Set 10 of My All Time Favorite
Snow Photographs --- My Little Red Fox
Bob Jensen at
Trinity University
January's hard rains took away our deep December
The snow returned in February on top of thick ice
I have to wear ice cleats just to walk down the driveway for the mail
February is usually our hardest winter month
But thus far it's not as cold as were those 2-3 weeks of frigid below-zero
weather in December
This is a sunrise in November showing the pointed
Mt. Garfield on the left and Mt. Lafayette on the right
This Kinsman Range shot shows Mt. Lincoln to the
left. Cannon Mountain in the middle, and one of the Three Graces on the right
Franconia Notch separates Lafayette/Lincoln mountains from Cannon Mountain
On the bottom is my row of wild roses that go dormant throughout our long winter
Bode Miller grew up in these parts and learned how
to ski on Cannon Mountain where is mother was a bookkeeper
I read where he has the most Olympic medals of any racer
When the snow is not deep enough, Cannon Mountain
has 500+ snow making machines
I don't need to make my own snow
This is a view of Mt. Lafayette from my Driveway.
Cannon Mountain is on the right in this picture
In front of my desk is a large cranberry bush
The birds and squirrels don't care much for the wild cranberries and cherries until there's not
much else to eat
Then in February they usually strip the cranbery bushes and my cherry tree in a matter of days
Can you spot the little red squirrel munching on
cranberries in February
He looks cute, but he's really a bully and
sometimes steals all the peanuts I put out for my chipmonks
It's the blue jays that strip most of the
In these mountains blue jays are almost a big as pigeons
And they're such skittish birds it's hard to have them sit long enough for
Here's an ever-watchful blue jay in our front hydrangea tree
The wild turkeys are usually too late on the scene
for many cranberries, but they eat a lot of cherries
If you look closely in this tree you will see a crow
finding something to eat
The crows gratefully knock off a lot of snow from my spruce trees
Last spring a barn owl knocked itself out flying
into our frond door
It eventually regained conscousness and sat on our
window box for the longest time trying to get up the fitness to fly
Here's my little red fox looking for mole holes in November before the snow got deep
In February the cactus behind my desk is in full
It's like I took a selfie in this shot
These mountains may look close, but they're 10 miles
from our front yard
Mt. Washington's 28 miles to our northeast (in the
White Mountain Presidential Range)
Snow Favorites
Set 01 ---
Set 02 ---
Set 03 ---
Set 04 ---
Set 05 ---
Set 06 ---
Set 07 ---
Set 08 ---
Set 09 ---
Set 10 ---
Memorial Day 2013 destructive snow that could've been worse Sports/Activities Favorites Set 01
My Theme Song
Train of Life (Willie Nelson and Patsy Cline) ---
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address is 190 Sunset Hill Road, Sugar Hill, New Hampshire
Our cottage was known as the Brayton Cottage in the early 1900s
Sunset Hill is a ridge overlooking with
New Hampshire's White Mountains to the East
and Vermont's
Green Mountains to the West
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