CSCI 2321 (Principles of Computer Design), Spring 2015:
Homework 4
- Credit:
- 30 points.
Be sure you have read all assigned sections of Chapter 4.
- If the assignment asks you to do one or more problems from
the textbook,
be sure you get them from the edition specified in
the syllabus;
these sets of problems change from edition to edition.
- If a question requires you to do calculations,
your odds of getting partial credit are much better if you
show enough work to make it clear how you arrived at your
Do the following problems.
You may write out your answers by hand or using a word processor or
other program, but please submit hard copy, either in class or
in one of my mailboxes (outside my office or in the ASO).
- (20 points)
In this problem your mission
is to trace through what happens during execution
of different instructions
using the single-cycle implementation of the MIPS ISA
as represented in Figure 4.17 in the textbook.
You are to assume that
at the beginning of a clock cycle
the following is true.
(0xN denotes a base-16 value of N, e.g.,
0x10 denotes 16 in base 10.)
- The program counter (PC) has a value of 0x4.
- Location 0x4 in the instruction memory contains
the binary representation of the
MIPS assembler instruction in question.
- Register and data-memory contents are as described.
At the point at which values
are written into state elements, what values will
the following have? Give each in binary form with the
appropriate number of bits,
or say ``not used'' if the value does not make any
difference to what is saved into the state elements.
(E.g., if RegWrite is zero, the values of
Write register and
Write data are not used.)
(Unless otherwise noted,
``inputs'' or ``outputs'' here are the ones shown in black --
so you don't have to repeat the values of the control signals.)
- All control signals output from the
logic block labeled Control
(RegDst, Branch, etc.).
- Inputs of register file (Read register 1, etc.)
- Inputs and output of the two adders at the top of the
diagram and the main ALU, including the control signals
ALU control and Zero.
- Input and output of the block labeled PC.
- Inputs and output of data memory.
Instructions to trace:
- sub $t2, $t0, $t1, if
$t0 contains the value 0x6 and
$t1 contains the value 0x2.
- lw $t0, 4($s0), if
$s0 contains the value 0x10000000,
and the data memory starting at 0x10000000
contains the values
0x1, 0x2, 0x3, and 0x4
(with each value occupying 4 bytes).
- sw $t0, -4($s0), if
$t0 contains the value 0x1 and
$s0 contains the value 0x10000008.
- beq $t0, $t1, LBL, if
$t0 contains the value 0x2,
$t1 contains the value 0x1,
and LBL corresponds to the instruction at
location 0x18 in instruction memory.
Also say what if anything would change if
$t1 contained the value 0x2
instead of 0x1.
- (10 points)
For this problem your mission is to describe
what changes, if any, would be needed to
the single-cycle implementation sketched in Figure 4.24
to allow it to execute additional instructions:
Would you need additional logic blocks or state elements?
Would you need additional
control signals? What values would be needed for
the existing control signals and any new ones?
(``Existing control signals'' here refers to the outputs of
the logic blocks labeled Control and ALU control.)
Instructions to add:
- The existing instruction bne.
- A hypothetical instruction
lwi (for ``load word indexed'')
that loads a word from a memory location obtained by
adding the contents of two registers.
This would be an R-format instruction that
in assembly language would look like
lwi rd,rs(rt)
where rs, rt, and rd are register
numbers, and the result of executing the instruction
would be to load into register
rd the word obtained from data memory at the
address given by adding the contents of registers
rs and rt.
(Credit where credit is due:
This question was inspired by problem 4.2 in the textbook.)
Berna Massingill