Department of Computer Science

Problem Solving and Algorithm Design I

Spring Semester 1998

Dr. Maury Eggen

Homework Laboratory Assignment 4:

For the next assignment of the semester, we shall practice the use of
loops and decisions. 

Write a C++ program which will provide some statistical information on
a file of numbers. Assume that the file contains an unknown number of 
numbers, but that the last number is a sentinal number, 99999. 

You are to find and print 
1. the sum of the numbers
2. the number of numbers
3. the largest number
4. the second largest number
5. the smallest number
6. the mean (average) of the numbers
7. you must find the sum of the squares of the numbers
8. you must find the standard deviation of the numbers.
9. you must find how many numbers are one digit numbers.
10. you must find how many numbers are two digit numbers.
11. you must find how many numbers have three or more digits.
12. you are to display the numbers in a rectangular array with 10 numbers
per line.

You will construct a data file with the editor, and use Unix's ability
to redirect input to read the file. 

Program due date: February 9, 1998