beresford [DBeresfo@TERRY.UGA.EDU]
I wonder whether you could further fine tune your
comment to say, "being a good teacher does require keeping up with
developments in the field." While keeping up with research is certainly
helpful, the vast majority of accounting majors are undergrads and MAcc's who
will go into (mainly) public accounting and the corporate world. And, of
course, many of our accounting students are taking the class only as a
requirement of a different business major. I respectfully submit that knowing
what is happening in the accounting profession and broader business community
is quite important to effective teaching of those students.
Some accounting research may also be relevant,
particularly for teaching PhD students but that's a pretty tiny number.
Go Bulldogs and Trojans!
Denny Beresford
Cold and distant teaching vs. warm and close
Many instructors struggle with the role of rapport in
teaching. For some, the response is a cool and distant teaching style. This
essay argues that a style of appropriate warmth can promote student learning. It
offers definitions, examples, and implications for the instructor.
Robert F. Bruner, "'Do you Expect Me to Pander to the Students?' The Cold
Reality of Warmth in Teaching," SSRN Working Paper, June 2005 ---
As I said previously, great teachers come in about as many varieties as
flowers. Click on the link below to read about some of the varieties
recalled by students from their high school days. I t should be noted that
"favorite teacher" is not synonymous with "learned the
most." Favorite teachers are often great at entertaining and/or
motivating. Favorite teachers often make learning fun in a variety of
The recollections below tend to lean toward entertainment and "fun"
teachers, but you must keep in mind that these were written after-the-fact by
former high school teachers. In high school, dull teachers tend not to be
popular before or after the fact. This is not
always the case when former students recall their college professors.
"'A dozen roses to my favorite teacher," The Philadelphia
Inquirer, November 30, 2004 ---
Students may actually learn the most from pretty dull teachers with high
standards and demanding assignments and exams. Also dull teachers may also
be the dedicated souls who are willing to spend extra time in one-on-one
sessions or extra-hour tutorials that ultimately have an enormous impact on
mastery of the course. And then there are teachers who are not so
entertaining and do not spend much time face-to-face that are winners because
they have developed learning materials that far exceed other teachers in terms
of student learning because of those materials.
In some cases, the “best learning” takes place in courses where students
hate the teacher who, in their viewpoint, does not teach. In
has a lot to do with metacognition in learning. See
Many of our previous exchanges on the AECM about these issues are at the
following links:
Grade Inflation Issues
Onsite Versus Online Learning
Student Evaluations and Learning
January 2, 2005 reply from MABDOLMOHAMM@BENTLEY.EDU
In search of a
definition of a "perfect teacher"
A teacher can be
excellent by having one or more of a number of attributes (e.g., motivator,
knowledgeable, researcher), but a teacher will be perfect if he/she has a
combination of some or all of these attributes to bring the best out of
We all can cite
anecdotal examples of great teachers that exhibited excellence in an important
attribute. Below are three examples.
A few years ago an
economics teacher of my son in high school admitted to parents at the
beginning of the year that he had very little knowledge of the subject matter
of the economics course that he was assigned to teach. He said that the school
needed a volunteer to take an economics course and then teach it at the high
school, and he volunteered. A former college football player, the teacher had
learned to motivate others to do their best and by the end of the year he had
motivated the students to learn a lot, much of it on their own. In fact to the
pleasant surprise of the teacher and parents two student groups from this
class made it to the state competition, one of which ended up being number one
and the other ranked number 4 in the state.
I have noticed that
many of the professors getting teaching awards from our beloved AAA have also
been heavy hitters in publishing. While one can be a good teacher without
being a heavy hitter in publishing, it may be that scholarship, broadly
defined (include the knowledge of current developments) is an important factor
in being a good teacher. Even if one is not a heavy hitter, scholarship as an
exercise of the brain, makes one a better teacher.
Others argue that
students are the best judges of good teaching. I recall having read a research
piece some time ago that those who consistently rate high in student
evaluations are good teachers, while those who consistently rate low are poor
teachers. The ones in the middle are those for whom other factors may be at
work (e.g., being too demanding or a tough grader).
Here is a research
question: Do we have a comprehensive inventory of the attributes of good
teaching, and if so, is it possible to come up with combinations of various
attributes to define a "perfect teacher" or an "expert
Ali Mohammad J.
Abdolmohammadi, DBA, CPA
John E. Rhodes Professor of Accounting
Bentley College 175 Forest Street Waltham, MA 02452
January 2, 2005 reply from Van Johnson [accvej@LANGATE.GSU.EDU]
Your post reminded me
of one of my favorite editorials by Thomas Sowell in 2002. It is included
The next time someone
receives an award as an outstanding teacher, take a close look at the reasons
given for selecting that particular person. Seldom is it because his or her
students did higher quality work in math or spoke better English or in fact
had any tangible accomplishments that were better than those of other students
of teachers who did not get an award.
A "good"
teacher is not defined as a teacher whose students learn more. A
"good" teacher is someone who exemplifies the prevailing dogmas of
the educational establishment. The general public probably thinks of good
teachers as people like Marva Collins or Jaime Escalante, whose minority
students met and exceeded national standards. But such bottom line criteria
have long since disappeared from most public schools.
If your criterion for
judging teachers is how much their students learn, then you can end up with a
wholly different list of who are the best teachers. Some of the most
unimpressive-looking teachers have consistently turned out students who know
their subject far better than teachers who cut a more dashing figure in the
classroom and receive more lavish praise from their students or attention from
the media.
My own teaching
career began at Douglass College, a small women's college in New Jersey,
replacing a retiring professor of economics who was so revered that I made it
a point never to say that I was "replacing" him, which would have
been considered sacrilege. But it turned out that his worshipful students were
a mass of confusion when it came to economics.
It was much the same
story at my next teaching post, Howard University in Washington. One of the
men in our department was so popular with students that the big problem every
semester was to find a room big enough to hold all the students who wanted to
enroll in his classes. Meanwhile, another economist in the department was so
unpopular that the very mention of his name caused students to roll their eyes
or even have an outburst of hostility.
Yet when I compared
the grades that students in my upper level class were making, I discovered
that none of the students who had taken introductory economics under Mr.
Popularity had gotten as high as a B in my class, while virtually all the
students who had studied under Mr. Pariah were doing at least B work. "By
their fruits ye shall know them."
My own experience as
an undergraduate student at Harvard was completely consistent with what I
later learned as a teacher. One of my teachers -- Professor Arthur Smithies --
was a highly respected scholar but was widely regarded as a terrible teacher.
Yet what he taught me has stayed with me for more than 40 years and his class
determined the course of my future career.
Nobody observing
Professor Smithies in class was likely to be impressed by his performance. He
sort of drifted into the room, almost as if he had arrived there by accident.
During talks -- lectures would be too strong a word -- he often paused to look
out the window and seemingly became fascinated by the traffic in Harvard
But Smithies not only
taught us particular things. He got us to think -- often by questioning us in
a way that forced us to follow out the logic of what we were saying to its
ultimate conclusion. Often some policy that sounded wonderful, if you looked
only at the immediate results, would turn out to be counterproductive if you
followed your own logic beyond stage one.
In later years, I
would realize that many disastrous policies had been created by thinking no
further than stage one. Getting students to think systematically beyond stage
one was a lifetime contribution to their understanding.
Another lifetime
contribution was a reading list that introduced us to the writings of
top-notch minds. It takes one to know one and Smithies had a top-notch mind
himself. One of the articles on that reading list -- by Professor George
Stigler of Columbia University -- was so impressive that I went to graduate
school at Columbia expressly to study under him. After discovering, upon
arrival, that Stigler had just left for the University of Chicago, I decided
to go to the University of Chicago the next year and study under him there.
Arthur Smithies would
never get a teaching award by the standards of the education establishment
today. But he rates a top award by a much older standard: By their fruits ye
shall know them.
January 2, 2004 reply from David Fordham, James Madison University
Bob, you've hit upon
an enlightening point.
Your post about
alums' vote for "Best" teacher or "Favorite" teacher not
being the one who "taught them the most", or even "the most
entertaining" contrasts vividly with my wording when I refer to
"Excellence in teaching".
The "Best"
teacher in a student's (alums) eye isn't always the "most excellent"
Most of us (the
public at large, even) desire to be popular, and therefore "best" or
"favorite" in anything we do. But "best" and
"favorite" are far more subjective and individual-dependent
superlatives than "most excellent".
The latter term
denotes a high level of attaining the objective of the endeavor, whereas the
former terms denote a broader array of attributes (frequently skewed more
towards personality traits) appealing to personal tastes, where the overriding
attributes do not have to be the meeting of the fundamental objectives of
I (and many of my
colleagues, possibly including yourself) generally strive for excellence in
teaching, -- which often requires excellence in many other attributes
(including personality ones, too!) in order to achieve. Unfortunatly, many
students concentrate their attention on the personality- related ones. And
just as sadly, the AACSB accreditation jokers (along with elected state
legislators at the K-12 level!) concentrate only on "knowledge
transfer", "comprehension", and "measurabale
rubrics". Both of these extremes ignore the overall mix which composes
"Excellence in teaching" in terms of achieving the educational
(And yes, I strongly
believe that educational objectives include far more than mere knowledge
transfer... they include motivation, inspiration, appreciation, and many other
currently-*unmeasurable* traits, which is why I'm such an outspoken critic of
the AACSB's "assurance of learning" shenanigans.)
By the way, if you've
read this far: Bob, I've got to admit my poor choice of wording on an earlier
post. I indicated that some fields (such as pharmacology, genetics, etc.)
require "research" to teach well -- I didn't mean to equate research
with publication as is commonly done in academe, nor did I mean to equate it
with "advancing the knowledge of mankind" as it is probably more
accurately defined. I meant that those fields require effort to stay on top of
what's happening, as you more appropriately and accurately articulated. This
can take the form of overt activity to advance the knowledge of mankind, or it
can take the form of studious and constant attention to current literature and
activity of others. (I guess that's what I get for becoming so immersed in my
genealogical "research", which for the most part consists of
studiously searching and absorbing the "literature" and activities
of others, rather than creation on my own!) Anyway, I'd also like to agree
strongly with your assertion that "excellent teachers come in all
varieties". This is another fact which further confounds the
"measurement" of excellent teaching, and is often ignored by those
in the AACSB and state legislature education committees.
David Fordham
James Madison University
January 2, 2005 reply from David Albrecht [albrecht@PROFALBRECHT.COM]
David Fordham,
Another intriguing post to the always interesting
posts of Bob Jensen.
This has caused my mind to wander, and it has stalled
wondering about the similarities between audit quality and teaching quality.
As I recall, there are three primary components or
perspectives of audit quality: the input of the auditor (new being made public
for the first time by the PCAOB), the accuracy of the auditor's output, and
the public perception of the auditor. Based on the maxim that perception is
reality, much musing and academic research has focused on the third component.
Perhaps an example will help explain what I'm getting at. For decades, the
firm of Arthur Andersen worked hard on the first two components and eventually
was bestowed with the third component. Then, according to Toffler, Squires et.
al, Brewster and some others, AA skimped on the first two components and
eventually had the third component withdrawn. Have the final biggest firms,
the Big Four, traveled the same path? I can't really tell, given the
confounding that the big firms insurance function brings to the analysis. I do
know that for the largest companies (audited by the biggest auditing firms)
the large amount of restatements causes me to doubt the amount of recent
auditor quailty.
In a fashion, there seem to be three similar
components of excellence in teaching. First, there is the input of the
teacher. There are many parts to this. There is the scholarly endeavor of
"keeping up." There is the creative thought that goes into course
design and material development. Of course, there is the preparation for each
class, and there is the classroom pedagogy. The second component would have to
be the amount and quality of learning that takes place. The third component
would be the public perception of the teacher.
With respect to the national public, it is easy to
see that many students engage the teachers from the most expensive, elite
schools. These students seem willing to pay the price needed to get that clean
opinion from the top firm, er, I mean that degree with honors from the top
school. Are these students acting in the most rational manner? It's hard to
tell. They seem to go to top research schools where they receive much of their
instruction from graduate students, many of whom lack American language and
cultural skills that I'd think necessary for much quality. Then, they get to
senior level classes and receive instruction from professors that sometimes
are too preoccupied with research to adequately shepherd their students. The
elite schools try not to mess up the good students too much. The students find
assurance in the perceived quality of the degree from the elite school
Some students, frequently the less well heeled or
from the poorest educated families, attend lower ranked schools. Dare I say a
teaching school such as Bowling Green or James Madison? Anecdotal evidence
supports the contention that my school places much emphasis on the first
two components of teaching quality and does a quality job. However, not being
one of the biggest schools does put a hurt on the perceived quality of the
educational experience here.
I wonder if the PCAOB, the auditor's auditor, will be
any better than the AACSB, the business and accounting program's auditor. I
can tell from experience that a non-elite accounting program has a difference
of opinion with the AACSB, not because its students come from around the world
(they do) or that its graduates are in high demand by national and regional
employers (they are) or that its graduates progress rapidly in their careers
(they do), but because of an insufficient number of faculty publications in
top-tier journals. I think some of the time t he AACSB misses the boat.
Will the PCAOB? I guess that will be the true test of
the similarity between auditor quality and teacher quality.
David Albrecht
Bowling Green State University
See also
Grade Inflation Versus Teaching Evaluations
Student Evaluations and
Learning Styles
There is an enormous problem of assuming that students who
wrote high evaluations of any course actually learned more than high performing
students who hated the course. Happiness and learning are two different
Reasons why students often prefer online courses may have
little or nothing to do with actual learning. At the University of North
Texas where students can sometimes choose between an onsite or an online section
of a course, some students just preferred to be able to take a course in their
pajamas ---
Some off-campus students prefer to avoid the hassle and time consumed driving to
campus and spending a huge amount of time searching for parking. Some
Mexico City students claim that they can save over five hours a day in commuting
time, which is time made free for studying (Jim Parnell, Texas A&M, in
partnership with Monterrey Tech, deliver an ALN Web MBA Program in Mexico City)
In general, comparisons of onsite versus online test and
grade performance will tend to show "no differences" among good
students, because good students learn the material under varying circumstances.
Differences are more noteworthy weaker students or students who tend to drop
courses, but there is a huge instructor effect that is difficult to factor out
of such studies. For more on this, go to
Online Learning Styles
Here are a few links
of possible interest with regard to student evaluations and online learning
styles. In some cases you may have
to contact to presenters to get copies of their papers.
Probably the best place to start is with the Journal
of Asynchronous Learning ---
For example, one of
the archived articles is entitled “"Identifying Student Attitudes and
Learning Styles in Distance Education" in the September 2001 edition ---
Three opinion types were identified in this study:
Students who identified with issues of Time and Structure in Learning, Social
Interaction in Learning, and Convenience in Learning. These opinions can be
used to aid educators in reaching their students and increasing the
effectiveness of their online courses. At UIC, this insight had direct
application to the evolution of course materials. Early application of
technology merely supplied a web site on which were posted syllabus, readings
and assignments. No opportunity existed for conferencing; thus, there existed
no opportunity for social learning. In a subsequent semester, conferencing
software was made available to the class, in addition to the website. Thus,
the opportunity was added for social learning. The faculty learned, however,
that every time a new technology was added, it experienced an increase in the
level of effort necessary to support the student. Ultimately, the University
made available a course management system, which significantly streamlined the
effort on the part of faculty to make course materials available to the
student. The system provides through a single URL the student's access to
course materials, discussion forums, virtual groups and chat, testing, grades,
and electronic communication.
This study is qualitative and confined to University
of Illinois at Chicago graduate and undergraduate students. The three opinion
types identified through this study, however, correlate closely with results
reported in the literature. All three groups of students, representing the
three opinion types, shared a belief in the importance of being able to work
at home. The studies of Richards and Ridley [9] and Hiltz [10] described
flexibility and convenience as both reasons students enrolled in online
courses and as the perception of students once enrolled. On the other hand,
all three groups of students thought unimportant the need to pay home phone
bills incurred in online education, whereas Bee [13] found that students felt
the university should provide financial assistance to offset the associated
costs of going online. There is evidence in the literature (viz., studies by
Guernsey [8] and Larson [18]) that support the opinion identified in this
study of the need by some students for face-to-face interaction. Since none of
the students taking the Q-sort had ever taken an online course, they were
unaware of the opportunities provided by technology [8,10] to potentially
increase individual attention from instructors above that normal in
face-to-face course offerings. Since no post-enrollment Q-sorts were
administered, there was no way to tell whether students continued to hold that
opinion, or whether that opinion has changed. It is anticipated that even if
the Q-set were administered to a larger number of students, similar viewpoints
would still emerge.
The authors wondered whether there was an association
between the opinion set held by the student and his or her learning style.
Preliminary data using the Canfield Learning Styles Inventory [27] show that
the factor one group--Time and Structure in Learning--exhibited a much higher
than expected proportion of independent learners. (74% of the students who had
high factor loadings on factor one were also classified as independent
learners. This difference was significant Z = 3.00, p < .025.) One might be
tempted to hypothesize a relationship between being an independent learner and
having the time and structure opinion of technology and education. Similarly,
one might also expect that individuals who had high factor loadings for factor
two (Social Factors in Learning) would be more likely classified as social
learners. Further research is necessary to understand how learning styles
contribute to the experience of online education.
There is a movement in both education and business to
harness the power of the World Wide Web to disseminate information. Educators
and researchers, aware of this technological paradigm shift, must become
invested in understanding the interactions of students and computing. The
field of human-computer interface design, as applied to interaction of
students in online courses, is ripe for research in the area of building
better virtual learning communities (thus addressing the needs of the social
learner) without overwhelming the ability of the independent learner to excel
on his or her own.
Learning and Teaching Styles (Australia) ---
Online Learning Styles ---
Adapting a Course to Different Learning Styles ---
FasTrak Consulting ---
VARK Questionnaire ---
professors ---
JCU Study Skills ---
Cross-Cultural Considerations ---
"How Do People Learn," Sloan-C Review, February 2004 ---
Like some of the
other well known cognitive and affective taxonomies, the Kolb figure
illustrates a range of interrelated learning activities and styles beneficial
to novices and experts. Designed to emphasize reflection on learners’
experiences, and progressive conceptualization and active experimentation,
this kind of environment is congruent with the aim of lifelong learning. Randy
Garrison points out that:
From a content
perspective, the key is not to inundate students with information. The first
responsibility of the teacher or content expert is to identify the central
idea and have students reflect upon and share their conceptions. Students
need to be hooked on a big idea if learners are to be motivated to be
reflective and self-directed in constructing meaning. Inundating learners
with information is discouraging and is not consistent with higher order
learning . . . Inappropriate assessment and excessive information will
seriously undermine reflection and the effectiveness of asynchronous
Reflection on a big
question is amplified when it enters collaborative inquiry, as multiple styles
and approaches interact to respond to the challenge and create solutions. In
How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School, John Bransford and
colleagues describe a legacy cycle for collaborative inquiry, depicted in a
figure by Vanderbilt University researchers (see image, lower left).
Continued in the article
Bob Jensen has some related (oft
neglected) comments about learning at
You can read more about online and asynchronous learning at
Takes Center Stage in Online Learning:
The Saga of Western Governors University
Western Governors University was formed
by the Governors of 11 Western states in the United States and was later joined
by Indiana and Simon Fraser University in Canada. WGU attempted several
business models, including attempts to broker courses from leading state
universities and community colleges as well as a partnership with the North
American branch of U.K.'s Open University. All business models to date
have been disappointments and online enrollments are almost negligible to
date. WGU has nevertheless survived to date with tax-dollar funding from
the founding states. The WGU homepage is at
One unique aspect of WGU is its
dedication to competency-based assessment (administered to date by Slvan
Systems). An important article on this is entitled "Assessment Takes
Center Stage in Online Learning: Distance educators see the need to prove
that they teach effectively," by Dan Carnevale, The Chronicle of Higher
Education, April 13, 2001 ---
Students at Western
Governors University aren't required to take any courses. To earn a degree,
they must pass a series of assessment exams. The faculty members don't teach
anything, at least not in the traditional sense. Instead, they serve as
mentors, figuring out what students already know and what courses they need to
take to pass the exams.
Assessment also plays
a big role at the University of Phoenix Online. In a system modeled after the
university's highly successful classroom offerings, students are grouped
together in courses throughout an entire degree program, and they are given
batteries of exams both before and after the program. The tests enable the
university to measure exactly how much the students have learned, and to
evaluate the courses.
Indeed, assessment is
taking center stage as online educators experiment with new ways of teaching
and proving that they're teaching effectively.
And traditional
institutions, some observers say, should start taking notes.
Education researchers
caution that distance educators are still in the process of proving that they
can accurately assess anything, and that comparatively few distance-education
programs are actually participating in the development of new testing
One difference
between assessment in classrooms and in distance education is that
distance-education programs are largely geared toward students who are already
in the workforce, which often involves learning by doing. In many of the
programs, students complete projects to show they not only understand what
they've learned but also can apply it -- a focus of many assessment policies.
In addition to such
projects, standardized tests are a key part of assessments in distance
education. These tests are usually administered online in proctored
environments, such as in a student's hometown community college.
Western Governors and
the University of Phoenix Online are among the most visible institutions
creating assessment methods, but they are not alone. Many other
distance-education programs use some form of outcomes-based assessment tests,
including Excelsior College (formerly Regents College), in Albany, N.Y.;
Pennsylvania State University's World Campus; Thomas Edison State College, in
Trenton, N.J.; the State University of New York's Empire State College; and
University of Maryland University College.
All of higher
education is moving toward outcomes-based assessments, with online education
leading the way, says Peter Ewell, senior associate at the National Center for
Higher Education Management Systems. The push for new assessment models in
online education comes largely from competition with its older brother,
traditional education, says Mr. Ewell. Because distance education is
comparatively new, he says, critics often hold it to a higher standard than
traditional education when judging quality. It has more to prove, and is
trying to use assessments that show its effectiveness as the proof.
Online education is
only one of several influences putting pressure on traditional education to do
more to assess the quality of courses. Accreditation agencies, state
governments, and policy boards are all heading toward an inevitable question,
Mr. Ewell says: How much bang for the buck is higher education putting out?
But Perry Robinson,
deputy director of higher education at the American Federation of Teachers,
says assessment exams shift the emphasis away from what he considers the most
important element of learning: student interaction with professors in a
The federation has
been critical of distance learning in the past, saying an undergraduate degree
should always include a face-to-face component. Mr. Perry says having degrees
that rely on students' passing tests reduces higher education to nothing more
than job training.
Also, Mr. Perry
doesn't want to see the role of the professor diminished, because that person
knows the material the best and works with the students day after day.
"Assessment is involved in the classroom when you engage the students and
see the look of befuddlement on their faces," he says.
But Peggy L. Maki,
director of assessment at the American Association for Higher Education
believes that all of higher education will move toward a system of assessing
outcomes for students. Although distance education is contributing to this
movement, it isn't the biggest factor, she says. "We're talking about a
cultural change."
Some of this change
is prompted by the demands of legislators and other policy makers, Ms. Maki
says. Also, institutions are feeling pressure from peers to create
outcomes-assessment models. "I think there have been more challenges with
people saying, 'Can you really do this?'" she says. "When they do,
others say, 'Well, we better follow suit.'"
But traditional and
distance-education institutions alike are struggling to figure out how to use
the the results of assessment examinations to create programs and even
budgets. "This is the hardest part of the assessment process -- how you
use the results," Ms. Maki says.
Western Governors
University's assessment system is intended to measure the students' competency
in specific subjects. Because it doesn't matter to W.G.U. whether the students
learned the material on their own or from courses they've taken through the
university, the entire degree revolves around the assessment tests.
The university
doesn't create its own courses. Instead, it forms partnerships with other
universities around the country that have created online courses in various
subjects. A student seeking a degree must show competency in a number of
"domains." These include general education, such as writing and
mathematics, and domains specific to the subject, such as business management.
Western Governors
officials create some of their own assessment examinations and buy some from
other organizations, such as the ACT and the Educational Testing Service.
For W.G.U.'s own
exams, experts from the professional and academic arenas collaborate to
determine what students need to demonstrate to prove they are competent in a
field. Unlike traditional colleges, Western Governors separates assessment
from learning. The professors who grade the assessment exams have not had any
prior interaction with the student.
For the rest of
the article, go to
Update Message from Syllabus News on February 5,
Western Governors University
Meeting Access Goals
The Western Governors
University released its annual report, which said the private, non-profit
university, founded by 19 western governors, is achieving its goals to expand
access to higher education, especially for working adults. WGU President Bob
Mendenhall said, "the constraints on time due to work and family
commitments are access issues ... so the flexibility provided by WGU's online,
competency-based model is very appealing to a broad spectrum of
students." WGU currently has about 2,500 students enrolled, up from 500
students one year ago. The average WGU student is 40 years old, and over 90
percent work full-time.
For more
information, visit:
Three sample assessment questions from Western
Governors University in the area of quantitative reasoning, and the answers.
From ---
Free Downloadable
Reports from CourseShare:
researchers have collected online survey data from both college faculty
and corporate trainers regarding their online learning needs and supports.
Both surveys were co-sponsored by and
and are available below:
Bonk, C. J.
(2002). Online Training in an Online World. Bloomington,
(Note: Distribution or Reproduction of more than 50 copies of this
report require permission from or
Training in an Online World (Adobe PDF format :: 649 KB)
Summary Only (Adobe PDF format :: 284 KB)
Bonk, C. J.
(2001). Online Teaching in an Online World. Bloomington,
(Note: Distribution or Reproduction of more than 50 copies of this
report require permission from or
Teaching in an Online World (Adobe PDF format :: 308 KB)
Summary Only (Adobe PDF format :: 68 KB)
- As a Senior
Consortium Research Fellow with the U.S. Army Research Institute (ARI),
Dr. Curt Bonk of has written the following major report
with Dr. Robert Wisher from ARI that is now available online as well as in
a hardcopy format:
Bonk, C. J., &
Wisher, R. A. (2000). Applying collaborative and e-learning tools
to military distance learning: A research framework. (Technical
Report #1107). Alexandria, VA: U.S. Army Research Institute for the
Behavioral and Social Sciences. (Note: this report has unlimited
to Download PDF of this file.
- Bonk, C. J., &
Cunningham, D. J. (1998). Chapter 2: Searching for learner-centered,
constructivist, and sociocultural components of collaborative educational
learning tools. In C. J. Bonk, & K. S. King (Eds.), Electronic
collaborators: Learner-centered technologies for literacy, apprenticeship,
and discourse (pp. 25-50). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
to Download PDF of this file.
(Note: Permission to download from this site was granted by the
publisher Lawrence Erlbaum Associates; call LEA at 1-800-9books9 to
order the book)
- Introduction
section to (including a list of contributors) Bonk, C. J., & King, K.
S. (Eds.). (1998). Electronic collaborators: Learner-centered
technologies for literacy, apprenticeship, and discourse. Mahwah,
NJ: Erlbaum. ISBN: 0-8058-2796-X (cloth); 0-8058-2797-8 (paper).
to Download PDF of this file.
For more on the Electronic Collaborator's Book, see:
Table of contents:
Book Contributors:
(Note: Permission to download from this site was granted by the
publisher Lawrence Erlbaum Associates; call LEA at 1-800-9books9 to
order the book)
Bob Jensen's threads on education
technologies are at
From Distance Education and Its
Challenges: An Overview, by D.G. Oblinger, C.A. Barone, and B.L.
Hawkins (ACE, American Council on Education Center for Policy Analysis and
Educause, 2001, pp. 39-40.)
Appendix 4
Measures of Quality in Internet-Based Distance Learning
With the worldwide growth of distributed learning, attention is being
paid to the nature and quality of online higher education.
Twenty-four bench marks were identified in a study conducted by the
Institute for Higher Education Policy. To formulate the
benchmarks, the report identified firsthand, practical strategies being
used by U.S. colleges and universities considered to be leaders in
online distributed learning. The benchmarks were divided into
seven categories of quality measures.
Institutional Support Benchmarks
1.A documented technology plan includes electronic security
measures to ensure both quality standards and the integrity and
validity of information.
2.The reliability of the technology delivery system is as close to
failsafe as possible.
3.A centralized system provides support for building and
maintaining the distance education infrastructure.
Course Development Benchmarks
4.Guidelines regarding minimum standards are used for course
development, design, and delivery, while learning outcomes —not the
availability of existing technology — determine the technology being
used to deliver course content.
5.Instructional materials are reviewed periodically to ensure that
they meet program standards.
6.Courses are designed to require students to engage themselves in
analysis, synthesis, and evaluation as part of their course and
program requirements.
Teaching/Learning Benchmarks
7.Student interaction with faculty and other students is essential
and is facilitated through a variety of ways, including voice mail
and/or email.
8.Feedback to student assignments and questions is constructive and
provided in a timely manner.
9.Students are instructed in the proper methods of effective
research, including assessment of the validity of resources.
Course Structure Benchmarks
10.Before starting an online program, students are advised about
the program to determine if they possess the self motivation and
commitment to learn at a distance and if they have access to the
minimal technology required by the course design.
11.Students are provided with supplemental information that
outlines course objectives, concepts, and ideas, and learning outcomes
for each course are summarized in a clearly written, straightforward
12.Students have access to sufficient library resources that may
include a “virtual library ”accessible through the web.
13. Faculty and students agree on an accept- able length of time
for student assignment completion and faculty response.
Student Support Benchmarks
14.Students receive information about programs including admission
requirements, tuition and fees, books and supplies ,technical and
proctoring requirements, and student support services.
15.Students are provided with hands-on training and information to
aid them in securing material through electronic databases,
inter-library loans, government archives, news services, and other
16.Throughout the duration of the course/program, students have
access to technical assistance, including detailed instructions
regarding the electronic media used, practice sessions prior to the
beginning of the course, and convenient access to technical support
17.Questions directed to student service personnel are answered
accurately and quickly, with a structured system in place to address
student complaints.
Faculty Support Benchmarks
18.Technical assistance in course development is available to
faculty, who are encouraged to use it.
19.Faculty members are assisted in the transition from classroom
teaching to online instruction and are assessed during the process.
20.Instructor training and assistance,including peer mentoring,
continues through the progression of the online course.
21.Faculty members are provided with written resources to deal with
issues arising from student use of electronically accessed data.
Evaluation and Assessment Benchmarks
22.The program ’s educational effectiveness and teaching/learning
process is assessed through an evaluation process that uses sev- eral
methods and applies specific standards.
23.Data on enrollment,costs,and successful/innovative uses of
technology are used to evaluate program effectiveness.
24.Intended learning outcomes are regularly reviewed to ensure
clarity,utility,and appropriateness.
Reporting Assessment Data is No Big Deal for
For-Profit Learning Institutions
"What Took You So Long?" by Doug Lederman, Inside Higher Ed, June 15,
2007 ---
have been hard pressed to attend a major higher education
conference over the last year where the work of the
Secretary of Education’s
Commission on the Future of Higher Education
and the U.S. Education Department’s
efforts to carry it out were not discussed. And they were
rarely mentioned in the politest of terms, with faculty
members, private college presidents, and others often
bemoaning proposals aimed at ensuring that colleges better
measure the learning outcomes of their students and that
they do so in more readily comparable ways.
The annual
meeting of the Career College Association, which represents
1,400 mostly for-profit and career-oriented colleges,
featured its own panel session Thursday on Education
Secretary Margaret Spellings’ various “higher education
initiatives,” and it had a very different feel from
comparable discussions at meetings of public and private
nonprofit colleges. The basic theme of the panelists and the
for-profit college leaders in the audience at the New
Orleans meeting was: “What’s the big deal? The government’s
been holding us accountable for years. Deal with it.”
Ronald S.
Blumenthal, vice president for operations and senior vice
president for administration at Kaplan Higher Education, who
moderated the panel, noted that the department’s push for
some greater standardization of how colleges measure the
learning and outcomes of their students is old hat for
institutions that are accredited by “national” rather than
“regional” accreditors, as most for-profit colleges are. For
nearly 15 years, ever since the Higher Education Act was
renewed in 1992, national accreditors have required
institutions to report placement rates and other data, and
institutions that perform poorly compared to their peers
risk losing accreditation.
“These are
patterns that we’ve been used to for more than 10 years,”
said Blumenthal, who participated on the Education
Department negotiating panel that considered possible
changes this spring in federal rules governing
accreditation. “But the more traditional schools have not
done anything like that, and they don’t want to. They say
it’s too much work, and they don’t have the infrastructure.
We had to implement it, and we did did implement it. So what
if it’s more work?,” he said, to nods from many in the
Geri S.
Malandra of the University of Texas System, another member
of the accreditation negotiating team and a close adviser to
Charles Miller, who headed the Spellings Commission and
still counsels department leaders, said that nonprofit
college officials (and the news media, she suggested) often
mischaracterized the objectives of the commission and
department officials as excessive standardization.
“Nobody was
ever saying, there is one graduation rate for everyone
regardless of the program,” Malandra said. “You figure out
for your sector what makes sense as the baseline. No matter
how that’s explained, and by whom, the education secretary
or me, it still gets heard as one-size-fits-all, a single
number, a ‘bright line’ ” standard. “I don’t think it was
ever intended that way.”
The third
panelist, Richard Garrett, a senior analyst at Eduventures,
an education research and consulting company, said the lack
of standardized outcomes measures in higher education “can
definitely be a problem” in terms of gauging which
institutions are actually performing well. “It’s easy to
accuse all parts of higher education of having gone too far
down the road of diversity” of missions and measures,
Garrett said.
“On the
other hand,” said Garrett, noting that American colleges
have long been the envy of the world, “U.S. higher education
isn’t the way it is because of standardization. It is as
successful as it is because of diversity and choice and
letting a thousand flowers bloom,” he said, offering a voice
of caution that sounded a lot like what one might have heard
at a meeting of the National Association of Independent
Colleges and Universities or the American Federation of
December 10, 2004 message from Carolyn Kotlas []
The University of Calgary Continuing Education
sponsors Best Practices in E-Learning, a website that provides a forum for
anyone working in the field to share their best practices. This month's
presentations include:
-- "To Share or Not To Share: There is No
Question" by Rosina Smith Details a new model for permitting "the
reuse, multipurposing, and repurposing of existing content"
-- "Effective Management of Distributed Online
Educational Content" by Gary Woodill "[R]eviews the history of
online educational content, and argues that the future is in distributed
content learning management systems that can handle a wide diversity of
content types . . . identifies 40 different genres of online educational
content (with links to examples)"
Presentations are in various formats, including
Flash, PDF, HTML, and PowerPoint slides. Registered users can interact with
the presenters and post to various discussion forums on the website. There is
no charge to register and view presentations. You can also subscribe to their
newsletter which announces new presentations each month. (Note: No archive of
past months' presentations appears to be on the website.)
For more information, contact: Rod Corbett, University of Calgary
Continuing Education; tel:403-220-6199 or 866-220-4992 (toll-free); email:
; Web:
"The clear
implication is that online learning is not good enough and needs to prove its
worth before gaining full acceptance in the pantheon of educational practices.
This comparative frame of reference is specious and irrelevant on several
counts . . ." In "Escaping the Comparison Trap: Evaluating Online
Learning on Its Own Terms (INNOVATE, vol. 1, issue 2, December 2004/January
2005), John Sener writes that, rather than being inferior to classroom
instruction, "[m]any online learning practices have demonstrated superior
results or provided access to learning experiences not previously
possible." He describes new evaluation models that are being used to
judge online learning on its own merits. The paper is available online at
You will need to
register on the Innovate website to access the paper; there is no charge for
registration and access.
Innovate [ISSN
1552-3233] is a bimonthly, peer-reviewed online periodical published by the
Fischler School of Education and Human Services at Nova Southeastern
University. The journal focuses on the creative use of information technology
(IT) to enhance educational processes in academic, commercial, and government
settings. Readers can comment on articles, share material with colleagues and
friends, and participate in open forums. For more information, contact James
L. Morrison, Editor-in-Chief, Innovate; email:
; Web:
You might find some helpful information
in the following reference ---
Phillips, V., & Yager, C. The
best distance learning graduate schools: Earning your degree without leaving
This book profiles 195 accredited institutions that offer graduate degrees via
distance learning. Topics include: graduate study, the quality and benefits of
distance education, admission procedures and criteria,
available education delivery systems, as well as accreditation, financial aid,
and school policies.
A review is given at
Some good assessment advice is given at
A rather neat PowerPoint show from
Brazil is provided at
(Click on the slides to move forward.)
The following references may be helpful
in terms of evaluation forms:
- Faculty
Course Evaluation Form
University of Bridgeport
- Web-Based
Course Evaluation Form
Nashville State Technology Institute
- Guide
to Evaluation for Distance Educators
University of Idaho Engineering Outreach Program
- Evaluation
in Distance Learning: Course Evaluation
World Bank Global Distance EducatioNet
A Code of Assessment Practice is given
A comprehensive outcomes assessment
report (for the University of Colorado) is given at
A Distance Learning Bibliography is
available at
Also see "Integration of
Information Resources into Distance Learning Programs" by Sharon M.
Edge and Denzil Edge at
"A New Methodology for Evaluation:
The Pedagogical Rating of Online Courses," by Nishikant Sonwalkar, Syllabus
Magazine, January 2002, 18-21 ---
This article proposes a means of
numerically evaluating various attributes of an online course and then
aggregating these into an "Overall Rating." Obviously, any model
for this type of aggregation will be highly controversial since there are so
many subjective criteria and so many interactive (nonlinear) complexities that
lead us to doubt and additive aggregation.
The author follows up on two previous
articles in Syllabus Magazine (November and December 2001) a pedagogical
learning cube. This January 2002 article takes a giant leap by aggregating
metrics of six media types, five learning styles, and five types of student
interactions (not to be confused with the model's component interactions).
The pedagogy effectiveness index expressed as a summative rule

I have all sorts complaints about an
additive summation index of components that are hardly independent.
However, I will leave it to the reader to read this article and form his or her
own opinion.
Number Watch: How to Lie With Statistics
Number Watch
This is a link that every professor should look at very,
very seriously and (sigh) skeptically!
Number Watch is a truly fascinating site ---
This site is devoted to the monitoring of the
misleading numbers that rain down on us via the media. Whether they are
generated by Single Issue Fanatics (SIFs), politicians, bureaucrats,
quasi-scientists (junk, pseudo- or just bad), such numbers swamp the media,
generating unnecessary alarm and panic. They are seized upon by media, hungry
for eye-catching stories. There is a growing band of people whose livelihoods
depend on creating and maintaining panic. There are also some who are trying to
keep numbers away from your notice and others who hope that you will not make
comparisons. Their stock in trade is the gratuitous lie. The aim here is to nail
just a few of them.
The Scout Report on February 11, 2005 has this to say:
John Brignell, Professor Emeritus from the Department
of Electronics & Computer Science at the University of Southampton, is the
author of this informal website "devoted to the monitoring of the
misleading numbers that rain down on us via the media." Brignell says he
aims to "nail" a few of the "Single Issue Fanatics (SIFs),
politicians, bureaucrats, quasi-scientists (junk, pseudo- or just bad),"
who use misleading numbers to write catchy articles or who try to keep numbers
away from public notice. Since April 2000, he has been posting a "number
of the month" as well as a "number for the year," which offer
his commentary on media usage of misleading numbers and explanations for why
the numbers are misleading. He also posts book reviews and an extensive list
of online resources on statistics and statistics education. The FAQ section
includes answers to some interesting questions, such as "Is there such a
thing as average global temperature?" and some more basic questions such
as "What is the Normal Distribution and what is so normal about it?"
The Bits and Pieces section includes a variety of short articles on statistics
and his definitions for some terms he uses on the website. Visitors are also
invited to join the discussion forum (complete with a few advertisements) and
view comments by others who want to discuss "wrong numbers in science,
politics and the media." A few comments sent to Brignell and his
responses are also posted online. This site is also reviewed in the February
11, 2005_NSDL MET Report.
Jensen Comment:
I'm getting some feedback from respected scientists that the site has
good rules but then breaks its own rules when
applying the rules.
I focused more on the rules themselves and found the site interesting.
One that I liked were the statistics pages such as the one at
Alas! Even our statisticians
with good rules lie with statistics. I
guess that alone makes this site interesting from an
Myanmar's improbable tsunami statistics and the
casualty numbers game.
Kerry Howley, "Disaster Math," ReasonOnline, January 7, 2005
Out Problems
"Do Online Course Drop-Out Rates
Matter?" presented articles on this topic (CIT INFOBITS, Issue 46, April
). Additional readings include:
"Confessions of an E-Learner: Why
the Course Paradigm is All Wrong," by Eve Drinis and Amy Corrigan,
OnlineLearning Magazine: Innovative
Strategies for Business [ISSN: 1532-0022] is published eleven times a year by
VNU Business Media, Inc., 50 S. Ninth Street, Minneapolis, MN 55402 USA; tel:
612-333-0471; fax: 612-333-6526; email:; Web:
"Five Steps For Ensuring
E-Learning Success," by Pete Weaver, American Society for Training &
Development (ASTD) website.
American Society for Training &
Development (ASTD) is a professional association concerned with workplace
learning and performance issues. For more information, contact ASTD, 1640 King
Street, Box 1443, Alexandria, VA 22313-2043 USA; tel: 703-683-8100 or
800-628-2783; fax: 703-683-1523; Web:
Who will stick it out and who will drop out of a distance education course?
(Includes a Literature Review)
This study had two
- Locus of
control, as measured by the Rotter's Locus of Control scale, is a
significant predictor of academic persistence.
- Locus of
control scores increase, moved toward internality, over the course of a
semester for students enrolled in web-based instruction.
Accreditation Issues
Bob Jensen's threads on higher education controversies are at
Accreditation: Why We Must Change
Accreditation has been high on the agenda of the
Secretary of Education’s Commission on the Future of Higher Education —
and not in very flattering ways. In
“issue papers” and
in-person discussions, members of the commission
and others have offered many criticisms of current accreditation practice and
expressed little faith or trust in accreditation as a viable force for quality
for the future.
Judith S. Eaton, "Accreditation: Why We Must Change," Inside Higher Ed,
June 1, 2006 ---
A Test of Leadership: Charting the Future of U.S. Higher Education
Charles Miller, chairman of the Secretary of
Commission on the Future of Higher Education,
the final version of the panel’s report to the
secretary herself, Margaret Spellings, on Tuesday. The report, “A Test of
Leadership: Charting the Future of U.S. Higher Education,” is little changed
from the final draft that the commission’s members
approved by an 18 to 1 vote last month. Apart from
controversial change in language that softened the
panel’s support for open source software, the only other alterations were the
addition of charts and several “best practices” case studies, which examine the
California State University system’s
campaign to reach out to underserved students in
their communities, the
National Center for Academic Transformation’s efforts
to improve the efficiency of teaching and learning, and
the innovative curriculum at Neumont University (yes, Neumont University), a
for-profit institution in Salt Lake City. Spellings
said in a statement that she looks forward to
“announcing my plans for the future of higher education” next Tuesday at a
previously announced luncheon at the National Press Club in Washington.
Inside Higher Ed, September 20, 2006 --- |
"Assessing Learning Outcomes," by Elia Powers, Inside
Higher Ed, September 21, 2006 ---
“There is inadequate transparency
and accountability for measuring institutional performance,
which is more and more necessary to maintaining public trust in
higher education.“
“Too many decisions about higher
education — from those made by policymakers to those made by
students and families — rely heavily on reputation and rankings
derived to a large extent from inputs such as financial
resources rather than outcomes.”
Those are the words of the
Secretary of Education’s Commission on the Future of Higher
Education, which on Tuesday handed
over its
final report to Secretary Margaret
Less than a week before Spellings
announces her plans to carry out the commission’s report, a
panel of higher education experts met in Washington on Wednesday
to discuss how colleges and universities report their learning
outcomes now and the reasons why the public often misses out on
this information. On this subject, the panelists’ comments fell
largely in line with those of the federal commission.
The session, hosted by
the Hechinger Institute on Education and the Media,
at Columbia University’s Teachers College, included an
assessment of U.S. News & World Report’s annual college
rankings, which critics say provide too little information about
where students learn best.
“The game isn’t about rankings and
who’s No. 1,” said W. Robert Connor, president of the Teagle
Foundation, a group that has sponsored a
series of grants in “value added assessment,”
intended to measure what students learn in college. Connor said
colleges should be graded on a pass/fail basis, based on whether
they keep track of learning outcomes and if they tell the public
how they are doing.
“We don’t need a matrix of facets
summed up in a single score,” added David Shulenburger, vice
president of academic affairs for the National Association of
State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges.
What students, parents, college
counselors and legislators need is a variety of measuring
sticks, panelists said. Still, none of the speakers recommended
that colleges refuse to participate in the magazine’s rankings,
or that the rankings go away.
“It’s fine that they are out there,”
said Richard Ekman, president of the Council on Independent
Colleges. “Even if it’s flawed, it’s one measure.”
Ekman said the Collegiate Learning
Assessment, which measures educational gains made from a
student’s freshman to senior year, and the National Survey of
Student Engagement, which gauges student satisfaction on
particular campuses, are all part of the full story. (Many
institutions participate in the student engagement survey, but
relatively few of them make their scores public.) Ekman said
there’s no use in waiting until the “perfect” assessment measure
is identified to start using what’s already available.
Still, Ekman said he is “wary about
making anything mandatory,” and doesn’t support any government
involvement in this area. He added that only a small percentage
of his constituents use the CLA. (Some are hesitant because of
the price, he said.)
Shulenburger plugged a yet-to-be
completed index of a college’s performance, called the
Voluntary System of Accountability,
that will compile information including price, living
arrangements, graduation rates and curriculums.
Ross Miller of the Association of
American Colleges & Universities said he would like to see an
organization compile a list of questions that parents and
students can ask themselves when searching for a college. He
said this would serve consumers better than even the most
comprehensive ranking system.
The Spellings commission recommended
the creation of an information database and a search engine that
would allow students and policymakers to weigh comparative
institutional performance.
Miller also said he would like to see
more academic departments publish on their Web sites examples of
student work so that applicants can gauge the nature and quality
of the work they would be doing.
Bob Jensen's threads on higher education controversies are at
What states (the Seven Sorry Sisters) in the U.S. have the most lax laws
regarding diploma mills?
"Watching a Watchdog’s Words," by Doug Lederman, Inside Higher Ed, August 14,
2008 ---
Alan Contreras is an increasing rarity these days:
a knowledgeable public official who says what he thinks without worrying too
much about whom he offends. That trait has him in a scrape over free speech
with his superiors in Oregon’s state government. And while they backed away
Thursday from the action that had most troubled him, Contreras isn’t backing
down from the fight.
Contreras oversees the state’s
Office of Degree Authorization, which decides
which academic degrees and programs may be offered within Oregon’s
boundaries. Through his position in that office, which is part of the Oregon
Student Assistance Commission, Contreras has become a widely cited expert
for policy makers and journalists, on issues such as diploma mills,
accreditation, and state regulation of higher education. He also writes
widely on those and other topics for general interest newspapers and higher
education publications — including
Inside Higher Ed.
Some of those writings rub people the wrong way. In
2005 essay for Inside Higher Ed, for
instance, Contreras characterized a group of states with comparatively lax
laws and standards on governing low-quality degree providers as the “seven
sorry sisters.” Other columns have
questioned the utility of affirmative action and
discouraged federal intervention in higher education.
In his writings about higher education topics,
Contreras scrupulously notes that his comments are his own, not the state’s.
Contreras’s writings and outspoken comments over
the years have earned him his share of enemies, particularly among
proprietors of unaccredited institutions that he strives to shut down. And
while his wide-ranging opinion making has allowed some critics to write him
off as a gadfly, he testifies as an expert before Congress and delivers
keynote addresses at
meetings of higher education accrediting associations.
Those writings have raised some hackles in Oregon.
About a year ago, Contreras says, Bridget Burns, the appointed head of the
Oregon Student Aid Commission, told Contreras that she wanted him to seek
her approval before he did any outside writing that identified him as a
state employee. Contreras balked, and after numerous discussions among
commission officials in the months that followed, he says, he was told
during his annual review last December that “they realized I had the right
to do my writing,” Contreras says. “I thought it was all done.”
But this week, Contreras says he was contacted by
several acquaintances who had received an annual survey that the commission
does, as part of his annual review, to assess the quality of his and his
office’s work. In addition to the usual two questions of the “how are we
doing?” variety, as Contreras calls them, the survey that began circulating
last week contained two new ones:
- “Alan occasionally writes opinion pieces in
newspapers and professional journals. Do you have any concerns about a
state employee expressing personal opinions in this way?”
- “Do Alan’s writings affect your perception of
Contreras says that several of those who contacted
him asked him whether he was under fire from his superiors. The official of
one institution that is involved in a case before him, he says, “asked if I
was the victim of a witch hunt by my own agency.” One recipient of the
survey, Michael B. Goldstein, a Washington lawyer who serves on an
accreditation panel with Contreras and has appeared on conference panels
with him, says he was surprised both to have been asked to assess Contreras
and by the tenor of the questions.
“It’s not uncommon for people who work closely with
someone to be asked to comment on his or her performance, but I have never
seen it cast like this to people who are pretty far removed,” Goldstein
Contreras characterizes the commission’s inquiry as
an attempt “to unconstitutionally interfere with my free speech rights under
the Oregon Constitution,” which reads in part: “No law shall be passed
restraining the free expression of opinion, or restricting the right to
speak, write, or print freely on any subject whatever; but every person
shall be responsible for the abuse of this right.” The commission’s inquiry,
he says, “damaged my reputation with the people I work with” in and around
Oregon. “It’s clear that it’s perceived out there as some show of ‘no
confidence’ in me.”
Contreras says that he complained Wednesday to the
staff of Gov. Ted Kulongoski about the commission’s actions, and that he had
asked for Burns’s resignation. Kulongoski’s higher education aide could not
be reached for comment late Thursday.
Public Employees’ Free Speech Rights
The legal situation surrounding the free speech
rights of public employees is in a state of flux. A
2006 Supreme Court decision altered 35 years of
settled jurisprudence by finding that when public employees make statements
that relate to their official duties, “the employees are not speaking as
citizens for First Amendment purposes, and the Constitution does not
insulate their communications from employer discipline,” as Justice Anthony
M. Kennedy wrote in the majority opinion in Garcetti v. Ceballos.
That ruling modified the court’s 1968 decision in
Pickering v. Board of Education, which had
mandated that public employees have a right to speak about matters of public
concern that must be balanced against the government’s ability to operate
effectively and efficiently.
Contreras acknowledges that, both legally (even
under Oregon’s expansive constitutional provision) and otherwise, he might
be on shaky ground if he “went around trashing” the Oregon Student
Assistance Commission’s scholarship and other financial aid programs. “It
would be completely inappropriate for me to go around saying that these
programs are terrible programs and shouldn’t be supported,” he says.
But “99 percent of what I write doesn’t have to do
with anything the agency is doing,” Contreras says. “So what if I said the
University of Oregon’s affirmative action plan is awful, or that the level
of academic planning in most colleges is insufficient. That is legitimate
comment on public policy issues, and it is perfectly normal comment by a
Continued in article
Bob Jensen's threads on diploma mills are at
Bob Jensen's threads on whistle blowing are at
Bob Jensen's fraud updates are at
Colleges On the Far, Far Left Are Having a Difficult Time With Finances
and Accreditation
"Turmoil at Another Progressive College," by Elizabeth Redden, Inside
Higher Ed, August 1, 2007 ---
College of California, which, according to its president,
depends on tuition for 95 percent of its budget, finds
itself at this crossroads as the closure of
Antioch College’s main undergraduate institution focuses
attention on
the particular vulnerability of progressive colleges,
which tend to feature small
enrollments, individualized instruction and a commitment to
producing alumni engaged in socially responsible, if not
fiscally rewarding, careers. With a historic focus on
non-traditional education, New College’s graduate and
undergraduate program
offerings today
include women’s spirituality, teacher education, activism
and social change, and experimental performance.
college has repeatedly tangled with its accreditor in the
past, with this month’s action coming a year, its president
said, after it was removed from warning. A July 5 letter
from the Western Association to the college’s president of
seven years, Martin J. Hamilton, documents an ongoing
financial crisis about as old as the college itself and a
“pervasive failure” in proper recordkeeping. WASC also notes
concerns about academic integrity at the college, including
a “routine” reliance upon independent study that operates
outside of published criteria or oversight. The accrediting
body indicates that it found “substantial evidence of
violations” of its first standard, that an institution
“function with integrity.” (The
letter is available on the San Francisco Bay Guardian’s
Continued in article
Bob Jensen's threads on higher education controversies are at
Reporting Assessment Data is No Big Deal for
For-Profit Learning Institutions
"What Took You So Long?" by Doug Lederman, Inside Higher Ed, June 15,
2007 ---
have been hard pressed to attend a major higher education
conference over the last year where the work of the
Secretary of Education’s
Commission on the Future of Higher Education
and the U.S. Education Department’s
efforts to carry it out were not discussed. And they were
rarely mentioned in the politest of terms, with faculty
members, private college presidents, and others often
bemoaning proposals aimed at ensuring that colleges better
measure the learning outcomes of their students and that
they do so in more readily comparable ways.
The annual
meeting of the Career College Association, which represents
1,400 mostly for-profit and career-oriented colleges,
featured its own panel session Thursday on Education
Secretary Margaret Spellings’ various “higher education
initiatives,” and it had a very different feel from
comparable discussions at meetings of public and private
nonprofit colleges. The basic theme of the panelists and the
for-profit college leaders in the audience at the New
Orleans meeting was: “What’s the big deal? The government’s
been holding us accountable for years. Deal with it.”
Ronald S.
Blumenthal, vice president for operations and senior vice
president for administration at Kaplan Higher Education, who
moderated the panel, noted that the department’s push for
some greater standardization of how colleges measure the
learning and outcomes of their students is old hat for
institutions that are accredited by “national” rather than
“regional” accreditors, as most for-profit colleges are. For
nearly 15 years, ever since the Higher Education Act was
renewed in 1992, national accreditors have required
institutions to report placement rates and other data, and
institutions that perform poorly compared to their peers
risk losing accreditation.
“These are
patterns that we’ve been used to for more than 10 years,”
said Blumenthal, who participated on the Education
Department negotiating panel that considered possible
changes this spring in federal rules governing
accreditation. “But the more traditional schools have not
done anything like that, and they don’t want to. They say
it’s too much work, and they don’t have the infrastructure.
We had to implement it, and we did did implement it. So what
if it’s more work?,” he said, to nods from many in the
Geri S.
Malandra of the University of Texas System, another member
of the accreditation negotiating team and a close adviser to
Charles Miller, who headed the Spellings Commission and
still counsels department leaders, said that nonprofit
college officials (and the news media, she suggested) often
mischaracterized the objectives of the commission and
department officials as excessive standardization.
“Nobody was
ever saying, there is one graduation rate for everyone
regardless of the program,” Malandra said. “You figure out
for your sector what makes sense as the baseline. No matter
how that’s explained, and by whom, the education secretary
or me, it still gets heard as one-size-fits-all, a single
number, a ‘bright line’ ” standard. “I don’t think it was
ever intended that way.”
The third
panelist, Richard Garrett, a senior analyst at Eduventures,
an education research and consulting company, said the lack
of standardized outcomes measures in higher education “can
definitely be a problem” in terms of gauging which
institutions are actually performing well. “It’s easy to
accuse all parts of higher education of having gone too far
down the road of diversity” of missions and measures,
Garrett said.
“On the
other hand,” said Garrett, noting that American colleges
have long been the envy of the world, “U.S. higher education
isn’t the way it is because of standardization. It is as
successful as it is because of diversity and choice and
letting a thousand flowers bloom,” he said, offering a voice
of caution that sounded a lot like what one might have heard
at a meeting of the National Association of Independent
Colleges and Universities or the American Federation of
"Accreditation: A Flawed Proposal," by Alan L. Contreras, Inside Higher Ed,
June 1, 2006 ---
A recent report released by the
Secretary of Education’s Commission on the Future of Higher Education
recommends some major changes in the way accreditation
operates in the United States. Perhaps the most significant of these is a
proposal that a new accrediting framework “require institutions and programs
to move toward world-class quality” using best practices and peer
institution comparisons on a national and world basis. Lovely words, and
utterly fatal to the proposal.
he principal difficulty with this lofty goal is
that outside of a few rarefied contexts, most people do not want our
educational standards to get higher. They want the standards to get lower.
The difficulty faced by the commission is that public commissions are not
allowed to say this out loud because we who make policy and serve in
leadership roles are supposed to pretend that people want higher standards.
In fact, postsecondary education for most people is
becoming a commodity. Degrees are all but generic, except for those people
who want to become professors or enter high-income professions and who
therefore need to get their degrees from a name-brand graduate school.
The brutal truth is that higher standards, applied
without regard for politics or any kind of screeching in the hinterlands,
would result in fewer colleges, fewer programs, and an enormous decrease in
the number and size of the schools now accredited by national accreditors.
The commission’s report pretends that the concept of regional accreditation
is outmoded and that accreditors ought to in essence be lumped together in
the new Great Big Accreditor, which is really Congress in drag.
This idea, when combined with the commitment to
uniform high standards set at a national or international level, results in
an educational cul-de-sac: It is not possible to put the Wharton School into
the same category as a nationally accredited degree-granting business
college and say “aspire to the same goals.”
The commission attempts to build a paper wall
around this problem by paying nominal rhetorical attention to the notion of
differing institutional missions. However, this is a classic
question-begging situation: if the missions are so different, why should the
accreditor be the same for the sake of sameness? And if all business schools
should aspire to the same high standards based on national and international
norms, do we need the smaller and the nationally accredited business
colleges at all?
The state of Oregon made a similar attempt to
establish genuine, meaningful standards for all high school graduates
starting in 1991 and ending, for most purposes, in 2006, with little but
wasted money and damaged reputations to show for it. Why did it fail?
Statements of educational quality goals issued by the central bureaucracy
collided with the desire of communities to have every student get good
grades and a diploma, whether or not they could read, write or meet minimal
standards. Woe to any who challenge the Lake Wobegon Effect.
So let us watch the commission, and its
Congressional handlers, as it posits a nation and world in which the desire
for higher standards represents what Americans want. This amiable fiction
follows in a long history of such romans a clef written by the elite, for
the elite and of the elite while pretending to be what most people want.
They have no choice but to declare victory, but the playing field will not
Curriculum and Certification
"Online Courses Offered to Smaller Colleges," T.H.E. Journal,
September 2001, Page 16 ---
Carnegie Technology Education (CTE) is providing
up-to-date curriculum and certification to community and smaller, four-year
colleges. The courses are designed by experts in online curriculum development
in conjunction with faculty at Carnegie Mellon University's School of Computer
Science. CTE combines live classroom instruction with online courses delivered
over an advanced Web-based system that not only provides access at any time or
place, but supports homework, testing, feedback, grading and student-teacher
CTE serves as a mentor to faculty at partner colleges
through a unique online process, guiding them throughout the teaching
experience and providing help-desk assistance, Internet-based testing,
materials and tools. CTE also promotes faculty development at partner
institutions by helping faculty keep pace with technology changes and
real-world industry demands. The program's online delivery method makes it
possible to constantly update course content, as well as continually improve
the effectiveness of teaching and testing materials.
By allowing colleges to outsource IT curriculum and
faculty training, CTE helps institutions avoid the large investments necessary
to build similar capabilities within their department. CTE's curriculum and
teacher training can also be a competitive advantage to help colleges attract
and retain qualified faculty. Carnegie Technology Education, Pittsburgh, PA,
(412) 268-3535,
Alternatives ---
- Association
of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs
- American
Association of Higher Education
- Association
of American Colleges and Universities
- Council
for Higher Education Accreditation
- Isn't
Everybody Accredited? (some of the data may be slightly outdated).
- Links to accreditation issues at
About Accreditation: A brief overview of what you
really need to know about accreditation, including GAAP (Generally
Accepted Accrediting Practices). Yes, there really are fake accrediting
agencies, and yes some disreputable schools do lie. This simple set of
rules tells how to sort out truth from fiction. (The acronym is, of
course, borrowed from the field of accounting. GAAP standards are the
highest to which accountants can be held, and we feel that accreditation
should be viewed as equally serious.)
Accrediting Agencies: A listing of all recognized
accrediting agencies, national, regional, and professional, with links
that will allow you to check out schools.
Not Recognized Under GAAP: A list of agencies that
have been claimed as accreditors by a number of schools, some totally
phony, some well-intentioned but not recognized.
Some simple questions and answers about accreditation and, especially,
unaccredited schools
"Missed Connections Online colleges complain about traditional
institutions' tough credit-transfer policies," by Dan Carnevale, The
Chronicle of Higher Education, October 18, 2002 ---
Students who take courses from online colleges that have national
accreditation, rather than the regional accreditation held by most traditional
colleges, often have difficulty transferring their credits to traditional
colleges. Here are some of the institutions that have granted transfer credit,
or have agreed to transfer credits in the future, for courses taught at
American Military University, which is nationally accredited but not
regionally accredited:
- Bellevue
- Blue Ridge
Community College
- Boston College
- Capella University
- Coastal Carolina
Community College
- Community College
of the Air Force
- Embry-Riddle
Aeronautical University
- Excelsior College
- Fielding Graduate
- Hillsborough
Community College
- Hinds Community
- Liberty University
- Northwood
- Potomac College
- Strayer University
- Texas A&M
University System
- United Nations
Institute for Training and Research
- U.S. Air Force
Officer Training School
- U.S. Army
Management Staff College
- U.S. Merchant
Marine Academy Global Maritime and Transportation School
- University of
- Western Baptist
- West Virginia
Many colleges refuse to
grant credit for courses at American Military University, including the
- Northcentral
- Park University
- University of
Maryland at College Park
- University of
Maryland University College
- University of
Continued at
the Syllabus News on December 24, 2001
Commerce Bancorp,
Inc., which calls itself "America's Most Convenient Bank," said
training courses provided through its Commerce University have received
expanded credit recommendations from the American Council on Education (ACE).
The bank, whose employees can receive college credit through the program, has
received credit recommendations for two customer service training programs.
Employees may apply the credit recommendations to college degree programs in
which they are participating. Commerce University offers nearly 1,700 courses
to employees each year via seven schools related to its areas of operation,
including its School of Retail Banking, School of Lending, and School of
For more information,
Bob Jensen's threads on distance
education and training courses can be found at
From Infobits on July 27, 2001
The Visible Knowledge Project (VKP) is a five-year
collaborative project focused on "improving the quality of college and
university teaching through a focus on both student learning and faculty
development in technology-enhanced environments."
In the course of the project faculty on twenty-five
campuses will "design and conduct systematic classroom research
experiments focused on how certain student-centered pedagogies, enhanced by a
variety of new technologies, improve higher order thinking skills and
significant understanding in the study of history, literature, culture, and
related interdisciplinary fields."
Resources generated by the project will include: -- a
set of curriculum modules representing the reflective work of the faculty
investigators; -- three research monographs capturing the findings of the
project; -- a set of multimedia faculty development resources; -- a set of
guides, directed at students, for novice learners to better use primary
historical and cultural material on the Internet; and -- a set of online
faculty development and support seminars, for the investigating faculty,
faculty on the core campuses, and graduate students participating in the
Project's professional development programs.
For more information about VKP, link to
The Visible Knowledge Project is based at Georgetown
University's Center for New Designs in Learning and Scholarship (CNDLS). For
more information about CNDLS, see their website at
Project partners include the American Studies
Association's Crossroads Project, the Center for History and New Media (George
Mason University), the American Social History Project (CUNY Graduate Center),
the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, and the TLT Group
with the American Association for Higher Education.
From Infobits on July 27, 2001
ELECTRONIC JOURNAL (ITALICS) is a new a peer-reviewed online journal published
by the Learning and Teaching Support Network Centre for Information and
Computer Sciences (LTSN-ICS). ITALICS Electronic Journal will contain papers
on current information and computer sciences teaching, including: developments
in computer-based learning and assessment; open learning, distance learning,
collaborative learning, and independent learning approaches; staff
development; and the impact of subject centers on learning and teaching.
The journal is available, at no cost, at
The Changing Faces of Virtual
Education ---
Dr. Glen Farrell, Study Team Leader and Editor
The Commonwealth of
by The Commonwealth of Learning (COL): The Changing Faces of Virtual
Education, a study on the latest “macro developments” in virtual
education. This is a follow-up on COL’s landmark study on current trends in
“virtual” delivery of higher education (The Development of Virtual
Education: A global perspective, 1999). Both reports were funded by the
British Department for International Development and are available on this web
One of the
conclusions of the authors of the 1999 report was that the development of
virtual education was “more rhetorical than real!” Dr. Glen Farrell, study
team leader and editor of both reports, says “This follow-up study concludes
that, two years later, virtual education development is a lot more rhetorical,
and a lot more real!”
In terms of the
rhetoric, virtual education is now part of the planning agenda of most
organisations concerned with education and training. And the terminology being
used to describe the activities is even more imprecise and confusing! On the
reality side, there are many more examples of the use of virtual education in
ways that add value to existing, more traditional delivery models. However, a
remarkable feature of this surging interest in virtual education is that it
remains largely focussed on ways to use technology to deliver the traditional
educational products (i.e., programmes and courses) in ways that make them
more accessible, flexible, and cheaper and that can generate revenues for the
As global discussions
on closing the “digital divide” have observed, it is not surprising that
the report notes that a major feature of the current state of virtual
education development is that it depends on where you live. The growth is
largely occurring in countries with mature economies and established
information and communication infrastructure (ICTs). A lack of such
infrastructure, together with the lack of development capital, means that the
developing countries of the world have not been able to, as yet, use virtual
education models in their efforts to bring mass education opportunities to
their citizens.
However, the report
demonstrates that there are several trends emerging that are likely to bring
about radical changes to the way we think about the concepts of campus,
curriculum, courses, teaching/learning processes, credentials/awards and the
way ICTs can be utilised to enable and support learning. These trends, called
“macro developments” in the report, include new venues for learning, the
use of “learning objects” to define and store content, new organisational
models, online learner support services, quality assurance models for virtual
education and the continuing evolution of ICTs. Each of these “macro
developments” is defined and described in separate chapters of the report.
The final chapter looks at their impact on the development of virtual
education models in the future. While the conclusions will be of general
interest, particular attention has been paid to the role these developments
are likely to have in the evolution of virtual education systems in developing
The entire study is
available on-line from this page. By clicking on the various hyperlinks below
you will be able to download and open the individual chapters or the entire
book in Acrobat (.PDF) format. (The chapter files are not created with
internal bookmark hyperlinks, but the all-in-one file has bookmarks throughout
for easier navigation.) Acrobat documents can also be resized on screen for
readability but are usually best viewed when printed. Adobe Acrobat version
3.0 is required to download and read the files. With version 4.0 each
Chapter's actual page numbering is retained in Acrobat's "Go To
Page" facility and "Print Range" selections.
Changing Faces of Virtual Education
pages: title page, copyright page, contents (pg.
i-iv) 160kb
Prof. Gajaraj Dhanarajan and Acknowledgements (pg.
v-viii) 120kb
1: Introduction, Dr. Glen M. Farrell
(pg. 1-10)
2: The Changing Venues for Learning, Mr. Vis Naidoo
11-28) 307kb
3: The Continuing Evolution of ICT Capacity: The
Implications for Education,
Dr. Tony Bates (pg.
29-46) 335kb
4: Object Lessons for the Web: Implications for
Instructional Development,
Mr. David Porter (pg.
47-70) 639kb
5: The Provision of Learner Support Services Online, Dr.
Yoni Ryan (pg.
71-94) 389kb
6: The Development of New Organisational Arrangements in
Virtual Learning,
Dr. Peter J. Dirr (pg.
95-124) 448kb
7: Quality Assurance, Ms. Andrea Hope
125-140) 304kb
8: Issues and Choices, Dr. Glen Farrell
141-152) 247kb
Note especially that Andrea Hope's
Chapter 7 deals with assessment issues. She mentions three sites that
attempt to week out suspicious degree programs. ---
(note the links to accreditation issues at
Most of the calls and
e-mail messages we get concern accreditation: What is it, how important is it,
how can you tell if a school's really accredited, and so forth. While
accreditation is a complex and sometimes baffling field, it's really quite
simple to get the basics. This on-line guide offers you:
About Accreditation: A brief overview of what you really
need to know about accreditation, including GAAP (Generally Accepted
Accrediting Practices). Yes, there really are fake accrediting agencies, and
yes some disreputable schools do lie. This simple set of rules tells how to
sort out truth from fiction. (The acronym is, of course, borrowed from the
field of accounting. GAAP standards are the highest to which accountants can
be held, and we feel that accreditation should be viewed as equally serious.)
Accrediting Agencies: A listing of all recognized
accrediting agencies, national, regional, and professional, with links that
will allow you to check out schools.
Not Recognized Under GAAP: A list of agencies that have
been claimed as accreditors by a number of schools, some totally phony, some
well-intentioned but not recognized.
Some simple questions and answers about accreditation and, especially,
unaccredited schools
AboutEducation at
WorldwideLearn ---
At this site you'll
find hundreds of online courses and learning resources in 46 subject areas
offered by educational institutions, companies and individuals from all over
the world.
Online Training Long
Distance Learning Distance Education eLearning Web-based Training Whatever you
call it - learning online is about you and how you can pursue learning and
education at your convenience. Its learning when you want and where you want.
What do you want to
learn? Do you want to:
get a degree online
train for a new career learn web design find corporate training resources take
professional development courses learn new software continue your education
learn a new skill or hobby
Whatever your goals
are, World Wide Learn is here to help you find the online courses, learning
and education that you want.
Use this site as your
first step towards continuing your education online.
Other training and
education finders are listed at
Linda Peters provides a frank overview of the various factors underlying
student perceptions of online learning. Such perceptions, she observes, are not
only informed by the student's individual situation (varying levels of computer
access, for instance) but also by the student's individual characteristics: the
student's proficiency with computers, the student's desire for interpersonal
contact, or the student's ability to remain self-motivated ---
Technology Source, a free, refereed, e-journal at
"Improving Student Performance in
Distance Learning Courses," by Judy A. Serwatka, T.H.E. Journal, April
2002, pp. 46-51 ---
The tests were
particularly problematic. Quizzes were not given for the on-campus course
since it was an introductory course, and the students seemed to keep up well
with the material. But I discovered the online students were not studying the
appropriate material for the tests. To address this, online quizzes were
introduced to the course Web site for the students to take as many times as
they wanted. The scores are not recorded and the questions are in the same
format as on the actual tests, although they are not exactly the same. Ten
questions are chosen randomly from a bank of 20 for each quiz. In addition,
each chapter has its own quiz. Students say they have found these quizzes to
be invaluable.
The tests have been
developed in a manner similar to the quizzes. Each 100-point test is created
from a 200-question test bank. As each student logs in their test is created
randomly from the test bank. This makes cheating extremely difficult because
each test contains different questions. Even if the questions are the same,
they are randomized so they do not appear in the same order. And although the
test is open book, the students are admonished to study, because the questions
are in random order and they do not have time to look up the answers to each
question. The tests are timed and automatically submitted at the end of the
time limit. The addition of these practice quizzes has dramatically improved
performance on the tests.
A point about testing
that should be made is that many educators are concerned about students
finding someone else to take tests for them. I agree with the statement made
by Palloff and Pratt (1999): "Cheating is irrelevant in this process
because the participant would be cheating only him- or herself." Although
attempts are made to minimize the threat, educators should not let this
prevent them from teaching online. Tech-nology will allow educators to verify
the identity of students taking online tests in the future, so educators must
trust students for now.
September 22 message from Craig Polhemus [Joedpo@AOL.COM]
A book by the same authors was included in the AAA's
Faculty Development Bookshelf, which was undergoing a "slow
shutdown" the last I head, so some discounted copies may still be
Classroom Assessment Techniques: A Handbook for
College Teachers (2nd Ed), T.A. Angelo and K.P. Cross, Jossey-Bass, San
Francisco , 1993.
( This book is said to be a classic and
provides useful examples of assessment techniques.)
for Online Examinations and Quizzes
How can I give online examinations?
If it's a take home test the easiest thing is probably to put an examination up
on a Web server or a Blackboard/WebCT server. For example, you might put up a
Word doc file or an Excel xls file as a take home examination. You can even
embed links to your Camtasia video files in that examination so that video
becomes part of an examination question. Then have each student download the
exam, fill out the answers, and return the file to you via email attachment for
grading. One risk is that the returned file might have a virus even though the
student is not aware that his/her computer added a virus.
In order to avoid the virus risk of files students attach via email, I had an
old computer that I used to open all email attachments from most anybody. Then
in the rare event that the attached file was carrying a virus I did not infect
my main machines. Good virus protection software is essential even on your old
If students are restricted as to what materials can be used during
examinations or who can be consulted for help, an approach that I used is
examination partnering. I posted quizzes (not full examinations) at a common
time when students were required to take the quiz. Each student was randomly
assigned a partner student such that each partner took the exam in the presence
of a randomly assigned partner. Each student was then required to sign an attest
form saying that his/her partner abided by the rules of the examination. I only
used this for weekly quizzes. Course examinations were given in class with me as
a proctor. Partnered quizzes worked very well in courses where students had to
master software like MS Access. They could perform software usage activities as
part of the quiz.
Giving online interactive examinations via a Web server is more problematic.
A huge problem is that most universities do not allow student feedback on
instructors Web pages. When you fill a shopping cart at an online vendor site
such as Amazon, Amazon is letting you as a customer send a signal back that you
added something to your shopping cart. Amazon allows customers to send signals
back to an Amazon server. Universities do not generally allow this type of
feedback from students on a faculty Web server.
Believe it or not, I resist forwarding advertising. Whenever I communicate
about products, there is no remuneration to me in any way.
The following message is an advertisement, and I have never tried these
products (i.e., no free samples for Bob). But these products do sound
interesting, so I thought you might like to know about them. It's a really
competitive world for vendors of course authoring tools. Products have to have
something special to be "survivors."
I added the product message below to the following sites:
Assessment and Testing ---
History of Course Authoring Systems ---
February 25, 2004 from Leo Lucas []
e-Learning Course
Development Kit
Many people use HTML editors
such as Dreamweaver and FrontPage to create e-learning courses. While these
editors are great for creating information they lack essential e-learning
features. The e-Learning Course Development Kit provides these features. The
Kit provides templates to create questions, course-wide navigation, a table
of contents and links for a glossary and other information. The Kit creates
courses that work with SCORM, a standard way to communicate with a Learning
Management System (LMS). The support for SCORM lets you run the course in
multiple sessions, keep track of bookmarks and record the student's progress
through the course. The Kit can be purchased online for $99.
Test Builder
Test Builder lets you author
tests quickly and easily with a text editor. Absolutely no programming is
required. With Test Builder you can create tests and quizzes with
true-false, multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank and matching questions. It
can randomize the sequence of questions and choices and it can randomly
select questions from a question pool. You can limit the number of attempts
and set the passing score. Test Builder supports SCORM. Test Builder
can be purchased online for $149.
We wanted to create e-learning
tools that would work in an academic setting. So we created tools with
these capabilities:
- The tools are affordable.
- They work for the casual user.
You can create a small course or test without much fuss.
- They come with documented
source code so you can modify or extend the tools to meet your specific
- They add value to your
existing investments in technology. They will deliver courses/tests in a
browser and work with an LMS that supports SCORM 1.2.
Please let me know if you need
more information about these tools. Thanks, Leo
P.S. Your home in the white
mountains is beautiful.
Hi Bob,
I recommend that you take
a look at Exam Builder 4 at
- Web-based
interface, works like Hotmail
- No programming or
html required
- Muliple choice,
Fill-in-the-blank formats, and True or False question types
- 2 Exam Types: Click
and Learn Exams force students to answer the answer correctly before
they can continue to the next question. Educators can optionally provide
instant feedback. Certification Exams allow student to skip
questions, flag questions, review questions answered, and change answers
prior to submitting exam
- All questions are
delivered to students in random order and multiple choice answers are
scrambled to guard against cheating
- Multiple Question
pools per exams to evaluate knowledge gaps with remediation reports
available for students based on performance
- Document Library
to offer instant feedback on incorrect questions
- Ability to upload
graphics to be incorporated in questions
- Students can
easily be grouped into classes
- Detailed reports
on both student results and exam statistics. Every answer a student clicks
on is recorded in the database
- Data archiving and
storage with tape backup for compliance ready solutions
Create a FREE evaluation
account today and be up and running in 5 minutes with no obligation!
My threads on assessment are at
Hope this helps!
Bob Jensen
I've scheduled a
health economics class in a computer lab this spring. The PCs are configured
with their CRTs tightly packed. I'd like to be able to use the machines to
give quizzes and exams, but the proximity of the CRTs makes at least casual
"peeking" almost a certainty.
Can you suggest or
point me to any software into which I could insert quiz or exam questions that
would > shuffle the order of questions on the screen > shuffle the order
of multiple choice questions > randomize the numbers in quantitative
problems > keep track of the answers > automatically score the responses
and send me a file of grades?
Back in the Apple II
days, there was SuperPilot. But that language does not seem to have been
successful enough to be ported to the IBM PCs say nothing about revised and
improved. ??
Thanks for whatever
thoughts you might be able to share,
February 15, 2003 message from caking [caking@TEMPLE.EDU]
Respondus has exam software for Blackboard, WebCt and
others. I am just now trying it out ---
Carol King z
Temple University
The term "electroThenic portfolio," or
"ePortfolio," is on everyone's lips. What does this mean?
"The Electronic Portfolio Boom: What's it All About?," by Trent
Batson, Syllabus, December 2002, pp. 14-18 ---
(Including Open Knowledge Initiative OKI, Assessment, Accreditation, and Career
The term "electroThenic portfolio," or
"ePortfolio," is on everyone's lips. We often hear it associated
with assessment, but also with accreditation, reflection, student resumes, and
career tracking. It's as if this new tool is the answer to all the questions
we didn't realize we were asking.
A portfolio, electronic or paper, is simply an
organized collection of completed work. Art students have built portfolios for
decades. What makes ePortfolios so enchanting to so many is the intersection
of three trends:
- Student work is now mostly in electronic form, or
is based on a canonical electronic file even if it's printed out: papers,
reports, proposals, simulations, solutions, experiments, renditions,
graphics, or just about any other kind of student work.
- The Web is everywhere: We assume (not always true,
of course) that our students have ready access to the Web. The work is
"out there" on the Internet, and therefore the first step for
transferring work to a Web site has already been taken.
- Databases are available through Web sites,
allowing students to manage large volumes of their work. The
"dynamic" Web site that's database-driven, instead of HTML
link-driven, has become the norm for Web developers.
We've reached a critical mass, habits have changed,
and as we reach electronic "saturation" on campus, new norms of work
are emerging. Arising out of this critical mass is a vision of how higher
education can benefit, which is with the ePortfolio.
We seem to be beginning a new wave of technology
development in higher education. Freeing student work from paper and making it
organized, searchable, and transportable opens enormous possibilities for
re-thinking whole curricula: the evaluation of faculty, assessment of
programs, certification of student work, how accreditation works. In short,
ePortfolios might be the biggest thing in technology innovation on campus.
Electronic portfolios have a greater potential to alter higher education at
its very core than any other technology application we've known thus far.
The momentum is building. A year ago, companies I
talked with had not even heard of ePortfolios. But at a focus session in
October, sponsored by Educause's National Learning Infrastructure Initiative (
), we found out how far this market has come: A number of technology vendors
and publishers are starting to offer ePortfolio tools. The focus session
helped us all see the bigger picture. I came away saying to myself, "I
knew it had grown, but I had no idea by how much!"
ePortfolio developers are making sure that their
platforms can accept the full range of file types and content: text, graphics,
video, audio, photos, and animation. The manner in which student work is
turned in, commented on, turned back to students, reviewed in the aggregate
over a semester, and certified can be—and is being—deeply altered and
unimaginably extended.
This tool brings to bear the native talents of
computers—storage, management of data, retrieval, display, and
communication—to challenge how to better organize student work to improve
teaching and learning. It seems, on the surface, too good to be true.
ePortfolios vs. Webfolios
Since the mid-90s, the term "ePortfolio" or
"electronic portfolio" has been used to describe collections
of student work at a Web site. Within the field of composition
studies, the term "Webfolio" has also been used. In this
article, we are using the current, general meaning of the term, which
is a dynamic Web site that interfaces with a database of student work
artifacts. Webfolios are static Web sites where functionality derives
from HTML links. "E-portfolio" therefore now refers to
database-driven, dynamic Web sites, not static, HTML-driven sites. |
So, What's the Bad News?
Moving beyond the familiar one-semester/one-class limits of managing student
learning artifacts gets us into unfamiliar territory. How do we alter the
curriculum to integrate portfolios? How do we deal with long-term storage,
privacy, access, and ongoing vendor support? What about the challenge of
interoperability among platforms so student work can move to a new campus upon
In short, how do we make the ePortfolio an enterprise
application, importing data from central computing, serving the application on
a central, secure server, and managing an ever-enlarging campus system?
Electronic portfolios have great reach in space and time so they will not be
adopted lightly. We've seen how extensively learning management systems such
as WebCT, Blackboard, and Angel can alter our campuses. ePortfolios are much
more challenging for large-scale implementations.
Still, ePortfolio implementations are occurring on
dozens if not hundreds of campuses. Schools of education are especially good
candidates, as they're pressured by accrediting agencies demanding
better-organized and accessible student work. Some statewide systems are
adopting ePortfolio systems as well. The Minnesota State Colleges and
Universities system and the University of Minnesota system have ePortfolios.
Electronic portfolio consortia are also forming. The open-source movement,
notably MIT's Open Knowledge Initiative (OKI), has embraced the ePortfolio as
a key application within the campus computing virtual infrastructure.
Moreover, vendors, in order to establish themselves
as the market begins to take shape, are already introducing ePortfolio tools.
Several companies, including BlackBoard, WebCT, SCT, Nuventive, Concord, and
McGraw-Hill, are said to either have or are developing electronic-portfolio
ePortfolio Tools and Resources
Within the National Learning Infrastructure Initiative is a group
called The Electronic Portfolio Action Committee (EPAC). EPAC has been
led over the last year by John Ittelson of Cal State Monterey Bay.
Helen Barrett of the University of Alaska at Anchorage, a leading
founder of EPAC, has been investigating uses of ePortfolio tools for
years. MIT's Open Knowledge Initiative (OKI) has provided leadership
and consulting for the group, along with its OKI partner, Stanford
University. The Carnegie Foundation has been active within EPAC, as
have a number of universities.
What follows is a list of ePortfolio tools now available or in
• Epselen Portfolios, IUPUI,
• The Collaboratory Project, Northwestern,
• Folio Thinking: Personal Learning Portfolios, Stanford,
• Catalyst Portfolio Tool, University of Washington,
• MnSCU e-folio, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities,
• Carnegie Knowledge Media Lab, Carnegie Foundation for the
Advancement of Teaching,
• Learning Record Online (LRO) Project, The Computer Writing and
Research Lab at the University of Texas at Austin,
• Electronic Portfolio, Johns Hopkins University,
• CLU Webfoil, California Lutheran University,
• Professional Learning Planner, Vermont Institute for Science,
Math and Technology,
• Certification Program Portfolio, University of
Missouri-Columbia and LANIT Consulting,
• Technology Portfolio and Professional Development Portfolio,
Wake Forest University Department of Education,
• e-Portfolio Project, The College of Education at the University
of Florida,
• PASS-PORT (Professional Accountability Support System using a
PORTal Approach) University of Louisiana at Lafayette and Xavier
University of Louisiana,
• The Connecticut College e-Portfolio Development Consortium,
• The Kalamazoo College Portfolio, Kalamazoo College,
• Web Portfolio, St. Olaf College,
• The Electronic Portfolio, Wesleyan University,
• The Diagnostic Digital Portfolio (DDP), Alverno College,
• E-Portfolio Portal, University of Wisconsin-Madison,
• Web Folio Builder, TaskStream Tools of Engagement,
• FolioLive, McGraw-Hill Higher Education,
• Outcomes Assessment Solutions, TrueOutcomes,
• Chalk & Wire,
• LiveText,
• LearningQuest Professional Development Planner,
• Folio by eportaro,
• Concord (a digital content server for BlackBoard systems),
• iWebfolio by Nuventive (now in a strategic alliance with SCT),
• Aurbach & Associates,
Continued at
Grade Inflation Versus Teaching Evaluations
How do you measure the best religion? The best
marriage? Hard to say. The same is true in assessing colleges.
Bernard Fryshman, "Comparatively
Speaking," Inside Higher Ed, February 21, 2007 ---
The controversial RateMyProfessor site now links to Facebook entries for
Our new Facebook app lets you to search for, browse and read
ratings of professors and schools. Find out
which professor will inspire you, challenge
you, or which
will just give you the easy A.
RateMyProfessor ---
Bob Jensen's threads on RateMyProfessor are at
Business ranks at the bottom in terms of having 23% of the responding
students having only 1-5 hours of homework per week!
This in part might explain why varsity athletes choose business as a major
in college.
"Homework by Major," by Mark Bauerlein, Chronicle of Higher
Education, May 5, 2008 ---
post last week
about reading complained that students don’t want any more homework, and
their disposition certainly shows up in the surveys. In the 2006
National Survey of Student Engagement,
almost one in five college seniors devoted five hours or less per week to
“Preparing for class,” and 26 percent stood at six to ten hours per week.
College professors say that achievement requires around 25 hours per week of
homework, but only 11 percent reached that mark.
The 2007 NSSE numbers break responses down by
major, and the homework levels for seniors are worth comparing. Here are
numbers for 15 hours or less.
Arts and Humanities majors came in at 16 percent
doing 1-5 hours of homework per week, 25 percent at 6-10 hours, and 20
percent at 11-15 hours.
Biological Sciences: 12 percent do 1-5 hours, 22
percent do 6-10, and 20 percent do 11-15 hours.
Business: 23 percent at 1-5, 30 percent at 6-10,
and 19 percent at 11-15 hours.
Education: 16 percent at 1-5, 27 percent at 6-10,
and 21 percent at 11-15 hours.
Engineering: 10 percent at 1-5, 19 percent at 6-10,
and 17 percent at 11-15 hours.
Physical Science: 12 percent at 1-5 hours, 21
percent at 6-10, and 18 percent at 11-15 hours.
Social Science: 20 percent at 1-5 hours, 28 percent
at 6-10, and 20 percent at 11-15 hours.
Grade Inflation and Dysfunctional Teaching Evaluations (the biggest
scandal in higher education) ---
If median grades for each course are made publically available on the Internet,
will students seek out the high grade average or low grade average courses?
Examples of such postings at Cornell University are at
Hypothesis 1
Students will seek out the lower grade average courses/sections thinking that
they have a better chance to compete for high grades.
Hypothesis 2
Students will seek out the higher grade average courses/sections thinking that
particular instructors are easier graders.
However, when Cornell researchers studied about
800,000 course grades issued at Cornell from 1990 to 2004, they found that most
students visited the site to shop for classes where the median grade was higher.
Plus, professors who tended to give out higher grades were more popular.
Students with lower SAT scores were the most likely to seek out courses with
higher median grades.
"Easy A's on the Internet: A surprising Cornell experiment in posting
grades; plus a look at recent research into ethical behavior, service charges,
and volunteer habits," by Francesca Di Meglio, Business Week, December
11, 2007 ---
In a striking
example of unintended consequences, a move by Cornell
University to give context to student grades by publicly
posting median grades for courses has resulted in exactly
the opposite student behavior than anticipated.
Cornell's College of Arts & Sciences originally set up a
Web site in 1997 where median
grades were posted, with the intention of also printing
median class grades alongside the grade the student actually
received in the course on his or her permanent transcript.
Administrators thought students would use the information on
the Web site to seek out classes with lower median
grades—because, they reasoned, an A in a class that has a
median grade of B-minus would be more meaningful than say,
an A in a course where the median was A-plus.
Course Shopping Leads to Grade Inflation
when Cornell researchers studied about 800,000 course grades
issued at Cornell from 1990 to 2004, they found that most
students visited the site to shop for classes where the
median grade was higher. Plus, professors who tended to give
out higher grades were more popular. Students with lower SAT
scores were the most likely to seek out courses with higher
median grades.
"shopping" in turn led to grade inflation, Vrinda Kadiyali,
associate professor of marketing and economics at Cornell's
Johnson Graduate School of Management,
one of the authors, explained in an
interview. The study, which is undergoing peer review, has
not yet been published.
So far,
however, the university has posted the median course grades
only on the Internet and has not yet put those grades on
transcripts. According to an article in the Cornell
Daily Sun, the school will start posting the grades
on transcripts in the spring. School officials were not
immediately available for comment.
The research
team hopes the school follows through on its plans. "That
will allow Cornell to hold itself to a higher standard
because it lets potential employers know where students
stand relevant to other students," says Kadiyali.
The presence
of the median grade data is well-known to students but less
well-known to faculty. The researchers themselves were
prompted to do the study when one of them learned of the Web
site from a student questioning grades in her course.
Kadiyali says the formula the researchers used to come to
these conclusions could easily be applied to Internet
teacher rating sites, such as It's
something educators should consider, she adds, to find out
how these posts affect the decision-making of students and,
thus, professors and their courses.
Jensen Comment
The problem is that, in modern times, grades are the keys to the kingdom (i.e.,
keys unlocking the gates of graduate studies and professional careers) such that
higher grades rather than education tend to become the main student goals. A
hundred years ago, just getting a degree could open postgraduate gates in life
because such a small proportion of the population got college diplomas. With
higher percentages of the population getting college diplomas, high grades
became keys to the kingdom. In many colleges a C grade is viewed as very nearly
a failing grade.
At the same time, formal teaching evaluations and teacher rating sites like have led to marked grade inflation in virtually all
colleges. The median grades are often A, A-, B+, or B. The poor student's C
grade is way below average. Just take a look at these course medians from
Cornell University ---
December 19, 2007eply from a good friend who is
also a university-wide award winning teacher
I'm not for easy grading, but I also wonder some
about this study. Could it be that the MORE EFFECTIVE instructors are also
easier graders and vice versa? I have no idea, but I'd like to see a control
for this variable.
And God help us if a professor is popular! What an
awful trait for an educator to have!
December 20, 2007 reply from Bob Jensen
Dear Jeez,
The terms "easy grader" and "easy grading"
are probably not suited for hypothesis testing. They are too hard to
precisely define. Some, probably most, "easy graders" counter by saying that
they are just better teachers and the students learned more because of
superior teaching. In many cases, but certainly not all cases, this is
probably true. Also, it is almost impossible to distinguish easy grading
from easy content. Students may learn everything in a course if the course
is easy enough to do so.
Instructors will also counter that they are
ethical in the sense of scaring off the poor students before the course
dropping deadlines. Instructors who snooker poor students to stay in their
courses and then hammer them down later on can show lower median grades
without punishing better students with C grades. Fortunately I don't think
there are many instructors who do this because they then face the risk of
getting hammered on teaching evaluations submitted by the worst students in
the course.
Easy grading/content is a lot like
pornography. It's probably impossible to precisely define but students know
it when they shop for easier courses before registering. It may be
possible to a limited extent to find easy graders in multiple section
courses having common examinations. For example, I was once a department
chair where our two basic accounting courses had over 30 sections each per
semester. But even there it is possible that all instructors were relatively
"easy" when they put together the common examinations.
It is widely known that nearly every college
in the U.S. suffers from grade inflation. Only an isolated few have been
successful in holding it down. College-wide grade averages have swung way
above C grades and in some instances even B grades. It is typical any more
for median grades of a college to hit the B+ or A- range, and in many
courses the median grade is an A.
The Cornell study sited above covering
800,000 course grades (a lot) did not identify easy graders. It identified
courses/sections having higher median grades. Higher median grades may not
signify easy grading or easy content, but students seem to know what they
are shopping for and the Cornell study found that students do shop around
for bargains. My guess is that the last courses left on the shelf are those
with median grades in the C range.
Bob Jensen
Bob Jensen's threads on grade inflation
Bob Jensen's threads on dysfunctional
teaching evaluations are at
Partly because he was fed up with childish comments
on Web sites where students rate their professors, a business-school
professor at Temple University has created an online forum for students who
want to sound off. So as not to mislead students, the site’s title suggests
its intent: “Thank You Professor.”
“There are so many vehicles for students to express
their opinion,” says the site’s creator,
Samuel D. Hodge Jr., chairman of the business
school’s legal-studies department. “But there’s nothing really at the school
where the professor can get a letter directly from the student.”
When the site went live on May 1, Mr. Hodge says,
he expected about a dozen comments in the first week. Instead, more than 200
flooded in. He converts each note into a letter to the faculty member being
praised, then makes sure the business school’s dean gets a copy.
Mr. Hodge moderates the comments, but so far there
haven’t been any negative posts on
the site, he says.
For example, the four “thank you notes” left on the
site so far for
Rob B. Drennan Jr., an associate professor of
risk, insurance, and health-care management, have been uniformly laudatory
(three were signed, and one was anonymous). “I truly enjoyed his class,”
wrote one student, Tom Coia. “Difficult and challenging, but isn’t that what
we want from school?” Contrast that to an anonymous comment concerning Mr.
Drennan that a student left last spring on “BOOOOO!!!!!”
Mr. Hodge, incidentally,
has appeared on an MTV
Web site of faculty members who “strike back” against comments on He says Ohio State University is the only other
institution he knows of that gives students a way to thank their professors
on the Web.
Temple may extend the site to the whole university,
he says: “It’s such positive reinforcement."
Bob Jensen's threads on teaching evaluations are at
Chocolate Coated Teaching Evaluations
A new study shows that giving students chocolate leads
to improved results for professors. “Fudging the Numbers: Distributing Chocolate
Influences Student Evaluations of an Undergraduate Course,” is set to be
published in an upcoming edition of the journal Teaching of Psychology. While
they were graduate students at the University of Illinois at Chicago, the
paper’s authors, Benjamin Jee and Robert Youmans, became interested in what kind
of environment instructors created right before handing out the evaluations.
Their theory: Outside factors could easily play a role in either boosting or
hurting a professor’s rating.
Elia Powers, "Sweetening the Deal," Inside Higher Ed, October 18, 2007
Jensen Comment
One of my former colleagues left a candy dish full of chocolate morsels outside
her door 24/7. She also had very high teaching evaluations. At last I know the
secret of her success. I can vouch for the fact that his dish of chocolate, plus
her chocolate chip cookies the size of pancakes, also greatly improved relations
with at least one senior faculty member.
On a somewhat more serious side of things there is evidence, certainly not
in the case of my cookie-baking colleague, that grade inflation is also linked
to efforts to affect teaching evaluations in recent years. See below.
What factors most heavily influence student performance and desire to take more
courses in a given discipline?
These outcomes are too complex to be predicted very well. Sex and age of
instructors have almost no impact. Teaching evaluations have a very slight
impact, but there are just too many complexities to find dominant factors
cutting across a majority of students.
Oreopoulos said the findings bolster a conclusion he
came to in a previous academic paper that subjective qualities, such as how a
professor fares on student evaluations, tell you more about how well students
will perform and how likely they are to stay in a given course than do
observable traits such as age or gender. (He points out, though, that even the
subjective qualities aren’t strong indicators of student success.) “If I were
concerned about improving teaching, I would focus on hiring teachers who perform
well on evaluations rather than focus on age or gender,” he said.
Elia Powers, "Faculty Gender and Student Performance," Inside Higher Ed,
June 21, 2007 ---
Jensen Comment
A problem with increased reliance on teaching evaluations to measure performance
of instructors is that this, in turn, tends to grade inflation --- See below.
Professors of the Year
The Council for Advancement and Support of Education
and the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching announced today
winners of their annual
U.S. Professors of the Year award, given to
instructors who show dedication to undergraduate teaching and mentoring.
Elia Powers, Inside Higher Ed, November 15, 2007 ---
Jensen Comment
Although "professors of the year" are chosen by peers are often teach popular
courses, there are possibly more popular courses that are taught by instructors
who will never win awards given by peers.
It is somewhat revealing (a little about the professor and a lot about the
RateMyProfessor site) to read the student comments on RateMyProfessor. The
"hottest" professors at RateMyProfessor generally have many more evaluations
submitted than the four Professors of the Year" listed below. You can find a
listing of the "hottest" professors (Top 50) at
- The Rank 1 U.S. Professor of the Year as ranked by peers and judges is
Glen Ellis at Smith College. He only has seven student evaluations at
RateMyProfessor and you can read the outcomes at
- The Rank 2 U.S. Professor of the Year as ranked by peers and judges is
Rosemary Karr at Collin County Community College in Texas. She only has 25
student evaluations RateMyProfessor and you can read the outcomes at
I had to chuckle at the student who said:
"I got a 68 in her class
and went to her office for tutorials 3 times a week, still didnt pass me.
she pickes favorites."
- The Rank 3 U.S. Professor of the Year as ranked by peers and judges is
Chris Sorensen at Kansas State University. There are 760 instructors
evaluated from KSU on RateMyProfessor, but apparently not one of Sorensen's
students submitted an evaluation. There were 11 professors with evaluations
from Sorensen's Department of Physics, but Sorensen was not on the list.
- The Rank 4 U.S. Professor of the Year as ranked by peers and judges is
Carlos G. Spaht at Louisiana State University in Shreveport. He only has 16
student evaluations RateMyProfessor and you can read the outcomes at
For Trivia Buffs and Serious Researchers
Thousands of College Instructors Ranked on Just About Everything
November 13, 2007 message from David Albrecht
There is a popular teacher in my department. When
this fellow teaches a section of a multi-section course, his section fills
immediately and there is a waiting list. My department does not like an
imbalance in class size, so they monitor enrollment in his section. No one
is permitted to add his section until all other sections have at least one
more students than his.
I'm concerned about student choice, about giving
them a fair chance to get into his section instead of the current random
timing of a spot opening up in his section.
Does anyone else have this situation at your
school? How do you manage student sign-ups for a popular teacher? Any
practical suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
David Albrecht
Bowling Green
November 14, 2007 reply from Bob Jensen
Hi David,
I think the first thing to study is what makes an instructor so popular.
There can be good reasons (tremendous preparation, inspirational, caring,
knowing each student) and bad reasons (easy grader, no need to attend
class), and questionable without ipso facto being good or bad (entertaining,
The RateMyProfessor site now has some information on most college
instructors in a number of nations --- The overwhelming factor
leading to popularity is grading since the number one concern in college
revealed by students is grading. Of course there are many problems in this
database and many instructors and administrators refuse to even look at
these RateMyProfessor archives. Firstly, student reporting is self
selective. The majority of students in any class do not submit evaluations.
A fringe element (often outliers for and against) tends to provide most of
the information. Since colleges do know the class sizes, it is possible to
get an idea about "sample" size, although these are definitely not a random
samples. It's a little like book and product reviews in
There are both instructors who are not rated at all on RateMyProfessor
and others who are too thinly rated (e.g., less than ten evaluations) to
have their evaluations taken seriously. For example, one of my favorite
enthusiastic teachers is the award-winning Amy Dunbar who teaches tax at the
University of Connecticut. Currently there are 82 instructors in the
RateMyProfessor archives who are named Dunbar. But not a single student
evaluation has apparently been sent in by the fortunate students of Amy
Dunbar. Another one of my favorites is Dennis Beresford at the University of
Georgia. But he only has one (highly favorable) evaluation in the archives.
I suspect that there's an added reporting bias. Both Amy and Denny mostly
teach graduate students. I suspect that graduate students are less inclined
to fool with RateMyProfessor.
Having said this, there can be revealing information about teaching
style, grading, exam difficulties, and other things factoring into good and
bad teaching. Probably the most popular thing I've noted is that the
top-rated professors usually get responses about making the class "easy."
Now that can be taken two ways. It's a good thing to make difficult material
seem more easy but still grade on the basis of mastering the difficult
material. It is quite another thing to leave out the hard parts so students
really do not master the difficult parts of the course.
If nothing else, RateMyProfessor says a whole lot about the students we
teach. The first thing to note is how these college-level students often
spell worse than the high school drop outs. In English classes such bad
grammar may be intentional, but I've read enough term papers over the years
to know that dependence upon spell checkers in word processors has made
students worse in spelling on messages that they do not have the computer
check for spelling. They're definitely Fonex spellers.
Many students, certainly not all, tend to prefer easy graders. For
example, currently the instructor ranked Number 1 in the United States by
RateMyProfessor appears to be an easy grader, although comments by only a
few individual students should be taken with a grain of salt. Here's Page
One (five out of 92 evaluations) of 19 pages of summary evaluations at
11/13/07 |
HIST101 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
easiest teacher EVER |
11/12/07 |
abcdACCT |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
good professor |
11/11/07 |
HistGacct |
3 |
2 |
4 |
1 |
Good teacher. Was enjoyable to heat teach. Reccomend class.
Made my softmore year. |
11/10/07 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
Very genious. |
11/8/07 |
histSECT |
3 |
5 |
4 |
4 |
amazing. by far the greatest teacher. I had him for Culture
and the Holocust with Schiffman and Scott. He is a genius. love
him. |
Does it really improve ratings to not make students have presentations?
Although making a course easy is popular, is it a good thing to do? Here are
the Page 3 (five out of 55 evaluations) ratings of the instructor ranked
Number 2 in the United States:
12/21/05 |
Spanish 10
2 |
3 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
One of the best professors that I have ever had. Homework is
taken up on a daily base but, grading is not harsh. No
presentations. |
11/2/05 |
SPA 102 |
4 |
5 |
5 |
3 |
Wow, a great teacher. Totally does not call people out and
make them feel stupid in class, like a lot of spanish teachers.
The homework is super easy quiz grades that can be returned with
corrections for extra points. You have to take her for Spa
102!!!! You actually learn in this class but is fun too! |
10/27/05 |
Span 102 |
4 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
I love Senora Hanahan. She is one of the best teachers I
ever had. She is very clear and she is super nice. She will go
out of her way just to make sure that you understand. I Love
Her! I advise everyone to take her if you have a choice. She is
great!! |
9/14/05 |
SPA 201 |
4 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
I am absolutly not suprised that Senora Hanahan has smiley
faces on every rating. She is awesme and fun. |
8/25/05 |
SPA 102 |
4 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
I LOVE her! Absolutely wonderful! Goes far out of her way to
help you and remembers your needs always. She will call you at
home if you tell her you need help, and she will do everything
possible to keep you on track . I have no IDEA how she does it!
She really wants you to learn the language. She's pretty and fun
and absolutely wonderful! |
Students, however, are somewhat inconsistent about grading and exam
difficulties. For example, read the summary outcomes for the instructor
currently ranked as Number 8 in the United States ---
Note this is only one page out of ten pages of comments:
10/31/07 |
hpd110 |
5 |
3 |
2 |
4 |
she is pushing religion on us too much... she should be more
open minded. c-lots is always forcing her faith based lessons
down our throats. she makes me wanna puke. |
10/14/07 |
PysEd100 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
She is no good in my opinion. |
5/22/07 |
HPD110 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
Dr. Lottes is amazing! it is almost impossible to get lower
than an A in her class as long as you show up. her lectures are
very interesting and sometimes it's almost like going to
therapy. the tests and activities are easy and during the test
there are group sections so it'll help your test grades. she is
very outgoing and fun! so take her! |
12/7/06 |
HDP070 |
2 |
5 |
5 |
2 |
Grades the class really hard, don't take if you are not
already physically fit. Otherwise, she's an amazing teacher. You
can tell she really cares about her students. |
Read the rest of the comments at
It's possible to look up individual colleges and I looked up Bowling
Green State University which is your current home base David. There are
currently 1,322 instructors rated at Bowling Green. I then searched by the
Department of Accounting. There are currently ten instructors rated. The
highest rated professor (in terms of average evaluations) has the following
Page One evaluations:
4/9/07 |
mis200 |
4 |
5 |
5 |
1 |
i admit, i don't like the class (mis200) since i think it
has nothing to do with my major. but mr. rohrs isn't that hard,
and makes the class alright. |
4/5/07 |
mis200 |
3 |
4 |
4 |
1 |
Other prof's assign less work for this class, but his
assignments aren't difficult. Really nice guy, helpful if you
ask, pretty picky though. |
4/4/07 |
Acct102 |
2 |
5 |
5 |
2 |
Easy to understand, midwestern guy. Doesn't talk over your
head. |
12/14/06 |
mis200 |
4 |
5 |
5 |
2 |
Kind of a lot of work but if you do good on it you will def
do good...real cool guy |
12/10/06 |
BA150 |
4 |
5 |
5 |
4 |
Mr. Rohrs made BA 150 actually somewhat enjoyable. He is
very helpful and makes class as interesting as possible. He is
also very fair with grading. Highly Recommend. |
Your evaluations make me want to take your classes David. However, only
36 students have submitted evaluations. My guess is that over the same years
you've taught hundreds of students. But my guess is that we can extrapolate
that you make dull old accounting interesting and entertaining to students.
In answer to your question about dealing with student assignments to
multiple sections I have no answers. Many universities cycle the
pre-registration according to accumulated credits earned.. Hence seniors
sign up first and first year students get the leftovers. Standby signups are
handled according to timing much like airlines dole out standby tickets.
It is probably a bad idea to let instructors themselves add students to
the course. Popular teachers may be deluged with students seeking favors,
and some instructors do not know how to say no even though they may be
hurting other students by admitting too many students. Fortunately, classes
are generally limited by the number of seats available. Distance education
courses do not have that excuse for limiting class size.
For research and sometimes entertainment, it's interesting to read the
instructor feedback comments concerning their own evaluations of
RateMyProfessor ---
You can also enter the word "humor" into the top search box and
investigate the broad range of humor and humorous styles of instructors.
Bob Jensen
Also see the following:
Bob Jensen's threads on the dysfunctional aspects of teacher evaluations
on grade inflation ---
What topic dominates instructor evaluations on (or RATE for
"RateMyProfessors — or His Shoes Are Dirty," by Terry Caesar, Inside
Higher Ed, July 28, 2006 ---
But the trouble begins here. Like those guests,
students turn out to be candid about the same thing. Rather than sex, it’s
grades. Over and over again, RATE comments cut right to the chase: how easy
does the professor grade? If easy, all things are forgiven, including a dull
classroom presence. If hard, few things are forgiven, especially not a dull
classroom presence. Of course we knew students are obsessed with grades. Yet
until RATE could we have known how utterly, unremittingly, remorselessly?
And now the obsession is free to roam and cavort,
without the constraints of the class-by-class student evaluation forms, with
their desiderata about the course being “organized” or the instructor having
“knowledge of subject matter.” These things still count. RATE students
regularly register them. But nothing counts like grades. Compared to RATE,
the familiar old student evaluation forms suddenly look like searching
inquiries into the very nature of formal education, which consists of many
other things than the evaluative dispositions of the professor teaching it.
What other things? For example, whether or not the
course is required. Even the most rudimentary of student evaluation forms
calls for this information. Not RATE. Much of the reason a student is free
to go straight for the professorial jugular — and notwithstanding all the
praise, the site is a splatfest — is because course content can be merrily
cast aside. The raw, visceral encounter of student with professor, as
mediated through the grade, emerges as virtually the sole item of interest.
Of course one could reply: so what? The site
elicits nothing else. That’s why it’s called, “rate my professors,” and not
“rate my course.” In effect, RATE takes advantage of the slippage always
implicit in traditional student evaluations, which both are and are not
evaluations of the professor rather than the course. To be precise, they are
evaluations of the professor in terms of a particular course. This
particularity, on the other hand, is precisely what is missing at the RATE
site, where whether or not a professor is being judged by majors — a crucial
factor for departmental and college-wide tenure or promotion committees who
are processing an individual’s student evaluations — is not stipulated.
Granted, a student might bring up being a major. A
student might bring anything up. This is why RATE disappoints, though,
because there’s no framework, not even that of a specific course, to
restrain or guide student comments. “Sarcastic” could well be a different
thing in an upper-division than in a lower-division course. But in the
personalistic RATE idiom, it’s always a character flaw. Indeed, the purest
RATE comments are all about character. Just as the course is without
content, the professor is without performative ability. Whether he’s a “nice
guy” or she “plays favorites,” it’s as if the student has met the professor
a few times at a party, rather than as a member of his or her class for a
RATE comments are particularly striking if we
compare those made by the professor’s colleagues as a result of classroom
observations. Many departments have evolved extremely detailed checksheets.
I have before me one that divides the observation into four categories,
including Personal Characteristics (10 items), Interpersonal Relationships
(8), Subject Application/Knowledge (8), and Conducting Instruction (36). Why
so many in the last category? Because performance matters — which is just
what we tell students about examinations: each aims to test not so much an
individual’s knowledge as a particular performance of that knowledge.
Of course, some items on the checksheet are of
dubious value, e.g. “uses a variety of cognitive levels when asking
questions.” So it goes in the effort to itemize successful teaching, an
attempt lauded by proponents of student evaluations or lamented by critics.
The genius of RATE is to bypass the attempt entirely, most notoriously with
its “Hotness Total.” Successful teaching? You may be able to improve
“helpfulness” or “clarity.” But you can’t very well improve “hotness.”
Whether or not you are a successful teacher is not safely distant at RATE
from whether or not you are “hot.”
Perhaps it never was. In calling for a temperature
check, RATE may merely be directly addressing a question — call it the
charisma of an individual professor — that traditional student evaluations
avoid. If so, though, they avoid it with good reason: charisma can’t be
routinized. When it is, it becomes banal, which is one reason why the
critical comments are far livelier than the celebratory ones. RATE winds up
testifying to one truism about teaching: It’s a lot easier to say what good
teaching isn’t than to say what it is. Why? One reason is, because it’s a
lot easier for students who care only about teachers and not about teaching
to say so.
Finally, what about these RATE students? How many
semester hours have they completed? How many classes did they miss? It is
with good reason (we discover) that traditional student evaluation forms are
careful to ask something about each student. Not only is it important for
the administrative processing of each form. Such questions, even at a
minimal level, concede the significance in any evaluation of the evaluating
subject. Without some attention to this, the person under consideration is
reduced to the status of an object — which is, precisely, what the RATE
professor becomes, time after time. Students on RATE provide no information
at all about themselves, not even initials or geographical locations, as
given by many of the people who rate books and movies on or who
give comments on columns and articles on this Web site.
In fact, students at RATE don’t even have to be
students! I know of one professor who was so angered at a comment made by
one of her students that she took out a fake account, wrote a more favorable
comment about herself, and then added more praise to the comments about two
of her colleagues. How many other professors do this? There’s no telling —
just as there’s no telling about local uses of the site by campus
committees. Of course this is ultimately the point about RATE: Even the
student who writes in the most personal comments (e.g. “hates deodorant") is
completely safe from local retribution — never mind accountability — because
the medium is so completely anonymous.
Thus, the blunt energies of RATE emerge as cutting
edge for higher education in the 21st century. In this respect, the degree
of accuracy concerning any one individual comment about any one professor is
beside the point. The point is instead the medium itself and the nature of
the judgements it makes possible. Those on display at RATE are immediate
because the virtual medium makes them possible, and anonymous because the
same medium requires no identity markers for an individual. Moreover, the
sheer aggregation of the site itself — including anybody from anywhere in
the country — emerges as much more decisive than what can or cannot be said
on it. I suppose this is equivalent to shrugging, whatever we think of RATE,
we now have to live with it.
I think again of the very first student evaluation
I received at a T.A. The result? I no longer remember. Probably not quite as
bad as I feared, although certainly not as good as I hoped. The only thing I
remember is one comment. It was made, I was pretty sure, by a student who
sat right in the front row, often put her head down on the desk (the class
was at 8 a.m.) and never said a word all semester. She wrote: “his shoes are
dirty.” This shocked me. What about all the time I had spent, reading,
preparing, correcting? What about how I tried to make available the best
interpretations of the stories required? My attempts to keep discussions
organized, or just to have discussions, rather than lectures?
All irrelevant, at least for one student? It seemed
so. Worse, I had to admit the student was probably right — that old pair of
brown wingtips I loved was visibly becoming frayed and I hadn’t kept them
shined. Of course I could object: Should the state of a professor’s shoes
really constitute a legitimate student concern? Come to this, can’t you be a
successful teacher if your shoes are dirty? In today’s idiom, might this not
even strike at least some students all by itself as being, well, “hot"? In
any case, I’ve never forgotten this comment. Sometimes it represents to me
the only thing I’ve ever learned from reading my student evaluations. I took
it very personally once and I cherish it personally still.
Had it appeared on RATE, however, the comment would
feel very different. A RATE[D] professor is likely to feel like a contestant
on “American Idol,” standing there smiling while the results from the
viewing audience are totaled. What do any of them learn? Nothing, except
that everything from the peculiarities of their personalities to, ah, the
shine of their shoes, counts. But of course as professors we knew this
already. Didn’t we? Of course it might always be good to learn it all over
again. But not at a site where nobody’s particular class has any weight; not
in a medium in which everybody’s words float free; and not from students
whose comments guarantee nothing except their own anonymity. I’ll bet some
of them even wear dirty shoes.
July 28, 2006 reply from Alexander Robin A
Two quotes from a couple of Bob Jensen's recent
"Of course we knew students are obsessed with
grades." (from the RateMyProfessors thread)
"The problem is that universities have explicit
or implicit rankings of "journal quality" that is largely dictated by
research faculty in those universities. These rankings are crucial to
promotion, tenure, and performance evaluation decisions." (from the TAR
These two issues are related. First, students are
obsessed with grades because universities, employers and just about everyone
else involved are obsessed with grades. One can also say that faculty are
obsessed with publications because so are those who decide their fates. In
these two areas of academia, the measurement has become more important than
the thing it was supposed to measure.
For the student, ideally the learning is the most
important outcome of a class and the grade is supposed to reflect how
successful the learning was. But the learning does not directly and tangibly
affect the student - the grade does. In my teaching experience students,
administrators and employers saw the grade as being the key outcome of a
class, not the learning.
Research publication is supposed to result from a
desire to communicate the results of research activity that the researcher
is very interested in. But, especially in business schools, this has been
turned on its head and the publication is most important and the research is
secondary - it's just a means to the publication, which is necessary for
tenure, etc.
It's really a pathetic situation in which the
ideals of learning and discovery are largely perverted. Had I fully
understood the magnitude of the problem, I would have never gone for a PhD
or gotten into teaching. As to what to do about it, I really don't know. The
problems are so deeply entrenched in academic culture. Finally I just gave
up and retired early hoping to do something useful for the rest of my
productive life.
Robin Alexander
Bob Jensen's threads on teaching evaluations are at
Bob Jensen's threads on teaching evaluations and learning styles are at
Dumbing Education Down
President George W. Bush's signature education
reform -- the No Child Left Behind Act -- is coming in for a close inspection in
Congress. And, it seems, members on both sides of the aisle have plenty of ideas
of how to tinker with NCLB. But almost nobody is talking about the law's central
flaw: Its mandate that every American schoolchild must become "proficient" in
reading and math while not defining what "proficiency" is. The result of this
flaw is that we now have a patchwork of discrepant standards and expectations
that will, in fact, leave millions of kids behind, foster new (state-to-state)
inequities in education quality, and fail to give the United States the schools
it needs to compete globally in the 21st century . . . Meanwhile, the federal
mandate to produce 100% proficiency fosters low standards, game-playing by
states and districts, and cynicism and rear-end-covering by educators. Tinkering
with NCLB, as today's bills and plans would do, may ease some of the current
law's other problems. But until lawmakers muster the intestinal fortitude to go
after its central illusions, America's needed education makeover is not going to
Chester E. Finn Jr., "Dumbing Education Down, The Wall Street Journal,
October 5, 2007; Page A16 ---
Click Here
Mr. Finn is a senior fellow at Stanford's Hoover Institution and president of
the Thomas B. Fordham Institute.
NCLB = No Child Left Behind Law
A September 2007 Thomas B. Fordham Institute report
found NCLB's assessment system "slipshod" and characterized by "standards that
are discrepant state to state, subject to subject, and grade to grade." For
example, third graders scoring at the sixth percentile on Colorado's state
reading test are rated proficient. In South Carolina the third grade proficiency
cut-off is the sixtieth percentile.
Peter Berger, "Some Will Be Left
Behind," The Irascible Professor, November 10, 2007 ---
"Beyond Merit Pay and Student Evaluations," by James D. Miller,
Inside Higher Ed, September 8, 2007 ---
What tools
should colleges use to reward excellent teachers? Some rely
on teaching evaluations that students spend only a few
minutes filling out. Others trust deans and department
chairs to put aside friendships and enmities and objectively
identify the best teachers. Still more colleges don’t reward
teaching excellence and hope that the lack of incentives
doesn’t diminish teaching quality.
I propose instead that
institutions should empower graduating seniors to reward teaching
excellence. Colleges should do this by giving each graduating senior $1,000
to distribute among their faculty. Colleges should have graduates use a
computer program to distribute their allocations anonymously.
My proposal would have
multiple benefits. It would reduce the tension between tenure and merit pay.
Tenure is supposed to insulate professors from retaliation for expressing
unpopular views in their scholarship. Many colleges, however, believe that
tenured professors don’t have sufficient incentives to work hard, so
colleges implement a merit pay system to reward excellence. Alas, merit pay
can be a tool that deans and department heads use to punish politically
unpopular professors. My proposal, however, provides for a type of merit pay
without giving deans and department heads any additional power over
instructors. And because the proposal imposes almost no additional
administrative costs on anyone, many deans and department heads might prefer
it to a traditional merit pay system.
Students, I suspect, would
take their distribution decisions far more seriously than they do
end-of-semester class evaluations. This is because students are never sure
how much influence class evaluations have on teachers’ careers, whereas the
link between their distributions and their favorite teachers’ welfare would
be clear. Basing merit pay on these distributions, therefore, will be
“fairer” than doing so based on class evaluations. Furthermore, these
distributions would provide very useful information to colleges in making
tenure decisions or determining whether to keep employing a non-tenure track
The proposal would also
reward successful advising. A good adviser can make a student’s academic
career. But since advising quality is difficult to measure, colleges rarely
factor it into merit pay decisions. But I suspect that many students
consider their adviser to be their favorite professor, so great advisers
would be well rewarded if graduates distributed $1,000 among faculty.
Hopefully, these $1,000
distributions would get students into the habit of donating to their alma
maters. The distributions would show graduates the link between donating and
helping parts of the college that they really liked. Colleges could even ask
their graduates to “pay back” the $1,000 that they were allowed to give
their favorite teachers. To test whether the distributions really did
increase alumni giving, a college could randomly choose, say, 10 percent of
a graduating class for participation in my plan and then see if those
selected graduates did contribute more to the college.
My reward system would help
a college attract star teachers. Professors who know they often earn their
students adoration will eagerly join a college that lets students enrich
their favorite teachers.
Unfortunately, today many
star teachers are actually made worse off because of their popularity.
Students often spend much time talking to star teachers, make great use of
their office hours and frequently ask them to write letters of
recommendation. Consequently, star teachers have less time than average
faculty members do to conduct research. My proposal, though, would help
correct the time penalty that popularity so often imposes on the best
College trustees and regents
who have business backgrounds should like my idea because it rewards
customer-oriented professors. And anything that could persuade trustees to
increase instructors’ compensation should be very popular among faculty.
But my proposal would be the
most popular among students. It would signal to students that the college is
ready to trust them with some responsibility for their alma mater’s
finances. It would also prove to students that the way they have been
treated at college is extremely important to their school.
James D. Miller is an associate professor of economics at Smith
Jensen Comment
One-time "gifts" to teachers are not the same as salary increases that are
locked in year after year after year until the faculty member resigns or
retires. It is also extremely likely that this type of reward system might be
conducive to grade inflation popularity contests. Also some students might ask
why they are being charged $1,000 more in tuition to be doled out as bonuses
selectively to faculty.
But by far the biggest flaw in this type of reward system is the bias toward
large class sections. Some of the most brilliant research professors teach
advanced-level courses to much smaller classes than instructors teaching larger
classes to first and second year students. Is it a good idea for a top
specialist to abandon his advanced specialty courses for majors in order to have
greater financial rewards for teaching basic courses that have more students at
a very elementary level?
Bob Jensen's threads on higher education controversies are at
Guess which parents most strongly object to grade inflation?
Hint: Parents Say Schools Game System, Let Kids Graduate Without Skills
The Bredemeyers represent a new voice in special
education: parents disappointed not because their children are failing, but
because they're passing without learning. These families complain that schools
give their children an easy academic ride through regular-education classes,
undermining a new era of higher expectations for the 14% of U.S. students who
are in special education. Years ago, schools assumed that students with
disabilities would lag behind their non-disabled peers. They often were taught
in separate buildings and left out of standardized testing. But a combination of
two federal laws, adopted a quarter-century apart, have made it national policy
to hold almost all children with disabilities to the same academic standards as
other students.
John Hechinger and Daniel Golden, "Extra Help: When Special Education Goes
Too Easy on Students," The Wall Street Journal, August 21, 2007, Page A1
Bob Jensen's fraud updates are at
A Compelling Case for Reforming the Current Teaching Evaluation Process
"Bias, the Brain, and Student Evaluations of Teaching," by Debrorah
Jones Merritt, Ohio State University College of Law, SSRN, January 2007
Student evaluations of teaching are a common
fixture at American law schools, but they harbor surprising biases.
Extensive psychology research demonstrates that these assessments respond
overwhelmingly to a professor's appearance and nonverbal behavior; ratings
based on just thirty seconds of silent videotape correlate strongly with
end-of-semester evaluations. The nonverbal behaviors that influence teaching
evaluations are rooted in physiology, culture, and habit, allowing
characteristics like race and gender to affect evaluations. The current
process of gathering evaluations, moreover, allows social stereotypes to
filter students' perceptions, increasing risks of bias. These distortions
are inevitable products of the intuitive, “system one” cognitive processes
that the present process taps. The cure for these biases requires schools to
design new student evaluation systems, such as ones based on facilitated
group discussion, that enable more reflective, deliberative judgments. This
article, which will appear in the Winter 2007 issue of the St. John's Law
Review, draws upon research in cognitive decision making, both to present
the compelling case for reforming the current system of evaluating classroom
performance and to illuminate the cognitive processes that underlie many
facets of the legal system.
Coaches Graham and Gazowski
Why are there so few, if any left like Coach Gazowski?
"Accounting Degrees Up 19 Percent: AICPA Report," SmartPros,
May 6, 2008 ---
The American Institute of CPAs announced that more than 64,000 students
graduated with bachelor's and master's degrees in accounting in the 2006-07
school year, a 19 percent increase since the 2003-04 school year, when the
AICPA last surveyed this data.
At the same
time, over 203,000 students enrolled in accounting programs at both the
undergraduate and graduate levels. This also represents a 19 percent
increase since 2004, according to the AICPA study,
2008 Trends in the Supply of Accounting Graduates and the Demand for Public
Accounting Recruits. The gender ratio of
graduates is fairly close at 52 percent female and 48 percent male.
"The years in
the aftermath of
Sarbanes-Oxley have spotlighted the critical role
the accounting profession plays in our capital market system," said Denny
Reigle, AICPA director – academic and career development. "One fortunate
result of SOX was greater interest in accounting on the part of students, as
this report attests."
The demands of
Sarbanes-Oxley legislation likewise have led to substantial hiring increases
by public accounting firms, the primary employers of new graduates. The
AICPA report reveals that hiring by firms in 2006-07 shot up 83 percent over
the previous three years. Sixty-seven percent of the firms that responded to
the survey anticipate continued growth in hiring.
This is the largest
number of graduates in the 36 years the AICPA has been tracking this data.
Jensen Comment
What I find most interesting is that, while celebrating the
post-SOX surge in the number of accounting graduates, we're reminded that we
still produced more accountants when the
Dow index was under $2,000, the AACSB was strict on standards, the largest
CPA firms were mostly national instead of international, and the office space
required for the largest CPA firms in any city was less than 10% of what it is
today. A much higher proportion of our graduates in those days ended up working
for smaller CPA firms or business firms. Four decades ago client-firm executives
were less inclined to seek out creative accounting to pad their stock options
since their pay was reasonable and not so contractually tied to earnings
Historical cost ala Payton and Littleton ruled the accounting world with
underlying concepts such as the matching principle. Audit trails did not
disappear inside computers or the Cayman Islands. Substantive tests reined
supreme in auditing.
Judging from the adverse
PCAOB oversight reports of audits in the past couple years, I think the
auditing firms were more professional four decades ago and were less inclined to
cut corners due to budget overruns and staff shortages. This is only my
subjective opinion based upon my very limited career as a real-world auditor
with flying fingers on a 10-key adding machine. We actually trudged down to
Pueblo, Colorado to count pistons on Sundays and waded through the muck in
Montford's feed lots in Greeley in order to estimate the amount of piled up
manure inventory.
Students today have never seen one of those
typewriter-sized calculators with the moving bar that ratcheted back and
forth sort of on its own after being given a calculation to perform.
Four decades ago the CPA exam was narrow and deep compared with with shallow
and wide today when we have so many more complicated standards that are barely
touched on the CPA exam. I think the first-time passage rate has remained pretty
stable (15%-25%) over the years such that somebody must be controlling the
We had one woman in the Denver office of Ernst & Ernst, who did tax returns
in the back office amidst a cloud of cigarette smoke. Emma was rarely, if ever,
allowed to see a client. Those were not the good old days in many respects. Even
though we produced more accounting graduates in four decades ago, they were
mostly white males. Women graduates were supposed to be K-12 teachers and nurses
rather than doctors, lawyers, CEOs, CFOs, and accountants. Hispanics and blacks
rarely had opportunities to attend college. Many of our attitudes about fairness
and opportunity have changed for the good. But many of our attitudes about
compensation, life style, families, divorce, drugs, plagiarism/cheating, and
work have changed for the bad.
A C-grade was actually considered the median grade in college four decades
ago ---
Accounting graduates did not have to have all A or B+ grades to be interviewed
for jobs.
Our teachers were not denied tenure because they were scholars rather than
researchers. Even if they were tough as nails and piled the work over our heads
in courses, they could still get tenure, respect, and pay raises. Most of the
professors I look back on with admiration, in retrospect, would be un-tenurable
today because they devoted too much time to their craft and scared the bejeebers
out of us. I can just imagine the cursing words that would be written about them
if we had RATE-MY-PROFESSOR in those days ---
But then again maybe the cursing words would not have flowed because I think we
had more respect for our teachers in those days.
Randy Pausch said it very well when he wrote about his tough old football
coach, Coach Graham, in Chapter Seven of The Last Lecture (Hyperion
Books, 2008, IABN 978-1-4013-2325-7).
. . . one of the assistant
coaches came over to reassure me. "Coach Graham rode you pretty hard ,
didn't he?" he said.
I could barely muster a "yeah."
"That's a good thing," the assistant told me. "When
you're screwing up and nobody says anything to you anymore, that means
they've given up on you."
. . .
There's a lot of talk these days about giving
children self-esteem. It's not something you can give; it's
something they have to build. Coach Graham worked in a no-coddling zone.
Self-esteem? He knew there was really only one way to teach kids how to
develop it: You give them something they can't do, they work hard until
they find they can do it, and your just keep repeating the process.
When Coach Graham first got hold of me, I was this
wimpy kid with no skills, no physical strength, and no conditioning. But he
made me realize that if I work hard enough, there will be things I can do
tomorrow that I can't do today. Even now, having just turned forty-seven, I
can give you a three point stance that any NFL lineman would be proud of.
I realize that, these days, a guy like Coach Graham
might get thrown out of a youth sports league. He'd be too tough. Parents
would complain.
I remember one game when our team was playing
terribly. At halftime, in our rush for water, we almost knocked over the
water bucket. Coach Graham was livid: "Jeez! That's the most I've seen you
boys move since this game started!" We were eleven years old, just standing
there, afraid he'd pick us up one by one and break us with his bare hands.
"Water?" he barked. "You boys want water?" He lifted the bucket and dumped
all the water on the ground.
. . .
It saddens me that many kids today are so coddled.
I think back to how I felt during that halftime rant. Yes, I was thirsty.
But more than that, I felt humiliated. We had all let down Coach Graham, and
he let us know it in a way we'd never forget. He was right.
. . .
I haven't seen Coach Graham since I was a teen, but
he just keeps showing up in my head, forcing me to work harder whenever I
feel like quitting, forcing me to be better. He gave me a feedback loop for
Bob Jensen's football coach would've viewed Coach Graham as a wimp. My Algona
High School coach's name was "The" Coach Tony Gazowski. Tony grew up Polish and
tough in the shadows of the steel mills in Pittsburgh. He became an
"All-Big-Ten" defensive end at the University of Iowa and never did catch on
that later in life he was a football coach and not a Marine drill instructor (he
was also a former Marine sergeant). Coach Gazowski did for me what Coach Graham
did for Randy, but Coach Gazowski sometimes went a bit too far in urging us to
play a bit rougher than the rules allowed if we thought we could get away with
it. This might be a good thing to do on a wartime battlefield, but it's not
something I recommend in athletics and most other aspects of life.
You can read more about Randy and find the link to the video of his "Last
Lecture" and commentaries that followed at
RateMyProfessor now claims to have archived evaluations of over 1 million
professors from 6,000 schools based on over 6 million submitted evaluations from
The proportions of students who submitted evaluations are self selecting and
miniscule compared to the number of students taught by each professor. Also the
outliers tend to respond more than the silent majority. For example, sometimes
the overall evaluations are based on only 1-10 self selecting (often
disgruntled) students among possibly hundreds taught over the years by an
The controversial RateMyProfessor site now links to Facebook entries for
Our new Facebook app lets you to search for, browse and read
ratings of professors and schools. Find out
which professor will inspire you, challenge
you, or which
will just give you the easy A.
RateMyProfessor ---
Probably the most widespread scandal in higher education is grade
inflation. Much of this can be attributed to required (by the university) and
voluntary (RateMyProfessor) evaluations of instructors by students ---
If median grades for each course are made publically available on the Internet,
will students seek out the high grade average or low grade average courses?
Examples of such postings at Cornell University are at
Hypothesis 1
Students will seek out the lower grade average courses/sections thinking that
they have a better chance to compete for high grades.
Hypothesis 2
Students will seek out the higher grade average courses/sections thinking that
particular instructors are easier graders.
However, when Cornell researchers studied about
800,000 course grades issued at Cornell from 1990 to 2004, they found that most
students visited the site to shop for classes where the median grade was higher.
Plus, professors who tended to give out higher grades were more popular.
Students with lower SAT scores were the most likely to seek out courses with
higher median grades.
"Easy A's on the Internet: A surprising Cornell experiment in posting
grades; plus a look at recent research into ethical behavior, service charges,
and volunteer habits," by Francesca Di Meglio, Business Week, December
11, 2007 ---
In a striking
example of unintended consequences, a move by Cornell
University to give context to student grades by publicly
posting median grades for courses has resulted in exactly
the opposite student behavior than anticipated.
Cornell's College of Arts & Sciences originally set up a
Web site in 1997 where median
grades were posted, with the intention of also printing
median class grades alongside the grade the student actually
received in the course on his or her permanent transcript.
Administrators thought students would use the information on
the Web site to seek out classes with lower median
grades—because, they reasoned, an A in a class that has a
median grade of B-minus would be more meaningful than say,
an A in a course where the median was A-plus.
Course Shopping Leads to Grade Inflation
when Cornell researchers studied about 800,000 course grades
issued at Cornell from 1990 to 2004, they found that most
students visited the site to shop for classes where the
median grade was higher. Plus, professors who tended to give
out higher grades were more popular. Students with lower SAT
scores were the most likely to seek out courses with higher
median grades.
"shopping" in turn led to grade inflation, Vrinda Kadiyali,
associate professor of marketing and economics at Cornell's
Johnson Graduate School of Management,
one of the authors, explained in an
interview. The study, which is undergoing peer review, has
not yet been published.
So far,
however, the university has posted the median course grades
only on the Internet and has not yet put those grades on
transcripts. According to an article in the Cornell
Daily Sun, the school will start posting the grades
on transcripts in the spring. School officials were not
immediately available for comment.
The research
team hopes the school follows through on its plans. "That
will allow Cornell to hold itself to a higher standard
because it lets potential employers know where students
stand relevant to other students," says Kadiyali.
The presence
of the median grade data is well-known to students but less
well-known to faculty. The researchers themselves were
prompted to do the study when one of them learned of the Web
site from a student questioning grades in her course.
Kadiyali says the formula the researchers used to come to
these conclusions could easily be applied to Internet
teacher rating sites, such as It's
something educators should consider, she adds, to find out
how these posts affect the decision-making of students and,
thus, professors and their courses.
Jensen Comment
The problem is that, in modern times, grades are the keys to the kingdom (i.e.,
keys unlocking the gates of graduate studies and professional careers) such that
higher grades rather than education tend to become the main student goals. A
hundred years ago, just getting a degree could open postgraduate gates in life
because such a small proportion of the population got college diplomas. With
higher percentages of the population getting college diplomas, high grades
became keys to the kingdom. In many colleges a C grade is viewed as very nearly
a failing grade.
At the same time, formal teaching evaluations and teacher rating sites like have led to marked grade inflation in virtually all
colleges. The median grades are often A, A-, B+, or B. The poor student's C
grade is way below average. Just take a look at these course medians from
Cornell University ---
December 19, 2007eply from a good friend who is
also a university-wide award winning teacher
I'm not for easy grading, but I also wonder some
about this study. Could it be that the MORE EFFECTIVE instructors are also
easier graders and vice versa? I have no idea, but I'd like to see a control
for this variable.
And God help us if a professor is popular! What an
awful trait for an educator to have!
December 20, 2007 reply from Bob Jensen
Dear Jeez,
The terms "easy grader" and "easy grading"
are probably not suited for hypothesis testing. They are too hard to
precisely define. Some, probably most, "easy graders" counter by saying that
they are just better teachers and the students learned more because of
superior teaching. In many cases, but certainly not all cases, this is
probably true. Also, it is almost impossible to distinguish easy grading
from easy content. Students may learn everything in a course if the course
is easy enough to do so.
Instructors will also counter that they are
ethical in the sense of scaring off the poor students before the course
dropping deadlines. Instructors who snooker poor students to stay in their
courses and then hammer them down later on can show lower median grades
without punishing better students with C grades. Fortunately I don't think
there are many instructors who do this because they then face the risk of
getting hammered on teaching evaluations submitted by the worst students in
the course.
Easy grading/content is a lot like
pornography. It's probably impossible to precisely define but students know
it when they shop for easier courses before registering. It may be
possible to a limited extent to find easy graders in multiple section
courses having common examinations. For example, I was once a department
chair where our two basic accounting courses had over 30 sections each per
semester. But even there it is possible that all instructors were relatively
"easy" when they put together the common examinations.
It is widely known that nearly every college
in the U.S. suffers from grade inflation. Only an isolated few have been
successful in holding it down. College-wide grade averages have swung way
above C grades and in some instances even B grades. It is typical any more
for median grades of a college to hit the B+ or A- range, and in many
courses the median grade is an A.
The Cornell study sited above covering
800,000 course grades (a lot) did not identify easy graders. It identified
courses/sections having higher median grades. Higher median grades may not
signify easy grading or easy content, but students seem to know what they
are shopping for and the Cornell study found that students do shop around
for bargains. My guess is that the last courses left on the shelf are those
with median grades in the C range.
Bob Jensen
Bob Jensen's threads on grade inflation are
Professors of the Year
The Council for Advancement and Support of Education
and the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching announced today
winners of their annual
U.S. Professors of the Year award, given to
instructors who show dedication to undergraduate teaching and mentoring.
Elia Powers, Inside Higher Ed, November 15, 2007 ---
Jensen Comment
Although "professors of the year" are chosen by peers are often teach popular
courses, there are possibly more popular courses that are taught by instructors
who will never win awards given by peers.
It is somewhat revealing (a little about the professor and a lot about the
RateMyProfessor site) to read the student comments on RateMyProfessor. The
"hottest" professors at RateMyProfessor generally have many more evaluations
submitted than the four Professors of the Year" listed below. You can find a
listing of the "hottest" professors (Top 50) at
- The Rank 1 U.S. Professor of the Year as ranked by peers and judges is
Glen Ellis at Smith College. He only has seven student evaluations at
RateMyProfessor and you can read the outcomes at
- The Rank 2 U.S. Professor of the Year as ranked by peers and judges is
Rosemary Karr at Collin County Community College in Texas. She only has 25
student evaluations RateMyProfessor and you can read the outcomes at
I had to chuckle at the student who said:
"I got a 68 in her class
and went to her office for tutorials 3 times a week, still didnt pass me.
she pickes favorites."
- The Rank 3 U.S. Professor of the Year as ranked by peers and judges is
Chris Sorensen at Kansas State University. There are 760 instructors
evaluated from KSU on RateMyProfessor, but apparently not one of Sorensen's
students submitted an evaluation. There were 11 professors with evaluations
from Sorensen's Department of Physics, but Sorensen was not on the list.
- The Rank 4 U.S. Professor of the Year as ranked by peers and judges is
Carlos G. Spaht at Louisiana State University in Shreveport. He only has 16
student evaluations RateMyProfessor and you can read the outcomes at
For Trivia Buffs and Serious Researchers
Thousands of College Instructors Ranked on Just About Everything
November 13, 2007 message from David Albrecht
There is a popular teacher in my department. When
this fellow teaches a section of a multi-section course, his section fills
immediately and there is a waiting list. My department does not like an
imbalance in class size, so they monitor enrollment in his section. No one
is permitted to add his section until all other sections have at least one
more students than his.
I'm concerned about student choice, about giving
them a fair chance to get into his section instead of the current random
timing of a spot opening up in his section.
Does anyone else have this situation at your
school? How do you manage student sign-ups for a popular teacher? Any
practical suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
David Albrecht
Bowling Green
November 14, 2007 reply from Bob Jensen
Hi David,
I think the first thing to study is what makes an instructor so popular.
There can be good reasons (tremendous preparation, inspirational, caring,
knowing each student) and bad reasons (easy grader, no need to attend
class), and questionable without ipso facto being good or bad (entertaining,
The RateMyProfessor site now has some information on most college
instructors in a number of nations --- The overwhelming factor
leading to popularity is grading since the number one concern in college
revealed by students is grading. Of course there are many problems in this
database and many instructors and administrators refuse to even look at
these RateMyProfessor archives. Firstly, student reporting is self
selective. The majority of students in any class do not submit evaluations.
A fringe element (often outliers for and against) tends to provide most of
the information. Since colleges do know the class sizes, it is possible to
get an idea about "sample" size, although these are definitely not a random
samples. It's a little like book and product reviews in
There are both instructors who are not rated at all on RateMyProfessor
and others who are too thinly rated (e.g., less than ten evaluations) to
have their evaluations taken seriously. For example, one of my favorite
enthusiastic teachers is the award-winning Amy Dunbar who teaches tax at the
University of Connecticut. Currently there are 82 instructors in the
RateMyProfessor archives who are named Dunbar. But not a single student
evaluation has apparently been sent in by the fortunate students of Amy
Dunbar. Another one of my favorites is Dennis Beresford at the University of
Georgia. But he only has one (highly favorable) evaluation in the archives.
I suspect that there's an added reporting bias. Both Amy and Denny mostly
teach graduate students. I suspect that graduate students are less inclined
to fool with RateMyProfessor.
Having said this, there can be revealing information about teaching
style, grading, exam difficulties, and other things factoring into good and
bad teaching. Probably the most popular thing I've noted is that the
top-rated professors usually get responses about making the class "easy."
Now that can be taken two ways. It's a good thing to make difficult material
seem more easy but still grade on the basis of mastering the difficult
material. It is quite another thing to leave out the hard parts so students
really do not master the difficult parts of the course.
If nothing else, RateMyProfessor says a whole lot about the students we
teach. The first thing to note is how these college-level students often
spell worse than the high school drop outs. In English classes such bad
grammar may be intentional, but I've read enough term papers over the years
to know that dependence upon spell checkers in word processors has made
students worse in spelling on messages that they do not have the computer
check for spelling. They're definitely Fonex spellers.
Many students, certainly not all, tend to prefer easy graders. For
example, currently the instructor ranked Number 1 in the United States by
RateMyProfessor appears to be an easy grader, although comments by only a
few individual students should be taken with a grain of salt. Here's Page
One (five out of 92 evaluations) of 19 pages of summary evaluations at
11/13/07 |
HIST101 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
easiest teacher EVER |
11/12/07 |
abcdACCT |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
good professor |
11/11/07 |
HistGacct |
3 |
2 |
4 |
1 |
Good teacher. Was enjoyable to heat teach. Reccomend class.
Made my softmore year. |
11/10/07 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
Very genious. |
11/8/07 |
histSECT |
3 |
5 |
4 |
4 |
amazing. by far the greatest teacher. I had him for Culture
and the Holocust with Schiffman and Scott. He is a genius. love
him. |
Does it really improve ratings to not make students have presentations?
Although making a course easy is popular, is it a good thing to do? Here are
the Page 3 (five out of 55 evaluations) ratings of the instructor ranked
Number 2 in the United States:
12/21/05 |
Spanish 10
2 |
3 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
One of the best professors that I have ever had. Homework is
taken up on a daily base but, grading is not harsh. No
presentations. |
11/2/05 |
SPA 102 |
4 |
5 |
5 |
3 |
Wow, a great teacher. Totally does not call people out and
make them feel stupid in class, like a lot of spanish teachers.
The homework is super easy quiz grades that can be returned with
corrections for extra points. You have to take her for Spa
102!!!! You actually learn in this class but is fun too! |
10/27/05 |
Span 102 |
4 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
I love Senora Hanahan. She is one of the best teachers I
ever had. She is very clear and she is super nice. She will go
out of her way just to make sure that you understand. I Love
Her! I advise everyone to take her if you have a choice. She is
great!! |
9/14/05 |
SPA 201 |
4 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
I am absolutly not suprised that Senora Hanahan has smiley
faces on every rating. She is awesme and fun. |
8/25/05 |
SPA 102 |
4 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
I LOVE her! Absolutely wonderful! Goes far out of her way to
help you and remembers your needs always. She will call you at
home if you tell her you need help, and she will do everything
possible to keep you on track . I have no IDEA how she does it!
She really wants you to learn the language. She's pretty and fun
and absolutely wonderful! |
Students, however, are somewhat inconsistent about grading and exam
difficulties. For example, read the summary outcomes for the instructor
currently ranked as Number 8 in the United States ---
Note this is only one page out of ten pages of comments:
10/31/07 |
hpd110 |
5 |
3 |
2 |
4 |
she is pushing religion on us too much... she should be more
open minded. c-lots is always forcing her faith based lessons
down our throats. she makes me wanna puke. |
10/14/07 |
PysEd100 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
She is no good in my opinion. |
5/22/07 |
HPD110 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
Dr. Lottes is amazing! it is almost impossible to get lower
than an A in her class as long as you show up. her lectures are
very interesting and sometimes it's almost like going to
therapy. the tests and activities are easy and during the test
there are group sections so it'll help your test grades. she is
very outgoing and fun! so take her! |
12/7/06 |
HDP070 |
2 |
5 |
5 |
2 |
Grades the class really hard, don't take if you are not
already physically fit. Otherwise, she's an amazing teacher. You
can tell she really cares about her students. |
Read the rest of the comments at
It's possible to look up individual colleges and I looked up Bowling
Green State University which is your current home base David. There are
currently 1,322 instructors rated at Bowling Green. I then searched by the
Department of Accounting. There are currently ten instructors rated. The
highest rated professor (in terms of average evaluations) has the following
Page One evaluations:
4/9/07 |
mis200 |
4 |
5 |
5 |
1 |
i admit, i don't like the class (mis200) since i think it
has nothing to do with my major. but mr. rohrs isn't that hard,
and makes the class alright. |
4/5/07 |
mis200 |
3 |
4 |
4 |
1 |
Other prof's assign less work for this class, but his
assignments aren't difficult. Really nice guy, helpful if you
ask, pretty picky though. |
4/4/07 |
Acct102 |
2 |
5 |
5 |
2 |
Easy to understand, midwestern guy. Doesn't talk over your
head. |
12/14/06 |
mis200 |
4 |
5 |
5 |
2 |
Kind of a lot of work but if you do good on it you will def
do good...real cool guy |
12/10/06 |
BA150 |
4 |
5 |
5 |
4 |
Mr. Rohrs made BA 150 actually somewhat enjoyable. He is
very helpful and makes class as interesting as possible. He is
also very fair with grading. Highly Recommend. |
Your evaluations make me want to take your classes David. However, only
36 students have submitted evaluations. My guess is that over the same years
you've taught hundreds of students. But my guess is that we can extrapolate
that you make dull old accounting interesting and entertaining to students.
In answer to your question about dealing with student assignments to
multiple sections I have no answers. Many universities cycle the
pre-registration according to accumulated credits earned.. Hence seniors
sign up first and first year students get the leftovers. Standby signups are
handled according to timing much like airlines dole out standby tickets.
It is probably a bad idea to let instructors themselves add students to
the course. Popular teachers may be deluged with students seeking favors,
and some instructors do not know how to say no even though they may be
hurting other students by admitting too many students. Fortunately, classes
are generally limited by the number of seats available. Distance education
courses do not have that excuse for limiting class size.
For research and sometimes entertainment, it's interesting to read the
instructor feedback comments concerning their own evaluations of
RateMyProfessor ---
You can also enter the word "humor" into the top search box and
investigate the broad range of humor and humorous styles of instructors.
Bob Jensen
Also see the following:
Bob Jensen's threads on the dysfunctional aspects of teacher evaluations
on grade inflation ---
What topic dominates instructor evaluations on (or RATE for
"RateMyProfessors — or His Shoes Are Dirty," by Terry Caesar, Inside
Higher Ed, July 28, 2006 ---
But the trouble begins here. Like those guests,
students turn out to be candid about the same thing. Rather than sex, it’s
grades. Over and over again, RATE comments cut right to the chase: how easy
does the professor grade? If easy, all things are forgiven, including a dull
classroom presence. If hard, few things are forgiven, especially not a dull
classroom presence. Of course we knew students are obsessed with grades. Yet
until RATE could we have known how utterly, unremittingly, remorselessly?
And now the obsession is free to roam and cavort,
without the constraints of the class-by-class student evaluation forms, with
their desiderata about the course being “organized” or the instructor having
“knowledge of subject matter.” These things still count. RATE students
regularly register them. But nothing counts like grades. Compared to RATE,
the familiar old student evaluation forms suddenly look like searching
inquiries into the very nature of formal education, which consists of many
other things than the evaluative dispositions of the professor teaching it.
What other things? For example, whether or not the
course is required. Even the most rudimentary of student evaluation forms
calls for this information. Not RATE. Much of the reason a student is free
to go straight for the professorial jugular — and notwithstanding all the
praise, the site is a splatfest — is because course content can be merrily
cast aside. The raw, visceral encounter of student with professor, as
mediated through the grade, emerges as virtually the sole item of interest.
Of course one could reply: so what? The site
elicits nothing else. That’s why it’s called, “rate my professors,” and not
“rate my course.” In effect, RATE takes advantage of the slippage always
implicit in traditional student evaluations, which both are and are not
evaluations of the professor rather than the course. To be precise, they are
evaluations of the professor in terms of a particular course. This
particularity, on the other hand, is precisely what is missing at the RATE
site, where whether or not a professor is being judged by majors — a crucial
factor for departmental and college-wide tenure or promotion committees who
are processing an individual’s student evaluations — is not stipulated.
Granted, a student might bring up being a major. A
student might bring anything up. This is why RATE disappoints, though,
because there’s no framework, not even that of a specific course, to
restrain or guide student comments. “Sarcastic” could well be a different
thing in an upper-division than in a lower-division course. But in the
personalistic RATE idiom, it’s always a character flaw. Indeed, the purest
RATE comments are all about character. Just as the course is without
content, the professor is without performative ability. Whether he’s a “nice
guy” or she “plays favorites,” it’s as if the student has met the professor
a few times at a party, rather than as a member of his or her class for a
RATE comments are particularly striking if we
compare those made by the professor’s colleagues as a result of classroom
observations. Many departments have evolved extremely detailed checksheets.
I have before me one that divides the observation into four categories,
including Personal Characteristics (10 items), Interpersonal Relationships
(8), Subject Application/Knowledge (8), and Conducting Instruction (36). Why
so many in the last category? Because performance matters — which is just
what we tell students about examinations: each aims to test not so much an
individual’s knowledge as a particular performance of that knowledge.
Of course, some items on the checksheet are of
dubious value, e.g. “uses a variety of cognitive levels when asking
questions.” So it goes in the effort to itemize successful teaching, an
attempt lauded by proponents of student evaluations or lamented by critics.
The genius of RATE is to bypass the attempt entirely, most notoriously with
its “Hotness Total.” Successful teaching? You may be able to improve
“helpfulness” or “clarity.” But you can’t very well improve “hotness.”
Whether or not you are a successful teacher is not safely distant at RATE
from whether or not you are “hot.”
Perhaps it never was. In calling for a temperature
check, RATE may merely be directly addressing a question — call it the
charisma of an individual professor — that traditional student evaluations
avoid. If so, though, they avoid it with good reason: charisma can’t be
routinized. When it is, it becomes banal, which is one reason why the
critical comments are far livelier than the celebratory ones. RATE winds up
testifying to one truism about teaching: It’s a lot easier to say what good
teaching isn’t than to say what it is. Why? One reason is, because it’s a
lot easier for students who care only about teachers and not about teaching
to say so.
Finally, what about these RATE students? How many
semester hours have they completed? How many classes did they miss? It is
with good reason (we discover) that traditional student evaluation forms are
careful to ask something about each student. Not only is it important for
the administrative processing of each form. Such questions, even at a
minimal level, concede the significance in any evaluation of the evaluating
subject. Without some attention to this, the person under consideration is
reduced to the status of an object — which is, precisely, what the RATE
professor becomes, time after time. Students on RATE provide no information
at all about themselves, not even initials or geographical locations, as
given by many of the people who rate books and movies on or who
give comments on columns and articles on this Web site.
In fact, students at RATE don’t even have to be
students! I know of one professor who was so angered at a comment made by
one of her students that she took out a fake account, wrote a more favorable
comment about herself, and then added more praise to the comments about two
of her colleagues. How many other professors do this? There’s no telling —
just as there’s no telling about local uses of the site by campus
committees. Of course this is ultimately the point about RATE: Even the
student who writes in the most personal comments (e.g. “hates deodorant") is
completely safe from local retribution — never mind accountability — because
the medium is so completely anonymous.
Thus, the blunt energies of RATE emerge as cutting
edge for higher education in the 21st century. In this respect, the degree
of accuracy concerning any one individual comment about any one professor is
beside the point. The point is instead the medium itself and the nature of
the judgements it makes possible. Those on display at RATE are immediate
because the virtual medium makes them possible, and anonymous because the
same medium requires no identity markers for an individual. Moreover, the
sheer aggregation of the site itself — including anybody from anywhere in
the country — emerges as much more decisive than what can or cannot be said
on it. I suppose this is equivalent to shrugging, whatever we think of RATE,
we now have to live with it.
I think again of the very first student evaluation
I received at a T.A. The result? I no longer remember. Probably not quite as
bad as I feared, although certainly not as good as I hoped. The only thing I
remember is one comment. It was made, I was pretty sure, by a student who
sat right in the front row, often put her head down on the desk (the class
was at 8 a.m.) and never said a word all semester. She wrote: “his shoes are
dirty.” This shocked me. What about all the time I had spent, reading,
preparing, correcting? What about how I tried to make available the best
interpretations of the stories required? My attempts to keep discussions
organized, or just to have discussions, rather than lectures?
All irrelevant, at least for one student? It seemed
so. Worse, I had to admit the student was probably right — that old pair of
brown wingtips I loved was visibly becoming frayed and I hadn’t kept them
shined. Of course I could object: Should the state of a professor’s shoes
really constitute a legitimate student concern? Come to this, can’t you be a
successful teacher if your shoes are dirty? In today’s idiom, might this not
even strike at least some students all by itself as being, well, “hot"? In
any case, I’ve never forgotten this comment. Sometimes it represents to me
the only thing I’ve ever learned from reading my student evaluations. I took
it very personally once and I cherish it personally still.
Had it appeared on RATE, however, the comment would
feel very different. A RATE[D] professor is likely to feel like a contestant
on “American Idol,” standing there smiling while the results from the
viewing audience are totaled. What do any of them learn? Nothing, except
that everything from the peculiarities of their personalities to, ah, the
shine of their shoes, counts. But of course as professors we knew this
already. Didn’t we? Of course it might always be good to learn it all over
again. But not at a site where nobody’s particular class has any weight; not
in a medium in which everybody’s words float free; and not from students
whose comments guarantee nothing except their own anonymity. I’ll bet some
of them even wear dirty shoes.
July 28, 2006 reply from Alexander Robin A
Two quotes from a couple of Bob Jensen's recent
"Of course we knew students are obsessed with
grades." (from the RateMyProfessors thread)
"The problem is that universities have explicit
or implicit rankings of "journal quality" that is largely dictated by
research faculty in those universities. These rankings are crucial to
promotion, tenure, and performance evaluation decisions." (from the TAR
These two issues are related. First, students are
obsessed with grades because universities, employers and just about everyone
else involved are obsessed with grades. One can also say that faculty are
obsessed with publications because so are those who decide their fates. In
these two areas of academia, the measurement has become more important than
the thing it was supposed to measure.
For the student, ideally the learning is the most
important outcome of a class and the grade is supposed to reflect how
successful the learning was. But the learning does not directly and tangibly
affect the student - the grade does. In my teaching experience students,
administrators and employers saw the grade as being the key outcome of a
class, not the learning.
Research publication is supposed to result from a
desire to communicate the results of research activity that the researcher
is very interested in. But, especially in business schools, this has been
turned on its head and the publication is most important and the research is
secondary - it's just a means to the publication, which is necessary for
tenure, etc.
It's really a pathetic situation in which the
ideals of learning and discovery are largely perverted. Had I fully
understood the magnitude of the problem, I would have never gone for a PhD
or gotten into teaching. As to what to do about it, I really don't know. The
problems are so deeply entrenched in academic culture. Finally I just gave
up and retired early hoping to do something useful for the rest of my
productive life.
Robin Alexander
Bob Jensen's threads on teaching evaluations are at
Bob Jensen's threads on teaching evaluations and learning styles are at
Professor Socrates' Teaching Evaluations: He's a Drag
"Hemlock Available in the Faculty Lounge advertisement Article tools," by
Thomas Cushman, The Chronicle of Higher Education, March 16, 2007 --- id=6fnxs4gx7j6qr4v7qn567y5hb52ywb33
Teaching evaluations have become a permanent fixture in the academic
environment. These instruments, through which students express their
true feelings about classes and profes-sors, can make or break an
instructor. What would students say if they had Socrates as a
professor? This class on
philosophy was really good, Professor Socrates is sooooo smart,
I want to be just like him when I graduate (except not so short). I
was amazed at how he could take just about any argument and prove it
I would advise him, though, that he doesn't
know everything, and one time he even said in class that the wise
man is someone who knows that he knows little (Prof. Socrates, how
about that sexist language!?). I don't think he even realizes at
times that he contradicts himself. But I see that he is just eager
to share his vast knowledge with us, so I really think it is more a
sin of enthusiasm than anything else.
I liked most of the meetings, except when
Thrasymachus came. He was completely arrogant, and I really resented
his male rage and his point of view. I guess I kind of liked him,
though, because he stood up to Prof. Socrates, but I think he is
against peace and justice and has no place in the modern university.
Also, the course could use more women
(hint: Prof. Socrates, maybe next time you could have your wife
Xanthippe come in and we can ask questions about your home life!
Does she resent the fact that you spend so much time with your
students?). All in all, though, I highly recommend both the course
and the instructor.
Socrates is a real drag, I don't
know how in hell he ever got tenure. He makes students feel bad by
criticizing them all the time. He pretends like he's teaching them,
but he's really ramming his ideas down student's throtes. He's
always taking over the conversation and hardly lets anyone get a
word in.
He's sooo arrogant. One time in class this
guy comes in with some real good perspectives and Socrates just kept
shooting him down. Anything the guy said Socrates just thought he
was better than him.
He always keeps talking about these figures
in a cave, like they really have anything to do with the real
world. Give me a break! I spend serious money for my education and I
need something I can use in the real world, not some b.s. about
shadows and imaginary trolls who live in caves.
He also talks a lot about things we haven't
read for class and expects us to read all the readings on the
syllabus even if we don't discuss them in class and that really bugs
me. Students' only have so much time and I didn't pay him to torture
me with all that extra crap.
If you want to get anxious and depressed,
take his course. Otherwise, steer clear of him! (Oh yeah, his
grading is really subjective, he doesn't give any formal exams or
papers so its hard to know where you stand in the class and when you
try to talk to him about grades he just gets all agitated and
changes the topic.)
For someone who is always
challenging conventional wisdom (if I heard that term one more time
I was going to die), Professor Socrates' ideal republic is pretty
darn static. I mean there is absolutely no room to move there in
terms of intellectual development and social change.
Also, I was taking this course on queer
theory and one of the central concepts was "phallocentricism" and I
was actually glad to have taken Socrates because he is a living,
breathing phallocentrist!
Also, I believe this Republic that Prof.
Socrates wants to design — as if anyone really wants to let this
dreadful little man design an entire city — is nothing but a plan
for a hegemonic, masculinist empire that will dominate all of Greece
and enforce its own values and beliefs on the diverse communities of
our multicultural society.
I was warned about this man by my adviser
in women's studies. I don't see that anything other than white male
patriarchy can explain his omnipresence in the agora and it
certainly is evident that he contributes nothing to a multicultural
learning environment. In fact, his whole search for the Truth is
evidence of his denial of the virtual infinitude of epistemic
realities (that term wasn't from queer theory, but from French lit,
but it was amazing to see how applicable it was to queer theory).
One thing in his defense is that he was
much more positive toward gay and lesbian people. Actually, there
was this one guy in class, Phaedroh or something like that, who
Socrates was always looking at and one day they both didn't come to
class and they disappeared for the whole day. I'm quite sure that
something is going on there and that the professor is abusing his
power over this student.
I learned a lot in this class, a lot
of things I never knew before. From what I heard from other
students, Professor Socrates is kind of weird, and at first I agreed
with them, but then I figured out what he was up to. He showed us
that the answers to some really important questions already are in
our minds.
I really like how he says that he is not so
much a teacher, but a facilitator. That works for me because I
really dislike the way most professors just read their lectures and
have us write them all down and just regurgitate them back on tests
and papers. We need more professors like Professor Socrates who are
willing to challenge students by presenting materials in new and
exciting ways.
I actually came out of this class with more
questions than answers, which bothered me and made me uncomfortable
in the beginning, but Professor Socrates made me realize that that's
what learning is all about. I think it is the only class I ever took
which made me feel like a different person afterward. I would highly
recommend this class to students who want to try a different way of
I don't know why all the people are
so pissed at Professor Socrates! They say he's corrupting us, but
it's really them that are corrupt. I know some people resent his
aggressive style, but that's part of the dialectic. Kudos to you,
Professor Socrates, you've really changed my way of thinking! Socs
My first thought about this class
was: this guy is really ugly. Then I thought, well, he's just
a little hard on the eyes. Finally, I came to see that he was kind
of cute. Before I used to judge everyone based on first impressions,
but I learned that their outward appearances can be seen in
different ways through different lenses.
I learned a lot in this class, especially
about justice. I always thought that justice was just punishing
people for doing things against the law and stuff. I was really
blown away by the idea that justice means doing people no harm (and
thanks to Prof. Socrates, I now know that the people you think are
your enemies might be your friends and vice versa, I applied that to
the people in my dorm and he was absolutely right).
An excellent class over all. One thing I
could suggest is that he take a little more care about his personal
appearance, because as we all know, first impressions are lasting
Socrates is bias and prejudice and a
racist and a sexist and a homophobe. He stole his ideas from the
African people and won't even talk to them now. Someone said that
maybe he was part African, but there is noooooo way.
Thomas Cushman is a professor of sociology at Wellesley
College. |
Grade inflation begins before students attend college
When are all the millions of A grades of applicants really A+ grades for
the very top students?
In the cat-and-mouse maneuvering over admission to
prestigious colleges and universities, thousands of high schools have simply
stopped providing that information, concluding it could harm the chances of
their very good, but not best, students. Canny college officials, in turn, have
found a tactical way to respond. Using broad data that high schools often
provide, like a distribution of grade averages for an entire senior class, they
essentially recreate an applicant's class rank. The process has left them
exasperated. "If we're looking at your son or daughter and you want us to know
that they are among the best in their school, without a rank we don't
necessarily know that," said Jim Bock, dean of admissions and financial aid at
Swarthmore College.
Alan Finder, "Schools Avoid Class Ranking, Vexing Colleges," The New York
Times, March 5, 2006 ---
Why grades are worse predictors of academic success than standardized
Several weeks into his first year of teaching math
at the High School of Arts and Technology in Manhattan, Austin Lampros received
a copy of the school’s grading policy. He took particular note of the
stipulation that a student who attended class even once during a semester, who
did absolutely nothing else, was to be given 45 points on the 100-point scale,
just 20 short of a passing mark.
Samuel G. Freedman, "A Teacher Grows Disillusioned After a ‘Fail’ Becomes a
‘Pass’," The New York Times, August 1, 2007 ---
That student, Indira Fernandez, had missed dozens
of class sessions and failed to turn in numerous homework assignments,
according to Mr. Lampros’s meticulous records, which he provided to The New
York Times. She had not even shown up to take the final exam. She did,
however, attend the senior prom.
Through the intercession of Ms. Geiger, Miss
Fernandez was permitted to retake the final after receiving two days of
personal tutoring from another math teacher. Even though her score of 66
still left her with a failing grade for the course as a whole by Mr.
Lampros’s calculations, Ms. Geiger gave the student a passing mark, which
allowed her to graduate.
Continued in article
Grades are even worse than tests as
predictors of success
"The Wrong Traditions in Admissions," by William E. Sedlacek, Inside
Higher Ed, July 27, 2007 ---
Grades and test scores have worked well as the
prime criteria to evaluate applicants for admission, haven’t they? No!
You’ve probably heard people say that over and over again, and figured that
if the admissions experts believe it, you shouldn’t question them. But that
long held conventional wisdom just isn’t true. Whatever value tests and
grades have had in the past has been severely diminished. There are many
reasons for this conclusion, including greater diversity among applicants by
race, gender, sexual orientation and other dimensions that interact with
career interests. Predicting success with so much variety among applicants
with grades and test scores asks too much of those previous stalwarts of
selection. They were never intended to carry such a heavy expectation and
they just can’t do the job anymore, even if they once did. Another reason is
purely statistical. We have had about 100 years to figure out how to measure
verbal and quantitative skills better but we just can’t do it.
are even worse than tests as predictors of success.
The major reason is
grade inflation. Everyone
is getting higher grades these days, including those in high
school, college, graduate, and professional school. Students
are bunching up at the top of the grade distribution and we
can’t distinguish among them in selecting who would make the
best student at the next level.
We need a fresh approach. It is not good enough to feel
constrained by the limitations of our current ways of
conceiving of tests and grades. Instead of asking; “How can
we make the SAT and other such tests better?” or “How can we
adjust grades to make them better predictors of success?” we
need to ask; “What kinds of measures will meet our needs now
and in the future?” We do not need to ignore our current
tests and grades, we need to add some new measures that
expand the potential we can derive from assessment.
We appear to
have forgotten why tests were created in the first place.
While they were always considered to be useful in evaluating
candidates, they were also considered to be more equitable
than using prior grades because of the variation in quality
among high schools.
Test results
should be useful to educators — whether involved in
academics or student services — by providing the basis to
help students learn better and to analyze their needs. As
currently designed, tests do not accomplish these
objectives. How many of you have ever heard a colleague say
“I can better educate my students because I know their SAT
scores”? We need some things from our tests that currently
we are not getting. We need tests that are fair to all and
provide a good assessment of the developmental and learning
needs of students, while being useful in selecting
outstanding applicants. Our current tests don’t do that.
The rallying
cry of “all for one and one for all” is one that is used
often in developing what are thought of as fair and
equitable measures. Commonly, the interpretation of how to
handle diversity is to hone and fine-tune tests so they are
work equally well for everyone (or at least to try to do
that). However, if different groups have different
experiences and varied ways of presenting their attributes
and abilities, it is unlikely that one could develop a
single measure, scale, test item etc. that could yield
equally valid scores for all. If we concentrate on results
rather than intentions, we could conclude that it is
important to do an equally good job of selection for each
group, not that we need to use the same measures for all to
accomplish that goal. Equality of results, not process is
most important.
we should seek to retain the variance due to culture, race,
gender, and other aspects of non-traditionality that may
exist across diverse groups in our measures, rather than
attempt to eliminate it. I define non-traditional persons as
those with cultural experiences different from those of
white middle-class males of European descent; those with
less power to control their lives; and those who experience
discrimination in the United States.
the term “noncognitive” appears to be precise and
“scientific” sounding, it has been used to describe a wide
variety of attributes. Mostly it has been defined as
something other than grades and test scores, including
activities, school honors, personal statements, student
involvement etc. In many cases those espousing noncognitive
variables have confused a method (e.g. letters of
recommendation) with what variable is being measured. One
can look for many different things in a letter.
Robert Sternberg’s system of
viewing intelligence provides a model, but is important to
know what sorts of abilities are being assessed and that
those attributes are not just proxies for verbal and
quantitative test scores. Noncognitive variables appear to
be in Sternberg’s experiential and contextual domains, while
standardized tests tend to reflect the componential domain.
Noncognitive variables are useful for all students, they are
particularly critical for non-traditional students, since
standardized tests and prior grades may provide only a
limited view of their potential.
I and
my colleagues and students have developed a system of
noncognitive variables that has worked well in many
situations. The eight variables in the system are
self-concept, realistic self-appraisal, handling the system
(racism), long range goals, strong support person,
community, leadership, and nontraditional knowledge.
Measures of these dimensions are available at no cost in a
variety of articles and in a book,
Beyond the Big Test.
Web site has previously featured how
Oregon State University has used a
version of this system very successfully in increasing their
diversity and student success. Aside from increased
retention of students, better referrals for student services
have been experienced at Oregon State. The system has also
been employed in selecting Gates Millennium Scholars. This
program, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,
provides full scholarships to undergraduate and graduate
students of color from low-income families. The SAT scores
of those not selected for scholarships were somewhat higher
than those selected. To date this program has provided
scholarships to more than 10,000 students attending more
than 1,300 different colleges and universities. Their
college GPAs are about 3.25, with five year retention rates
of 87.5 percent and five year graduation rates of 77.5
percent, while attending some of the most selective colleges
in the country. About two thirds are majoring in science and
Washington State Achievers program
has also employed the noncognitive variable system discussed
above in identifying students from certain high schools that
have received assistance from an intensive school reform
program also funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
More than 40 percent of the students in this program are
white, and overall the students in the program are enrolling
in colleges and universities in the state and are doing
well. The program provides high school and college mentors
for students. The
College Success Foundation is
introducing a similar program in Washington, D.C., using the
noncognitive variables my colleagues and I have developed.
articles in this publication have discussed programs at the
Educational Testing Service for
graduate students and
Tufts University for
undergraduates that have incorporated noncognitive
variables. While I applaud the efforts for reasons I have
discussed here, there are questions I would ask of each
program. What variables are you assessing in the program? Do
the variables reflect diversity conceptually? What evidence
do you have that the variables assessed correlate with
student success? Are the evaluators of the applications
trained to understand how individuals from varied
backgrounds may present their attributes differently? Have
the programs used the research available on noncognitive
variables in developing their systems? How well are the
individuals selected doing in school compared to those
rejected or those selected using another system? What are
the costs to the applicants? If there are increased costs to
applicants, why are they not covered by ETS or Tufts?
Until these
and related questions are answered these two programs seem
like interesting ideas worth watching. In the meantime we
can learn from the programs described above that have been
successful in employing noncognitive variables. It is
important for educators to resist half measures and to
confront fully the many flaws of the traditional ways higher
education has evaluated applicants.
CUNY to Raise SAT Requirements for Admission
The City University of New York is beginning a drive to
raise admissions requirements at its senior colleges, its first broad revision
since its trustees voted to bar students needing remedial instruction from its
bachelor’s degree programs nine years ago. In 2008, freshmen will have to show
math SAT scores 20 to 30 points higher than they do now to enter the
university’s top-tier colleges — Baruch, Brooklyn, City, Hunter and Queens — and
its six other senior colleges.
Karen W. Arenson, "CUNY Plans to Raise Its Admissions Standards," The New
York Times, July 28, 2007 ---
Grades are even worse than tests as
predictors of success
"The Wrong Traditions in Admissions," by William E. Sedlacek, Inside
Higher Ed, July 27, 2007 ---
Grades and test scores have worked well as the
prime criteria to evaluate applicants for admission, haven’t they? No!
You’ve probably heard people say that over and over again, and figured that
if the admissions experts believe it, you shouldn’t question them. But that
long held conventional wisdom just isn’t true. Whatever value tests and
grades have had in the past has been severely diminished. There are many
reasons for this conclusion, including greater diversity among applicants by
race, gender, sexual orientation and other dimensions that interact with
career interests. Predicting success with so much variety among applicants
with grades and test scores asks too much of those previous stalwarts of
selection. They were never intended to carry such a heavy expectation and
they just can’t do the job anymore, even if they once did. Another reason is
purely statistical. We have had about 100 years to figure out how to measure
verbal and quantitative skills better but we just can’t do it.
are even worse than tests as predictors of success.
The major reason is
grade inflation. Everyone
is getting higher grades these days, including those in high
school, college, graduate, and professional school. Students
are bunching up at the top of the grade distribution and we
can’t distinguish among them in selecting who would make the
best student at the next level.
We need a fresh approach. It is not good enough to feel
constrained by the limitations of our current ways of
conceiving of tests and grades. Instead of asking; “How can
we make the SAT and other such tests better?” or “How can we
adjust grades to make them better predictors of success?” we
need to ask; “What kinds of measures will meet our needs now
and in the future?” We do not need to ignore our current
tests and grades, we need to add some new measures that
expand the potential we can derive from assessment.
We appear to
have forgotten why tests were created in the first place.
While they were always considered to be useful in evaluating
candidates, they were also considered to be more equitable
than using prior grades because of the variation in quality
among high schools.
Test results
should be useful to educators — whether involved in
academics or student services — by providing the basis to
help students learn better and to analyze their needs. As
currently designed, tests do not accomplish these
objectives. How many of you have ever heard a colleague say
“I can better educate my students because I know their SAT
scores”? We need some things from our tests that currently
we are not getting. We need tests that are fair to all and
provide a good assessment of the developmental and learning
needs of students, while being useful in selecting
outstanding applicants. Our current tests don’t do that.
The rallying
cry of “all for one and one for all” is one that is used
often in developing what are thought of as fair and
equitable measures. Commonly, the interpretation of how to
handle diversity is to hone and fine-tune tests so they are
work equally well for everyone (or at least to try to do
that). However, if different groups have different
experiences and varied ways of presenting their attributes
and abilities, it is unlikely that one could develop a
single measure, scale, test item etc. that could yield
equally valid scores for all. If we concentrate on results
rather than intentions, we could conclude that it is
important to do an equally good job of selection for each
group, not that we need to use the same measures for all to
accomplish that goal. Equality of results, not process is
most important.
we should seek to retain the variance due to culture, race,
gender, and other aspects of non-traditionality that may
exist across diverse groups in our measures, rather than
attempt to eliminate it. I define non-traditional persons as
those with cultural experiences different from those of
white middle-class males of European descent; those with
less power to control their lives; and those who experience
discrimination in the United States.
the term “noncognitive” appears to be precise and
“scientific” sounding, it has been used to describe a wide
variety of attributes. Mostly it has been defined as
something other than grades and test scores, including
activities, school honors, personal statements, student
involvement etc. In many cases those espousing noncognitive
variables have confused a method (e.g. letters of
recommendation) with what variable is being measured. One
can look for many different things in a letter.
Robert Sternberg’s system of
viewing intelligence provides a model, but is important to
know what sorts of abilities are being assessed and that
those attributes are not just proxies for verbal and
quantitative test scores. Noncognitive variables appear to
be in Sternberg’s experiential and contextual domains, while
standardized tests tend to reflect the componential domain.
Noncognitive variables are useful for all students, they are
particularly critical for non-traditional students, since
standardized tests and prior grades may provide only a
limited view of their potential.
I and
my colleagues and students have developed a system of
noncognitive variables that has worked well in many
situations. The eight variables in the system are
self-concept, realistic self-appraisal, handling the system
(racism), long range goals, strong support person,
community, leadership, and nontraditional knowledge.
Measures of these dimensions are available at no cost in a
variety of articles and in a book,
Beyond the Big Test.
Web site has previously featured how
Oregon State University has used a
version of this system very successfully in increasing their
diversity and student success. Aside from increased
retention of students, better referrals for student services
have been experienced at Oregon State. The system has also
been employed in selecting Gates Millennium Scholars. This
program, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,
provides full scholarships to undergraduate and graduate
students of color from low-income families. The SAT scores
of those not selected for scholarships were somewhat higher
than those selected. To date this program has provided
scholarships to more than 10,000 students attending more
than 1,300 different colleges and universities. Their
college GPAs are about 3.25, with five year retention rates
of 87.5 percent and five year graduation rates of 77.5
percent, while attending some of the most selective colleges
in the country. About two thirds are majoring in science and
Washington State Achievers program
has also employed the noncognitive variable system discussed
above in identifying students from certain high schools that
have received assistance from an intensive school reform
program also funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
More than 40 percent of the students in this program are
white, and overall the students in the program are enrolling
in colleges and universities in the state and are doing
well. The program provides high school and college mentors
for students. The
College Success Foundation is
introducing a similar program in Washington, D.C., using the
noncognitive variables my colleagues and I have developed.
articles in this publication have discussed programs at the
Educational Testing Service for
graduate students and
Tufts University for
undergraduates that have incorporated noncognitive
variables. While I applaud the efforts for reasons I have
discussed here, there are questions I would ask of each
program. What variables are you assessing in the program? Do
the variables reflect diversity conceptually? What evidence
do you have that the variables assessed correlate with
student success? Are the evaluators of the applications
trained to understand how individuals from varied
backgrounds may present their attributes differently? Have
the programs used the research available on noncognitive
variables in developing their systems? How well are the
individuals selected doing in school compared to those
rejected or those selected using another system? What are
the costs to the applicants? If there are increased costs to
applicants, why are they not covered by ETS or Tufts?
Until these
and related questions are answered these two programs seem
like interesting ideas worth watching. In the meantime we
can learn from the programs described above that have been
successful in employing noncognitive variables. It is
important for educators to resist half measures and to
confront fully the many flaws of the traditional ways higher
education has evaluated applicants.
Why grades are worse predictors of academic
success than standardized tests
Several weeks into his first year of teaching math
at the High School of Arts and Technology in Manhattan, Austin Lampros received
a copy of the school’s grading policy. He took particular note of the
stipulation that a student who attended class even once during a semester, who
did absolutely nothing else, was to be given 45 points on the 100-point scale,
just 20 short of a passing mark.
Samuel G. Freedman, "A Teacher Grows Disillusioned After a ‘Fail’ Becomes a
‘Pass’," The New York Times, August 1, 2007 ---
That student, Indira Fernandez, had missed dozens
of class sessions and failed to turn in numerous homework assignments,
according to Mr. Lampros’s meticulous records, which he provided to The New
York Times. She had not even shown up to take the final exam. She did,
however, attend the senior prom.
Through the intercession of Ms. Geiger, Miss
Fernandez was permitted to retake the final after receiving two days of
personal tutoring from another math teacher. Even though her score of 66
still left her with a failing grade for the course as a whole by Mr.
Lampros’s calculations, Ms. Geiger gave the student a passing mark, which
allowed her to graduate.
Continued in article
CUNY to Raise SAT Requirements for Admission
The City University of New York is beginning a drive to
raise admissions requirements at its senior colleges, its first broad revision
since its trustees voted to bar students needing remedial instruction from its
bachelor’s degree programs nine years ago. In 2008, freshmen will have to show
math SAT scores 20 to 30 points higher than they do now to enter the
university’s top-tier colleges — Baruch, Brooklyn, City, Hunter and Queens — and
its six other senior colleges.
Karen W. Arenson, "CUNY Plans to Raise Its Admissions Standards," The New
York Times, July 28, 2007 ---
Note the Stress on Grades (Point 4 Below)
"Playbook: Does Your School Make The Grade? Here are four things to consider
when applying to an undergrad business program" by Louis
Lavelle, with Geoff Gloeckler and Jane Porter, Business Week, March 19,
2007 ---
Click Here
1. Once considered a haven for less academically gifted
students, undergraduate business programs are raising their
standards. With more students beating a path to their doors, many
B-schools are boosting their admissions criteria and getting
At schools with four-year programs, sat and act requirements have
gone up. The average sat score for freshmen admitted to the Indiana
University business program, where applications nearly doubled last
year, is now 1340—up from 1312 in 2005-2006 and a full 343 points
higher than the national average for test takers who intend to major
in business. At universities with two-year business programs,
especially those like the University of Iowa where more than 2,000
declared business majors are waiting to join a program designed for
1,300, gpa requirements in pre-business courses are rising, too.
For students, the higher bar requires a strategic rethink. Many
already take standardized tests multiple times to maximize scores.
Those with lower scores who are applying directly to four-year
business programs are beefing up their applications in other ways,
including taking part in extracurricular activities and
fund-raisers. Savvy applicants assess the likelihood of being
accepted at their first-choice schools and give more thought to less
selective "safety" schools.
Those applying to a four-year school with a two-year business
program are advised to contemplate what they'll do if they can't
find places as juniors. Can credits accumulated in the first two
years be transferred to another school? Can one stay put, declare
another major, and obtain a minor in business instead?
2. Undergraduate business education used to be a local or
regional affair. That's changing. Today, many students attend
programs far from home.
Out-of-state schools may provide a broader array of programs than
those available in an applicant's home state. They include
leadership, entrepreneurship, and global business. A number of
schools have launched specialized programs that place students in
hard-to-crack industries that are located in the school's
backyard—such as sports marketing at the University of Oregon, home
state of Nike (NKE ) and Adidas, among others; energy commerce at
Texas Tech University; life sciences at Wharton; and both cinematic
arts and computer engineering at the University of Southern
If the academic offerings aren't enough to get the intellectual
juices flowing, consider this: Out-of-state tuition at top public
universities can be a bargain. Attending a top private B-school like
Wharton can easily cost more than $30,000 a year, excluding room and
board and other living expenses. A highly ranked public school like
the No. 2 University of Virginia costs $25,945; No. 13 University of
Texas at Austin is $22,580; and No. 15 University of North Carolina,
Many of the public schools have programs that are roughly on par
with private institutions—in terms of class size, faculty-student
ratios, and other measures. Public schools can also be easier to get
into. The average sat score at Wharton is 1430—compared with 1366
for Virginia, 1335 at unc, and 1275 for Texas-Austin.
Sometimes out-of-state schools, public or private, are better at
finding grads decent jobs. If a school has established recruiting
relationships with specific industries, it may be worth a look—no
matter where it is. Are you an aspiring accountant? All of the Big
Four firms recruit at Texas-Austin. Aiming for Wall Street?
Recruiters for eight financial-services giants are among the 10 top
recruiters at New York University. For a would-be "master of the
universe" living in Oklahoma who is considering the University of
Oklahoma—where no big investment banks recruit—the message is clear:
change career goals, or start packing.
3. Internships are a valuable learning experience. Since
many employers use them as extended tryouts for full-time positions,
they are also an important pipeline to the most coveted jobs. So
scoring one ought to be near the top of every undergrad's agenda.
Yet not all programs provide the same access to internships. At No.
5 University of Michigan, 92% of undergrads who completed our survey
had internships, compared with less than 25% at No. 81 University of
Texas at Dallas. And not all internships are created equal. Co-op
programs at the University of Cincinnati, Northeastern University,
and Penn State allow students to graduate with up to two years of
work experience. Elsewhere, a three-month summer internship is the
Why the disparity? For one thing, location matters. To a casual
observer there wouldn't appear to be much to differentiate the
undergraduate B-school program at Fordham University from that of
the University of Denver. Both are private, four-year programs.
Tuition and enrollment are almost identical. And in last year's
ranking they came in at No. 48 and No. 49, respectively. But at
Denver, 57 companies recruited undergrads for internships. At New
York-based Fordham: 200. Emily Sheu transferred from No. 4 Emory
University to No. 34 (this year) Fordham, where she had internships
at Bloomberg and Merrill Lynch & Co. (MER ) For her, it was all
about location. "Atlanta," she points out, "is no Manhattan."
Students at three- and four-year programs are more likely to take
in-depth business courses early, making them more competitive
internship candidates. That's one reason why the University of
Michigan is phasing out its two-year program in favor of a
three-year model. Also, watch out for summer school. When schools
schedule classes in the summer before the junior year, having more
than one internship before graduation becomes near-impossible.
4. Are grades really such a big deal? The answer is a
resounding "yes," especially for those considering schools like
Michigan, Babson College, Oregon, or Pennsylvania, where grading
curves are a fact of business school life. Curves designed to
counter grade inflation by limiting the number of As in any given
class can make it difficult for even high performers to land
interviews with some recruiters.
USC's Marshall School of Business grades students on a curve, with
professors expected to hold the average gpa to 3.0 in core courses
and 3.3 in electives. Most students will get a 3.0, or a B, in each
of their 10 core business courses. A handful will earn a slightly
higher grade, and the same number will earn a lower grade.
For recruiters trolling B-school campuses, a gpa of under 3.5 will
in many cases consign a résumé to the bottom of the stack. At
Marshall, most large employers take the grade structure into
consideration, so students are rarely passed over for interviews.
But for smaller companies not familiar with the school, students are
at a disadvantage. David Freeman, a recent Marshall grad, estimates
that he missed out on a dozen interviews because he didn't meet the
grade requirements companies were looking for. "Without the curve,
my gpa would have been high enough to qualify for these interviews,"
he says.
While a grading curve probably isn't a deal-breaker for students
choosing among a handful of schools, it's certainly something that
should be taken into consideration. It's worth asking, for example,
if the policy is school-wide or if individual professors make their
own rules, and whether the curve covers core courses, electives, or
Some students say that curves cause morale problems among students,
intensifying competition and making it harder to form meaningful
teams. Before enrolling in a program, prospective students should
find out what, if anything, the school is doing to counter those
Bob Jensen's threads on higher education controversies are at
Grade inflation carries on after they get to college
What was the average grade at Harvard in 1940?
In 1940, Harvard students had an unbelievable number of grades below a C
In 1940, more Harvard students had an average grade
of C- than any other GPA.
By 1986, that C- had ballooned to a B+. Today more
students receive As and Bs than ever before. And that’s about as far as
the consensus on grade inflation goes. Harry R. Lewis ‘68, dean of the
College, doesn’t even use the word without distancing himself from its
connotations. “I think that by far the dominant cause of grade ‘inflation’
at Harvard,” Lewis writes in an e-mail message, “is the application of
constant grading standards to the work of ever more talented students.”
Continued in article
The average grade in
leading private universities in 1992 was 3.11.
In 2002 it jumped to 3.26 on a four point scale.
Average undergraduate GPA for Alabama, California-Irvine, Carleton, Duke,
Florida, Georgia Tech, Hampden-Sydney, Harvard, Harvey Mudd, Nebraska-Kearney,
North Carolina-Chapel Hill, North Carolina-Greensboro, Northern Michigan,
Pomona, Princeton, Purdue, Texas, University of Washington, Utah, Wheaton
(Illinois), Winthrop, and Wisconsin-La Crosse. Note that inclusion in the
average does not imply that an institution has significant inflation. Data on
GPAs for each institution can be found at the bottom of this web page.
Institutions comprising this average were chosen strictly because they have
either published their data or have sent their data to the author on GPA
trends over the last 11 years. ---
inflation is emerging as the new leading scandal of higher education.
"The great grade-inflation lie Critics say that cushy grading is
producing ignorant college students and a bankrupt education system," by
Tom Scocca, The Boston Phoenix April 23 - 30, 1998 ---
October 18, 2005 message from Tracey Sutherland
Re new faculty, teaching assistants, and teaching
support -- there is an interesting body of literature developing sparked by
a project begun in the early 1990's that's known as the Preparing Future
Faculty initiative -- funded by the Pew Trusts, NSF, and others in
conjunction with the Council of Graduate Schools and AAC&U -- more at .
Our thread also seems to be spinning around the
relationships between effort/grades and student course evaluations -- those
with that interest may find a "Pop Quiz" on assumptions about student course
ratings interesting: .
Lower on the page at that link is also a brief summary
from Braskamp and Ory's "Assessing Faculty Work" a well-regarded book
including meta-analysis of research on student ratings that includes:
"Factors that are significantly and positively
associated with student ratings include the following: measures of
student achievement; alumni, peer and administrative ratings;
qualitative student comments; workload/difficulty level [ More difficult
courses, with a greater workload, receive slightly higher student
evaluations than do easier/lower workload courses]; energy and
enthusiasm of the teacher; status as a regular faculty member (as
opposed to a graduate assistant); faculty research productivity; student
motivation; student expected grade; and course level. The size and
practical significance of these relationships vary. For example, most
agree that there is little practical significance to the small positive
correlation between expected grade and student ratings, and between
faculty research productivity and student ratings. Similarly, research
shows a small and negative, but practically insignificant, relationship
between class size and student ratings."
"Factors generally found to be unrelated to
student ratings include faculty age and teaching experience,
instructor's gender, most faculty personality traits, student's age,
class level of student, student's GPA, student's personality, and
student's gender (with the exception of a slight preference for same-sex
Just grist for the mill!
October 18, 2005 reply from Bob Jensen
One of
the problems with studying correlations between teaching evaluations and
grades is that the data are corrupted by grade inflation prior to the
collection of the data. Research studies have shown that, when teaching
evaluations started to become disclosed for performance and tenure
evaluation decisions, grade inflation commenced. Some of these studies,
such as those at Duke, Rutgers, and Montana are summarized below.
it may be difficult to conclude that grading and teaching evaluations are
not really correlated if the grade inflation took place before the data were
the years I’ve seen teaching evaluations of many faculty. One thing that I
noticed about grading and teaching evaluations is that students will hammer
on instructors who they think has an “unfair” grading policy. Unfairness
can be defined in terms of teachers having “pets” and/or to “ambiguity” over
what it takes to get an A grade.
Ambiguity is a real problem! Many faculty think that ambiguity is important
when educating students about real world complexities. If course content
(e.g., cases and essay assignments) are ambiguous, it becomes more difficult
to avoid ambiguity in the grading process. I think some of the most serious
grade inflation took place in courses where instructors wanted to leave
ambiguity in course content and not get hammered on teaching evaluations due
to student frustrations over grades. This is especially common in graduate
schools where virtually all grades are either A or B grades and a C is
tantamount to an F.
Bob Jensen
Grade Inflation from High School to Graduate School
The Boston Globe reports seeing 30- 40 valedictorians per class
Extra credit for AP courses, parental lobbying and genuine hard work by the
most competitive students have combined to shatter any semblance of a Bell curve
An increasing number of Canada's business schools are literally selling MBAs to
generate revenue
[some] professors who say their colleagues are so afraid of bad student
evaluations that they are placating students with A's and B's.
From Jim Mahar's blog on November 24, 2006 ---
Grade inflation from HS to Grad school
Three related stories that are not strictly
speaking finance but that should be of interest to most in academia.
In the first article, which is from the
Ottawa Citizen,
accelerated and executive MBA
programs come under attack for their supposed detrimantal impact on
learning in favor of revenue.
MBAs dumbed down for profit:
"An increasing number of Canada's business
schools are literally selling MBAs to generate revenue for their
ravenous budgets, according to veteran Concordia University finance
professor Alan Hochstein.
That apparent trend to make master of business administration
degrees easier to achieve at a premium cost is leading to
'sub-standard education for enormous fees,' the self-proclaimed
whistleblower said yesterday"
The second article is a widely reported AP article
that that centers on High School grade inflation. This high school issue
not only makes the admissions process more difficult but it also
influences the behavior of the students ("complaining works") and their
their grade expectations ("I have always gotten A's and therefore I
deserve on here").
A few look-ins from
Boston Globe's version:
"Extra credit for AP courses, parental
lobbying and genuine hard work by the most competitive students have
combined to shatter any semblance of a Bell curve, one in which 'A's
are reserved only for the very best. For example, of the 47,317
applications the University of California, Los Angeles, received for
this fall's freshman class, nearly 21,000 had GPAs of 4.0 or above."
or consider this:
""We're seeing 30, 40 valedictorians at a high
school because they don't want to create these distinctions between
"The average high school GPA increased from
2.68 to 2.94 between 1990 and 2000, according to a federal study."
This is not just a High School problem. In part
because of an agency cost problem (professors have incentives to grade
leniently even if it is to the detriment of students), the same issues
are regular discussions topics at all colleges as well. For instance
consider this story from the
Denver Post.
"A proposal to disclose class rank on student
transcripts has ignited a debate among University of Colorado
professors with starkly different views on whether grade inflation
is a problem....
[some] professors who say their colleagues are
so afraid of bad student evaluations that they are placating
students with A's and B's.
The few professors who grade honestly end
up with dismal scores on student evaluations, which affect their
salaries, professor Paul Levitt said. There is also the "endless
parade of malcontents" in their offices."
I would love to wrap this up with my own
solution, but obviously it is a tough problem to which there are no easy
solutions. That said, maybe it is time that I personally look back at my
past years' class grades to make sure I am not getting too soft. If we
all did that, we'd at least make a dent in the problem.
"Admissions boards face 'grade inflation'," by Justin Pope, Boston
Globe, November 18, 2006 ---
Click Here
That means he will have to find other ways to stand
"It's extremely difficult," he said. "I spent all
summer writing my essay. We even hired a private tutor to make sure that
essay was the best it can be. But even with that, it's like I'm just kind of
leveling the playing field." Last year, he even considered transferring out
of his highly competitive public school, to some place where his grades
would look better.
Some call the phenomenon that Zalasky's fighting
"grade inflation" -- implying the boost is undeserved. Others say students
are truly earning their better marks. Regardless, it's a trend that's been
building for years and may only be accelerating: Many students are getting
very good grades. So many, in fact, it is getting harder and harder for
colleges to use grades as a measuring stick for applicants.
Extra credit for AP courses, parental lobbying and
genuine hard work by the most competitive students have combined to shatter
any semblance of a Bell curve, one in which 'A's are reserved only for the
very best. For example, of the 47,317 applications the University of
California, Los Angeles, received for this fall's freshman class, nearly
21,000 had GPAs of 4.0 or above.
That's also making it harder for the most selective
colleges -- who often call grades the single most important factor in
admissions -- to join in a growing movement to lessen the influence of
standardized tests.
"We're seeing 30, 40 valedictorians at a high
school because they don't want to create these distinctions between
students," said Jess Lord, dean of admission and financial aid at Haverford
College in Pennsylvania. "If we don't have enough information, there's a
chance we'll become more heavily reliant on test scores, and that's a real
negative to me."
Standardized tests have endured a heap of bad
publicity lately, with the SAT raising anger about its expanded length and
recent scoring problems. A number of schools have stopped requiring tests
scores, to much fanfare.
Continued in article
"Regents evaluate grade inflation: Class Ranking Debated," by
Jennifer Brown, Denver Post, November 2, 2006 ---
A proposal to disclose class rank on student
transcripts has ignited a debate among University of Colorado professors
with starkly different views on whether grade inflation is a problem.
On one side are faculty who attribute the climbing
grade-point averages at CU to the improved qualifications of entering
students in the past dozen years.
And on the other are professors who say their
colleagues are so afraid of bad student evaluations that they are placating
students with A's and B's.
One Boulder English professor said departments
should eliminate raises for faculty if the GPAs within the department rise
above a designated level.
The few professors who grade honestly end up with
dismal scores on student evaluations, which affect their salaries, professor
Paul Levitt said. There is also the "endless parade of malcontents" in their
"You have to be a masochist to proceed in that
way," said Levitt, one of 10 professors and business leaders who spoke to CU
regents about grade inflation Wednesday.
CU president Hank Brown suggested in August that
the university take on grade inflation by putting class rank or
grade-point-average percentiles on student transcripts.
Changing the transcripts would give potential
employers and graduate schools a clearer picture of student achievement,
Brown said.
At the Boulder campus, the average GPA rose from
2.87 in 1993 to 2.99 in 2004.
Regents are not likely to vote on the issue for a
couple of months.
Regent Tom Lucero wants to go beyond Brown's
suggestion and model CU's policy after Princeton University, where
administrators instituted a limit on A's two years ago.
"As long as we do something to address this issue,
I'll be happy nonetheless," he said.
But many professors believe academic rigor is a
faculty issue and regents should stay out of it.
"Top-down initiatives ... will likely breed not
higher expectations but a growing sense of cynicism," said a report from the
Boulder Faculty Assembly, which opposes Brown's proposals.
Still, the group wrote that even though grade
inflation has been "modest," the issue of academic rigor "deserves serious
ongoing scrutiny."
"More important than the consideration of grades is
the quality of education our students receive," said Boulder communication
professor Jerry Hauser.
CU graduates are getting jobs at top firms, landing
spots in elite graduate schools and having no trouble passing bar or
licensing exams, he said.
But faculty who believe grade inflation is a
serious problem said they welcome regent input.
Ignorant of Their Ignorance
My undergraduate
students can’t accurately predict their academic performance or skill levels.
Earlier in the semester, a writing assignment on study styles revealed that 14
percent of my undergraduate English composition students considered themselves
“overachievers.” Not one of those students was receiving an A in my course by
midterm. Fifty percent were receiving a C, another third was receiving B’s and
the remainder had earned failing grades by midterm. One student wrote,
“overachievers like myself began a long time ago.” She received a 70 percent on
her first paper and a low C at midterm.
Shari Wilson, "Ignorant of Their
Ignorance," Inside Higher Ed, November 16, 2006 ---
Jensen comment
This does not bode well for self assessment.
What not to say to your professor/instructor
Top Ten No Sympathy Lines (Plus a Few Extra) ---
Here are some samples:
Think of it as a TOP TEN list with a few bonus items:
- This Course Covered Too Much Material...
- The Expected Grade Just for Coming to Class is
a B
- I Disagreed With the Professor's Stand on ----
- Some Topics in Class Weren't on the Exams
- Do You Give Out a Study Guide?
- I Studied for Hours
- I Know The Material - I Just Don't Do Well on
- I Don't Have Time For All This (...but you
don't understand - I have a job.)
- Students Are Customers
- Do I Need to Know This?
- There Was Too Much Memorization
- This Course Wasn't Relevant
- Exams Don't Reflect Real Life
- I Paid Good Money for This Course and I
Deserve a Good Grade
- All I Want Is The Diploma
RateMyProfessors has some real-world examples of comments that professors
hated even worse ---
A few samples are shown below:
- You can't cheat in her class because no one knows the answers.
- His class was like milk, it was good for 2 weeks.
- Houston, we have a problem. Space cadet of a teacher, isn't quite
attached to earth.
- I would have been better off using the tuition money to heat my
apartment last winter.
- Three of my friends got A's in his class and my friends are dumb.
- Emotional scarring may fade away, but that big fat F on your transcript
- Evil computer science teaching robot who crushes humans for pleasure.
- Miserable professor - I wish I could sum him up without foul language.
- Instant amnesia walking into this class. I swear he breathes sleeping
- BORING! But I learned there are 137 tiles on the ceiling.
- Not only is the book a better teacher, it also has a better personality.
- Teaches well, invites questions and then insults you for 20 minutes.
- This teacher was a firecracker in a pond of slithery tadpoles.
- I learned how to hate a language I already know.
- Very good course, because I only went to one class.
- He will destroy you like an academic ninja.
- Bring a pillow.
- Your pillow will need a pillow.
- If I was tested on her family, I would have gotten an A.
- She hates you already.
Blackboard Will Soon Do Online Course Evaluations:
Should They Be Shared With the Administrators and/or the Public?
"Digital Assessments," by David Epstein, Inside Higher
Ed, June 20, 2006 ---
Assessment is quickly becoming the new black. It’s
one of the themes of the Secretary of Education’s
Commission on the Future of Higher Education. More
and more institutions, some prodded by accreditors, are looking for rigorous
ways — often online — to compile course data.
Blackboard, a leading provider of course
management software, is making plans to enter the assessment field.
Blackboard already offers the capability to do
course evaluations, and for over a year-and-a-half the company has been
researching more comprehensive assessment practices.
The prospect of online evaluations and assessments,
for many faculty members, conjures images of, the unrestricted
free-for-all where over 700,000 professors are rated — often to their dismay
— by anonymous reviewers. Blackboard — and some others are looking to enter
the evaluation field — are planning very different and more educationally
oriented models. Blackboard’s approach is more oriented on evaluating the
course than the professor.
Blackboard has generally enjoyed a good reputation
among faculty members, dating to its beginnings as a small startup. One of
the things that has endeared Blackboard to academics is the ability they
have had to customize the company’s products, and Blackboard, though it’s no
longer small, will seek to keep important controls in the hands of
With institutions looking to do evaluations and
assessment online, Debra Humphreys, a spokeswoman with the Association of
American Colleges and Universities, said that Blackboard’s outcomes
assessment program “could make trends that are already underway easier for
David Yaskin, vice president for product marketing
at Blackboard, said that a key component of Blackboard’s system — which is
in development — will likely be online portfolios that can be tracked in
accordance with learning outcomes that are determined by faculty members,
departments or institutions.
Yaskin said he’d like to see a system with
“established outcomes, and a student has to provide evidence” of progress
toward those outcomes, whether in the form of papers, photography
collections or other relevant measures. Yaskin added that faculty members
could create test questions as well, if they are so inclined, but that, for
Blackboard’s part, the “current plan is not to use centralized testing in
version 1.0, because higher ed is focused on higher orders of learning.”
One of the most powerful aspects of the program,
Yaskin said, will likely be its ability to compile data and slice it in
different ways. Institutions can create core sets of questions they want,
for a course evaluation, for example, but individual departments and
instructors can tailor other questions, and each level of the hierarchy can
look at its own data. Yaskin said that it’s important to allow each level of
that hierarchy to remain autonomous. He added that there should be a way for
“faculty members to opt out” of providing the data they got from tailored
questions to their superiors if they want. Otherwise, he said, faculty
members might be reticent to make full use of the system to find out how
courses can be improved.
Yaskin added that, if certain core outcomes are
defined by a department, the department can use the system to track the
progress of students as they move from lower to upper level courses.
Because Blackboard, which bought WebCT, has 3,650
clients, any service it can sell to its base could spread very quickly.
While details on pricing aren’t available, the assessment services will be
sold individually from course management software.
The idea of online evaluation is not new.
Blackboard has been looking to colleges already using online course
evaluations and assessments for ideas.
Washington University in St. Louis — which wasn’t
one of the consulted institutions named by Blackboard — took over five years
to develop an internal online course evaluation system. A faculty member in
the anthropology department developed templates, and other faculty members
can add specific questions. Students then have access to loads of numerical
data, including average scores by department, but the comments are reserved
for professors. Henry Biggs, associate dean of Washington University’s
College of Arts and Sciences, was involved with the creation of the system,
and said that too much flexibility can take away from the reliability of an
evaluation or assessment system.
Washington University professors have to petition
if they want their ratings withheld. “If faculty members can decide what to
make public, there can be credibility issues,” Biggs said. “It’s great for
faculty members to have a lot of options, but, essentially, by giving a lot
of options you can create a very un-level playing field.”
Biggs said that the Blackboard system could be
great for institutions that don’t have the resources to create their own
system, but that a lot of time is required of faculty members and
administrators to manage an assessment system even if the fundamental
technology is in place. “The only way it can really work is if there are
staff that are either hired, or redirected to focus entirely on getting that
set up,” Biggs said. “I don’t think you will find professors with time to do
Humphreys added that “the real time is the labor”
from faculty members, and that technology often doesn’t make things so much
easier, but may make something like assessments better. “People think of
technology as saving time and money,” Humphries said. “It rarely is that,
but it usually adds value,” like the ability to manipulate data extensively.
Some third-party course evaluation systems already
offer tons of data services. has been working with
institutions — about two dozen clients currently — for around three years
doing online evaluations.
Online Course Evaluations, according to president
Larry Piegza, also allows an institution to develop follow-up questions to
evaluation questions. If an evaluation asks, for example, if an instructor
spoke audibly and clearly, Piegza said, a follow-up question asking what
could be done – use a microphone; face the students – to improve the
situation can be set to pop up automatically. Additionally, faculty members
can sort data by ratings, so they can see comments from all the students who
ripped them, or who praised them, and check for a theme. “We want teachers
to be able to answer the question, ‘how can I teach better tomorrow?’”
Piegza said.
Daily Jolt, a site that has a different
student-run information and networking page for each of about 100
institutions that host a page, is getting into the evaluation game, but the
student-run evaluation game.
Mark Miller and Steve Bayle, the president and
chief operating officer of Daily Jolt, hope to provide a more credible
alternative to Like RMP, Daily Jolt’s
evaluations, which should be fully unveiled next
fall, do not e-mail addresses, but they do allow users to rate
commentors, similarly to what eBay does with buyers and sellers, and readers
can see all of the posts by a particular reviewer to get a sense of that
Biggs acknowledged that student-run evaluation
sites are here to stay, but said that, given the limited number of courses
any single student evaluates, it’s unlikely that reviewing commentors will
add a lot of credibility. Miller said that faculty members will be able to
pose questions in forums that students can respond to.
“A lot of faculty members want to put this concept
[of student run evaluations] in a box and make it go away,” Miller said.
“That’s not going to happen, so we might as well see if we can do it in a
respectful way.”
Continued in article
Jensen Comment
I think course evaluations should be private information between students in a
class and the instructor. They should be required, but they should not be used
in tenure, performance, and pay evaluations. One huge problem in is that if they
are not private communications, research shows that they lead to grade
inflation. Another huge problem is that students who fill out the evaluations
are not personally accountable for lies, misguided humor, and frivolous actions.
What students want is popular teachers who are not necessarily the best medicine
for education.
Differences between "popular teacher"
versus "master teacher"
versus "mastery learning"
versus "master educator."
Princeton University has announced success in its
campaign against grade inflation.
In 2004, the university announced guidelines designed
to limit the percentage of A grades, based on the belief that there were far too
many being awarded. Data released this week by the university found that in
2004-7, A grades (A+, A, A-) accounted for 40.6 percent of grades in
undergraduate courses, down from 47.0 percent in 2001-4. In humanities
departments, A’s accounted for 45.9 percent of the grades in undergraduate
courses in 2004-7, down from 55.5 percent in 2001-4. In the social sciences,
there were 37.6 percent A grades in 2004-7, down from 43.3 percent in the
previous three years. In the natural sciences, there were 35.7 percent A grades
in 2004-7, compared to 37.2 percent in 2001-4. In engineering, the figures were
42.1 percent A’s in 2004-7, down from 50.2 percent in the previous three years.
Inside Higher Ed, September 19, 2007
"Fewer A’s at Princeton," by Scott Jaschik, Inside Higher Ed,
September 20, 2005 ---
Princeton University students need to work harder
for the A’s.
The university released results Monday
of the first year under a new grading policy, designed to
tackle the issue of grade inflation. In the last academic
year, A’s (including plus and minus grades) accounted for
40.9 percent of all grades awarded. That may not be
consistent with a bell curve, but the figure is down from
46.0 percent the previous year, and 47.9 percent the year
before that.
Princeton’s goal
is to have A’s account for less than 35 percent of the
grades awarded. Nancy Malkiel, dean of the college at
Princeton, said that based on progress during the first
year, she thought the university would have no difficulty
achieving that goal.
The data indicate that some fields
have come quite close to the target while others lag. The
only category that stayed the same the year the new policy
took effect (natural sciences) was already near the target.
Percentage of Undergraduate A’s
at Princeton, by Disciplinary Category
Discipline |
2004-5 |
2003-4 |
Humanities |
45.5% |
56.2% |
Social sciences |
38.4% |
42.5% |
Natural sciences |
36.4% |
36.4% |
Engineering |
43.2% |
48.0% |
The university did not impose
quotas, but asked each department to review grading policies
and to discuss ways to bring grades down to the desired
level. Departments in turn discussed expectations for
different types of courses, and devised approaches to use.
For independent study and thesis grades, the Princeton
guidelines expect higher grades than for regular
undergraduate courses, and that was the case last year.
Malkiel said that she wasn’t
entirely certain about the differences among disciplines,
but that, generally, it was easier for professors to bring
grades down when they evaluate student work with exams and
problem sets than with essays. She said that by sharing
ideas among departments, however, she is confident that all
disciplines can meet the targets.
Universities should take grade
inflation seriously, she said, as a way to help their
“The issue here is how we do
justice to our students in our capacity as educators, and we
have a responsibility to show them the difference between
their very best work and their good work, and if we are
giving them the same grades for the very best work and for
their good work, they won’t know the difference and we won’t
stretch them as far as they are capable as stretching,” she
Despite the additional pressure on
students who want A’s, she said, professors have not
reported any increase in students complaining about or
appealing the grades.
In discussions about grade
inflation nationally, junior faculty members have complained
that it is hard for them to be rigorous graders for fear of
getting low student evaluations. Malkiel said that she
understood the concern, and that Princeton’s approach — by
focusing attention on the issue — would help. “What this
institution is saying loud and clear is that all of us
together are expected to be responsible. So if you have a
culture where the senior faculty are behaving that way, it
will make it easier for the junior faculty to behave that
Melisa Gao, a senior at Princeton
and editor in chief of The Daily Princetonian, said
that student reactions to the tougher grading policy have
varied, depending on what people study. Gao is a chemistry
major and she said that the new policy isn’t seen as a
change in her department.
Professors have drawn attention to
the new policy at the beginning of courses, and Gao said
that some students say that they are more stressed about
earning A’s, but that there has not been any widespread
criticism of the shift.
Many companies are recruiting on
campus now, and Gao said that students have wondered if they
would be hurt by their lower grades. Princeton officials
have said that they are telling employers and graduate
schools about the policy change, so students would not be
punished by it.
But, Gao added, “at the end of the
day, you have a number on a transcript.”
Controversial Student Evaluations of Their Instructors
In most instances, instructors are accountable for
their grading and evaluations of students. Virtually all colleges have
grading appeals processes. Beyond internal appeals processes are courts of
law and millions of lawyers who just might help sue an instructor.
Virtually all student evaluations of instructors are
anonymous. Anonymous students are not accountable in any way
for their evaluations of instructors. I've long been in favor of
anonymous student evaluations, but I think the evaluations should only be seen
by the instructors being evaluated. My main criticism is that both
anecdotal and formal research suggest that using anonymous evaluations for
tenure, promotion, and salary decisions compromises academic
standards and course content. It's a major source of grade inflation in
the United States ---
When courses are evaluated by an entire class, outliers will hopefully be
"averaged out" in a variety of ways. On RateMyProfessor, the database is
filled with mostly outliers which probably accounts for the fact that most
evaluations give what constitutes either "A" grades or "F" grades implied in the
comments about instructors. There are too few responses, especially in a
given year, for "averaging out."
Are professors upset with RateMyProfessor? I doubt that most know about it
or care to know about it.
Such are some of the comments posted on
RateMyProfessors -- a 6-year-old site that archives student critiques of most
popular and least liked profs. With a database of more than 4 million ratings at
more than 5,000 institutions of higher learning, the website has become a staple
for many college students who use it to choose classes based on professors'
Joanna Glasner, "Prof-Ratings Site Irks Academics," Wired News, September
29, 2005 ---,1367,68941,00.html?tw=wn_tophead_4
Jensen Comment
The RateMyProfessor site (for the U.S. and Canada) is at
When this site commenced six years ago, students tried to out do each other with
humorous and highly caustic evaluations that seemingly were written more for
entertainment than serious evaluation. I sense that over time, the
evaluations are more serious and are intended, in large measure, to be more
informative about a course and an instructor. However, the site still has
a featured "Funny Ratings" tab that continues to encourage humor over
seriousness ---
One thing is entirely clear is that more and more professors are now being
evaluated at this site. Nearly 635,000 instructors from over 5,000 schools
are now in the database, and thousands of evaluations are being added daily.
Rules for evaluations are available at
A continuing problem is that the evaluations are often given by outlier students
who probably got very high or very low grades from an instructor they are
praising/lambasting. A moral hazard is that really disgruntled students
may say untrue things, and that several disgruntled students may on occasion
team up to make their evaluations sound consistent. The comments are not
necessarily reflective of the sentiments of the majority of students in a
course, especially since all respondents constitute such miniscule percentage of
students in most courses across the six years of building this RateMyProfessor
But after reading the evaluations of many professors that I know, I think
many students who send in comments these days want to be fair even to professors
they don't particularly like personally. Many show respect for the
instructor even if they think the course is overly hard or overly boring.
Very often student comments focus on grading where instructors are rated as
being either "very fair" or "extremely unfair with teacher's pets who get top
grades no matter what." I am always impressed when professors are rated as
being extraordinarily tough and, at the same time, receive high evaluations from
their students. Virtually none of the students appreciate a course that
features grappling with sweat-rendering ambiguity and a pedagogy of having to
learn for themselves.
Always keep in mind that it's common for students to want a cut and dried course.
This type of course is not necessarily easy, but generally it does not make
students grapple with ambiguity in content or ambiguity in the grading process.
Students always want to see the answer books or have the instructor explain the
"best solution." Unfortunately, ambiguity in content and process is
what they will later discover in the real world of adulthood.
Top MBA programs often have a better idea when assigning complex and
realistic cases where even the case writers themselves know of no right answers
and suggest that the importance of case analysis is in the process rather than
finding non-existent optimal answers. Generally the most realistic
problems in life have no optimal answers, but students hate a course where they
are not rewarded gradewise for finding best or better answers. The
well-known maxim that "it only matters how you play the game" does not apply in
the minds of students chasing "A" grades.
Except in rare instances, students are highly critical of instructors who
force students to sweat and strain finding answers on their own. For
example, in my own university there was a first-year seminar course intended for
student discussions of a new book every week. Students despised a
particular instructor who courageously never opened his own mouth in any class
other than the first class of the semester. This is
most unfortunate since learning on your own is generally the best pedagogy for
deep learning, long-term memory, creativity, and confrontations with ambiguity
Because a miniscule proportion of an instructors send messages to
RateMyProfessor, the database should never be used for tenure, promotion, or
performance evaluations. Serious evaluations are impacted, in some cases
very heavily, by formal course evaluations required by colleges and universities
in all courses. Instructor evaluation is a good thing when it inspires an
instructor to improve in course preparation, course delivery, and other types of
communications with students. It is a bad thing when it motivates the
instructor to give easier courses and/or become an easier grader.
It would be interesting to know the course grades of the most negative students.
In most instances, instructors are accountable for their grading and evaluations
of students. Virtually all colleges have grading appeals processes.
Beyond internal appeals processes are courts of law and millions of lawyers who
just might help sue an instructor. Anonymous students are not accountable
in any way for their evaluations of instructors.
Evidence from research into such matters indicates that a collegiate student
evaluations do lead to easier grading in fear that low evaluations will
adversely impact upon tenure outcomes, promotions, and salaries ---
I don't think RateMyProfessor has much impact on changing instructor behavior
or grading, because most professors I know either don't know about this site or
don't care to view this site because of the self-selection process of the few
students who send messages to RateMyProfessor relative to the total number of
students who do not send in messages.
There is also moral hazard if the site is ever used for serious performance
evaluations. Really unscrupulous professors might selectively request that
a few "pets" submit evaluations to RateMyProfessor, especially when he/she knows
these students will give glowing evaluations much higher than those of the
majority of the class. I don't
think this is a problem up to now, because the site is never looked at regularly
by most professors and administrators, at least not by those who I know.
But it is much easier to manipulate a few evaluations per instructor on the RateMyProfessor site relative to many evaluations when all students are asked to
evaluate a course instructor in every course.
The RateMyProfessor site might have future impact when it comes to hiring
faculty applicants seeking to change universities. If that happens it
would be most unfortunate due to the extreme limitations of the data gathering
process. Unfortunately one small rumor can destroy a career, and one small
rumor can be commenced from something discovered in RateMyProfessor.
To the extent RateMyProfessor leads to false rumors resting upon so few
respondents, this site is bad for the academy. To the extent that it leads
to popularity contests between instructors more concerned with student happiness
than student learning, this site is bad for the academy.
The one true fact in life is that our knowledge of the world has become so
vast and so complex, that the only way for students to really learn is with
sweat, tears, and inevitable frustration when dealing with ambiguities.
Students are often too ignorant (even if they are very bright) to understand
that spoon feeding is not the best way to learn. They are often to
immature to realize that the best instructors are the ones who take the time and
trouble to critique their work in depth. They are also too ignorant in
many instances to know what is very important relative to what is less important
in course content. Sometimes it takes years after graduation to be
grateful for having learned something that seemed pointless or a waste of time
years earlier.
In my own case an accounting professor named Kesselman, who I hated the worst
in college, became the professor that I belatedly, after graduation, came to
appreciate the most. And a sweet and elderly teacher named Miss Miller,
who told us so many interesting things about her life in our high school algebra
class, became the one I appreciated the least in retrospect, because I was Miss
Miller's top student who had to take algebra in my first semester at Iowa State
University when I should've been ready to plunge into calculus.
Woebegone About Grade Inflation
Grade inflation continues to occupy
the attention of the media, the academy and the public at
large. As a few Ivy League universities have adjusted
grading policies, and a few of their professors have
captured headlines with their statements on the issue,
people have taken note. Absent from this discussion,
however, are the voices of the silent majority: those who
teach at non-elite institutions, as well as those at elite
institutions who are not publicly participating in the
Janice McCabe and Brain Powell, "Woebegone About Grade
Inflation," Inside Higher Ed, July 27, 2005 ---
Grade Inflation and Abdication
Over the last generation, most colleges and
universities have experienced considerable grade inflation. Much lamented by
traditionalists and explained away or minimized by more permissive faculty, the
phenomenon presents itself both as an increase in students’ grade point averages
at graduation as well as an increase in high grades and a decrease in low grades
recorded for individual courses. More prevalent in humanities and social science
than in science and math courses and in elite private institutions than in
public institutions, discussion about grade inflation generates a great deal of
heat, if not always as much light. While the debate on the moral virtues of any
particular form of grade distribution fascinates as cultural artifact, the
variability of grading standards has a more practical consequence. As grades
increasingly reflect an idiosyncratic and locally defined performance levels,
their value for outside consumers of university products declines. Who knows
what an “A” in American History means? Is the A student one of the top 10
percent in the class or one of the top 50 percent? Fuzziness in grading reflects
a general fuzziness in defining clearly what we teach our students and what we
expect of them. When asked to defend our grading practices by external observers
— parents, employers, graduate schools, or professional schools — our answers
tend toward a vague if earnest exposition on the complexity of learning, the
motivational differences in evaluation techniques, and the pedagogical value of
learning over grading. All of this may well be true in some abstract sense, but
our consumers find our explanations unpersuasive and on occasion misleading.
John V. Lombardi, "Grade Inflation and Abdication," Inside Higher Ed,
June 3, 2005 ---
It is important to look for counter arguments that it is dysfunctional to
make students compete for high grades. Probably best article that higher
grades are not a leading scandal in higher education appears in the following
"The Dangerous Myth of Grade Inflation," by Alfie Kohn, The
Chronicle of Higher Education, September
8, 2002 ---
Jensen's Comment: Kohn's argument
seems to boil down to a conclusion that it is immoral to make students compete
for the highest grades. But he fails to account for the fact that
virtually all universities do make students compete for A grades. There
are simply a lot more winners (in some cases about 50%) in modern times.
How does he think this makes the very best students and the students who got
below average B grades feel?
Dartmouth's Answer
On May 23, 1994 the Faculty voted that transcripts
and student grade reports should indicate, along with the grade earned, the
median grade given in the class as well as the class enrollment. Departments may
recommend, with approval of the Committee on Instruction, that certain courses
(e.g., honors classes, independent study) be exempted from this provision.
Courses with enrollments of less than ten will also be exempted. At the bottom
of the transcript there will be a summary statement of the following type:
'Exceeded the median grade in 13 courses; equaled the median grade in 7 courses;
below the median grade in 13 courses; 33 courses taken eligible for this
comparison.' This provision applies to members of the Class of 1998 and later
"Median Grades for Undergraduate Courses" ---
The Emperor’s Not Wearing Any
“But he has nothing on at all,” said a little
child at last. “Good heavens! listen to the voice of an innocent child,”
said the father, and one whispered to the other what the child had said.
“But he has nothing on at all,” cried at last the whole people. That made
a deep impression upon the emperor, for it seemed to him that they were right;
but he thought to himself, “Now I must bear up to the end.” And the
chamberlains walked with still greater dignity, as if they carried the train
which did not exist.
Hans Christian Andersen New Suit," (1837) ---
And many students get the highest grades
with superficial effort and sometimes with humor
It may be hard to get into Harvard, but it's easy
to get out without learning much of enduring value at all. A recent graduate's
report by Ross Douthat
"The Truth About Harvard," by Ross Douthat, The Atlantic,
March 2005 ---
At the beginning of
every term Harvard students enjoy a one-week "shopping period,"
during which they can sample as many courses as they like and thus—or so
the theory goes—concoct the most appropriate schedule for their semesters.
There is a boisterous quality to this stretch, a sense of intellectual
possibility, as people pop in and out of lecture halls, grabbing syllabi and
listening for twenty minutes or so before darting away to other classes.
The enthusiasm
evaporates quickly once the shopping period ends. Empty seats in the various
halls and auditoriums multiply as the semester rattles along, until rooms
that were full for the opening lecture resemble the stadium of a losing
baseball team during a meaningless late-August game. There are pockets of
diehards in the front rows, avidly taking notes, and scattered observers
elsewhere—students who overcame the urge to hit the snooze button and
hauled themselves to class, only to realize that they've missed so many
lectures and fallen so far behind that taking notes is a futile exercise.
Better to wait for the semester's end, when they can take exhaustive notes
at the review sessions that are always helpfully provided—or simply go to
the course's Web site, where the professor has uploaded his lecture notes,
understanding all too well the character and study habits of his
seldom-glimpsed students.
Continued in article
Harvard University's grading policy is outlined at
Also see
Half the undergraduate students at Harvard get A or A- (up from a third
in 1985)
Less than 10% get a C or below
All Things Considered, November 21, 2001 · Student's
grades at Harvard University have soared in the last 10 years. According to a
report issued Tuesday by the dean of undergraduate education, nearly half of
the grades issued last year were A's or A-minuses. In 1985, just a third of
the grades were A or A-minus. Linda Wertheimer talks with Susan Pedersen, Dean
of Undergraduate Education and a Professor of History at Harvard University,
about grade inflation.
Harvard Grade Inflation, National Public Radio ---
You can also listen to the NPR radio broadcast about
this at the above link.
Can no longer reward the very best with higher grades
Students at Harvard who easily get A's may be smarter, but with so many of
them, professors can no longer reward the very best with higher grades. Losing
this motivational tool could, paradoxically, cause achievement to fall.
"Doubling of A's at Harvard: Grade inflation or brains?" By Richard
Rothstein, The New York Times, December 5, 2001 ---
A Harvard University report last spring complained
of grade inflation that makes it easier to get high grades. Now the academic
dean, Susan Pedersen, has released data showing that 49 percent of
undergraduate grades were A's in 2001, up considerably from 23 percent in
Colleges and high schools are often accused of
tolerating grade inflation, because teachers have adopted lower standards
and hesitate to confront lower-performing students. Critics warn that if
grading is too easy, learning will lag.
But grade inflation is harder to detect than it
Inflation means giving a higher value to the same
thing that once had a lower one. The Bureau of Labor Statistics tracks price
inflation, but it is not easy. Automobile
prices have gone up, but cars now have air bags and electronic ignitions.
Consumers today pay more not only for the same thing but for a better thing.
These factors are hard to untangle.
Grade inflation is similarly complicated. More A's
could be a result of smarter students. Ivy League colleges compute an
academic index for freshmen based on their College Board SAT and achievement
test scores. Harvard's index numbers have been rising, and few students have
numbers that were common at the low end of the class 15 years ago. So if
students are more proficient, there should be more A's, even if grading is
just as strict.
At Harvard, Dean Pedersen noted that students might
study harder than before, perhaps because graduate schools are more
competitive. Classes are now smaller, so better teaching could result in
better learning. More A's would then reflect more achievement, not
What grades measure can also change. Harvard
professors now say they demand more reasoning and less memorization. Whether
or not this is desirable, higher grades that follow may not be inflationary.
Government price surveyors face similar problems when products change: if
consumers who once shopped at Sears now buy the same shirt at Nordstrom, are
they paying more for the same thing (inflation) or for a different thing
(more service)?
Dr. Pedersen agrees that higher grades may
sometimes be given for the same work. But she doubts that inflation is the
main cause of the rise in grades. Another dean, Harry R. Lewis, calculated
that Harvard grades rose as much from 1930 to 1966 as from 1967 to the
present, so the trend is not new. Neither are accusations of inflation: a
Harvard report in 1894 also warned that grades of A and B had become too
Grade inflation in high schools is elusive as well.
RAND researchers found there was actually some national grade deflation from
1982 to 1992 — students with the same math scores got lower grades at the
end of the period than at the start.
But seniors with similar scores on entrance exams
(the SAT and ACT) now have slightly higher grades than before. Perhaps this
inconsistency results from inflation affecting top students (those likely to
take the exams) more than others. Or perhaps grades deflated from 1982 to
1992, but inflated at other times.
Since 1993, the State of Georgia has given free
college tuition to students with B averages. Critics say grade inflation
resulted because, with B's worth a lot of money, high school teachers now
give borderline students a greater benefit of the doubt.
But if a promise of scholarships led students to
work harder, higher grades would not signal inflation. And indeed, one study
found that Georgia's black students with B averages had higher SAT scores
than before the program began.
Even if inflation is less than it seems, rising
grades pose a problem that rising prices do not. Prices can rise without
limit, but grades cannot go above A+. When more students get A's, grades no
longer can show which ones are doing truly superior work. This is called
"grade compression" and is probably a more serious problem than
Students at Harvard who easily get A's may be
smarter, but with so many of them, professors can no longer reward the very
best with higher grades. Losing this motivational tool could, paradoxically,
cause achievement to fall.
Continued in the article
Students get two grades from
Harvey Mansfield at Harvard University
"The Truth About Harvard," by Ross Douthat, The Atlantic,
March 2005 ---
Bob Jensen's threads on grade inflation are at
He paused, flashed
his grin, and went on. "Nevertheless, I have recently decided that
hewing to the older standard is fruitless when no one else does, because all
I succeed in doing is punishing students for taking classes with me.
Therefore I have decided that this semester I will issue two grades to each
of you. The first will be the grade that you actually deserve —a C for
mediocre work, a B for good work, and an A for excellence. This one will be
issued to you alone, for every paper and exam that you complete. The second
grade, computed only at semester's end, will be your, ah, ironic grade —
'ironic' in this case being a word used to mean lying —and it will be
computed on a scale that takes as its mean the average Harvard grade, the
B-plus. This higher grade will be sent to the registrar's office, and will
appear on your transcript. It will be your public grade, you might say, and
it will ensure, as I have said, that you will not be penalized for taking a
class with me." Another shark's grin. "And of course, only you
will know whether you actually deserve it."
Mansfield had been
fighting this battle for years, long enough to have earned the sobriquet
"C-minus" from his students, and long enough that his frequent
complaints about waning academic standards were routinely dismissed by
Harvard's higher-ups as the out-of-touch crankiness of a conservative fogey.
But the ironic-grade announcement changed all that. Soon afterward his photo
appeared on the front page of The Boston Globe, alongside a story about the
decline of academic standards. Suddenly Harvard found itself mocked as the
academic equivalent of Garrison Keillor's Lake Wobegon, where all the
children are above average.
You've got to be unimaginatively
lazy or dumb to get a C at Harvard (less than 10% get below a B-)
Harvard does not admit dumb students, so the C students must be unimaginative,
troubled, and/or very lazy.
It doesn't help that Harvard students are
creatively lazy, gifted at working smarter rather than harder. Most of my
classmates were studious primarily in our avoidance of academic work, and
brilliant largely in our maneuverings to achieve a maximal GPA in return for
minimal effort.
"The Truth About Harvard," by Ross Douthat, The Atlantic,
March 2005 ---
This may be partly
true, but I think that the roots of grade inflation —and, by extension,
the overall ease and lack of seriousness in Harvard's undergraduate academic
culture —run deeper. Understanding grade inflation requires understanding
the nature of modern Harvard and of elite education in general
—particularly the ambitions of its students and professors.
The students'
ambitions are those of a well-trained meritocratic elite. In the
semi-aristocracy that Harvard once was, students could accept Cs, because
they knew their prospects in life had more to do with family fortunes and
connections than with GPAs. In today's meritocracy this situation no longer
obtains. Even if you could live off your parents' wealth, the ethos of the
meritocracy holds that you shouldn't, because your worth as a person is
determined not by clan or class but by what you do and whether you succeed
at it. What you do, in turn, hinges in no small part on what is on your résumé,
including your GPA.
Thus the professor
is not just a disinterested pedagogue. As a dispenser of grades he is a
gatekeeper to worldly success. And in that capacity professors face upward
pressure from students ("I can't afford a B if I want to get into law
school"); horizontal pressure from their colleagues, to which even
Mansfield gave way; downward pressure from the administration ("If you
want to fail someone, you have to be prepared for a very long, painful
battle with the higher echelons," one professor told the Crimson); and
perhaps pressure from within, from the part of them that sympathizes with
students' careerism. (Academics, after all, have ambitions of their own, and
are well aware of the vicissitudes of the marketplace.)
It doesn't help
that Harvard students are creatively lazy, gifted at working smarter rather
than harder. Most of my classmates were studious primarily in our avoidance
of academic work, and brilliant largely in our maneuverings to achieve a
maximal GPA in return for minimal effort. It was easy to see the classroom
as just another résumé-padding opportunity, a place to collect the grade
(and recommendation) necessary to get to the next station in life. If that
grade could be obtained while reading a tenth of the books on the syllabus,
so much the better.
February 21, 2005 message from Bob Jensen
Below is a message from the former Dean of Humanities at Trinity
University. He’s now an emeritus professor of religion.
In particular, he claims Harvard had an A+ grade for recognizing the very
top students in a course. I think Harvard and most other universities have
dropped this grade alternative.
Second he claims that there was a point system attached to the grades. Note
especially the gap in the point weightings between A- and B+ and C- and D+.
If this was used at Harvard for a period of time, it was dropped somewhere
along the way. This is unfortunate because it created a means by which the top
(A+) students could be recognized apart from those many A students and those
average students (the median grade at Harvard is now A-). The point system
provided a means of breaking down the many 4.0 gpa graduates at Harvard.
Harvard University's current grading policy is outlined at
Also see
Bob Jensen
-----Original Message-----
From: Walker, Wm O.
Sent: Sunday, February 20, 2005 3:50 PM
To: Jensen, Robert Subject: RE: Bill Walker Question
Bob, all I know is what my son told me while he was an undergraduate
student at Harvard (1975-1979). As I recall, the scale was the following:
15 A+
14 A
13 A-
11 B+
10 B
9 B-
7 C+
6 C
5 C-
3 D+
2 D
1 D-
They may have changed the system sometime during the past twenty-six years.
I particularly like it because it not only gives the plus and minus grades but
also makes a greater distinction between A- and B+ than between B+ and B, etc.
How do Princeton, Dartmouth and some other universities deal with grade
inflation, at least ?
University takes a (modest) stand on grade inflation
"Deflating the easy 'A'," by Teresa Méndez, Christian Science
Monitor, May 4, 2004 ---
For an analysis of this see
as of 1996
The answers as of 1996 lie buried in the online article at
Or are professors just pressured to give out more
Students are getting smarter-or so it seems by the
increasingly higher grades they're receiving. Last year, undergraduates
earned 8 percent more A's than they did just seven years ago and more than
twice as many as they did in 1969-70. In 1994-95, 41 percent of all grades
awarded were A's and 42 percent were B's, according to the Office of the
Princeton didn't invent grade inflation. According
to Registrar C. Anthony Broh, it's a phenomena of private highly selective
institutions. Yet at the same time as grades are creeping up at Princeton,
undergraduate grades nationwide have been going down, according to a federal
study released last October. The drop, said Clifford Adelman, a senior
research analyst for the Department of Education, is due to a 37 percent
increase in the number of people attending college.
Public colleges aren't experiencing grade
inflation-a continual increase in the average grade, explained Broh-at the
same rate as highly selective institutions, because their curricula are
structured differently. Ohio State's curriculum, for example, is designed to
weed out students, said Broh.
Princeton saw grades inflate in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The
percentage of all grades that were A's jumped from 17 percent in 1969-70 to
30 percent in 1974-75. Students earned higher grades at Princeton and other
institutions, in part, because of the Vietnam War. Students whose
grade-point averages dropped too low were drafted, said Broh, "so
faculty generally felt pressure" to give high marks.
The percentages among grades remain-ed fairly
constant from the late 1970s through the early 1980s. In 1987-88, 33 percent
of grades were A's. Since then, grades have risen at about the same rate as
they did during the early 1970s. The primary reason for the jump, said Broh,
is that professors feel some pressure from students to give higher grades so
they can better compete for admission to graduate and professional schools.
Princeton's grade distribution is comparable to that of its peer
institutions. At Dartmouth the percentage of all grades that are A's rose
from 33 percent in 1977-78 to 43 percent in 1993-94, according to Associate
Registrar Nancy Broadhead. At Harvard, the hybrid grade A/A- represented 22
percent of all grades in 1966-67 and 43 percent in 1991-92, said spokeswoman
Susan Green. C's have virtually disappeared from Harvard transcripts,
reported Harvard Magazine in 1993.
Students aren't the only ones who apply subtle pressure to professors.
Several years ago, an instructor of linear algebra gave a third of the class
C's, and there was "a big uproar," said Joseph J. Kohn *56, the
chairman of the mathematics department. He received a "long
letter" from a dean who suggested that that kind of grading would
discourage the students.
Ten years ago, a third of a class earning C's was
normal, said Kohn. Professors feel they're supposed to grade
"efforts," not the product, he added.
Another reason for grade inflation, said Broh, is
that students are taking fewer courses Pass/D/Fail, which since 1990-91 have
been limited to one per term for each student. Therefore, students are
earning more A's and B's and fewer P's.
Some observers believe that students are just
smarter than they were 25 years ago, and they're working harder. The SAT
scores continue to rise, noted Broh.
Even if a professor wanted to "deflate"
grades, one person can't expect to "unilaterally try to reinvent
grading," said Lee C. Mitchell, the chairman of the English department.
One professor alone would be "demonized," if he or she tried to
grade "accurately," said Clarence F. Brown, Jr., a professor of
comparative literature. "The language of grading is utterly
debased," he added, noting that real grading is relegated to letters of
recommendation, a kind of "secret grading."
Not every professor and student on campus has succumbed to grade inflation,
however. In the mind of Dean of the School of Engineering and Applied
Science James Wei, a C is still average. Professors in the engineering
school still regularly give grades below B's, though "students are
indignant," he said.
According to Dean of the College Nancy Weiss Malkiel, the university
periodically reviews grade distribution. The administration encourages
faculty members to think carefully about grading patterns, but "we
don't tell [them] what grades to give," said Malkiel.
Harvard isn't planning on doing anything about the shift in grades, said
Green. Dartmouth, however, last year changed its grading policy. In an
effort to assess student performance more effectively, report cards and
transcripts now include not only grades, but also the median grade earned by
the class and the size of the class. The change may also affect grade
inflation, but it's too soon to tell if it has, said Broadhead.
In the end, perhaps grade inflation is inconsequential. As Kohn said,
"The important thing is what students learn, not what [grades] they
get." And as Dean of the Faculty Amy Gutmann told The Daily
Princetonian, "There is no problem [with grade inflation] as long as
grades reflect the quality of work done."
Chart: The graphic is not available online
Infografic by Jeff Dionise; Source: Office of the Registrar
This chart, provided by the Office of the
Registrar, shows the percentage of grades awarded over the last 25 years.
The percentage of A's and B's increased markedly in the late 1960s and early
1970s and again since the late 1980s. The percentage of P's (pass) dropped
dramatically in the early 1970s, in part because the Pass/D/Fail option lost
favor among students for fear that those evaluating their academic careers
would think they took lighter loads, said Registrar C. Anthony Broh. Also,
the university now allows fewer courses to be taken Pass/D/Fail. The
percentage of P's peaked in 1969-70, when students went on strike during the
Vietnam War and sympathetic faculty gave them the option of receiving either
a P or a normal grade. Many students opted for P's, said Broh.
Are Students Getting Smarter?
Or are professors just pressured to give out more A's?
The real issue isn't grade inflation, said Registrar C. Anthony Broh, it's
grade "compression." Because most grades awarded are A's and B's,
it's hard to differentiate between students at the top of a course.
February 20, 2005 reply from Glen Gray [glen.gray@CSUN.EDU]
If you are worried about grade inflations,
think about this: a dean of a well-known research university (sorry, I can’t
say who) sent a memo to his faculty suggesting that they RAISE the average GPA
because grade inflation at other institutions are putting his students at a
competitive disadvantage. So, now we may have a race to who has the highest
average GPA.
February 20, 2005 reply from Roger Collins [rcollins@CARIBOO.BC.CA]
I think the following is unlikely to fly in the
continuous assessment environment, but for seven years in the 70's/80s I
taught at a UK institution where all major exams (these accounted for around
80% of course marks and held once per year) were double marked - once by the
instructor directly responsible for the class and once by an associate from
the same department. Exam results were also reviewed by a committee
responsible for the degree, and samples sent off to an external examiner (one
of our externals was a certain David Tweedie).
This method is VERY effective at combating student
pressure on instructors, but fairly time-consuming; unless Faculty accept it
(we did) as part of normal work-load it may also become expensive....
Roger Collins
Associate Professor UCC (soon to be TRU) School of Business
No wonder kids take the easy way out: The era of work and sacrifice
is long gone
The pressure for U.S. high schools to toughen up is
growing. But when schools respond with stiffened requirements, as many have done
by instituting senior projects, they often find that students and parents aren't
afraid to fight back.
Robert Tomsho, "When High Schools Try Getting Tough, Parents Fight
Back," The Wall Street Journal, February 8, 2005, Page A1 ---,,SB110782391032448413,00.html?mod=todays_us_page_one
In Duvall, Wash., Projects Required Months of Work -- Then Parental Protests Kicked
Fearing your student evaluations, how much time and trouble should you
devote to email questions from your students?
For junior faculty members, the barrage of e-mail has
brought new tension into their work lives, some say, as they struggle with how
to respond. Their tenure prospects, they realize, may rest in part on student
evaluations of their accessibility. The stakes are different for professors
today than they were even a decade ago, said Patricia Ewick, chairwoman of the
sociology department at Clark University in Massachusetts, explaining that
"students are constantly asked to fill out evaluations of individual faculty."
Students also frequently post their own evaluations on Web sites like and describe their
impressions of their professors on blogs.
Jonathan D. Glater, "To: Subject: Why It's All About
Me," The New York Times, February 21, 2006 ---
Bob Jensen's threads on the dark side of education technology ---
Reed College, a selective liberal arts college in
Oregon, where the average grade-point average has remained a sobering 2.9 (on a
4.0 scale) for 19 years.
See below
Valen E. Johnson, a biostatistics professor at the
University of Michigan and author of "Grade Inflation: A Crisis in College
Education" (Springer Verlag), said the use of student ratings to evaluate
teachers also inflates grades: "As long as our evaluations depend on their
opinion of us, their grades are going to be high."
See below
Administrators and some faculty at some of the country's top universities
have proposed correcting for so-called grade inflation by limiting A's.
It's relatively easy to get an A at Princeton, but it's easier at Harvard.
"Is It Grade Inflation, or Are Students Just Smarter?" by Karen W.
Arenson, The New York Times, April 18, 2004 ---
MILLION dollars isn't what it used to be, and neither
is an A in college.
A's - including A-pluses and A-minuses - make up
about half the grades at many elite schools, according to a recent survey by
Princeton of the Ivy League and several other leading universities.
At Princeton, where A's accounted for 47 percent of
grades last year, up from 31 percent in the 1970's, administrators and some
faculty have proposed correcting for so-called grade inflation by limiting A's
to 35 percent of course grades.
Not everyone is convinced there is a problem. A
recent study by Clifford Adelman of the United States Department of Education
concluded that there were only minor changes in grade distributions between
the 1970's and the 1990's, even at highly selective institutions. (A bigger
change, he said, was the rise in the number of students withdrawing from
courses and repeating courses for higher grades.)
Alfie Kohn, author of the coming book "More
Essays on Standards, Grading and Other Follies" (Beacon Press), says
rising grades "don't in itself prove that grade inflation exists.''
"It's necessary to show - and, to the best of my
knowledge, it has never been shown - that those higher grades are
undeserved,'' he said.
Is it possible that the A students deserve their
Getting into colleges like Princeton is far more
difficult than it used to be. And increasing numbers of students are being
bred like racehorses to breeze through standardized tests and to write essays
combining Albert Einstein's brilliance with Mother Teresa's compassion.
Partly to impress admissions officers, students are
loading up on Advanced Placement courses. The College Board said the number
taking 10 or more such courses in high school is more than 10 times what it
was a decade ago. And classes aimed at helping them do better on the SAT exams
are booming.
"Back in 1977, when I graduated from high
school, it had to be less than 25,000 students nationally who spent more than
$100 on preparing for the SAT," said John Katzman, founder and chief
executive of The Princeton Review, which tutors about 60,000 students a year
for the SAT's. "It was the C students who prepped, not the A
students," he added. "Now it's got to be circa 200,000 or 250,000
students who are going to spend more than $400 to prepare for the SAT."
But Wayne Camara, vice president of research at the
College Board, said that while students are increasingly well prepared,
"that in no way accounts for the shift in grades we are seeing.''
"Grades are not like temperatures or weights,''
he said. "What constitutes an A or a B has changed, both in high school
and in college."
He said teachers are aware of how competitive the
academic world has become and try to help students by giving better grades.
"If you graduated from college in the 1950's and you wanted to go to law
school or a graduate program, you could," Dr. Camara said. "Today it
is very difficult. You are not going to be able to graduate from Harvard or
Princeton with a 2.8 grade point average and get into Georgetown Law."
In addition, one recent Princeton graduate who works
in investment banking and has participated in recruiting meetings cautioned in
a letter to The Daily Princetonian that hiring practices can be superficial,
and that grade-point averages are one of the first items scrutinized on a
Stuart Rojstaczer, a geology professor at Duke who
runs the Web site, says that higher grades are the
result of a culture where the student-consumer is king. "We don't want to
offend students or parents," he said. "They are customers and the
customer is always right."
Valen E. Johnson, a biostatistics professor at the
University of Michigan and author of "Grade Inflation: A Crisis in
College Education" (Springer Verlag), said the use of student ratings to
evaluate teachers also inflates grades: "As long as our evaluations
depend on their opinion of us, their grades are going to be high."
Even if the Princeton plan is approved, Professor
Johnson, who unsuccessfully tried to lower grades at Duke University a few
years ago, cautioned that reform is difficult. "It is not in the interest
of the majority to reform the system," he said. "Assigning grades,
particularly low grades, is tough, and it requires more work, since low grades
have to be backed up with evidence of poor performance."
But Princeton and others may take some comfort from
Reed College, a selective liberal arts college in Oregon, where the average
grade-point average has remained a sobering 2.9 (on a 4.0 scale) for 19 years.
The college says it ranks third among all colleges
and universities in the proportion of students who go on for Ph.D.s, and has
produced more than 50 Fulbright Scholars and 31 Rhodes scholars.
Still, Colin S. Diver, Reed's president, says
graduate schools worried about their rankings are becoming less willing to
take students with lower grades because they make the graduate schools appear
less selective.
"If they admit someone with a 3.0 from Reed who
is in the upper half of the class, that counts against them, even if it is a
terrific student," Mr. Diver said. "I keep saying to my colleagues
here that we can hold ourselves out of the market for only so long."
This might set a legal precedent for all colleges and universities.
It also might root out instructors who give high grades in hopes of higher
student evaluations.
The student newspaper at Oklahoma State University has
won a three-month fight to get records in an electronic format regarding the
grades professors give students. School officials say the names of the
students will be blacked out. Sean Hill, a journalism student and editor
of The Daily O'Collegian, requested the information in November so he could
compare the average grades of different sections of the same classes. The
Oklahoman in Oklahoma City and the Tulsa World joined in the request.
School officials said at the time they would provide the records, but not in an
electronic format. OSU spokesman Gary Shutt now says the school can provide
records in the electronic format without jeopardizing student privacy and
Editor and Publisher, February 10, 2005 ---
Jensen Comment:
Backed by studies such as the huge studies at Duke and other colleges mentioned
below, I've long
contended that student evaluations, when they heavily impact tenure granting and
performance evaluations, present a moral hazard and lead to grade inflation
across the campus. But I'm wary of using data such as that described above
to root out "easy" graders. Some instructors may be giving out
higher grades after forcing out weaker students before the course dropping
deadline and/or by scaring off weak students by sheer reputation for being
My solution, for the moral hazard of grade inflation caused by fear
of student course evaluations, entails having colleges create Teaching Quality
Control (TQC) Departments that act in strict confidentiality when counseling
instructors receiving low student evaluations. The student evaluations
themselves should be communicated only to the TQC Department and the
instructors. Because of moral hazard, student evaluations should not be
factored into tenure decisions or performance evaluations. In order to
evaluate teaching for tenure and performance evaluations, instructors should
take turns sitting in other instructor courses with the proviso that no
instructor sits in on a course in that instructor's department/school. In
other words, English instructors should sit in on accounting courses and vice
versa. This need not entail sitting in on all classes, and incentives must
be provided for faculty to take on the added workload.
I think that this coupled with a TOC confidential counseling operation will
make good teachers even better as well as reduce bad teaching and grade
inflation that has caused some schools like Princeton University to put caps on
the number of A grades. Corporations have Quality Control
departments. Why shouldn't colleges try improving quality in a similar
manner? The average course grade across many campuses is now a B+ to an
A-. Student evaluations are a major factor, if not the major factor, in
giving a C grade a bad name. I'm not saying that professors with high
student evaluations are easy graders. What I am saying is that weak or
unprepared teachers are giving easy grades to improve their own students'
Student evaluations of instructors are even more of a moral hazard when they
are made available to students and the public at large.
Some Reasons Harvard University Does Not Require Student
Student course evaluations are ubiquitous these days, whether they be at a
national site like or sponsored by individual institutions.
But Harvard University faculty members are split on whether evaluations should
be mandatory . . . Harvey C. Mansfield, a professor of government, reminded
colleagues at the Tuesday meeting that there are plenty of pitfalls to
evaluations. He said that evaluations promote “the rule of the less wise over
the more wise … on the assumption students know best.” Mansfield called
requiring evaluations an “intrusion on the sovereignty of the classroom,” and
said that evaluations “reward popular teachers at the expense of serious
teachers … popular teachers can be serious but many are not, and many teachers
are serious but not popular.” Mansfield added that he would like to hear more
discussion of evaluations, and to see their role diminished rather than
David Epstein, "One Size Doesn’t Fit All," Inside Higher Ed, May 4, 2006
grade deflation hitting the Ivy League?
"Deflating the
easy 'A'," by Teresa Méndez, Christian Science Monitor, May 4, 2004
Princeton students fear that a tough
stance on grades may harm campus culture - and limit their appeal to graduate
When Adam Kopald
exits Princeton University's gothic gates as a graduate in June 2005, he will
not have a GPA. Nor will he be assigned a class rank. He may not even know the
grades of his closest friends.
It's this lack of
competition, say Princeton students, that has made for a much less cutthroat
environment than one might expect from one of the country's most academically
elite universities.
Some students argue
that that's been a good thing for their school, where they say they strive to
do their own best work rather than to outdo one another - but it's a luxury
they now fear losing.
A new grading policy,
to go into effect next year, will reduce the number of A-pluses, A's, and
A-minuses for all courses to 35 percent, down from the current 46 percent. A's
given for independent work will be capped at 55 percent.
definitely going to be a competition that didn't exist before," says Mr.
Kopald, a history major. "Because any way you cut it, there are only 35
percent of people who are going to get A's."
At a time when
campuses are clamoring to appear more interested in the whole person,
students' mental health, and well-rounded development, some wonder if the
message being sent by instituting quotas isn't contradictory.
administrators, however, argue that grade inflation cannot be ignored.
Princeton first examined the problem six years ago.
"Our feeling
then was that we could just let it go, and over the next 25 years everyone
would be getting all A's," says Nancy Weiss Malkiel, dean of the college.
"But would that really be responsible in terms of the way we educated our
According to Dean
Malkiel, the goals of 35 percent and 55 percent will align the number of A's
granted with figures from the late 1980s and early '90s.
Other schools have
tried to address grade inflation, using measures like including contextual
information on transcripts, says Malkiel. And in 2002, Harvard limited
students graduating with honors to 60 percent. But as far as Malkiel knows,
this is the first widespread move to stem the trend of upward spiraling grades
that dates back to the 1970s.
caused grades to inflate
Experts blame grade
inflation on everything from fears of the draft during the Vietnam War to a
consumer mentality that expects higher marks in exchange for steeper tuition.
But some professors
say students today are increasingly bold about haggling for higher marks.
Often it's easier to give an A-minus instead of a B-plus than to argue.
Malkiel also says a
broader culture of inflation may be a factor. Everything from high school GPAs
to SAT scores have been on the rise.
But not all see the
phenomenon of rising grades as a bad thing. William Coplin, a professor at the
Maxwell School at Syracuse University, feels strongly there are a number of
reasons why grade inflation is not just acceptable - but good.
He says that students
learn in the classroom less than half of what they need to know for real life.
Distributing higher grades gives them room to explore other areas of interest
and to develop as people.
"Most students
do not see college as a place to develop skills. They see it as a place to get
a degree and have a high GPA," he says. "The truth is, skills are
more important than GPA." Professor Coplin worries that attempting to
stamp out grade inflation is simply "making the kids even crazier about
Annie Ostrager, a
politics major at Princeton, isn't convinced that grade inflation is a problem
"I personally
have not perceived my grades to be inflated," says the junior. "I
work hard and get good grades. But I don't really feel like grades are flying
around that people aren't earning."
But most Princeton
students acknowledge there is a problem - although many doubt that quotas are
the best solution.
Matt Margolin,
president of the student government, estimates that 325 of the 350 e-mails he
has received from Princeton students express frustration with the new grading
Princeton isn't alone
in the battle against inflated grades. A study last year found that A's
accounted for 44 to 55 percent of grades in the Ivy League, MIT, Stanford, and
the University of Chicago.
Princeton stand alone?
Yet by drawing public
attention to Princeton in particular, students worry it may come to be seen as
the most flagrant example.
"Putting it in
the public light like this has really damaged the image of a Princeton
transcript," says Robert Wong, a sophomore studying molecular biology.
Malkiel has assured
students this isn't true. In conversations with admissions officers at
graduate schools, employers, and fellowship coordinators across the country,
she says she has been told "that they would know going forward that a
Princeton A was a real A." They even suggested that tougher grading will
ultimately benefit Princeton students.
But not everyone is
"I would like to
go to law school, so my eye has been on this proposal very carefully,"
says Mr. Margolin, a junior and a politics major. "My understanding is
that law school decides your fate based mostly on GPA and LSAT scores."
"A call for an end to grade
inflation," by Mary Beth Marklein, USA Today, May 2, 2002 ---
At Harvard
University, a recent study found that nearly half of all grades awarded were A
or A-minus.
A tenured professor
is suing Temple University, saying he was fired because he wouldn't make his
courses easier or give students higher grades.
And now, a new report
prepared by the American Academy of Arts & Sciences says it's time to put
an end to grade inflation.
Concerns about grade
inflation, defined as an upward shift in the grade-point average without a
corresponding increase in student achievement, are not new. The report cites
evidence from national studies beginning as early as 1960. And while it is a
national phenomenon, authors Henry Rosovsky, a former Harvard dean, and
Matthew Hartley, a lecturer at the University of Pennsylvania, say the
phenomenon is "especially noticeable" in the Ivy League.
They blame the rise
of grade inflation in higher education on a complex web of factors, including:
An administrative
response to campus turmoil in the 1960s, and a trend, begun in the 1980s, in
which universities operate like businesses for student clients.
The advent of student
evaluations of professors and the increasing role of part-time instructors.
Watered-down course
content, along with changes in curricular and grading policies.
"At first glance
(grade inflation) may appear to be of little consequence," the authors
write. But it "creates internal confusion giving students and colleagues
less accurate information; it leads to individual injustices (and) it may also
engender confusion for graduate schools and employers." They say schools
should establish tangible and consistent standards, formulate alternative
grading systems and create a standard distribution curve in each class to act
as a yardstick.
Rosovsky and Hartley's report is
available at
May 4, 2004 reply from Hertel, Paula []
I just now heard on
NPR an interview with one of the Princeton faculty who voted for the new
policy to limit A’s to 35%. She (a professor of economics) pointed out that
one of the biggest factors in establishing grade inflation is the perception
of faculty that course evaluations will be lower if grades are lower. We
should add that, even if the perception is wrong, it’s existence and
influence does our students no favor in the long run.
It’s the nature of
the course evaluations that must change!
May 4, 2004 reply from Bob Jensen
Trinity University
professors may have too much integrity to allow student evaluations to inflate
grades. However, we do have marked grade inflation caused by something.
Research studies at other universities found that tough graders take a beating
on course evaluations:
Duke University Study ---
graders tend to support one theory for these findings: students with good
teachers learn more, earn higher grades and, appreciating a job well done,
rate the course more highly. This is good news for pedagogy, if true. But
tough graders tend to side with two other interpretations: in what has
become known as the grade attribution theory, students attribute success
to themselves and failure to others, blaming the instructor for low marks.
In the so-called leniency theory, students simply reward teachers who
reward them (not because they're good teachers). In both cases, students
deliver less favorable evaluations to hard graders.
Study ---
research has confirmed what critics of student ratings have long
suspected, that grading leniency affects ratings. All other things being
equal, a professor can get higher ratings by giving higher grades,"
adds Gillmore, director of the UW's office of educational assessment.
The two
researchers' criticisms, which are counter to much prevailing opinion in
the educational community, stem from a new study of evaluations from 600
classes representing the full spectrum of undergraduate courses offered at
the UW. Their study is described in a paper being published in the
December issue of the Journal of Educational Psychology and in two papers
published in a special section edited by Greenwald in the November issue
of the American Psychologist.
Rutgers University ---
An article that
drew a lot of responses in the media. Among other things, the author
claims that "Some departments shower students with A's to fill poorly
attended courses that might otherwise be canceled. Individual professors
inflate grades after consumer-conscious administrators hound them into it.
Professors at every level inflate to escape negative evaluations by
students, whose opinions now figure in tenure and promotion
Archibold, Randal
C. "Just Because the Grades Are Up, Are Princeton Students
Smarter?" The New York Times (Feb 18, 1998), Sec: A P. 1.
A long article
following a report on Princeton’s grade inflation. Includes a
presentation of possible reasons for the phenomenon.
Goldin, Davidson.
"In A Change of Policy, and Heart, Colleges Join Fight Against
Inflated Grades." The New York Times (Jul 4, 1995), Sec: 1 P.
The article
presents the tendency of elite institutions to follow Stanford and
Dartmouth’s lead in fighting Grade Inflation. Brown stands out in
refusing the trend by making the transcripts reflect achievements only.
The rational: "'When you send in your resume, do you put down all the
jobs you applied for that you didn't get?' said Sheila Blumstein, Brown's
dean. 'A Brown transcript is a record of a student's academic
University of Montana ---
The mid-term
removal of a chemistry instructor at the University of Montana in 1995
because he was "too tough" illustrates the widespread grade
inflation in the United States. Grade inflation will not diminish until
the root cause of grade inflation and course work deflation is eliminated:
widespread use of anonymous student evaluations of teaching (SET). If an
instructor calls a student stupid by giving low marks, it is unlikely the
student will evaluate the instructor highly on an anonymous questionnaire.
As more and
more research questions the validity of summative SET as an indicator of
instructor effectively, ironically there has been a greater use of
summative SET. A summative SET has at least one question which acts as a
surrogate for teaching effectiveness. In 1984, two-thirds of liberal arts
colleges were using SET for personnel decisions, and 86% in 1993. Most
business schools now use SET for decision making, and 95% of the deans at
220 accredited undergraduate schools "always use them as a source of
information," but only 67% of the department heads relied upon them.
Use of SET in higher education appears frozen in time. Even though they
measured the wrong thing, they linger like snow in a shaded corner of the
back yard, refusing to thaw.
Mixed opinions voiced in The
Chronicle of Higher Education (not usually backed by a formal study) ---
Causes of grade inflation are
complex and very situational in terms of discipline, instructor integrity,
pedagogy, promotion and tenure decision processes, course demand by students,
pressures to retain tuition-paying students, etc. I suspect that if I dig
harder, there will be a few studies attempting to contradict the findings above.
One type of contradictory study does not impress me on this
issue of grade inflation. That is a study of the instructors rated
highest by students, say the top ten percent of the instructors in the college.
Just because some, or even most, of those highly-rated instructs are also hard
graders does not get at the root of the problem. The
problem lies with those instructors getting average or below evaluations that
see more lenient grading as a way to raise student evaluations.
One thing is absolutely clear in my
mind is that teaching evaluations are the major cause of system-wide grade
inflation. My opinion is in part due to the explosion in grade inflation
that accompanied the start of anonymous course evaluations being reported to
administrators and P&T committees. In the 1960s and 1970s we had
course evaluations in most instances, but these were always considered to be
private information owned only by the course instructors who were generally
assumed to be professionally responsible enough to seriously consider the
evaluation outcomes in private.
There are no simple solutions to grade inflation. The
35% cap on A grades is not a solution if some members of the faculty just
refuse to abide by the cap (and faculty are a know to be proudly independent).
Grades are highly motivational and, as such, motivate for different purposes in
different situations. Student evaluations of faculty serve different
purposes and, as such, motivate faculty for different purposes in different
I have no solution to recommend at
the moment for grade inflation. But I would like to recommend that my own
university, Trinity University, consider adopting an A+ grade with a cap of 10%
(not rounded) in each class. For example, a class with 19 students would
be allowed to have one A+ student; a class with 20 students could have two
A+ students. The A+ would not be factored into the overall gpa, but it
would be recorded on a student's transcript. This would do absolutely
nothing to relieve grade inflation. But it would help to alleviate the
problem of having exceptional students in a class lose motivation to strive
harder for the top grade. One of the problems noted in the Duke,
Washington, and Rutgers studies is that exceptional students don't strive as
hard after they are assured of getting the highest grade possible in the class.
Why not make them strive a little bit harder?
It was just plain tougher in the
good old days. Some sobering percentages about grade inflation ---
In 1966 at Harvard,
22% of all grades were A's. In 2003, that figure had grown to 46%. In 1968 at
UCLA, 22% of all grades were A's. By 2002, that figure was 47%.
The so-called
Ivy League schools, MIT, Stanford, and the University of Chicago, averaged 50%
A's (in recent years).
The most immediate
effect of giving almost 50% A's is that exceptional students see little reason
to try to excel. They know they can "coast their way" to an A
without really being challenged.
students A's for C+ work robs the best and the brightest.
Prof. Roger Arnold ---
May 4, 2004 reply from David R. Fordham
Back when I was
program director, it was empirically demonstrable that grade distribution, (as
well as time of day, number of empty seats in the classroom, and male-vs.
female professor-vs. student, -- all individually, let alone collectively),
were able to overpower individual identity when it came to student evaluations
of faculty.
I never, ever,
referred to them as Student Evaluations of Faculty. I always referred to them
as “Student Perceptions”. I used them as ONE (and a minor one at that) of
many factors in evaluating faculty. One of the more valid, in my mind,
measures of faculty performance is feedback from 5-year+ alums. Although
delayed, such feedback says much more about the quality of “education”
than anything which could be generated contemporaneously. This is the major
reason for my contempt for “assessment programs” of the form in which they
are currently being promoted by the Asinine Administrators Compelling Sales of
Bullexcrement… (I may not have the full name of the organization completely
correct, since they recently changed their official moniker, but I’m hoping
everyone will forgive my mistake and go with the acronym.)
As always,
Assertive, Contrary, Scathing, and Bullheaded,
David R. Fordham
PBGH Faculty Fellow
James Madison University
May 4, 2004 reply from Linda Kidwell
from the University of Niagara (visiting this year Down Under)
I stumbled into a different approach here in
Australia during my visiting year. There are percentage parameters for grade
distribution at some universities. For example only a small percentage can be
awarded HD (A), and there's a maximum percentage that can receive Fs. There's
essentially a bell curve expectation. I had a bit of trouble first term here
because my grade distribution was too high for the faculty guidelines.
I have mixed feelings about it. I consider it a
violation of academic freedom in part, though perhaps suggested guidelines are
good. And if I have a particularly good class, I don't want to artificially
lower their grades. On the other hand, it does take some of the grade pressure
off -- I never find myself tempted to curve a tough exam, and I don't
automatically round upward for those borderline grades. So it's a mixed bag!
What I'd like to see is a bit more concern over the
granting of latin honors in the US. When I was a student at Smith, only the
top 2 students earned Summa Cum Laude, the next 25 or so got Magna, and next
50 got Cum Laude (I'm guessing at the latter 2, but you get the idea). So you
really had to be among the best to earn it. At Niagara, my home institution,
it is based on GPA. In business we have tougher grading standards (tougher
courses too?) than other areas. As a result, a small percentage of our
business students earn latins, but a staggering 70% of the education majors
get them. Are all the brilliant students really in the school of education?
Every year at commencement the business and arts & science faculty roll
their eyes as those honors are announced. I think it cheapens the whole honor,
and it is unfair to students in the areas that don't inflate grades. It's also
unfair to those education students who really are top-flight.
Linda Kidwell
May 5, 2004 reply from Robert Holmes Glendale College [rcholmes@GLENDALE.CC.CA.US]
Some time ago I mentioned to the list that I agreed
to meet with some of the students in my on-line course for extra instruction.
At least one of you said that since not everyone could come to my office, I
was being unfair to the class by allowing the students who could come to my
office to have added help. I thought at the time how could I be unfair by
helping students? My school does not have a maximum or minimum limit on the
number of A's or B's we assign to students. We are expected to assign grades
based on mastery of the subject, not by rank in the class. When grades are
assigned by rank in the class, then giving one student the benefit of my time
and denying it to others is unfair. Those who can come to my office are better
able to beat the students who can not come. I do not like the idea of the
competitive model. I do not want to frustrate students who are eager for
learning because it is not fair to the rest of the class. I would much rather
see students helping each other to the benefit of both instead of withholding
knowledge in order to beat their classmates. It is probably easier to assign
grades when you just add up the points and the first X% get A's and so on, but
I would hope most of us know what we want the students to get from our
classes, and those who get it should be rewarded and those who don't get it
should not be rewarded, no matter how many of each are in a particular class.
As the college bound population grows, the "top" schools in the
country should be having more high quality applicants to choose from, and they
should find that more students are mastering the subject matter, and thus
receiving higher grades on average.
May 5, 2004 reply from Bob Jensen
Hi Robert,
As usual, you raised an interesting point. I think most of us are
accustomed to motivating our top students to reach for the stars. We
want to graduate students who can get into the top graduate schools, leading
CPA firms, top corporations, etc. We want to bring honors to our
university by watching students get outside honors such as Rhodes Scholarships
and medals for CPA examination scores.
One of the best ways to motivate top students is grade competition. Top
students generally strive for the top grade in a class and the highest gpa in
the college. But they may not strive any harder than it takes to get the top
grade in a class, at least that's what the studies from Duke, Washington, and
Princeton are telling us.
Now the Australian system that Linda Kidwell describes with a bell-curve
grade distribution and a limit of say 2% for that Highest Honors designation
is aimed at motivating the best students in the class to obtain the highest
honor possible on their transcripts. These top students work night and
day to earn their star designations.
Your grading system is not designed to motivate top students to be highest
honor students. There is no grade incentive for an exceptional student
in your class work any harder than it takes to earn the same grade with half
the effort that it takes an average student to work extra hours with you for
the same A grade.
But your system may have turned some student's life around, a student who
never thought it was possible to earn an A grade in an accounting class.
You have thus met what is probably your main goal as an educator. And
you have not achieved grade inflation by simply dumbing down your course.
I guess what we conclude from your system is that there are different
grading scales for different purposes. Perhaps there is more student
objection to grade inflation in the Ivy League schools because these students
are reaching for the highest stars required to gain entry into elite graduate
programs or some other elitist future where only the highest stars have an
entry opportunity.
Your A students, on the other hand, may have a longer-run shot at the top
because you helped coax them out of the starting gate.
I guess I can't find fault with this except that I
hope you kick ass when you encounter an exceptional student.
May 5, 2004 reply from Chuck Pier [texcap@HOTMAIL.COM]
As a follow-up to my commentary on the number vs.
letter grading system, when I first got to Appalachian State I was thrilled
that we used the + & - system because I felt I could provide
differentiation for the students and not lump the students with a acore of 80
with the students that scored an 89. However, what I have realized as I
approach the end of my second year here is that the more divisions we have in
the grading scale, the more boundary lines we create. The more boundary lines
we create, the more students are disappointed about missing the next level and
the more they will ask or pester you to help them. After all, "we are
only talking about a point or two!"
This time of the year is always the most stressful
for me. Does it get any better after we've been doing it for a while? (One of
David's rhetorical questions.) ;>)
Charles A. Pier
Assistant Professor Department of Accounting
Walker College of Business Appalachian State University
Boone, NC 28608
May 7, 2004 reply from Randy Elder [rjelder@SYR.EDU]
I've followed the
thread on grade inflation with much interest. It is a topic that I have great
interest in, and here are some observations.
1. Relation between
grades and evaluations - I think that the faculty perception that grades
influence evaluations is a much greater problem for grade inflation than the
actual relation, which I don't believe is that strong. An even greater problem
is that bad teachers use grading difficulty as an excuse for their
2. Student
evaluations - I also believe that we place way too much reliance on student
evaluations. Evaluations aren't going away, but there is minimal effort to
evaluate the actual effectiveness of teachers.
3. Grading policies -
Some of the discussion has focused on grading on the "curve". I find
that professors either grade using some sort of curve, or using a fixed
evaluation criteria. I much prefer the latter, as it does not place students
into competition with each other. More importantly, it allows students to
better know where they stand in the course, and attribute their performance to
their own effort. My courses always have a fixed number of points, and I
inform students of the minimum cutoffs for each grade level.
4. Sample exams - In
the Syracuse University Whitman School of Management, it is policy to make
some sample exam material available. The reason is to provide equal access, on
the assumption that there are old exams floating around in frat houses. The
theory is to give students an idea of the types of questions to be asked. I
also encourage students to use it as a diagnostic tool. Unfortunately, I
believe most students misuse the sample exams and focus on the answers, rather
than the knowledge to be tested.
5. Grading
information - At SU, we have historically not made much grading information
available, unlike my experience at public universities. We are moving toward
much greater availability of this information. I hope that this will eliminate
some posturing about grades (prof who claims to be tough but isn't; belief
that prof X gets good grades only because he grades easy, etc.) We also hope
to provide some grading guidelines that will serve to reduce some grade
Randy Elder
Associate Professor and Director
Joseph I. Lubin School of Accounting
Martin J. Whitman School of Management
Syracuse University
Syracuse, NY 13244-2130
Phone: (315) 443-3359
Fax: (315) 443-5457
After I asked Randy to elaborate on his Point 5 above regarding grading
information disclosure, he replied as follows on May 10, 2004:
Thanks for the compliment. I wasn't sure
that my remarks were that thoughtful as I was reading AECM messages on a LIFO
basis and discovered lots more good input on the subject after my post.
We do not make grade information available
to students. However, I believe it may be helpful to do so as it eliminates
misinformation that is passed around informally and on the web (you might want
to check out the site
This web site is spreading to other universities.
We make summarized grading information
available to department chairs to share with faculty. We have tried to focus
on courses by omitting faculty names. The accounting department has
established grading guidelines by course level, and I expect the School of
Management to do the same in the near future. I emphasize that these are
guidelines, and faculty can deviate from them.
I have been a strong advocate of having such
policies, and was influenced by my time as a doctoral student at Michigan
State, and year visit at Indiana. As a doctoral student, I wanted to make sure
that my grading conformed to grading by full-time faculty. I was directed to a
file that had a complete grading history for every course. At Indiana, the
department shared a 10-year grading history for every course. During my visit
at Indiana, the AIS department adopted grading guidelines that we modeled ours
May 11, 2004 reply from Bob Jensen
Hi Randy,
I follow rate-my-class (
) only as a curiosity.
It is an illustration of the evils of self-selection and bias. Some
professors actually encourage selected students to send in evaluations.
Naturally these tend to be glowing evaluations.
Most courses reviewed suffer from self-selection bias of disgruntled
students. Most reviews tend to be negative. The number of students who send in
reviews is miniscule relative to the number who take the courses. I mean we're
talking about epsilon here!
Disgruntled students also seem to have a competition regarding who can
write the funniest disparaging review.
Fortunately, the site seems to be ignored where it counts.
Bob Jensen
May 12, 2004 reply from David R. Fordham [fordhadr@JMU.EDU]
Another one is:
I use it as an example of how gullible people are...
taking Internet sites as Gospel without considering where the data comes
David R. Fordham
PBGH Faculty Fellow
James Madison University
May 5, 2004 reply from Jagdish Gangolly [JGangolly@UAMAIL.ALBANY.EDU]
I think it is important to provide incentives to be
the best. It is also important to provide incentives to be NOT at the bottom.
In the old days, at Cambridge University, at least in
the Mathematical Tripos, the students were graded into four classes: senior
wrangler (only one student could be this), wranglers, senior optimes, and
junior optimes. During the commencement, the student at the bottom of the
totem pole would be required to carry the "wooden spoon" (for a
picture of it click on
), to signify that (s)he was good mainly for stirring the oats.
While draconian, the wooden spoon provided sufficient
incentives to the students not to be the one to carry it. The tragedy is that
nowadays many students might carry it with pride (to be called not-a-geek or
May 5, 2004 reply from Bob Jensen
Hi Jagdish,
I loved the link at
But I have one question:
Wooden spoon too quick
Make student much to sick
Wooden spoon too late
Make student out of date
Wooden spoon on time
Make student want to climb
Main question when I teach a goon
Where is it best to place that spoon?
Bob Jensen
May 5 reply from Jagdish Pathak
I find the very grades by
themselves faulty in the scenario of those schools where very best are chosen
to be privileged students, viz. ivy league ones. It is absolutely wrong to
have more than one grade in such schools in my view. All of us are aware that
these schools admit only the top rung of SAT and what value addition is done
in four years by the school, if these students come out lesser than 'A' grade?
I believe there is a way to differentiate these all potential 'As' and that is
by differentiating 'A' grade itself. The very best or the top 5-10% may
automatically would acquire AAA, the major middle group would acquire 'AA' and
the rest minority may get 'A'.There can be a theoretical provision for a 'B'
or 'F' which will be a 'B' or 'F' like anywhere else and student may attempt
in only one additional chance to make it into higher AAA or AA or A grade.
How does it sound? Please forgive me if I have sounded a bit judgmental.
Jagdish Pathak, PhD
Assistant Professor of Accounting Systems
Accounting & Audit Area
Odette School of Business
University of Windsor
401 Sunset
Windsor, N9B 3P4, ON
May 5, 2004 reply from Bob Jensen
think a “rose by any other name is a rose.”
not certain whether AAA/AA/A/B/C/D/F is much different that 6/5/4/3/2/1/0 in
the eyes a student in a class. An
ordinal ranking with seven categories is an ordinal ranking with seven
categories by any other name.
ordinal rankings by any other name may be somewhat different.
Whether ranks have two scales (P/F), three scales (H/M/L), five scales
(A/B/C/D/F) or a ranking of N students (1/2/3/…/N) changes the nature of the
competition. The more ranking
categories, the more intense the competition becomes to get the highest
possible grade. For example, in
the U.S. Military Academy, the top ranking graduates down to the bottom
ranking graduates are all determined, and this makes for some intense
competition to be the top graduate (although the lower ten prospective
graduates may decide to compete in a race to the bottom just for the
distinction of being last after earning a decent rank becomes hopeless).
problem is one of aggregation across courses. For
example, an ordinal scale of A/B/C/D/F becomes a cardinal scale carried out to
two decimal points when we transform a set of grades into a something like a
gpa = 3.47. We have thereby
created a cardinal way to rank graduates on a continuum when the inputs to the
cardinal outcomes are only ordinal A/B/C/D.F grades for every course.
are most interested in how rankings affect them in later life. For
example, suppose Big Four accounting firms will only interview students with a
gpa of 3.30 or above. In that
case, weaker students will advocate more grade inflation so they can make the
cut. Top students will advocate
grade deflation so that the pool of students having a gpa higher than 3.30
smaller. For example, suppose
grade deflation leaves a pool of 10 qualified graduates whereas grade
inflation leaves a pool of 40 qualified graduates.
If only nine winners are going to be chosen from the pool, then top
students have better odds with grade deflation.
problem we are having at the K-12 level, is that students are aspiring for
less. I will forward Steve
Curry’s opinion on this.
Bob Jensen
May 5, 2004 reply from Steve Curry
The five letter grades were supposed to be a scale
with C meaning average. A and B were above average, D and F were below
average. The youth and college kids I work with at church are not interested
in this scale. (Nor the related 100-point scale, nor the 4.0 GPA scale.) The
parents want the A, the kids themselves are much more in the pass/fail
mindset. It’s like the joke what do you call someone who graduated at the
bottom of the class in medical school? Doctor. Whether this is an overall
societal trend, I cannot say. It may be useful to find out. If so, our
evaluations of them and their evaluations of us need to change.
When the mandatory faculty evaluations were
introduced back in 1987, I heard one professor argue that there should only be
one question: “Did you learn anything?” From what I’ve seen in the teens
I know, this simple evaluation is what they want. When the pass/fail kids
become the pass/fail parents and teachers, the various scaled systems may not
survive. If change is to occur, it will be long and painful.
Another question arises: How important is evaluation
in the first place? Certainly education that is preparing students for life
needs to evaluate whether the student has learned what is necessary but what
about the part of education that is learning for learning’s sake? Someone
who wants to become a banker certainly needs to be taught amortization and
there needs to be an evaluation to see if they understand the concept and its
application before they are certified. But is it really necessary to evaluate
a person who takes a history course simply because they love the story?
Evaluating the former is easy. Give them some numbers and see if they get it
right (pass/fail). The latter is more difficult. Which details does the
instructor think are important? This subjectivity lends itself more to a
scaled evaluation but the basic question is if evaluation is even necessary at
all. Back to the simple question “Did you learn anything?”
All this may help explain the rise of technical
training in our society where you either get the certificate or you don’t.
Maybe Career Services may have some insight as to whether campus recruiters
even look at the transcript. In my first job out of college, the phone company
never requested a transcript, they just asked if I had a degree. Have our
recent graduates encountered the same?
That we even have a concern over grade deflation (a
few years ago we were discussing grade inflation and the Lake Wobegon Effect)
draws into question the credibility of our current evaluation system in the
first place. If average truly is average then the average grade should have
been, should be, and should always be a C. If it isn’t, this suggests the
evaluation system is not accurate or impartial. It also implies it is not
Stephen Curry
Information Technology Services Phone: 210-999-7445
Trinity University\scurry
One Trinity Place
San Antonio, Texas 78212-7200
May 5, 2004 response from
I have never understood faculty be interested in
having lower grades in the class. Grade inflation might be caused by:
1. Better students. Should not the better students
at Harvard get better grades. When we change our average student SAT from
1000 to 1250 should they not get better grades.
2. Maybe teaching and teaching tools have become
more effective.
3. Are all courses equally hard and should they be.
Do we really think art courses and calculus courses need to be equally
With deference to Bob Jensen's studies their are two
many variables in producing better grades to pin down the cause effectively.
Aaron Konstam
Computer Science Trinity University
One Trinity Place. San Antonio, TX 78212-7200
May 5, 2004 reply from Bob Jensen
Aaron wrote the following:
1. Better students. Should not
the better students at Harvard get better grades. When we change our average
student SAT from 1000 to 1250 should they not get better grades.
Hi Aaron,
I think your argument overlooks the fact that the
people raising the most hell over grade inflation are the best students
currently enrolled in our universities, especially students in the Ivy League
universities. If 50% of the
students get A grades at Harvard, the Harvard grade average becomes irrelevant
when Harvard graduates are attempting to get into law, medical, and other
graduate schools at Harvard and the other Ivy League graduate schools.
Virtually all the applicants have A grades.
Where do admissions gatekeepers go from there in an effort to find the
best of the best?
The uproar from top students at
was a major factor leading to
's decision to put a cap on the proportion of A grades.
Some years back the Stanford Graduate School of
Business succumbed to pressures from top MBA students to cap the highest
grades in courses to 15% of each class. This became known as the Van
Horne Cap when I was visiting at Stanford (Jim Van Horne was then the
Associate Dean). The reason the
top students were upset by grade inflation was that they were not being
recognized as being the best of the best in order to land $150,000 starting
salaries in the top consulting firms of the world.
Those consulting firms wanted the top 10% of the graduates tagged
"prime-grade" for market by Stanford professors.
(Recruiters also complained that all letters of recommendation, even
those for weaker students, were too glowing to be of much use.
This is partly due to fear of lawsuits, but it's also a cop out.)
And now, a new report prepared by the
of Arts & Sciences says it's time to put an end to grade inflation.
"Deflating the easy 'A'," by Teresa Méndez,
Christian Science Monitor,
May 4, 2004
May 6, 2004 message from Paul Fisher [PFisher@ROGUECC.EDU]
The BBC did a small piece on the four-minute mile
this morning. It is interesting that 30-40 years ago that barrier was thought
to be impossible to break, yet now runners are not considered
"world-class" unless they can do so regularly. Does that mean our
tracks are shorter? Stopwatches slower?
We should be improving our instructing ability and
our students grades should be reflecting that. I know that my courses are
taught much better today than twenty years ago, and I would be surprised if
any instructor would say that their teaching skills have degraded over the
That does not mean I don't see the internal problems
with SAT and other measurements that may inhibit student learning, yet
maintain instructor status.
May 6, 2004 reply from Bob Jensen
Hi Paul,
You said:
"We should be improving our instructing ability and our students'
grades should be reflecting that. I know that my courses are taught much
better today than twenty years ago, and I would be surprised if any
instructor would say that their teaching skills have degraded over the
Near the bottom of this message you will read a less optimistic quote from
Ohio State University:
The massive number of undergraduates who are effectively illiterate (and
innumerate) leads to a general dumbing down of the curriculum, certainly the
humanities curriculum.
It is absolutely clear that we are not "improving our instructing
ability" in K-12 education where our TV-generation graduates are on a
race for the bottom and are demonstrating an immense lack of motivation in
public schools. They are winning a speed test in terms of hours spent in class
(maybe 4-5 hours) per day vis-à-vis my school days when we spent nearly eight
hours per day (8:00-12:00 a.m. and 1:00-4:30 p.m.) in class minus two recess
Especially note the last paragraph at the bottom of this message which
versus Japanese school children. The
last line reads "A little Japanese respect for hard work might work
wonders for this generation of American slackers who refuse to recognize their
own ignorance with anything other than praise."
It is also doubtful for our college graduates when employers tell us how
badly communication skills have declined in our graduates, especially grammar
and creative writing skills of the TV-generation. I think the media has
greatly expanded student superficial knowledge about a lot of things, but so
much of it seems so shallow. Ask your college's older writing composition
instructors if writing skills have improved over the years? Ask the
instructor's in the basic math/stat course if math skills have improved?
I think that more of our graduates might be able to run the four-minute
mile, and their term papers may be equally fast-paced Google pastes that set
speed records but not quality records.
How well do you think our college graduates would do on this supposed 1895
test for eighth graders ---
If you get a chance, compare the reading book currently used in the fifth
grade of your school district with the turn-of-the-century McGuffey Reader
The recent anecdotes about the inability of
undergraduates to read what grade school students used to read before WW
II should hardly come as a surprise. The new 1998 NAEP writing
assessments, how available at the National Center for Educational
Statistics, show in correlation with the reading assessments that the
majority of US students lack the skills for reading any advanced
In his press release, Gary W. Phillips, the
Acting Commissioner for the NCES, stated that the average or typical US
student is not a proficient writer (where "proficient" is a
descriptive skill category of the NAEP) and has only partial mastery of
the knowledge and skills required for solid academic performance in
writing. This is true, he noted, at the national level for all three
grades (4th, 8th and 12th). Only 25% had reached the proficient
achievement level, while a mere 1% in each grade had reached the advanced
achievement level. I note that the skills required for basic, proficient
and advanced are very generous. By the English standards of a century ago,
"advanced" would probably not even qualify for
Here is a summary of the percentage of students
at or above each achievement level by gender:
Gender Advanced Proficient Basic
Male 0 14 70 Female 1 29 86.
The discrepancy between male and female
proficiency should ring alarm bells throughout the educational world. The
gap here nearly guarantees poor male performance at the university. As a
gross description, the data show that 23-38 percent of US students fall
below grade level in writing. If one compares the writing assessments with
the reading assessments, a fairly close correspondence between the two is
evident. Here is a summary of the percentage of students at or above each
achievement level in reading by year of assessment:
Year Advanced Proficient Basic
98 6 40 77 94 4 36 75 92 4 40 80.
What this tells us is what everyone who teaches
writing knows quite well: writing is a form of book talk. Failure in
reading assures failure in writing.
It is, as a consequence, hopeless to tackle the
writing problem without first solving the reading problem. Indeed, I'm
quite confident that a massive improvement in reading skills would, by
itself, produce a significant improvement in writing skills. The NAEP
assessments suggest modest improvement in reading at the fourth grade
level (though skewed by the failure of some states to include the results
from students with learning disabilities), but they are far too small for
the enormous amount of money that has been spent to improve the skill.
Since private schools consistently outperform public schools by a large
margin at all grade levels in both reading and writing assessments, there
are clear advantages in relative freedom from the educational bureaucracy
and greater control over discipline and content. It is very unlikely, in
my opinion, that the public schools will ever work very well unless the
socio-economic disparity between the poor and the middle class (shrinking
though it is) can be eliminated or at least reduced. The NAEP results show
another important correspondence, that between parental education and
writing skill. Parents with a college degree impart more social
capital--including discipline and higher expectations--to their children
than parents with only a high school degree or no degree.
The massive number of undergraduates who are
effectively illiterate (and innumerate) leads to a general dumbing down of
the curriculum, certainly the humanities curriculum. Heroic efforts must
be made simply to convey the semantic meaning of a passage children once
read in McGuffy's Reader.
A healthy respect for their own deficiencies coupled with the will to
learn and a relentless courage to fight through to understanding would
help these weak students enormously. Unfortunately, a very large
proportion are simply disengaged from any kind of serious, disciplined and
steady application to studies as a study by UCLA's Higher Education
Research Institute shows (_The American Freshman: National Norms for Fall
1995_, ed. Sax et al. (Los Angeles: HERS, 1995)). More and more students
entering college have spent less time at homework than ever before, talked
less to teachers outside class, participated less actively in clubs and
visited a teacher's home less frequently. They want everything presented
to them in an easily graspable, attractive package--like a TV sitcom. Many
claim to be bored in class and are hostile to long or complex reading
assignments (whole classes indeed will revolt on occasion), but expect
good grades for mediocre work. The alienated and disengaged are often
proud of their ignorance. A student who claims to have read all of Othello
I.i, which is after all a very modest assignment, without understanding a
word of it has not availed himself of a good annotated edition, of
dictionaries and of references works. He also lacks a decent sense of
shame. More significantly, he hasn't displayed the will to keep working at
the scene until some understanding breaks clear.
In all my years of teaching Shakespeare at the
undergraduate and graduate levels, as in my years teaching him in high
school, I never encountered such a completely blank mind. Certainly not in
Japan, where I'm currently teaching a seminar in Shakespeare with students
who labor unremittingly to follow the syntax and meaning. A little
Japanese respect for hard work might work wonders for this generation of
American slackers who refuse to recognize their own ignorance with
anything other than praise.
far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain; and as
far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality.
Albert Einstein.
I suspect this quote could easily be modified to apply to academic accounting
How could a school
district be unaware of such an important law? The law itself is probably a
poor law that will ultimately turn the Algebra course into a color-the-equation
course for students not bound for college. The fact of the matter is that
the algebra coloring books could just not be printed by the time the law went
into effect.
May 2, 2004 message
from Dr. Mark H. Shapiro []
Los Angeles Times
recently reported that some 200 school districts in California had been
granted waivers from the new graduation requirement that compels every high
school student in the "golden state" to pass Algebra 1 before
receiving his or her diploma. The school districts that were granted waivers
complained that they were unaware of the new law, and that it would be unfair
to penalize their students who were about to graduate because of the failings
of these districts.
students not interested in going on to college, wouldn’t it be better to
substitute the Algebra course for a course combining Excel financial functions
with the basic mathematics of finance so that students would understand how
interest rates are calculated on loans and the basics of how they might be
cheated by lenders, investment advisors (read that mutual fund advisors), and
employers? For those students, the best thing they could learn in my opinion is
The course could also include some basic income tax fundamentals like interest
and property tax deductions and the calculations of after-tax costs of home
ownership and the senseless cost of purchasing vehicles you cannot afford.
who change their minds, after graduation, and decide to go on to college will
just have to pick up the Algebra later on when they have perhaps matured enough
to see some relevance of algebra and other mathematics courses in their
education. I was an
farm boy who did not take
calculus, linear algebra, differential equations, finite mathematics, and
mathematical programming until I was in a doctoral program. This
turned out to be a brilliant move, because I looked like a genius to some of my
competitors in the program who forgot much of the mathematics they studied
years earlier and had long forgotten. For
example, one of our statistics qualifying examination questions in the doctoral
program required integrating the normal distribution (not an easy thing to do)
by shifting to polar coordinates. I
looked brilliant because I’d only recently learned how to integrate with
polar coordinates. My engineering
counterparts had long forgotten about polar coordinates ---
please, please do not ask me anything today about polar coordinates? Many
things learned in doctoral programs are not relevant to life later on.
3, 2004 reply from Patricia Doherty [pdoherty@BU.EDU]
From: Patricia Doherty
Sent: Monday, May 03, 2004 9:12 AM
Subject: Re: Mathematics versus Reality versus Curriculum
"…wouldn't it
be better to substitute the Algebra course for a course combining Excel
financial functions with the basic mathematics of finance so that students
would understand how interest rates are calculated on loans and the basics of
how they might be cheated by lenders, investment advisors (read that mutual
fund advisors), and employers? …"
In order to
understand these, a student needs many of the concepts taught in Algebra I,
such as the way equations work. Algebra I is really a pretty basic math course
where they spend a lot of the first months reviewing basic math like fractions
and decimals. These seem to me like things students need to understand
spreadsheets and compound interest. Perhaps a DIFFERENT algebra course should
be offered for those who are college-bound, and those who may not be. The
latter would take a course more oriented to the "practical" needs
you cite, whereas the former (who also, by the way, need these things) would
take a more challenging, accelerated course, more along the lines of the
Algebra I you are probably thinking of.
I love being married.
It's so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest
of your life. Author unknown.
Patricia A. Doherty
Instructor in Accounting Coordinator,
Managerial Accounting
Boston University School of Management
595 Commonwealth Avenue Boston, MA 02215
May 3, 2004 reply from Bob Jensen
Hi Pat,
Actually, I found that by using
Excel's financial functions my students grasp the concepts and the models
before they learn about the underlying equations. They are deriving
amortization schedules and checking out automobile financing advertisements
long before they must finally study the underlying mathematical derivations.
When we eventually derive the
equations, the mathematics makes more sense to the students. Sometimes they
claim that they understood it better before learning about the math. It's a
little like learning to appreciate poetry before delving into such things as
meter and iambic pentameter ---
I'm not sure at the first-course
level in high school that it is really necessary to delve under the hood and
understand the equations like we teach them in college. I certainly don't
think that many high school students who never intend to go to college get
much out of learning how to solve quadratic equations and other topics in
Algebra 1. They have less interest because they don't see much use to them
unless they are proceeding on to calculus and college.
May 4, 2004 reply from Gadal, Damian [DGADAL@CI.SANTA-BARBARA.CA.US]
From: Gadal, Damian
Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2004 9:07 AM
Subject: Re: Mathematics versus Reality versus Curriculum
I thought about this
most of last night, and what I've been advocating is not failing our youth.
That to me means not dumbing down our education system.
The car analogy
doesn't work for me, as cars were engineered with end-users in mind, as were
phones, computers, radios, televisions, etc.
I don't think we
should put the roof on the house before building the foundation.
Waterfront Accounting
May 4 reply from Bob Jensen
I think the real distinction is
whether you think failure to require Algebra I for all students is necessarily
dumbing down the entire education system. Many nations (especially in Germany
and Japan) have flexible educational curricula to serve different needs of
different students.
Alternative curricula may be equally
challenging without being a "dumbing down." Dumbing down
arises when a course in any given curriculum is made easier and easier just so
more students can pass the course.
Having alternative courses is not in
and of itself a "dumbing down." For example, replacing Algebra I
with "foundations of the mathematics of finance" or
"foundations of music composition" would not necessarily be "dumbing
down." Dumbing down any given course means
taking the hard stuff out so that more students can pass. Replacing one hard
course with another hard course is not dumbing down and may improve education
because the alternate curriculum is more motivating to the student.
If you want to read more about how to
"dumb down" math couses, go to
The Old
Adobe Union School District in Petaluma, California has adopted a
new math program: MathLand.
The net result of this action is to dumb-down
the math curriculum and turn the math program into a math appreciation
program. This site is dedicated to informing parents in Petaluma, California
about the issues involved.
Children grow
older and the protest continues against the use of the CPM
Algebra I program being used at Kenilworth Junior High of the Petaluma Joint
Unified District. This program is so deficient it doesn't cover even half of
the California State Content Standards for Algebra I.
May 2, 2004 reply from Michael O'Neil,
CPA Adjunct Prof. Weber [Marine8105@AOL.COM]
As a teacher of
Algebra A (yes, Algebra A: the first half of Algebra I) I can tell you that
you do not even know how bad it is in public schools. I am also a CPA and
teach an accounting and consumer finance class in high school. Yes, I fail
most of my students. Most of my Algebra A students have already failed
Pre-Algebra. They are very lazy, and given their low academic level, many of
them are discipline problems.
Despite having
standards and trying to TEACH them the material I was not given tenure and
then told flat out by the principal (a young man with little teaching
experience) that he did not have to give me a reason, and he would not give me
a reason. This despite my yearly evaluation having no negative
areas--satisfactory in all areas.
California will let
schools use accounting as a math class but will not give me credit toward my
Math credential. So in theory it might be that in a school accounting would be
a 12th grade class, and I would not be able to teach it, despite a MPAcc and
It will be
interesting when schools show a high pass rate in Algebra I and no correlation
to the Exit exam.
Mike ONeil
May 5, 2004 reply from XXXXX
I won't even start the story of what the Headmaster
told me about the Cs in my Spanish class I gave to three students missing most
of the semester due to their parents' taking them on repeated ski trips to
Colorado and the students not only not turning in assigned-the-week-before
homework, but clearly (matching their tests to the key) failing two of the
three exams in the class. My Cs were not even honest in regards to cumulative
work done, and pushing the packet.
These students, according to the Headmaster, needed
at least Bs in the class, for reasons I did not need to know. I discovered,
after that reason was given that these parents were funders of the new gym and
were pledged to give more. Keep in mind that this private school, in (City
X), was and still is known for having more students test
higher on SATs than other private schools in town. This school also requires 5
years of Latin to get out, and it's a joke to see the helpless ones struggle
with Latin the first time (of course never having taken a foreign language in
school before) when their rich parents transfer them in from other private
schools or HISD to begin to learn Latin and keep a required B in those classes
to graduate.
Their parents whine that the kids are having too much
homework, etc. What a mess. And that was one of the very best schools (City
X) had/has to offer. I, needless to say, did not return
to teach there the next year. And to teach in HISD, although teachers are
needed, requires a handgun license and proficiency in martial arts as well as
private bodyguard just to be defended against the classroom population. This
week's NewYorker has such a cartoon (copy over at the library;
Bob, thanks for letting me vent here. Community
colleges offer some hope, but there is such a time delay because of remedial
work needed. Home schooling early might work in some cases. And to think these
people are our country's future leaders. In closing, I certainly know that it
is more difficult to learn as an adult than as a child or adolescent...
Happy Wednesday...
Very best,
As I said previously, great teachers come in about as many varieties as
flowers. Click on the link below to read about some of the varieties
recalled by students from their high school days. I t should be noted that
"favorite teacher" is not synonymous with "learned the
most." Favorite teachers are often great at entertaining and/or
motivating. Favorite teachers often make learning fun in a variety of
However, students may actually learn the most from pretty dull teachers with
high standards and demanding assignments and exams. Also dull teachers may
also be the dedicated souls who are willing to spend extra time in one-on-one
sessions or extra-hour tutorials that ultimately have an enormous impact on
mastery of the course. And then there are teachers who are not so
entertaining and do not spend much time face-to-face that are winners because
they have developed learning materials that far exceed other teachers in terms
of student learning because of those materials.
The recollections below tend to lean toward entertainment and "fun"
teachers, but you must keep in mind that these were written after-the-fact by
former high school teachers. In high school, dull teachers tend not to be
popular before or after the fact. This is not
always the case when former students recall their college professors.
"'A dozen roses to my favorite teacher," The Philadelphia Enquirer,
November 30, 2004 ---
What works in education?
Perhaps Colleges Should Think About This
"School Ups Grade by Going Online," by Cyrus Farivar, Wired News,
October 12, 2004 ---,1284,65266,00.html?tw=newsletter_topstories_html
Until last year, Walt Whitman Middle School 246 in
Brooklyn was considered a failing school by the state of New York.
But with the help of a program called HIPSchools
that uses rapid communication between parents and teachers through e-mail and
voice mail, M.S.
246 has had a dramatic turnaround. The premise behind "HIP"
comes from Keys Technology Group's mission of "helping involve
The school has seen distinct improvement in the
performance of its 1300 students, as well as regular attendance, which has
risen to 98 percent (an increase of over 10 percent) in the last two years
according to Georgine Brown-Thompson, academic intervention services
coordinator at M.S. 246.
Continued in the article
Work Experience Substitutes for College Credits
Bob Jensen cannot support an initiative to grant college credit for work
The proposal also said Pennsylvania officials would
explore the creation of a centralized body that would try to commonly assess and
define what kinds of work experience should qualify for credit, to ease the
transfer of credit for such work among colleges in the commonwealth . . . Peter
Stokes, executive vice president at Eduventures, an education research firm,
agreed that policies that make it easier for workers to translate their previous
work experience into academic credit can go a long way in encouraging mid-career
workers who might be daunted by the prospect of entering college for the first
time. “For someone who’s been in the work force for 10 or 15 years, it can be a
lot less scary if the college or university you’re enrolling in can tell you
that you’re already halfway there, or a third of the way there,” Stokes said.
Doug Lederman, "Work Experience for College Credit," Inside Higher Ed,
August 14, 2006 ---
An Old Fudd's Comment
Everybody has life experience, much of which may be more educational than
passage of college courses or studying for qualification examinations. I just
don't think it's possible to fairly assess this without at least having
qualifying examinations for waiving courses. It may be possible to have
qualifying examinations that allow certain courses to be replaced by other
courses in a curriculum plan that recognizes that a student has sufficient
knowledge for advanced courses. Maybe I'm just old fashioned, but I think that
the total number of course credits required for a degree should be lowered by
life experience or qualifying examinations. Students should earn their credits
in onsite or online courses that, hopefully, entail interactive learning between
students and both instructors and other students.
Bob Jensen's threads on higher education controversies are at
Certification Examinations
Certification Examinations Serve Two Purposes: One is to screen
for quality and the other is to put up a barrier to entry to keep a
profession from being flooded
The California test (BAR exam for
lawyers), by all accounts, is tough. It lasts three
days, as compared with two or 2½-day exams in most states. Only one state --
Delaware -- has a higher minimum passing score. According to the National
Conference of Bar Examiners, just 44% of those taking the California bar in 2004
passed the exam, the lowest percentage in the country, versus a national average
of 64% . . . Critics say the test is capricious, unreliable and a poor measure
of future lawyering skills. Some also complain that California's system serves
to protect the state's lawyers by excluding competition from out-of-state
attorneys. There has been some loosening of the rules. California adopted rules
last year permitting certain classes of lawyers to practice in the state without
having to take the bar.
"Raising the Bar: Even Top Lawyers Fail California Exam," by James Bandler and
Nathan Koppel, December 5, 2005; Page A1 ---
Jensen Comment:
Unlike the BAR exam, the CPA examination is a national examination with uniform
grading standards for all 50 states, even though other licensure requirements
vary from state to state. Also the CPA examination allows students to pass
part of the exam while allowing them to retake other parts on future
examinations. Recently the CPA examination became a computerized
examination (will both objective and essay/problem components). This may
change performance scores somewhat relative to the data presented below.
You can read the following at
National Average Pass Rates
The National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) publishes an
Annual Report Entitled "Candidate Performance on the Uniform CPA
Examination." Annual data since 1998 typically showed that, for each exam
held since that year:
- Only about 12% of all candidates passed all 4
exam parts
- 58% of first time candidates did not pass any
exam part
- 46% of repeat candidates did not pass any exam
Student Pass Rates at Top Colleges, per
NASBA, May 2004 Edition:
- Top 10 colleges, students without advanced
degrees 40.78% average
- Top 10 colleges, students with advanced
degrees 65.53% average
Life in Our Litigious Society
If attendance alone does not guarantee a passing grade, sue the school?
This is from Karen Alpert's FinanceMusings Blog on August 23, 2006 ---
Finally, I'd like to mention a
piece from Online Opinion about education as a
consumer good. It talks about a legal settlement between a secondary school
in Melbourne and the parents of a student who did not learn to read
Those in the know have warned that this case could
result in an education system burdened by increased litigation by
parents against schools, with schools having to be very careful about
how they promote their standard of teaching to parents of future
students. Not only does the case highlight that education is becoming an
area of focus in an increasingly litigious society, but that on a
broader level education - at whatever level - has become little more
than a product for sale in the market for knowledge and training.
While the case at hand involved a secondary school,
I can easily see it applied to tertiary institutions; especially in the case
of full fee paying students. Some students already seem to think that
attendance should guarantee a passing grade. While I believe that certain
pedagogical standards must be met, students must participate in their own
education. Those who are not willing to work toward understanding and
learning should not be handed a degree. (Say
Jensen Comment
I think Karen's a party poop!
Bob Jensen's threads on higher education controversies are at
Peer Review in Which Reviewer Comments are Shared With the World
I think this policy motivates journal article referees to be more
responsible and accountable!
Is this the beginning of the end for the traditional refereeing process
of academic journals?
Could this be the death knell of the huge
SSRN commercial
business that blocks sharing of academic working papers unless readers
and libraries pay?
"Nature editors start online peer review," PhysOrg, September 14, 2006
Editors of the prestigious scientific journal
Nature have reportedly embarked on an experiment of their own: adding an
online peer review process.
Articles currently submitted for publication in the
journal are subjected to review by several experts in a specific field, The
Wall Street Journal reported. But now editors at the 136-year-old Nature
have proposed a new system for authors who agree to participate: posting the
paper online and inviting scientists in the field to submit comments
approving or criticizing it.
Although lay readers can also view the submitted
articles, the site says postings are only for scientists in the discipline,
who must list their names and institutional e-mail addresses.
The journal -- published by the Nature Publishing
Group, a division of Macmillan Publishers Ltd., of London -- said it will
discard any comments found to be irrelevant, intemperate or otherwise
Nature's editors said they will take both sets of
comments -- the traditional peer-review opinions and the online remarks --
into consideration when deciding whether to publish a study, The Journal
October 5, 2006 message from Carolyn Kotlas
The Public Library of Science will launch its
first open peer-reviewed journal called PLoS ONE which will focus on
papers in science and medicine. Papers in PLoS ONE will not undergo
rigorous peer review before publication. Any manuscripts that is deemed
to be a "valuable contribution to the scientific literature" can be
posted online, beginning the process of community review. Authors are
charged a fee for publication; however, fees may be waived in some
instances. For more information see
For an article on this venture, see: "Web Journals Threaten
Peer-Review System" By Alicia Chang, Yahoo! News, October 1, 2006 ---
A New Model for Peer Review in Which
Reviewer Comments are Shared With the World
Peer Reviewers Comments are Open for All to See in New Biology Journal
From the University of Illinois Issues in Scholarly Communication
Blog, February 15, 2006 ---
Central has launched Biology Direct, a new online open access
journal with a novel system of peer review. The journal will operate
completely open peer review, with named peer reviewers' reports
published alongside each article. The author's rebuttals to the
reviewers comments are also published. The journal also takes the
innovative step of requiring that the author approach Biology Direct
Editorial Board members directly to obtain their agreement to review
the manuscript or to nominate alternative reviewers. [Largely taken
from a BioMed Central press report.]
Biology Direct launches with publications
in the fields of Systems Biology, Computational Biology, and
Evolutionary Biology, with an Immunology section to follow soon. The
journal considers original research articles, hypotheses, and
reviews and will eventually cover the full spectrum of biology.
Biology Direct is led by Editors-in-Chief
David J Lipman, Director of the National Center Biotechnology
Information (NCBI), a division of the National Library of Medicine (NLM)
at NIH, USA; Eugene V Koonin, Senior Investigator at NCBI; and Laura
Landweber, Associate Professor at Princeton University, Princeton,
For more information about the journal or about how to submit a
manuscript to the journal, visit the Biology Direct website ---
Bob Jensen's threads on peer review controversies are at
As David Bartholomae observes, “We make a huge
mistake if we don’t try to articulate more publicly what it is we value in
intellectual work. We do this routinely for our students — so it should not be
difficult to find the language we need to speak to parents and legislators.” If
we do not try to find that public language but argue instead that we are not
accountable to those parents and legislators, we will only confirm what our
cynical detractors say about us, that our real aim is to keep the secrets of our
intellectual club to ourselves. By asking us to spell out those secrets and
measuring our success in opening them to all, outcomes assessment helps make
democratic education a reality.
Gerald Graff, "Assessment Changes
Everything," Inside Higher Ed, February 21, 2008 ---
Gerald Graff is professor of English at the University of Illinois at Chicago
and president of the Modern Language Association. This essay is adapted from a
paper he delivered in December at the MLA annual meeting, a version of which
appears on the MLA’s Web site and is reproduced here with the association’s
permission. Among Graff’s books are Professing Literature, Beyond the
Culture Wars and Clueless in Academe: How School Obscures the Life of the Mind.
The consensus report, which was approved by the
group’s international board of directors, asserts that it is vital when
accrediting institutions to assess the “impact” of faculty members’ research on
actual practices in the business world.
"Measuring ‘Impact’ of B-School Research," by Andy Guess, Inside
Higher Ed, February 21, 2008 ---
Ask anyone with an M.B.A.: Business school provides
an ideal environment to network, learn management principles and gain access
to jobs. Professors there use a mix of scholarly expertise and business
experience to teach theory and practice, while students prepare for the life
of industry: A simple formula that serves the school, the students and the
corporations that recruit them.
Yet like
any other academic enterprise, business schools expect their
faculty to produce peer-reviewed research. The relevance,
purpose and merit of that research has been debated almost
since the institutions started appearing, and now a new
report promises to add to the discussion — and possibly stir
more debate. The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools
of Business on Thursday released the final report of its
Impact of Research Task Force, the
result of feedback from almost 1,000 deans, directors and
professors to a preliminary draft circulated in August.
The consensus
report, which was approved by the group’s international
board of directors, asserts that it is vital when
accrediting institutions to assess the “impact” of faculty
members’ research on actual practices in the business world.
But it does not settle on concrete metrics for impact,
leaving that discussion to a future implementation task
force, and emphasizes that a “one size fits all” approach
will not work in measuring the value of scholars’ work.
The report
does offer suggestions for potential measures of impact. For
a researcher studying how to improve manufacturing
practices, impact could be measured by counting the number
of firms adopting the new approach. For a professor who
writes a book about finance for a popular audience, one
measure could be the number of copies sold or the quality of
reviews in newspapers and magazines.
“In the
past, there was a tendency I think to look at the
[traditional academic] model as kind of the desired
situation for all business schools, and what we’re saying
here in this report is that there is not a one-size-fits-all
model in this business; you should have impact and
expectations dependent on the mission of the business school
and the university,” said Richard Cosier, the dean of the
Krannert School of Management at Purdue University and vice
chair and chair-elect of AACSB’s board. “It’s a pretty
radical position, if you know this business we’re in.”
position worried some respondents to the initial draft, who
feared an undue emphasis on immediate, visible impact of
research on business practices — essentially, clear
utilitarian value — over basic research. The final report
takes pains to alleviate those concerns, reassuring deans
and scholars that it wasn’t minimizing the contributions of
theoretical work or requiring that all professors at a
particular school demonstrate “impact” for the institution
to be accredited.
readers, for instance, inferred that the Task Force believes
that ALL intellectual contributions must be relevant to and
impact practice to be valued. The position of the Task Force
is that intellectual contributions in the form of basic
theoretical research can and have been extremely valuable
even if not intended to directly impact practice,” the
report states.
“It also is
important to clarify that the recommendations would not
require every faculty member to demonstrate impact from
research in order to be academically qualified for AACSB
accreditation review. While Recommendation #1 suggests that
AACSB examine a school’s portfolio of intellectual
contributions based on impact measures, it does not specify
minimum requirements for the maintenance of individual
academic qualification. In fact, the Task Force reminds us
that to demonstrate faculty currency, the current standards
allow for a breadth of other scholarly activities, many of
which may not result in intellectual contributions.”
Cosier, who
was on the task force that produced the report, noted that
business schools with different missions might require
differing definitions of impact. For example, a traditional
Ph.D.-granting institution would focus on peer-reviewed
research in academic journals that explores theoretical
questions and management concepts. An undergraduate
institution more geared toward classroom teaching, on the
other hand, might be better served by a definition of impact
that evaluated research on pedagogical concerns and learning
methods, he suggested.
A further
concern, he added, is that there simply aren’t enough
Ph.D.-trained junior faculty coming down the pipeline, let
alone resources to support them, to justify a single
research-oriented model across the board. “Theoretically,
I’d say there’s probably not a limit” to the amount of
academic business research that could be produced, “but
practically there is a limit,” Cosier said.
some critics have worried that the
report could encourage a focus on the immediate impact of
research at the expense of theoretical work that could
potentially have an unexpected payoff in the future.
Historically, as the report notes, business scholarship was
viewed as inferior to that in other fields, but it has
gained esteem among colleagues over the past 50 or so years.
In that context, the AACSB has pursued a concerted effort to
define and promote the role of research in business schools.
The report’s concrete recommendations also include an awards
program for “high-impact” research and the promotion of
links between faculty members and managers who put some of
their research to use in practice.
recommendations still have a ways to go before they become
policy, however. An implementation task force is planned to
look at how to turn the report into a set of workable
policies, with some especially worried about how the
“impact” measures would be codified. The idea, Cosier said,
was to pilot some of the ideas in limited contexts before
rolling them out on a wider basis.
Jensen Comment
It will almost be a joke to watch leading accountics researchers trying of show
how their esoteric findings have impacted the practice world when the professors
themselves cannot to point to any independent replications of their own work ---
Is the practice world so naive as to rely upon findings of scientific research
that has not been replicated?
Bob Jensen's threads on assessment are at
Differences between "popular teacher"
versus "master teacher"
versus "mastery learning"
versus "master educator."
Teaching versus Research versus Education
October 24, 2007 message from XXXXX
I'm writing this to get your personal view of the relationship between
teaching and research? I think there's lots of ways to potentially answer
this question, but I'm curious as to your thoughts.
October 27, 2007 reply from Bob Jensen
Wow! This is a tough question!.
Since I know you're an award-winning teacher, I hope you will identify
yourself on the AECM and improve upon my comments below.
Your question initially is to comment on the relation between teaching and
research. In most instances research at some point in time led to virtually
everything we teach. In the long-run research thus becomes the foundation of
teaching. In the case of accounting education this research is based heavily on
normative and case method research. Many, probably most,
accountics researchers are not outstanding teachers of undergraduate
accounting unless they truly take the time for both preparation and student
New education technologies may especially help these researchers teach better.
For example, adding video such as the BYU variable speed video described below
may replace bad lecturing in live classes with great video learning modules.
Similarly, master teachers and master educators are sometimes reputed researchers, but this is
probably the exception rather than the rule. Researchers have trouble finding
the time for great class preparation and open-door access.
Firstly your question can be answered at the university-wide level where experts
think that students, especially undergraduate students, get short changed by
research professors. Top research professors sometimes only teach doctoral
students or advanced masters students who are already deemed experts.
Research professors often prefer this arrangement so that they can focus
upon there research even when "teaching" a tortured
esoteric course. Undergraduate students in
these universities are often taught by graduate student instructors who have
many demands on their time that impedes careful preparation for teaching
each class and for giving students a lot of time outside of class.
Often the highest ranked universities are among the worst universities in
terms of teaching. See
When top researchers are assigned undergraduate sections, their
sections are often the least popular. A management science professor years
ago (a top Carnegie-Mellon graduate) on the faculty at Michigan State University had no
students signing up for his elective courses. When assigned sections of
required courses, he only got students if students had no choice regarding
which section of a course they were forced into by the department head. This
professor who was avoided by students at almost all costs was one of the
most intelligent human beings I ever met in my entire life.
One of the huge problems is that research professors give more attention
to research activities than day-to-day class preparation. Bad preparation,
in turn, short changes students expecting more from teachers. I've certainly
experienced this as a student and as a faculty member where I've sometimes
been guilty of this as I look back in retrospect. A highly regarded
mathematics researcher at Stanford years ago had a reputation of being always unprepared for class. He often could not solve
his own illustrations
in class, flubbed up answering student questions, and confused himself while lecturing
in a very disjointed and unprepared manner. This is forgivable now an then,
but not repeatedly to a point where his campus reputation for bad teaching
is known by all. Yet if there was a Nobel Prize for mathematics, he would
have won such a prize. John Nash (the
"Beautiful Mind" at Princeton University who did win a Nobel Prize in
economics) had a similar teaching reputation, although his problems were
confounded by mental illness.
Then again, sometimes top researchers, I mean very top award-winning
researchers, are also the master teachers. For example, Bill Beaver, Mary
Barth, and some other top accounting research professors repeatedly won
outstanding teaching awards when teaching Stanford's MBA students and
doctoral students. I think in these instances,
their research makes them better teachers because they had so much leading
edge material to share with students. Some of our peers are just good at
anything they seriously undertake.
But when it gets down to it, there's no single mold for a top teacher and
a top educator. And top educators are often not award-sinning teachers.
Extremely popular teachers are not necessarily top educators ---
In fact, some top educators may be unpopular teachers who get relatively
low student evaluations. In a somewhat analogous manner, the best physicians
may get low ratings from patients due to abrupt, impersonal, and otherwise
lousy bedside manners. Patients generally want the best physicians even when
bedside manners are lousy. This is not always the case with students. For
example, an educator who realizes that student learn better when they're not
spoon fed and have to work like the
little red hen (plant the seed, weed the
field, fend off the pests, harvest the grain, mill the grain, and bake their
own meals) prefer their fast-food instructors, especially the easy grading
fast food instructors.
Secondly your question can be answered at an individual level regarding
what constitutes a master educator or a master teacher. There are no molds
for such outstanding educators. Some are great researchers as well as being
exceptional teachers and/or educators. Many are not researchers, although
some of the non-researchers may be scholarly writers.
Some pay a price for devoting their lives to education administration and
teaching rather than research. For example, some who win all-campus teaching
awards and are selected by students and alumni as being the top educators on
campus are stuck as low paying associate professorship levels because they
did not do the requisite research for higher level promotions and pay.
Master Educators Who Deliver Exceptional Courses or
Entire Programs
But Have Little Contact With Individual Students
Before reading this section, you should be familiar with the document at
Master educators can also be outstanding researchers, although research
is certainly not a requisite to being a master educator. Many master
educators are administrators of exceptional accounting education programs.
They're administrative duties typically leave little time for research,
although they may write about education and learning. Some master educators
are not even tenure track faculty.
What I've noticed in recent years is how technology can make a huge
difference. Nearly every college these days has some courses in selected
disciplines because they are utilizing some type exciting technology. Today I returned from a trip to Jackson, Mississippi where I
conduced a day-long
CPE session
on education technology for accounting educators in Mississippi
(what great southern hospitality by the way). So the audience would not have
to listen to me the entire day, I invited Cameron Earl from Brigham Young
University to make a presentation that ran for about 90 minutes. I learned
some things about top educators at BYU, which by the way is one
of the most respected universities in the world. If you factor out a
required religion course on the Book of Mormon, the most popular courses on
the BYU campus are the two basic accounting courses. By popular I mean in
terms of thousands of students who elect to take these courses even if they
have no intention of majoring in business or economics where these two courses are
required. Nearly all humanities and science students on campus try to sign up for
these two accounting courses.
After students take these two courses, capacity constraints restrict the
numbers of successful students in these courses who are then allowed to
become accounting majors at BYU. I mean I'm talking about a very, very small
percentage who are allowed to become accounting students. Students admitted
to the accounting program generally have over 3.7 minimum campus-wide grade
This begs the question of what makes the two basic accounting courses so
exceptionally popular in such a large and prestigious university?
- These two basic accounting courses are not sought out for easy
grades. In fact they are among the hardest courses for high grades at
BYU. I think that this is probably true in most business schools in the
- These two BYU courses are not sought out for face-to-face contact
with the instructor. The courses have thousands of students each term
such that most students do not see the instructor outside of class even
though he's available over ten hours per week for those who seek him
out. Each course only meets in live classes eight times per semester.
Most of the speakers in those eight classes are outstanding visiting
speakers who add a great deal to the popularity of the course. This is
often one difference between a course run by a master educator versus a
master teacher. A master educator often brings in top talent to inspire
and educate students.
- The courses undoubtedly benefit from the the shortage of accounting
graduates in colleges nationwide and the exceptional career
opportunities for students who want careers in accounting, taxation,
law, business management, government, criminal justice, and other
organizations. But these accountancy advantages exist for every college
that has an accounting education program. Most all colleges do not have
two basic accounting courses that are sought out by every student in the
entire university. That makes BYU's two basic accounting courses truly
- Some courses in every college are popular these days because they
are doing something exceptional with technology. These two BYU courses
increased in popularity when a self-made young man became a
multimillionaire and decided to devote his life to being a master
educator in these two accountancy courses at BYU. His name is Norman
Nemrow. He runs these courses full time without salary at BYU and is
neither a tenure track faculty member or a noted researcher at BYU. I
think he qualifies, however, as an education researcher even if he does
not publish his findings in academic journals. The video disks are
available to anyone in the world for a relatively small fee that goes to
BYU, but BYU is not doing this for purposes of making great profits. You
can read more about how to get the course disks at the following links:
- The students in these two courses learn the technical aspects of
from variable-speed video disks that were produced by Norman and a team
of video and learning experts. Cameron Earl is a recent graduate of BYU
who is part of the technical team that delivers these two courses on
video. Formal studies of Nemrow's video courses indicate that students
generally prefer to learn from the video relative to live lectures. The
course has computer labs run by teaching assistants who can give live
tutorials to individual students, but most students who have the video
disks for their own computers do not seek out the labs.
Trivia Question
At BYU most students on campus elect to take Norman Nemrow's two basic
accounting courses. In the distant past, what exceptional accounting
professor managed to get his basic accounting courses required at a renowned
university while he was teaching these courses?
Trivia Answer
Bill Paton is one of the all-time great accounting professors in history.
His home campus was the University of Michigan, and for a period of time
virtually all students at his university had to take basic accounting (or at
least so I was told by several of Paton's former doctoral students). Bill
Paton was one of the first to be inducted into the
Accounting Hall of Fame.
As an aside, I might mention
that I favor requiring two basic accounting courses for every
student admitted to a college or university, including colleges
who do not even have business education programs.
But the "required accounting
courses" would not, in my viewpoint, be a traditional basic
accounting courses. About two thirds or more of these courses
should be devoted to personal finance, investing, business law,
tax planning. The remainder of the courses should touch on
accounting basics for keeping score of business firms and
budgeting for every organization in society.
At the moment, the majority of
college graduates do not have a clue about the time value of
money and the basics of finance and accounting that they will
face the rest of their lives. |
There are other ways of being "mastery educators" without being master
teachers in a traditional sense. Three professors of accounting at the
University of Virginia developed and taught a year-long intermediate
accounting case where students virtually had to teach themselves in a manner
that they found painful and frustrating. But there are metacognitive reasons
where the end result made this year-long active learning task one of the
most meaningful and memorable experiences in their entire education ---
They often painfully grumbled with such comments as "everything I'm learned
in this course I'm having to learn by myself."
You can read about mastery learning and all its frustrations at
How well do student evaluations of instructors predict performance in subsequent
advanced courses?
Are popular teachers necessarily the best teachers?
Are students misled by grade inflation?
One of the major points of the study was its look at
the effectiveness of student evaluations. Although the evaluations can
accurately predict the performance of the student in the “contemporaneous”
course — the course in which the professor teaches the student — they are “very
poor” predictors of the performance of a professor’s students in later,
follow-up courses. Because many universities use student evaluations as a factor
in decisions of promotion and tenure, this “draws into question how one should
measure professor quality,” according to the report.
See below
"Evaluating Faculty Quality, Randomly," by James Heggen, Inside Higher
Ed, July 11, 2008 ---
The question of how to measure the quality of
college teaching continues to vex campus administrators. Teaching
evaluations, on which many institutions depend for at least part of their
analysis, may be overly influenced by factors such as whether students like
the professors or get good grades. And objective analyses of how well
students learn from certain professors are difficult because, for one, if
based on a standardized test or grades, one could run into problems because
professors “teach to the test.”
A new paper tries to inject some rigorous analysis
into the discussion of how well students learn from their professors and how
effectively student evaluations track how well students learn from
individual instructors.
James West and Scott Carrell co-wrote the study, which was released by
the National Bureau of Economic Research.
“Does Professor
Quality Matter? Evidence from Random Assignment of Students to Professors”
examines students and professors at the U.S. Air Force Academy from fall
1997 to spring 2007 to try to measure the quality of instruction.
The Air Force Academy was selected because its
curricular structure avoids many of the pitfalls of traditional evaluation
methods, according to the report. Because students at the Air Force Academy
are randomly assigned to sections of core courses, there is no threat of the
sort of “self-selection” in which students might choose to study with easier
or tougher professors. “Self-selection,” the report notes, makes it
difficult to measure the impact professors have on student achievement
because “if better students tend to select better professors, then it is
difficult to statistically separate the teacher effects from the selection
Also, professors at the academy use the same
syllabus and give similar exams at about the same time. In the math
department, grading is done collectively by professors, where each professor
grades certain questions for all students in the course, which cuts down on
the subjectivity of grading, according to the report. The students are
required to take a common set of “follow-on” courses as well, in which they
are also randomly assigned to professors.
The authors acknowledge that situating the study at
the Air Force Academy may also raise questions of the “generalizability” of
the study, given the institution’s unusual student body. “Despite the
military setting, much about USAFA is comparable to broader academia,” the
report asserts. It offers degrees in fields roughly similar to those of a
liberal arts college, and because students are drawn from every
Congressional district, they are geographically representative, the report
Carrell, an assistant professor economics at the
University of California at Davis, attended the academy as an undergraduate
and the University of Florida as a grad student, and has taught at Dartmouth
as well as the Air Force Academy and Davis. “All students learn the same,”
he said.
For math and science courses, students taking
courses from professors with a higher “academic rank, teaching experience,
and terminal degree status” tended to perform worse in the “contemporaneous”
course but better in the “follow-on” courses, according to the report. This
is consistent, the report asserts, with recent findings that students taught
by “less academically qualified instructors” may become interested in
pursuing further study in particular academic areas because they earn good
grades in the initial courses, but then go on to perform poorly in later
courses that depend on the knowledge gained from the initial courses.
In humanities, the report found no such link.
Carrell had a few possible explanations for why no
such link existed in humanities courses. One is because professors have more
“latitude” in how they grade, especially with essays. Another reason could
be that later courses in humanities don’t build on earlier classes like
science and math do.
One of the major points of the study was its look
at the effectiveness of student evaluations. Although the evaluations can
accurately predict the performance of the student in the “contemporaneous”
course — the course in which the professor teaches the student — they are
“very poor” predictors of the performance of a professor’s students in
later, follow-up courses. Because many universities use student evaluations
as a factor in decisions of promotion and tenure, this “draws into question
how one should measure professor quality,” according to the report.
“It appears students reward getting higher grades,”
Carrell said
Partly because he was
fed up with childish comments on Web sites where students rate their
professors, a business-school professor at Temple University has created an
online forum for students who want to sound off. So as not to mislead
students, the site’s title suggests its intent: “Thank You Professor.”
“There are so many vehicles for students to express
their opinion,” says the site’s creator,
D. Hodge Jr., chairman of the business school’s
legal-studies department. “But there’s nothing really at the school where
the professor can get a letter directly from the student.”
When the site went live on May 1, Mr. Hodge says,
he expected about a dozen comments in the first week. Instead, more than 200
flooded in. He converts each note into a letter to the faculty member being
praised, then makes sure the business school’s dean gets a copy.
Mr. Hodge moderates the comments, but so far there
haven’t been any negative posts on
the site,
he says.
For example, the four “thank you notes” left on the
site so far for
Rob B.
Drennan Jr., an associate professor of risk,
insurance, and health-care management, have been uniformly laudatory (three
were signed, and one was anonymous). “I truly enjoyed his class,” wrote one
student, Tom Coia. “Difficult and challenging, but isn’t that what we want
from school?” Contrast that to an anonymous comment concerning Mr. Drennan
that a student left last spring on “BOOOOO!!!!!”
Mr. Hodge, incidentally,
has appeared on an MTV
Web site of faculty members who “strike back” against comments on He says Ohio State University is the only other
institution he knows of that gives students a way to thank their professors
on the Web.
Temple may extend the site to the whole university,
he says: “It’s such positive reinforcement."
Also see
Master Teachers Who Deliver Exceptional Courses
But Have Little Contact With Individual Students
Before reading this section, you should be familiar with the document at
Master teachers can also be outstanding researchers, although research is
certainly not a requisite to being a master teacher. Some, not many, master
teachers also win awards for leading empirical and analytical research. I've
already mentioned Bill Beaver and Mary Barth at Stanford University. One
common characteristic is exceptional preparation for each class coupled with
life experiences to draw upon when fielding student questions. These life
experiences often come from the real world of business apart from the more
narrow worlds of mathematical modeling where these professors are also
renowned researchers.
Frequently master teachers teach via cases and are also known as
exceptional case-method researchers and writers of cases. The Harvard
Business School every year has some leading professors who are widely known
as master teachers and master researchers. Michael Porter may become one of
Harvard's all time legends. Some of the current leading master teachers at
Harvard and elsewhere who consistently stand head and shoulders above their
colleagues are listed at
Some of the all-time great case teachers were not noted researchers or
gifted case writers. Master case teachers are generally gifted
actors/actresses with carefully prepared scripts and even case
choreographies in terms of how and were to stand in front of and among the
class. The scripts are highly adaptable to most any conceivable question or
answer given by a student at any point in the case analysis.
Most master case teachers get psyched up for each class. One of Harvard's
all time great case teachers,
C. Roland (Chris) Christensen, admitted after years of teaching to still
throwing up in the men's room before entering the classroom.
In some of these top case-method schools like the Harvard Business School
and Darden (University of Virginia) have very large classes. Master teachers
in those instances cannot become really close with each and every student
they educate and inspire.
Some widely noted case researchers and writers are not especially good in
the classroom. In fact I've known several who are considered poor teachers
that students avoided whenever possible even thought their cases are popular
Open-Door Master Teachers Who Have Exceptional One-On-One Relations
With Students
Not all master teachers are particularly outstanding in the classroom.
Two women colleagues in my lifetime stand out as open-door master teachers who were
prepared in class and good teachers but were/are not necessarily exceptional
in classroom performances. What made them masters teachers is exceptional
one-on-one relations with students outside the classroom. These master
teachers were exceptional teachers in their offices and virtually had open
door policies each and every day. Both Alice Nichols at Florida State
University and Petrea Sandlin at Trinity University got to know each student
and even some students' parents very closely. Many open-door master
teachers' former students rank them at the very top of all the teachers they
ever had in college. Many students elected to major in accounting because
these two women became such important parts of their lives in college.
But not all these open-door master teachers are promoted and well-paid by
their universities. They often have neither the time nor aptitude for
research and publishing in top academic journals. Sometimes the university
bends over backwards to grant them tenure but then locks them in at
low-paying associate ranks with lots of back patting and departmental or
campus-wide teaching awards. Some open-door master teachers never attain the
rank and prestige of full professor because they did not do enough research
and writing to pass the promotion hurdles. Most open-door master teachers find their
rewards in relations with their students rather than relations with their
Sometimes master teachers teach content extremely well without
necessarily being noted for the extent of coverage. On occasion they may
skip very lightly over some of the most difficult parts of the textbooks
such as the parts dealing with FAS 133, IAS 39, and FIN 46. Sometimes the
most difficult topics to learn make students frustrated with the course and
the instructor who nevertheless makes them learn those most difficult topics
even when the textbook coverage is superficial and outside technical
learning material has to be brought into the course. Less popular teachers
are sometimes despised taskmasters.
Your question initially was to comment on the relation between teaching and
research. In most instances research at some point in time led to virtually
everything we teach. In the long-run research thus becomes the foundation of
teaching. In the case of accounting education this research is based heavily on
normative and case method research. Many, probably most,
accountics researchers are not outstanding teachers of undergraduate
accounting unless they truly take the time for both preparation and student
New education technologies may especially help these researchers teach better.
For example, adding video such as the BYU variable speed video described above
may replace bad lecturing in live classes with great video learning modules.
Similarly, master teachers and master educators are sometimes reputed researchers, but this is
probably the exception rather than the rule. Researchers have trouble finding
the time for great class preparation and open-door access.
And lastly,
accountics researchers research in accounting has not been especially
noteworthy, apart from case-method research, in providing great teaching
material for our undergraduate and masters-level courses. If it was noteworthy
it would have at least been replicated ---
If it was noteworthy for textbooks and teaching, practitioners would be at least
interested in some of it as well ---
"‘Too Good’ for Tenure?" by Alison Wunderland (pseudonym), Inside Higher
Ed, October 26, 2007 ---
But what most small colleges won’t tell you — not
even in the fine print — is that teaching and students often really don’t
come first. And for the professors, they can’t. Once upon a time teaching
colleges taught and research institutions researched. But these days, with
the market for students competitive, and teaching schools scrambling for
recognition, they have shifted their priorities. Now they market what is
measurable — not good teaching, but big names and publications. They look to
hire new faculty from top research universities who will embellish the
faculty roster and bring attention to the school by publishing. And they can
do this, because even job candidates who don’t really want to be at places
like Rural College (although it is ranked quite well) are grateful to get a
tenure-track position.
And here is where the problem is compounded. Small
schools want books instead of teaching; and many new faculty — even the
mediocre scholars — want to publish instead of teach. In the new small
college, both win. Everyone looks the other way while courses are neglected
for the sake of publications. What few devoted teachers will admit — because
to do so would be impolitic — is that it is impossible to teach a 4-4 or
even a 3-3 load effectively and publish a book pre-tenure without working
“too hard.” What’s more, when you suggest that a small teaching college
should prioritize teaching over publishing, what your colleagues hear you
say is, “I am not good enough to publish.”
Sadly, many of the students also think they win in
this scenario. They get good grades with little work. Once a culture like
this is established, a new faculty member who is serious about teaching
rocks the boat. And if she still somehow manages to excel in all the other
required areas, she might be sunk. Unfortunately for the small schools, the
best solution for her might be to jump ship.
"Teaching Professors to Be More Effective Teachers," Elizabeth Redden,
Inside Higher Ed, October 31, 2007 ---
David W. Concepción, an associate professor of
philosophy, came to the first workshop series in 2003 wondering why
“students in courses for some number of years said, ‘I get nothing out of
the reading’” (specifically the primary philosophy texts). Discovering
through student focus groups that what they meant was that they couldn’t
ascertain the main points, Concepción realized that he needed to explain the
dialogical nature of philosophy texts to students in his 40-person
introductory philosophy course.
Whereas high school texts tend to be linear and
students read them with the objective of highlighting facts paragraph by
paragraph that they could be tested on, “Primary philosophical texts are
dialogical. Which is to say an author will present an idea, present a
criticism of that idea, rebut the criticism to support the idea, maybe
consider a rejoinder to the rebuttal of the criticism, and then show why the
rejoinder doesn’t work and then get on to the second point,” Concepción
“If you are reading philosophy and you’re assuming
it’s linear and you’re looking for facts, you’re going to be horribly,
horribly frustrated.”
Out of the workshop, Concepción designed an initial
pedagogical plan, which he ran by fellow workshop participants, fellow
philosophy faculty, junior and senior philosophy majors, and freshmen
philosophy students for feedback. He developed a “how-to” document for
reading philosophy texts (included in a December 2004 article he published
in Teaching Philosophy, “Reading Philosophy with Background Knowledge and
Metacognition,” which won the American Association of Philosophy Teachers’
Mark Lenssen Prize for scholarship on the instruction of philosophy).
Based on the constructivist theory of learning
suggesting that students make sense of new information by joining it with
information they already have, his guidelines suggest that students begin
with a quick pre-read, in which they underline words they don’t know but
don’t stop reading until they reach the end. They then would follow up with
a more careful read in which they look up definitions, write notes
summarizing an author’s argument into their own words on a separate piece of
paper, and make notations in the margins such that if they were to return to
the reading one week later they could figure out in 15 seconds what the text
says (a process Concepción calls “flagging).
Concepción also designed a series of assignments in
which his introductory students are trained in the method of reading
philosophy texts. They are asked to summarize and evaluate a paragraph-long
argument before and after learning the guidelines (and then write a report
about their different approaches to the exercise before and after getting
the “how-to” document on reading philosophy), turn in a photocopy of an
article with their notations, and summarize that same article in writing.
They participate in a class discussion in which they present the top five
most important things about reading philosophy and face short-answer
questions on the midterm about reading strategies (after that, Concepción
says, students are expected to apply the knowledge they’ve learned on their
own, without further direct evaluation).
The extra reading instruction has proven most
beneficial for the weakest students, Concepción says — suggesting that the
high-performing students generally already have the advanced reading skills
that lower performers do not.
“What happened in terms of grade distribution in my
classes is that the bottom of the curve pushed up. So the number of Fs went
down to zero one semester, the Ds went down and the Cs stayed about the same
in the sense that some of the former C performers got themselves in the B
range and the Fs and the Ds got themselves in the C range. There was no
difference in the A range, and not much difference in the B range.”
Meanwhile, in his weekly, 90-person lecture class
on World Mythology, William Magrath, a full professor of classics, also saw
significant drops in the number of Fs after developing targeted group work
to attack a pressing problem: About a quarter of freshmen had been failing.
“I had been keeping very close records on student
performance over the semester for the previous five or six years and noticed
that there was a pattern wherein a lot of the freshmen were having real
difficulty with the course. But it wasn’t so much that they weren’t
performing on the instruments that they were given but rather that they
weren’t taking the quizzes or weren’t taking the tests or weren’t getting
the assignments in,” Magrath says.
Discovering that he could predict final grades
based on student performance in just the first four weeks of class with
remarkable accuracy, he divided the freshmen into groups based on their
projected grades: the A/Bs, B/Cs and Ds/Fs (No – he didn’t call them by
those names, but instead gave the groups more innocuous titles like “The
Meeting with each set of students once every three
weeks for one hour before class, he gave the A/Bs a series of supplemental
assignments designed to challenge them. For instance, he would give them a
myth on a particular theme and ask them to find three other myths connected
to that theme for a group discussion. Meanwhile, the Ds/Fs took a more
structured, step-by-step approach, completing readings together and
discussing basic questions like, “How do you approach a story, what do you
look for when you face a story, how would you apply this theory to a story?”
Meanwhile, Magrath says, the B/C students didn’t
complete supplemental reading, but were instead expected to post questions
about the readings or lectures that he would answer on the electronic class
bulletin board – with the idea that they would remain engaged and involved
in class.
In the end, Magrath found the smallest difference
for B/C students. But the overall average of students climbed from 1.9 in
1999-2002, before the group work was put in place, to 2.4 in 2003-5. Of all
the Fs he gave, the percentage given to freshmen (as opposed to
upperclassmen in the class, who did not participate in the group work) fell
from 63 to 11 percent.
When, in 2006, Magrath stopped conducting the group
work in order to see what the effect might be, performance returned to
earlier levels.
“The dynamic of this class is a large lecture class
with the lights dimmed at night on Thursdays once a week. The kids feel
anonymous almost right away. That anonymity gets broken by virtue of being
with me,” Magrath says. He adds that while he has also replicated the group
work format in the spring semester, the results weren’t as dramatic —
suggesting, he says, that freshman fall is the critical time to get students
on track.
“If what [first-semester freshmen] are experiencing
in the classroom isn’t accommodating for them, they don’t know what to do.
They genuinely don’t know what to do,” he says.
As for steps forward, Ranieri, the leader of the
initiative, says that the Lumina grant – which included funds for faculty
stipends of $2,400 the first year and $2,000 in subsequent years (faculty
who participated in the first two years continued to participate in
workshops and receive funding through the end of the three-year cycle) — has
been exhausted. However, he hopes to expand a report he’s writing — which
tracks retention and GPA data for students who enrolled in the “Lumina”
courses as freshmen throughout their college careers — for publication.
So far, Ranieri says, the various professors
involved have given 13 national or international presentations and produced
four peer-reviewed publications.
“One of the biggest problems you have in higher
education,” he says, “is allowing faculty members to be rewarded for this
kind of work.”
October 30, 2007 reply from Linda A Kidwell
There was an article in the Smith College Alumnae
Magazine several years ago about one of my favorite professors at Smith,
Randy Bartlett in economics. My second semester of senior year, I was done
with all my required courses and swore I would not take another 8:00 class,
but one of my friends told me to give his 8am Urban Economics class a try.
He opened class that first day by reading Carl Sandberg's poem Chicago, and
I was hooked -- back into an unnecessary 8 o'clock class by choice! And he
was indeed a wonderful teacher. He read that poem again after a semester of
urban econ, and it took on a whole new meaning.
Although I was unaware of his research activities
at the time, the article I mentioned contained this wonderful quote I have
kept on my wall since then:
"I carry out the research and publish because it
keeps my mind lively. I can't ask my students to take on hard work without
my doing the same."
When I wonder about the significance of my
contributions to the field, I read that quote.
For those who don't know the poem, here it is:
HOG Butcher for
the World, |
Tool Maker, Stacker of Wheat, |
Player with Railroads and the
Nation’s Freight Handler; |
Stormy, husky, brawling, |
City of the Big Shoulders: |
5 |
They tell me you are wicked and I
believe them, for I have seen your painted women under the gas
lamps luring the farm boys. |
And they tell me you are crooked and I
answer: Yes, it is true I have seen the gunman kill and go free
to kill again. |
And they tell me you are brutal and my
reply is: On the faces of women and children I have seen the
marks of wanton hunger. |
And having answered so I turn once
more to those who sneer at this my city, and I give them back
the sneer and say to them: |
Come and show me another city with
lifted head singing so proud to be alive and coarse and strong
and cunning. |
10 |
Flinging magnetic curses amid the toil
of piling job on job, here is a tall bold slugger set vivid
against the little soft cities; |
Fierce as a dog with tongue lapping
for action, cunning as a savage pitted against the wilderness, |
Bareheaded, |
Shoveling, |
Wrecking, |
15 |
Planning, |
Building, breaking, rebuilding, |
Under the smoke, dust all over his
mouth, laughing with white teeth, |
Under the terrible burden of destiny
laughing as a young man laughs, |
Laughing even as an ignorant fighter
laughs who has never lost a battle, |
20 |
Bragging and laughing that under his
wrist is the pulse. and under his ribs the heart of the people, |
Laughing! |
Laughing the stormy, husky, brawling
laughter of Youth, half-naked, sweating, proud to be Hog
Butcher, Tool Maker, Stacker of Wheat, Player with Railroads and
Freight Handler to the Nation. |
Carl Sandberg 1916
Linda Kidwell University of Wyoming
October 30, 2007 reply from Patricia Doherty
You know, Linda, somehow your post brought to my
mind something from my own undergraduate days at Duquesne University. I was
a Liberal Arts student, and had to take, among other things, 4 semesters of
history. I came into it dreading it - I'd hated history in high school - all
memorization and outlining of chapters. The first college semester was no
improvement - an auditorium lecture with hundreds of students, a professor
lecturing for 50 minutes, and a TA taking attendance. Then came the second
semester. I looked for, and found, a smaller class. The professor (whose
name escapes me right now) was a "church historian," researching history
from the viewpoint of world religions. He began the first class by reading
an excerpt from Will Cuppy's "The Decline and Fall of Practically
Everybody." Had us rolling in the aisles. He kept at it the whole term,
interspersing history with Cuppy readings and anecdotes from actual history.
I loved that class.
And Will Cuppy is on my shelf to this day. And that
professor awakened in me a love of history. I read history, historical
novels, watch history films (fiction and non) to this day. All because one
professor thought history was a living thing, not a dead timeline, and
managed to convey that to a bunch of jaded sophomores.
"Should We Teach Broadly or Deeply?" the Unknown Professor Who
Maintains the Financial Rounds Blog, February 13, 2008 ---
I just came across a talk by Robert Frank, author
of "The
Economic Naturalist." He talked about his book,
and about the problem of why so many students don't retain key concepts from
their classes. For example, on the first day of my security analysis class I
typically ask students the question "What should determine the value of a
security." The answer, of course, is "The amount, timing, and riskiness of
the cash flows from owning the security." Fewer than 1/4 of the class knows
the answer without prompting.
Frank's explanation for why students retain so little is that we simply try
pack too much into our classes. This makes our syllabus seem impressive, but
shortchanges the students. As an example, we might cover 14 chapters (and
15-20 concepts) in a 14 week semester, rather than covering half that many
and really drilling the concepts in.
"But Unknown Professor", you say, "We HAVE to cover A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H,
I, J, K, L, M, and in the introductory finance class or we're shortchanging
the students." The problem with this approach is that a few months after the
class is done, they don't remember anything about topics A-M except that
they covered them sometime in class. Add they really don;t even have all
that great a grasp of critical concepts such as the Time Value of Money.
In contrast, if you covered half as many topics, you could spend 3-4 weeks
on Time Value rather than the usual week or two. This way, you could make
them do about a hundred or so problems, and they'd really have it locked
Continued in article
Jensen Comment
The problem is that many courses are prerequisites to other courses or
certification examinations. Course content may also be specified by a curriculum
committee of some type. To this you may have to add the problem of explaining to
students why your course covers only 10%-20% on the textbook covered much more
comprehensively by many other colleges. My point is that course coverage is not
often the sole domain of the course instructor.
To this we also must address the purpose of a course. Is it to inspire a
student to learn more or is it mastery of content. When we teach broadly we are
often trying to inspire students to pursue topics later in life. When we teach
deeply we've opted for mastery of content. Many educators think inspiration
trumps mastery. In fact mastery learning often leads to burnout of both
instructors and students.
Differences between "popular teacher" versus "master teacher" versus "mastery
learning" versus "master educator" ---
Bob Jensen's threads on Cognitive Processes and Artificial Intelligence
are at
What is mastery learning?
April 24, 2006 message from Lim Teoh
I am a Malaysian but currently teaching in the UK.
Please forgive me if I failed to express myself clearly in English.
I just joined the discussion list months ago and
found a lot of useful information for both my research and teaching career
development. My sincere thanks to AECM.
As I plan to start my PhD study by end of this
year, I would like to ask for your help to get some references to my
research topic. I am interested in mastery learning theory and programmed
instruction; I'll research into the application of these theories to
accounting education. I aim to explore how the accounting knowledge can be
disseminated or transferred more effectively to a large group of students.
Are there any useful databases or websites that
could help me to start with this PhD reseach? Is this research topic
outdated or inappropriate for me to proceed further?
Looking forward to receiving your advice and
Kind regards,
Coventry University United Kingdom
April 24, 2006 reply from Bob Jensen
Hi Lim,
Here are some possible links that might help:
Differences between "popular teacher" versus "master teacher" versus
"mastery learning" versus "master educator" ---
Also see “Mastery Learning” by
This provides references to the classical literature on learning theory by
Benjamin Bloom.
One of the most extensive accounting education experiments with mastery
learning took place under an Accounting Education Change Commission Grant at
Kansas State University. I don't think the experiment was an overwhelming
success and, to my knowledge, has not been implemented in other accounting
To find a comprehensive list of references, feed in “Benjamin Bloom” and
“Learning” terms into the following links:
Google Scholar ---
Windows Live Academic ---
Google Advanced Search ---
You might also be interested in metacognitive learning ---
You can also read about asynchronous learning at
October 14, 2005 message from David Albrecht
I've encountered something interesting. Two
Ph.D. students in Communication contacted me about visiting one or more
classes in one of the courses I teach.. Their assignment is to study
what a master teacher does. Apparently a list of "master teachers" is
kept at BGSU, and my name is on it. Well, they visited a class today,
again, and then they interviewed me about teaching.
I think this is a great idea in general.
Although I probably would not have adequately appreciated it when I was
a "wet behind the ears" Ph.D. student, I think it is a good way to get
future professors to think about the craft of thinking. Would something
like this be valuable in an accounting Ph.D. program?
BTW, I have no idea how my name got on that
list. I don't recall bribing anyone.
David Albrecht
October 14, 2005 reply from Bob Jensen
Hi David,
Congratulations on being singled out on your
campus as a "master teacher."
Your message prompted me to think about the
difference between "popular teacher" versus "master teacher" versus
"mastery learning" versus "master educator."
Master teacher and master educator are not a well defined terms.
However "mastery learning" is well defined since the early works of
Benjamin Bloom. It generally entails mastery of learning objectives of
outside (curriculum) standards that often apply to multiple instructors.
Mastery learning can be accomplished with the aid of master teachers or
with no "live" teachers at all. In the ideal case, students must do a
lot of intense learning on their own. See
One of the most interesting mastery learning graduate accounting
programs is Western Canada's Chartered Accountancy (Graduate) School of
Business (CASB) ---
My friend Don Carter gave me an opportunity to consult in a review of
this program several years ago. Courses are heavily "taught" via
distance education and mastery learning objectives. It's one of the
toughest graduate accounting programs that I've ever witnessed. Students
truly master course objectives by a variety of processes.
Master teaching can be a bundle of many things. One usually thinks of
an outstanding lecturer who also is an inspirational speaker. However, a
master teacher may also be lousy at giving lectures but have fantastic
one-on-one teaching dedication and talents. Three such teachers come to
my mind in my nearly four decades of being a faculty member in four
different universities.
The gray zone is where the teacher is a lousy lecturer and has poor
oral communication skills in any environment. Can that teacher be a
master teacher simply because he/she developed exceptional learning
materials and possibly learning aids such as clever software/games,
brilliant course content, and/or unbending standards that lead virtually
the entire class to succeed at mastery learning of tough content?
I guess my question is whether a master teacher is defined in terms
of mastery (or exceptional) learning versus exceptional motivation for
lifelong learning and a dedicated career choice?
Anecdotally, I have been truly inspired by good lecturers in courses
where I didn't learn a whole lot but wanted afterwards to learn much
more. I have also worked by butt off in some hard courses where I did
most of the learning on my own because the teacher didn't teach well but
made sure I learned the material. I guess both kinds of teachers are
important along the way. I learned to appreciate the latter kind of
teacher more after I graduated.
The really hard thing to separate in practice is popular teaching
versus master teaching. I like to think of master teaching as leading to
mastery learning, but this is not a rigorous definition of master
teaching. If half the class flunks, then the teacher cannot be
considered a master teacher in a mastery learning environment.
There is one possible definition of a "popular teacher." A popular
teacher might be defined as one who gets perfect teaching evaluations
from students independently of grading outcomes, including perfect
teaching evaluations from virtually anybody she flunks. Petrea Sandlin
at Trinity University has that skill. Implicitly this means that such a
teacher has convinced students that they are entirely responsible for
their own successes or failures. But if half the class flunks without
blaming the teacher, can the teacher be considered a popular teacher but
not a master teacher? (By the way, Petrea's passing rates are much
higher and I consider her to be a master teacher as well as a popular
teacher. This was duly recognized when she won an all-university
teaching award of $5,000.)
Perhaps what we really need is a more precise distinction between
"master teacher" versus "master educator." A master teacher brings
students into the profession, and a master educator makes sure they
ultimately qualify to enter into and remain in the profession.
In any case, congratulations David! I hope you
are a master teacher and a master educator.
Bob Jensen
October 15, 2005 reply from Mooney, Kate
I'm detecting a subtle thread here--a master
teacher can get everyone to pass. Can't agree with that, especially at a
public, state school that isn't the flagship institution in the state.
Sometimes all the teaching and studying in the world won't be successful
because the brainpower isn't there. In that situation, I believe the
master teacher constructs the course and teaches in such a way that the
students who can be successful in the major/profession get through the
filter. Those folks in the filter course need to be master teachers AND
courageous. (Note: I don't teach the filter course but wholeheartedly
support the guy who does.)
Our pre-business advising group often wishes
for a sorting hat like that in the Harry Potter books to eliminate the
pain of failing in the first intermediate accounting course.
Just another lurker muddying an otherwise crisp
October 15, 2005 reply from Bob Jensen
Hi Kate,
You make a very good point. Perhaps we can work toward a definition
of master teacher as one who draws out every bit of brain power that is
there even though there may not be enough brain power and whatever else
it takes for mastery learning or even what it takes to pass a course by
the teacher's own standards.
I might note that most college courses are not mastery learning
courses. If the instructor both teaches the course and sets the
standards, the standards may vary from instructor to instructor even
when they teach virtually the same course. Some instructors set lower
standards in an effort to instill confidence and keep troubled students
from giving up entirely. Other instructors set high standards because of
their allegiance external criteria. For example, some might view it as
unethical to hold out promise that all students can become engineers,
CPAs, medical doctors, or computer scientists. Maximal effort on the
part of some students just will not cut it later on.
Mastery learning by definition implies some type of external
standards imposed upon all instructors teaching virtually the same
course. Professional certification examinations (e.g., medical
examinations, bar exams, and CPA examinations) often dictate many of the
mastery learning standards in professional studies.
Many college professors despise mastery learning because they feel it
converges on training (albeit tough training) as opposed to education
(where learning how to learn is deemed paramount).
I'm still troubled by the definition of a master teacher. I don't
think there is a single definition, although any definition must weigh
heavily upon instilling a motivation to learn. You are correct, Kate, in
pointing out that motivation alone is not enough for some students.
There probably is no threshold level (such as 60%) of passage rate in
the definition of a master teacher.
I'm less troubled by a definition of a master educator. I don't think
there is a single definition, but I do think that the criterion of
motivation weighs less heavily than dedication to external (mastery)
standards and exceptional skills is preparing students to meet mastery
standards. Here there is also no threshold passage rate, but the
expectation might be lower than for a master teacher because the
standards might be set higher by the master educator. One would only
hope so in the final years of studies to become a brain surgeon.
Bob Jensen
October 16, 2005 reply from Stokes, Len
I feel it takes as much effort from a student to
get an "F" as an "A" just in the opposite direction. Having said that I
think it is the teacher who can get "C" brain power to be motivated to do
"B" or better work, or similar things with other students that deserves to
be recognized as the master teacher.
My $.01 worth.
October 15, 2005 reply from Roberta Brown Tuskegee
University [RBrown1205@AOL.COM]
This thread reminded me of one of my first
successful grant funding searches when I was working in the Engineering
Division at Tuskegee University. I found a National Science Foundation
funded grant that essentially taught engineering faculty certain
education principles and techniques. Many college faculty get their
teaching position after coming directly from the private sector, where
they worked as mechanical, electrical, etc., engineers, and they did not
take education courses in college. A professor at West Point developed
the course, and offered it through NSF, and an acting engineering dean
at Tuskegee was awarded funding for the program to come to the
University for a number of years.
I am not sure if the program is still ongoing
at Tuskegee (it started in the late 1990's), but I see the program
offering at 1997.htm
I wonder if accounting professors can also
become college faculty directly from the private sector, without
education credits?
Degrees Versus Piecemeal Distance (Online)
"Offering Entire Degrees Online is One Key to Distance
Education, Survey Finds," by Dan Carnevale, The Chronicle of
Higher Education, November 26, 2005, Page A1
The distance-education programs that
offer entire degrees online are more successful than those that offer only a
scattering of courses, a new survey has found.
The report, titled "Achieving
Success in Internet-Supported Learning in Higher Education," was written
by Rob Abel, president of a nonprofit organization called the Alliance for
Higher Education Competitiveness. The report was set to be released this
Mr. Abel says the organization wanted to
find out what made a distance-education program successful and to share the
information with other institutions. The organization surveyed officials
at 21 colleges and universities that it determined to be successful in
distance education. In their responses, college officials highlighted
the need for such common elements as high-quality courses and reliable
But what struck Mr. Abel as most
important was that 89 percent of the institutions created online degree
programs instead of just individual online courses. Online degree
programs lead to success, he says, because they tend to highlight a college's
overall mission and translate into more institutional support for the faculty
members and students working online.
"It's easier to measure the
progress at a programmatic level," Mr. Abel says. "The
programmatic approach also gets institutions thinking about student-support
Of course, success is subjective, he
says, and what may be deemed successful for one institution may not work at
But he found that some college officials
believe distance education has not lived up to their expectations. He
hopes that some colleges will learn from institutions that have succeeded
online. "These particular institutions didn't see this as a bust at
all," Mr. Abel says. "Maybe that just means that they set
realistic expectations."
One of the institutions included in the
report is the University of Florida, which enrolls more than 6,000 students in
its online degree programs. William H. Riffee, associate provost for
distance, continuing, and executive education at the university, says Florida
decided to move forward with a strong distance-education program because so
many students were demanding it.
"We don't have enough seats for the
people who want to be here," Mr. Riffee says. "We have a lot
of people who want to get a University of Florida degree but can't get to
The university does not put a cap on
enrollments in online courses, he says. Full-time Florida professors
teach the content, and part-time faculty members around the country field some
of the questions from students.
"We have learned how to scale, and
we scale through an addition of faculty," Mr. Riffee says.
"You scale by adding faculty that you have confidence will be able to
facilitate students.
Another college the organization deemed
successful in distance education is Westwood College, a for-profit institution
that has campuses all over the country, in addition to its online degree
programs. Shaun McAlmont, president of Westwood College Online, says
some institutions may have trouble making the transition to online education
because higher education tends to be slow to change.
"How do you introduce this concept
to an industry that is very much steeped in tradition?" he asks.
"You really have to re-learn how you'll deliver that instruction."
Mr. McAlmont, who has also spent time as
an administrator at Stanford University, says non-profit institutions could
learn a lot from for-profit ones when it comes to teaching over the Internet.
Continued in article
Bob Jensen's threads on distance education are at
You can read more about such matters
Also see the Dark Side and other
documents at
For threaded audio and email
messages from early pioneers in distance education, go