The exam will be at the scheduled time for the course final, May 7 at 8:30am. The exam will be about twice the length of the first exam (intended to take 75 minutes), but you can use the Like the quizzes, it is open book/notes, which means you can consult paper or electronic copies of the textbook and your notes, material from the course Web site, your notes and graded work, and sample solutions from this year only. You may not use a calculator or computer except to view the above material. Questions will mostly be similar in format to the ones in quizzes -- possibly some short-answer or multiple choice, some ``what does this program do/print'', some ``write a program to do this task'' -- but probably somewhat longer and/or more difficult. Overall they will probably be similar in format, length, and difficulty to the questions on the midterm. The exam will be cumulative in the sense that it could hardly not be given the nature of the course, but emphasis will be on material covered since the midterm.
You are responsible for all material presented during lecture, but the following is a list of topics I consider most important from the second half of the course. (See the midterm review sheet for a list of topics from the first half.)
You should have read all of chapters 1 through 10. Probably the best way to approach reviewing the reading is to skim all of it, paying more attention to topics I covered in class.
You should also be sure to review all homeworks, quizzes, and the midterm (and sample solutions).