CS 3291 (Java with Internet Applications):
Basic information
- Course:
- Current Topics in Computer Science
(Java with Internet Applications)
- Class meeting times and place:
- TR 2:10-3:25, Halsell 228.
- Prerequisite:
- CS 2320.
- Instructor:
- Dr. Berna Massingill
Office: Halsell 201L
Office phone: (210) 999-8138
Web page:
Office hours: MWF 12:30pm - 2:30pm, TR 3:30pm - 5:30pm, and
by appointment
Course description
Java is receiving a great deal of attention as
a highly portable programming language suitable for
developing Internet and WWW applications.
It can also be used as a general-purpose
object-oriented language, and its integrated support
for threads makes it suitable for developing
concurrent and distributed applications.
This course will begin with a discussion of the basics of the
Java language, plus a review/discussion of object-oriented
programming concepts. We will then look at the Java classes
that provide support for such features as graphical interfaces,
multithreaded and distributed programming, network programming,
and interaction with browsers. The emphasis during this part of
the course will to some extent depend on students' interests.
As part of the course, students will complete individual projects
using Java.
Course materials
Class Web page
Important information, summaries of class periods, homework
assignments, etc., will be posted on the
class Web page
Students are required to check this page frequently
and be aware of all information appearing thereon.
Textbook and other materials
There is no required text for this course.
A list of selected references will be made available early
in the course; additional materials such as notes and sample
programs will be provided via the class Web page.
Course requirements
Grades will be based on a weighted average of the following:
- Homeworks and project (90 percent, of which a maximum of
30 percent may be homework -- see "Homeworks" section
- Class participation (10 percent).
Letter grades will be assigned using the following scale:
- 90-100 A
- 80-89 B
- 70-79 C
- 60-69 D
- 0-59 F
Plus and minus grades may be assigned in marginal cases.
During the first half of the course, homework will be assigned
once every week or two. Most homeworks will be programming
assignments, to be coded in Java in the student's choice of
suitable programming environment.
This homework is optional.
Students may turn in as many or as few of the assigned homeworks
as they wish.
Every homework assignment turned in reduces the scope, and the
contribution to the student's final grade, of the project,
up to a maximum of 30 percent of the final grade.
Note that while discussion of the homework assignments between
students is encouraged, such discussions should stop short of
actual coding, such that the program you submit is your own
individual work. Programs that are identical beyond coincidence
are in violation of the Academic Integrity policy of the
university and will result in disciplinary action, including,
but not limited to a failing grade on that assignment for all
parties involved. You are responsible for the security of your
work, both electronic and hard copy.
Each student will define and complete a non-trivial
programming project using Java. You will be required to
submit an initial design proposal (which must be approved),
implement your design, and present the results in class and
in a short written report.
Class attendance
Since some of your grade will be based on class participation,
it is advisable to attend class on a regular basis.