To submit your program, e-mail its source code, as described below, to You will be told, for each assignment, what source file or files are to be submitted.
To e-mail source code, use one of the following approaches.
shar -m sourcefiles | mail -s "the subject" -c yourmailaddress
(What this does is use the shar program to combine your sourcefiles into a single file and then pass that to the mail program, which mails it to the cs1321 account. It also sends a copy of the e-mail message to yourmailaddress, as a safety check that you really sent what you thought you sent. The body of the e-mail message should include slightly garbled-looking copies of all the source code files you sent.)
Example: To submit two files, mainpgm.cpp and classdefn.cpp, with subject heading ``cs1321 hw1'', and send a copy to, type (all on one line):
shar -m mainpgm.cpp classdefn.cpp | mail -s "cs1321 hw 1" -c
Normal output of this combination of commands is a line for each of your sourcefiles, for example:
Saving mainpgm.cpp (text)
Saving classdefn.cpp (text)
If you see radically different output -- e.g., the whole source of your program(s) scrolling by -- you have probably done something wrong; check that you typed the command as described, include the | (vertical bar) character.
Two such programs installed on the CS Linux machines are mutt and pine. Read the man page(s), or just try typing mutt addressToSendTo or pine addressToSendTo and then following the prompts and menus. These are text-mode programs and so will work even over a telnet/ssh session.
If you are submitting homework from one of the CS Linux machines, these replies will be delivered to the machine from which you send the mail. To have them forwarded to your usual e-mail address (probably a good idea), use your favorite text editor to create a text file called .forward in your home directory; in this file put a single line containing your usual e-mail address. Then make sure this file is readable to others, with the command chmod go+r .forward. To check that forwarding is working, try sending a test message to If the test message does not show up at your usual e-mail address within a few minutes, something is probably wrong, and you should review the instructions or ask for help. Note that you should be able to check mail at your main Trinity address from one of the CS Linux machines by using TUCC's Web interface; see their info on Outlook Web access for details.