First review Dr. Lewis's Project Description, including the short description of Assignment 3. Then read the specific instructions for Assignment 3. In this assignment you are to design the player for your game, which will be a class implementing the Player interface. To find out what methods you must provide to implement this two interfaces, read Dr. Lewis's Javadoc documentation.
As with Homework 2, you can continue to add to a previously-set-up Together project, or you can create a new project in a new directory and copy in the files from Homework 2. Again as with Homework 2, be sure every class you have designed, including your player class, contains Javadoc comments describing the class and its methods. Use Together to generate HTML documentation for your classes.
For this step, finish writing the code for the class you designed in the design step.
Put your Together-generated HTML documentation on the Web and e-mail me its URL, as you have done for the previous two homeworks.
E-mail all your source code (.java files) to me at, as described for Homework 2.