Be sure you have read all assigned sections of chapter 3.
Do the following problems. You may write out your answers by hand or using a word processor or other program, but please submit hard copy, either in class or in my mailbox in the department office.
Clarification: You probably do need to look at the captions at least for the two ``hardware'' diagrams, since that's where the textbook tells you how the various registers and work areas are initialized.
For problem 3.4.1, use 6-bit binary values equivalent to the following octal values:
A =
B =
For problem 3.7.1, use 6-bit binary values equivalent to the following octal values:
A =
B =
For problem 3.10.3 use the (hexadecimal) value 0x41340000.
For problem 3.10.5 use the (decimal) value 63.25.