This message is a test of the mailing list for my section of cs1321, and also a reminder to check the Lecture topics and assignments page for a reading assignment for the next class. Later today this page will also contain a link to information about the first homework assignment, due next Thursday. (Briefly, the assignment is to tell me about the game you propose to write, as discussed in the first class.)
The description of Homework 1 linked from the course Web page has been updated to include instructions for creating a project using Together. The procedure is similar to what I showed in class today, but with a few corrections. I think this description is now sufficiently complete to allow a moderately GUI-savvy person to successfully complete at least the design step of the project using Together. I have tested these instructions on one of the lab machines under Linux, but not under Windows.
A comment about the reading assignments for this week: Yes, it looks like a lot. But most of it is material that should be relatively familiar to you, except that the examples are in Java rather than C++. So you should be able to skim most of it. In class we will focus on how Java is similar to / different from C++.
The description of Homework 1 linked from the course Web page has been updated to include instructions for doing the code phase of the assignment. I also updated the instructions for creating a project with Together, in particular the bullet describing adding Dr. Lewis's JAR file to the project's classpath. If you have trouble compiling and running your code, be sure you have done this step right.
I think this description is now sufficiently complete that with a little experimentation you will be able to write, compile, and run the code for this assignment. If there's something you don't understand, however, please feel free to ask questions (via e-mail or in person or by phone).
The description of Homework 1 linked from the course Web page has been updated to include instructions about what to turn in for the code phase of the assignment.
description of Homework 2 linked from the course Web page has been updated to include instructions about what to turn in for the design phase of the assignment. (It's what I announced in class Tuesday -- put your documentation on the Web and send me a URL for it.)
In order to work properly with the screen editor, your list class must be what's called "serializable". Fortunately this is very easy to achieve -- you just declare that your class "implements" (you have to do this for any inner classes as well, e.g., Node).