CSCI 2321 (Computer Design), Spring 2019:
Homework X
- Credit:
- Up to 50 extra-credit points.
You can do as many of the following problems as you like,
but you can only receive a total of 50 extra points.
(How these figure into your grade:
My usual grading scheme is based on adding up your points
and dividing by perfect-score points.
Extra-credit point are added to the ``your points'' number
without changing the ``perfect score'' number.
So the only thing you can lose by attempting extra problems
is the time you spend on them.)
NOTE that the usual rules for collaboration do not apply
to this assignment.
Please work individually,
without discussing problems with other students.
Answer the following questions. You may write out your answers by
hand or using a word processor or other program, but please submit
hard copy, either in class or in one of my mailboxes (outside my
office or in the ASO).
- (Optional: Up to 5 extra-credit points.)
One of the questions on Exam 2 asks you about
additions to the table of ALU control signals in
Figure B.5.13 of the textbook:
Each line in the table represents a combination of
control inputs (Ainvert, Bnegate,
and a 2-bit Operation)
to the design shown in Figures B.5.10 and B.5.12.
The table doesn't include all 16 possibilities for these inputs,
perhaps because some of them don't correspond
to actual MIPS instructions.
What operation would a line for values 1011 represent?
(Hint: It may be helpful to review how values
0111 cause the circuit in B.5.12 to compute slt
on the two inputs.)
- (Optional: Up to 10 extra-credit points each.)
Homework 8 asked you to describe
what changes would be needed to
the single-cycle implementation sketched in Figure 4.24
of the textbook
to allow it to execute additional instructions.
For each of the instructions below,
describe what would be needed in order to support it.
- What processing is needed to perform the instruction?
(Give a numbered list of steps, similar to the ones
the textbook gives for the instructions it discusses.)
- Would you need additional control signals?
If so, give their names and their values for
all of the instructions executed by the design
in Figure 4.24 and the instruction you're adding
support for.
- What values would be needed for all of the existing
control signals for the added instruction?
- Would you need to make changes or additions to the design
(additional combinational logic blocks
and/or ``wires'' connecting things)?
If so, describe them in enough detail that
another student in this class
could turn them into additions to the diagram.
It may be simplest and clearest to just print or
photocopy the diagram and mark it up,
though if what's needed can be clearly described
in words or with a smaller sketch,
you can do that instead.
The instructions:
- jr
- jal
- A hypothetical new instruction throw
inspired(?) by the discussion
in Section 4.9 of the textbook of changes to the pipelined
implementation needed to support exceptions.
The instruction makes use of
two new state elements,
Cause and EPC,
and works as follows:
If register is a register designation (e.g.,
throw register
places the value in register in Cause,
places the value of the incremented program counter in
EPC, and makes the new value of the program counter
(You can do any or all these.)
- (Optional:
No maximum, though as a rough guideline a page or so of prose
will likely get you about 5 points.)
In this course we focused on the MIPS architecture and its
assembly language because it's simple and regular,
and in theory once you have this background you should be
well-prepared to learn about other architectures and their
assembly languages.
Choose some other architecture
(x86 comes to mind, but there are others)
and write a one-page-or-so
executive-level summary of how it compares to the MIPS
(e.g., does it also have a notion of general-purpose
registers, what if any special-purposes registers does it have,
how do (some of)
the instructions compare to those used in MIPS, etc.).
Include a list of the sources you consulted (parts of the
textbook, Web sites, etc.)
You can even do this more than once for several different
Do as many of the following programming problems as you like.
You will end up with at
least one code file per problem.
Submit your program source (and any other needed files)
by sending mail to with each file as an attachment.
Please use a subject line that mentions the course and
the assignment (e.g.,
``csci 2321 hw X'' or
``computer design hw X'').
You can develop your programs on any system that provides the
needed functionality, but I will test them on one of the department's
Linux machines, so you should probably make sure they work
in that environment before turning them in.
- (Up to 10 extra-credit points.)
Write a MIPS procedure that, given a (null-terminated) string,
tries to convert it to
a signed 32-bit integer and reports success/failure.
More explicitly, this procedure should get the address
of the string as the first argument (in $a0)
and produce two results:
- An error code in $v1:
0 means success,
-1 means the string doesn't represent a signed integer,
and -2 means the conversion wasn't possible because it
would cause overflow.
- If no errors, the result of the conversion in $v0.
So ``10'', ``-20'', and ``2147483647'' (
) are all valid,
but ``10-'', ``abcd'', ``10ab'', and
``2147483648'' (
) are not.
Other ``corner cases'' include the empty string and ``-'',
both of which should produce an error result (-1).
To get maximum points you must recognize all valid integers,
including negative ones,
and detect both kinds of errors,
but you will get some points for anything that solves
part of the problem.
Starter program
contains code to prompt the user for
a text string, read it, call the convert procedure,
and print the results.
Your mission is to fill in the body of the convert procedure
so it works as described.
Sample executions:
% spim -f test-convert-int.s
Loaded: /usr/share/spim/exceptions.s
Enter a line of text:
Input 10
Result 10
% spim -f test-convert-int.s
Loaded: /usr/share/spim/exceptions.s
Enter a line of text:
Input -20
Result -20
% spim -f test-convert-int.s
Loaded: /usr/share/spim/exceptions.s
Enter a line of text:
Input abcd
Error -1
% spim -f test-convert-int.s
Loaded: /usr/share/spim/exceptions.s
Enter a line of text:
Input 1000000000000
Error -2
- You will probably want to use the lb instruction
(``load byte'') to work with individual bytes.
Sample program
shows using these instructions in a program to check
whether a line of text is a palindrome.
- Note that SPIM seems happy to accept character literals
in the same format as C, so for example you can put the
ASCII characters for 0 in a register by writing
li $t0, '0'
and the same thing works for other characters,
such as the null character:
li $t0, '\0'
I strongly advise that you do this rather than
looking up ASCII values and putting them in your code:
MIPS assembly code is hard enough to read already,
and using the ASCII values directly just makes it worse.
- Think about the algorithm first, but if nothing occurs to
you, see this footnote1.
- (Up to 10 extra-credit points.)
Write a MIPS procedure that,
given a memory address p and a number of bytes n,
prints hexadecimal values of n bytes starting
at p.
So for example if the p points to a ``ab'' and n
is 2, the procedure should print ``61 62''
(ASCII values for 'a' and 'b', in hexadecimal),
while if p
points to an integer (in memory) with value 10 (0xa) and n is 4,
the procedure should print
``0a 00 00 00''
(why is the a first? SPIM is little-endian,
so bytes in integer types are stored in reverse order).
More explicitly,
this procedure should get
p as the first argument (in $a0) and
n as the second argument (in $a1) and
print (to the ``console'', using SPIM system calls) as described.
It doesn't need to return anything in
$v0 and $v1.
Starter program
contains code to prompt the user for
a text string, read it, call the procedure to print the whole
buffer, and then prompt for an integer, read it, and call the
procedure to print the 4-byte result.
Your mission is to fill in the body of the print procedure
so it works as described.
Sample execution:
% spim -f test-print-hexbytes.s
Loaded: /usr/share/spim/exceptions.s
Enter a line of text:
Input abcd
Result 61 62 63 64 0a 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Enter an integer:
Input 20
Result 14 00 00 00
(Note that the starter code prints all the bytes of the
buffer containing the text input line, hence all those zeros.)
- You will probably want to use the lb instruction
(``load byte'') to work with individual bytes.
Sample program
shows using these instructions in a program to check
whether a line of text is a palindrome.
- One way to do the conversion is to split the resulting
byte into two half-bytes (each representing one hex digit)
and then use those as indices into a string containing all
the hex digits ("0123456789abcdef").
- SPIM has a ``print character'' system call that
you will probably find useful.
- (Up to 10 extra-credit points.)
An example I often use in teaching parallel programming estimates
the value of
by approximating the area under the curve
using a technique called numerical integration;
Split up the whole range into
and for each slice compute the area of the rectangle
with a width of
and a height equal to the value of
at the midpoint of the slice.
shows how to do this in C.
Your mission for this problem is to produce a similar program
in MIPS for SPIM.
Like the C program, it should prompt for the number of slices
and print that and the estimated value of
You don't have to include code to check that what the user
entered was sensible (since checking for non-numeric input
is a fair amount of trouble).
Sample program
is an example of doing calculations using the MIPS
floating-point instructions.
Some of the homeworks and exams had you do
things that (should?) seem very automatable.
For any or all of the following tasks,
write a program in a high-level language to perform it.
You can use any high-level language
I can easily test from the command line
on one of our classroom/lab Linux systems.
(For many of you Scala is likely to be your first choice,
though C++ might appeal to some, or possibly Python.)
Your program must include comments explaining what it does
and its limitations
(e.g., ``only works for the following list of instructions''),
a brief explanation of how to use it,
and an example of suitable input.
(Some of these are pretty ambitious but all seem interesting?)
You will get maximum points if your program does everything
described and deals reasonably gracefully with bad input.
You will get some points for programs that provide any of
the functionality described.
- (Up to 30 extra-credit points.)
Write a program to convert a line or lines of MIPS assembler
to a text form of its binary representation.
Such a program could range from fairly simple
(only a subset of instructions, limited or no support
for labels) to fairly complex
(the equivalent of a full assembler).
Credit will depend on how much your program does;
a simple program that just works for a subset of
instructions (including at least one R-format
instruction, lw and sw,
beq and bne, and j)
would be worth 10 points.
- (Up to 15 extra-credit points.)
Write a program to convert MIPS machine-language instructions to
(somewhat) human-readable form.
Such a program would take one or more machine-language
instructions (text strings representing either 32-bit
strings of 0s and 1s or 8-digit hexadecimal numbers)
and display the operation and the operands
as a line of MIPS assembly source code.
For register operands, you can just give them as,
e.g., $8, rather than looking up a symbolic
name such as $t0
(although you'll get a few more points if you do look up
the symbolic name).
For absolute addresses you can show them as hexadecimal
constants, e.g., 0x04004000.
Branch targets are tricky, but you could do more or less
what SPIM does, which is to show the byte offset from
the updated program counter (i.e., the ``immediate''
value from the instruction times 4).
Here too credit will depend on how much your program does;
you could make it work only for a subset of the
possible opcodes (probably sensible).
For this one, a program that handles a representative
subset of instructions
(say add, sub, addi, lw,
beq, and j)
would be worth 10 points.
- (Up to 20 extra-credit points.)
Write a program that performs the tasks involved in those
``pretend to assemble and link'' problems,
such as the one in Homework 4:
Given one or more MIPS source files,
generate for each source file text and data sizes,
a symbol table, and relocation information,
and then produce combined text and data sizes,
a combined symbol table, and patched instructions.
Here too credit will depend on how much your program
a program that only deals with a subset of the
available instructions and pseudoinstructions
(the ones in the homework problem)
would be worth 10 points.
- (Up to 20 extra-credit points.)
Write a program that traces through operation of the processor design
shown in Figure 4.24 of the textbook,
as you did by hand in Homework 7.
Such a program should accept as
inputs the current value of the PC,
the instruction found at that address,
and any needed values for registers and data memory;
it should produce output like what you were asked to
produce for the homework.
You can decide what input should look like,
but explain in comments what you require
and give at least one example.
A format that occurs to me:
- Program counter (in hexadecimal).
- Instruction (in hexadecimal).
- Zero or more lines giving register values,
in the form REG n = value
(value in hexadecimal).
- Zero or more lines giving values in data memory,
in the form DM address = contents
(address and contents are probably best
expressed in hexadecimal,
since that's more natural for addresses).
Output should be all the information requested
for the problem(s) on Homework 7.
Credit here will largely be based on how closely
your program really simulates operation of the circuit
(e.g., basing what happens on values of
state elements and control signals rather than
what you think should happen for particular opcodes).
However, you don't have to simulate the internals
of one of the state elements or logic blocks
at the level of AND/OR gates;
for example, you could represent the ALU as
a function that takes a 4-bit value for ``ALU control''
and two 32-bit inputs and
produces a 32-bit result and a 1-bit ``zero'' result.
You can also represent 1-bit values as Booleans (e.g.,
a Scala Boolean).
Include in each part of the assignment (written and programming
the Honor Code pledge or just the word ``pledged'',
plus one of the following statements, whichever applies:
- ``This assignment is entirely my own work''.
- ``This assignment is entirely my own work, except that I also
consulted outside course --
a book other than the textbook (give title and author),
a Web site (give its URL), etc..''
(As before, ``entirely my own work'' means that it's
your own work except for anything you got from the
assignment itself -- some programming assignments
include ``starter code'', for example -- or from the course Web site.)
Include a brief essay (a sentence or two is fine, though you can write
as much as you like) telling me what about the assignment you
found interesting, difficult, or otherwise noteworthy.
For programming assignments, it should go in the body of the e-mail
or in a plain-text file essay.txt (no word-processor files
- ... footnote1
You could do it in C thus (without error checking),
assuming p starts out
pointing to the beginning of the string:
/* put result of conversion in "work", ignoring errors */
int work = 0;
while (*p != '\0') {
work = work * 10 + (*p - '0');