[CS3190unix-list] ftp

Berna Massingill bmassing at cs.trinity.edu
Fri Apr 23 23:22:16 CDT 2004

Someone else asked about command-line ftp clients.  The preferred
one is probably sftp, which uses ssh to encrypt what's being sent.
"sftp host" or "sftp user at host" will get it started; type "help"
at that point to see what options you have, or read the man page.
(Some useful commands:  "get" to get a file from the remote host,
"put" to send a file to the remote host.)  If that doesn't work,
you can use ftp ("ftp host", and it prompts for your username),
but it transmits everything in clear text, including your password,
so it's considered to be less secure.

-- blm

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