CS 1320 (Principles of Algorithm Design I):
Homework #1
- Assigned:
- September 8, 1999
- Due:
- September 15, 1999, at start of class.
- Credit:
- 25 points.
Creating your CS account
- Credit:
- 5 points.
- Instructions:
- Create your account on the CS machines, following
the instructions in the
CS1320 FAQ.
- Send mail to bmassing@trinity.edu from your
CS account. The message should contain (a) your
full name, and (b) your preferred e-mail address.
If you do not know how to send mail
from Unix, the following will accomplish the
desired result:
- Use a text editor to compose your message.
Save it in a file, say mymessage.
- Send the file with the following command:
mail bmassing@trinity.edu < mymessage
Programming problems
- Credit:
- 10 points each.
- Instructions:
- Write a C++ program to solve each of the problems below.
Your code should begin with comments that describe
what the program is supposed to do (not how
it does it, but what it does -- i.e., its
input and output).
See the
sample programs
for examples.
See the
guidelines for
programming assignments for what to turn in.
Problem: Temperature conversion
Write a program to convert a Fahrenheit temperature
to Celsius. The rule for converting Fahrenheit
temperature F to Celsius temperature C
is: C = (5/9)(F - 32) .
The program should ask the user for the Fahrenheit
temperature and print the equivalent Celsius
You can use integers for this problem, since
we have not yet discussed floating-point numbers.
Problem: Number sequence
A sequence begins 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13.
Write a program producing the first thirty
entries in this sequence. (You will need to
figure out the rule for producing the next
entry from the preceding entries.)