Wes Lavin's 2017 Winter Part 1
Bob Jensen at Trinity University 


My friend Wes Lavin is a better photographer than me.
Firstly, he has better equipment than me.
Secondly he travels all over New England just to take pictures in different seasons.
Most of my photographs are closer to home, and I'm not really into photography
Wes in into photography as a retired school teacher

These are some of the many photographs that Wes took early on in the Winter 2017 season and earlier
Both the Winters of 2016 and 2017 Were Lousy in Terms of Snow Accumulation
But Wes always finds interesting things to photograph



Ice fishing is popular in New England








During the year maple sugar shacks are mostly idle until the sugaring season in March and April


These days sap is mostly collected in hoses and pumped into tanks
But you still see old fashioned buckets attached to some maple trees


Nearly all the bulk liquid is boiled off leaving that famous sweet maple syrup



Maple Sugaring Photographs

Set 1 of Maple Sugaring  Photographs 

Set 2  of Maple Sugaring  Photographs


Now I will leave the winter season and paste in some of my all-time favorite Wes Lavin photographs

This is one of many shots Wes took of our cottage in the summertime


Wes took this picture from our front yard


This is a picture of our rock garden

Wes took the this shot of Beaver Falls









More of Wes Lavin's Pictures


Wes Lavin's 2016 Autumn Foliage Part 1

Wes Lavin's Autumn Foliage Photographs:  Part 2

Wes Lavin's Photographs From a Country Fair---  

Some of Wes Lavin's June 2016 Photographs --- 

Wes Lavin's Panoramic Pictures of Bob Jensen's Flower Gardens in 2015


More of Bob Jensen's Pictures and Stories


Blogs of White Mountain Hikers (many great photographs) ---


 White Mountain News --- http://www.whitemtnews.com/

On May 14, 2006 I retired from Trinity University after a long and wonderful career as an accounting professor in four universities. I was generously granted "Emeritus" status by the Trustees of Trinity University. My wife and I now live in a cottage in the White Mountains of New Hampshire ---


Bob Jensen's Blogs
Current and past editions of my newsletter called New Bookmarks --- http://faculty.trinity.edu/rjensen/bookurl.htm
Current and past editions of my newsletter called Tidbits --- http://faculty.trinity.edu/rjensen/TidbitsDirectory.htm
Current and past editions of my newsletter called Fraud Updates --- http://faculty.trinity.edu/rjensen/FraudUpdates.htm
Bob Jensen's past presentations and lectures --- http://faculty.trinity.edu/rjensen/resume.htm#Presentations 



Our address is 190 Sunset Hill Road, Sugar Hill, New Hampshire
Our cottage was known as the Brayton Cottage in the early 1900s
Sunset Hill is a ridge overlooking with New Hampshire's White Mountains to the East
and Vermont's Green Mountains to the West



Bob Jensen's Threads --- http://faculty.trinity.edu/rjensen/threads.htm 

Bob Jensen's Home Page --- http://faculty.trinity.edu/rjensen/