CSCI 3366 (Introduction to Parallel and Distributed Processing), Fall 2005:
Homework 1
- Assigned:
- September 7, 2005.
- Due:
- September 16, 2005, at 11:59pm.
- Credit:
- 20 points.
The book briefly mentions that the time to send a message varies
with the size of the message.
For this assignment, your mission is to write an MPI program that
demonstrates this relationship, as described below.
Your program should accept the following command-line arguments:
- The size of the message to send (
for simplicity, let this be a count of ints).
- How many times to send the message (
When your program is started with
it should do the following:
Process 0 creates a message consisting of
(content of the message is not important) and sends it
to process 1, which in turn sends it to process 2, and so
forth, until finally process
sends it back to process 0.
The program repeats this
times, and then process 0
prints the number of processes,
and the elapsed time for the message to make its
around the ring of processes.
- Sample program
demonstrates how to access command-line arguments.
Remember that you can use atoi to convert
a string to an integer (read the man page for details),
and that you can allocate space for n
integers with malloc(sizeof(int)*n).
- Sample program
demonstrates how to time something in an MPI program.
- Using MPI on the Linux Lab Machines
describes the commands you need to compile and run MPI programs.
- The course
links page
contains links to sites where you can find more information
about MPI.
Notice also that there are man pages for most if not all
MPI functions.
Once you have confirmed that your program is operating correctly,
use it to see how the time taken to send messages varies with
any factor you think might affect it. Some things to try:
- Run the program for several different values of
Is the time roughly proportional to
- Run the program for several different values of
Is the time roughly proportional to
- Run the program with different numbers of processes.
Is the time roughly proportional to the number of
- Run the program on different collections of computers
(e.g., on several of the Janus machines versus several
of the Xena machines). Does it appear that one group
of machines is faster than the other?
- Run the program under varying load conditions (e.g.,
when no one else is using the same computers versus when
at least one is in use for other work -- e.g., you are
running some other application). Does this affect
message-passing time?
Collect at least half a dozen measurements.
For each measurement, record:
- Machines used.
- Day and time, and whether anyone else appeared to be using
the same machines (you can determine this from the output
of the ruptime command).
- Output of process 0 as described above.
Record these timing measurements in a text file.
An easy way to do this is to redirect the output of
the mpirun command into a text file, e.g.,
mpirun -np 10 myprogram 100 2 >> outfile
and then edit the output file.
(The >> appends the output to outfile.)
Submit your program source and the text file with timing
measurements by sending mail to,
with each file as an attachment.
Please use a subject line that mentions the course number and
the assignment (e.g., ``csci 3366 homework 1'').
You can develop your program on any system that provides the
needed functionality, but I will test it on one of the department's
Fedora Core 4 Linux machines, so you should probably make sure
it works in that environment before turning it in.
Berna Massingill