CSCI 4320 (Principles of Operating Systems), Fall 2002:
Homework 2
- Assigned:
- October 3, 2002.
- Due:
- October 10, 2002, by 5pm.
- Credit:
- 30 points.
Be sure you have read chapter 2.
Answer the following questions.
You may write out your answers by hand or using a word processor or
other program, but please submit hard copy, either in class or
in my mailbox in the department office.
- (5 points)
Does a timesharing system need a process table? Why or
why not?
What about a personal-computer system in which only one
process at a time can execute, that process taking over the
whole machine until it is finished? Why or why not?
- (5 points)
Look again at the solution to the mutual-exclusion problem
presented in Figure 2-20 in the textbook. If the two
processes are running on a computer with two CPUs and a
common memory, does this solution work? I.e., which if any
of the criteria given on p. 102 does it satisfy?
Briefly justify your answer.
- (5 points)
Consider a computer that does not have a test-and-set-lock
(TSL) instruction, but does have an instruction to swap the
contents of a register and a memory word in a single
indivisible action. Use such an instruction (call it SWAP)
to write a routine enter_region like the one found
in Figure 2-22 in the textbook, or explain why this is
- (5 points)
Give a sketch (possibly pseudocode)
of how you could implement semaphores on a
single-CPU system on which the operating system can disable
- (5 points)
In the solution to the dining philosophers problem shown
in Figure 2-33 in the textbook, why is the state variable
set to HUNGRY in the procedure take_forks?
- (5 points)
Consider the procedure put_forks in Figure 2-33 in
the textbook. Suppose that the variable
state[i] was set to THINKING after
the two calls to test rather than before. How would
this change affect the solution? (I.e., would it work as well
as before? better? not as well?)
Berna Massingill