First review Dr. Lewis's Project Description. Then read the specific instructions for Assignment 4. In this assignment you are to do the following.
As with previous homeworks, you can continue to add to a previously-set-up Together project, or you can create a new project in a new directory and copy in the files from Homework 3. Again as with Homework 3, be sure every class you have designed, including the classes for this assignment, contains Javadoc comments describing the class and its methods. Use Together to generate HTML documentation for your classes. For this assignment, it should go in subdirectory Local/HTML-Documents/PAD2Project/Assn4/Design of your Linux home directory.
Send me e-mail (at telling me that your design is ready to be graded. Please use a subject line that mentions the course name and the assignment number (e.g., ``cs1321 design 4'' or ``PAD2 design 4'').
For this step, finish writing the code for the class you designed in the design step; also make any required changes to the classes you designed and wrote for previous assignments. As before, compile and test your code. Be sure to use the JAR file for assignment 4. When you are happy with how your code works, generate a final version of your documentation, as described above except putting the result in Local/HTML-Documents/PAD2Project/Assn4/Final.
E-mail all your source code (.java files), and any additional files needed for your game (e.g., files created by the screen editor) to me at You may use either of the following methods.
/users/bmassing/Pgms/cs1321/sendfiles assignment
where assignment is some text that indicates which assignment this is (e.g., ``hw4'' or ``homework 4'').
This script will e-mail all files in the current directory except the ones that I don't need or will recreate. It also sends a copy of the e-mail to your Trinity account, so you can be sure about what was sent.