CSCI 1321 (Principles of Algorithm Design II):
Useful Links and Other Resources
(Suggestions for additions to this page are welcome;
send to
Class material
From C to Java.
Dr. Lewis's introduction to Java for C programmers.
Project Description.
This is an overall description of the project for the
course and gives requirements that apply to all assignments.
API for Project Framework.
This describes the framework classes
you will be using for your project.
Screen Editor Help.
This describes how to use Dr. Lewis's screen editor program
(which you will probably find helpful in doing your project).
See the section ``Project tools'' near the end of the
Project Description for
directions on starting this program, from the command line
or from Eclipse.
Image Editor Help.
This describes how to use Dr. Lewis's image editor program
(which you may find helpful in doing your project).
See the section ``Project tools'' near the end of the
Project Description for
directions on starting this program, from the command line
or from Eclipse.
Java API Documentation.
Everything you wanted to know about all the library classes,
arranged in a very usable way.
Sun's Java tutorials.
Not as comprehensive as the API,
but often better at showing (with examples) how
to make use of the library classes.
(You may find the information on GUIs and graphics
particularly helpful.
A good starting point is
Creating a GUI with JFC/Swing.
If you want to do fancy graphics, try the
2D graphics trail.)
javadoc Documentation.
Information on how to write comments for and use
javadoc, Sun's tool for automatically generating
documentation (such as the above API) from comments within
Java code.
In particular you might want to look at this page on
Documentation Comments.
- Eclipse.
This is the IDE we will be working with.
You can run it under Linux on the lab computers
with the command eclipse.
You can also download and install a copy for your own
computer; it's open-source software and available
free of charge.
Java Without an IDE.
Instructions for writing, compiling, and running Java programs
without an IDE such as Eclipse.
Also see Sun's
Tools and Utilities documentation.
- Learn the Linux command line.
Basics of using the command line, and beyond.
More useful links for CSCI-1320 and CSCI-1321.
If you did not take CSCI 1320 at Trinity, you should
probably review the following: