CS 3390 (Directed Study (Java))):
Java Tips
General instructions for using the Java SDK (Software Development
- Use any text editor to enter the source code for your program.
Save the Java source as
*.java. If you are creating an applet, you will
also need HTML source, saved as *.html.
Note that the name of the .java file
must be the same as the name of the public class it
(e.g., the name of the file containing public class
hello must be hello.java).
- Use javac to compile programs
(e.g., javac hello.java).
- Use java to execute a stand-alone program
(e.g., java hello).
- Use appletviewer to execute an applet
(e.g., appletviewer hello.html), or use
your favorite browser.
System-specific instructions
The above instructions should work on the department Linux machines.
The Java installation was recently upgraded to version 1.2; please
let me know if you encounter any problems in using it.
Obtaining Java for your own system
You should be able to download a version of Java for your system
from one of the following Web sites.
- Sun --
possibly the most official implementations, for a variety
of platforms.
- Blackdown --
the implementation installed on the department's Linux machines.
I do not know the current status of Microsoft's implementation
of Java. If you are interested, you might look at
their Java home page.