CSCI 1321 (Principles of Algorithm Design II), Fall 2002:
Homework 2

Design due September 19, 2002, at 5pm; code due September 25, 2002, at 5pm (revised -- was September 24).

Design 20 points; code 40 points.

What you are to do

First review Dr. Lewis's Project Description, including the short description of Assignment 2. Then read the specific instructions for Assignment 2. In this assignment you are to design the screen classes (classes implementing the Screen interface) and block classes (classes implementing the Block interface) needed for your game. Most games will need only one screen class but more than one block class. To find out what methods you must provide to implement these two interfaces, read Dr. Lewis's Javadoc documentation. Part of the goal of this assignment is for you to learn to implement an interface, so you are not allowed to simply create subclasses of BasicScreen and BasicBlock.

Completing the design step

You should already have set up a Together project for your game (as part of Homework 1). You can add to this project for Homework 2, but it might be better to create a new project in a new directory and copy into it your Java source file (for your main class) from Homework 1. Whichever approach you use, do the following:

Completing the code step

For this step, finish writing the code for the classes you designed in the design step, and make any required changes to the provided GameSetup class. As before, compile and test your code. You should also try running Dr. Lewis's screen editor program. It uses methods not used by the game itself, so by running it you can check that those methods also work correctly.

Notice that Dr. Lewis is supplying a new JAR file and source code for the GameSetup class (which you will download and modify) and the BasicBlock class (which you may use as a source of example code for a block class).

What to turn in


Put your Together-generated HTML documentation on the Web and e-mail me its URL. (As mentioned in the description of Homework 1, if you put the documentation in a subdirectory of your Local/HTML-Documents directory on Sol, it will be viewable from the Web. For example, if user jsmith puts the documentation in Local/HTML-Documents/MyGame, it can be viewed using URL


E-mail all your source code (.java files) to me at You may use either of the following methods:

Berna Massingill