The exam will be at the scheduled time for the course final, December 12 at noon. The exam will be about twice the length of the first exam (hence intended to take about two hours), but you can use the full three-hour period if you like. Like the quizzes, it is ``open book / open notes'', which means you can consult paper or electronic copies of the textbook and your notes, sample solutions from this year only, your own graded work, and anything on the course Web site. You may not use other books, materials from this course from previous years, a calculator or computer (except as needed to consult allowed sources), or (of course) each other's papers. Notice the restriction on computer use. In particular you're not allowed to type in code and trying compiling and running it.
Questions will mostly be similar in format to the ones in quizzes and the few non-opinion minute essays -- some ``what does this program do/print'', some ``write a program to do this task'' -- but somewhat longer and/or more difficult. There will also likely be a few multiple-choice or true/false questions.
You are responsible for all material presented during lecture (up through user-defined data types), including the sample programs; the following is a list of major topics to review:
(Notice what's not on this list -- everything past structs. I went through this material fairly quickly and don't think it's reasonable to ask you questions about it.)
You should have read, or at least skimmed, all of the assigned reading, but the focus will be on material presented or at least mentioned in class. (There is a lot of material in the textbook, the discussions of software engineering in particular, that I think is not crucial to the goals of this class.)