One of the requirements for this course is completion of a project. You may work individually or with one other person in the class. The project will count as 100 points of your total grade. It should be more ambitious than one of the homeworks, and if two people work together, the project should be about twice as ambitious as a solo project. All projects must be approved in advance by the instructor, who will be the final arbiter of whether the topic and level of difficulty are appropriate.
Possible project topics include the following, or you may propose something else. If your project involves writing code, you may use any language/library that can be run on the department's network of Linux machines.
Your project could be the design and implementation of a non-trivial parallel application. There are many, many possibilities here, mostly falling into one of two categories:
Your project can consist of a set of experiments designed to measure something about a parallel-programming platform or platforms, such as one of the following.
Milestone | Points | When due | Description |
Project proposal | 5 points | April 19 at 5pm | A brief description of your project topic, no more than a paragraph, in the form of a short e-mail to the instructor. (Plain text is preferred over proprietary word-processor formats.) |
Project status report | 5 points | April 28 at 5pm | A brief report on progress to date, describing any problems or questions, again in the form of a short e-mail to the instructor. |
Final written report | 40 points | May 10 at 5pm (not accepted late) | A brief report (no more than five pages should be required, and two or three will suffice for many projects) describing your project's goals and outcome, in hard-copy form. It should address the following topics and include bibliographic references as appropriate. (1) Describe what problem you are solving and how (i.e., recap your project plan, including the design of your application, experiments, etc.). (2) Discuss your results, including graphs and tables as appropriate (e.g., to show performance as a function of number of processes/threads). (3) Describe any unusual or interesting difficulties you encountered, and/or what you learned from doing the project. |
Source code | 50 points | May 10 at 5pm (not accepted late) | Complete working source code for any program(s) you wrote as part of your project, submitted electronically as for homework. Be sure your code is readable and well-documented. |