CS 1320 (Principles of Algorithm Design I):
Homework #0

January 12, 2000
January 17, 2000, at start of class.
5 points.


  1. Create your account on the CS machines, following the instructions in the CS1320 FAQ.
  2. Send mail to bmassing@trinity.edu from your CS account. The message should contain (a) your full name, and (b) your preferred e-mail address. If you do not know how to send mail from Unix, the following will accomplish the desired result:
    1. Log into your CS account.
    2. Start a command-line session (by clicking on the icon that looks like an old-time terminal).
    3. Compose your message and save it in a file, say mymessage.txt. You can use a text editor, or you can do the following:
      • Type the following command, ending with the return key:
        cat > mymessage.txt
      • Type your message, pressing the return key at the end of each line.
      • Type control-D to end.
    4. Send the file with the following command:
      mail bmassing@trinity.edu < mymessage.txt
    5. Log out from your CS account.