CSCI 1120 (Low-Level Computing), Spring 2009:
Homework 7

April 22, 2009.

May 6, 2009, at 5pm.

20 points.

Programming Problems

Do the following programming problems. You will end up with at least one code file per problem. Submit your program source (and any other needed files) by sending mail to, with each file as an attachment. Please use a subject line that mentions the course number and the assignment (e.g., ``csci 1120 homework 7''). You can develop your programs on any system that provides the needed functionality, but I will test them on one of the department's Linux machines, so you should probably make sure they work in that environment before turning them in.

  1. (20 points) Write a program (or programs) exploring an aspect of C not covered in other homeworks. Possibilities include the following: Whatever you do should be roughly the same scope as the other homeworks. Before starting to write code, please check with me that your idea is suitable.

Berna Massingill