Department of Computer Science

Problem Solving and Algorithm Design I

Spring Semester 1998

Dr. Maury Eggen

Homework Laboratory Assignment 1:

1. Convert the decimal numbers to hexadecimal:
1.1. 1234

1.2. 32768

1.3. 32767

1.4. 1024

1.5. 2147483647

2. Convert the hexadecimal numbers to decimal
2.1. 41A6

2.2. 3B2

2.3. B2

3. Assume for the following problems that we are working with a fullword
(two's complemented) system of numeration. 
3.1. What is the fullword (hex) for the decimal number 100?

3.2. What is the fullword (hex) for the decimal number -100?

3.3. What is the negative (complement) of the fullword 00003Ab5?

3.4. What is the negative (complement) of the fullword FFFFFAB6?

3.5. Is the number FFFFFAB6 a positive number?

3.6. Begin with the number 7B033080. Give the fullword boundaries of
the next 4 fullwords. 

3.7. What is the fullword equivalent of the decimal number -1?

4. Convert each of the following:
4.1. 34B6 is a halfword. What is the equivalent fullword?

4.2. FFB2 is a halfword. What is the equivalent fullword?

4.3. As a halfword, is FFB2 positive or negative?

4.4. 01A61342 is a fullword. What is the equivalent halfword?

The due date for this exercise is Friday, January 21, 1997.

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