CSCI 3366 (Parallel and Distributed Programming), Fall 2021:
Reading Quiz 1

5 points.


Be sure you have read, or at least skimmed, Chapter 3 of the textbook.


This quiz is mainly a way for me to encourage you to actually read the book. Include the Honor Code pledge in what you turn in, either the full pledge or just the word “pledged”. (Please put this in the same document as your answers, so I don't overlook it.) By doing this you are also saying you have at least attempted the reading it covers.

As with homeworks, please turn in work in the form of a plain-text or PDF file in the “turn-in” folder I set up for you on Google Drive.


  1. (5 points) What did you find most noteworthy about the Finding Concurrency patterns? Any questions about them?
