CS 1320 (Principles of Algorithm Design I):
Homework #10 (optional)
- Assigned:
- April 27, 2000.
- Due:
- May 4, 2000, by noon. Not accepted late.
- Credit:
- Up to 40 points (10 points per problem).
This assignment is optional, so you can do as
many or few of these problems as you like. Any
points you earn on this assignment will count as extra credit;
i.e., they will be
added to your "points earned" total before computing your
final grade.
Write a recursive
C++ function to solve each of the problems below.
To get full credit, your function must be recursive.
For this assignment, I am providing a main program to test
each function; the main program obtains input from the
user and calls the function. All you need to do is "fill
in the blanks" of the provided code.
To obtain the provided code, locate the desired program
with your browser by
following the links below. You can then use one of two
methods to save it into a file:
It may also be possible to get the code into a file by
cutting and pasting from the browser window.
Multiplication and division
Suppose you have been unfortunate enough to buy a computer
whose processing chip has a bug in its multiplication and
division functions,
such that if you write in a program
cout << 2 * 3 << ", " << 6 / 3 << endl;
you might not get the expected result "6, 2".
A mathematician friend reminds you that you can perform
multiplication via repeated addition, and division by
repeated subtraction, and provides
the following recursive definitions:
n * m =
0, if n = 0
m + (n-1) * m, if n > 0
n / m =
0, if n < m
1 + (n-m) / m, if n >= m
Use this definition to write a recursive C++ functions to multiply
two non-negative integers without using the C++ "*" operator,
and a recursive C++ function to divide a non-negative integer by
a positive integer without using the C++ "/" operator.
Start with incomplete programs
and replace the comments beginning
"ADD YOUR FUNCTION HERE" with your functions.
Counting occurrences of an element in an array
Write a recursive C++ function that, given an array of integers
and another integer X, returns how many times X occurs in the
Start with the incomplete program
and replace the comments beginning
"ADD YOUR FUNCTION HERE" with your function.
Here are some example executions of this program.
(What the user types is in boldface.)
$ a.out
Enter 6 numbers for array:
2 4 2 2 3 1
Enter number to search for:
5 occurs 0 times in the array
$ a.out
Enter 6 numbers for array:
2 4 2 2 3 2
Enter number to search for:
2 occurs 4 times in the array
Converting text to uppercase
Write a recursive C++ function that, given an array of characters
containing a null-terminated string, converts all the characters
in the array to uppercase.
Start with the incomplete program
and replace the comments beginning
"ADD YOUR FUNCTION HERE" with your function.
Here are some example executions of this program.
(What the user types is in boldface.)
$ a.out
Enter a line of text:
abcd xyzw hello!
In uppercase, that line is:
$ a.out
Enter a line of text:
1234 testing TESTING 5678
In uppercase, that line is:
Finding the greatest common divisor
Write a recursive C++ function that finds the greatest common
divisor of two positive integers (the largest number that evenly
divides both), using the algorithm described
on page 710 of the textbook.
Start with the incomplete program
and replace the comments beginning
"ADD YOUR FUNCTION HERE" with your function.
What to turn in
Submit your source code as described in the
guidelines for programming assignments.
For this assignment:
- Use a subject header of "cs1320 homework 10".
- Submit one source file for each program you complete,
keeping the original file names (e.g., multiply.cc).