CSCI 1321 (Principles of Algorithm Design II), Fall 2002:
Homework 1

Design due September 5, 2002, at 5pm; code due September 10, 2002, at 5pm.

Design 20 points; code 20 points.

What you are to do

First read Dr. Lewis's Project Description, including the short description of Assignment 1. Then read the specific instructions for Assignment 1.

Creating a project using Together

See the course links page for information on running Together on one of the lab machines or on your own machine. Once you have started Together, do the following to create a new project and set it up for this assignment.

Completing the design step

Once you have your project set up as described above, do the following steps to finish the design part of this assignment.

Alternatively, you can simply send me a text e-mail message describing your game. But at some point you should fold this description into comments as described above.

Completing the code step

For this step, you are to add a main() method to your main game class. The parameters, return type, etc. of this method should be the same as in the example we did in class September 5. What the body of the code should do is described in Dr. Lewis's Assignment 1 writeup. You will be making use of his MainFrame class; to find out how to use this class, read his project documentation. Once you have written your code, compile it and test it. Here are some tips on writing, compiling, and testing your code using Together. They assume that you have followed the preceding steps for creating a project and documentation for your main class.

What to turn in


Turn in a description of your game, either in the form of Together-generated HTML documentation or in the form of a plain text e-mail, as described above.


E-mail the source code for your main class to me at This code will be in a file with the extension .java. (For example, if your main class is called MyGame, this file will be The simplest way to do this is probably to use your favorite mail program and attach the .java file as an attachment. I do not recommend cutting and pasting source code into a mail program; this tends to result in garbled code.

Also, if you did not previously send me a link to Together-generated HTML documentation for your main class, please do so now.

Berna Massingill