The exam will be at the scheduled exam period, May 3 at 8:30am. It will be about twice the length of the in-class exams and so should take about two hours, but you will have the whole three-hour exam period if you need it. You may use your textbook and any notes or papers you care to bring, but you may not use other books, a calculator or computer, or each other's papers.
Most questions will be similar in form to those in the homeworks and on previous exams.
The exam will cover everything we have done this semester, but there will be an emphasis on material not covered in previous exams.
You are responsible for all material covered in class. The following is a summary of recent topics I consider most important; see the review sheets for Exam 1 and Exam 2 for lists of earlier topics.
The following is a list of recent reading to read more carefully and/or review; see the review sheets for Exam 1 and Exam 2 for notes on earlier reading.