CSCI 1120 (Low-Level Computing), Fall 2010:
Homework 1

20 points.


Be sure you have read the introductory material about Linux commands and vi, linked from the ``Lecture topics and assignments'' page.

Programming Problems

(For this assignment, you won't actually be programming, but you will be doing something on a computer, and submitting your answers in the way you'll submit your programs in later assignments.)

Do the following problems. You will end up with one text file per problem. Submit your files by sending mail to, with your files as attachments. Probably the simplest way at this point is to start a Web browser (there should be an icon on your toolbar that does this -- hover the mouse over each of them until you find the right one), access your Trinity e-mail via the Web interface, and proceed as you usually would to attach a file. Use a subject line that mentions the course and the assignment (e.g., ``csci 1120 I homework 1'' or ``PAD I homework 1''). Please send this mail from your Trinity e-mail address even if you have another e-mail address; this is so I can tell that it's homework and who it's from (otherwise it might mistakenly end up in my junk-mail folder).

  1. (10 points) For this problem your mission is to learn a little more about the text editor I teach in this course, vi. Do the following:

  2. (10 points) For this problem your mission is to learn a little more about the other major player in the UNIX editor wars, emacs. Repeat the steps in the previous problem:

Berna Massingill