Department of Computer Science


Spring Semester 1998

Dr. Maury Eggen

Homework Laboratory Assignment 3:

The next assignment of the semester is to experiment with applications
of stacks. 

You are to write a program which will input an arithmetic expression. 
Characters in the expression will consist of the lower case alphabet,
the digits 0-9, and scope delimiters (){}[]. Your program must determine
whether or not the expression is correctly formed. 

Possible inputs include:

The inputs to your program will be strings. The output will simply be
valid or invalid.

You should create a stack of characters. You must write this application
around your stack application. In other words, the application functions
push, pop, and empty must not be modified in any special way to handle
this application.

Program due date: Monday, February 2, 1998.

Standard handin requirements.