CSCI 2321 (Computer Design), Spring 2021:
Homework 6
- Credit:
- 40 points.
Be sure you have read, or at least skimmed,
Chapter 4 up through section 4.4.
Answer the following questions. You may write out your answers by
hand and scan them, or you may use a word processor
or other program, but please submit a PDF or plain text
via e-mail to my TMail address.
(No links to shared files on Google Drive please.)
Please use a subject line that mentions the course and
the assignment (e.g.,
“csci 2321 hw 6” or
“computer design hw 6”).
- In this assignment your mission
is to trace through what happens during execution
of different instructions
using the single-cycle implementation of the MIPS architecture
as represented in Figure 4.17 in the textbook.
You are to assume that
at the beginning of a clock cycle
the following is true for each of the instructions.
(As usual, a value of the form 0xN denotes a
base-16 value of N, e.g.,
0x10 denotes 16 in base 10.)
- The program counter (PC) has a value of 0x4.
- Location 0x4 in the instruction memory contains
the binary representation of the
MIPS assembler instruction in question.
- Register and data-memory contents are as described
for individual instructions.
At the point at which values are written into state elements,
what values will the following have?
- Input and output of the block labeled PC.
- Input and output of instruction memory.
- Inputs and output of the two adders at the top of the
diagram (they don't have names, so let's call
them the top-left and top-right adders).
- All control signals output from the
logic block labeled Control
(RegDst, ALUSrc, etc.);
get these from Figure 4.18.
- Inputs and outputs of register file
(Read register 1, Read data 1, etc.).
- Inputs and output of the main ALU.
Inputs include control signal ALU control
(output of the block labeled ALU control,
from Figure 4.13).
Outputs include control signal Zero.
(Meanings of ALU control are given in
Figure 4.12.)
- Inputs and output of data memory.
- Any values changed in state elements:
- For the PC, give the new value.
- If any registers are changed,
give their number and new contents.
- If anything in data memory is changed,
give its address and new contents,
the address as a hexadecimal
number and the new contents as base-10 or hexadecimal.
You should show these in whatever form makes the most sense:
- For addresses and instructions, hexadecimal.
- For register numbers or data values (e.g.., contents of a register),
base 10 or hexadecimal (e.g. for 10 you can either write 10 or 0xa).
- For other parts of the instruction (e.g., opcode), a bit string.
Or if a value doesn't make any
difference to what is saved into the state elements,
just write “not used”
(e.g., if RegWrite is zero, the values of
Write register and
Write data are not used).
RESOURCES below includes a template file that lists everything
you need to fill in,
plus the examples from the April 14 lecture.
Note that in order to determine output of the ALU you
have to know what the various values of ALU control mean.
This information is shown in Figure 4.12, and also in Appendix B.
- My suggestion for how to proceed is to use the approach
I use in the example from the April 14 lecture:
First write down what you know (current PC).
Then start filling in fields:
Output of the PC element is its current value;
this feeds into the instruction memory and lets you determine
output from the instruction memory (the questions give you
its machine-language form).
You can now write down inputs and outputs of the top-left adder,
some inputs to the register file (the two read registers),
and the main control-logic block.
From those you can get more values, continuing until everything
is filled in.
- I think you will learn more if you try to go strictly by
what the circuit (in the figure) does rather than trying to apply
what you know about what should happen,
though when you're done the results should be consistent with
what you think should happen!
(E.g., if the instruction is supposed to store
in register
RegWrite should be 1,
the write register number should be
and the data input to the register file should be
(Yes, this is tedious, but I think it's the only way to really
understand how this all works.)
Instructions to trace:
- (7.5 points)
sub $t2, $t0, $t1, if
$t0 contains the value 0x6 and
$t1 contains the value 0x2.
(In machine language this is 0x01095022.)
- (7.5 points)
lw $t0, 4($s0), if
$s0 contains the value 0x10000000,
and the data memory starting at 0x10000000
contains the values
0x1, 0x2, 0x3, and 0x4
(with each value occupying 4 bytes).
(In machine language this is 0x8e080004.)
- (7.5 points)
sw $t0, 4($s0), if
$s0 contains the value 0x10000000,
$t0 contains the value 0x10,
and the data memory starting at 0x10000000
contains the values
0x1, 0x2, 0x3, and 0x4
(with each value occupying 4 bytes).
(In machine language this is 0xae080004.)
- (7.5 points)
beq $t0, $t1, LBL, if
$t0 contains the value 0x2,
$t1 contains the value 0x1,
and LBL corresponds to the instruction at
location 0x18 in instruction memory
(offset of 0x10 from updated PC).
- (2.5 points)
What would change during execution of the same beq as
the preceding question,
$t1 contained the value 0x2
instead of 0x1.
- (7.5 points)
(For this problem, use Figure 4.24, and add a control signal Jump.)
j target, if
target is a label for the instruction
at location 0x100.
(In machine language this is 0x08000040.)
For programming assignments, this section should go in the body of the e-mail
or in a plain-text file pledge.txt (no word-processor files
For written assignments, please put it in the text or PDF file with
your answers.
Include the Honor Code pledge or just the word “pledged”,
plus at least one of the following about
collaboration and help (as many as apply).
Text in italics is explanatory or something for you to
fill in.
- I did not get outside help aside from course
materials, including starter code,
readings, sample programs, the instructor.
- I worked with names of other students on this
- I got help with this assignment from
source of help -- ACM
tutoring, another student in the course, etc.
(Here, “help” means significant help,
beyond a little assistance with tools or compiler errors.)
- I got help from outside source --
a book other than the textbook (give title and author),
a Web site (give its URL), etc..
(Here too, you only need to mention significant help --
you don't need to tell me that you
looked up an error message on the Web, but if you found
an algorithm or a code sketch, tell me about that.)
- I provided help to names of students on this
(And here too, you only need to tell me about
significant help.)
For programming assignments, this section should go in the body of the e-mail
or in a plain-text file pledge.txt (no word-processor files
For written assignments, please put it in the text or PDF file with
your answers.
Include a brief essay (a sentence or two is fine, though you can write
as much as you like) telling me what if anything you think
you learned from the assignment, and what if anything you found
interesting, difficult, or otherwise noteworthy.