Spring 2012
Dr. Maury Eggen
COURSE: Principles of Computer Design
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Maurice L. Eggen
OFFICE: Halsell 339A
Spring 2012 Office Hours:
- MWF 9:00am-9:30am
- MWF 10:30am-12:30pm
- MWF 2:30am-4:30pm
- Others by appointment
Spring Meeting Hours and Room:
- 2321-1: 9:30-10:20 MWF, Halsell 340,
- 1321-3: 12:30-1:20 MWF, Halsell 340,
- 2324-1: 1:30-2:20 MWF, Halsell 340
TEXT MATERIALS: Computer Organization and Design
by Patterson and Hennessy, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Latest Edition
A study of computer organization and design including emphasis on logical
design, the role of performance, the structure of instructions, computer
arithmetic, processor control and methods of performance enhancement. Some
attention will also be given to assembly programming.
COURSE GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: The objectives of this course include, but
are not
limited to, learning about the following:
1. Machine Levels
2. Digital Logic level
3. Microprogramming level
4. Conventional machine level
5. Operating system level
6. Assembler level
7. Parallelism
8. RISC machines
GRADES: The grades in this class will be determined by:
- 1. The results of two major examinations, given at midterm and during the regularly scheduled final exam time
- 2. By the results of weekly mini-exams, usually given on Mondays at the beginning
of the hour. The instructor reserves the right to give mini-exams at random intervals if the concepts
warrant such action.
- 3. By the results of selected homework assignments.
- 4. Attendance is also considered when assigning grades (see below).
Grades will be assigned according to the following scale:
- 90-100 A
- 80-89 B
- 70-79 C
- 60-69 D
- below 60 F
with plus and minus grades assigned in marginal cases. I advise you to keep
track of your scores so you know where you stand in the class at any time.
Examination Dates:
Examination 1:
February 13, 2012
Examination 2:
March 23, 2012
Reading Days:
April 30, May 1, 2012
Final Examinations
- CSCI 2324: May 3, 2012, 8:30am
- CSCI 1321: May 4, 2012, 12:00pm
- CSCI 2321: May 7, 2012, 12:00pm
Important Dates:
Click Here for Important Dates
Spring Final Exam Schedule
Final Exam Schedule
Spring 2012 Calendar Showing Examination Dates
Spring 2012 Calendar
All students are covered by the Trinity University Honor Code that prohibits
dishonesty in academic work.
The Code asserts that the academic community is based on honesty and trust,
and defines specific violations as well as the procedure to determine if a
violation has occurred. The Code also covers the process of hearings for
alleged violations and the various sanctions applied for specific violations.
The Code also provides for an appeal process.
The Code is implemented by the Academic Honor Council. Under the Code, a faculty
member will (or a student may) report an alleged violation to the Academic Honor
Council. It is the task of the Council to collect the pertinent evidence, adjudicate,
and assign a sanction within certain guidelines if a violation has been verified.
Students who are under the Honor Code are required to pledge all written work that
is submitted for a grade: "On my honor, I have neither given nor received any
unauthorized assistance on this work" and their signature. The pledge may be
abbreviated "pledged" with a signature.
The specifics of the Honor Code, its underlying philosophy, and the norms for
sanctioning can all be found on the Academic Honor Council website, accessed
through the Trinity Homepage.
1. Regular class attendance is required. Role will be taken and attendance is
considered mandatory.
One point will be awarded for each class attendance and one point will be deducted
for each unexcused absence. These points will be included in the calculation of
your final averages as described above in the section on "grading."
Excessive absences will be reported to you and to appropriate university
officials and may cause you to be withdrawn from the class. Excused absences
require a note from the appropriate university offical or from appropriate
medical personnel.
2. Homework assignments that are identical beyond coincidence are in
violation of the Academic Integrity policy of the university and will
result in disciplinary action, including, but not limited to a failing
grade on that assignment for all parties involved. You are responsible
for the security of your work, both electronic and hard copy.
3. Discussion of the homework assignments between students is encouraged,
but when it comes time for the final submission, make sure it is your own
work. You are cheating yourself if you get the homework from some source
other than creating your own.
4. Homework will be due at the beginning of the class period on the day
assigned. LATE WORK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Make sure you resolve problems
with printing, workstations, communication, etc. IN ADVANCE so your work
may be submitted in a timely manner. Homework will NOT BE ACCEPTED FOR
CREDIT if submitted late. Those of you who submit work late penalize
the conscientious students who turn in their work on time.
5. The only exceptions to these policies are for University sanctioned
activities or illness and require a note from your supervising professor
(coach) or doctor. If you have unusual circumstances (as we all sometimes
do) please discuss these with your instructor in advance.
Hennessy and Patterson, Computer Architecture, a Quantitative Approach, Morgan
Kauffman Publishers, 3rd edition, 2003
Foster and Iberall, Computer Architecture, Van Nostrand Publishers,
Third Edition, 1985
Tanenbaum, Structured Computer Organization Prentice Hall, 1999
Stallings, Computer Organization and Architecture, Prentice Hall,
fourth edition, 1996.
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