Foliage Favorites from the White Mountains of New Hampshire
Bob Jensen at Trinity University 

Most of the pictures were taken from my desk or cottage yard
I'm strictly an amateur photographer
If a bright light appears in a picture it's usually the reflection of my flash on the window glass
Sometimes the lens is zoomed making objects appear closer

On May 14, 2006 I retired from Trinity University after a long and wonderful career as an accounting professor in four universities. I was generously granted "Emeritus" status by the Trustees of Trinity University. My wife and I now live in a cottage in the White Mountains of New Hampshire ---

Bob Jensen's Blogs ---
Current and past editions of my newsletter called New Bookmarks ---
Current and past editions of my newsletter called Tidbits ---
Current and past editions of my newsletter called Fraud Updates ---
Bob Jensen's past presentations and lectures ---   

Foliage Network ---
Foliage in New Hampshire's White Mountains ---
Fall Foliage ---
Foliage Pictures ---

Nat King Cole's rendition of Autumn Leaves ---
Roger Williams rendition of Autumn Leaves ---
Autumn Leaves (Andrea Bocelli) ---

Our address is 190 Sunset Hill Road, Sugar Hill, New Hampshire
Our cottage was known as the Brayton Cottage in the early 1900s
Sunset Hill is a ridge overlooking with New Hampshire's White Mountains to the East
and Vermont's Green Mountains to the West
The colored hill in front of Mt. Kinsman is known as Ore Hill
Iron ore at one time was carried on mules from this hill to a smelter in Franconia
Where Franconia Stoves were once made. Today their collectors' stoves

Looking Down on Ore Hill (zoomed lens)

We can see Mt. Washington from a distance of 28 miles
I did not take the picture below of the Presidential Range in the White Mountains
Mt. Washington annually has some of the highest winds in the world with an average daily wind of 75 mph


I did take this picture of Mt. Washington as seen from my desk

This is Mt. Lafayette about 10 miles away in the Kinsman Range
The bright spot is a reflection of my camera flash that marks Franconia Notch
Franconia Notch is a mountain pass separating Mt. Lafayette and Canon Mountain

Bob and Erika before the start of the foliage season

The buildings on top of Cannon Mountain are for the ski tram

Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.
George Eliot

Autumn is a second spring where every leaf is a flower.
Albert Camus

Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.
John Muir

No Spring nor Summer Beauty hath such grace As I have seen in one Autumnal face.
John Donne Elegy IX--The Autumnal.

Autumn arrives in early morning, but spring at the close of a winter day.
Elizabeth Bowen

Every season hath its pleasures; Spring may boast her flowery prime, Yet the vineyard's ruby treasures Brighten Autumn's sob'rer time.
Thomas Moore Spring and Autumn.

In the garden, Autumn is, indeed the crowning glory of the year, bringing us the fruition of months of thought and care and toil. And at no season, safe perhaps in Daffodil time, do we get such superb colour effects as from August to November.
Rose G. Kingsley The Autumn Garden.

Autumn, the year's last, loveliest smile.
William Cullen Bryant

The morns are meeker than they were,
The nuts are getting brown;
The berry's cheek is plumper,
The rose is out of town.
The maple wears a gayer scarf,
The field a scarlet gown.
Lest I should be old-fashioned,
I'll put a trinket on.

Emily Dickinson Nature XXVII, Autumn.

Our Cottage in 1910 (when it was the Golf Course Clubhouse) when it was called The Pavilion

These are birch trees between our yard and our wild flower field (taken at sunset)

This is our back mountain road called Lafayette Road

The Black Bear inhabits all New England States
And prevents me from putting out bird feeders in Fall, Spring, and Summer

"Moose and Bear follow seasonal rhythm," by Jeff Woodburn, The Courier (Littleton, New Hampshire), September 30, 2009. Page A11

The two largest creatures that roam and regale the North Country region are busy this season. While moose are looking for love, black bears are looking for food. These phenomena alter the animals travel patterns, which impacts everything from road collisions, tourism activity to hunting rituals.

"The bulls are on the prowl," reports Kristine Rines, Moose Project Leader for New Hampshire Fish and Game. The bull Moose's behavior changes during the mating season. They are crazed with lust, full of testosterone and very unpredictable.  Rines said the bull moose is traveling as much as 27 miles a day during these days of searching and listening for a cow's (female moose) call. Once the bull hears the cow, which generally stays around her home range, he makes a beeline for her.

. . .

For the black bear, fall is all about food. The Bear harvest, which runs from September 1 to November 11 in this region, is off to a strong start with 312 bears killed by hunters in the first three weeks of the season.

. . .

Ample food supply keeps bears deep in the forest and reduces the amount of travel required to meet their heavy eating demands before hibernating. Bears, who are opportunistic eaters, cn travel as much as 50 miles in a day. They consume mostly soft mast, like berries and apples, and hard mast, like acorns and hazel-nuts.

Continued in article

Jensen comment
Acorns are the main staple of bears. Bears are more apt to stray closer to civilization in bad acorn season. Apart from dumpsters, bears love, love, love bird feeders. I had to stop feeding birds in the fall, spring, and summer after bears kept ripping off my bird feeders on the deck. I still put out some bird feed when the bears hibernate.

More moose pictures ---

Albino Moose ---


More of my rainbow pictures ---


Another front yard view of colorful Ore Hill

Looking west from our deck toward Vermont


The Three Graces (Cannon Balls) between Cannon Mountain and Mt. Kinsman

Not much left on the wild cranberry bush below my office window

Getting ready for what follows foliage season

More snow pictures ---

  • I see from my house by the side of the road
    By the side of the highway of life,
    The men who press with the ardor of hope,
    The men who are faint with the strife,
    But I turn not away from their smiles and tears,
    Both parts of an infinite plan-
    Let me live in a house by the side of the road
    And be a friend to man.
    Sam Walter Foss (1858-1911)


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