Department of Computer Science

Problem Solving and Algorithm Design I

Spring Semester 1998

Dr. Maury Eggen

Homework Laboratory Assignment 7

For the next assignment of the semester, we shall continue the use
of modular programming.

1. First you must write a complete program which will use the 
random number generator to generate N random integers each between
one and MAX. You must have modules

2. You must then write two sorting programs, the insertion sort, and
the bubble sort. In these programs, you must have modules

The due date for the first program is March 6, 1998. The due date for
the second program is March 20, 1998. 

In order to test your programs
and see if they work correctly, test your programs on several data
files of varying sizes. Sort with N = 100, 500 and 1000 and count
the number of comparisons it takes to sort the various files. Also,
test your programs on data files which are in sorted order and in 
reverse sorted order, to see how your algorithms behave in these cases.
Gather some data concerning sorting and tell which of the algorithms
appears to be most efficient. What can you do, if anything, to improve
the efficiency of your sorting algorithms? 

Make sure your handin includes 
1. A title page with the correct laboratory exercise number
2. A page of formal documentation
3. A page of informal documentation
4. The source code
5. Several sample executions of the program