This is a test of my mailing list for CS 1323. No need to reply, but I'll be asking in class whether everyone received this message.
For anyone who wasn't in class today: The first exam is next Tuesday. Homework 2 is due Thursday. Normally it would be okay to turn in the homework late (up until Tuesday), but allowing that would mean I couldn't distribute a solution set for the homework until the day of the exam. So we agreed that Homework 2 would not be accepted late, so I can distribute a solution Thursday.
As decided in class today, the due date for homework 6 has been extended to April 9 (the class after Exam 2), and exam 2 won't include material from chapter 3.
(A review sheet for the exam, by the way, will be provided via the Web soon -- no later than Tuesday. As a short preview -- the exam will cover everything in chapters 1 and 2 not covered on the previous exam.)