<Log On>
Choose your
computer for the semester at the beginning of class
Print your name in the correct square - double-check the
computer number
Set up your LinkedIn account. You will be adding EIT proficiencies as you acquire them during this semester.
Todd Siebold, User Support Services Analyst
Campus Tech Skills - Take notes for your brief blog entry for homework
Introduce Discourse (
Minimize Discourse
Set up LinkedIn account- example: Megan Julian
In Windows
To get to Groups folder type \\tucc-tiger\Groups\ComputerSkills\Belisle\ in search window at bottom left
On a Mac - to get to Groups folder, follow these instructions. Look at these videos for extra help.
Connecting to the groups folder
Making an alias to your groups folder
Create shortcuts in Windows - use Alias on Mac
Shortcuts - Use help menu in Windows and look in the index for creating shortcuts.
PART 1. Scavenger Hunt Assignment (20)
Copy the folder named 2scavenge from Class to your shared folder in Groups
Open the folder, open the file in the folder, and answer the questions.
To complete the assignment sheet, leave comments on two of the blog entries that you read. Please choose entries that do not already have two comments.
Save the document exactly where it is inside the 2scavenge folder - I will be able to see it and grade it and you can see it, too.
PART 2. Make a thoughtful, brief blog entry on the best tip you got from Todd's Survival Skills talk in class today - title it Best Tech Tip (6)
Part 3. Log into Lynda.com and search for Up and running with LinkedIn. Watch it, then add information to your profile that will emphasize your unique skills.( Link.) Add Blogger to your LinkedIn Skills. Endorse your classmates.
<log off>