CSCI 2321 (Principles of Computer Design), Spring 2015:
Review for Final Exam
The final will be a take-home exam.
It will be about twice the length of the midterm so in principle
should take no more than 2.5 hours,
but you may spend as long on it as you care to
as long as you turn it in by the deadline
(5pm Thursday May 7).
Like the quizzes and midterm, it's open book / open notes, meaning
that you can use your textbook, anything provided via the course Web
site or distributed in class or via Google drive (such as sample
solutions, but for this year only), and your own
graded and ungraded work.
You may not use other books or a calculator or computer,
except to view the above material.
My preference is that you do the exam in conditions as similar
as possible to those for an in-class exam --
one (possibly long) session in a quiet place with few distractions --
but that's not a strict requirement if it's not feasible.
The exam will be comprehensive but will focus on material since
the midterm (so, there will be proportionally more questions on
material on which you have not yet been tested).
Most questions will be similar in form to those in the homework
assignments, the quizzes, and the midterm.
Some questions will likely resemble either shorter versions of
homework problems; others will be short-answer or multiple-choice.
You are responsible for all material covered in class or in the
assigned reading, with the exception of the material in chapters 5 and 6.
The following is a summary of topics I think are
most important, though it's not necessarily exhaustive.
It would probably also be helpful to review sample solutions for
the quizzes, assignments, and any minute essays that have
well-defined answers.
- Review Terminology from chapter 1.
- Review Defining and measuring performance;
relationship among execution time,
clock rate, cycle time, and cycles per instruction.
- Review Idea of ``instruction set architecture''
(as the interface between hardware and software).
- Review MIPS instructions described in chapter 2 --
usage and binary (machine-language) representation.
- Review Compilers, assemblers, linkers, and loaders.
- Review MIPS conventions for procedure calls.
- Binary, decimal, and hexadecimal number systems;
two's complement notation.
- Computer arithmetic (on integers):
addition and subtraction.
- Floating-point representation and some of its limitations.
- Combinational-logic blocks versus state elements.
- AND and OR gates and inverters, and how to use
them to implement Boolean functions.
- Finite state machines, at the level discussed in appendix B.
- Design of an ALU.
- Design of a datapath for a single-cycle implementation of
our selected subset of MIPS instructions:
what elements are
needed, how to connect them, what control signals are needed.
- Generating control signals for our single-cycle
implementation -- what elements we need (two
combinational-logic blocks), their inputs and outputs,
how outputs depend on inputs (expressed via truth tables
and/or Boolean functions).
- How the completed single-cycle implementation (datapath
and control) executes example instructions.
- Why a single-cycle implementation isn't really practical.
- A little about pipelining --
how it can help, the basic idea (assembly-line analogy),
what makes it tricky (the ``hazards''),
basic idea of how it's implemented (divide single-cycle design
into stages and add ``pipeline registers'').
- A little about exceptions (interrupts) and what needs to be
added to the single-cycle implementation to support them;
a little about how they interact with pipelining.
Berna Massingill