CS 3291 (Java with Internet Applications):
Sample Programs
"Hello" examples
Examples I used in teaching a previous Java course
- Examples of processing command-line arguments:
- Simple class example:
- Simulation-style example:
- Sorted linked list:
- Cloning, wrong and right ways:
- Nested classes:
- Use of core classes for parsing and formatting:
- Use of other core classes:
- java.text.DecimalFormat:
TestDecimalFormat.java (simpler scheme for
formatting numeric output than the one in
TestNumberFormat above).
- System properties table (analogous to environment
variables in some other languages/systems):
ShowSystemProps.OUT show sample output on one of
the CISE Unix machines;
compare to output on your system.
- Use of Java input/output and related classes:
TestFile.java demonstrates use of File class
to get information about a file (or directory).
TestDataStreams.java demonstrates use of
Data* classes to read/write data in binary format,
ByteArray* classes to use a byte array as a
source/destination, and connecting streams in
TestStreamTokenizer.java demonstrates use of
StreamTokenizer and PrintWriter classes to parse
input and print results.
TestFilters.java demonstrates user-defined
subclasses of Filter* classes to perform encoding
on input and output streams.
- Threads:
SimpleThread.java and
SimpleThreadObj.java show two
implementations of a simple program with two
independent threads.
SharingThread.java shows use of a synchronized
method to make sure at most one thread at a time
ProducerConsumer.java shows use of
synchronized methods, wait() and
notifyAll() to coordinate among
TestInterrupt.java shows use of
interrupt(), suspend(), resume() to
coordinate among threads.
SimplerThread.java is an even simpler
threads example that demonstrates whether
your system performs timeslicing (if you're
- The Java AWT:
creates a Frame object (window plus titlebar)
and displays a string in it.
ShowString2.java is ShowString1.java modified
to use my CloseableFrame class.
CloseableFrame.java defines a subclass of
Frame that (unlike its superclass)
responds to window-closing events.
SwitchedButton.java shows use of Button
class, ActionListener interface.
CloseableFrameAlt.java is an alternate
version of the CloseableFrame class.
SwitchedButtonAlt.java is an alternate
version of SwitchedButton.java above, using
PowerOf2GUI.java shows providing a GUI for
an object, using a named
adapter class and getActionCommand(), setActionCommand()
to process events.
PowerOf2GUIAlt.java is an alternate version of
PowerOf2GUI.java, using anonymous inner classes as
ColorLabels.java shows setting different
foreground and background colors for different
MirrorLine.java shows use of TextField class.
Layouts.java shows use of different layout
MirrorArea.java shows use of TextArea class
and a variety of listener adapters.
Compare with MirrorLine previously.
ListExample.java shows use of List class.
ListExampleAlt.java is an alternate
ChoiceExample.java shows use of Choice class.
MenuExample.java shows use of Menu class.
PopupMenuExample.java shows use of PopupMenu class.
CheckboxExample.java shows use of Checkbox
and CheckboxGroup classes.
ScrollExample.java shows use of Scrollpane class.
DialogExample.java shows use of Dialog class.
ChooseFont.java shows use of Font class (allows
you to see effects of different font choices on
label text).
ShowThreads.java provides utility methods for
showing information about what threads are executing --
in case you are curious about what threads the AWT
DrawingFrame.java is an extension of the Frame
class that (1) responds to window-closing events and
(2) provides methods to get / set the size of the
frame's "drawing area" (area excluding borders).
TestPattern.java is an application version of
the TestPattern example in the text, demonstrating
the use of the Graphics class to draw geometric
TestPatternDB.java is an alternative version of
TestPattern above, using double buffering to reduce
PolyDraw.java illustrates use of Canvas and
Graphics classes in a simple drawing example.
Scribble.java, a modified application version
of the DoodlePad example in the text,
illustrates use of Canvas and
Graphics classes in another simple drawing example.
ShowImage.java illustrates use of the Image class
to display an image from a GIF or JPEG file.
See sample GIF files
tu_seal.gif (Trinity U. seal) and
smiley.gif (smiley face).
ShowImageApplet.java is an applet version of the
preceding example, with its corresponding HTML file
ShowImageWithObserver.java illustrates use of the
Image class to display an image from a GIF or JPEG file,
specified via a URL.
This program includes a mostly gratuitous
ImageObserver that reports on progress as the image
is loaded.
ColorPan.java illustrates generating an Image
from pixel data.
BlackWhiteStatic.java illustrates generating
a succession of images from pixel data.
ColorSep.java illustrates the use of filters
with images.
- Java and networking:
DateAtHost.java illustrates use of java.net.*
classes to retrieve time/date from a remote host.
ShowURLContents.java illustrates use of java.net.*
classes to retrieve and display URL contents.
TinyHttpd1.java illustrates use of java.net.*
classes to set up a very simple Web server
(see comments in code).
TinyHttpd2.java illustrates use of java.net.*
classes to set up a slightly less simple Web server
(see comments in code).
illustrate use of java.net.*
classes for simple client/server communication
using UDP.
illustrate use of java.net.*
classes and object serialization for more complex
client/server communication using TCP.
TestRequest.java tests the Request class
and its subclasses.)
Other possibly useful classes
- Input class (methods for reading primitives and strings
from standard input):
for additional examples of usage.
- Assertions class (methods to check assertions at runtime):
- Closeable Frame class (version of java.awt.Frame):
- IsItArt example application (example of simple Java graphics):
Requires Input, Assertions, and CIS3020CloseableFrame above,
and also
Note that the latter is a .class file; no source is
- LineInput class (readLine() method for standard input that
should work for all systems):
LineInput.java. Note that LineInput.readLine(), unlike
the methods of the Input class above, signals end of file
by returning a null reference rather than by throwing
an exception.