CS 1320 (Principles of Algorithm Design I):
g++ Hints and Tips

Compiling with the g++ compiler

Preliminary notes

Using the compiler

The g++ command invokes a C++ compiler. In its most basic form, the compiler is invoked like this:
g++ sourcefile
where sourcefile contains C++ source code. This command compiles (and links) the source code to produce an executable file a.out, which you can subsequently execute by typing its name as a command.

The compiler also has many, many options. To compile with one or more of these options, invoke the command like this:

g++ [option1] [option2] .... sourcefile
Here are some of the most useful for beginning programmers: You can read all about these options and many more in the man page for g++ (which you can read with the command man g++). (A note to the picky: Some options are actually documented in the man page for gcc, which is the C compiler on which g++ is based.)

A shortcut

I recommend that you compile your programs using the -Wall and -pedantic options. To avoid having to type all of that in for every program, you can do the following:
  1. Create a text file called Makefile, in the same directory with your source files, containing the single line:
    	CXXFLAGS= -Wall -pedantic
  2. To compile program program.cc, issue the command make program. (Note that you leave off the .cc suffix.) This command automatically invokes the g++ compiler as if you had typed
    	g++ -Wall -pedantic -o program program.cc
    So you get the extra warnings, and the executable is called program rather than a.out
(The make command is a powerful and flexible tool whose capabilities are well beyond the scope of this guide, and even beyond its man page. If you are interested, consult a good book on Unix, or equivalent online documentation.)