Set 4 of My Favorite Pictures Taken From Inside Our Cottage in the White
Bob Jensen at
Trinity University
pictures were taken inside our cottage in various seasons
I'm strictly an amateur photographer
If a bright light appears in a picture it's usually the reflection of my flash
on the window glass
Sometimes the lens is zoomed making objects appear closer
On May 14,
2006 I retired from
Trinity University after a long and
wonderful career as an accounting professor in four universities. I was
generously granted "Emeritus" status by the Trustees of Trinity University. My
wife and I now live in a cottage in the White Mountains of New Hampshire ---
Jensen's Blogs ---
Current and past editions of my newsletter called New
Bookmarks ---
Current and past editions of my newsletter called
Tidbits ---
Current and past editions of my newsletter called
Fraud Updates ---
Bob Jensen's past presentations and lectures
With buds on the trees I was
beginning to think springtime. Then April 26 brought us three inches of new snow
that's not melting
In late April you have to look pretty close on your hands and knees to see the
miracle of springtime not yet visible beneath decaying leaves and snow
I can at long last hear bullfrogs in our pond at night croaking for whatever
bull frogs croak for at night
They don't make a sound in daytime --- probably in fear of taking flight
dangling from the beaks of our aggressive crows
This week I will turn inward
toward the inside of our warm cottage in the
White Mountains
My account of the history of our cottage is at
The picture below has was taken in summer during
our short reprieve from winter
With just the two of us in
the cottage we have lots of pictures of when there were more of us
In our former homes in Michigan, Maine, Wisconsin, Florida, and Texas
With no children or grandchildren in this empty
Grandmothers replace them with dolls, dolls, and more dolls
These two stare back at us constantly under one of the front windows
These two dolls sit on a
sheepskin we shipped while I did a gig in New Zealand
Not realizing how steep the tariff is on sheepskins imported into the USA
When we moved into this
cottage ten years ago it had a circular iron staircase
Such a stairway reminded me of
my youth on the USS Wisconsin Battleship
We really did not use this
steep staircase very much at all
Erika had the heaviest of her 15 spine surgeries back around 2010
Around that time we gave this iron staircase to charity
It was replaced by a much more useful elevator shaft
Two things that I acquired
late in life that I belatedly wish I'd had all my life
One is the bucket loader on a tractor
The other is an elevator (lift) inside the house
This is the view of our woods to the south to the south over the elevator shaft
This is the view from the lift in a southeast
direction toward the
Mountain Range
This is our east view of
Lafayette and
Cannon Mountain
Twin Mountain Range to the left separates the Kinsman Range from the
Presidential Range
This is our northeast view (zoomed) of Mt.
Washington in the
Presidential Range
This is the view to the north over my
computer nest
Quebec is about 75 miles north of this part of our cottage
Erika managed to nurse this poinsettia along for over a year and counting
This little girl greets guests in our dining room
These are the beds in our
upstairs guest room
We bought the beds extra long for a sometimes guest who is six feet seven inches
laid out in bed
On the backside of the
cottage facing west is our master bedroom
Our master bedroom connects
to a large bathroom that at one time had been a bedroom/den long before we owned
this cottage
We put Swedish propane stoves in all of our four fireplaces since wood
fireplaces cannot give out controlled instant heat
Our kitchen is small --- reminding us that was indeed once a summer cottage on the golf course of a resort
What is large in the very long and gratefully
dry basement over which the cottage was moved in 1978
I suspect the cottage's move is the reason the basement ceiling is 13 feet high
More of Bob Jensen's Pictures and Stories --- 01 of my cottage pictures ---
Set 02 Inside the Cottage ---
Set 03 Inside the Cottage ---\Inside\Set03\Set03InteriorCottage.htmIndoor Plants ---
Amaryllis ---
Sunset Hill Hotel Resort History Set 01 --- the Sunset Hill Hotel Resort was nearly all demolished in 1973, our cottage (before it was ours)
was moved in 1977 from the golf course across a tennis court and up to where the former hotel site.
I show pictures of the preparation work prior to the moving the cottage and its four fireplaces I show pictures of the move to the new site I show the pictures of a 1980 spectacular fire on one of the remaining three cottages
More of Bob Jensen's Pictures and
Stories ---
White Mountain News ---
Stories About Growing Up
Short story entitled
My Glimpse of Heaven: What I learned from Max and Gwen
Short story entitled
Mrs. Applegate's Boarding House (with Navy pictures)
A Year 2000 message of love from my
wife, Erika.
She describes how a Munich street urchin became Cinderella filled with love
and joy ---
A Year 2001 message of love from my wife,
Forwarded by my friend Jagdish Pathak at the University of Windsor in Canada
The lines of World renowned Poet and also a Nobel laureate, Rabindra Nath
He wrote (copied from Wikipedia English translation of original Bengali poem)
If they answer not to thy call walk alone,
If they are afraid and cower mutely facing the wall,
O thou unlucky one,
open thy mind and speak out alone.
If they turn away, and desert you when crossing the wilderness,
O thou unlucky one,
trample the thorns under thy tread,
and along the blood-lined track travel alone.
If they do not hold up the light when the night is troubled with storm,
O thou unlucky one,
with the thunder flame of pain ignite thy own heart
and let it burn alone.
Bob Jensen's Threads ---
Bob Jensen's Home Page ---