CSCI 1321 (Principles of Algorithm Design II), Fall 2005:
Homework 3
Design 20 points; code 40 points.
In this assignment you will begin to design and implement
a class for your ``player'' -- the little character that goes running
around on your screen. (If your game doesn't have something fitting
that description then you should come to talk to me about what you
need to do for this assignment.)
For this assignment the player needs to do two things:
- Respond to keyboard or mouse input.
- Interact in a meaningful way with the other things you
have implemented so far -- in particular, it should
interact with your block classes in whatever way is
right for your game, such as not going through walls.
You should try to take the design a little further and also
think about what will be needed in your player for other aspects
of the game (e.g., interacting with other game entities).
You probably won't get it completely right at this point,
but thinking now about all the functionality you eventually need
will probably help you spot potential problems earlier.
The design for this assignment will include a description of the
player class you will write and its methods.
The comments at the top of the class should describe
(1) how your player responds to mouse or keyboard input
(e.g., ``my player moves up, down, and sideways when the
user presses the arrow keys'')
and (2) how your player interacts with your block classes.
To fit into the game framework properly,
the class needs to implement two interfaces:
the ``general entity type'' (YourEntity)
you wrote for the previous assignment,
and also the framework's Player interface
(parameterized with your block and entity types,
i.e., this class should implement
As before, for the design step you can just provide skeleton or
stub code for the methods.
You should also look again at your descriptions of classes you
wrote for previous homeworks and see if they need to be improved
or updated.
Remember that I want at least a short comment about every class
and every method.
Writing these comments before writing the code encourages you
to ``think first, then code''. They also help human readers
of your code understand how everything fits together.
- Create a new Eclipse project for this assignment.
(You could skip this step and use the project you created
for the previous assignment, but then you won't have
a copy of what you previously turned in,
which could be useful as a checkpoint of code that compiled
and worked.)
- Within the project, create a package for your code.
(You could skip this step, but it's good style.)
A good package name is
edu.trinity.cs.yourusername or
It can be the same as the package name you used
for the previous step (and should be, unless you made
a not-so-good choice then).
- Copy over all your code from the previous assignments.
(You should be able to do this with cut-and-paste in
Eclipse. Drag-and-drop seems to do a move rather than
a copy, so you probably don't want to use that.)
- Edit the player class you wrote for the previous assignment.
You need to make two kinds of changes at this point:
- Put in comments describing how your player responds to
input and interacts with blocks.
- Change the class declaration so that the class
implements the two interfaces mentioned above
(YourEntity and
and put in skeleton/stub methods for the methods of
these two interfaces.
Put in comments describing what these methods do.
You can cut and paste these from the project API.
(If you do this, notice that the project API displays
both one-liner comments for each method, in the
``Method Summary'' section, and longer comments below.
You may find the latter more helpful.)
- When you're happy with your design,
generate HTML documentation for your project as described
in the
Project Description.
Notice that this time your documentation goes in
a directory named HW3/Design.
- Check that the generated documentation is okay;
point a browser at
and check that all the comments you wrote -- for classes and
methods -- show up.
- Turn in your design by sending me mail telling me it's ready
to be graded. Please use a subject line such as
``csci 1321 design 3''.
Like the previous homework, this one
will have you writing and editing a fair bit of code.
the class for your player could easily
be the largest class in your game.
However, you don't have to write all of it now, just the
beginnings of it.
Over time you will probably
also wind up writing other private and public methods
for your player that help it get things done as well as allow
it to interact with other parts of your game.
Some of the key things you will write are the following.
- getUpdateTime and update methods:
Your player is a game entity and as such will be added to
the event queue
used by the game to make sure that things get updated as the
game is played.
Currently this is done in the game setup class
(the one that implements GameSetup) using
the game framework's implementation of a priority queue.
As you write additional game entities, you will add them to
the priority queue as well.
Later in the semester we will talk more about priority queues,
and you will write your own implementation.
The game framework uses this queue to move things around,
as follows.
The queue is kept in order by the time (in game ticks) at
which the entities next want to be updated, which is based on what they
return from their getUpdateTime methods,
At each game tick, the framework finds every entity on the queue
that wants to be updated at that tick and calls its
update method, passing it the current time (in game ticks).
This update method is where the game entity's state,
including position, should be altered.
Positions are represented using the game framework Location
class and include a reference to a Screen and coordinates
of a block within that screen. This allows your player to figure
out what kind of block it currently occupies and what kinds of blocks
are nearby.
Notice that almost all of the framework classes are generics that
need to be parameterized with your block and entity types.
(E.g., locations have type
Location<YourBlock,YourEntity > rather
than just Location.)
- Methods for processing user input:
Your player also needs to be able to accept and deal with
inputs from the user.
The game framework makes sure that when the user does something
(with the keyboard or mouse) it will be passed to your player class.
How it does this is
something that we will discuss in more depth later.
For now what you need to know is that if you want your player
to respond to keyboard input you need to implement the
interface java.awt.event.KeyListener,
and if you want your player to respond to mouse input you need to
implement java.awt.event.MouseListener
and/or java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener.
Look at the Java library API documentation to see what methods
you need for these interfaces and what information you have
to work with.
For keyboard input, you probably should use
keyPressed and keyReleased rather than
keyTyped because this gives you more control over what
is happening.
For mouse input, the game framework class MainDisplay
provides a nice method getClickLocation to help you
convert the position as known to the Java library classes into
a game-framework Location. (See me for more details if
this sounds like something you want to use.)
You will need to think a bit about the interaction between
these methods and update, because the listener methods
are called when
the user does the appropriate thing with the keyboard or mouse,
but you probably want all changes to the actual player to be made in
update. I recommend that you have the listener methods
just set variables in your player class and have update
determine how to move by looking at these values.
(E.g., for keyboard input, you might want a boolean
for each key you want to use,
representing whether it has been pressed.)
The combination of update and listener methods
should give you a player class that
takes input from the keyboard or mouse and uses it to move around any
screens that you have built. The movement should be appropriate
for the blocks that are present -- for example, if you have wall
blocks or other obstacles, the player should not be able to move
through them. In a side-view game the player should also fall if
not supported by something, and you might want to implement some
way for the user to make the player jump.
If you have blocks that are supposed to change when the player
moves onto them, you should implement that as well in this homework.
As mentioned above, the player's position is represented as
a Location (a class in the game framework).
Notice that this class is immutable.
The value passed to
setPartialsInWhole determines whether entities
move around in whole-block units or in smaller steps.
A value of 1 makes things such as collision detection
easier, but a larger value gives you smoother motion.
The partialMove method is useful for moving entities
around without having to keep track of whether you are
about to run off the edge of your screen.
This might also be a good time to start using Dr. Lewis's screen
editor (links to information on starting and using it below) to
lay out screen(s) for your game.
(You don't have to, but the alternative is to create the layout
with code in the constructor(s) of your screen class, which can
get tedious for all but the simplest layouts.)
This tool saves the layout you create in a file (name decided
by you);
commented-out code in BasicGameSetup shows how to then
read from this file into your game.
I recommend that you not invest a great deal of time
right now making elaborate layouts;
files you create may become unreadable if you make certain
kinds of changes to your classes, so you should save this
kind of polishing until later in the semester.
- Open the project you created in the design phase.
- For all the methods you created in the design phase,
fill in the code to make your player behave as
you described (or at least enough to make it respond
to user input and interact with blocks).
- Revise and debug until you're happy with how your code
compiles and executes.
- Generate HTML documentation for your project as described
in the
Project Description.
Check that the generated documentation is okay;
point a browser at
and check that all your documentation comments show up.
- Turn in your code by sending me mail with all of the files I
need to compile and run your game as attachments. This
includes all source code (.java files),
any file(s) created
using the screen editor, and any file(s) containing images.
(It's AOK at this stage to be using very simple block
graphics, but if you're using something more complicated
involving, e.g., GIF or JPEG files, you need to send me
those as well).
You don't need to send me .class files or the JAR file,
but if it's simplest for you just to send me all the files
in the directory for your Eclipse project, do that.
It's better to send a bit too much than not enough!
(If you're not sure where to find your files:
If you called your project HW3,
look in subdirectory HW3 in your Eclipse workspace
directory. Files created by the screen editor will probably
be right there; source code files will be in a subdirectory
based on package name.)
Please use a subject line such as ``csci 1321 code 3''.
- The JAR file for this assignment,
Notice that this is different from the JAR files
for the previous two assignments;
it doesn't include
the starter classes that you should be replacing.
- Project Description.
- Project API (Lewis game framework).
- Java library API.
- Help for Dr. Lewis's
screen editor
Instructions for starting the program can be found
under ``Project tools'' near the end of the
Project Description.
- Help for Dr. Lewis's
image editor
Instructions for starting the program can be found
under ``Project tools'' near the end of the
Project Description.
This is a nice program for creating images for your blocks
and entities,
but if you have another favorite tool, you can probably use
that. Ask me for details about loading images from files.
Berna Massingill