Department of Computer Science


Spring Semester 1998

Dr. Maury Eggen

Homework Laboratory Assignment 5:

The next assignment of the semester is to experiment with linked lists.

Write a program that will read an external data file of integers (for example)
and create an ordered linked list from the elements of the file.

Assuming that we have two such linked lists, write code which will find
the intersection of the lists (the elements that are in common to both
lists), the union of the lists, and the difference of the lists (the
difference of list A and list B are the elements in list A and NOT in
list B). The two original lists are to remain unchanged. Your program
code will create an additional list for the intersection, union and 
Include a menu which will allow the user to display any of the lists.

Program due date: 

TR class: Tuesday, 24 FEB 1998 9:55 am.

MWF class: Wednesday, 25 FEB 1998, 9:30am. 

Standard handin requirements.