CS 3390 (Directed Study (Java)):


With the exception of the first few lectures, the plan for this course is for students to present the material, making it more of a seminar than a traditional lecture course (and thus, I hope, more interactive and participatory). Each student should plan to either present about an hour's worth of material individually or two hours' worth of material as part of a group of two. (As described in the syllabus, students may elect to double this requirement and correspondingly reduce the scope of their projects, scheduling permitting.)

Topics and scheduling

I have prepared a schedule showing topics, dates, and presenters; there are some open time slots at the end of the semester for additional student-selected topics. Each student or group of two should choose a scheduled topic or propose an additional topic and notify me of the choice (preferably by e-mail, at bmassing.cs.trinity.edu, since this makes it easier to track who has signed up for what). Competing requests will be resolved on a first-come, first-served basis.

What to present and how

For each listed topic, the schedule indicates the textbook chapters to be covered. Students are free to present material in any way they think will be effective. It can often be helpful to show example programs, perhaps using the classroom computer setup. (It should be possible for us to meet in HAS 340 if that would be more suitable for a particular presentation.) I will be available during office hours, by appointment, or by e-mail to discuss what to present and how.