This is a test of my cs4320 mailing list. If you are not registered for this course, please let me know; otherwise, welcome to the course!
I've posted updated versions of homeworks 2 and 3 clarifying requirements for programming problems (submit using a subject line that mentions which homework) and providing an updated version of the source code for the threads program that doesn't generate warning messages on RH9 systems.
For the "simple shell" programming problem in homework 2, be sure you are clear about what parameters execve wants. In particular, be advised that for argv it wants an array that includes the command name (e.g., for "/bin/ls -l" argv[0] should be "/bin/ls" and argv[1] should be "-l"), and notice how it figures out how many elements to look at in argv.
For the optional programming problem in homework 3, I will probably be posting an updated version of the starter code later today.
A small policy change with regard to attendance grades:
If you miss a class because of a conflict with a university-sponsored activity, university rules require me to allow you to make it up in some way. Therefore, in cases of such conflict or in cases of documented medical emergency, you can avoid being penalized for the absence by (1) presenting proof of the reason for the absence and (2) doing the minute essay for the missed class (from the online notes, or ask me).