CSCI 3323 (Principles of Operating Systems), Fall 2021:
Homework 3b
- Credit:
- 10 points.
(No real reading for this assignment.)
For this assignment you won't actually be writing code,
but you'll be doing something on a computer,
so I'm calling it a programming homework.
Turn it in in the same ways as for the written homeworks,
by putting it in your course “TurnIn” folder on
Google Drive.
I think for most people it will be easier to use one of
the department Linux machines,
but you can use anything that provides suitable environment.
- (10 points)
One of the problems in Homework 3a asks
why access time to an array can depend on whether it's
accessed row by row or column by column.
It's interesting to try to watch this in action, so I wrote a little
program to try it out, allowing users to vary the size
of the array. I tried the program on several different
computers and for several different sizes and observed
that it did matter, and how much it mattered varied too.
Your mission for this problem is just to compile and run
this program on at least two different computers and
several different problem sizes and report results.
First about the program:
- It doesn't do anything very meaningful, but I tried to, well, rig it
to keep the compiler's optimizer from deciding none of the calculations would have
any measurable effect and so could be skipped.
(Don't laugh -- it's allowed, and I think I've observed it.)
- It takes command-line arguments that let you specify access by rows
or columns, dimensions (rows and columns),
and how many times to repeat the whole calculation
(so that for small arrays the total calculation will be big enough to bother timing).
- I do access by rows and access by columns in separate executions because
I wanted to start each of the two methods with a clean slate.
I spent probably too much time trying this out on different computers
and with different problem sizes, but I observed many interesting things:
- Some computers were faster than others (no surprise);
some had more memory than others.
- For all of them access by row was faster, but how much faster varied
depending on array size;
the most meaningful comparison I thought was ratio of
time for access by row to time for access by column,
and I observed basically two patterns.
What I want you to do is this:
- Download and compile the program:
You'll need files
I recommend compiling with -O,
since to me that seems only reasonable for code whose performance
is of interest.
(I thought it was safest and most fair to recompile when switching
to a different computer, but that may not necessary.)
- Do performance experiments:
Try it out on several different computers,
preferably ones that will be different in some meaningful way --
we replace classroom/lab machines one room at a time,
so one of the Xena machines is probably much like another,
but a Xena will likely be different from a Janus.
Groups include:
- Xena00 through Xena21 (CSI 388, or remote access).
- Janus00 through Janus24 (CSI 257, or remote access).
- Atlas00 through Atlas09 (CSI 270A, or remote access).
- Computers in CSI 270L (also remote access).
- Pandora00 through Pandora08 (server room, remote access).
Note that these computers have more memory so can be tried
with bigger arrays.
- Dione (server room, remote access).
Note that this one is much older and so noticeably slower
but uses a different memory architecture and also has more
memory than the classroom computers.
- Your own machine, but note that the function to
report time is Linux only, so this may not work.
(I'm not sure I'd recommend Dias01 through Dias05 because
they're virtual, but that might be interesting too.)
For most meaningful results, you should try to make sure you're the
only person using a machine.
(Linux command w will tell you.)
Also try out at least two array sizes on each computer.
I recommend trying increasing sizes until you try something too big
for the machine (as reported by the program).
Some things to note:
- Does ratio of time to access by rows to time for access by columns time
stay about the same, or does it change for some problem size?
(I found that it changed.)
- Does ratio of time to access by rows to time for access by columns time vary between
machines? (I found that it did, though there were some similarities.)
- Does execution time seem to increase linearly with number of repeats?
Don't feel like you have to spend hours on this,
but I think you can't get meaningful information unless you
let each experiment run at least 5 seconds and some run for
up to 5 minutes or so.
(For once a good use of multitasking?)
You can get full credit if you try at least two computers and
half a dozen problems (counting access by rows and access to columns as
a single problem).
If you do more I'll give up to 2.5 extra points of extra credit.
- What to turn in:
Turn in reports of your experiments in whatever form you think
will be reasonably readable.
A simple text-based or word-processed table may be easiest.
Include with your assignment the following information.
For programming assignments, please put it a separate file.
(I strongly prefer plain text, but if you insist you can put
it in a PDF -- just no word-processor documents or
Google Drive links please.)
For written assignments, please put it in your main document.
This should include the Honor Code pledge, or just the word “pledged”,
plus at least one of the following about
collaboration and help (as many as apply).
Text in italics is explanatory or something for you to
fill in;
you don't need to repeat it!
- I did not get outside help aside from course
materials, including starter code,
readings, sample programs, the instructor.
- I worked with names of other students on this
- I got help with this assignment from
source of help -- ACM
tutoring, another student in the course, etc.
(Here, “help” means significant help,
beyond a little assistance with tools or compiler errors.)
- I got help from outside source --
a book other than the textbook (give title and author),
a Web site (give its URL), etc..
(Here too, you only need to mention significant help --
you don't need to tell me that you
looked up an error message on the Web, but if you found
an algorithm or a code sketch, tell me about that.)
- I provided help to names of students on this
(And here too, you only need to tell me about
significant help.)
This should be a brief essay
(a sentence or two is fine, though you can write as much as you like)
telling me what if anything you think
you learned from the assignment,
and what if anything you found
interesting, difficult, or otherwise noteworthy.