
CSCI 4320 (Principles of Operating Systems):

Course description

This course explores the design and implementation of operating systems, i.e., the software that eases use of a computer's hardware resources. Topics we will cover include the following.

Basic information

Class meeting times and location:
(section 1) TR 9:55am - 11:10am, Halsell 228
(section 2) TR 11:20am - 12:35pm, Halsell 228

CSCI 2321 (Principles of Computer Design)

Dr. Berna Massingill
Office: Halsell 201L
Office phone: (210) 999-8138
Web page:
Office hours: TR 2pm - 5pm, W 1pm - 5pm, and by appointment

Course materials

Operating System Concepts; A. Silberschatz and P. B. Galvin; John Wiley & Sons, Inc.; 1999.

Class Web page:
Most course-related information (this syllabus, example programs, and so forth) will be made available via the World Wide Web. The home page for the course is not only a starting point for Web-accessible course material but will also be used for course-related announcements. Please plan to check it frequently. You can find it linked from my home page or directly at

Other references:
A list of books and online resources can be found linked from the class Web page.

Course requirements

Grades in this course will be calculated as a weighted average of

Exams are comprehensive but will emphasize the most recent material. They are scheduled as follows. Please plan accordingly.

Several homework assignments will be required for successful completion of this class. Each assignment will be due at the beginning of the period on the day assigned. Detailed requirements will be provided with each assignment.

Attendance and class participation:
Class participation points will be assigned on the basis of both attendance and contribution to class discussion. Regular class attendance is strongly encouraged.

Late and missed work:
Exams can be made up only in cases of documented conflict with a university-sponsored activity or documented medical emergency. The former requires prior notice. Homework will normally be accepted up to five days late, at a penalty of 10 percent off per day. More stringent deadlines may be imposed for individual assignments.

Collaboration and academic integrity:
Unless otherwise specified, all work submitted for a grade (exams, quizzes, and homeworks) must represent the student's own individual effort. Discussion of homework assignments among students is encouraged, but not to the point where detailed answers (e.g., actual program code) are being written collectively. Programs or other assignments that are identical beyond coincidence are in violation of Trinity's Academic Integrity Policy and will result in disciplinary action, including, but not limited to, a failing grade on that assignment for all parties involved. You are responsible for the security of your work, both electronic and hard copy.