Be sure you have read the assigned readings for classes through 11/12.
Do the following (sort-of-)programming problem. Turn in the requested files by sending mail to, with each of your files as an attachment. Please use a subject line that mentions the course number and the assignment (e.g., ``csci 3194 homework 5''). You can do this assignment on any system that provides the needed functionality, but I will check it (by ``compiling'' your .tex source) on one of the department's Linux machines, so you should probably make sure it works in that environment before turning it in.
Turn in (by e-mail) (1) your .tex source and any other files needed to recreate your document (figures, e.g.), and (2) formatted output (PostScript or PDF).
(If you find this assignment very easy because you've used LaTeX for another project, try to go beyond what you've done before.)
(Note: In class I mentioned that there are several IDE-like environments for LaTeX. For this assignment, I recommend that you not use one of them, however; I think you will learn more by writing the LaTeX source with a simple text editor.)
Hints: I recommend using the article style. You are welcome to cut and paste text from the sampler document linked from the sample programs page. This document also contains instructions for compiling, viewing, and printing LaTeX documents.